Chapter 7 - How an F brought us together.
Blue's POV
We were sitting at lunch, talking about stuff. At some point the conversation moved to the topic of me and Yellow.
"So, how did you two meet?" Red asked curiously.
"So, we first met-" Yellow was cut off by me.
"Please, please let me tell the story! I like it a lot! Besides, you forget important details!"
"Fine, fine." Yellow rolled his eyes.
"Yay! So it all started a few years ago..."
~ Flashback ~
I was sitting in maths class. I tried to understand what was going on the board, but I had no idea what was happening. So I guess I just sat there for the rest of the lesson doing nothing. After a while I heard the teacher say this:
"Okay class and now I'll reveal your results from the last test."
She walked over to one of the nerds who sat in the front row.
"Congratulations Yellow, an A as usually."
After a couple minutes she walked over to me:
"And last but not least, Blue. An F. You have to step up your game a little or else you might not pass."
I felt a wave of dissapoint go through me.
'Come on! I actually studied this time! An F again?! Dad is gonna be so mad! Damnit! And what if I don't pass?! Dad's gonna kill me!'
"Blue. Blue! I'm talking to you!" The teacher's voice pulled me back into reality. Shit, I zoned out again. I heard some people whispering and giggling. My face became red.
"Y- Yes?"
"Stay for a moment after class okay?"
"Okay..." I mumbled. I wanted to dissapear. That was so embarassing!
After class, as promiced, I was forced to stay for a moment. The teacher walked over to me. To my suprise she brought one of those nerds to me. I didn't even know his name.
"Blue, since you're doing pretty terrible in my class, Yellow here, who is my top student was kind enough to offer to help you. You guys can stay for a bit so you can get to know eachother."
And with that she left me with than unknown nerd. Goddamnit.
We stood in complete silence. I had a moment to take a good look at the guy. He looked like a tipical nerd. He even had glasses!
"Well... this is akward..." He mumbled. To my suprise he didn't have a speech defect like I expected.
"No fucking shit. So uh... My name's Blue, but I guess you know that by now."
"Yeah. My name's Yellow."
"So, you wanna help me, huh?"
"Not really, honestly. The teacher made me do it."
"Ah, right." I nodded to myself.
I knew very well that I was known as the class idiot. And who would want to help such a moron like me, willingly?.
"So... what are we gonna do exactly?" I asked.
"Well, I'm gonna help you with the material so you don't fail."
We continued talking for a little bit. At first it was rather akward, but after a little bit we became more comfortable with eachother. We sat down at one of the desks and Yellow showed me what we were doing in class today, even though I had no idea what I was looking at.
"Multiplying and dividing fractions."
"A what...?" I tilted my head. I had no idea what that was about.
Yellow giggled at my confusion. I felt my cheeks getting red from embarassment. I knew I was dumb, but I didn't like being laughed at. I looked down, ashamed by my stupidity. Yellow must've notised, since he stopped laughing.
"Hey, don't be ashamed. You don't have to be good at everything." Yellow spoke softly.
"Here's the problem: I'm not good at anything. I'm failing every class. I'm too stupid for this..." I felt my lip quiver. I didn't want to cry in front of him, but I just couldn't help it.
"Hey, you're not stupid-"
"Yes I am! I'm a fucking moron! I'm fucking brainless! Everyone knows that! So don't even bother! I don't want your pity!"
With that said, I broke down sobbing. I tried not to cry, but the tears kept coming out of my eyes. I hugged myself, as I often did during such break downs. I expected Yellow to tell me to stop crying, or to yell at me, or to just simply leave. But to my suprise, his responce to my crying was way different. He hugged me...
"Blue, you're not stupid. You're not a moron. You're not brainless. And even if people tell you that you're an idiot, or that you're dumb, you gotta remember that you're anything but stupid. You're smart, you just need a bit of help to put that smart to use. And I'll give you that help. Now, please don't cry, okay?"
Obviously I did the exact opposite. I've never experienced much love and affection from my parents, so hearing such words and getting hugged made me feel very emotional.
I cried for a good few minutes before eventually calming down.
"S- sorry about that... I'm just... not used to this..." I mumbled.
"I notised that, that's why I hugged you. I hope you didn't mind."
"No, no. I needed it. Thank you."
"No problem. So, how about I explain this fraction bullshit to you?"
"O- okay..." I mumbled.
We sat there for a while. Yellow spoke in a clear, easy to understand way. Suprisingly, I quickly understood topic. I even managed to solve a few problems correctly.
"Good job Blue! See? I told you, you're smart." Yellow smiled.
"I- I did it. I did it! Thank you so much Yellow!"
With that said I hugged him tighly. The moment I embraced him the thought of him not liking my clingyness came up to my mind. Thankfully, Yellow hugged me back with a chuckle.
"No problem Blue. Say, would you like to, y'know, hang out after school today?" He asked.
"Fuck yeah! I'd love to!" I said.
~ End of flashback ~
"And that's how me and Yel became besties." I finished the story.
"I really said all that?" Yellow asked.
"Of course you did!"
"Damn, it was so rude of me lying about you not being a moron." Yellow smirked.
"Shut up. Even if I am a moron, I'm your moron." I leaned against Yellow's shoulder.
"Awwe! You two are so cute together!" Red exclaimed.
"I'm still waiting for you two to date." Green added.
"Don't start that shit." Yellow gave Green a slight glare.
Although Green wasn't the only one who wanted us to become a couple. I wamted that too. I loved Yellow more than anything. But there was no chance he loved me back...
Imma be honest with you guys, I love writing Blue x Yellow shit. These two always turn out cute, no matter what I do (///∇///)
I'll try to make the next chapter a more of a Purple x Green one, as I haven't done that yet.
Words: 1178
Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3
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