Chapter 23 - The plan.
We were sitting at lunch, talking. The whole gang.
Blue was back at school again. We were all very happy to have him back. I dunno what we would do without him!
Ever since he came out of the hospital, I've notised that Yellow tries to always keep him close. Even now, as we were talking and eating, I could see their shoulders touching slightly.
As for me and Red... well we became way closer to eachother. Especially last week, when Blue was in the hospital. We didn't have anything.... funky going on... But I think it's just a matter of time...
As we were all talking, I suddenly realized something.
"Guys, I just remembered something!" I said.
"And what would that be Fruit Loop?" Green asked.
"Do you guys remember the whole 'plan' thing we were supposed to do? Y'know, with students going missing around here?"
"Oh yeah! We were supposed to do it, before I..." Blue's excitment left him like air from an untied balloon. He became quiet.
We all exchanged concerned looks.
"Baby..." Yellow wrapped his arm around Blue. "Don't think about that. We're already past that."
Blue took a deep breath.
"You're right. I'm good now." He said.
Honestly, I was suprised that Blue didn't end up crying. But I was glad that he was strong enough to keep it in him.
"That's my boy." Yellow smiled and kissed Blue on the cheek, causing his boyfriend to blush a little bit.
"Are you two done being all lovey-dovey?" Green asked in an overdramatic tone. I knew he said it like this to make Blue laugh.
And it worked. Blue giggled cheerfully, just like the Blue we all knew and loved.
"Yeah, yeah. We're done." Blue smiled.
"Wow Green, you're this jelaous of us having a relationship that you gotta ruin out little moment here?" Yellow scoffed with a playful smirk on his face.
"Shut up! I'm not jelaous of you, nerd!" Green replied with a similar playful grin.
"Alright, but what about the whole 'plan' thing? We doing it or not?" Blue asked.
"No-" Yellow was cut off by Green.
"Hell yeah we are! Fruit Loop, please remind me, what was the plan?"
"Yellow and Blue turn off the power, Gold, Purple and Red turn on a fire allarm, me and Green sneak into the principals office and go through the camera footage." I said.
"So we're playing spy kids. Gotcha." Yellow scoffed.
"Oh come on Yellow! Don't be such a party pooper!" Red whined.
"Exactly! You're no fun!" Added Purple.
"You act like my dad." Said Gold.
"I'm prefer to be boring, instead of being sent to detention." Yellow crossed his arms.
"You mean, being sent to detention is worse that getting kidnapped AND getting your organs sold on e-bay AND possibly getting raped beforehand?" Green asked, couting all the possible bad situations on his fingers.
"...yeah?" Yellow shrugged. "I mean, come on, how much of this is actually true?"
"It's not true but it's possible." Said Red.
"Come on guys! You can't be telling me that I'm the only one who doesn't wanna do this!" Yellow exclaimed.
There was silence for the next few seconds.
"You are the only one who doesn't wanna do this Yel." I said.
"....shit." Yellow murmured.
"Look, if you don't wanna do this, we won't-" Red got cut off by Green.
"Yes we will force him! Nerd won't be staring in a book his whole life!"
"Fuck you. Books are interesting." Yellow hissed.
"Suuure they are." Green rolled his eyes.
"I find books fun." Purple shrugged.
"O- okay... maybe they're not that bad. But still, you can't be studying your whole life! You need some adventure!" Green exclaimed.
"I agree with Green. You gotta be a bit brave baby." Said Blue.
"Even you are against me!?" Yellow asked.
"Not against you. But I wanna do it. And I'm not planning on doing it without you." Blue smiled.
"Ughh... fine. I'll do it." Yellow groaned.
"Nerd is not being a pussy for once!"
Yellow rolled his eyes.
"I hate you all." He murmured.
"We love you too Nerd." Green smirked.
Yellow gave him a glare and flipped him off. Green flipped him off right back.
"So guys, are we doing the thing today or...?" Red asked.
"Good question. Yall wanna do this today?" I asked.
"Fuck yeah!"
"Of course!"
"Then it's settled. We're doing it today!" I said.
"I still hate you all." Yellow murmured.
We continued talking and planning our 'mission'. It was gonna be so much fun! Honsetly, it felt like we were in some sort of movie or book. Heh, wierd feeling huh?
I was really excited about the whole thing, but then again I was a bit worried. What if I get detention? How will Chosen and Dark react to that?
However, it didn't really matter. Everyone needs a bit of adventure. Afterall, as Red often says:
"You only live once!"
there's an old voice in my head
that's holding me back
well, tell her that I miss our little talks
soon it will be over and buried with our past
we used to play outside when we were young
and full of life and full of love
some days I don't know if I am wrong or right
your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear
"Little Talks." by Of Monsters of Men
Heeelllooooo!!!! :D
So uhh....
I'M NOT DEAD!! (yet)
Sorry for not updating for so, but school is KILLING me!
About the song... I'm dunno if it really fits the chapter, but I don't really care to be honest. (Listen to it. It's AMAZING)
Ah... there's one more thing...
I've been thinking of doing ONE smut chapter for this book. However, I'm not sure which couple should... y'know... do it. It will most likely be Blue and Yellow, cause I feel like they deserve one, but then again I have some ideas for Second and Red. (Sorry, no Green x Purple smut). I'm not sure yet, but if you have some ideas, feel free to share them ^w^
Words: 1040
Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3
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