Chapter 20 - In your arms tonight.
TW: this chapter contains sensitive topics.
Blue's POV
I was slowly walking home after school. I wasn't in a rush, for obvious reasons. I was praying for dad to be asleep. Soon I got home. I opened the door and stepped inside. I took my coat off and headed towards my room.
I quietly walked through the hallway. Unfortunately for me, he heard the sound of the door. He walked over towards me. He was barely even standing on his feet.
"Where the fuck were you?" He asked.
"I was at school."
"Yeah, right."
He started mumbling some gibberish bullshit.
"I'm going to Yellow's." I said.
"Again?! You visit him every single day! Can't you stay at home, take care of your father for once? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be alive you ungratefull shit!" With that said, he gave me a hard slap across the face.
I winced in pain.
"I- I'm aware of that." I mumbled.
"And still, you keep visiting that guy. Is he like your boyfriend or something?"
"I- I.... uh...."
"No... no, no, no! NO! You've gotta be fucking with me! My own fucking son! No damnit! You piece of shit what have you done?!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
"I- I- I-"
"Shut your damn mouth! I didn't raise you to be fucking gay! Fuck! No wonder your mother left you behind! Who would want their child to be such a fucking disgrace!"
He gave me a hard push, causing me to fall backwards.
"Get up you little bitch! I'm not done with you yet!"
He grabbed my hair and pulled me up.
"Listen here you little shit! I won't be tolerating such behaviour from you, you got that?! You are not gay! I don't care what you feel for that guy! You break up with him! You understand that!"
"B- but-"
"DO NOT QUESTION ME!" He threw me face first to the ground.
I slowly picked myself up. My legs were shaking madly.
"You break up with that guy, you got that!?"
"Y- yes dad."
"Good. Now, get out of my sight!" He hit me again.
I tried to hold in the tears. I walked over to the stairs. My legs were wobbling. I started slowly climbing up. I heard dad sigh deeply.
"Stop acting like a goddamn weakling and walk properly!" He yelled.
He walked over to me, grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up the stairs behind him. He pushed me into my bedroom.
"Can you belive that I once saw you as my child? Such bullshit." He said before slamming the door.
I slowly got up. I felt pain in multiple places of my body. I tried to walk over to the door. I tried to open it, but I couldn't! He locked me!
I sat down on the floor, crying. I cried for what seemed like an eternity. Dad was right. I was a little bitch. I was a weakling. I was a piece of shit.
'I'm so stupid.'
'I'm a waste of space.'
'I deserve to die alone...'
And then it hit me. I remembered about something. Something that I obtained not so long ago. I opened one of my drawers and took it out. There it was.
My ticket to the afterlife.
Yellow's POV
I walked towards Blue's house. Earlier today, he sent me a text message. He said 'I'm sorry.'
I had no idea what that meant. I tried to call him or text him back, but he didn't respond. I was becoming worried, so I decided to do to his house.
I rang the bell, but noone anwsered. I knew I was gonna get in trouble for it, but I opened the door and let myself in. My jaw dropped when I saw the inside of the house.
I've never been at Blue's place before, so I was obviously shocked by how terrible the place looked. It was very dirty, the walls were damp and there was a strong smell of alcohol. Oh, and did I mention that it was freezing in there?
I slowly walked through the hallway, looking for Blue. I peeked inside one of the rooms. I saw a man passed out on he ground, an empty alcohol bottle lying next to him. I think it was Blue's dad.
I slowly made my way upstairs. At the end of the hallway, I saw a door that was blocked off with a chair. I moved the chair away and entered the room. What I saw in there left me terrified.
Blue. My Blue. My dearest.
He was lying on the floor, surrounded by red pills.
"Blue!" I cried out, running over to him.
I kneeled down and took him in my arms. He was uncontious. I put my ear to his chest. Thankfully, I could hear a quiet, weak heartbeat.
I took out my phone with shaky hands.
"Y- y- you're gonna b- be okay B- Blue. I promice." I suttered out, wiping the tears with my sleeve.
I quickly clicked a few buttons on my phone and put it to my ear.
"911 what's your emergency?"
I cried. I cried. I couldn't stop. No matter how many nurses assured me that it will be okay, I wasn't able to calm down.
I've spent the last few hours sitting on a plastic chair in the waiting room, crying. The hospital seemed really calm. But I wasn't calm. I was the opposite of calm. I wasn't able to stop sobbing.
Suddenly, I felt someone pat my shoulder. I lifted my head. I saw the guys. The whole gang was there. The one who gave me the pat was Green.
Seeing them all here brough a wierd feeling of relief in me. I got up from the chair, my back hurting from not moving for the last few hours. I opened my mouth. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. I didn't know what to do.
"Don't bother Yellow. We know." Green said. He pulled me into a hug. Soon the others joined in too.
Feeling their embraces around me caused me to start sobbing again.
After what seemed like ages, Second and Green walked me back home. They told me to rest, to have some sleep.
I lied down in my bed. I remembered all the times Blue would sleep here with me. Tears started filling my eyes once again.
'What did I do wrong?'
and hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute
that I died right inside your arms tonight?
that I'm fine even after I have died?
because it was in your arms I died.
"In your arms tonight" by Mother Mother.
HelllllooOOOOOOoOOO!!! I bet yall weren't expecting this huh? Well you gotte deal with it :]
By the way, you should totally listen to the song above! It's one of my favourite songs and I think it fits this chapter very well :}
Now, I don't know when you guys celebrate Easter (or you guys celebrate it at all) but where I'm at, today is Easter. So with that said, I'd like to wish you guys a very happy Easter. I love you all <33
Words: 1224
Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3
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