Road Trip - Chapter Four
[Follow my Twitter @seraphina_R and don't forget to vote and comment along as you read so I can read your reactions!] (seriously hoes, yall better vote and comment lmao)
(Leo's Point Of View)
We made a quick stop at a gas station and gathered a few more things we needed. If we were going to have everything set before night, we had to speed things up. It was getting cold and it wasn't even night yet, I was worried that the camping trip was gonna be ruined by the weather.
I did not return to the RV with Nicole and her boyfriend, instead I quietly climbed inside Derek's car and waited for him to return from the bathroom. My heart jumped a little when I saw him come out of the bathroom. I felt like I was seeing a ghost, and the realization hit me. As I watched him walk back to the car with a smile on his face as he noticed I was waiting for him, I desperately held in the temptation to just burst out crying.
"We seriously need to get to the site and start putting up the tents," Derek said as he sat down next to me and put on his seatbelt, turning on the car. "Does Nicole have a strip club in the RV?"
"It's pretty nice," I said.
"I put your food in the back seat, you should eat."
"Okay." I reached around and grabbed the bag, began to eat quietly without saying another word. I couldn't help the silence, I didn't know what right thing to say that wouldn't make it obvious I knew what happened or would make me start bawling. From the looks of it, he was unaware. But that could change if I kept the moody act up.
"I don't think we'll be able to do much tonight, since we have to set up things. But tomorrow we can hike up the mountain, there's a nice path that many people take with a really beautiful view. We can also go down to the lake, it has a really cool waterfall that you can swim under."
"That sounds really nice, I can't . . . wait . . . to sleep on the ground." I tried to sound comical, to add my personality to my tone, but it sounded forced.
"You're not gonna sleep on the ground," he reassured, "you're gonna be in a really nice tent with me. It's a fancy tent, and soft, so it won't feel like you're on the ground at all."
"Okay, but I'm gonna complain if Nicole decides to sleep in her RV and not in a tent like us."
"Trust me, I won't let her."
I stared at him and genuinely smiled. He had grown a lot these past few years but one thing's for sure, he was always going to be drop dead gorgeous. I was usually a confident person but sometimes, especially in the past, I was a raging jealous bitch when it came to how people wanted to ride his face to the pacific ocean. And that little bit of insecurity always led me to believe one day I was going to lose him to someone better looking, better behaved, over all just a better human being than I was.
But . . . there he was, sitting next to me, staring at my lips and probably wishing he was making out with me right now. I was just glad he shaved. I really wasn't a fan of the beard. Facial hair was fine, sometimes, but if you looked like an emo version of Santa Claus? NO thank you.
And facial hair felt weird on my d-
"We're finally here," he said as he made a turn to go in deeper into the forest.
"You know, now that I think about it, it's kind of shitty weather for camping," I said as I shivered at the cold air.
"I . . . Disagree completely," he said. "I like the temperature, and it's not raining so it can't be that bad. Besides, it gives us more reason to cuddle really close together in a tent."
"We're gonna cuddle regardless of whether it feels like it's an ice age or hell."
The forest did not look scary at all. The entire ride, which felt forever, I thought I was going straight into a dirty, scary, murdery, bug-infested amazon. But honestly? It looked lovely. It was obviously a very family friendly forest, the road was beautiful and clean, there were picnic tables scattered around, there was a stream in the very distant that most likely took you to the waterfall Derek talked about. It was welcoming and it made me excited, which old Leo definitely would have never said about being in a forest.
We kept driving till we found a nice spot with flat ground to set our tents on, surrounded by trees and logs. Compared to the other sites we passed by, this one seemed more private, but also more scary. We were going to get murdered tonight for sure.
It was getting night fast, so we parked and immediately started taking out things while Nicole and Jack followed. Even though it wasn't night YET, Nicole made Jack light the fire pit that came with our spot because she wanted to pretend she was burning her haters.
Derek and Jack started the tents and had the RV parked between them to give each other enough space. I wanted to help but Derek refused, saying it was complicated and it would be easier for him to just do it himself since he knew how to, and explaining to me would take longer and night was coming.
So while the men did all the tent work, Nicole and I sat in front of the fire pit on these really comfy chairs and laughed like we were married old ladies drinking wine and complaining that our husbands didn't dick us enough.
"What if . . . we switch boyfriends for a night?" Nicole suggested, sipping her lemonade and staring back at me with a dead serious look.
"What do you mean switch?"
"I mean Jack will totally tear your hole apart and I'll tear Derek's," she said proudly, smiling to herself.
"I'm gonna have to kindly reject your generous offer to have my hole destroyed," I said.
Nicole sighed sadly.
"Well, Jack is done with our tent. I'm gonna grab our things from the RV and make the inside of the tent more comfortable for my hole," she said and walked away.
I looked back at Derek who was still struggling to finish building the tent. Our tent was bigger than Nicole and Jack's so it was taking him longer than he expected. But Derek was right, it looked comfortable. And even if it wasn't, he brought a lot of things to make it comfortable. We'd just shower the inside with blankets and pillows to make it a five star tent.
Jack and Nicole got distracted. He was in the process of grinding up his ass against her crotch while she slapped it. They were dancing but no music was playing anywhere.
The Gods were in my favor tonight. I no longer had to watch them for entertainment, Derek was waving at me to bring the stuff inside the finished tent. I jumped out of the chair excitedly and went to the car to take everything from the trunk. I took a couple of thick fluffy blankets and two large pillows. I couldn't see where I was going but the sound of Derek's being lead the way.
Once I was outside of our tent, I threw everything through the opening and jumped inside. It was roomy inside, enough space for even a bed. I laid the blankets everywhere until it looked like mountains of snow.
"Nicole wants us to sit around the fire for a while," Derek said as he helped me get out of the tent.
Nicole wanted us to be together around a fire? That didn't sound good to me at all.
It was super cold, which was such a bad thing for camping but it was worth it considering I was about to cuddle with Derek in a bunch of blankets and warmth.
Nicole had set up a few chairs around the fire and a couple of drinks on the floor inside a cooler. Derek went in first and grabbed himself a beer and so did Jack. I just took a water and Nicole judged me silently.
Nicole spoke about the many adventures she had over the years that she didn't get to tell us. One was about her and Jack meeting for the first time and how they got together. Another was about her experience in her university. We huddled around the fire like the three amigos we were, and then Jack.
An hour or more passed and Nicole and Jack excused themselves, they were tired and wanted to sleep early for tomorrow. Derek and I stayed around the fire for a bit longer before we too decided to go back to our tent.
We took off our shoes before entering the tent. I hadn't noticed till now but Derek must have placed some of my more comfortable sleeping clothes in the corner of the tent, and his on another corner next to a backpack. My favorite part about the tent was it didn't make any sound, it was literally like a bed.
I crawled to my clothes and began to undress, knowing he was watching. Derek always admired my body. He said I was attractively smooth. And I always told him the opposite; I hated his body; I was envious of his muscles and perfect abs. But would I ever hit the gym for more than two days a year? No.
Honestly, I was stripping just to tease him, but he didn't take it anywhere. I would have loved to stay naked. All I felt were his eyes on me, he didn't even touch me or say anything, it made me worried, so I put on my giant shirt that was a few sizes too big. I liked wearing it to sleep a lot. Changing to my pajama pants was quick. Didn't even let Derek look.
Stretching my arms, I laid back and closed my eyes. I wanted to reach for my phone, maybe even grab my laptop, but that would defeat the purpose of being out with nature. Even though I was obsessed with technology and thought of it as one with my soul, I could stand back and appreciate where I was.
Derek began to move, at first I assumed he was changing, but then he spread my legs apart and grinded against me. My eyes flung open instantly. He was hovering over me, his body sheltering me with warmth I craved.
He reached down with his lips and kissed me. It was slow and painful for me. He always liked the slow kisses, the ones that tortured me. I was more of a furiously passionate kisser. I always kissed like I wanted to eat and devour him.
His lips were sweet to me. The taste was familiar and it was comforting. He was holding himself up with one hand and the other hand was slowly reaching south. He parted my mouth with his and invited his tongue in. I licked back but mostly let him do all the work. I missed being this close and intimate with him. I didn't really count the moment in the hotel being close and intimate. Usually any time we were together we had random moments like that where we just wanted to get off on each other or just fool around.
But this was definitely different.
He grabbed me between my legs with his free hand and tugged and pulled. This was probably my favorite thing he did to me. It was easy to grab my junk, I was wearing the most inviting pajamas in history. He felt the shape of my d*ck grow larger and harder against his hand. It really didn't take long at all. I was weak.
He began to slide his hand up and down. Every part of me wanted to push against his hand, but his body over me made it hard to do anything but lay defenseless. His hand did not stop once, not even when I was as hard as I possibly could. He stared down at me, definitely enjoying what was happening.
The next part I loved, but the torture? It was torturous. There was only one pain I enjoyed, and that was the pain of it going in, and then out, but besides that? Spare me. Just . . . Spare . . . Me.
Derek crawled back and dove down between my legs to gently bite the shape through my pajamas. This was my favorite part of this whole situation. He pressed his lips together and ran his mouth down the base. The feeling of his lips closing, pressing, squeezing me without even touching my skin almost sent me straight to hell.
"Oh my . . . Oh my . . . Derek, stop." I pushed him back and he looked back confused. "I almost came, you know I'm not good at being teased."
He didn't anything back. He didn't have to. He got up again and slowly undid his jeans. I swallowed, and that was probably the loudest I've ever swallowed that people in China probably heard it and were screaming at me to run. There was nowhere to run. Derek pulled down the zipper and unleashed the beast. This was my favorite part.
The look of satisfaction on his face when he looked at MY face when he pulled out hard and ready kind of made me feel a little tingly. Derek was . . . special. He was kind, quiet, in his own head a lot, but when he turned alpha it just made me want to split my own damn self in half because no king should ever have to work to get me ready for that thing.
Since he wasn't towering over me, I sat up and took him in my mouth. That's right, Leo wastes no time defeating the beast, especially when this was my favorite thing to do. He surely wasn't ready for me to stick it in my mouth either. He gasped loudly, especially when I went all the way in. It was a talent that I learned over time. If you fight the beast enough times, eventually you'll be a master and be crowned the village hero.
I pressed my tongue over the tip, making sure to lick up anything leaking.(That was also my favorite part of all time) I held it with one hand and with the other I reached in his jeans and took out the eggs. My favorite part was pulling them. For some reason he really liked it when I just pulled hard. It didn't do anything for me when he tried it on my eggs, but maybe it was because his were the size of watermelons?
And just as tasty.
Derek couldn't keep his balance from all the pleasure, so he fell back on top of me again. I wasn't a mind reader, but I could guess he almost came too. If we did, we would automatically be lame. But it has also been a long time since we've . . . done it.
So I couldn't blame him, or myself, honestly.
I almost shrieked when he pushed me back and lifted my legs up; our communication wasn't so great.We're just gonna be scaring each other when we're supposed to be doing the opposite. Either way, I was totally ready for what he was about to do. My eyebrows wiggled in anticipation.
He pulled up my pajamas and started biting my cheeks. I grabbed onto my own legs to give him more freedom. He spread my cheeks apart and started licking slowly. His tongue would occasionally poke inside but no, he wanted to torture me some more.
If there wasn't another couple nearby I would have screamed. This was probably my favorite part. I could just let him do that for hours and I would be in heaven. His tongue wasn't the most magical part of his body, but it was a close second. The way it ran up the right places, how it tenderly teased around the rim, dangerously close to straight up f*cking me with his tongue, it turned me into someone I wasn't, a dark Leo.
And then he poked inside and trust me, the feeling of his wet tongue inside me, was my favorite part of this experience. It wasn't even an experience, it was a journey, a journey of self discovery. I discovered that I'm a straight up bitch.
I moaned as hard as I possibly could without alerting anyone else of what was going on in this tent. Derek responded by holding one leg for me and letting me grab his hair to push him down harder. He went on longer than I expected, knowing clearly, that this was my favorite part.
When he was done, he could probably just slide right in without trouble. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was going to happen next.
Derek grabbed his backpack and took out a bottle. As he flipped it open, we heard exactly what we didn't want to hear.
"Um," Derek replied. "Do you mind if we move somewhere else?"
"What do you mean?" I almost couldn't respond, I was still trying to breathe from the amazing lickery Derek just gave me.
Derek quickly changed clothes and picked me straight up. I was so loopy that I felt like I was intoxicated and had no idea what was going on. He carried me outside the tent and kept walking through the forest until we were far away from the tents. I could even hear the river nearby, it was beautiful.
Derek dropped me down and it took me just one second to realize what was happening. He pressed me back against a tree and crashed his lips against mine. We kissed until we got hard again and then Derek was pumping himself while I nervously tried to make the kiss last longer.
"Turn around," he whispered.
Oh God.
I obeyed and lifted my shirt up enough so that he could see the waist of my pajamas. He pulled them down and spread me again, went tongue in, deep as hell this time, and all I could do was softly moan against the poor tree.
"Babe, please no more, it's so good it hurts," I told him. So good it hurts was our special motto.
"Are you ready for me then?"
"Yeah," I breathed.
I heard the bottle cap open, then a really wet tip started rubbing at my entrance. My hole was so ready at this point I could probably take at least three of him. Even though there was no struggle to go in, he still took his time sliding all the way. He was dripping in lube that it ran down my butt and my leg.
The pressure I felt was huge, especially because the last time he was in me was a few months ago. My hole pretty much forgot what he felt like, and boy did I miss it.
The stretching feeling was there alright. It was like starting all over again, except the entering part was easier this time. He rested his forehead on my back while his breathing became uneven. He pulled back and went back in, sending curse words out of my mouth.
I held on to the tree harder as he went faster. I even grinded against the tree a little bit as the length of Derek dragged in and out. He held onto me when I almost collapsed from holding on to the tree so hard. His strong arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tight. As he pulled out half way, I pressed back against him to meet halfway when he pushed.
When he started building up speed was when I knew I wasn't going to last long. I wasn't even touching myself but the feelings his d*ck gave my body were intense and tingly. I held on as long as I could, and by the time I was ready to release, he whispered in my ear, "Together?"
I looked back and started making out with him, nodding. He reached a hand around and helped me, using his thumb to do that thing that drove me crazy. Our tongues played together and tasted each other. When I knew he was about to, he started biting my bottom lip. I shot first but our 0rgasm was pretty simultaneous. He pretty much caught everything in his hand while he suddenly tensed up, driving his d*ck further inside me, where he kept it as he filled me up.
"Fuck, I love you, Leo."
"I love you too, Derek."
Derek's peen was sensitive, so he needed a moment before he could pull out. I was also sensitive, but in my butt, so we complimented each other, because I also needed a moment before he pulled out that thing.
We kept making out, he even kept rocking in and out, just barely enough movement to not cause me to completely die. He pulled out when it was time and I did almost die. But he was there to hold me and kiss me some more. He was sweating and he looked hotter than ever before, especially, ESPECIALLY, with Mr. Beast dangling between his legs all bruised and defeated.
That was my favorite part.
[Author's Message: First off, I'd like to apologize for the huge delay. I've been struggling with all my stories (mostly ones that aren't published yet) and I've been doing a lot of planning since I want to re-write Step Brothers and publish it. YES, A new version of Step Brothers, still the same story you loved but improved and better in every way possible, and for you to have in your hands. I also had a bit of trouble trying to decide if I wanted to keep this . . . . exotic scene in or write something else. But I decided on just keeping it there, you guys like sexy stuff anyway lol. Le drama shall start . . . NOW! (well, next chapter.) Please PLEASE don't forget to vote and comment, like right now, pls, ty. Make me feel better ;-;
(Also if you ever want to know what books I'm currently working on that I haven't uploaded yet, you can look at the titles on my profile description)
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