Road Trip - Chapter Nine
[WTF? ANOTHER CHAPTER? Oh my god, you guys totally deserve it for being awesome. Don't forget to show me your appreciation by voting and commenting as you read along! I've been waiting for this chapter for a long time, so YA'LL BETTER COMMENT OR I'M LETTING EVERYONE DIE IN A FIRE.]
[Derek's Point Of View]
I knocked on the door hoping that anyone answered but my dad. He was most likely at work, since it was pretty late and he had a night shift. The lights in the house were on, so I knew someone was home.
After a minute, someone rattled the doorknob and struggled to open it. I leaned against one of the porch's post and smirked because I knew exactly who it was. The only thirteen year old who lived in a house for a couple of years and still couldn't tell the difference between left and right.
"HELP!" Molly said from the other side of the door.
"You forgot to unlock it," a woman said.
My dad's wife opened the door and Molly shot out when she saw me, jumping into my arms and planting a dozen kisses all over my face. I returned the love and she giggled happily.
She wrapped her hands around my neck and squeezed. "Molly, you're squeezing my neck."
"I know," she whispered in my ear. "I'm trying to kill you for not visiting me."
"Hi, Derek. How have you been?" said Linda, smiling her pearly whites.
"Good, and yourself?" I said despite being choked.
"Very good, thank you. Are you hungry? Come in."
I lifted Molly so I could walk and still let her try to slowly suffocate me, even though her hands were tiny and weak. She got tired eventually and let go, pretending like she just lifted some heavy weights.
Linda closed the door behind us and told me my dad was at work, which I guessed right, thank God. I didn't completely hate my dad, but I'd rather just not. I was here to see Molly and that was it.
"Weren't you supposed to be on a road trip?" Molly asked as she took me to the living room.
"Taking a break from it," I told her.
"Want to see this story I'm writing for school?" she asked, sitting down on the long sofa behind the front window that gave you a clear view of the front yard and the porch. She picked up a notebook from the coffee table and flipped through the pages.
"Derek, honey?"
I looked up at Linda who peaking through the kitchen window.
"Want something to eat?"
"Oh, no thank you."
"You should eat," Molly muttered, tapping my stomach with a pencil.
"You should tell me what this story is about," I said, trying to grab the notebook but she pulled away.
"It's a story for my English class called Where Is Molly?" She showed me a cover design she drew with the title drawn comically and a little girl looking lost at the bottom. "It's a mystery story about a little girl who people think got lost but actually she was kidnapped by a stupid hoe."
"Yeah, we are supposed to use our classmates as the characters in the book. And there is this girl I don't like because she's mean for no reason, so I made her the villain."
"Is she being mean to you?" I asked, worried if she was being bullied at school.
"No, she's scared of me."
"What?" I laughed. "Why is she scared of you?"
"Because every time she's mean to my friends, I threaten to expose her on Twitter."
"Huh? Twitter?"
Molly jumped out of the couch and searched in her back pockets and took out a phone. She went through the apps in front of my face and showed me her Twitter profile. Her bio read: 13, Asexual, Will totally destroy you if you come for me so don't even try, Ashton High <3.
"Why do you have a Twitter? Aren't you a little young?"
"Nope, age requirement is thirteen so suck it."
"Yeah, I don't like people, gross."
"I don't think tha-"
"Anyway, I have a lot of followers so she's scared that I'm going to tell everyone her secrets. Truth is, I don't know any of her secrets, but one day I overheard her in the bathroom say she likes her cousin, in that way, so I confronted her one day and told her I know all of her secrets, so of course she asked me to prove it, so then I told her I know she likes her cousin and I know a lot more. Now she hates me but I don't care, she needs to stop testing my nerves."
"Derek, dear, would you like something to drink?" Linda asked, popping only her head out of the kitchen.
"Uh, water is fine, thank you."
"Have Leo quench your thirsty ass," Molly said, grinning behind her phone.
My jaw dropped. "I'm gonna wash your mouth with soap if you don't stop talking like that. You're thirteen. Why do you even have a phone? Did dad really let you have one?"
"Yeah, we all talked about it and they let me have one. Only downside is that they have to read my text messages. Unfortunately for them I use social media to talk to my friends, not text messages. Parents are so old."
"I'm telling."
"Derek, no!" Molly threw her phone in the air, which smacked me in the face. "Please don't tell dad! Please, please, please!"
"I swear if I find out you're doing bad things, I will make sure you never get a phone until you're in college," I told her as I rubbed my face.
"I'm not, I promise. I'm a good person."
"Okay, I won't tell."
She hugged me tightly but I could smell her evilness.
"So where's Leo?" she asked, looking around as if Leo had been hiding somewhere in the house.
"Obviously not here."
"Obviously not here," she mocked. "Where is he?"
"I broke up with him, now can you stop talking about him?"
Her jaw dropped. "WHAT?!"
"Oh my God," I said, dropping my face on my hands.
"I know I did not just hear those words come out of your stupid mouth," she said angrily, standing up to walk in front of me and put her hands on her hips dramatically. "Why did you do that, Derek? What the hell?"
"That is totally not any of your business."
"Oh? Cause I'm not a grown up?"
"I'm gonna call him," she said and ran away when I jumped up to grab her but she was too fast. I chased her around the house while she screamed and dialed Leo's number in her phone. "LEO! HELP ME!"
When I finally caught her, I grabbed the phone from her hands and ended the call, which went through successfully. I heard a muffled voice coming through before I shut it off. I put the phone in my pocket and walked back to the living room, picking up the glass of water that Linda had placed on the coffee table while I was chasing Molly.
She pouted and sat down beside me, giving up. Then she started crying.
"Why are you crying?" I asked, feeling a burn in my eyes seeing my little sister upset.
"Because I love you and Leo together and he's family. Why did you guys break up?"
"It just isn't working anymore, people change."
"That's butterfly crap and you know it. You guys love each other and you should stay together and work things out."
"You're too young to understand."
"I will smack your dumb face if you keep talking to me like I'm a little kid. I understand fine."
"He hurt me, okay? It's not a hurt that you can get over easily."
"Leo can't even hurt a fly. And yes, I remember the time he cried when he killed those ants."
"It's more complicated than that."
"Ant lives matter. Just because they're little doesn't mean their lives don't matter. They matter and they have a place in this world just like the rest of us. That's why I throw our leftovers out the window."
"OH MY GOD IS THAT WHY WE HAVE SO MANY BUGS?! MOLLY?!" Linda yelled from the other room. She was totally eavesdropping to tell my dad everything.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused as hell.
"Please don't break up, you guys are meant to be."
"It's not simple, Molly," I said, getting irritated.
"Yes. It. Is."
"If you have problems, talk it out. Don't scream at each other, TALK. Solve your issues together, not like two different people. A relationship like yours doesn't come by often, you have something many people don't have. You have real love, so if you have problems, talk to the other person. Don't hide feelings, don't hide thoughts."
"And what if that doesn't work?"
"LANGUAGE!" Linda the Christian shouted.
"Why would I get therapy?"
"Because that's their job, to help people. There are therapists for couples."
"I'm not doing that."
"So you're really giving up?"
I refused to answer anything after that. I came here to be with my little sister, spend some time with her and talk about anything but my relationship. I was not here to get confronted with more questions that I had already went through in my mind. I wanted to get away from everything and not have to think about things for once.
Once it was bed time, she went upstairs to sleep since she had school tomorrow. Linda told me I could stay in the guest bedroom if I decided to stay, but I didn't want to do wake up with my dad in the house, so I left after promising Molly I'd visit her more often.
I stayed in my car for a while doing more thinking. My phone was in my hand but every part of me was fighting the urge to call him. For once I just wanted to be alone and not have to worry about anything. Calling him wasn't going to do anything good. I broke up with him for a reason, so I need to make sure that I stay strong.
It hurt a lot. I didn't think it would hurt this much, actually. We fought a lot and many times the word 'breakup' would slip from our mouths but we never went through with it. In all the years we were together, not once did we break apart. We had moments where we didn't talk to each other for a while but we never officially broke up, until I finally did it.
By the time I decided to move my car, it was midnight. My dad was going to be home soon and I didn't want him to see me sitting in my car in front of his garage, so I left and went to a little bar that I used to go to.
I enjoyed the bar because it wasn't too popular and it didn't have crazy people inside. It was cozy with warm colors and friendly faces. I went straight to it because I couldn't stop thinking. I needed more than just a drink at this point. Everything I thought of was of Leo. Anything I saw reminded me of Leo. Words I used, words I thought in my mind, all was connected to Leo somehow. My entire life was connected to his and I couldn't get away when it's all I wanted to do right now.
The bar wasn't full but it wasn't empty, sort of in between. I took an empty seat furthest away from people. There seemed to be some type of party in the corner so I avoided that area completely.
"Just give me whiskey," I told the bartender when he walked in front of me from the other side of the counter.
"Ice or no ice?"
"No ice."
After a few drinks went by, I started feeling tipsy. I wasn't completely drunk, but I had enough to be content for a while. The thoughts were still there, though. Like I wondered what Leo was doing in this exact moment and how he took it, since he never texted back. I was an asshole for texting but I didn't want to hear his voice or see his face. Every time I pictured him now I just saw him getting fucked by Nathan and the images wouldn't go away.
We'd only ever been with each other and have never done anything with anyone else, so thinking about it infuriated me. How could he be so careless? Why would he do that to me? I really thought we had something special and unbreakable, but I was wrong.
Leo always surprised me with everything he did, but this was out doing it to a whole other level. I wasn't even sure how I managed to have sex with him again without thinking about it. I wouldn't even be able to get hard if I did think about it.
Being wasted was no excuse. I drink way more than he did and I was still able to not fucking cheat.
"Hey, you okay?" some guy asked as he sat next to me. I really wasn't having it so I didn't answer. "Boy problems?"
I turned my head. "Can I help you?"
The guy half smiled. "I can just tell, sorry."
"Yeah, boy problems."
"I've been there. A lot, actually. Can I get you a drink?"
"Sure, whatever."
"My name is Jaymes, you?"
~ Squishy the scene transition worm
"And that's the story of how a twink tried to steal all my money and made me fall in love with him."
"Sucks," I said, resting my face against the counter. I could barely keep my eyes open and I had no idea how many drinks I had. I was sure it wasn't many.
"What about you? Got any twinks you despise?"
Leo was kind of a twink, right? I knew he hated the term, even though he sometimes called himself one for the humor aspect. What was even a twink? I didn't know a lot of these gay words. Leo was a twink a few years ago, but now he was more of a college dude, who was just really really fucking gay.
I never realized I forgot to reply, but Jaymes did help me stand up which was very nice of him. I was in no condition to drive, so I would have to just sleep it off in my car. I tried to speak and tell him where my car was, but Jaymes must have been psychic because he was walking us towards my car. He was saying things but I couldn't really make out what.
"HEY!" Someone screamed behind us.
Suddenly I hit the ground face first. I groaned, rolling on my back. I opened my eyes, or at least tried, and saw some guy yelling at Jaymes. They started fighting and the other mystery guy punched Jaymes in the face. Jaymes tried to fight back but the other dude was stronger, even though he didn't look very strong. He was shorter than Jaymes and not as muscley. Jaymes was also old, I noticed. Not unattractively old, but he had grey hair and grey facial hair. He had a lot of muscle that I only now just noticed.
"Fuck off!" Jaymes shouted at the other dude.
"YOU FUCK OFF, RAPIST MOTHER FUCKER!" The dude swung and landed a nice punch that made Jaymes tumble back and almost lose his balance.
People came out of the bar and took out their phones to record. Jaymes looked at them and ran off. I was so confused but the ground felt kind of comfortable. The mystery punch dude didn't let me sleep though. He helped me up and I kind of just leaned against him as he talked to a few people who were outside.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked.
"What's your name?"
"Der? What kind of name is that?" he laughed, holding me so I wouldn't fall.
"Derek? Can I call someone for you?" Call? Why would I want to call anyone? I came here to get away from everyone, calling someone was totally out of the question. I just wanted to go back inside and maybe get another drink, but punch dude pulled me back when I tried. "Dude, stop. You're like . . . wasted."
Wasted? That triggered me.
"Yeees. Is it okay if I take your phone to call someone in your contacts to pick you up?"
"Dude, come on, you don't want to get arrested and be put in a jail cell, trust me."
Punch dude sighed. "Okay, where is your car? Did you come in a car?"
"Derek, bro, you gotta help me out. I just saved your ass, literally."
"Do you have Twitter?"
"Huh?" He looked up at me with a questionable expression. Questionable as in I didn't know what it was. Was he annoyed that I asked for his Twitter? Was he angry? Was he horny? Did he want to fuck my ass? Is that what he said? I couldn't remember.
"I'd let you but I'm a top," I told him.
"Okay, I'm just gonna . . ." He fished inside my pants and took out my keys, pressing the clicker as he aimed it around the parking lot. My car beeped and punch dude helped me walk to my car. He opened the back door and laid me inside. I was in a very exposed position so he took my phone easily and looked through it. I knew I should have put a security code but Leo kept guessing it so I didn't need to have one. "I'm calling someone to come pick you up. Leo has a heart on his name so I'm guessing that's someone important."
"NO!" I screamed. "No, don't call anybody, please."
"Fine, I have nothing to do anyway," Punch dude said as he climbed in the front seat and laid back with his arms behind his head.
"Who even are you?" I muttered.
"My name is Dakota and that guy who you were with is nothing good. I've heard of him being abusive to people and when I saw you in his arms looking like that I just knew something bad was going on. Did you have a lot to drink?"
"Thought so. He drugged you, I can tell."
Dakota laughed at me. "So what brings you to May's Bar?"
"Boy problems."
"Oh? You're gay?"
"Why are you surprised?"
"I guess it's kind of ignorant but you don't seem gay, if that makes sense? That's actually very stupid now that I hear myself say it." He laughed again. "That's so bad coming from me, sorry."
"I'm gay, too."
"You don't look gay either."
"Ah, yes. Enjoying the nice internalized homophobia?"
I was too comfortable in the backseat that I fell asleep in my car with a stranger in the front seat. If that wasn't the most dangerous thing I'd ever done, I didn't know what was. Either way, the mix of alcohol and emotions were amazing to sleep with.
Unfortunately for Dakota, when I woke up I barely recognized myself and screamed when I saw him curled up, sleeping. He jumped and hit his head on the side door and fell out of the car. As he groaned and rubbed his head, I clearly saw his face for the first time and slowly remembered last night.
Dakota saved me from some creep that tried to take advantage of me. Never in my life did I think I was going to run into that kind of problem.
He got up and stretched, yawning loudly. He was pretty attractive with a clean stubble, intriguing hazel eyes, which were incredible to look at and made me wonder if they were real, and dark blonde hair.
"Good morning to you, too." He also had an accent that I couldn't decipher.
"Who are you," I asked as I climbed out of the car and made sure my keys and phone were in my pocket.
"Just some guy saving the world one gay at a time," he said, grinning.
Dakota was shorter than me by more than I thought he was going to be. He was probably around 5'6 and me being 6'2 made me feel like a giant next to him. He glared at me when he caught me staring too long.
"Uh, thanks for helping me, I guess," I told him.
"You're welcome. Want some breakfast?"
"Do you want some breakfast? You know the thing normal people do when they wake up?"
"I don't even know you."
"Do you have any idea where you're at?" he asked, glaring some more.
"In front of a bar without my dignity?"
"You're in the most friendly L.G.B.T. neighborhoods. Which is why it was surprising as fuck to see that guy here. But I guess where else do you go to meet other boys?"
I had to sit back down. I still felt out of it and my head hurt. I had never been this drunk in my life. Or, well it wasn't me, right? I was drugged? I knew my limits so it had to be that. Usually when I drank I was still myself, for the most part.
"I don't feel good," I muttered as I laid back down and covered my eyes from the morning sun.
"Yeah, so let's go get some breakfast. We can go to iHop or Denny's, I'll pay."
"Only if you drive."
"Uh? Drive this beauty? Hell YES," he said.
I pulled the rest of my body inside the car and closed the door, tossing him the keys when he got into the driver's side.
"If you like this, you should have seen the ferrari I used to have."
"W.T.F? Are you super rich?"
"I wish. Just some luck."
He drove straight to a Denny's that had a rainbow flag out in the front. Maybe he was right after all and this was a gay-friendly area that I've never even noticed. Usually when I went to the bar all those years ago, it was with different thoughts in my head so I never really noticed the homosexuality in the air.
"So, you wanna talk about your boy problems?" he asked when we were seated inside in a far away corner. The entire restaurant only had elderly people working. The chef, which I could see from my table, was an old dude, the waitresses were old women, the person in the cash register was an old woman. I kind of liked it. Made me feel like I had grandparents.
"Not really," I replied, looking at the menu in front of my face.
"Why not? What better way to release your problems then onto a stranger that you may or may never see again in your life?" he said, giving me a stupid smile.
"Because I came to the bar to forget not go over it again and again and again."
"Oh, sounds like I'm not the first to try to get you to talk?"
"You're not, and you probably won't be the last."
"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."
"I broke up with him a few days ago after being together for over seven years."
Dakota sank back into his seat and let the menu drop back on the table. He slouched his shoulders and sighed deeply. "Sorry, dude. That actually sounds pretty sad."
"Which is why I'm trying my hardest not to think about it."
"I had a boyfriend once . . . but he didn't know we were together." He sounded so serious but when I looked up he was smiling again. "No, it wasn't anime."
"I don't even know what that is."
His mouth opened wide. "You are a terrible person."
"I probably am, honestly."
"So, you're a top, huh?" he said, smirking.
[Author's Message]: SCREAMING. SCREECHING. SHOOKING. SHOOKETH. QUAKING. Okay, done lol. I've been waiting to write this chapter for SO long oh my GOHHHH. First, it has the new Molly and I wanted so badly to do something funny with her, so I used the number one question in this entire series "Where is Molly?" and threw it back at your faces. LMAO. Then Dakota, which I've been wanting to write for seventy five years. I am so happy rn omfg. I won't say much about him yet cause I want it to be a surprise. (: Also pls don't be angry with me. LOL. Anyhoe, hope you liked the chapter. PlEaSe vOtE aNd CoMmEnt.
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