some vague idea

a/n: this is in lowercase because aesthetic.

also this is kinda a nice idea i made up in like two minutes.

have fun!


she woke up under pine trees with dried up pine needles gently scraping her back as she got up. the entire world was quiet, as it was for the last few decades. she didn't even remembering meeting anyone else. she remembered her brother, who died a few years ago. she was nearly sixteen, but she didn't keep track anymore. she sat in the forest for a little longer, imagining what the world look like if people still existed.

nearly thirty years ago, there was an attack. her mother and grandmother were alive at the time, and they were some of the few that knew what was happening. her grandmother had a friend who was one of them. gems. there were bad gems, and good gems. her grandmother was friends with some of the good gems. they had some fancy name. the granite rocks? the gemstones? the crystal gems?

her grandmother, connie, knew the leader of them. steven universe, who died protecting the earth from homeworld. the entirety of the crystal gems was wiped out, and most of the human population was as well. she was one of the few ones left. at first she thought her brother and she were the last two people on earth. but then her brother died. her brother didn't have a name. she didn't have a name either. their mother died before she could name them.

for years, she thought she was the last one. she spent her time wandering by herself through abandoned cities that were quickly being swallowed up back into nature to look like cities in rainforest jungles. ivy grew up and down cracks that scarred many buildings. lichen painted the dull colors of cement into a pastel green. there were sometimes canned foods that had survived. she kept them in an old backpack that she found in something that was called a school.

she had become efficient at surviving. now that the humans were gone, many animals no longer feared her. hunting was easy. berries spread like wildfire, especially during the mild summer that she was in right now.

but she wasn't worried about surviving right now. just a few months, she thought that she was the only human left. apparently not. maybe three months ago, she say something fly by, maybe the size of a person. two and a half months ago, she saw the same thing, but closer. the person had translucent wings that they flew with, and a long blue dress that fluttered in the wind.

only a week ago, she was close enough to see their face. they were a slime figure, with messy, short hair. they looked tired, but she couldn't imagine anyone looking energized in this world.

she stood up in the pine forest. she was on a mission to find this person in a blue dress.

as she walked, she could smell the faint salty sea, and not too long after, the forest thinned out. soon after that, the dirt became sand, and there was a town. she could see where buildings had once stood, but were now crooked or toppled over. signs with chipped paint now laid in splinters. the ocean's rhythmic crashing could easily be heard, and was a soothing sound. now, the earth seemed to be full of nature's sound. she couldn't remember the last time she heard a person's voice. or even her voice.

there was one building that was still relatively intact. it was filled with strange boxed that looked mechanical. one of the boxes had the wires ripped out and the screen broken, but there was still a painted name on the box. meat beat mania.

what a strange place the world must have been when her grandmother was alive.

she kept on walking. she had seen the ocean a few times before when she still had her brother with her, but she was still amazed. the water seemed to stretch forever. the waves were constantly on beat.

she got lost in the sounds of the ocean for a moment before turning her attention to her surroundings. there was a large and looming cliff to one side, that had a tall and narrow building on top of it that was broken near the base. there was also...

she looked a little closer. the rocks seemed to form some sort of pattern. the cliff's face didn't look natural at all.

she walked closer, then she ran, then she went back to walking because she was out of breath. as she got closer, she started to see what was wrong with the cliff side. there was a statue carved into the cliffside, with six arms, many of the hands were broken off. the statue had long, flowing hair and some sort of mask. when she was almost right next to it, she saw one of the missing hands in the sand. she could easily lie down on the stone hand, and have enough room to roll around.

and then she saw it. on the hand, there was a raised part that was meant to look like a gem.

this was a gem temple. whether or not it was the one that her grandmother knew, where the crystal gems lived, she wasn't sure. she knew that the one that her grandmother was familiar with was by the sea, but that was about it. she couldn't recall anything else that she knew about the gem temple.

there was a collapsed building cradled in the statue's arms, but it was completely caved in, and exploring it would likely just result in nothing more than scratches and splinters. she stood in front of the building, and the statue, with the ocean crashing into wet sand behind her.

there was a sudden gust of wind, and she turned around.

the person with the blue dress stood in front of her, her see-through wings spread like she might fly away at any moment. her blue dress gently swayed with the wind, and her hair looked a little longer since the last time she saw her.

they stood in silence.

"connie?" the blue dressed lady asked. she was taken aback by the sound of someone speaking. with the sounds of ocean waves and seaside winds, it sounded too loud, too obnoxious, too foreign.

she shook her head. she didn't trust her voice. after so many years of silence, she wasn't even sure if she could talk. she knew she could make sounds, she often screamed and shouted for no other reason than she was angry or just wanted to see how loud she could be.

but this complex, stiff way of talking wasn't meant for her.

but for the stranger, she could try.

"gr...grand...daughter." her voice cracked, and her mouth was unsure of what to do. her words were too slow, but she was pretty sure that it got the message across.

"you're connie's granddaughter?"

she nodded. talking was unnatural to her.

"i'm lapis."


"what's your name?"

she shook her head.

"you don't have a name?" lapis asked.

she nodded.

"gem? crystal?" she asked.

lapis looked surprised.

"yeah. you found the last remaining member of the crystal gems."

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