Chapter 21 - Promise.

Yellow's POV

I opened my eyes. It took me a moment to realize what happened. And then I remembered what happened yesterday.

I sat up and looked at my phone. I was late for school, but I couldn't care less about that right now. I yawned. I got up and went to the kitchen. I made myself a coffee and some cereal. As I was eating, I kept staring at my phone, hoping for a phone call from the hospital.

Last night, I had to basically beg the nurses to call me when Blue wakes up. I could tell that the only reason they agreed was probably because of the visibly terrible state I was at.

I finished eating. I took my phone. I opened my gallery and looked at the hundreds of photos of me and Blue that I had. I felt my eyes tearing up again.



It's been a week. Blue still hasn't woken up. I haven't left the house since that day. The only thing I would do was crying, staring at our photos and more crying.

One day, as I was sitting in the kitchen, staring at the wall, I heard the door bell. I opened the door to see Green, Red and Second.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We came over to check on you." Said Red.

I let them in. We sat down in the living room. I made everyone a cup of tea.

"So, how are you holding up?" Green asked.

"Not so good." I shrugged.

"No offence Yellow, but you really look bad. You look very sleep deprived." Said Second.

"I know. I haven't eaten or slept much this week. I just can't stop thinking about him..." I sighed.

"Yel, we know you're worried, but you gotta believe that he'll be okay. Besides, I bet Blue wouldn't want you to not sleep or eat." Said Red.

"I suppose you might be right..." I said.

The guys stayed over for quite a bit. I was very happy to have them around. For the last days I was alone the whole time. I had noone to talk to. My parents didn't anwser my calls, as usually. So it was a nice change to have them over and have someone to talk to.

After the guys left, I wanted to go to bed, to try to catch some sleep. As I was closing my eyes, I heard my phone ring. The call was from the hospital! I anwsered.

Blue was awake. He was alive.

I quickly rushed out of the house. I didn't even brush my hair or get changed. I didn't care!

Soon I made it to the hospital. I found the room Blue was in, but I was told not to come in yet, as he was having another guest over. I sat down in the waiting room. Soon the 'guest' left the room. It was a woman. I've never seen her before. The moment she notised me, she walked over to me.

"Excuse me, are you Yellow by any chance?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me."

"I'm Blue's mom. I wanted to thank you for saving my boy. If it weren't for you, Blue wouldn't be alive. Thank you so, so much." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Not a problem. Anything for Blue." I smiled.

"You probably wanna see him, huh?"


"Well go ahead them. He told me a lot about you. You're his boyfriend, correct?"


"Well, I'm very happy for you two. Again, thank you so much." She said before walking away.

I walked into the room Blue was in. I think he didn't notise me at first. He was looking at his phone, lying on a hospital bed. I can even begin to describe the joy I felt when I saw him.

My Blue. My dearest.

"Blue!" I exclaimed, tears filling up my eyes.

Blue turned his head towards me.

"Yellow?" He asked in suprise.

I ran over to him, hugging him tightly. After a moment he hugged back.

"Oh baby! You're okay, you're alive. You scared me so much! I'm so happy you're okay! Oh baby!" I cried out.

However, one thing I notised was that Blue was oddly quiet. Too quiet. I pulled away.

"Blue? What's wrong?"

"Y- Yellow... I'm sorry. I broke the promise. I promised you to not do this.... But I did anyway. I'm sorry... I feel like I've failed you." He mumbled, tearing up.

"Oh baby...."

I gently took his hand in mine.

"Sweetheart, I know you broke the promise, but that doesn't mean you failed me. You just made a mistake, like everyone does." I said softly.

"But this was a grave mistake. Literally. Don't you hate me for this?"

"Baby, how could you ever think I could hate you? I love you. More than anything. You're my dearest. My baby. My sweetheart. I love you ne matter what happens to us." I said.

Blue looked at me for a moment before breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably. I hugged him tightly, crying myself.

After a while, we calmed down.

"You feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna have to get a therapist though. But I'll be fine. Oh, by the way, my dad was put to rehab, so my mom decided that she'll stay with me. However, we have to renovate the house first. And I was thinking... I know I might sound pushy, but maybe, for the time of the renovation, I could move in with you? I understand it's a lot, and if you say no, then I'm okay with that, I can live with my mom in her apartment. But I thought it could be... I dunno, a sample of living together, if we ever end up in such a situation." He said.

I couldn't surpress my smile.

"Of course baby! I'd be more than happy!" I smiled.

I leaned over to him and kissed him softly. He kissed back. I missed his sweet lips so much!

I spent a few hours in the hospital. I found out Blue was gonna come out tomorrow, so we agreed that he would move in with me right after leaving the hospital.

I was so happy. My Blue. My dearest. He was okay.


the evil it spread like a fever ahead

it was night when you died, my firefly

what could I have said to raise you from the dead?

oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?

shall we look at the moon, my little loon

why do you cry?

make the most of your life, while it is rife

while it is light.

"Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens.



This was very fun to write. I absolutely love these two.

Btw, I dunno why I suddenly started shoving song lyrics in here, but I'll keep doing it, cause it's fun. (Go listen to the song above!).

I dunno why I feel the need to say this, but I love you guys. You're all amazing. I wouldn't be able to get this far without you. Thank you for all the support <33

Words: 1208

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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