Road Trip - Chapter Twenty-Nine

(I don't even have an excuse for taking so long to update. I just wasn't feeling it and I tried super hard to write everyday but most of the time nothing came out. I apologize. Hope you enjoy the chapter either way and don't forget to vote and comment)

[Derek's Point Of View]

Leo and Nathan sat separately on their own beds. I sat between them on a computer chair with my back facing the closed door. Leo intensely watched Nathan and I just awkwardly glanced back and forth in silence.

"We've been sitting here for five minutes is anyone going to say something?" Leo said without taking a pause.

"I don't know," Nathan started, pulling his legs up to move back and sit against the wall, "I feel like I'm about to be yelled at again."

"I've already yelled," Leo said.

"Didn't you already say what you wanted to say?"

"First of all, don't give me that tone," Leo warned him, lifting the finger. "I will beat the shit out of you."

"What?!" Nathan exclaimed, waving his arms frantically.

"Sure, I said a bunch. I might have yelled a few times, but you haven't gotten to speak what's on your mind." Leo looked at me. "And we want to listen to your side."

Nathan scoffed. "Okay, don't be so dramatic about it."

Leo stood up and jumped from his bed to Nathan's and begun to smack anywhere Nathan wasn't protecting with his hands. Leo wasn't his usual self today and he was taking it out on Nathan, literally. It was his father's birthday. There was a lot of anger in him. I didn't bring it up, but I remembered.

Nathan was definitely giving Leo some nasty vibe, but I could tell it was without harm, some humor, but mostly just messing with Leo like he usually did. It was going over Leo completely.

I was leaving in two hours, meaning I was leaving Leo alone with whatever was bothering him. I wanted so badly to ask him how he was, but I knew him, he would only throw me off by switching the subject or by lying to me by saying he was alright.

"OKAY! YOU'VE MADE YOUR POINT!" Nathan screamed when he had enough.

Leo backed away, fixing his invisible wig and moving back to his bed.

"We do want you to speak what's on your mind," I told him, reassuring that it wasn't just Leo's idea.

"Won't it be awkward?" Nathan said.

"No? You've been in the same room when we've fucked before," Leo said, pointing at me and him.

"Leo, really?" I said, my voice cracking at the end. They both looked at me as I shockingly grabbed my throat. "S-sorry."

"We're all going to pretend that never happened, sweetie," Leo said, tapping my knee. "Don't worry, your manly voice is still with us and hasn't at all departed to the next dimension."

I cleared my throat. "Please, go on."

"What do you guys want me to say that I haven't already said?"

"Start from the beginning," Leo said. "Tell us your side. It's okay if you've already said it to me before. Now that Derek is here, he can know more."

"I guess it started when we met? That's when I started liking you, but it was more of a crush really." He laughed awkwardly to himself while I just stared. He forced a cough when he looked at me and continued. "It just stayed as a crush even after Leo told me he had a boyfriend. It was harmless. Just a harmless . . . crush. A year later when we started getting close and I got a personal invitation to the mess that was your relationship. But that was just my view point! Everyone has their own stupid opinions when they're outside looking in. I wanted you guys to make up, be better, fix your shit, but you never did and it went on for so long. I was there when Leo cried and screamed and chewed his pillows to death. I just . . . grew close to him. I care so much about him and his happiness and I was so angry at Derek for putting Leo through so much stress."

"He's talking about us in third person," Leo whispered to me.

"I admit I judged you without knowing your side of things," Nathan told me. "I want to say that it's my fault for letting myself fall for someone that was taken, but I really couldn't control what I felt. I tried. For a long time."

In my honest opinion, I wouldn't be surprised if more people fell for Leo. He was genuinely an amazing person. He was attractive as hell with one of the most addicting personalities ever. He was the type of guy you wanted to be friends with and be around 24/7. He was cool and made you feel important and included. He cared about people and their feelings. He was perfect.

"I don't blame you," I said.

Nathan took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I don't either," Leo said sincerely, then made a face when he thought back to what he had said. "Wait, that sounds like I'm full of myself. No, wait. Fuck. I mean. Crap."

"Anyway," Nathan said quickly. "Then came the famous night we all have come to love."

"Boy," Leo warned.

"The universe really hates us," Nathan said quietly. "That night I just wanted to have fun and let you have fun without thinking about Derek. If our friends came with us it might have ended differently, but that didn't happen, so . . ."

"Yeah," Leo said, matching his tone as he looked down.

"This shit only happens in soap operas or shitty stories," Nathan said. "Like, really? What kind of fucking drug was that even? It had me thinking the entire night that Leo was somehow in love with me and wanted to be with me."

"At one point I thought you were Derek," Leo admitted. "And I never tried to push you off because I felt like there was nothing wrong happening. I can't imagine what would have happened if that guy took me."

"You don't have to talk about that," Nathan said.

"No, I do. I thought about it a lot. I thought about him taking Derek, too. Thankfully Dakota was there."

"Yeah. I tried not to think about it," Nathan said and looked at me. "I figured you thought about Derek. It happened too easily. If we weren't drugged and drunk, neither of us would have ever laid a hand on each other like that. It's not me and it's not you. I'm just glad that it didn't go too far."

"Are you talking about your dick?" Leo said, shocked.

Nathan coughed a single time. "N-no. I meant to say that something did happen but it wasn't . . . I don't know how to explain it."

"You guys didn't straight up fuck," I said.

"Y-Yeah, that's one way to put it. It was just unfortunate."

"Like I said once, you didn't go all the way in, maybe like half way, but you still came and it makes me feel weird," Leo said. "It's still cheating, but sex is what we did last night. Right, babe?" Leo nudged me with his elbow and winked.

"I'm not answering," I muttered quietly, shifting my ass uncomfortably.

Nathan looked at my suspicious movement, caught on and coughed.

"The important thing is no one wants to cheat on no one," Leo said.

"You say that as if we're all together," Nathan said.

"Stop!" Leo said, covering his face in embarrassment.

"I appreciate the offer, but I kind of want to ask someone out," Nathan said.

It was Dakota. Dakota already told me he had a crush on Nathan and even suspected he liked him back. It was another reason I got so angry at our confrontation, because it seemed to me like he was playing Dakota, but I was wrong about that. Nathan was always a good person. Everything seemed to always get mixed up.

"Who?" Leo asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Leo was stupid if he didn't realize by now who it was.

"Uh, Dakota. I'm just not sure if he'll say yes. I think he likes me? I don't know. We haven't had a super serious conversation. We text a bunch but rarely hang out because he's busy with work and I'm busy with school."

I watched as Leo's face changed completely to something I wasn't expecting. It was like a mother relieved that her lonesome child made friends at their new school. Why was I referring to Leo as a mother? Ask him.

We gathered here for a reason. Not only to clear the air but to move on from this. I was ready. I wasn't angry anymore. I understood that mistakes happened but no one in the party wanted to harm anybody. But I still had to work on myself. When Leo begun to express what he felt about Nathan announcing he liked Dakota, I thought he'd be jealous. Why would he be jealous? That was my anxiety talking. It wanted me to believe Leo felt something for Nathan. But no, it was wrong. Leo was happy.

"He will totally say yes!" Leo said excitedly.

"Yeah, go for it," I said, grinning.

"Hm, now that I think about it, he's actually perfect for you," Leo started. "He's the best of both worlds."

"What do you mean?"

"Uh–" I said nervously.


Shit. I wasn't fast enough. Dakota hadn't told Nathan yet.

"Trans?" he asked.

"Gender," Leo finished.


"Fuck. Dakota hasn't told him," I told Leo.

"Gasp. Oh no. That's not good," he said, bringing his hands up to his face.

"What?" Nathan said, looking stupidly confused. "He's trans? Like he wants to be a girl?"

"No, you idiot." Leo reached across the space between their beds and hit his knee with great gay force. "He's female to male."

"Maybe we shouldn't be talking about his business without his consent," I said out loud.

"Maybe you should shut my mouth with your mouth next time," Leo said back viciously.

"Why didn't he tell me?" Nathan asked sadly.

"He gets scared of telling people," I said. "Since he's passable, he waits until he feels like he can trust you."

"So he doesn't trust me?" Nathan looked down at the phone between his hands. "Do I text weird?"

I shrugged as I stood up and stretched my limbs. The chair was uncomfortable. Since it seemed like we were done, I went back and laid on Leo's bed. It was so soft and smelled just like him. I was going to miss him.

"Everyone is different," Leo said as he blocked my view of Nathan. "Maybe he likes you back and he's scared that you won't like him if you found out he's transgender."

Wow. Leo was smart sometimes.

"It doesn't bother me. We've talked a bunch. He should know I'm open minded and what he has in his pants won't be a deal breaker."

Leo got up but sat back down almost immediately as he gasped dramatically.

"I just realized something really . . . odd," he said.

"What?" I asked as I rubbed a hand down his back.

"Nathan has been in me, I've been in Derek and Derek has been in Dakota."


I was glad I couldn't see Nathan's face. I wish I could see Leo's so he could see mine.

"Hm. You didn't know, did you?" Leo said thoughtfully as he tapped his chin. "I'm really bad at keeping secrets."

"It isn't even a secret, we just don't talk about it," I said.

"Did you really have sex with Dakota?" Nathan said, his head popping around Leo.

"Uh, yeah. It was when Leo and I weren't together."

"When you broke up with me," Leo said quickly after me.


"I thought you were gay," Nathan said.

"Dakota isn't a girl!" Leo snapped.

"Fuck, I mean . . . shit. You know what I mean!"

"No, you bitch!" Leo got up and pushed Nathan back on his bed. "Sexuality is fluid! Anusthing is possible!"

"Oh, you guys did anal? Sorry, I assumed you–"

"No, Derek fucked Dakota in his pussy."

I dragged Leo's pillows and covered my face. There was nothing I could say or do to stop Leo from talking. I was going to have to write Dakota a long apology.

"Hey! Stop hitting me!" Nathan shouted.

"Not until you're educated on being respectful!"

"I AM respectful! I just said the wrong things!"














"I have a serious question," Nathan asked, lowering his voice back to normal and pretending like Leo's hands weren't around his throat.


"Can I jerk off to whatever you guys are going to do before Derek leaves?"

That made the pillows fly up in the air. I rolled on my side so they could see the disappointment on my face. They were looking at me as if waiting for a response. They weren't going to get one. I was just silently judging.

"Wait a minute . . . Have you done this before?" Leo asked.

"Hm? What?" Nathan said innocently.

"You are so weird," Leo said seriously as he looked down at him. For some reason he was still on Nathan's lap and I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"Is that a yes?"

"I'm telling Dakota." Leo went to hit him but Nathan caught his hands.

"Go ahead. We aren't together, yet. I can do what I want," Nathan retorted.

Leo already knew I had a slight interest in a threesome, but I wasn't planning on ever having it with Nathan. It had to be with somebody I didn't know but could trust, which was the hard part. I hated the idea of Leo being with anybody else, but if I was in full control of who the other person was, then it would be alright. It turned me on, a lot. It could never be with Nathan, that would torture me. Couldn't be with Dakota either.

But I wasn't against Nathan watching me getting a blowjob. Sex? I'd probably say no, that was a bit too personal and weird. I wasn't going to judge him because I liked the idea of watching Leo fucking someone else or sucking a dick that wasn't mine. I would even touch myself to the thought. Just no cheating; that's a heartbreaker, not a boner raiser.

"Derek is leaving in like an hour, we aren't going to have sex, so no," Leo told him as he unmounted Nathan, and yes, he had a boner. It would've made me angry a month ago, but after talking to Nathan, it didn't anger me. Anyone would get a boner if Leo was on top of them, I'd be offended if you didn't.

But he was mine, so no one should be getting boners.

"He said whatever we do," I said.

"What are you saying?" Leo squinted his eyes as he dragged the computer chair back to his desk.

"I don't care if he watches while you blow me," I said nonchalantly as I crossed my hands behind my head.

"You guys seriously put me through so much shit," Leo started as he angrily picked up clothes from the ground and shoved them in a basket, "and now you just casually accept letting Nathan watch me suck your dick. Fucking nice."

I shrugged in response.

"Sometimes I wish I weren't gay," Leo whispered to himself. "I'm so sorry, gay Gods. I have failed you."

Leo went to check that the door was locked before climbing on his bed. He crawled over my body and kissed my neck sweetly. Just from the kiss I could feel him telling me he was going to miss me. I had a few things to work on before I could come back and visit him. I wasn't going to make him wait too long though.

"Love you," I told him as he gave me a quick loving kiss.

"Ugh," Nathan said. "I don't even want to jerk off now. I just want to watch you guys and ship you from afar."

"I'm actually going to hold this against you guys for the rest of my life. You ever bring me bullshit I will make both of your lives a living hell."

I looked up at his face as he continued sending us threats. He was so beautiful. He never even tried to be beautiful. He just was. His brown eyes made me melt into a warm puddle. When they looked back into mine I was hit with a wave of butterflies. He always commented on my eyes, but there was nothing like a pair of warm brown eyes directing love and passion at you.

Sometimes we'd done things while Nathan was on his bed. It was usually late at night and sometimes we were drunk, but it was always done in darkness or under the covers. I had no doubt in my mind that he looked every now and then. It kind of made me feel bad. He liked Leo and he'd just be there while we had sex. Nathan was always silently being tortured.

I was fully clothed and ready to leave out the door any minute, so Leo had to struggle to unbutton my jeans and pull down the zipper. He didn't pull my pants all the way down. Maybe he was nervous because Nathan was just there. I tried not to smirk as I realized Leo was right. We both gave him so much shit and here we were. But wasn't that the point? Moving on? Nathan and I were cool, it was cool. I get it. And there was a reason I only said yes to Leo blowing me. If it was the other way or something else, it really wouldn't help Nathan move on. He was going to see my dick. If he wanted to imagine his own in my place, then I hoped he wouldn't say it out loud. I'd rather just imagine he was getting off watching me.

Leo pulled out my semi-hard and gave it a lick, winking at me when I twitched. I eyed Nathan from the corner of my eyes and his mouth was wide open. He wouldn't keep his eyes off my dick. He'd seen it before, so it had to be how Leo was working me. He'd definitely never seen that before.

"You gonna jerk off?" I asked Nathan.

"Oh, um." He became embarrassed when he noticed I was looking at him.

My attention went back to Leo when he sucked my balls into his mouth and casually slipped a finger between my cheeks. I arched forward and just gasped out of surprise. I really wasn't expecting that, but I guessed since Leo topped me, I was going to have to get used to him doing things differently. That was a night I'd never forget.

Chest rising, breath uneven, I laid back down and arched my back as Leo got me fully hard with his talented mouth. I cursed at the air and pushed my pants all the way down to have more room to spread my legs.

"Come on," I told Nathan as he watched with big eyes. "Pull it out."

Maybe I was in a good mood and that was the real reason I allowed for this to happen, but if Nathan didn't take advantage of the moment, it might not come again.

We looked at each other as Leo sucked me sweetly. My lip biting might give Nathan the wrong impression, but honestly I didn't care. I stopped caring. Nathan was good-looking. He had a really cute boy face, pretty eyes, and short hair. He cut it today and it looked good on him. His facial hair was neat but was barely facial hair compared to mine. He only had facial hair around his jaw and chin. It made me wonder what Leo would look like if he could grow a beard like I could. I'd be into it.

Nathan fought with the strings of his shorts and pulled the knot apart. He looked at me again before he did anything. I wasn't testing him, my dick was literally out and hard and Leo was sucking it. This wouldn't be how I tested.

I gave him a nod of approval.

He hesitated for a second but managed to find the courage to pull down his shorts enough to let his junk fly out. Nathan tugged his member. It wasn't fully soft, but it wasn't growing more than it was already. It was light and pink like the rest of his skin. There was foreskin but I knew that it was going to pull back when he was hard, so he was actually circumsized.

Was it weird that we were just looking at each other? Examining what we had and not at all feeling self-conscious? At least, I wasn't. His size was good, it was perfect if I say so myself, but no one could beat mine in size.

Nathan rubbed two fingers over his length. I observed the entire time, waiting for it to become fully hard. It took a while since I was watching him. Maybe he was nervous.

I understood now why I became jealous at times. Nathan could be a good boyfriend to Leo. He was extremely attractive and cute, he had a really amazing dick, he was kind and funny and I was sure his fucking skills could make you see stars.

But I was the one getting the blowjob, sorry, Nathan.

When his dick was all the way hard, it made me want to suck Leo's dick. But I really wasn't comfortable with doing something to Leo while Nathan watched. I was afraid, honestly. It wasn't that I couldn't trust either of them, I'd just rather not make it harder on them. No pun intended. This right now was a safe way of letting him enjoy our sex life without things getting complicated.

Now I couldn't stop imagining what would have happened if Nathan actually joined our relationship. Since it would be a last resort, I'd be desperate to keep Leo. I would fuck the hell out of Nathan if that had happened. I would fill him up completely that he'd want nothing but me.

My plans were never really good.

Nathan seemed to not be having success with his dick. I opened the private drawer between their beds that they used for freaky shit and took out Leo's lube and threw it at him. Leo finally looked towards Nathan and turned away in panic.

"What?" Nathan said, noticing.

"Y-you're hard," Leo responded.

"Yeah, one hot guy is sucking his hot boyfriend with the monster dick, forgive me."

"Yours is pretty big, too," Leo said shyly.

"Was that a compliment or were you trying to make me feel better?"

"Just . . . you have nothing to worry about," Leo said before stuffing his mouth with my dick.

"You know, I thought this was going to help me till next time I see you, but I think it's going to make it worse," I said as I shut my eyes hard as Leo's wet tongue made me squirm and moan.

The sound of a cap opening made my eyes pop open. Nathan poured lube over the tip of his dick and he smeared it down with a free hand. That was kind of hot. I kept looking between Leo and Nathan, being turned on to the extreme by both. If Nathan wasn't pretty, I wouldn't be turned on by him jerking himself off. I had eyes, I wasn't stupid.

I'd still prefer my pretty boy jerking off. But his mouth on my dick was better than watching anything or anyone.

I was genuinely surprised Leo wasn't looking in Nathan's direction. It wasn't going to make me angry, it might make me laugh if he purposely teased Nathan by using my dick as the weapon.

God, Leo was right, we were assholes.

This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't the right moment. Everything was okay now. I no longer saw Nathan as the enemy or someone I couldn't trust anymore. After everything and more was explained, I understood perfectly clear. This wasn't even the first time Leo and I did something next to Nathan, it was only the first time we acknowledged he was there, watching and enjoying the view. Little bit weird, but it wasn't like he was joining.

I couldn't enjoy it for very long. I was leaving in less than an hour and Leo usually liked to take his time. Over the years I learned how not to orgasm in the first 10 minutes, but that talent wasn't useful when I was on a schedule.

Nathan came first. I was watching him when he did. His eyes were glued to the action but for a few seconds he looked into my eyes and I swore he came looking at me. The thought of anyone getting off to me was thrilling. That was where my fascination with threesomes came. It boosted my confidence and made me feel like a king.

I came a minute later after Nathan and rode the waves like a champion. It went inside Leo's mouth and some on his face. Sometimes I shot so hard it surprised us both, but since someone was watching, I was more excited than usual and ended up shocking Leo.

"Okay," Leo told my dick as he climbed off and went to the bathroom.

"Good dick," Nathan said as he used a towel to clean himself off.

"Thanks, you, too."

"I love being used and abused," Leo said from the bathroom.

"Honestly, I was joking. But then it started happening so fast and Derek told me to pull it out, so," Nathan defended.

"Next time you can blow him," Leo said as he came out.

"Sure," Nathan replied happily.

I had already stuffed my dick back in my pants, but it twitched. Not sure if that was a positive response or if I was repulsed.

"You should be good from the last two days," Leo told me, smacking my chest as he threw himself next to me. "I've literally drained your balls. If you get horny again, good luck."

Leo fell asleep in my arms pretty quickly. It wasn't very late, but an early sleep wouldn't hurt, especially when he was going to be super busy this week.

"Did you really have sex with Dakota?" Nathan asked quietly after a long while.

"Yeah," I murmured.

"Do you regret it?" he asked. "Since you got back with Leo, I mean. Do you wish it didn't happen?"

"Sometimes," I replied, looking at him. "I feel like I wasn't myself. I was really hurt and maybe if I had been my full self I wouldn't have done it."

"Does he know everything?"


"I'm scared of liking him, or anyone for that matter," he said. "Especially if they've been with you. Kinda sucks for me, but I'm not judging anyone. Dakota is great. I want to get to know him more."

"You should ask him out," I told him.

"What if he says no?"

"What if he says yes?"

"I really don't care that he's trans. I didn't even assume he was–"

"Assuming genders?" I cut him off. "In 2018? Really?"

He frowned, but gave in and smirked. "Funny."

"I should probably get going," I said as I broke away from Leo's grip. I gently tucked him in his bed when I got up and kissed his forehead. He was going to be mad that I didn't say good-bye but I wanted him to get some rest. "Good luck with Dakota."

"Thanks, drive safe," Nathan said.

I grabbed my things and hurried out the door, feeling kind weird but overall good. My life was never going to be normal and I should accept that, especially being with Leo. But things were good.

When I was alone in my car, I checked my phone and read some text messages from Sasha.

   What the hell was going on?


[Author's Message]: I'll try to keep it short. Sorry for taking so long. Sometimes there are chapters where nothing much happens but it's still vital to the development of the plot and characters and those chapters are so hard to write because I want every moment to be funny and exciting for you guys. I hope it was a good enough chapter :( Next chapter might be a Nathan chapter. I'm not sure yet. Gosh I hope I don't take another month to update. This isn't good. BUT, it doesn't mean I'm wasting my time because while I'm not writing this I'm writing my new boyxboy which I'm SO excited about and I will not stop talking about it because it's so cool and I can't wait to post it. AAAAAHH! And there's a chapter coming really soon that's kind of a preview of the new boyxboy. It's like if Step Brothers tried to imitate a cool part of the new boyxboy for just one chapter as a way to test you guys and see how you like it.

(Kate is coming back btw)

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