The Donovan Special (Part 1/2)

Future Author: Hi, my binches. It is I, Seraphina from the future. I'm here to let you guys know, that after a lot of thinking, I have decided to no longer make this cannon. Instead, I am giving YOU the choice. If you want it to be cannon, it will be. If you don't, it won't be. Read it for fun, but don't take it too serious. I understand why some of you thought it ruins the relationship, and I've said my piece, but I've had a long time to think and I think it's best to let the reader decide if they want this 3some to be real or not. Thank you for reading and for always giving me your feedback. This is proof it's always important, because you guys are just as important as I am to this story. <3 Enjoy

[Leo's Point Of View]

It took a few weeks for my leg to fully heal. I had enjoyed my time on the wheelchair, and even when I switched to crutches, but my sexy ass leggy leg leg was finally back to normal.

I would like to never be shot again, that would be nice. I wouldn't wish it on anyone except my haters. It was SO annoying going to school. But so cool when I told everyone I got shot. The attention was phenomenal. I loved it. I was like an unofficial famous gangster. I could have more of that.

But not by being shot.

Something else could shoot me though.

Speaking of Derek. He was literally the best boyfriend, slash fiance, ever in the history of men. Seriously. Men were the most horrible part of humanity, but Derek was not one of them. Derek kept his promise, and more. He took care of me, showered me with unconditional love and support, and he made sure to always be there for me every day.

Derek had been extremely busy dealing with his mom's not-so-little treasure. Like honestly, who the frig had millions laying around? And imagine how much money could be buried right now, just sitting there waiting to be dug up. No one was complaining though, my man had money now. I could retire now.

Ever since my injury, I couldn't really do much. I spent a lot of time in my hotel room, too scared to go outside for many reasons. The first reason was Derek's uncle. He literally disappeared, like actually. Where did he go? Hopefully the Bermuda triangle. But grandma (Not my grandma by the way) believed he was still around, just waiting for people to forget that he may possibly be a full blown homosexual. Still, I was scared he would come back and finish the job. I was the job. I was the fucking job he'd be finishing.

The second was the bad hombres. For over a month, I stayed indoors. But could you blame me? I was shot with an actual gun. I had PTSD being inside cars now. Every morning when Derek drove me to school, my eyes would not stop searching every corner and every car that drove past us. They said it was taken care of, but as long as Derek had that money, you could never be so sure.

It was currently Friday and I was laying in bed after I had my lunch. I stared up at the ceiling. The hotel room was pretty nice, Derek picked everything out himself. The room had three parts: the bedroom, the bathroom, and the kitchen. Since Derek wanted me away from the dorms, he insisted on a room that could serve me like a studio apartment. I had everything I needed for now and it was super comfortable.

The style was fancy and modern, with most of the colors being dark. Actually, all of the colors were dark—they were black, grey, and the only white was the marble counters, half of the bed sheets, and the pillows. I called it a very "masculine" room. This was the type of shit men got boners from when it came to interior design. It was still pleasant to look at. There was a long couch in front of the window next to the balcony door and a massive television staring down at the bed.

So basically, I spent my month healing comfortably like a prince.

Derek was currently on his way. He had been on some business meetings all morning and was finally free to come back to me. He had attended the meetings with his grandma and they were planning huge things. I would only see him at night, which was still good enough considering I used to only see him very little when we were long distance. It made me feel warm inside, like I was a wife waiting for her husband to come home from work.

He mentioned something about a surprise, so I jumped into the shower for like an hour. I had no idea what the surprise was. It could be food, it could be a dog, or it could be his Alaskan Bull Worm—hence the shower. It could be anything and I wanted to be prepared.

One of the weird things about this hotel room was the bathroom door. There was no door. It was a wall that you could slide all the way down and leave it open. I never closed it because it was just me and Derek, and sometimes I liked when he watched from the bedroom as I showered.

So when Derek walked in, I was in the bathroom, sitting on the beautiful white stool in front of the magnificent mirror adorned with bright lights for a beautiful woman like me to take her selfies and do her makeup. And he wasn't alone. And I was mostly naked. And the entire bathroom wall was open.

At first I didn't see who it was because Derek turned around quickly to block the view when he saw I was having my moment. I jumped off the stool and grabbed a towel to cover my goodies.

"Sorry," Derek said. "I forgot to text you."

"I'll be out in a second," I said as I ran quickly to close the bathroom wall. Normally, I would never be embarrassed to be caught in my birthday suit, but I had no idea who was with him. It could be Obama.

I dried my hair with a towel until it looked presentable. My clothes weren't in the bathroom, so I had to wear my shorts without anything else. I could hear their voices from the balcony. I had no idea what they were talking about, it just sounded like a bunch of mumbling. When I was done, I opened the bathroom wall again.

There I was, looking spectacular in my shorts and nothing underneath, shirtless and semi-wet, while Derek looked handsome in his black suit. And there he was, Donovan, leaning against the balcony, smoking a cigarette. I suddenly wanted to jump back into the bathroom and hot glue the walls together so I could never escape.

Their backs were facing me, but even then I moved like a ninja as I eased my way towards my suitcase filled with clothes. Before I could make it, Donovan turned around and leaned back against the rail, facing me completely while my body was frozen. He caught me and waved at me, flashing a smile. Derek noticed and turned too. They were both waving at me so I flipped them off and went back to walking normally.

They both came back in when I put on a shirt.

"So this is the surprise," I said, smiling back at Donovan.

"Yeah, he really wanted to see you."

"Glad to see your leg is doing better," he said.

"Well, if you hadn't helped us, it could have ended worse. So thank you."


Donovan was too cute. When he was quiet, he was all mysterious and sexy, but when he interacted with you, he let you see another side of him that you wouldn't normally expect based on looks. He was super attractive, but there was something about him that made you feel powerless. He had this dominant energy that made your knees weak, but when he talked, he was so kind and sweet that it confused the hell out of you. Like, was he going to beat my ass, or was he going to beat my ass?

"I made reservations for us," Derek said. "Just a way to thank him for everything he's done."

"Oh, really? When are we leaving?"


That was really nice of Derek to do. Donovan did a lot more than just help us during the chase. He did a lot more behind the scenes after everything happened. That was one of the reasons I believed his soul was truly kind, regardless of his outer appearance or how he presented himself to others. I only met him once, and it was a weird night not gonna lie, but even with our short time together, he went above and beyond to make sure Derek and I would never land in the same situation again. He and his people found the bad hombres and took care of everything, promising us that we were safe.

But because I was me, I had to take special precautions. I didn't believe we were fully safe, but I did trust him enough to let my guard down a little bit. I couldn't really control the PTSD, but everything else was calm now thanks to Donovan.

"Tonight is a long way, are we doing anything else before then?" I asked.

"I wanted to get to know you both more," Donovan answered. "I have a feeling we're going to be friends for a long time."

"Oh my god? A chance to talk about myself?" I said, acting surprised, but it was a little too real for them to take as a joke. I was full of myself. "Sit down, let's talk!"

Derek chuckled as Donovan quickly took a seat on the couch. I rolled over my bed and sat on the edge so we could face each other. Derek sat next to me and looked like his usual self.

"I really wanna know how you both met," Donovan started. "I already know you're engaged, but I'm surprised at how long you've been together. I've never met anyone, especially gay, who has been together that long."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, us gays suck. We can't keep a relationship, but some of us got hella lucky."

I started explaining how we met. It was a long and complicated story, and some tears came out while I was telling the story. Donovan never spoke until I was finished telling the story.

"So . . ." Donovan wasn't sure of how to word what he wanted to say, his face made a bunch of expressions while thinking about it and it made me nervous. "It's not . . . incest, right?"

"Oh my god."

"No," Derek replied. "We are not related in any type of way and we started liking each other before we were technically step brothers, or before we could form a sibling relationship. We were just . . . two boys, who had parents that were together."

"I think it's pretty cute," Donovan said. "It's like a cliche story come true."

"I don't see it, but okay," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"

"I said yeah, it's pretty cute." I turned my head to give my step brother a kiss on the cheek.

"What about you?" Derek asked. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"I don't do relationships."

"What do you mean?"

Donovan got more comfortable on the couch. We weren't keeping track of time, but my story alone took an hour. Everyone was getting uncomfortable just sitting around.

"I don't know, I just don't like relationships. I've tried dating in the past, but it wasn't what I wanted. I'm just one of those people that prefer to be alone."

I touched my heart like that was the saddest thing I'd ever heard.

"So you only do hookups?" I asked, remembering about our night. Derek looked at me and my eye twitched. Sorry, babe.

"I mean, I still get horny, so yeah."

I asked the famous question, "Are you gay?"

He grinned at the question. "I don't know. I don't know what I am. I've just never really cared, honestly. I think labels are a waste of time."

"That's really cool," I said sincerely. "I wish I could be like that. Some labels help me feel less anxious about things. I can't explain it."

"Oh, yeah, if it makes you feel better, go for it. It just doesn't work for me."

"I'm gay," Derek said.

"Nobody asked," I said.


"Am I allowed to talk about it?" Donovan asked, his voice went back to being low and quiet. This meant serious time.

"It doesn't bother me anymore," Derek said.

"Oh, not that," Donovan said, laughing suddenly. "I mean about what happened between you two."

I snorted. "Which part?"

Derek smacked my arm.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it," Donovan said.

I could tell he felt bad about bringing it up. "It's okay, you can ask anything you want. I trust you."

"Why did you break up? What happened when you weren't together?"

He didn't know the full story. Derek told me he shared some things with him, but not all of it. I'd be curious too if I were him.

"Leo cheated," Derek said abruptly.

My jaw dropped. "Derek!"

He was laughing hard. "I'm just kidding."

"It should be ILLEGAL for you to make jokes!"

"No, but seriously, he cheated."


"What? Why are you saying letters?"

"Here's what really happened," I said, turning to Donovan and sitting up like the therapist I was going to be.

Another hour flew by. My stories were taking too long to explain, but they were complicated. No, our lives were complicated. But if Donovan really wanted to know and be a part of our lives, then I was going to take my sweet ass time explaining.

"Wow, that really is complicated." Donovan was now laying down on the couch. I was either his therapist, or drawing him like one of my french girls.

"Can I ask you something really serious?"


"Have you ever killed anyone?"


I didn't mean to gasp out loud, but I couldn't take it back now.

"Can you talk about it?" Derek asked.

"It's better if I don't. This kind of life isn't a joke. Once you're in a gang, your life completely changes and the only game you play is with your life. Sometimes you're going to have to do things you don't want to do, but it's the only choice you have, or before you know it you're dead."

"That's scary," I said.

"Don't worry, I'd never put you two in danger."

"Okay, my PTSD is calling, let's change the subject before I pass out," I said as I felt my heart racing thinking of the gun shots. "Actually, I have a question for you."


"I heard you found my fiance cute. What's good?"

Donovan laughed all innocent, but he was not innocent. He wanted my man.

"You're both cute."

"Who is cuter?" I questioned with my eyes squinted threateningly. "And don't say both, you have to pick one. And the one that you don't pick dies."

Derek threw me a look.

Donovan hummed, meaning he was taking the question seriously. "You're both cute in different ways, but I'd have to go with Leo."


"Is that because you had sex with him?"

The way Derek said that made me shrink and suddenly I was really uncomfortable. Gluing myself in the bathroom seemed like a good idea right about now.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to—"

"I'm joking," Derek said, giggling to himself.

"Now you understand why it should be illegal for him to make jokes?"

"Yeah, I get it now."

"What? Not my fault you guys can't take jokes."

"Oh, honey."

"Leo and I had our moment while we were away from each other. He had sex with you, I had sex with a friend, so it's okay. Leo is the cutest anyway."

"Aw, that's the weirdest nicest thing ever." I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled happily at my future hubby.

"You guys are a little strange, but in a good way."

"So the bar is yours, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is. It belonged to my father. He passed it down to me when he died and I've been running it ever since. You guys should visit some time. We have really good times."

I cackled. Yeah, really good times.

"Leo . . ." Derek warned.

"Whaaaaat? I was thinking about the weed, not that."

"We can have other kinds of fun too, if you want," Donovan suggested, winking at our reactions.

"What?" Derek said.

"I'm saying, if you want more creative ways to thank me . . ."

"What?" I said.

"I'd love to have you both is what I'm saying."

"Oughh!" I fell off the bed and landed face first on the carpet floor.

Derek laughed nervously. "We'll think about it."

"Sure," Donovan said, smiling at Derek.

Did nobody give a fuck that I just fell and almost broke my face? They didn't even help me up. No, they were too busy eye-fucking each other. Poor Leo, he fell, boo-hoo, what a little bitch. Let's forget he exists and imagine what our long cocks feel like stuffed in each other.

I cleared my throat and sat back down like nothing happened.

"Anyway," I said. "Derek has always wanted a threesome, so sure."

Derek glanced at me so fast I thought he might have been the grudge's long lost brother.

"Don't you think we should privately discuss that before agreeing?" Derek said.

I looked over at Donovan. "Don't worry, he wants to. He has some weird fetish about seeing someone else blow me, but doesn't really like admitting it because then he feels like what happened between me and my best-friend was nothing and he was only overreacting, which is false because that was completely different than having a consensual threesome."

"Leo, can I talk to you privately?" Derek used his angry-daddy voice.

"Uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Derek took me outside to the hall where Donovan couldn't hear us.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"What? You've always wanted to have a threesome and here's your opportunity."

"Yeah, but maybe I don't feel comfortable doing it with Donovan? Or maybe let me think about it before you accept?"

I sighed. "You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Are you actually considering it?"

I shrugged. "I'm indifferent about it. It's up to you. I thought you'd want to since you seem to really like Donovan."

"Maybe. He seems cool, I just never thought about that. I mean, I've thought about you two doing it, because you have done it."

"Yeah, I should've thought about it before I opened my mouth, sorry."

"I love you."

I snickered like a bitch. "I love you too."

"I'm gonna feel left out if I agree to it."

I wrapped my hands around him as I felt his nervousness. "Why is that?"

"Cause you guys have already done it? You've literally seen each other naked. And I know I said it doesn't bother me anymore that it happened, but I still feel uncomfortable when I picture him inside of you, making you feel way better than I could ever."

I scoffed. "Nobody will ever be better than you. I'm not saying that because you're my boyfriend either. Nobody will ever be better than you. And to be honest, I can't remember much of him. It was dark and I was in a weird state of mind, so I can only remember a few details."

"I bet he remembers it all. There's no way anyone could forget you." He said that in such a sexy way that my dick responded almost instantly. He picked me up and lifted me off the ground, kissing my lips hard and desperate.

"Wait, are we really going to let a murderer fuck us? The thought of randomly being murdered is so sexy."

"That's why I said we should think about it before we start saying yes," he said and went back to kissing me, hushing me completely. "Also, who said he's fucking us? Maybe we're fucking him."

"Let's go back inside before someone catches us trying to hump each other."

Derek grabbed my hand, opened the door and pulled me inside. With Donovan watching from the couch, Derek dropped back on the bed with me on top. He grabbed my face and pushed his lips against mine, breathing heavily as he swallowed my saliva. I couldn't last more than a couple of seconds before I burst out laughing.

I laid my head on Derek's chest and watched Donovan. His reaction was definitely telling me he wanted to bury all inches down both of our throats. I couldn't help it, we were a hot a couple.

"We'll think about it," I told him.

"I sure fucking hope so after that."


[Author's Message]: AAAhh!! It's happening! After a billion years, this exciting time has arrived! I can't wait to post the next part and make you all faint, but that part is still a work in progress and I love teasing you guys so I decided to split it into parts. This also gives me more chances to PROMOTE MY NEW BOYXBOYXBOY "PSYCHOSEXUAL" OUT NOW ON MY WATTPAD. Do you like Step Brothers? Do you like Leo? Do you like boys in general? Do you wish you had TWO hot boyfriends that loved you and each other and it's all just a nice pile of steamy hotness? Then start reading my new story while you wait for the next part <3 tyvm ily

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