The Donovan Special (Part 2/2)

Before you guys start reading, please try to be respectful with my decision to write this chapter. I understand that there are people who don't like this or think it ruins a relationship. But as the writer of the story, I guarantee you that it ruins nothing. Their relationship will remain the same and beautiful forever and ever. That being said, this was a difficult chapter because I wanted it to be a fun read for everyone. There were a few things that made me run into a wall many times. So for that reason, I decided to leave out writing certain things. One thing I want to mention is that I did not write them using protection, as this chapter is meant to be a fun read and since it's only a story, I hope that it doesn't bother you. If it does, then just assume they're using it and maybe there are no STDs in this universe lmao. I didn't find it fun trying to be realistic and writing about how they were all trying to be careful and safe and blah, like no just let them fuck sis. (BUT IN REAL LIFE, DON'T DO THIS. I REPEAT, IN REAL LIFE YOU SHOULD GET TESTED AND USE PROTECTION WHEN YOU DO IT WITH PEOPLE, OR YOU WILL GET PREGNANT AND DIE)

[Leo's Point Of View]

Since this morning, all of my thoughts revolved around how nervous and horrified I was. Where did my secure confidence go to? I needed it back pronto. My life and reputation depended on it.

My skin felt cold and shaky even when it was bright and sunny out. My heart was slowly sinking to my stomach and I swore I felt it beating in my ass. Foreshadowing perhaps?

Two weeks ago was the last time I saw Donovan. It was when he came to visit and hang out with us. It was a chance for us to take him out to a fancy and expensive restaurant to repay him for all that he had done.

And it was also when the idea was pitched.

A threesome. A good ass wholesome threesome between the three of us. The topic was heavily discussed for the past two weeks. Derek and I had our moments and doubts, but in the end decided that we wanted to try it. It was the perfect opportunity.

But it didn't mean that it was an easy decision. Derek and I were fully in love. Over the years that we've been together, we talked about everything. There was not a single secret between us. There wasn't anything we haven't talked about.

Derek's fantasy for a threesome was extremely situational. I realized a while ago that a part of it was how much he hated the idea of me and anyone else. It made him so angry picturing another man fucking me. And for some reason, it also turned him on. Did it make sense? Heck no. Some of us were too ashamed to admit the dark and twisted things that turned us on. An elegant Christian woman with a kind-hearted soul might secretly be into unholy bondage or a scary intruder in the middle of the night, sneaking into her home through an open window, then having his way with her like a crazy devilish psycho.

My fantasy? It was hard to say just one. I had many weird fantasies that I kept to myself. The first that I could think of was having Derek pretend to be my father and I his son. Was that weird? Not in Alabama. Did we try it before? Yes. Possibly in Alabama.

We had our kinks. I was not going to judge Derek for his. Not after I read that one fanfiction that left me looking towards going to church.

I was okay with the threesome. When we were privately discussing it one night, I told him I was up for it only if he was. It was only sex to me, nothing serious. I only loved Derek, I only wanted Derek, that would never change, but sex was easy and it was enjoyable. If he wanted to try something new, I would go to the end of the world just to please him.

It made him nervous just as much as me, but he wasn't the one that was most likely going to bottom for two dudes.

That reminded me about something funny that happened a week ago. Donovan was texting us and he mentioned that he has never bottomed before and he didn't mind doing it if we wanted to fuck him. While laughing, I had to make Derek promise that he wasn't going to tell him about his package. I wanted to see the reaction. There was no way in hell Donovan would bottom for Derek once he saw. He was not prepared. I still wasn't.

We had no plans. I just knew that it was happening today. I woke up bright and early to prepare for the rest of the day. I had a little spa moment in the bathroom, took care of my body, and skipped breakfast and lunch. I was so hungry, but I was going to have to wait until after it happened.

Derek was gone for most of the morning, but later arrived before Donovan. We spent an hour laying in bed, watching TV. The only plan we had was to go to a pool party. I got invited by a fellow member of the LGBT cult. I spent a lot of time in this hotel since I had left my dorm. It had a lot of fun things to do. I even started going to the gym.

One day while I was in the lobby waiting for a friend, some guy came up to me and asked me if I was gay. After we talked for a little bit, he invited me to his birthday party, which was happening soon. He was a shy gay, hoping to get out of his comfort zone by having this pool party and meeting new people.

"Has he texted you yet?" Derek asked.

"Babe, chill," I told him, tapping his knee.

Derek had asked the same question ten times in the past hour. Donovan was driving, there was no time to text. At this rate we might be late to the pool party, so it was best not to bother him and let him get here in one piece.

"I'm gonna shower and get ready then," he said.

I was sad when Derek got up. I was way too comfortable squeezed between the many pillows and his arm wrapped around me. It was nice just laying there with him, my head resting on his chest, being in the moment with nothing but my thoughts and the quiet conversations of a television in the background.

"Your shorts are in the bathroom," I told him as he searched for a towel.

"My swimming trunks?" he asked.


"Who said I'm swimming?"

"I did, bitch."


Derek went into the bathroom with his towel, looked at the shorts on the counter, then looked back at me. I should have closed the bathroom wall when I used it last.

"What?" I said.

"They are too short."

"They're not. They're medium. The ones I wear are too short. The ones I got you are stylish and cute, not those stupid same ones that every boy wears to the beach."

"If you can see my knees in them, they're too short."

"You have sexy knees."

He took the shorts and held them out in front of him. They were nice beach shorts and he better be fucking grateful that I didn't pick them in pink. They had three stripes and were dark blue, white, and beige. Pink were the shorts I picked for myself. And yes, they were hella short and gay.

"I'll try them, but no promises."

I watched him get undressed like a creepy stalker, smiling and everything, and watched him even harder when he got into the shower with the clear glass. He was so unbelievably hot. I should honestly be charging Donovan for getting a piece of that. But honestly, who knows? Maybe he might not even go for Derek, and that was one thing I was scared of. Donovan was serious when he picked me as the cuter one. What if he didn't give Derek attention? What if the big monster scared him away from doing anything with him? Things would get awkward so fast.

While he took his time showering, I grabbed the shorts and brought them back to the bed. I had basically bought him a new outfit just for the pool party. The shorts went well with these navy blue slip-ons that I found and went even better with the brand new button down shirt that he was going to leave . . . unbuttoned.

Fuck. He was gonna be so sexy.

I had my own slip-ons that were also pink to match with my shorts and a see-through crop top. The shorts were super cute and light pink with white laces, and to follow the soft colors, the crop top was also white. I half matched with Derek, just not the colors. Derek still liked his dark colors and nothing could separate him from his "Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend" energy.

When Derek finished, I was already dressed. It took like five seconds to put everything on—which was why I chose the outfits, because it was also easier to remove.

"Put it on," I said when he walked out of the bathroom after drying himself.

He took the shorts first and climbed into them. He looked nice, just as I expected. I was a fucking fashionista. This should be my side job when I wasn't dealing with gay depressed kids.

"It's okay," he said, shrugging.

"Put the rest on."

When the entire outfit was on, I almost got a boner. I was so used to seeing Derek in his own style, but very rarely did he like wearing the things I bought him if they were in my style.

"I feel naked."


He sighed. "If you like it, I'll wear it for you."

As I went to hug him, we heard a knock on the door. That was such good timing. I dropped my arms and forgot about the hug and went for my phone, which I left charging in the corner of the room after Derek went to shower. Donovan had texted twice, saying he was almost here and then that he was in the lobby.

"It's Donovan," I said, putting my phone back.

"I know." Derek was looking through the peephole.

"Are you going to open the door?"


I walked towards him. I could almost feel his emotions like they were floating in the air. He felt vulnerable and scared.

I touched his shoulder and left my hand there. "Baby, look at me."

He turned and followed my eyes. "I know. I'm okay."

"We don't have to do it. Donovan said we can change our minds and he won't be upset."

"We're in the same group chat, I know."

"Give me my sass back." I held out my hand and he played along, dropping the invisible sass back into my cupped hand.

"Thank you."

"Can you open the door?" He was so quiet and shy that it made me want to squeeze his cheeks. Derek showing this side was honestly so fucking cute and adorable. Not the scared part, that made me worry and love him harder, but when he was shy like this . . . it melted my heart into a puddle.

Derek stepped back as I unlocked the door and flung it open. It was definitely Donovan. His hair was really messy, but it kinda seemed to always be that way. It fit him just like Derek fit in me.

"Hey, guys," he said with a cheerful smile.

"D-Boy, come in!"

"D-boy?" He laughed at my greeting, which I did not think of before saying. "Is that all I am?"

"Fuck. Sorry. That was awkward. I meant because of the first letter of your name, not because—"

"Sorry, he's kinda nervous," Derek said, closing the door once Donovan entered.

I gave Derek the biggest bitch stare. Like, I could not believe his audacity. He took it another step further by being all smug about it. He was fucking good. He was so fucking good.

But I was better.

"Aw, don't be nervous," Donovan said.

"I'm just worried because Derek doesn't bottom often and I don't know if your dick will hurt him or not, you know?"

I returned the smirk, but made it evil.

"Oh." Donovan was surprised and looked at Derek. "Don't be scared, Derek."

Derek rubbed his eyes as his embarrassment flared up like a fire deep inside of him. His face reddened and I almost burst out laughing.

"Yeah, don't be scared, Derek," I said, clearly poking at him.


"Are we going to the pool party now?" Donovan asked as he let the backpack he was wearing drop, but caught it with his hand before it reached the floor and pulled it up in front of him.

"Whenever you're ready," I said.

"Yeah, I'll just change my shirt and I'll be ready."

Donovan was already wearing his swimming trunks. The very same kind that I didn't want Derek to wear. But they were simple and white, no tacky patterns and colors that made me want to vomit from the lack of style. Just plain and neat. They might actually just be plain basketball shorts, I wasn't positive.

He removed his shirt in front of us and Derek's eyes went the opposite way, as if sometime today we weren't going to be looking at him naked. His body was really nice. It was smooth and lean, somewhere between Derek and I. I was lean, but Derek had been working out for a while now so he was stronger than the both of us. I was the darkest of the three of us with my amazing Italian tan, Donovan was second with a nice light tan, and then Derek was just pale. It seemed like no matter how long he spent outside, his skin refused to tan. He wasn't the same boy from the high school days, although he'd always been on the lighter side even when he was tan.

Donovan replaced his shirt with a cute tank top. I was surprised since it was something I'd wear.

"I'm ready now," he said. "But before we go, are we . . . still on? Is it happening?"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Do I have both of your consent to start whatever then?"

"Yeah," Derek was the one to respond that time.

"Cool, let's go then."

"Where are my sunglasses?" I asked Derek.

"The new ones?"


"Didn't you leave them outside?"

"OH!" I rushed to the balcony and found my new expensive sunglasses on the little table next to the ashtray. I put them on and watched the view outside, wondering how today will end.

"I'll leave my backpack on the couch," Donovan said.

Donovan was actually staying here for the entire weekend. We made plans to go to the beach tomorrow. Hopefully nothing ended weird and it was all cool till the very end.

"Leonardo, we going or not?"

"Did you just fucking use my name?" I shouted back at Derek.

He gave me the impatient look. He wasn't really impatient, it just meant he was nervous.


I went back inside and picked up my cute towel with a drag queen's face on it. The boys watched me, because I was just hot as fuck. I tossed the towel over my shoulders and walked out first.

Derek and Donovan walked behind me, talking about things I didn't care about. I stopped paying attention when they started talking about when Derek played football. Boring. The only sport I watched was drag race.

"How do you guys feel about Yvie winning? I think it was the most deserved win in all of drag race herstory."

"What?" they both said.

Just as I thought.

The pool we were going to was secluded on one side of the hotel. It was a private area and you could reserve it for birthdays and other occasions. I preferred this over the other pool. This one was smaller, but it was way nicer and had a bar with a massive grill on one side and these cute little huts on the other where you could chill under and not be toasted by the burning sun.

Before we entered the pool area, there was a sign right outside the entrance that spelled out "Private Area" in big bold letters.

Inside the area there were about a dozen girls and gays. It wasn't a huge party, it was actually a comfortable size. All of them were on the left side of the rectangle pool, surrounding a fiery grill and the stocked bar.

As I marched my gay ass towards the group, the birthday boy popped out and smiled at me.

"Leo!" he exclaimed as we approached.

"Hey, Jamal."

"I didn't think you'd come."

Jamal was so freaking adorable. The perfect bottom for a muscle-top to completely destroy and devour. His words, not mine. He was dark, short hair, more on the thin side, but he was tall. He enjoyed wearing beanies of different colors and today it was baby blue.

"Of course I'd come. I'm sorry I'm late."

"Thank you for the gift you gave me yesterday," he said, going in for a gay happy hug.

"I knew you'd like it," I told him as we hugged.

"What gift?" Derek whispered behind me.

Jamal pulled back and looked embarrassed.

"Jamal, this is my boyfriend and soon-to-be husband, Derek," I said, avoiding having to answer the question, since Jamal wanted it kept private. We talked through text and got him to tell me something he wanted for his birthday, but it was risqué.

"Wow." Jamal swooned at the sight of Derek.

"And this is our friend, Donovan."

"Wow," he repeated, his eyes huge and utterly entranced.

"Nice to meet you, Jamal." Donovan reached out with his hand, but Jamal spaced out. "Sorry I didn't get you anything."

"Your presence is already a gift," he said, breathing loudly.

"You guys have fun," I told the boys, handing over my towel. "I'm gonna hang out with Jamal."

I hooked my arm around Jamal and pulled him aside, snapping him out of it. If I was his mother, I would have wiped the drool on the side of his mouth.

"Those are the type of boys you hang out with?" he asked.

"They're alright."

He introduced me to some of his friends and his new ones. Everyone was really nice and friendly. They weren't close to what my own friends were like, but they were close. Maybe that was just the LGBT community in general. We were all crazy.

One girl was in charge of the food. She was busy on the grill, turning the hotdogs and the burgers, adding onions and other tasty flavors while the meat smoked.

Three other boys were sitting on a wooden table, discussing which female popstar has the best music video. One argued it was No Tears Left To Cry, another said Bad Romance, and the last one thought that all of Rihanna's music videos were the best.

I did not want to be part of that conversation. It would last all day. I had no time for that foolery. Clearly the best music video was Anaconda by Miki Minach.

Derek and Donovan jumped into the pool. They both had taken off their shirts and placed them on a nearby table with my towel. Two other people joined them, but for at least an hour no one else wanted to swim. Maybe Raven wasn't alone after all, maybe gays couldn't swim either.

I was so mad when Derek and Donovan ate a nice juicy burger while I had to starve in order to preserve my ass. I was so unbelievably furious that they had no hearts and couldn't starve with me.

Poor Jamal looked so worried for me. I just couldn't explain that I was having a threesome later.

It was still nice just hanging out with new people. That was until those three gays started giggling. I had my back towards the pool, so I couldn't see what they were giggling at, but I could only imagine. Derek was fine as hell. We all knew that by now. He was daddy. And then Donovan came along and turned the meter even higher. Two daddies? TWO? I was mentally rolling my eyes. I wasn't jealous that they were ogling my man. I'd be mad if they weren't.

"Hey, isn't that your soon-to-be husband totally making out with some other guy?" one of them said, his tone all snobby and condescending, like he just found out something before I did and that made him superior.

Jamal and I turned and . . . woah.

Donovan was pushing Derek against the pool edge, holding him still as his mouth connected with his. I couldn't see Derek's face since his back was facing me. I only saw his muscular arms on the edge, holding him up on the water as Donovan dominated him with his tongue.

I was hit with a mix of emotions. None of them could explain how I felt seeing that. But one thing was for sure, I wasn't gonna let no homo talk at me like that.

"I have two boyfriends," I told him.

"But you said the other one was your friend." The way his face shaped those arrogant expressions made me want to punch him.

"And you should mind your business and worry about those thick eyebrows of yours. Soon you'll be replacing Saturn as the new planet with those big ass rings you call eyebrows."

Jamal gasped next to me.

The guy touched his eyebrows and looked at his friends for reassurance. Neither of his friends moved a muscle.

"They're not my friends," Jamal whispered closely. "I met them today and invited them."

"No worries," I said, pressing my lips together and looking around. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Next to the entrance."

"Thanks, be back in a minute."

There were two bathrooms and I almost went into the wrong one. It was empty inside, but extremely clean. I had never seen a public pool bathroom so shiny and new. It smelled like fucking roses and orange juice.

I looked at myself in the mirror, inspecting my outfit. I would do myself, honestly. My skin was fantastic, my ass was delicious in these shorts, my legs were sexy like spicy chicken wings, and my abs? Lickable.


I almost screamed. I had been too distracted by my own reflection to notice anyone come inside.

"Hey, Donovan."

He walked towards me, his body fully drenched. That was when my eyes went south and I noticed it. He was sporting a semi. And in his white shorts, I could see everything from the shape to the color. It might as well be out and about.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you saw me kiss Derek."

"Oh, it's fine. We gave you consent to start whatever remember?"

"Yeah, but you never know what someone is truly thinking."

Before I could respond, he was pushing me against the sink, kissing me passionately with so much want, so much need. His hard-on rubbed between my legs. The weight of the water on his clothes was keeping it from becoming an actual pole and poking me with it. I kissed him back, but it somehow felt wrong. Derek wasn't here, he wasn't watching, so I pushed Donovan back.

"I promise I'm okay. You have my permission to kiss Derek."

"I can't wait to fuck you again," he whispered near my ear, so close that it sent shivers down to my own dick. "While Derek fucks me."

I began to giggle. "Sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"Um, have you touched Derek? Like down there? Or felt anything?"

"No, I didn't want to do that in the pool. Why?"

"Oh, nothing."

He tapped my chin and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Join us in the pool sometime."

Was that an invitation for a threeway kiss? In front of everyone? That was too much even for me. I'd rather people enjoy the pool and have fun and not have to watch three dudes making out.

Although, if it were me and they were hot, I would not mind one bit.

I decided on not joining them in the pool. I stayed around the birthday boy and kept conversations going while occasionally looking over at my two fake boyfriends. They were having fun in the pool, but never kissed again I noticed.

It was possible that Derek shared the same feelings I did. It just felt weird if the other person wasn't physically involved. Like I was really okay with them kissing, but I didn't want to do it without Derek there. Perhaps he felt the same.

If that was the case, I might propose to Derek.

We stayed for a couple more hours. There was plenty of food and free drinks to go around. More people eventually showed up and filled the pool, so the boys left and sat under one of the huts. I was glad they didn't stay in it for too long. Nothing sexy about getting fucked by raisins.

But eventually we had to sashay away.

"Promise we'll hang out again?" Jamal pleaded as I hugged him.

"We will," I promised.

The walk back to the elevator was awkward as fuck. Neither of them said anything. All they did was throw my towel back and forth. I swear they wanted to fuck each other more than they wanted to fuck me at this point. There was some flirting going on. I was . . . kinda liking it.

"Did you guys enjoy the pool party?" I asked as the elevator ascended.

"Yeah, it was fun," Donovan replied.

"Sure," Derek said.

We were all thinking about it. That was more than obvious. I hated the silence so much. Even their footsteps were silent. When we left the elevator, I had to look over my shoulders to make sure they were following me.

I took out my card from my tiny pocket and used it to open our door. Once we were inside and the door closed, I was ready to scream.

"Can I shower before we fuck?" Donovan said without a single hesitation. "Unless you guys like the smell of chlorine?"

I waved him away like he were a peasant. "Go."

"I'm gonna shower after him," Derek told me after smelling his skin.

They did smell like they just came out of a pool.

I turned the television on as Derek undressed. I put on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. He glared at me.

"I'm leaving it on the entire time," I said nonchalantly.

Derek didn't say anything or even chuckle. He folded his new shirt and put it away with his new shoes. He kept his shorts on while Donovan showered. We didn't look in his direction, since the wall was wide open.

I jumped on the bed and tried to look as sweet as possible to ease some of Derek's tension. I puckered my lips at him when he finally looked at me and he smiled and kissed me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"Our positions," he whispered cautiously.

I snorted. "I'll talk to him while you shower if you want?"

"Uh, I guess."

When Donovan finished, I told Derek to come out of the shower just in a towel, so that we could reveal the mystery of his package. To give him some privacy and time to himself, I closed the bathroom wall after Donovan was out.

"Should I be wearing anything specific?" he asked, searching through his backpack.

"You're fine."

Donovan was wearing black briefs and a towel wrapped around his shoulders like a cape. I was laying back on my bed watching Kim and Kourtney fighting.

"How are you so casual?" he asked me, standing up straight.

I couldn't stop looking at his body and the bulge that he clearly wanted me to see.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"I can tell Derek is nervous as fuck and it's making me feel bad for even proposing the idea."

"Don't feel bad. Derek has anxiety. Just be calm about it. Make him comfortable in any way you can."

"I'll do what I can." He sat on the edge of the bed, giving me his back, and looked up at the television on the wall. "You guys can still say no whenever. It's not that serious. We're still friends."

"Don't you get nervous on me too," I said, rolling on the bed until I was sitting next to him with my legs crossed. "I'm not casual, I'm calm, because I trust you. We trust you."

"Do you still remember our time?" He glanced at me, waiting for a reaction.

"Not . . . not exactly. I remember a few details, but not everything. It was a weird night for me."

Something suddenly changed in him, in the way his eyes looked at me, like there was pure determination.

"I'll make sure you won't forget it this time."

My hole felt that.

"So, uh, about our . . . positions. What do you want?"

"I want to fuck you, I know that. But I don't mind if either of you want to do me, I've just never done that, you know? I'll fuck Derek too. I'll literally do anything you want me to do."

"There's just one tiny problem," I said.

"What is it?"

"You'll see soon."

"What? Have you never fucked Derek?"

"I've definitely done that." I laughed at the memory of me taking Derek's buttginity. "It's something else. You'll see soon."

Derek took his sweet time in the shower. Too fucking long that I decided to join him halfway through it. I showered and finished before he even did. I did a few things to make sure my body was working properly before being destroyed by two men. While I did that, Derek dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist. He was the only one fully naked, just covered at the moment. Donovan and I were wearing briefs.

"You guys good?" Donovan said when we walked out of the bathroom. His gaze then landed on Derek's towel.

Once again, I rolled over the bed like a little ninja to get to the other side of the bed and close the blinds. I wasn't giving anyone on their balcony a free show.

"We good," I said.

It was time. Time to hopefully fill this awkward silence with hot moans and panting.

"What are you guys up to?" Donovan asked nervously as I sat next to him on the edge of the bed and hugged his arm. Derek moved in front of us and just waited for my signal.

"Basically, I thought it was a good idea to just rip the band-aid off to make things less scary for everyone," I said, smiling up at Derek. "None of us have ever been in a threesome, especially when two are engaged. And there's an issue you need to be aware of, especially with what you've said."

"An issue?"

"Not really an issue, everything is fine."

"Okay, what is it then?"

I cleared my throat. "Derek, let it drop."

In my mind, the towel fell in slow motion. I watched as the fabric slowly unveiled the demon. The long, thick, uncut monster. It wasn't even hard, not even semi. It just hung there like the next asteroid to wipe out humanity.

"What the? What?" Donovan said. "Are you hard?"

"No," Derek answered, looking down at it.

Donovan was staring intensely, his brows furrowed, his head slowly moving closer to examine it.

"How are you not dead?" He looked at me.

"I've been taking it for years," I explained as our eyes went back to it. "You could say it grew with my body. I'm used to it by now and Derek doesn't fuck extremely fast like he has to prove how macho he is."

"To be quite honest, your hole still looks great, if I remember it correctly."

"You'll see it again, but first you have to see it hard."

"Oh, right. It's not hard. How much bigger can it actually get?"

Derek made a thinking face. "Depends where you start measuring, but it's around eight to nine inches."

"What the fuck."

"I didn't want him to touch me with it at first. It scared the crap out of me."

"How big are you?" he asked me.


"So we're the same."

"Now you understand?"

"That he's not fucking me? Yeah, I understand. I don't want to die tonight."

We stared at Derek long enough. I stood up and kissed his neck. He was still slightly cold from the shower, but that should change soon, especially when my hand began to rub him in all the right places. It didn't take too long for Derek to start growing. I got on my knees to finish the job so Donovan could see it at its full glory. The skin was smooth and stretchy and his balls were low and full. I started from the bottom, licking between the two balls and dragging my tongue up the delicious length.

"What do you think?" I said, holding it up like a baguette.

"It's making my heart race."

Now my own heart was racing at what I was thinking. I couldn't believe this was happening.

I grabbed Donovan's hand and pulled him down to the floor with me. We were both on our knees, staring at each other with Derek's dick between us in the air.

"Want to taste it?" I asked him.

"I do."

I moved in first, capturing the side of his hard length with my lips, sucking and leaving wet prints. I trailed my tongue all the way to the tip, where a nice pool of precum waited for me. It was one of my favorite parts about blowing Derek. When he was turned on, precum would continuously come out and it was so hot.

Fucking drown me in it.

Donovan eagerly leaned towards it, but then pulled back with hesitation.

"Suck it," Derek ordered him.

I wasn't expecting that. It honestly threw me for a loop. Jasmine popped into my head like an heavenly angel to bless me with her oop.

Donovan obliged and pressed a curious tongue to the erection. I joined him and worked on my side. Our tongues met a few times while we explored every inch of Derek's hard on. Looking up at Derek, I watched his head fall back and his eyes shut close. His Adam's apple bulged as he swallowed.

"Have at it," I said, grinning and moving back to give Donovan space.

Derek reacted and clasped both of his hands around Donovan's head, pushing him closer on his cock, burying it as deeply as he could into his mouth. Donovan choked before he could get even reach the middle. I didn't blame him, I still had trouble doing that. I had to find my own way of giving Derek head without suffering the consequences of no oxygen.

"Fuck, wait," Derek panted, pulling back.

Donovan looked so messy right now. It was hot seeing how wet his mouth was from doing that to my man.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't have experience in blowing guys."

"No, it's not that," Derek said. "You're good. I almost came."

"A new mouth would do that to you," I said.

"Maybe we should give Derek a break," Donovan suggested.

I raised my brows. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

"Get on the bed."

This day was going to be rough on me. Two doms and then a Leo.

I climbed on the bed as both of them watched me. I laid back and waited for instructions from my dom daddies. I wasn't gonna say that outloud. Derek secretly loved being called daddy, but if I called Donovan daddy too, there might be a death battle.

Donovan crawled over the bed and stopped at my hips, both of his hands at the sides, lingering too long by my briefs.

"Can I take them off?"


He dug his fingers into my briefs and pulled them off, admiring my body once I was fully at display. I was maybe 25% excited. I wasn't as easy as Derek.

No offense babe.

He began to massage my body, feeling my abs with his fingers and slowly going up to my nipples, where he playfully teased them. He didn't touch anything important, but the percentage jumped to fifty.

Derek was watching. His boner had gone down without attention, but it still hung largely and threatening.

I glanced down as Donovan's breath hovered over my junk. He gave it an experimental kiss and startled it. My dick was now growing like a balloon, minus the shape, because that would actually be horrifying. I glanced back at Derek and tapped the empty space next to me.

He joined, but only watched. He laid next to me, keeping a hand on his dick, squeezing the head every now and then, rubbing his thumb downwards.

We both watched Donovan take me into his mouth until I was hard as a rock and couldn't keep it down. The feeling of having a foreign mouth slobbering all over my cock while Derek watched was a new emotion I'd never experienced. Derek's hand came up around my face and pulled my attention up as he leaned down and kissed me. I closed my eyes, letting him press his gentle lips to mine, but it was hard for me to keep focus on one thing while Donovan's wet tongue licked my warm length.

Derek had his hand locked around my jaw, keeping me still as he savored my mouth and Donovan something else.

At some point, it was time for the real deal. And while the Kardashian's played in the background, I was turned on my chest, ass fully exposed. I couldn't see either of them since they were behind me, so when a hand grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks, I was left blind not knowing who it was. I buried my face into the sheets and let out a moan when I felt a tongue pushing into my hole. Then there were two tongues. I was gasping out loud when their tongues battled to fuck me harder. The feeling was so intense that I started shaking.

When they were content with how weak they made me, I felt the head of a cock slowly rubbing circles against my tingling hole. I noticed right away that it wasn't Derek's. I knew his like I knew the entire script of Mean Girls. No offense to any men out there with penises, but Derek had a distinct head that would make anyone remember him. It was smooth and thick, stretching you even before it entered. The one on my ass right now was nice and hard, missing the softness that Derek had, but still making my legs shiver in anticipation.

Donovan pushed in with the help of lube. The pressure was instant and it filled me up, causing me to arch my back and spread my legs apart so I was mostly resting on my knees. He felt so fucking good inside me, really different from how Derek made me feel. It was a different experience, not better. Donovan hit different parts of me, and he fucked roughly and with purpose. Derek moved around in front of me while Donovan railed me. He was fully hard again and ready to be pleasured.

I opened my mouth and Derek pushed it in. I moaned around it, using my saliva to make it wet. And I wasn't gonna lie, I almost accidentally bit it when Donovan leaned down on my back, pushing all the way inside me, reaching down with his lips to kiss my neck and let the weight of his body embrace me. He pushed in and out slowly now, letting his cock drag across my walls. When I couldn't suck anymore and had to let my head fall back on the mattress, Donovan took over, capturing Derek's throbbing cock with his lips as he fucked me, doing double the work.

I was going to have a hard time functioning after this. These boys lasted way too fucking long. I was expecting them to last at least ten minutes, but it went on for over an hour. There were other positions and taking turns using my ass. When Derek shoved it in me after Donovan needed a break, I literally yelped.

For a long while, I made out with Donovan. His lips tasted heavenly, and the way he worked his tongue against mine was phenomenal. Even though Derek beat Donovan on every level, Donovan kept up perfectly. He knew what to do, how to please me, how to even please Derek. Since he knew Derek had a thing for this and it was our first time, Donovan gave him a show he'd never forget.

I was resting on my side with Derek right up against me. He bucked his hips, thrusting deep into me. He held up my right leg to create more space for him. My whole body burned with intense passion and pain.

"How does it feel?" Donovan asked me.

"Full. It feels full," I panted.

I wasn't touching myself, but I was feeling so close, that if Derek kept going, I'd surely burst.

But right before I got the feeling, he pulled out. I knew right away that he was the one who was going to burst. Derek laid back on the bed, pumping his gifted length as I approached it. I waited eagerly and my patience was rewarded. I opened my mouth and let the first shot of cum land directly on my tongue. Derek moaned deeply as the hot cum went flying all over my mouth and face. I didn't expect how much Derek unleashed on me. It was like a continuous stream. A delicious one. I rubbed my fingers around my mouth to taste as much as I could.

"Wow," Donovan said.

"Are you ready for your turn?" I asked him seductively.

"Oh, hell yeah."

Donovan had previously been observing how I took Derek. He enjoyed the sight like Derek enjoyed him on my cock. It was equally satisfying for the both of them. It turned Donovan on seeing that huge cock inside of me. While not many people would be brave to ride something like that, a lot of us could agree that it was still hot, even if you never tested it out yourself. And Derek just had a beautiful one.

I took the towel that Derek had left on the floor and used it to wipe my face, then instead of throwing it at him to clean himself up, I went back to my gorgeous man and wrapped it around his hard cock, cleaning it gently with the soft fabric.

"I want you both to cum together," Derek said, surprising me.

My plan was to finish Donovan off. Derek seemed to have something else in mind.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Lay back, both of you."

Oh. It just hit me. Derek was a cock whore. OF COURSE.

"Like side by side?" Donovan asked.

"No. Leo, lay back first," he instructed and I followed daddy's orders. I made myself comfortable, dragging my pillow under my head. "Donovan, lay here in front of him."


Donovan wasted no time and crawled in front of me, our ball pressing up against one another, and laid back on the bed. Derek was kind to grab his pillow and give it to Donovan. Now we were laying vertically, our parts connecting. This was how two bottoms fucked each other, by using a large two-way dildo, but that was not happening tonight.

Derek was kneeling next to us, right in the middle, looking down. He grabbed both of our cocks with his hands and stroked them awake. Derek lined them up and licked between where the skin met. Donovan threw his head back and his eyes closed. I on the other hand wanted to watch the whole thing.

Maybe the fact that our cocks were similar made it easier for Derek, but he sunk his head, pushing down as far as he could with both of them stuffed in his hot mouth.

"Fuck, Derek," Donovan moaned.

Hearing that sent shivers throughout my body and even made my dick do a little jump.

Derek wasn't having too much difficulty working with two, but he moved down my length to give it a long lick. I moved my cock away and when Derek looked at me concerned, I nodded at Donovan. He understood immediately.

He shifted his priorities and took Donovan fully into his mouth without warning. Donovan popped his eyes open and groaned roughly. He wasn't expecting Derek to be so good, possibly even better than I was.

"Do you like it?" Derek asked him as they both locked eyes.

"Yeah, don't stop."

My heart was racing. This was like some hot live-action porn happening in front of me. Two of the hottest guys in the world, and one of them I was engaged to, what a fucking plot.

With his free hand, Derek worked me up and down, making sure I wasn't left out. I didn't really mind, it was hot seeing him suck Donovan off. The way he lapped at the skin, the way he fisted the hard cock and used his mouth to aggressively suck the tip and spread the wetness of his saliva and Donovan's precum, it was about to make me pass out.

I had honestly been on the edge for a while. Many times in the past, I'd cum just from simply being fucked by Derek. Tonight was one of those moments, but I had both of them fuck me in multiple positions, so all I needed was the perfect rub or the right moment with Derek's tongue and that was it for me.

Derek bobbed his head, making wet and sloppy noises as he deep throated it all the way. When he finally couldn't keep up and needed more oxygen, he switched to blowing us both at the same time. His eyes were watery, and with that perfect blue, he looked gorgeous.

Derek worked on the top and I used my hands to keep our cocks together, jerking us off from the bottom of our shafts. They were so incredibly wet that I wasn't sure if it was saliva or precum dripping down.

"I'm pretty close," Donovan announced.

Derek didn't stop, so I knew that it would be sooner. I allowed myself to become sensitive and let my body take its natural course. We managed to orgasm at the same. Derek had closed his mouth around our drooling cocks, so every shot spurted all across his tongue and throat. The mind-numbing sensation rushed throughout my body as we emptied ourselves into Derek. Donovan had squeezed my legs on either side of him as he rode out the orgasm. When we stopped shivering and panting, Derek sucked the tips one last time to make sure he got it all.

Like I said, cock whore.

"Holy fuck," Donovan breathed.

Derek used the towel to clean his face as Donovan rolled off the bed and grabbed his briefs from the floor.

"How was that?" I asked, smirking at the both of them.

"It was hot," he said.

"My mouth hurts," Derek said.

Donovan laughed and patted his back. "I'm gonna quickly smoke and then probably jump into the shower again. I feel so hot."

Derek sat with me in bed when Donovan put on his briefs and walked outside to smoke.

"Did you like it?" I asked him quietly.

"Yeah, it was fun."

"It was awkward for me," I admitted.

He wrapped his strong arms around me, his eyes falling down towards my junk. "Why?"

"I think Donovan expected to be fucked by us, but it changed when he saw how big you are. So it was just weird being the only one fucked."

"Maybe next time you can fuck him," he said.

I sat up at that and blinked at him. "Next time?"

He shrugged all cute and innocent. "If you wanted to."

"Did I just hear a next time?" Donovan said from outside, even though the glass door was closed.

We both shrugged as he looked at us.

A next time really did happen, and so much more. After this experience, Donovan became a regular thing. Many months later, when Derek and I finally moved into our first home with his new criminal money, Donovan was still coming over on the weekends and we'd have our fun. He was the only one we ever felt comfortable with and trusted with our relationship and our bodies. He was kind of like our own personal sex slave and we were his. There was nothing ever romantic and Donovan hated relationships, so he had us to fall back on when he wanted some intimacy.

And that wasn't it, oh no, it upgraded a year later when Derek and I started traveling around the world. I had an opportunity with my job to go to France for a whole month. I had to leave Derek behind all alone. And that made a new conversation rise. Basically, I allowed the Donovan visits to continue even without me. They even sent photos and videos to tease me while I was in a foreign country with no dick for an entire month.

Donovan still couldn't take Derek, so my baby had to take one for the team and be a bottom any time I was away.

Eventually I got revenge when Derek had to travel with his grandma on a business trip that lasted two weeks. I took advantage of the situation and turned up the teasing to a maximum level. Karma is a bitch.

Our relationship was never negatively impacted. It was fun and we cared deeply about Donovan. He was like our bestfriend that we sometimes fooled around with and that was okay. We even had a room in our mansion just for him, but he never really used it. Ever since our first time together, he'd sleep with us on the same bed. It was fucking adorable. I had my husband on one side and my . . . my what? What even was he? My fake boyfriend? Unofficial papi of this booty hole? Either way, my life was great.


[Author's Message]: I'M ABOUT TO F*CKING DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE. I want to start this off by saying I'm extremely disappointed in myself with this chapter. Not only did I take forever, but I held back on A LOT. I am so sorry if I disappointed you guys. I know many were waiting. But when I started to write the actual scene, I got a really bad fever and I wanted to pass out for a whole week, BUT I PROMISED THAT I WAS GONNA UPLOAD THE CHAPTER THIS WEEK, SO PUSHED THROUGH IT, AND I DID SO BAD BECAUSE THE LAST THING I WANTED ON MY MIND WAS SEXY TIMES WHILE I WAS DYING. I mostly held back because I wanted to save the good 3some ideas for my new boyxboyxboy "Psychosexual" and if you haven't already checked it out, I H8 u with love. Hopefully you check it out. I might even consider having Derek and Leo show up in it a second time. WHAT? THEY APPEARED IN THE BOOK? yea sis. Okay, I'm still with my fever so holy crap I feel like trash, more than I usually do. I'm sorry for beating myself up so much, it's normal for writers to do that LOL. Still, I hope it was a fun read for you all. 

Please don't tell me what you do with the chapter, I don't wanna know.

Since this is most likely the last chapter for Step Brothers, please leave all your comments. If you have any questions, I will happily answer them. If you have questions about their relationship or their future, I will HAPPILY tell you all of it. Careful with asking sexy related questions, because God is watching. But I'll also answer those. JUST GIVE ME ATTENTION, MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A GOOD WRITER BEFORE I ADD A NEW SEASON TO "13 REASONS WHY" SERAPHINA EDITION. (jk, this fever is just really going at me rn)

Okay, bye, ily guys, ty for reading and supporting. Go add Psychosexual to your libraries and read it. <3

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