Road Trip - Chapter Twelve

[Quick Message: Thank you guys for voting and leaving so many comments last chapter! It really made me happy and encouraged me a lot. Sorry for the wait on this chapter, took a tiny break. ENJOY! And don't kill me, thank you! Don't forget to vote and comment as you read!]

[Leo's Point Of View]

"Are you really leaving?"

I was packing my things when Nathan hovered over me like a towering monster ready to tackle my plane to the ground. I wasn't the plane, but symbolically I was in it and he was trying to ruin me leaving.

"School starts soon," I muttered as I kept my eyes on my things.

"In literally a week." He crouched down to be face to face with me, forcing me to look at him. "Leo, I'm sorry. But please don't go."

Hoe, don't do it. Don't you fuc–

The tears came out like someone had crashed that symbolic plane into a dam. Sometimes I denied that I was emotional, because beyond any pain I tried to see things in a positive perspective, even if that always didn't work. But in that moment you could see proof that I was broken.

"I'm tired," I said, my voice coming out high pitch and sad. He grabbed my arm, trying to comfort me but I pulled away immediately. "STOP IT! STOP IT!"

He flinched, falling back on the ground from my outburst. I was still crying but my eyes were full of anger. I lost that anger the moment Nathan's eyes glistened. I had never in my life seen Nathan cry and I was not about to go through that.

I finished pushing all my things inside my suitcase, not caring that it was messy. Already having my backpack on, I was ready to pick up my other suitcase and dash out the door but Nathan closed it and pressed his back against it, stopping me in motion.

"What are you doing."

"You were right the other night. I do find you attractive and I've thought about things because I . . . I . . ."

"Don't you fucking say it," I said angrily, tears still rolling. "Don't you dare do this to me right now."

"I love you, Leo."

So much unexplained anger ran through my body. If I was strong, I would have broken my suitcase's handle in half. I didn't say anything. My expression was enough for him to understand what I was feeling. I would have killed him if it wasn't illegal.

"Please let me go," I said.

"It's my turn to tell you what I'm feeling."

"Nathan, stop."

Eyes still glistening, he stood up but kept blocking the door. "I've watched you for years have this shit relationship with none of you doing something to either fix it or break it off. UNTIL it got so bad that it lead you here. For years I've been the guy at your side, picking you up when someone who is supposed to love you emotionally abused you, manipulated you and tried to control your life all because his wasn't going the way he wanted it to be."


"I was there for you emotionally and physically when he wasn't. When you cried every night for a week straight, I was there with you till you fell asleep. I watched you love someone who didn't deserve your love, while on the side I was falling madly in love with you."

"S-Stop," I stuttered and was too hurt to be able to say anything else.

"I care so much about you that I just couldn't help it when my feelings for you grew. It was more than just being there for you when you were upset, but we did so many things in the years we've known each other that I got to see the real you that I don't think many people see. But I do. I see you."

I didn't want to hear this. I had been through enough to have more room for heartbreak. At this point I couldn't breathe. All of my senses were blurred and all I could do was slowly drop to the ground because my knees weren't strong enough to keep me still, weren't strong enough for the weight on my shoulders.

From my honest perspective, it seemed like everyone was blaming me for everything and at the same time relying on me for something I couldn't give without tearing a part of me apart. Everyone wanted me to act a certain way, to love a certain way . . . to be someone else, and I couldn't take this anymore.

"NO!" I screamed as loud as my throat could handle. I jumped up, gaining enough strength to pull Nathan away from the door. I left everything behind and ran out of his room, heading for the stairs and almost tripping when I went down.

Nathan shouted behind me as I left the house and I kept running, not looking back once. I didn't stop running even when I could no longer hear his voice screaming my name at the top of his lungs. I knew he chased after me but didn't have the adrenaline I had to keep going. And I kept going. And going. And going. I ran through the strange streets and unfamiliar neighborhoods, chasing only a bright pale moon in the sky in front of me. My legs burned but I refused to stop. I didn't understand why, but I suddenly felt free and I wanted to ride this rollercoaster till the end.

The night was cold and I wasn't wearing normal clothes, but I didn't care. I let the air send chills through my skin and I kept running. Nothing was going to stop me. My thoughts were going to stay behind and I was going to move forward.

Eventually I had to stop to catch my breath. My chest burned and I slouched a little as I rested my hands on my knees, spitting on the ground and realizing I was in the middle of an intersection, but no cars were around so I didn't move.

I had no idea where I was. But it was peacefully quiet and that was heaven at this point. I began to walk, instead of sprinting into another run. I was pretty certain at least an hour had passed, but I also had no idea about that since I left all of my things in Nathan's room. All I had was my backpack on and that only had my laptop in it and I wasn't going to open that just to check the time.

Another bad thing about this was that I had no sense of direction, so if I kept going, I was not going to make it back if I decided to return. I was going to be hella lost.

But was I going to stop? No. I kept walking, eventually jogged, and just looked at the many different types of houses and cars and street names. My favorite was Donovan street because I liked that name and I could never know if it was girl name or a guy name or both. But it sounded nice.

Somehow I ended up outside of town. All I did was take a few turns and just keep going like I told my legs to, and I left town and was walking down a long road in the middle of nowhere. I mean, not completely nowhere, there were fields of cows and other animals all around so I wasn't alone, I had them. The cows were my friends for the night. Unless a UFO showed up, then I would throw them first.

There were no clouds in the sky. I could see the stars clearly and they were magnificent, like they were dancing and twirling in white with the moon by their side.

Hours passed, I knew that. It was way over midnight now and I was starting to get a little worried because I hadn't found anything else on this long road. I thought I would have hit another town by now and maybe get to a phone so I could call somebody, but it was just me and the new crop fields next to me. I was definitely getting closer to the UFOs.

Out of nowhere I heard a rumbling noise, almost like fireworks, but not quite, then I realized when I looked back that it was a motorcycle. This was the first person I'd seen in awhile, not even cars passed by me, it was like everything around was abandoned. Maybe running away wasn't such a good idea, did I have a death wish or something?

I stepped out of the street and onto the grass besides the road. I slid my hands in my pockets and looked down, counting every step I took as I listened to the loud vehicle get closer. Then it quieted down and I looked up to see the person had slowed down next to me.

The guy must have wanted to talk to me because he stopped and took off his helmet. If he was going to ask me for directions, then he was fucked. He flipped his hair, which wasn't even that long. It was dark brown just like his eyes. He was young and his lips were nice for a white guy, but I wasn't going to stare too hard, that was weird. But I was jealous, very jealous.

Instead of saying anything, he just handed me his helmet and motioned behind him. I was so confused but my brain kind of processed what he was trying to say, but I was Leo and very dumb so I still let my jaw slightly make a shocked expression. I closed my mouth when I realized I probably looked crazy. I looked behind him at the empty place where my ass could be and then I looked back at his eyes. I smiled and took the helmet, placing it on my head and jumping aboard. Stranger boy spat out the gum he was chewing and looked back to make sure I was on right and he grabbed my hands, placing them around his waist and then we were off.

I couldn't help the grin on my face when I felt the wind hitting me through the open face shield. I felt like I was flying and my stomach had butterfly sensations, like nervous tingles. I held on tighter when the stranger went faster and it made me feel scared but in a good way.

Everytime I closed my eyes I only saw familiar faces, but judging me. I forced my eyes open, not wanting to see anything but the road in front of me. My eyes teared up a little bit, and there was no difference between me being sad and the cold wind making my eyes water. This moment right here was something I thought would never happen, and because it was happening, I knew it was what I needed. I never know what I need until the moment has come and I haven't felt relief in such a long time but now I was free.

I let go of the stranger and I raised my hands, arching my back and looking directly up. All of the feelings in the pit of my stomach sparked and I laughed. For a moment I thought I was going to fall back so I grabbed the stranger again. My grip on him this time was looser, I wasn't so stressed or nervous anymore, my hands kind of just rested on him.

We must have reached a new town because I started seeing cars and new streets, buildings and lights. After a few buildings, we reached this little place with many cars and motorcycles parked outside. There was music playing from inside the place and that was when I saw the beer posters and cigarette ads. It was a dive bar.

The stranger parked somewhere in the mess and turned off the motorcycle. I wasn't sure if he was dropping me off here or if this was just his destination. He reached into his jacket and took out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out with his mouth and offering to me. I kindly rejected and climbed off the motorcycle as he lit it up with a lighter. As I removed my helmet he got up and walked past me. I felt stupid not knowing what I was supposed to do with the helmet. Do I just leave it on the bike or do I throw it at him while he had his back to me?

I carefully placed it on the seat and walked towards him. He walked like a man for someone who looked so young. It made me wonder what he'd been through in his life. He most likely wasn't that much younger than I was. I definitely looked younger but I was used to every guy around me always being hella old or whatnot. But this guy had no facial hair, had this hot but soft face. Basically me but straight.

I walked into the bar after him and it was full of people and no one was young. Like not a single person in this place looked under the age of thirty. Maybe even forty. Lots of biker type of men and hot ladies in short skirts and tight jeans dancing by the pool tables.

I felt so out of place that I wanted to turn back and start running again. Then I laid my eyes on the stranger who had given me the ride and I felt okay. He walked over to a bar stool but didn't sit down, he just tapped on the counter and got the attention of one of the girls who was attending the cash register. She smiled wide at him and laughed, like they have known each other for years and were the bestest friends.

Suddenly, he looked back at me and I froze because I wasn't sure if he knew I followed him in or if that was what he wanted in the first place. I had no idea how people in towns like these worked. I was too used to the stereotypical California lifestyle that I forgot normal people existed.

He did this little head tilt and walked again, going further into the bar. That was certainly a "Follow Me" nod, so I unfroze and walked towards him, grinning when the girl at the register smiled at me. I kept my head down like I was a jail escapee at a job fair at an elementary school next to a police stand.

The guy went inside a room way in the back and I was skeptical about this but today I was fearless. I was free. I wasn't going to think about anything or anyone. I walked through the door and it was just another part of the bar, but this one hidden away from eyes. There were people inside, but it was a lot quieter, like there was no music playing except the muffled one being played in the next room. There were whispers from girls who were giggling next to their man, or on top of his lap. Everyone was smoking and drinking and just chilling. And I did notice people here were younger than the ones outside, but still probably older than I was.

Wait, I forgot how old I was.

"Hey, Donovan," a girl said as we walked through the room. I squinted when I heard the name and put the dots together. Was I psychic? His name was Donovan, and I had seen a street named Donovan, and that was also one of my favorite names. What the hell.

Donovan didn't respond, just gave her a peace with his hand and used his other hand to grab the cigarette from his mouth and put it out on a glass plate on top of a shelf on the wall. He blew out the rest of the smoke from his lungs as he stopped at the far back of the room next to a huge window with the blinds open where you could see outside and even count how many cars there were in the parking lot. He sat down on the couch right below the window and slightly parted his legs. The infamous man spreading.

Did he just want me to hang out with him? Everyone here looked nice so I wasn't scared or anything, but he hadn't said a word to me since he picked me up from the street. Not only was he a stranger to me, but I was also a stranger to him. But he was the one that picked me out of the street so for all we knew I'd be the one murdering him. Oh my god plot twist.

There was a little nightstand in the corner. He reached inside it as I sat down next to him and he took out a blunt. While he did his business, I looked about the room with my arms crossed over my chest. This was such a chill environment and it kept the peaceful feeling inside me alive.

Donovan's hand popped in front of me and my eyes bulged at what he was offering. I looked at his face and he had no expression on his face, but he was looking back and there was something intimidating about his eyes in the poorly lit room, which was the only flaw of the chill room. I took it from his hands and popped it in my mouth, not keeping my eyes off of him.

I handed it back as I inhaled and breathed out through my nose. He took another hit, still keeping his eyes on me, as if we were having a staring contest or something. Instead of breaking the eye contact, I relaxed back against the couch and we just passed it back and forth.

There were less people when an hour passed. It was just me, Donovan, and two couples but they were across the room far from us. Donovan had his head back, eyes closed and he might have been asleep all this time, but I wasn't asleep, not even for a little bit. I could still feel my heart racing and my thoughts trying to crawl out and expose themselves all over me, but I wasn't going to let them. I wasn't going to feel anything tonight, just freedom.

I slightly jumped when I felt Donovan's hand tap my leg. Wasn't gonna lie, I kind of pretended he was dead for a while and for twenty minutes imagined what I would do in a zombie apocalypse.

His eyes were barely open but I could still see that he was awake. He slowly got up, stretching in front of me. He offered his hand and I took it, not knowing if he wanted to dance or to throw me across the room. Instead he took me to a door I had assumed was a bathroom but when he opened I saw it was another room with stairs. He pulled me along and guided me up the stairs to a secluded room with one barely lit lamp. It had to be his room, for some weird reason, because there was a picture of him and an older woman, who was undoubtedly his mother, on the dresser.

I looked at him in awe. He really did live here. Wasn't sure if that was odd or totally cool. He must always have fun with so many people all around and everyone felt so freaking nice and totally not scary like normal boring people would think people at a bar would be.

He removed his watch and started unbuttoning his jacket.

Oh, wow. Not straight then.

When I blinked and darkness folded over me, I saw the familiar faces again and I shook my head and kept my eyes open. I didn't want to think about anything or anything. I was mentally screaming at myself to stop thinking and just live in the moment, be free.

This was weird, and so unlike me, but I walked over to him, still uncertain of his intentions and instead following my gut and I lifted his shirt when his jacket was off. He turned to face me, breath against my skin and placed burning kisses down my neck. I went to close my eyes and remembered again and popped them back open. But as his lips kissed and dragged across my skin, his teeth sinking into me, I couldn't help the blissful pleasure that weighed heavy against my eyelids.

Donovan's lips traced up my skin until they found my lips and when they touched mine, we stumbled back on the bed and then he was on top of me, kissing me with his full pink lips. He barely had his eyes open but I was doing a better job at that. His tongue licked my lips, softly biting but never pulling. I tasted his saliva as our tongues touched and tasted nothing different than what I had tasted in my mouth prior to kissing. There was definitely a hint of mint from the gum he chewed, so that was one hell of a long lasting gum since that was hours ago.

I brushed my hands through the back of his head, pulling his hair back as he bit too hard, making me hiss. He pulled away, hissing back at me from the strength of my pull. I checked out his neck, which was sexy and made me want to suck it, but he took my attention away by messing with his belt. I rapidly became nervous and my heart beat even faster than before. He removed the belt and tossed it to the floor as he stared down at me with a different expression than he had used all night - lust.

He unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled down his jeans, exposing himself in front of me as I used my elbows to prop myself up. He went back down on top of me kissing me everywhere could while his hands began to undress me.

He moaned deeply, which was the first time I heard his voice and it was like a ringing to my ears, reminding me that this was actually happening and it wasn't a dream. It was real live and it was a moment that I wasn't going to stop. I slept with Donovan and when we were done, we panted heavily for a few minutes before he dozed off. I stayed awake, imagining the lamp on his nightstand as the moon from the beginning of the night.


[Author's Message:] *Valentina voice* I'm not gonna say nuthin to that. Before you guys get your pitch forks and throw knives at me, I CAN STILL KILL ALL MY CHARACTERS AND I WILL IF I HAVE TO SAVE MYSELF. Okay, anyway, ty for reading, I'm still not gonna say anything i'm just gonna let you guys say whatever you want and i'll read your comments sipping on my tea LMFAOOOO.

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