Chapter 13.5 Time for a reception


When I first saw the venue from the outside, it just seemed like a worn out building. Couple cracks here, some paint peeling there, and questionable stains all over the place.

But the moment we walked through the door I was taken back.

There were warm touches such as wood paneling and soft lighting which are combined with modern elements such as concrete floors, rusted steel, brushed aluminum, and brass and copper detailing.

What called my attention the most was this giant clock made out of silver built in the wall, it was literally a part of the wall and it just amazed me. That and the minibar...

The whole place left my jaw hanging. The contrast between these two styles gave the place one of those 1920's vibes where you just wanted to dance and talk to people and just straight up be scandalous... that was probably the only straight I'd ever be.

I was caught in thought until I felt a hand squeeze my ass. "Whatcha up to Samoose?" Gabe asks from beside me.

"Just admiring the view I guess." I reply as I look down to him.

"Oh that's flattering." He smirks before sending a seductive wink in my direction.

"So is being flirtatious a part of your personality or are you like this just with me?" I chuckle while I prop my arm on his shoulder.

"Well a bit of both, Sammy." He shakes my arm off as he chuckles.

"Is that so?" I laugh at his flirtatious manners as he tries to squeeze my ass one more time and he actually succeeds.



Once we are finally done laughing I turn to look for my seat,

When I notice my seat is at the main table but Gabe's tag isn't near me I look at Dean who just walked in. "Where's my plus one sitting?"

Dean looks at Cas with a questioning expression. Cas only points to a table all the way across the room, "over there, Sam."

I walk over and notice the tag was probably made by Dean himself. 'Sam's plus one who apparently doesn't have a name"

I laugh to myself and grab it, with Gabe following me now from where we were standing, I set the tag next to mine and drag a chair to the table.

"Such a gentleman," Gabe chuckles and rubs my arm gently before sitting down with me.

Some time later

It's been a good while, the champagne has been poured into the glasses, the meals have been served, Dean still hasn't gone to the minibar the place, there's a jazz band playing some version of young and beautiful, and I'm currently slow dancing with Gabe.

From the corner of my eye I see Cas and Dean standing by the fireplace, just cuddling without a care. The photographer that they got takes some shots from behind.

"It must be nice," I hear Gabe murmur.

"What is?" I ask him, he's been a bit quiet since we've started dancing.

"You know, growing old with someone who compliments your personality, in other words your soul mate." He responds after a bit.

"I gues." I answer. He smiles softly at me and wraps his arms around my neck before laying his head on my chest.

"So what's it like?" I quickly change the subject to avoid making Gabe sad.

"What is what like?" He chuckles and looks up at me, his body still pressed against mine, and our feet moving in synchrony.

"Transferring from bodies." I reply in a quiet tone, just in case someone is near and listening.

"Oh that. It's kind of like lucid dreaming, I'm aware that it's happening but I don't have control over it. I can never choose which body I borrow." He explains to me the way a mother explains to her child why they can't have candy for breakfast... something he wouldn't understand.

Just before either of us can make another comment Dean and Cas have already made their way over to us.

"Sammy! Still not introducing us?" He let's out a sarcastic laugh and holds out a hand for Gabe to shake.

"Dean Winchester,"

"Ian Funkyerbroder," Gabe shakes his hand diligently.

Castiel laughs hysterically and Dean just stares at Gabe in horror.

"Man I'm gonna ask you in the nicest way that I can, please don't fuck my brother."

Now I joined Cas in his little laugh attack.

"Dude any other day I would've told you not to worry because I'm straight but to be honest, Sam's quite the specimen so now I'm questioning it..."

Right now Dean looks like a dad who just got told that their christian daughter got fucked and knocked up.

"Dean don't worry," I step in before he gets some type of heart attack.

"Yeah we've only done it once. No big deal!" Gabe chimes in.

     Six seconds later

Castiel and I are trying to free Gabe from Dean's death grips. Which honestly is hilarious,  just reminds me of the Simpsons when Homer is choking Bart.

When we finally get Dean off Lucifer comes over and laughs while holding a glass of champagne.

"That was quite the show." He says while chuckling 

"Why don't you do something useful for once and bring us that chair from over there." I force Lucifer to do something.

He simply drags the chair towards us while mimicking my words with a sour face on.

When Gabe is finally sitting down he just looks hilarious, his perfect hair now looked like Cas' after he had slept and his eyes looked crazy... I suppose he was dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

I fan Gabe with one of the name tags while the others stand around and Satan looks angry in his direction.

"See that's a lesson to nev-" I stop mid sentence when I see Gabriel, one of the Novaks, get in the elevator looking down to a sad looking drink he was holding.

"Do something nice and give the guy some air, I'll be right back." I say as I aimlessly throw the tag at Lucifer and walk over to the other elevator, making my way through the mingling crowd.

When I finally reach the doors I see that the other elevator went up. Thank goodness for those numbers on top of the doors. I get inside the other one and click on the rooftop as well.

Gabe gives me a concerned look through the cracks before the doors are fully closed.

Some awkward elevator music later

When the door opens I'm greeted by this view of Gabriel smoking while looking into the distance.

"Mind if I join you on this brisk evening?" I walk over as I make my presence known.

"Not at all." He turns around and replies with a sad smile.

"So what brings you here, Sam?" He asks as he turns back around before taking another drag and finally tossing the cigarette on the floor.

"I'll have to answer with the same question." I retort with a smirk.

He drops his gaze down to the cigarette before he stubs it out with his shoe, with that sad smile still displaying itself on his lips. "Just came to think I guess, I'm not very fond of large crowds as well."

"Can't really blame ya then," I reply also looking at the ground. "I hope you don't think I'm being intrusive or anything but I noticed you've been looking a bit... I don't know, gloomy."

He slowly takes his eyes off the ground and turns his gaze up to the starry sky, which was beginning to darken.

"Okay." He replies after a few seconds.

"Okay, and?" I push the subject a bit further.

"Okay, and what? What else do you want me to say? Great, you're not blind?! I'm sorry I look depressed?!" Gabriel raises his voice and looks at me with his golden eyes full of anger and sorrow, the bright gleam that once could have had outshined the sun itself, had been drained and all that was left were these dull eyes that were submerged in darkness and misery.

"Gabriel, just tell me what's bothering you." I reply after a few moments as I take one step closer.

"Sam, I'm tempted to tell you that I'm fine, but I don't like lying to you. So I'm going to ask, can you keep a secret?" He asks bluntly, his voice softening with every word that leaves his lips.

"Of course." I respond without a second thought.

"Back in Europe I was studying in college, I had a scholarship, my grades were stupendous, I had good friends, my skin was clear, my anxiety minimized. Everything was going great..." He begins his story.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask him  softly.

"Nothing... and that's the problem. I became so accommodated with this that I didn't think anything would change. I thought that I'd finish college in Paris, that I would stay with my best friends forever, that my life would be a success." He tells me. I can hear his voice trembling as he keeps his eyes locked with mine.

He takes a brief pause and turns back around to face the city with the street lamps illuminating the cold and lonely streets.

"I met a guy," Gabriel begins again, "his name was Oliver. He was sweet and nice and a party animal." A few tears roll down his cheek but I pretend as if I don't notice this to avoid making him feel embarrassed.

"We met each other at a coffee shop near the campus, we introduced each other, exchanged numbers and I found out he was gay so I was thrilled because later on we started flirting." Gabe stops for a second and lets out a low chuckle while wipes the tears with his sleeve before pacing around.

"So he introduced me to his friends, then took me to parties and all that fun stuff, ya know?" He stops pacing and looks down at his shoes, at this point I'm already sitting on the ledge and following him with my eyes.

"You made new friends, what's so terrible about that?" I ask very softly and wrap my arms around myself cause the cold is starting to get to me.

"I lost control, Sam. That's what's wrong. We became each other's sex toy, I became an alcoholic, and I completely ignored my responsibilities. But I was fine with this, I was still living with Oliver, and I had gotten a job at a records store." Gabe walks over to me and sits next to me but it's a funny sight to see cause his feet don't reach the floor.

"Oliver and I were very stupid, Sam. One day, a letter came in the mail, saying that my scholarship had been revoked due to me being unable to meet the academic expectations." I let out a gasp and look at him with pity.

"So," the tears begin streaming freely down his cheeks. He tries to hide it by walking away and keeping his eyes strained on the city lights. "He took me to a party to make me feel better. Drinks got out of hand, some things were said, feelings were hurt. Oliver walked out after I refused to have sex. We didn't know that either of us had alcohol poisoning. He went missing that night, he was drunk off his ass. We found him dead a few days later. So now there's no education, no career, and no Oliver."

He stops dead in his tracks, broken sobs escaping his lips, and his whole body moving every time it happens. He's covering his face and I can see him slowly becoming smaller and smaller.  I walk over to him and slowly wrap my arms around him.

"Shhh Gabe, it's alright." I say, not knowing what else to tell him.

"If I had just stayed in my dorm instead of going to that stupid Café I could still be in Europe and Oliver would still be alive." He bawls out.

"Gabriel, there's no way you could have known. It's not your fault." I attempt to make him feel better and after a while he just hugs me back while silently crying into my chest.

"I wish I was dead, Sam." He whispers after some time.

Before I can say anything my phone starts ringing and the screen shows Dean's name.


And with that he hangs up before I can explain myself.

I hear Gabriel laugh, so I look down and see his eyes are looking up at me. And his smile seems real, he isn't faking it or anything.

He snuggles against my chest before breaking the hug and giving me another sad smile. "Well we better get going." He chuckles a bit and starts walking towards the elevator.

I follow closely behind and once the doors close I hug him one last time. And the velocity in which he pulled himself together, making it seem as if he was the happiest man on Earth.

When the doors open again I force a smile and walk out as if nothing happened.

When I get to my seat, Gabe was already sitting down in the chair next to mine.

"Where were you Samoose?" He whispers to me.

"With one of the Novaks, he needed a friend." I reply in the same tone. He nods his head and turns to look at something else.

I clear my throat before grabbing my glass of champagne and carefully hitting it with my spoon.

And so everyone turns their attention to me.

"I just wanna thank you all for coming today. I know that it means a lot to these dorks," I say as I point to the USS DESTIEL.

"Today I want to share a story with you guys. Back when Dean was in high school he didn't have that many friends, one day he came home with the biggest grin on his face, and he told me," I do my best Dean impression with my shoulders back, chest up, and eyebrows furrowed, " 'I made a friend today Sammy' he told me. And I was happy for him, I really was. Then a few months later he came home with this short, ocean blue eyed boy-"

"I'M NOT SHORT, SAM. YOU'RE JUST TALL." Cas yells out and I just laugh before resuming the story "-anyways, he introduced him as his best friend. But uncle Bobby and I knew that best friends didn't look at each other like that. The year after that, Cas stayed over for a sleepover but before the morning came he was gone. These two idiots didn't talk to each other for two month and a half because they kissed and they thought they were straight... of course neither Bobby nor I were aware of this, so one fine summer afternoon Dean walks into my room, while I'm reading a book, and tells me 'Hey Sammy I gotta talk to you about something'." I say with my Dean face and voice again.

"So I say 'K' while looking at him with a puzzled expression" I laugh at the memory then I pull my Dean face on.

" 'So... so it's like this alright. You know how I love pie the best?' And I swear to you I had no idea where he was going with this. So all I could do was go along with it. So I tell him 'Yes, I know how you love pie the best.' So then he's like 'Yeah I always did since I can remember. And if anybody ever even asked me to eat cake-' I knew that Dean hated cake so I interrupted him cause I know him that well so I said 'you'd throw a bitch fit' because he had done it in the past." I smile to myself remembering the only time we got Dean cake for his birthday instead of pie and he threw a tantrum.

"Then this guy says '-I'd politely decline.' Then he told me to shut up cause he was talking. Then I see him look into the distance like he was longing for something then he started talking again, he was like 'anyway, all my life was pie and not cake... but imagine that one day this cake came into my life. This really amazing cake. Like it looks like the most delicious thing to sit on a plate... plucked from God's own dessert if you will.' Then he looks down to his hands as he attempts to grasp onto something but I didn't know what. And I just watched in silence as he continued with his metaphor. So then he says 'I'm like "DAMN! I need to eat this cake right now." And it's not like I don't still love pie, right, pie is still awesome. But this cake looks so good that I might never eat pie again.' AND AS IF IT COULDN'T GET WORSE THAN THIS, THIS GUY STARTS DROOLING AND LOOKING LIKE HE'S GETTING DICK. HIS FACE LOOKS LIKE HE'S ORGASMING SO HE'S LIKE 'I could see myself making sweet love to this cake for the rest of my life.' So I'm like 'Dean what?' I just look at him with confusion clear on my face 'What are you even saying?!' I question him, finally bringing his ass back to reality. He cleaned the drool off of his face and looked uneasy when he realized that I was still there. Then he dropped the bomb. 'I might be a little gay for Cas.' Those were his exact words. After this revelation I forced him to talk to Cas then they started dating, and a couple years later here we are." I say smiling fondly at the newly weds.

Their first dance together is to Frank Sinatra. They had a whole choreography for 'Fly Me To The Moon'

My Gabe left at 11. Gabriel Novak and I got drunk off our asses and that's all I can remember.

GREAT NEWS: I finally updated.

Good news: I love the spark too much to let go yet

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