Road Trip - Chapter Eleven
[OMG. I've been waiting for this chapter for so long. I DON'T NEED TO REMIND YOU GUYS TO VOTE AND COMMENT. You're welcome for TWO chapters today <3 Enjoy. Vote. Comment. ALSO I've added a photo of what Dakota looks like in my head. What do you think of him?]
[Derek's Point Of View]
"This is pretty nice for a studio apartment," I said as I walked inside Dakota's place. It was very small but the way he furnished it and just the layout made it look like a billion dollar studio apartment. To the left was his bed, right in front of the front door, where he would be first killed if someone broke in. A little further was his desk with a laptop. Then there was a little couch that could fit two people. And all the way at the end of the (upside down)L shaped apartment was the bathroom. If you made a right at the end, you were in the kitchen.
"Just sit anywhere while you wait for me and don't touch anything!"
I walked over to the couch while he ran into his bathroom and sat down, facing the television on the wall. I wondered how much a place like this would cost. Definitely had to be less than my place. I should look into apartments like this so I could save more money, since I didn't need all the space I had in mine.
"That's where you'll be sleeping tonight," Dakota said from inside the bathroom.
"No more sketchy motels for you."
I had been sleeping in a motel for the past week, but it wasn't sketchy. Expensive? Yes. It was worth it since I got to hang out with Molly everyday since her spring break now started and I had Dakota to have fun with at night when we just went to bars and talked and got drunk.
"As much as I'd love to sleep on this totally comfortable couch, I don't wanna bother you, it's okay, I'll risk the sketchy motel," I said.
Dakota opened the bathroom door just so I could see him roll his eyes. "That couch also turns into a magical bed, idiot."
"I don't know."
"Dude, it's fine. You won't bother me and I'll be saving you some bucks."
"Alright, sure. Should I go get my things now?"
"Nah, we're gonna be late to the party and the Uber should be here any second."
"Promise me you'll tell me when you get tired of me and want to kick me out."
He ran out of the bathroom, putting on a new jacket and rolling his eyes some more. At this point his eyes were just gonna roll out of his sockets and onto the floor.
"I promise."
"I promise only if you talk to me about your boy problems."
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Are you one of those people that constantly has the urge to fix people's lives?"
"No, I just want to get to know you more."
"Then ask about me, not my relationships."
"Okay. Then while we wait for the desperate honk of the Uber driver, do you have an embarrassing second name?" he asked as he sat next to me on the tiny couch, pressing up against my sides but looking very pleased with himself.
"Uh, Joseph."
"Derek Joseph?"
"Yes, and I don't tell people that so you better have that proud smile on your face."
"What? Why not? It's totally not embarrassing."
"Cause it's my grandfather's name from my mom's side and I pretend that side of my family doesn't exist."
"Uh oh."
"Anything else?" I said, trying to change the subject fast before he got any other ideas to continue on the subject.
"How were you as a teenager?"
"Horny. Next question."
"You are bad at this."
"Are you religious?"
"On a scale of Neil Patrick Harris to Titus Andromedon, how gay would you say you are?"
I blinked at him. "What?"
He looked at me sad and patted my back. "It's okay, nobody's perfect." He pulled back to grab his phone when it vibrated. "Fortunately for you, I'm here to provide excellent homosexual agendas and teach you the ways which you have been missing from your life."
"Like a party full of gay people?" I muttered as we both got up.
"You act like you've never been to one." When I shrugged my shoulders he looked shocked. "Seriously? You've never been to a gay party?"
"Can't say I have."
"You've at least been to a party, right?"
Shudders. "Yes, mostly in high school."
"Okay, so," he talked as we walked outside to the Uber car, "the only difference in this party is that your ass will be slapped a couple of times, but don't scream sexual assault cause it's only for good fun, but if you do get uncomfortable just tell them you're a bottom, since almost everyone there will be bottoms, and then they'll leave you alone."
"How on Earth do you make sense of the things you say?" I was starting to think of Leo, and then it made me think of Nicole, and then it made me realize I was such a fake gay. I had no idea what was going on but everyone else around me seemed to be pretty damn understandable.
"Bottoms are like sharks that can smell blood, only bottoms can smell tops a mile away. There's a lack of hot tops around here, and you are literally the hottest piece of top I have ever seen so they will be over you. I'll try my best to keep them off so you can enjoy yourself and have a good time, but if I can't do that then you need to either accept your fate or become a bottom."
"Oi," I said, rubbing my temples.
"What? I'm half joking, don't take me serious," he said laughing. "Seriously, I'm joking. Just have fun. It's not a big party. Just friends."
~ Squishy is back to guide you safety onto the next scene
The party definitely wasn't big. There were maybe a dozen people, maybe some more would arrive, maybe not. Dakota introduced me to his friends and they all seemed nice but I could feel their eyes burning into my skin like hot knives. Everyone was gay. There was one lesbian talking to a dog in a corner. The music was loud but not loud enough that I couldn't hear conversations. And there was a lot of alcohol.
"Hey, want a drink?" the lesbian asked me when she finished her conversation with the dog. I wasn't being rude, Dakota told me every guy here was gay and the girls were bisexual and then this girl was a lesbian.
"Yeah," I replied. I wasn't much of a talker especially with strangers. I wasn't necessarily shy, I just didn't have the energy to go up to people and start conversations. But I gladly accepted anyone's attempt on me.
"Come," she said, nudging me to follow her. Dakota waved at me and smiled, going back to talking to his friends. "I'm Mia and this is my apartment."
"Oh, so this is your party?" I asked as I followed her into the kitchen.
"No, my roommate set it up, I just told him it was okay. I usually don't do parties, they give me anxiety, but I know everyone here except you."
"Yeah, I'm a new friend of Dakota. I'm Derek."
There was a giant cooler on the floor next to the fridge. She opened it up and dug inside for a bottle of beer. Once she had it opened, she handed it to me and closed the cooler again. I took a sip and it was very cold.
"Do you live around here?" she asked.
"No, I live very far from here. But my little sister lives here with my dad."
"Your parents split?"
"You could say that."
"Mm, sorry. Are you uh...?"
"Am I what?"
"Gay? Sorry to assume! Just wondering."
I laughed at her reaction. "Yeah, I am."
"Ooh! Are you here with or with Dakota?" She winked, elbowing my sides as she walked past me to leave the kitchen.
"Oh, no. We're just friends," I told her as I followed. She was really pretty, like super pretty. She was black, had long braids tied back into a ponytail, an amazing smile and figure. And to top it all, a gold septum piercing.
"You don't think Dakota is cute?" She eyed me like she was waiting for me to say no and throw me out of the apartment.
"He is."
"And you guys are not together but you've been with each other all week?"
"Can't two guys hang out without people assuming they are together?" I muttered, eyeing her back.
"True. True. Sorry."
"And how do you know that?"
That triggered me.
"Oh, I didn't realize he was Snapchatting us behind my back."
"Shit. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything."
"It's fine," I said.
"You want something to eat? We have pizza."
"No thanks."
"Well, I'm going to go around and see if anyone needs anything, but you enjoy yourself."
Hope did not grant me any enjoyment that night. I mostly sat around and Dakota tried to get me into his circle of friends, but I didn't want to be rude and say they looked annoying and I'd rather hang out with Mia than them. But I didn't say it and just made up excuses all night. Eventually I did get drunk enough that I started talking to people, but I didn't remember any of the conversations after a few seconds.
Mia went to bed early because she had work in a few hours so I just sat in the couch by myself while I watched the white twinks try to twerk to the music, but they just had flat asses so all it did was send my dick back inside my body.
"I can barely keep my eyes open," Dakota said, jumping on the couch with me.
"Hell no."
"Oh, same."
"Do you want to dance with us?"
"Not really, no."
"My friends can't stop talking about you. They keep planning on trying to talk to you but they said you look intimidating, so they're pussing out." Dakota laughed softly and tilted his head back, letting his eyes close. "Do you want to leave?"
"No, it's okay. You have fun."
"It's not fun if you're not having fun."
"I'm just not a party guy anymore, but I won't hold you back. I'll leave when you want to leave."
"Why are you so nice," he whined cutely, moving his head back down and opening his eyes to look at me. "All of the guys here are so mean, but you're so nice and different."
"I just . . . am? I don't know. I never thought I was nice, just neutral."
He laughed. "Neutral, that's funny."
I laughed with him because no I didn't even realize what I meant by neutral. Normal? Was normal even nice? Normal was neither nice nor bad, right? These thoughts confused me, because I knew I didn't go out of my way to be nice to people. I was just . . . me. I was all me.
"Your friends are watching us," I whispered as I noticed their eyes on mostly me.
"We should make them jealous."
Dakota leaned in and I knew what he was doing as his face moved towards mine, but I didn't stop him or push him away. I let him press his lips against mine and it took me a few seconds before I kissed back. His lips were cold and soft and tasted like alcohol, but my entire mouth tasted like alcohol, too, so I was okay with it. He was a great kisser and sent chills down my spine when his tongue made its way into my mouth. I hadn't kissed many people in my life, so this was super exciting to me. When I ran my hand up his leg, his group of friends laughed and Dakota pulled away. I opened my eyes and saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes before he got up, walk towards his friends and stared them down and brushed through them angrily. I was so confused at what just happened that it took me at least a minute to recover and run after Dakota.
He was all the way down the hall in the apartment complex, sitting down in the most innocent way possible with his arms on his knees, hiding his face. He was crying.
"Hey, Dakota, what's wrong?" I asked as I approached him.
"I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay," I told him as I crouched down in front of him. I couldn't understand why he was upset. It was just a kiss.
"No, it isn't."
"Is it because–"
"No, it's not because of your ex." He was still crying and refused to show me his face, so I sat next to him and tried to poke his rib to make him laugh, but it didn't do anything. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I never do that."
I sighed and stretched my legs, trying to be as normal as possible. "I said it's okay."
He finally looked up and he really had cried hard. "Derek, I'm trans."
He rolled his eyes. "Transgender."
I processed his words and then immediately said, "Thank you for trusting me, Dakota."
For some reason that made him tear up again. "I don't mean to cry so much, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry."
"I stopped telling people because I stopped trusting everyone. Those guys in there, they were the last people I told. When I told them I wasn't just a gay guy, but a gay trans guy, they stopped treating me like I was one of them."
"Why are you still friends with them?" I asked.
"I'm not exactly friends with them, but we've all known each other for so long that it's easy to talk to them when I see them at parties or whatever. The others you met are my friends." He calmed down a little and wiped his face on his shirt. "And I can't just escape them or tell them to fuck off when I literally see them almost everyday."
"Well, it's their loss. You're more amazing than all of them combined."
"I want to go home now."
"Yeah, me too. I don't want to look at their inverted asses anymore."
Dakota chuckled and helped me up when I realized my legs fell asleep. He didn't want to go back inside because he felt embarrassed, so he got an Uber for us and we waited out in the hallway. He texted Mia what happened, it was my idea. Mia seemed really nice and not the kind of person that allowed people like that into her home.
We headed back to Dakota's apartment in silence. I could feel the tension coming from him. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say to make him feel better. There was nothing wrong with who he was and us kissing was not even a problem. The only fault I saw was it hurt kissing someone that wasn't the person I was always used to kissing and it made me think a lot.
"You're gonna have to get your stuff tomorrow. I'll have a friend drive you back to the motel," Dakota said when we entered his studio apartment. He went to go open the couch that was going to be my bed but I stopped him.
"Let's watch a movie," I suggested.
"Uh, okay. What do you want to watch?" he said as he fetched the remote from his bed and opened up Netflix.
"Whatever, we're not gonna be watching anyway," I said, waiting for his reaction. He paused and just froze there. "Unless you don't want to?"
"Uhm." He got tense again. I was making him nervous and that wasn't my intention. "Depends on what you're planning."
"Just continue making out, nothing else I promise," I said.
"Are you sure?"
"What? We didn't even finish making out. Don't you want to finish what we started and keep going till we can't feel our lips anymore?" I tried my best to sound humorous, but that was totally not me so I may have sounded like a serial killer instead. My voice was anything but happy. My tone probably made people depressed.
"Okay, but if you put your hand on my thigh again I'm going to hit you," he said.
"That doesn't sound familiar at all," I whispered so low that only I could hear.
"You want to sit on the couch or...?"
"Yeah, sounds good."
We headed to the tiny couch and sat together. I hated how awkward the space between us felt. I knew he was scared because I knew his big secret, but it really wasn't a big deal and it didn't change anything between us. He was still just a regular dude who was cute and had a funny accent.
I started the kiss this time, grabbing his chin and pulling him up to me. I sunk into the kiss as he placed a hand on my side and squeezed. By the time I wanted to say something, I was breathless. I pulled away because I was curious and the question was bugging me.
"Can I ask you something?"
"What is it?" he said, looking flustered as he wiped the saliva on his lips. Wasn't sure if that was mine or his.
"What's the accent?"
"I'm Norwegian."
"Oh, nice," I said and went back to making out with him.
Dakota got so lost into the kiss that he went to rest his hand on my thigh and ended up touching my bulge and yelped. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry, but what the fuck."
"Is that really your . . .?"
I rarely blushed for anything, but this time I did. I was not aware that you could see the print on the side of my leg. I knew I grew hard, but I didn't notice how tight my pants were in this sitting position I was in. I needed two hands to cover myself.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."
"I-I could help. Only if you want!"
"As in . . ."
"Dude, come on, don't make me say it. I'm a virgin on every category possible."
"I can't read your mind, Dakota."
"I can give you head, if you want," he said quickly and nervously.
This moment felt really nice and I didn't want to ruin it. For some reason I felt wrong because in my mind it looked like I was cheating, but that was not right at all. I broke up with Leo, meaning I was single and free to do whatever the fuck I wanted. He did it while we were together, so why should I feel guilty now? Dakota was nice, he was cute, I liked him, so what was the problem?
"Yeah, I'd like that," I said.
[Author's Message]: *fans myself again* OKAY, let me start off with, I won't be writing that last scene. You guys should use your imagination. I don't need to write the succ. Pretty sure yall know how it goes. Unless for some reason I get 500 comments asking for me to write it. SO. I've been waiting FOREVER, to add this character in. I am SOSOSOSSO EXCITED. And I will be blocking any transphobes in the comments, so be nice. If you guys have questions about Dakota, I'll answer them, but he's going to answer some questions in the next Derek chapter. So I'll try to answer questions that won't be answered by Dakota himself. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ): pls. did you comment? do you love me? do you . . . . love derek and leo? Okay, see you guys in the next chapter :) <3
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