Chapter 24 - Powers...?
Blue's POV
As agreed, we were supposed to put our plan to action today. Me and Yellow were supposed to turn the power off for exactly 5 minutes. In that time, Red, Gold and Purple would turn on a fire allarm without getting caught on the cameras. While everyone would be escaping the building, Sec and Green were going to sneak into the principals office and check the cameras to see what happened to the students. Simple.
Thankfully, I knew exactly where to go to turn off the power. The school basement!
I dragged Yellow to the spot, carefull to not get spotted.
"This is crazy! What if we get caught? Why did I agree to this?" He mumbled.
"Baby, I love you and all, but shut the fuck up!" I hissed, covering Yellow's mouth with my hand.
I dragged him over to the power box.
"Alright baby. Do your thing."
Yellow looked at me as if I was crazy.
"The fuck do you mean 'do my thing'?! I'm good at maths, not fucking electrics!"
"Come on! It can't be that hard!"
"This is fucked!"
"Yel, the guys are waiting! Come on! At least try!"
"Ughh.... Fine! Damnit, why did I agree to this?!"
Yellow somehow opened the box. There were tons of buttons in it.
"Oh fuck this!" He murmured, glancing over all the buttons.
"Come on! You can do it! I believe in you!" I said, trying to encourage him.
A few minutes passed.
"Alright. Take a look at the time. I'm turning the power off.... now!" He flicked one of the buttons and the power went out.
The small ceiling lamp, wich was the only light source in the basement went out.
"Great job baby! I knew you could do it!" I exclaimed and hugged Yellow.
"Now we gotta do two things: count exactly 5 minutes and pray noone from the staff comes down here to check the power box."
"Oh yeah. True." I said.
Red's POV
Me, Gold and Purple were standing in one of the emptier corners, waiting. Blue and Yellow were going to turn the power off any minute.
"How are we even planning to break the allarm? There's like, glass there." Said Gold.
"I didn't think about that! Any ideas?" Purple asked.
"Not really." I shrugged.
As we were in the middle of thinking, suddenly, the lights went out!
"Alright, we gotta be quick!" Said Purple as we went over to the fire allarm.
It was a red box with a red button. The button was behind a glass pane that said 'break in case of an emergency'.
"How do we do this?" Asked Gold.
"You think I know?!" Purple said in a panicked voice.
"We gotta break the glass!" I said.
"Alright, how?!" Purple panicked.
"I dunno! Second didn't tell us how!" Said Gold.
I sighed. This was useless.
"Step aside guys!" I said.
When the both got a few steps away, I launched my fist the pane. I broke it! I could feel the small bits of glass cutting the skin on my fist.
"Fuck!" I winced.
"Come on! We gotta bounce!" Said Purple.
I quickly pressed the red button. The loud sound of the allarm was heard. People started running out if the building. We decided to run with the croud, so we didn't seem suspicious.
Soon, we got out of the building. After a few minutes we notised Yellow and Blue. We walked over to them.
"Hey guys! You're alive!" Gold exclaimed.
"No fucking shit- Red what happened to you?!" Yellow yelled seeing my cut, bleeding hand.
"Oh, that? Nothing important. It'll heal up."
As we watched the school staff panic and call the fire department, I wondered how Second and Green were doing. Hopefully, they would manage to make it.
Green's POV
We patiently waited for the fire allarm to go off.
"Fruit Loop, how are we even gonna do this?" I asked.
"I dunno, we'll just walk in there and go through the footage. It should be a piece of cake."
"If you say so."
After a few minuted, the allarm went off. After making sure everyone near was gone, we ran to the office. Thankfully for us, the door was left opened. We walked inside. There was an old looking computer on the desk.
"Bingo!" Second smiled.
We walked over to the device. Cracking the safety code wasn't too hard. The staff should've been more creative.
We moved back to the footage from last week.
"I don't see anything." I shrugged.
"Wait- Look!" Second pointed at the monitor.
The video showed the door, leading to the janitor's office. One of the younger students was walking past it. Suddenly, the door slammed open and a man dressed in all black, snatched the poor kid and shoved him into the office, closing the door behind them.
"What the fuck?" Second mumbled.
"I knew our janitor is suspicious." I said.
Suddenly, we heard a ton of loud footsteps.
"What is that sound?" Second asked, turning slightly pale.
"The fucking fire department!" I whispered.
We started panicking. What were we supposed to do now?! There was no exit other than the door!
Suddenly, I notised a window on my left. We could jump out, right? I mean, we might've been on the fourth floor, but come on how bad can it be?
"C'mon Fruit Loop! We gotta run!" I dragged Second onto the window.
"Are you insane?! This is suicide!"
"It was your idea to begin with, so if I die, I'm blaming you!"
We opened the window. We were pretty high up... However, the footsteps were getting louder and louder! They were coming for us! We climbed up the windowsill.
"We gotta jump!" I said.
"You're crazy! You're actually crazy!"
"On the count of 3. 1... 2..."
"Green, just so you know, if we survive this, I'll punch you in the face!"
We pushed eachother out the window, falling in eachothes arms. The feeling of air flashing next to me as I was falling, was not a pleasant feeling.
And then it hit me. WE FUCKING JUMPED OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW ON THE FUCKING FOURTH FLOOR! Second was right. I was crazy!
I wasn't ready to die! I didn't confess to Purple yet! I couldn't die!
As we were about to hit the ground, I felt a wierd, warm energy surround me. I opened my eyes and looked at Second. I couldn't belive what I saw...
I don't even know if that was the same old Fruit Loop I used to bully. There was a light green aura surrounding him, his eyes shining in a similar color.
Thanks to that, we had a soft landing in some bushes.
After a moment, I got up. What the fuck just happened?!
I looked over at Second. He slowly opened his eyes.
"What just... happened?" He asked in a raspy voice.
"I couldn't ask you the same thing! What did you do?! How did you do it?!"
"Do what...?"
"Don't play dumb with me Fruit Loop! The whole green magic thingy!"
"You know what I'm talking about! The whole super power thing!"
"I think you hit your head a lill too hard dude." Second tilted his head, looking at me with confusion.
I didn't understand! Why did he not remember that?
Hi guys!!! :D
Sorry for taking FOREVER with this, but a lot has been going on in my life!
Besides school shit, I think I may or may not have gotten a crush! So yeah, I've been pretty happy for the last few days. I'm so ready to write more romantic bullshit with these guys!!!!
No song this time, as I couldn't find one that would suit this chapter.
Ah, and one more thing. I recently said that I'm planning to make a smut chapter wich will either be Secred or Yellue. And I know I said I would make ONE smut chapter, buuut.... I'll make two, for both ships. That way, we'll all be happy! (Except the Purple x Green shippers, they ain't getting a smut chapter.... in this book)
Yeah, I may or may not be planning to make a sequel to this book when I'm done with it. But that's just a thought for now!
Words: 1396
Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3
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