Chapter 14 - Art project.

Red's POV

I sat in art class, completely zoned out. I was still thinking about yesterday. Did I say something wrong? Was I too pushy? Why did Second react like that? Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the teachers voice:

"Now, we're going to be working on a big art project - a model of Stick City. You will be paired up with another student and assigned a few particular buildings to recreate. Then, once all of you are done, we can make a whole big model!"

I sighed. Great. Art wasn't my good side, but that wasn't my biggest problem. I was gonna be paired up with someone! I was praying for that person to not be Green or Second.

"Alright, alright. Blue, you're paired up with Yellow. Green, you're with Gold. Oh, and Second, you can be paired with... Red!" Said the teacher.

You've gotta be kidding me.

After class, Second walked over to me.

"Hey, so uhh... you wanna come over to my place to work on the thing? Chosen and Dark aren't home today."

"Yeah, sure. Lemme just grab some stuff from my locker and we'll go."

I walked to my locker, thinking. On one side, I was pretty happy, cause I would get to be alone with Second, but then again, I think he was still upset with me.

As I was grabbing my stuff, Green walked over to me.

"Damn dude, I almost feel bad for you. Almost." He said mockingly.

"Whatever. Nobody asked." I murmured, walking away.

And that's how I found myself walking from school with Second. For the first few minutes we walked in an akward silence.

"Hey, uh Red?" He asked.


"Sorry for snapping at you yesterday. I was really stressed out and I didn't think what I was saying. Sorry."

I felt a smile form on my face. He wasn't upset with me! Heck, he felt guilty! I got so excited that I accidentally let myself blush a bit.

"Eh, don't worry about it. It's fine. Though, if you don't mind me asking, why were you meeting up with Green?"

"I... We were meeting up for a fight."


"Yeah, I got my ass kicked. But, Green got a good beating too!"

"I don't doupt that." I giggled.

"If anything, that fight was a good thing, as it drew me a bit closer to my brothers."

"Oh, that sounds nice." I smiled.

Soon, we made it to Second's house. He led me to his bedroom. It was a bit small, but big enough for the two of us to work on the project.

"Stick this there... attach this here... And there we go!" Second smiled proudly showing me the model of one of the buildings we were supposed to make.

"Are you kidding me? Mine isn't even standing on it's own and yours looks so good!"

He giggled. We contined working on the models untill we were pretty much done. We just had to paint them. Thankfully, Second had a ton of paints in his room.

"Damn dude, I know you said you like art, but this is a lot of pain!"

"Heh, yeah I like art. Wish I had more time to work on it though."

We started painting the models. It was all going good untill Second was trying to sqeeze out some blue pain from an almost empty tube. He sqeezed it a bit too hard and the paint ended up flying across the room, landing on my cheek.


"Whoops, sorry about that. You look pretty funny though." He giggled.

"Oh yeah?"

I dipped my finger in some yellow paint. I walked over to him and smudged the paint against his face.

"Ha! Now you're the one looking stupid." I crossed my arms, lifting my head victoriously. However, my happiness didn't last long untill Second grabbed me from behind and pushed me down. Now, I was laying on the floor, my head laying on his lap, as he smudged some paint against my face.

"Ha! Now we both look stupid!"

We both ended up laughing at the mess we made. Soon, we finished up the painting.

"Alright. We're pretty much done here. Again, sorry for the paint." Second apologized once more.

"Nah, don't worry about it. At least it was funny." I smiled.

"We should probably get cleaned. C'mon." With that said he grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. We washed the pain off our faces.

"Did I get all the pain off?" I asked.

"Almost. You missed a spot. Lemme just..."

And then he did something I would never esxpect him to do. He gently grabbed my chin to keep me still and washed the paint off my cheek. As his soft fingers brushed against my face I felt my stomach to a flip. I started blushing. I'm not even able to describe how amazing that felt. And then I notised another important detail. Second was blushing too! Of course, his blush wasn't as notisable as mine, but still!

After a moment Second pulled away.

"Alright. You're all good now."

"Th- thanks." I suttered.

"No problem." Second smiled and patted my head, causing me to get even more flustered.

I ended up staying at Second's for a few more hours. We sat in his room, talking. I had a very good time with him.

As I was walking home I couldn't get the paint situation out of my head. Second was blushing. He was blushing because of me. I couldn't help but giggle like an excited little girl.

'Maybe, just maybe, Second likes me back? That would amazing! I mean, he was blushing so... Yeah, maybe he likes me!' I thought with a huge smile.



I was lying in bed. It was like 11 p.m. or something. And I couldn't stop thinking about him.

'Gosh, he's so cute. Especially today! He was so blushy! Maybe... maybe that's your sign to do something Second. To make a move... hmm... But how... how do I confess to him... I'm definitely not doing it in person. If I get rejected, I'm definitely gonna start crying and I wouldn't want him to see me like that. But than again confessing over the phone seems a bit stupid... hmm... Wait! I have the perfect idea! Oh gosh, this will be amazing!' I smiled. I got out of bed and sat down at my desk. Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow he was gonna a find out!


HELLO GUYS!!!! I am so excited for the next chapter!! I'm gonna start writing it now, so it might come out today if I'm quick enough! ^^

Also, there's some serious drama coming up >.<

Words: 1134

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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