Chapter 10


"Well I guess we'll have to warm ourselves by the glow of your 'I told you so'." I roll my eyes at this little shitwit.

Why did I even listen to her to start off with?

18 hours before

"WAKE UP BABE!" A girl, that's waay too jumpy for her own good, tells me.

"Cinco minutos más..." I mumble out a response. I learnt some Spanish when I was in middle school, my name was Jocelyn that day.

I tried to forget but I simply couldn't. Why do I remember this? Jocelyn came out to her family the day before leaving me to deal with their shit the next day. I managed to convince them that it wasn't as bad.

"Jocy! WAKE UP BAAAAABY!!!" The girl, I suspect the girlfriend, forces me to wake up.
I look at the clock hanging on the wall, with my vision still blurry, I can tell that it's 6:00 AM.

I access the memories to look for today's information but my findings quickly become unnecessary except for the girlfriend's name, Lilian is her name.

"Jocy, we're going to that parade thing today! You promised me we would go to march along the other gay couples and that we'd eat corn dogs after that. YOU CAN'T BREAK THAT PROMISE." She yells while towering above me.

"But why do I have to wake up now?" I try to hide under the blanket. It's useless since this bitch rips them off and dumps water all over me.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!" I shout as I shoot up in the air.

I go over to the bathroom before I kill this whore. I take a towel with me so I can shower too.

When I get in I notice that this face is really familiar... I take off the pijama shirt and look at the shoulder for a birthmark that someone I was had...

And well I'll be damned. There it is, a weird mole looking shit is staring back at me.

"HOLY SHIT." Realization suddenly hits me and I stand in front of the mirror checking the body out. Damn she's grown up.

"You okay Jocy?" I hear Lilian call out from outside.

"Yeah I'm okay!" I shout back.

"Don't take too long and don't use all the hot water!" She calls back and then I hear some shuffling in the room, she's probably getting ready.

Damn this is that girl Jocelyn. And I'm back in this body. How amazing is that?

After I'm done showering I get ready and leave with Lilian to where we were going for the parade.

She convinced me to not take the car but rather ride the bus to get into that feeling of something something something. I honestly didn't pay attention oh well.

16 hours before

It's 8 AM and we're already at the place that she told me we were going. On any other normal day I'd be waking up by now.

"Babe where the corn dogs at?" I look around, I'm hungry cause this soul sucking asshole didn't even let me go by McDonald's for breakfast this morning because "we would've been late." Call that bullshit.

"Don't be silly," She slaps my arm as she snores... you could do so much better Jocelyn. "It's too early for corn dogs. Why not pancakes? There's an IHOP near by, we can use your money to pay." Soul sucking asshole.

15 hours before

Once we've paid we have about 20 dollars, and two metro cards and full tummies which is always a plus.

"Where to now?" Lilian is so unpredictable I actually have to ask since I can't rely on the knowledge the not-me side tells me.

"To walk around of course." She tells me like I'm some idiot and continues to drag me around the place.

14 hours before

"Lilian we've been walking around for about an hour. Can we just take a break?" I whine like a kid and she just keeps on walking in front of me without a single glance being exchanged.


"It's barely 10. Better stop being so lazy." She responds a few seconds later.

"No estoy echa para hacer ejercicio. Quiero descansar!" I whine again.

"Stop talking Spanish to me you know I don't speak it." Lilian turns around and let's out a small laugh and goes back to ceaselessly walking.

11 hours before

It's 1 PM and I want to kill a cuntnugget. We joined the parade at 10 AM and Lilian forced us to walk with them for a couple miles until we reached a checkpoint.

"Why do we even do this?" I say as I throw myself on the grass.

"Gay rights babe." Lilian says from above me while holding two hot dogs.

I let out a groan and turn on my belly so now I'm facing down.

"What's wrong?" She asks me still not joining me in my misery at the ground.

"But same-sex marriage is legal in all fifty states!!!!" I'm ready to debate this bitch.

"Yes, but there are still laws that give some businesses the right to deny service to gay people." Oh shit. I wasn't ready for that.

"Well but what does a bunch of us walking do? How is this supposed to help?" I ask in all seriousness but it comes out in a bitchy tone.

"Well you, fucking Mexican, if we can get about 1,000 people asking the government for protection and the repeal of those laws then we can get the media to notice us which ultimately leads to the government noticing and being forced to do something, otherwise it would make them look bad." She sasses back.

"If your bitch ass hadn't said 'fucking Mexican' you would've had a solid response but nooo you had to go with races and assumptions. For your information I'm from Bolivia." I snap my fingers at the last sentence, this hoe better square the fuck up.

"Damn okay. Anyways, have your hot dog." She offers me the amazing looking hot dog.

I gladly take it with both hands and eagerly give it a bite until... "LILIAN WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!" I yell as I try to get the horrid taste out of my mouth.

"They're tofu hot dogs. I'm a vegan, remember?" She says with a mouthful. Damn this bitch.

"That's it. We're going to eat somewhere." I state as I look for any restaurants near by on my phone.

"There's a Panera Bread down the street." I cheer before grabbing the girlfriend's hand and dragging her with me.

"Calm yourself, Jocy." Lilian laughs behind me as I continue to pace through the crowd down the street where I saw the establishment was on Google maps.

When we walk in the line is short and I fist bump the air in triumph.

We order and while we wait I go to the bathroom, I get in the stall and take out the phone and sign in on to my email on google.

[email protected]

I wait a couple minutes but there's no response. I guess he's busy.

[email protected]
Well today I'm a girl named Jocelyn (the best part is that I was in her body when I was like 14 I don't remember exactly I was in the middle of puberty) she's a lesbian and her girlfriend is a major bitch and yeah she grew up to be a wonderful woman. So yeah that's the highlight of my day. I hope you're doing okay.

And with that I delete the history of the last hour and go back to Lilian who is impatiently tapping her fingers on the table as she stuffs her face with the salad she ordered.

I sit in front of her and we eat away the hour.

9 hours before

It's already 3 in the afternoon and we're back in the parade thing. At five apparently there'll be a show and I convinced Lilian to watch it so that's a plus.

"Jocy I don't think it's a good idea to stay and watch the performance, we don't know at what time it'll end. Plus I don't wanna Uber my ass home." She continues to whine but no she made me get out of bed at 6 now she has to suffer the consequences.

"It'll be fine I promise." I reassure her.

7 hours before

It's 5 already and we are making our way through the crowd trying to get to our seats.

"I still think this was a bad idea, Jocelyn." She murmurs again.

I roll my eyes and sit down and Lilian copies my actions with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Just shush and enjoy the show." I shut her up and focus on the actors climbing the stage.

2 hours before

The show is over. 10/10 would watch again.

"Oh my GOD THAT WAS AAAMAAAZING!" Lilian squeals with delight.

"See and you wanted to go home." I laugh at her childish ways and continue to walk.

A man shouts from the other side of the theater. "MERCH, GIFTS, SOUVENIRS! COME TO THE GIFT SHOP!"

Lilian looks at me with puppy eyes and then doesn't even wait for my response before dragging me over to the gift shop.

"Can we buy something?" She begs like a child.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea." I answer with a straight face cause that's probably the only straight thing about Jocelyn.

"Pleeeaase?!? It'll be like a memory!" She begs again with puppy eyes.

"FINE knock yourself out." I finally give in to those eyes.

She buys the iconic acting masks and the soundtrack of the play we just watched. This fuckfaced twatwaffle uses the money we had left to pay for said items. But we still have the metro cards so we can just ride the bus.

1 hour before

We were in there for about an hour just pushing through people to get out. When we get out its already dark and probably 10 degrees fahrenheit. I check my phone, which is at 1%, for the time and I try not to run my head against a pole.


"We can just Uber, you know?" She snorts then I slowly turn to look at her.

"You do realize you used all our money on that!" I accuse her as I point towards the bag she's holding.

"Oh... oops." She let's out a nervous laugh and I can see the guilt in her eyes.

I check my phone and it just dies the second I take it out of my pocket.

I let out a loud sigh. "Lilian, can't you call someone? My phone died." I try to ask as nicely as possible without exploding.

"Honey, I told you during lunch that I forgot my phone at home." She looks like she's ready to sprint and I can't blame her, cause I'm ready to slap a bitch all the way to Asia. I guess you could say it's the heat of the moment. Too bad it's freezing.

"Well what do we do?" She asks me while shivering a little, she thought bringing just a tank top was a good idea. And I thought wearing a skirt was a good idea.

"Oh so suddenly you're not in charge?" I look at her and I swear I really wanna smack her.

"You know I told you going to that show was a bad idea, and now it's dark and cold."
"Well I guess we'll have to warm ourselves by the glow of your 'I told you so'." I roll my eyes at this little shitwit.

Why did I even listen to her to start off with? I knew buying all that crap was a bad idea.

"I guess we'll have to sleep at a bus stop or something." She finally breaks the silence.

"I guess you're right."

We walk towards a bus stop and awkwardly sit on the cold bench

"I refuse to go through this either sober or conscious." I huff and lay sideways on the bench. Goodnight Lilian thank you for today.

I close my eyes and finally drift into sleep.

Lordy lord I wanted to update this by Saturday and it's already 1:55 AM on a Monday. Why do I do this to myself? Well see y'all next time. Too dead to go on.

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