Road Trip - Chapter Twenty-Two
(Leo's Point Of View)
The first thing I felt when I woke up was emptiness. Thankfully, the gay gods saved me today, because the emptiness was not in my heart, but next to me on the bed. I reached out, patting the empty cold spot and opened my eyes. Judging by how cold, he must have gotten out of bed a long time ago, maybe even stayed up.
After doing some sensual stretching and rolling around like a dog, I got up, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I looked around Derek's room and wondered if I should put some clothes on, but decided against it. I climbed off the bed and ran to the door, but quietly opened it in case Sasha was still sleeping. The house was too quiet and Derek might be out. I closed the door behind me and turned left to go into the bathroom but I was exposed.
"Why are you walking around naked?" Derek asked.
I froze, my back and ass to him. He was at his computer desk, I could tell, which unfortunately gave you a perfect view of anyone walking out of his room. I released some unintelligible alien noises and stormed into the bathroom, breathing heavily.
"I'm good," I said to myself as I walked up to the mirror. I first noticed my dick as I grabbed my toothbrush. "How are you still even breathing?"
Last night was truly unexpected. It was nice, different and gave me the biggest orgasm I've had in months. Now have to come up with a plan on how to return the favor, but like, amp it up by a hundred percent. But that was the hard task, just coming up with an idea, because Derek was a simple man, he liked my hole, and that was the end of it. How could I provide more than that? Two holes?
Great, now I'm triggered.
I showered after brushing my teeth and came out feeling like a brand new Leo, fresh out of the vagina. There was no towel in the bathroom and I didn't want to walk out of the bathroom naked. I was comfortable doing it when I was alone. If Sasha was awake, and he saw even a glimpse of his momma's ass, I would die.
"Pst," I whispered when I opened the door, sticking out only my mouth. "Give me a towel."
I heard Derek's chair roll back and I pulled back, waiting for the towel as I modelled in front of the mirror. I covered my nipples because if women couldn't show their nipples, then Leo couldn't show his nipples.
Derek walked in with a towel, interrupting my problematic dialogue with myself. I was just getting to the fact that I was too busy trying to cover my nipples that I forgot my THING was dangling freely and that defeats the whole purpose.
"Morning," he said, smirking as he closed the door behind him. Sasha was definitely still home, otherwise he would have pulled my ass out of the bathroom and fucked me on the carpet.
"I'm wet and I'd really like to unwet myself," I said, taking the towel and rubbing it through my hair and face.
"I can help with that," he said as he pushed me back against the counter till I was sitting on it and spread my legs apart. He covered my soft dick with his mouth and began sucking until I was hard as a rock.
"Really?" I groaned, shutting my eyes as my body shut down with content. "Now?"
"Mhm," he hummed as he licked me up and down, bobbing his head as he deep throated my length. My body was dripping water from the shower, I was cold and shivering, and there was only one part that felt warm and that area was having so much attention that it made the rest of me numb.
"Is your plan to torture me all day?" I asked with one eye open.
"Maybe. Do you have a problem with it?"
"I mean . . ." I had to stop because he was looking up at me with his blue eyes while his mouth did tricks on my poor innocent dick and I couldn't even breathe properly. "If this is what's gonna happen today, I'm gonna be shooting out dust by tonight."
He laughed, licking his lips. Derek was fucking killing me.
"Don't worry, I'm not actually going to blow you every chance I get."
"Woo-hoo!" I said sarcastically.
"I want to save what I can for tonight."
I brushed my hand through his hair, messing it all up and grabbing a full fist of it. I took control and guided his mouth, pushing him down when I wanted and with my other hand making sure it was lined up perfectly. His mouth was wet and shiny and he looked so good in this position that I wished I had it permanently photographed.
As I felt the orgasm coming, I held him down and without a warning exploded in his mouth. He choked from the unexpected but was a good boy and swallowed. Still, some dripped down his mouth and got caught in his facial hair. I thought he would have gotten rid of it when he came back, but he was probably going to grow it out again. Normally, I didn't mind when he had facial hair. He looked fucking hot, but it was different when it was a beard. I didn't like a beard on him because it made me feel old like I was an old wife with her old husband and they were buying their romantic coffins.
He didn't stop licking and sucking until I was dry, which could honestly make me cum again.
"Love you," he said, kissing my lips and giving me a taste of myself.
"Love you," I replied, wiping my lips on the back of my hand.
"Wanna go out today?" he asked as he helped me down from the counter.
"Go where?" I asked.
"Like on a date."
"A date?"
"Yeah, a date. We haven't been on one in a while."
"Okay, sure," I said, trying not to smile. I didn't want to embarrass myself by giggling to death.
He went to open the door but only kept it slightly open so a certain person couldn't see in. He stared me down and I kind of shrunk in my head, confused why he was looking at me that way. But then he answered my thoughts and made my knees weak.
"You look pretty after you cum."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This is not squishy, but it's guiding you to the next scene anyway (lol)
"You see these?" I pointed at the Cheetos in the chip aisle.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Sasha muttered, turning away so I couldn't look at him side-eyeing the chips.
"Look at me," I said sternly.
"Sasha," I said, using my mom voice. I learned well from Jenny.
"S-stop screaming."
Instead of continuing my motherhood, I hugged him. He stiffened but I didn't let go even as people walked by staring, judging. They were probably wondering why we were so damn good looking.
"I'm not screaming at you," I said, this time using my sweet voice. "I just don't want you to keep buying Cheetos with Derek's grocery money."
"I already said I wasn't going to do it again," he said, annoyed. "Stop touching me, I'm not gay."
I pulled away and gave him the dirtiest look.
"Just because I give you affection, doesn't mean it's gay or that I'm flirting with you. You need to understand that, Sasha."
He raised his brows and puckered his lips. "Whatever you say, slut."
"I can't wait till the purge is real," I muttered under my breath and went back to pushing the grocery cart.
The only reason I wanted Sasha to come along was so that I could teach him what groceries to buy. It was a specific routine when you were poor. You couldn't just buy anything you wanted, there was a strategy to it. You also had to watch out for sales and even coupons if you really wanted the extra help.
And because he owed Derek back for all the Cheetos he bought. Sasha promised he was going to get his job back, he only needed a ride there. Right now I was using my own money to buy groceries for Derek.
I did the rest of it by myself while Sasha ran across the street to the other side of the avenue where his old job was. We met up half an hour later at my car in the grocery store's parking lot. I was confused when I saw him – he was sweating and panting heavily.
"W.T.F. Sasha, what happened?" I said as I put away the last of the groceries in the trunk.
"Nothing. Can we go now?"
"No. Tell me what happened."
He groaned. "I saw your female friend."
"My female friend?"
"Nicole," he said nervously. "She was walking around with a bag of frozen fries. I couldn't get to my job without bumping into her."
"And you didn't want her to see you?"
"Why? She's Derek's best-friend, you know?"
"I know."
I narrowed my eyes. "Do you . . . like her?"
"N-no." His eyes told a different story, and so did his sweaty skin. "I don't like her. She's weird."
I crossed my arms and put on a smug expression. "You know . . . she's a great person, a great girlfriend and even a great lover." Teasingly, I wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"I wouldn't know," he murmured. "I've only had sex with one person."
"I thought you said you've never dated anyone."
"I said I can't date my cousin."
I covered my mouth in horror.
"Okay, I think we should go," I said, my voice coming out high-pitched.
As we got in my car, I turned on the air all the way up so he could cool down. I had a suspicion that Sasha truly liked Nicole and this was the most interesting thing to happen since my relationship with Derek. It was my time to shine as the best match-maker.
When we got back to the apartment, Sasha helped me carry the bags. He wasn't sweating anymore, but he hadn't said another word after I accused him of liking Nicole. He was still nervous, which was just proving I was right.
"HONEY, I'M HOME!" I announced as I barged in, dropping the bags on the floor. I ran to Derek's bedroom and went in without knocking – because I was his boyfriend and I didn't need to knock – and found him crying. "Derek?"
"Oh, hey. Didn't hear you."
His back was facing me as he sat on the edge of the bed – his side specifically. His head was down and so were his shoulders. He looked broken and I didn't know why. It made my heart skip a beat, like maybe I had done something wrong or maybe because the reality of the moment was that Derek wasn't supposed to be here. He was never meant to be released, meaning he still wasn't okay.
"Hey," I said as I sat next to him, wrapping my arm around his waist.
This is where he revealed the story behind his mother – the real story: The traumatic and sad story kept hidden from him. At first I wasn't sure of what to break the silence with. Derek always had issues when it came to things relating to his mother and I understood now why he fell apart and why he came home practically crying.
The hardest part was trying to put myself in his shoes to understand what he was going through so I could be a good boyfriend to him. It was impossible. I did not know what it felt like to lose a parent and to later find out how it really happened. My relationship with my father wasn't the best, but he was still alive. He was one of those types that said "It says in the bible this and that, but I still love you" which was complete crap and nowhere close to what Derek had to suffer through.
Derek lost his mom early in his life. She was special, I knew that. Even if he hadn't spent many years with her, those few that he got were ones that he would never forget. I could not, no matter how hard I tried, imagine what it would be like to not have a parent.
"You should wait for me in the living room while I get ready," he said.
"What? We don't have to go, Derek. It's okay if we just stay home, lay in bed, watch a movie or something."
"I know you can't keep coming up here and missing work days. You've already spent so much money on gas and food. I can't let you do that anymore."
I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. I almost regretted it when I saw his deep blue eyes staring back at me with sadness. Boys who had emotions in their eyes made me WEAK.
"I don't care about any of those things, you know that," I said quietly, holding his face.
"I know," he replied, bringing up a hand to grab mine and pull it away from his face, "but it doesn't mean you can pull money out of your ass to keep visiting me. I want this date because I know I won't see you again for a bit. I'm not dumb, Leo."
"You're a little dumb," I said with a dead serious look in my face.
"Okay." I tapped his knee and he flinched at it. "I'll go wait for you in the living room." I knew there was no reason for me to wait for him in the living room, he just wanted to be alone, possibly cry more. I only got up and left him because he knew I loved him and I was there for him for whatever reason, but sometimes some quiet tears were much needed.
Sasha was kind enough to get the rest of the groceries, but left them all by the door. He was currently in the shower. One by one, I picked up the bags and put away the groceries. While I packed away, I thought about how genuinely happy it made me to have Sasha around. When I was gone, Derek was still going to have someone with him. He wasn't going to be alone. And I knew he had problems keeping male friendships. I still remembered when he told me about the guys at his construction job, how they made fun of him because he was gay and how shocked they were because he didn't look the part. As if us gays just go around wearing high heels and tutus.
Okay, maybe I did that, but that was totally a coincidence. Straight people were a little too obsessed with what gay people did, it was weird. Like, so what if a guy was feminine, or gay, or both? It still didn't make your wife think you were a manly man, you're still a disappointment Bob and your kids hate you.
Derek was such a kind-hearted person. For the most part, he never argued back. But it was a fifty fifty situation. If he was in a bad mood, then . . . I would not want to be around him. If he was in a good mood? He'd just laugh at you. If he was neutral, he'd ignore you. BUT WHEN HE WAS IN A BAD MOOD, OH BOY. It was fun to watch from afar. He would fight homophobes and it was inspirational.
He couldn't do it at his construction job, though. He'd get fired, because all of them were homophobic. At least he had support at his other job, "Good Enough Buy". They were really nice and I actually knew them.
By the time I was done putting everything away, Sasha was out of the bathroom but Derek was still locked away in his room.
"Oh, GOD!" I yelped when I saw Sasha in the couch, shirtless, thinking he was naked.
"I'm not, but thank you," he said.
"Can you put on some clothes?"
I knew he had clothes to put on. I was there with him when he snuck back into his parent's house to quickly grab his things and go. I remembered he had to climb through a window because he didn't have keys to the place. I was basically in a burglary. And that was how Sasha and I bonded and he stopped calling me a bitch-looking-ass.
Sasha had a really nice body. He didn't even work out, so it left me suspicious of him. All he did was consume Cheetos. How?
"Hey, you ready to go?" Derek said.
"Not now, Derek. I'm mentally cheating on you. Look away."
Sasha just stared back at me and slowly covered his nipples.
"Are you wondering why he has a nice body when all he eats is Cheetos?" he asked.
"Yeah, happened to me, too."
When I turned around to look at Derek, I almost melted into the ground and seeped through the floor, dripping on the downstairs neighbor, letting them know I was just murdered. Derek was wearing something that wasn't black, and something that maybe he shouldn't be wearing out in public.
It was a long-sleeved white shirt that said "Call me Daddy" in big bold text.
"You have a lot of nerve," I muttered.
He looked down at his outfit. "What? You bought it for me," he said, pretending he was innocent.
"Da-ddy?" Sasha said, squinting at the letters.
"Woah!" I turned back to him, pointing a mom finger. "That's my daddy! Get your own."
"Are you ready to go?" Derek asked again, getting impatient.
"Bye, Sasha!" I said as I headed for the door.
"Don't talk to me."
Derek rolled his eyes. "I feel like you're both dating."
"Why would you insult me like that?" Sasha said.
"It's not an insult, it's a privilege!" I retorted and Derek dragged me outside as I tried to fight Sasha. "What? Why won't you let me beat him up? I don't deserve how much he bullies me."
"Leave Sasha alone," he said.
"You're taking his side?" I cried.
"Why do I feel like I'm the only normal one?"
"Can we go to that bowling place?" I said, ignoring his side comment.
"Which one?" he asked as we left the apartment complex and walked to his car. "And you don't even like bowling."
"The gay-friendly one. And I didn't say I wanted to go for the bowling experience. Remember the bar?"
"Oh, the one with the onion rings?"
My mouth basically watered at the mention of the rings of heaven. This was the only circle shaped object with a hole that I wouldn't mind watching Derek eat through.
"Yes, the one Samara wishes she could climb through."
He made a confused look as he got in the car first.
"Um," Derek said as we sat in his car. He was suddenly so awkward and it made me uncomfortable. He pulled out his phone and held it in front of us. I looked at it and back at him, then back at the phone, then back at him. "I'm . . . I'm trying to take a picture of us."
"Oh, shit!" I smiled brightly, posing like the hottest piece of Italian Sausage in the world. "Adoro le palle!"
"Take the picture," I said through my teeth.
"You know I hate when you speak Italian."
"Don't be racist," I said as I relaxed my face muscles after having to force a smile.
"Every time you say something it's always really really bad!" he defended.
"Just because I called that old lady what she rightfully was, doesn't mean it was bad, it was honest and she deserved it," I said, putting on my seatbelt and turning up the radio. Taylor Swift started playing and I changed the station. I clutched my chest when I heard Tinashe playing.
"It's for Molly."
I suddenly stopped feeling myself when I heard the word. I watched him from the corner of my eyes like a creep. "Are you talking about . . . "
"My sister?"
"Oh! Oh."
"She was calling me at the hospital a lot asking for proof that we're together."
I blocked him out as he talked about how annoying his sister was, as I was reminded of something important. I pulled out my own phone and quickly texted Dakota, asking if he was still around. How could I forget he was still here? Oh, right, how could I not.
"Hey, have you checked your text messages?" I asked.
"No, why?"
"God, this is why I hate you sometimes." That came out a little too harsh, but I knew Derek understood what I meant. He was the worst texter alive and sometimes wouldn't text back and I had to call him to get his attention. Like, who the hell calls? Me, apparently, because my boyfriend is shitty.
"Did you text me something while I was in the hospital forgetting I couldn't use it?"
"No." I snorted. "I'm not stupid."
This wasn't something I wanted to say out loud, but before our relationship started blooming again, he was obsessed with my social media, right? Then why was he still a shitty texter? You had time to be jealous over who I took selfies with but you couldn't text back?
Boys are only good for headaches, I swear.
"I'll send her the picture later," he said, dropping his phone as he drove.
(Yes, the photo is meant to represent Derek. I'm trying to keep it really realistic)
It was Saturday night, the weather was nice, the birds were chirping, and the bowling place was filled with gays. When we walked in, I stumbled back at the scent of desperation and bendy wrists. Derek held me up and we continued in but headed to the other side, where the fun awaited. And by fun, I just meant the onion rings.
I had only been here once and Derek twice. Nicole was the one that found the place and it was really cool, I'd go to it more if I lived close enough. Everyone looked happy and friendly and the most important part was that it was a safe place. The owners were a straight couple from India, but they were so sweet and loved the gays more than anything. Their daughter was a big vagina lover and they supported her tremendously.
The bar wasn't empty, but not overwhelmingly full. We found a nice table and made ourselves comfortable while one of the waiters saw us and rode in his skates to get menus for us.
"Heeeeeey, sis," the waiter yelled as he wiggled his way to our table. "My name is Rosebud and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you anything to drink?" He accidentally threw the menus at our faces as he lost his balance and fell on his ass. "Oh, Jesus Popsicles! I've worked five years in this place and I still can't tell what's up and what's down. I'm like the little girl in the vine where she says she can't swim, but I can't skate!"
"I'll have a lemonade," I said.
"Okay, sis, give me a second, let me – ugh." His arms wobbled as he kept his weight up using the table. He smiled proudly when he managed to stand up straight. "Okay, so a lemonade and–"
"I'll have . . . a margarita, on the rocks."
"Okay, honey. Any appetizers?"
"I want like ten onion rings," I whispered to him.
He leaned over, "Sister, you know they're the size of your head? Are you sure you want ten of them?"
"Yes," I said proudly.
"Okay, good! I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. I am so proud of you," he said, writing down. Derek didn't order anything else so Rosebud pushed himself away and rolled to the next table, falling again. "Oh, shit, fuck. At this rate I'm not gonna have an ass!"
"So, I have a surprise for you later," I told Derek.
"Are we talking about –"
"No, not that. It's a person." Was that all he thought about? That month in the hospital must have been torture for him.
I already knew all I wanted was onion rings, so I just watched him staring down at the menu and I thought about he gorgeous he was. I rested my chin on my hands, admiring him while he wasn't paying attention. To this day, I couldn't believe he was mine.
"Heeeey, bitches! I got your onion rings!" Rosebud returned, carrying THREE baskets and our drinks on his other hand. "I would sue you for making me do this much work, but you're cute so I'll let it slide." He was talking to me. Usually people flirted with Derek, not me.
"Oh, thanks," I said, covering my cheeks.
He put our drinks down and carefully placed the basket of rings in front of me.
"Can I get you anything else?" he asked Derek.
"I'll have the nachos."
"Gotcha! And because it's policy, I'd like to let you know that for dessert we are serving cake." He turned around and jiggled his butt and sighed sadly. "I hate my job." He opened his arms wide and pushed himself on one leg like a beautiful flamingo.
Before I dove into the onion rings – which I've been staring at hungrily – I got up and sat next to Derek, pulling up my phone. It was my turn to take a picture of us. Derek smiled awkwardly and I of course gave the camera some sex on a stick. My god I was gorgeous.
"I haven't posted anything about us since you know . . ." I said as I walked back to my seat. "I know my friends have gossiped before, they're just waiting for confirmation. This will be the best confirmation announcement ever." I tapped the screen and added the caption "Date night with my dad" and posted it on my story.
I put my phone away and almost started foaming at the mouth when I picked up the first large onion ring. It was so big, brown and crispy. Some people liked to eat them with ketchup, but this place had an original spicy ranch sauce that came with it, so I dipped my first ring in the white savory heaven and took my first bite.
My mouth tingled from all the flavors and I was certain I produced more saliva than a steamy session with Derek.
"You're so weird," Derek said, chuckling.
"Don't attack me in my most vulnerable state," I said defensively. "I'm not judging you for drinking a damn margarita."
After a little over an hour went by, I received a text. My breathing became quick and uneasy as I read it and looked towards the entrance. Why did I even do this? Why the hell would I want Dakota with us? On what planet did that make any sense? I was so nervous I could vomit the onion rings back on the baskets.
I texted a reply and waited, sipping on my lemonade.
Beyonce, if you're listening, send me your blessings, I thought.
When I spotted him, I tried to be inconspicuous when I waved. Derek was oblivious up until Dakota was right at our table, slowly walking up. Derek was confused why I was making a face but then looked at what I was looking.
"Dakota?" he said in disbelief.
"Hey, guys!"
"I invited him," I said when Derek just remained speechless.
It took him a few more seconds to process and when he did he got up and hugged Dakota. While I watched with a burning sensation in my heart (possibly due to the onion rings, not because I was jealous), I saw Rosebud mouthing "You betta watch yo man" at me.
"I can't believe you're here," Derek said.
"Sit, my child, sit," I said, tapping the stool next to me.
Dakota sat next to me and he smelled good, like really good. He better be trying to impress me and not Derek. Somebody, eventually, was going to have to catch these hands. (Probably Sasha).
I gave them some time to talk and catch up while I received hundreds of notifications of people being shocked that Derek and I were together again. The fact that people even knew we broke up was astonishing. You couldn't keep anything a secret in this community; it all spread like a tsunami of screaming bottoms.
I noticed Nathan looked at my snapchat and I didn't know why but it made me sad. Depending on what time I leave tomorrow, I might see him and hang out. But I needed to be there before complete darkness so that I could get some decent sleep for school the next day. I also had to move back into our dorm and leave Asha and Tanika alone.
The rest of the night went by happily. Dakota wasn't so bad. I got to know him a little more from the conversations we had. He ended up leaving first because he was going back home. He also made me promise I'd hang out with him since we lived extremely close to each other.
When we got back home, Derek and I relaxed, and then made love like five times before we passed out. Everything in life was slowly going back into place like the perfect puzzle piece our lives deserved to be.
[Message]: It's been a long while since there was a chapter of just NICE and SWEET stuff. This is mostly a filler chapter, but it's also meant to prepare you for the next few chapters. I do apologize if I take too long to upload. I'm still working on my next boyxboy and that takes so long. Like the first chapter took me a month to finish and I have to write more chapters before I decide to start posting it on Wattpad. IT'S HARD. WRITING IS HARD. Still, I hope you liked this chapter. Originally it was hella short but I made it a lot longer because I know you guys like long things. Don't forget to support me by leaving comments! <3 I'LL SEE YOU ON THE NEXT CHAPTER. WHENEVER THAT IS.
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