Chapter 2: Welcome to Home-World

Pink's leg ship has landed on home world now pink and black has exit the ship but was greeted by many gems.

Black: whoa why are they cheering for us?

Pink: no they cheering for you.

Black: but why.

???: because you are a new diamond to arrive hear.

they turned their heads to see yellow and blue.

Black diamond bow to them.

Black: it's an honour to meet you both

Blue: (Laughs softly) no need to be formal young diamond.

Black: oh thank you ma'm

Yellow crouched down and have a good look at you.

Black: um is everything alright ma'm?.

Yellow: yes even that you are a diamond but a male one that's very curious indeed but first pink you won the deal now come with me so i can align you a planet.

Pink: Thanks but...

Yellow: but what?

Pink: the planet have to wait i want to teach black how to be a diamond.

yellow and blue was surprised to hear that pink turned down a planet to teach black diamond.

Yellow: that is 'New'

Blue: yes but even i'm surprised for you to turn down a planet just to teach.

but before pink can speak a white sphere floating to them. 

the crowd went silent when the sphere unravel white's pearl.

Blue: (Whispers) It's white's Pearl.

White pearl: Black diamond your presence is required.

Black: can they come as well?

White pearl: only your presence is Necessary.

white pearl went near black and her's sphere engulf them and took of to whites palace.

the sphere ungulfs them and white pearl left by phasing though the wall. 

Black: how did she do that?

??? Ahh there you are

Black turned around and saw White Diamond.

White: Hello there young one we are all trilled to see you.

Black bows to white while his arms were doing the salute.

Black: Thank you your majesty and thank you for creating me.

White: (Laughs) Oh it's nothing but i'm surprised to see that the incubator has worked and here you are.

Black: yes and i'm sorry that i'm not a diamond you wanted.

White was laughing black was confused.

White: oh black it doesn't matter what you look like but you are still a diamond.

Black: oh thank you white diamond but what happens now?

White: since you here on home world i will contact blue yellow and pink to get everything ready for you including a pearl.

white pearl came back and stand near Black again.

White: Oh and black?

Black: yes ma'm?

White: Welcome to Home World.

The Pearl's sphere engulfed them again and took them to pink's place.

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