Chapter 15 - It doesn't matter.

Red's POV

The next day I walked into school everyone was staring at me. People were whispering and giggling. I didn't understand why. At first I thought that there's something wrong with my hair, or that I got dirty, but everything was fine. Wierd.

I walked over to the guys. I wasn't suprised to see that Green wasn't there.

"Hey Red." Blue said with a giggle.

"Good to see ya buddy." Purple giggled too.

"Okay, what the hell is going on today?! First everyone is staring at me and whispering and now you are laughing! What's going on?!"

I notised that they all got serious.

"Haven't you heard? That one hollow-head you're friends with left a letter at your locker. A love letter." Said Gold.

I felt my face blushing. Was I hearing right? Second left a love letter at my locker?

"What? How do you know?"

"Well, you're not gonna like this, but Green saw him leaving it there, so he took it and now he's telling the whole school about it." Said Yellow.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled.

I quickly ran and tried to find Green. It didn't take long to find him. He was surrounded by a group of studets. He was reading the letter out loud in a mocking voice, laughing every five seconds. I walked over to him and shoved him.

"Green, what the fuck?!"

Green seemed suprised, but he quickly took advantage of my presence.

"Ah! Red! Have you heard? You have a 'secret admirer'~" He laughed mockingly, swinging the letter in front of my face.

"Give me that!" I tried to grab the letter, but Green snatched it away.

"Nah, I don't think I will."

"It's my letter damnit!"

"So?" He said holding the letter above his head. I was too short to reach. I was getting frustrated, especially since some of the students who were there started laughing. I decided to think fast. I punched Green in the gut, causing him to bend over.

"Red what the fuck!" He yelled. I quickly snatched the letter and ran away. After a moment, I got to a pretty empty place. I took a deep breath and started reading the letter:

I felt like a wanted to cry. Second liked me! SECOND LIKED ME!! But then it hit me. Since Green was telling people about this, it was definitely to embarass Second. I started looking for the hollow-head, untill I found him. He was in the same bathroom we made our promice of being friends. He was sitting against the wall, curled up in a ball. It seemed like he was crying. I walked over to him.

"Second?" I kneeled down in front of him.

"R- Red!? Wh- what are you doing h- here?!" He yelped. Now I could definitely see that he was crying.

"Well, I heard about what Green did. And I read the letter."

Second blushed.

"I'm sorry it turned out like this. I- I didn't mean for things to go this w- w- way." He mumbled.

"No, no, don't worry about it. That's not important. What I wanted to ask is... do you... really mean all this?"

"Of course I do! What do you think? I like you! There! I said it! Now you can laugh at me! Or hate me! Or both! Damnit, why was I so stupid?!" He cried, tears streaming down his face. I gently took his hands in mine.


"Y- Yeah?"

"I like you too." I said with a blush.

"B- b- but how? I'm a hollow-head!"

"So? I don't care what kind of stick figure you are. The important thing for me is that I like you. And well, that you like me back." I looked down with a shy smile.

Second was quiet for a moment.

"But what will the people say? What will my brothers say? What will my dad say? What will your parents say?"

"Second, it doesn't matter what anyone will say. You know what matters? It matters that we both have feelings for eachother. And noone, I'm telling you, noone could ever make me regret falling in love with you."

With that said, I leaned over to him and kissed him on the lips. Second let out a soft gasp, but he quickly started kissing back. I felt my stomach do a flip. Yes, this was the right thing to do. We both needed this.

After a moment we pulled away. Second was blushing madly.

"Soo... uh... are we... dating now... ot what?"

"I mean, if you want me to be your boyfriend, then I would be more than happy." I smiled.

"Of course I'd want that!" Second smiled through tears. I gently wiped them away with my thumb.

After a bit more of talking, we left the bathroom. We walked through the halls, holding hands. I could feel multiple eyes on us, but I didn't care. It didn't matter, after all.



The whole day I couldn't surpress my smile. Red and I were dating. However, since I was feeling so brave today, I decided to go confront Green. He was at his locker. I walked up to him.

"Hey Green, could we talk?"

"What? Why? Go to your little boyfriend. I don't care what you have to say."

"Why did you do a this? As far as I know neighter I or Red did any harm to you. So... why? Why did you do all this?"

Green was silent for a moment.

"Cause you're a hollow-head. A hollow-head who's way better than me."


"So that's my point. You're better than me. It always annoyed me. That's why I did what I did."

"But what about Red? What did he do?"


"So? Why bother him too?"

"It's just that... ugh, you wouldn't understand." He sighed.

"I can try."

"Well... the thing is that... I never had a best friend. Yellow and Blue just kinda let me tag along with them when we first met. And then Purple and Gold came around, but I didn't have an opportunity to get closer to any of them. So when Red came... I was hoping he would be my best friend but... He became friends with you..."

"Well, me and Red are dating now, so I wouldn't consider us friends anymore."

"Congrats. Sorry that I had to ruin it for you two."

"Eh, don't worry about it."

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"So, since you don't have anyone to be your best friend... maybe I could be your... best friend?" I asked. I know it was a very sudden question, but I could tell that the guy was clearly sorry for what he did.

"You? But I bullied you! I was so mean to you!"

"So? It doesn't matter." I repeated Red's words with a smile.

We talked for a moment. Green apologized for everything he did to me. I forgave him. I wanted to but that behind us.

At lunch time, Green dragged me over to the table where his friends and Red sat at.

"Guys, this is Second. Second, these are the guys."

"Hey dude. Name's Blue. The cutie next to me is Yellow, my boyfriend."

"You gotta tell every being on earth that we're dating?" Yellow asked.

"Yes." Blue smiled.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and shook it violently.

"Hi Second! My name's Gold! That's Purple! My brother! My step brother! He is amazing, I'm telling you!"

"Gold! Give Second some space!" Purple rolled his eyes and gave me an apologetic look.

When Gold let me go, I sat down between Red and Green.

And that's how I got a boyfriend, a best friend and a friend group in one day.



So yeah, Second is part of the gang now. And yes, the next chapter will reveal some drama for Blue and Yellow, cause I'm allergic to happiness UwU

Words: 1355

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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