Steven Universe: The Game [CANCELLED]
Before you start commenting or freaking out, there has not been any official development of a Steven Universe game. Only pitch ideas.
All I have to show currently is an unfinished script and this photo:
So, let me explain the preliminaries before I explain what this will contain.
in 2019, I had the dream of becoming a game developer. And I genuinely believe that the Batman Arkham games are the pinnacle for video games - besides from popular shooter games like Call of Duty and Team Fortress 2.
And even though I would love to make a Batman Arkham game, I decide that four games was enough.
And instead, I moved to a different series that could benefit greatly if it was made into an Arkham game.
In case you haven't figured it out, it was Steven Universe.
"But Samuel, how could you turn Steven Universe in a Arkham game?"
To be quite honest, it's very easy - especially how similar the franchise is to Batman. And no, Batman isn't the only franchise that an Arkham game can benefit from. Take Spiderman for example.
Steven Universe can be made into an Arkham game, and I will gladly explain what vision I had for it.
...After I explain what made me give up on that dream.
As some of you may know, 2022 was a very terrible year for me. I've faced a lot of physical and mental obstacles that made me contemplating to un-alive myself.
And during the final days of 2022, I had given up my dream of not only making a Steven Universe Arkham game, but my hope for becoming a game developer as well.
Was it the bad year that made me give up the dream? Partially.
While it built up my loss of hope, there was two things that was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. And nowadays, I have three things that made me stray further from this dream and never pick it up again.
The first thing that made me not want to peruse this dream is learning a few things about Rebecca Sugar that I majorly disagree with. Feeling repulsed, I decided to not attempt to make an attempt with her - since I didn't not want her to make a profit off of it (it's not politics, don't get it twisted).
The second thing is my fear of how unlikely it would be for me to even convince the owners of the IP to make the game. Cartoon Network owns Steven Universe, who is merged with Warner Brothers Discovery. And given that Steven Universe is a kid-friendly franchise, I have a feeling Cartoon Network/WB Games would rather not make it a rated T game (because my vision of the game will not be as kid-friendly as one might think).
And lastly, as of recently, another thing that deters me from doing it is how games being made nowadays. The gaming industry is pushing for a live service game, and my idea for this game is a single-player title.
With all of those in mind, I will not be making a Steven Universe Arkham game ever. Anyone else could make this game, and are welcome to use my ideas.
I'll be honest, if anyone ends up making a Steven Universe Arkham game - I'll salute you and would love to shake your hand. I won't ask to be involved, since this is something I gave up doing. But if someone presents the opportunity to be involved (despite not being a game dev, but a capable writer and consultant for both the franchise and gaming), I would take it.
Now, with all of that out of the way, I can finally explain what ideas I would do in my vision of the game, I'll leave it in categories so you can find what topics/subjects you would like.
Overview + Controls:
On the surface level, the game would look very similar to Batman Arkham, I won't lie.
The camera angle will be third person, positioned behind Steven (who is the main character), just like Batman.
His move set (walking and traversal-wise) will be the same from the Arkham games - and I will use Xbox controls to describe it (since I'm an Xbox gamer).
Left joystick is movement. Moving it will cause Steven to walk in the direction you're moving it to. If you press the A button while moving the left joystick, Steven will start running. Letting go of the A button will make Steven stop running and resume walking. There will be no stamina bar, so Steven can run as far as he wants to.
The right joystick will control the camera by moving it. It can be used to look around the environment and at Steven himself from any angle.
Steven will carry his cheeseburger backpack, which will be his inventory where he can access the items he will carry throughout the game. You can use the D-pad to access his backpack, and his powers as well.
You can willingly summon Steven's vast majority of powers with the D-pad as well, and here's his power-set.
Defensive Bubble (normal and spiked variant), Shield, Bubble Fisticuffs. And that's all, maybe new powers will be made.
You're probably wondering about his other powers, like his pink aura mode, healing spit, super speed and leaping prowess. Those will also be present, but cannot be summoned like the others.
His pink aura mode will be a combat ability that has a similar mechanic to Batman's shock gloves from Arkham Origins. You build it up during combat (which I will explain in a different topic) and when the meter is filled, you press down on both joysticks to activate his pink aura mode. I will come back to this in the combat topic.
His healing spit will be a passive ability that he will use in cinematic scenes/cutscenes. And he will naturally regenerate any depleted health (which is something that's very lore-accurate).
His super speed will be accessed in cinematic scenes/cutscenes and in his pink aura mode.
And his leaping prowess will be his way of gaining the high ground, similar to how Batman uses his grapple and cape to travel in all four games.
To leap up to high places, you must simply move the camera to face any ledge or edge of a higher platform or object, then press RB (right bumper) and Steven will leap up toward it. And when Steven jumps off a high place (which is possibly when you run towards the edge of a high place, Steven will automatically jump), if you press and hold the A button, he will slowly descend and pressing RT (right trigger) will cause him to dive to the ground, making his descending go by faster. Or just let go of the A button and he will fall normally. Steven cannot take fall damage, as there's a mechanic that will make Steven briefly force himself to softly land on the ground to avoid fall damage and not dying. However, there will be something different about that later.
If you press the X button, Steven will punch. Pressing X repeatedly will cause Steven to attack in a combo, which will be expanded upon in the combat topic.
If you press the Y button, Steven will unleash a defensive attack to anyone trying to attack him. That will also be covered in the combat section. AND there will be a different use for the Y button later, so stay tuned for that.
If you press the B button, Steven will briefly summon his shield and use it for defensive purposes. Again, that will be elaborated more in the combat section.
LT will cause Steven to hold an item/summon a power from the D-pad in his hands. If you press RT, Steven will use the item/power. Use the D-pad to select the desired item/power.
If you walk up to a NPC, you can talk to them by pressing A, which is prompted by an example like this:
[Tutorial version.]
Press A to talk to Amethyst.
[Normal version.]
(A) Talk to Amethyst.
While running, if you press RT, Steven will slide on the ground. It's just a neat feature than can be used to look cool, and to navigate through tight spaces.
Speaking of looking cool, if you use the joystick and spam the A button, Steven will do a cool flip in that direction. This can be used in normal and combat purposes.
If you press RT, Steven will crouch down, and you can move while in that state to crawl under obstacles.
Button combinations can be made, but mostly for combat purposes. I'll explain their purpose in the combat section as well.
I think that's everything. Oh wait, I forgot to mention a feature that I absolutely loved in Arkham City, Origins and Knight.
If you turn the camera stick either clockwise or counter-clockwise, then Steven will do an idle animation of him adjusting his arms and sleeves, pop his knuckles, or pop his neck.
Characters + Playable Characters + Cosmetics:
Yes, I planned on including every single Steven Universe character from both the shows/movie, and from the Save The Light games.
And in case you're wondering, yes, I planned on including original characters from Arkham Edition.
Meaning characters like Kunzite and Jade will appear in the game. And even obscure characters like Red Crystal will show up as well.
Sadly, characters like Rose The Flower and Huge Gigantacus will not appear, as they're owned by a different company and not within the rights of Warner Brothers. I would have to talk to Electronics Arts and PopCap Studios if I really wanted to use the characters.
And yes, Moonlight will be in the game as well. I didn't care what anyone would say or advise about her, I would've fought tooth and nail to implement her in the game.
And now on the topic of playable characters. I plan on implementing quite a few playable characters within the game. Either to play in free roam/certain parts of the story or exclusive in mini games.
Here's a list of all planned playable characters:
That's it. These are the only two characters I have planned to make as playable characters in the game, as their move-set and powers would be similar to Steven's. And to explain it now, these two will not be as powerful or skilled as Steven will be, when comparing it to combat. Since they're canonically not on Steven's level in terms of power and brawn - meaning they're like lesser-versions of Steven but with their unique animations and traits.
Spinel will naturally be more swift and a smaller hit-box. Her powers and combat involving her elasticity.
Garnet will be as fast as Steven, her normal attacks dealing more damage than Steven and Spinel (but Steven can deal more damage when using pink aura mode and Bubble Fisticuffs). Her hit-box is larger, and her combat is mostly involving her gauntlets.
Both Spinel and Garnet will share Steven's combat move-set and controls. Except pressing the B button won't do anything for them, it's a Steven-exclusive ability. And LB won't do anything either.
Now, onto cosmetics. You can change the look of a character in the main menu screen, or in the wardrobe room in free-roam. All cosmetics will be free within the game, and can be unlocked by completing tasks/achievements.
Steven will have four outfits. First outfit is his attire from Steven Universe, what they call 'Classic Steven.' (The one wearing the red shirt). Steven's body will be shaped like the one from the Movie/Future, so imagine that Steven without the jacket and his shirt red.
His next option is wearing his clothes from the Movie, which will be his default appearance.
His third option will be his clothes from Future.
And his last option I planned is called 'Human Steven,' which involves Steven wearing an outfit like this: Blue sneakers, blue-sweatpants, white long-sleeved shirt with a black t-shirt on top of it. This outfit can be unlocked by collecting all collectibles in the game.
Garnet will have multiple outfits.
Her default attire will be her appearance from Season 2 (the form she took after Ruby and Sapphire fused after being poofed by Jasper).
Her second option will be her Season 1 outfit.
Her third option will be her outfit that she formed in the Diamond Days arc, or the form she has in the Movie/Future.
And lastly, Garnet will have Cotton Candy Garnet form (the fan favorite name), which is Garnet's first ever form.
Spinel will have the least amount of outfits.
Spinel's default attire is what she has in the movie.
Her second option will be the Spinel from the flashback she had in the Garden/Rejuvenated Spinel.
And lastly, her third option is her default attire, but her messy pigtails are poorly tied to form heart-buns and her black lines are removed from her face. This outfit will be unlocked after defeating Spinel in the main story WITHOUT taking damage (as Steven).
All other cosmetics will either be unlocked naturally, or I would come up with different ways for players to unlock them.
Anyways, you can wear these outfits during the main story and they will not affect the game in any way. As well as you can wear them earlier in the story when you play New Game + (which I will explain later).
You may also wear them in mini games as well. Again, won't impact it whatsoever, other than looking different.
Combat + Stealth:
Hate to break it to people who enjoyed Steven being a pacifist, this Steven becomes a pass-a-fist. He will fight others when he needs to be, as well as there will be some boss fights.
As I said earlier, Steven can fight when you press the X button multiple times. He will be facing several enemies, mostly cannon fodder like those amethyst and ruby guards. Punching them enough times will poof them, and they will try to fight back.
Pressing the Y button when they're trying to hit Steven will allow him to deflect their attacks and hit them back. This is called Counter, and Arkham enthusiasts know that term very well.
Combat in this will be a free flow combat system, just like from Batman Arkham. And this is the generic combat instructions for all playable characters. Punching enemies will build up a meter, and this meter will be dropped if you get hit or do nothing. Countering an enemy will keep your meter up and charge it up by one.
Button combinations will be shown, but I'll briefly explain their purpose.
(B) + (Y) is Special Combat Takedown. This move will allow your character to instantly defeat an enemy whenever your combat meter reaches 8 (or 5 if you get the upgrade). If you use Special Combat Takedown on a boss, you will only just do a lot of damage to them. Keep in mind, this will NOT work on all enemies, some will have an immunity to it.
(X) + (Y) is Disarm and Destroy. This is a Steven-exclusive combo that allows Steven to disarm an enemy of their weapon and destroy it. This will not work on bosses, and you need to reach a combo meter of 8 (or 5 if you get the upgrade).
(A) + (X) is Shockwave Stun, which is also a Steven-exclusive combo. Same deal of reaching a combo meter of 8 (or 5). What this will do is allow Steven to briefly jump up in the air and then punch the ground to create a shockwave that stuns all nearby enemies to briefly leave them vulnerable to attack. This will also work on bosses as well.
RT + (Y) is Ground Takedown, but this one only works if an enemy is on the ground. The character will jump on top of the downed enemy and punch them to make sure they stay down. This does not work on bosses.
A feature that can be used in combat is to jump over any enemy as any character. Just get close to an enemy and spam the A button to leap over them. This and the default flipping will keep your combo meter up, so don't worry about losing it.
As Steven, pressing the B button will cause Steven to briefly summon his sheild and bash it against a single enemy to stun them. This is to allow you to attack enemies and bosses who would block Steven's normal attacks. While they are stunned, repeatedly spamming the X button will allow Steven to continually punch the enemy until they're defeated - this is called a beatdown. In the case of a boss, Steven will eventually reach a stopping point and stop attacking the boss, but not after dealing a bunch of damage to them.
Now for the stealth part.
Some bosses will require Steven to be sneaky. Can't exactly tell you who Steven would be fighting in a stealth boss fight, since I never thought of how to incorporate it plot-wise. But I can tell you how to beat them.
Steven will need to get close to the boss, and perform a takedown move in order to deal damage to them until their health is gone. There's more than one takedown available to use, you just need to use the environment to use for your advantage.
I will explain what takedown ideas I had in mind and how to use them.
Silent Takedown. This one involves you crouched down and approaching the boss from behind to inflict minor damage to them.
Ledge Takedown. While hanging off of a ledge, Steven can immediately yank the boss down from the high place, or climb up there and deal damage to them directly.
Wall Takedown. If there is a thin/weak wall between you and the boss, Steven can break through it and deal major damage to the boss.
Reverse-Ledge Takedown. If you're standing on a ledge above the boss, Steven will drop down on them to give them major damage.
Tightrope Takedown. When standing on a tightrope above the boss, Steven will drop down on them to deal major damage.
Corner Takedown. While hiding behind a corner and near the boss, Steven will instantly jump out of hiding to deal minor damage to the boss.
Floor Vent Takedown. While hiding in the floor via vent covers like the ones from Among Us and if a boss is near the vent cover, Steven will hop out of the vent to inflict major damage to them.
Story + Base Game + DLC:
If you want to know what would've happened if I finished the script, I suggest you read my Steven Universe: Rewritten, since it's currently my best interpretation of Steven Universe yet.
The plot for the game would be roughly similar... except the intro would be different. I, for some reason, wrote the script with a different mindset at the time and then changed it when I wrote the Rewritten story.
Now, to address the elephant in the room.
There is NO way I could cram the entirety of the Steven Universe franchise in one game... at once.
The Batman Arkham games told a story through four games. Meanwhile Steven Universe told its story in two shows and a movie.
And I don't think I would've wanted to develop multiple games. So instead, I'll do what some games do and add more story content as DLCs.
Now, before you start throwing your tomatoes at me - since most games nowadays are released unfinished - hear me out.
Would you rather buy three or four games, or would you rather buy one but download two or three updates to it? Personally, I prefer the second option.
What the base game would contain is Diamond Days arc retold in the game's universe. There would be the main story, collectibles and free-roam of both Beach City and Homeworld post-game.
And if the game sells well enough, then it will get a DLC offer that continues the story. It's like when Telltale makes a new game, you get one part of the game and they eventually update it with DLC that continues the story and players pay for it.
While this way of continuing a game series may be frowned upon nowadays, it's quite cheaper than making multiple games.
So this game would have had three updates in mind after base game. These will be referred at Chapters in the game.
Chapter one would be the base game. Chapter two would have been the Movie's plot. Chapter three would be Future's plot. And chapter four would have been an original arc written by me and (most likely) the game's ending.
This one is going to be short, it's just a list of characters you would fight in the game. There is no order, and not all of them would be a big and serious bossfight. They may just be characters you fight normally, or defeat them in a cutscene.
Yellow Diamond.
Blue Diamond.
White Diamond.
Red Crystal.
That's all. I maybe missed some villains from the show or games.
Just going to show you guys what I've written before giving up on it.
Steven Universe just finished getting dressed, ready to go to Homeworld for the first time with the Crystal Gems, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth.
Steven: Y'all ready? Because I don't want to make trips back to Earth until we bring the Diamonds with us.
Garnet: We're all prepared for this trip.
Pearl: How about you? Did you pack enough food and water?
Steven adjusted his cheeseburger backpack.
Steven: I think I packed enough Chaaaaps and water to last me a week. I just hope we don't stay at Homeworld for that long. There's no internet there and I heard it's very cold during this time of year.
Amethyst: Homeworld is always cold during November and December.
Steven: Dad, you're going to take care of Lion and Cat Steven while we're gone, right?
Lion: *yawns*
Cat Steven: *meows*
Greg: Sure thing, kiddo. You be safe while you are on Homeworld, alright?
Steven: I will. I promise.
Steven and Greg hugged.
Steven: Good luck while I'm gone.
Greg: You're not bringing Connie with you?
Steven: It's too dangerous for her. I won't let her get hurt out there. Just... tell her for me, alright? I'd tell her myself, but I don't want another repeat of what happened after the Aquamarine incident.
Greg: You still sore from that?
Steven: Not exactly.
Steven readjusts his jacket.
Steven: Well, off to Homeworld.
Amethyst: You seem a bit too optimistic about going to Homeworld. Are you alright in the head? Homeworld's like the worst place to be.
Steven: I'm a little excited to meet the Diamonds.
Garnet: The Diamonds are no joke, Steven. They're dangerous.
Steven: So am I. I think we'll get along just fine.
Steven opened the front door and went out on the shore, where Pink Diamond's Leg Ship was parked and ready to be deployed into space. Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis were awaiting Steven and the others to board the ship.
[Primary Objective: Go to Homeworld.]
[Current Objective: Talk to your friends and leave Earth when ready.]
Use the left stick to move.
Use the right stick to look around.
Steven walked over to Lapis.
A - Talk to Lapis.
Steven: Are you sure you're up for this? You could always stay back and defend Beach City like that time I went to the Human Zoo to rescue Dad.
Lapis: Of course I'm sure. How about you?
Steven: I'm fine. We're about ready to leave.
Steven walked over to Peridot.
A - Talk to Peridot.
Steven: Are you ready to go back to Homeworld?
Peridot: Not really. But I figured the more the merrier. Certainly better than binge-watching Camp Pining Hearts for the seventeenth time.
Steven: Good. We're going to leave soon.
Steven walked to Bismuth.
A - Talk to Bismuth.
Steven: I know you're still sore from your experience with Homeworld and my Mom, so if you want to stay behind, I'll understand.
Bismuth: I have to put my hatred of them aside so I can help support the Crystal Gems. After all, we'd be no better than them, right?
Steven: Right.
Steven turned around and walked to Amethyst.
A - Talk to Amethyst.
Steven: I hope you're ready for this.
Amethyst: Yeah! I'm pumped to meet more amethysts.
Steven: I wouldn't be so excited about that. They may not be as friendly as the ones from the Human Zoo.
Steven walked to Pearl.
A - Talk to Pearl.
Steven: Be sure to stay focused during this trip. I'd hate for you to digress and gush at every little thing involving my Mom.
Pearl: I promise I'll keep my head in the game. You can count on me.
Steven: I hope you're right.
Steven walked to Garnet.
A - Talk to Garnet.
Steven: Surely I don't need to go through the usual preparation speech, do I?
Garnet: Not really. Future vision.
Steven: Okay then.
Steven walks to Pink Diamond's ship to board it.
Steven: Last chance to stay here if you don't feel like going to Homeworld. Because I don't want to come back here without the Diamonds.
Everyone else got inside the ship with him. He already knew how to operate it, so he doesn't need Pearl to instruct him, mostly because she already taught him prior tonight. The trip to Homeworld took about a few hours, with the rate of speed they went.
Once they reached Homeworld's atmosphere, Steven made sure to park the pair of pink legs in a desolate area on the outskirts of Homeworld's populated area. There's also a large storage area nearby where they landed.
Steven: What did you call that place again?
Pearl: The Bunker. It's anticlimactic, I know, but that's typically what we've all called it.
Steven: Why is it abandoned?
Peridot: Because we have bigger storage facilities to store precious things and items. This entire area used to be an older society.
Amethyst: The street name I'm coming up with is Old Homeworld.
Steven: What's in the Bunker?
Pearl: No one knows. Probably overgrown, collecting dust on the debris.
Steven: A perfect hiding place.
They all entered the bay doors of the Bunker. The smell was horrendous, and the dimmed environment wasn't helping. Despite how cruel desolation has treated the place, it makes it perfect as a hideout for the Crystal Gems to stay as their temporary headquarters.
Steven: Pearl, do you have some scented-candles or something? I can't bear the smell much longer.
Pearl: I'm way ahead of you!
Pearl materialized a few candles from her gem and handed them to Steven while she grabbed some air-freshener from her gem as well.
Pearl: Why don't you plant these around while I battle the foul odor?
Steven pockets the candles in his backpack while Pearl begins spraying.
[Current Objective: Plant the three candles.]
A new item has been added to your inventory. Use the D-Pad to access the item(s) in your inventory.
3x Candle.
LT - Prepare Candle.
Steven holds a unlit-candle in his right hand.
Place the candles in the designated areas highlighted around Steven.
Steven walks over to a nearly-broken table.
RT - Place Candle.
Steven placed down the candle.
Steven: Uh, Pearl? I don't have a lighter.
Amethyst: That's okay, I got one.
Amethyst reached inside her gem and grabbed a lighter. She lit the candle for Steven.
Steven: Thanks.
Steven walked over to a shelf that's riddled with dust.
LT - Prepare Candle.
Steven holds a unlit-candle in his right hand.
RT - Place Candle.
Steven placed down the candle.
Amethyst: Uh, that's a little too tall. No matter...
Amethyst shapeshifted herself into Steven, who only matches his body but not his voice or color.
Amethyst: I can always become an eight-teen year old whenever I feel like it.
With her new height being granted to her, she took advantage of it to light the candle. Steven walked over to a different table that looked like it served as a coffee table.
LT - Prepare Candle.
Steven holds a unlit-candle in his right hand.
RT - Place Candle.
Steven placed down the candle. Amethyst reformed back to her normal, short self and lit the candle.
All items will be stored in Steven's cheeseburger backpack. Use the D-Pad to access stored items whenever necessary or at any time.
Steven: Pearl, I placed the candles around the room.
Amethyst: And I lit them for him.
Pearl just finished emptying the can.
Pearl: Hopefully with some time for the scent to settle, this'll eradicate the odor.
Bismuth: When y'all are done worrying about the smell, I'd like to talk about how we're making our move.
Lapis: But how exactly do we make our move? Homeworld has, like, hundreds of gems marching around, working on something and all it'll take is one shout to gain the attention of the Diamonds.
Peridot: Especially with the Diamonds being determined to see us shattered.
Steven: Hopefully they're still duped into thinking the Cluster hasn't emerged yet. It's all that's keeping them away from Earth.
Garnet: I predict that if we take too long, the Diamonds will leave Homeworld to retrieve the Cluster. They would pop the bubble, and the destruction would be devastating.
Steven: When are they leaving?
Garnet: In the morning.
Steven: Well, then it's going to be a long night for all of us if we're going to stop them.
Pearl: But Steven, won't you need sleep?
Steven: I already took a nap earlier today, and I could miss a night's sleep; it's not the end of the world.
Peridot: Ironic, because it kind of is.
Amethyst: Yeah, yeah. So, what are we doing? We're talking about how it's gonna be a long night and the Diamonds are the big bad, but we never said what we're gonna do about it.
Lapis: Perhaps we could try to blend in and try to find a way to get through to the Diamonds on the inside?
Steven: Well, that could work... if every single one of you didn't have a star on your body or weren't wanted by Homeworld. Humans aren't exactly welcome here either.
Peridot: Well, actually, there's this one human, but she's... Nevermind.
Steven: Okay? But my point still stands for the rest of you.
Lapis: I'm technically not wanted by Homeworld. After all, those rubies only reported you to them, who still think you're Rose Quartz. I'll just have a little difficulty blending in, because I need to adjust to these new changes.
Steven: Good, because we might need an eye in the sky to watch out for us.
That's everything I have for this cancelled project.
March 6th, 2024. 9:41 PM.
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