Road Trip - Chapter 36 (Last Chapter)
This is the last chapter of Step Brothers. I hope you guys shower me with support on this sad sad sad sad sad saaaaaaaad day. Also, it's not super important, but if you guys remember Donovan and don't know who Ansel Elgort is, watch the video below so you can know what he looks like before you continue reading.
[Leo's Point Of View]
Today started off as one of the best days ever. Some might say the reason was dramatic, but as a hard-working, amazingly good-looking, smart as hell man-boy, getting the day off from your hardest class was like getting a car for Christmas.
According to the gossip spreading through campus, Mr. Green's wife had accidentally given birth in the back of her side-man's truck.
The drama was juicy.
Nevertheless, straight people's problems were not mine, so I spent most of the morning catching up with friends. I had a good ass fucking bagel with Nathan and at lunch I went out with a few girlfriends to a vegetarian restaurant and pretended like the food was the best I'd ever had.
I would have rather eaten a vagina.
But would I ever say that out loud? Not with all these girls around who constantly told me they wanted to sit on my face.
A small and suspicious whine escaped my mouth—it actually sounded like the noise Molly's cat made when she accidentally sat on it that one time.
I just couldn't help thinking about Derek. I missed him tons. The clingy part of me wanted to whine and cry and complain, but what good would that do? I couldn't even think about eating pussy without being reminded of Derek's ass on my face. Now that was the way to die. That was a heavenly death. The only suffocation I deserved.
I got lost in my own thoughts that I forgot people were around me and could hear the mysterious alien sounds that climbed up my throat unexpectedly.
At least I didn't moan.
I checked the time on my phone for the hundredth time today. It was 4PM and I kept waiting for Derek to text me back so I could wait at least 2 minutes before responding so I didn't seem too desperate.
Wait . . . We were already together. I could be as desperate as I wanted. WE WERE ENGAGED.
Ha. I trapped a man.
"Trap master," I whispered, pursing my lips like a devious villain.
"You want to join?" Samantha asked, assuming I had said something to her.
There were at least five girls in front of me, huddling around a large television. They were trying to memorize K-POP dance moves and were blocking my view, but I didn't mind since I was lost in my own fantasy land.
"Yeah, join us!" another girl begged.. "We need a boy!"
"Don't assume my gender, bitch," I told her, standing up to show them how it was done.
The girls scattered around me and made different poses while I stood in the middle like the queen bee. No, this wasn't our first time doing this. We did this a lot. If I hadn't studied what I did, I would have TOTALLY been a dancer.
Everyone had their own natural talents, this was mine. I have never taken a single dance class, but I'd always been so good at moving and remembering dance moves. Usually that was how I attracted so many guys on the dance floor. I was like a beautiful siren calling out to sailors. They couldn't help being attracted.
Derek hated it, but loved it at the same time. I could dance in so many styles and lose myself in the music that most of the time I ended up trancing myself in the process.
The video started playing and the girls giggled nervously. I already knew the entire dance to this song, but it wasn't that hard to learn.
I moved and sang along in Korean, as I also memorized the words. I moved my hands in a cute fashion and all the girls spread out in unison and for a moment we looked like a legit group until WHITE WENDY ruined it by tripping over her own foot.
Most of the girls gave up after the chorus since that was the famous part of the LIKEY song, but me and two others continued, knowing every part after spending countless hours watching the full dance videos.
I was the Momo of our K-pop group, famously known as (D)is-appointment. It could mean disappointment, or it could mean we have a D appointment.
Only god knows.
When Momo's part came, I did it all by myself without missing a beat.
"Skinny," a girl whispered behind the couch.
We spent an hour rehearsing. I somehow ended up being the dance teacher. I wasn't even getting paid. But they loved me and the attention was refreshing.
The girls were alright and Wendy was getting the hang of rhythm, but duty called and it was time for me to go back to my dorm room.
I hugged my friends and walked back to my room, wondering what Derek was up to. I never got the chance to reply back to his last text, but it was one of those messages that killed the conversation so there was nothing I could do but grunt my frustrations.
I entered my room and almost tripped in the dark. For some reason Nathan didn't open the blinds before he left today. I thought about taking a shower and removed my shirt as I made my way towards my side of the room.
I screamed so hard that I was surprised glass didn't shatter around me.
I had completely missed the man sitting at my desk when I took off my shirt. He was just there, watching me, his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing a fancy suit and that was when it hit me like fresh tilapia.
Derek's uncle.
What was his name? Change? Chanter? Chance? Chandelier?
"So it really was you," he said in a very pointed tone.
"Why the frig are you in my room?" I said, beginning to feel my heart race from the memory.
"I wanted to see it for myself . . . and apologize for my behavior."
"Can't you do what normal white people do and tweet a screenshot of your note apology?"
"I had to do it in person," he said, the joke flying over his perfect blond hair.
"Please get out of my room," I said kindly through my teeth.
He left the desk and started walking towards me. My hands immediately went up to cover my nipples from his prying eyes. Why was he walking towards me? And so slow too.
He stopped half way and squinted, his blue eyes scanning my face.
"You really fooled me," he said quietly. "Impressive transformation, I must say."
Was this about me confusing a straight man's sexuality? I admit my drag was fire and I could easily pass for a cis woman, but I was not going to sit here and try to make him feel better when he was the one that came onto me.
His eyes went down and for a second I thought he was checking me out and my blood turned cold instantly, but he was only checking my hand.
"I'm so confused," he said, grabbing my hand to touch the ring. "Are you two actually married or was it a joke?"
"We're engaged," I answered truthfully, pulling my hand back to cover my nipple.
"For some reason, I haven't been able to stop thinking about your face."
Red. Fucking. Flags.
Sirens blared in my head like the warning sounds of Silent Hill.
I cleared my throat, obviously trying to show my discomfort. My door was closed so I couldn't make a run for it without him successfully grabbing me. And if I screamed no one would answer. I was like the boy who cried wolf in these areas. I screamed so much it was normal at this point. The last time I screamed was because I found my favorite pen. It had pink ink.
"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to buy myself some time.
"I wanted to see if Alice was real."
"How did you find me?"
"Wasn't hard." He smiled.
"Okay, Joe Goldberg."
"Do you want to be a woman?" he asked, his tone was dead serious so I couldn't even come up with a joke.
"No, I don't."
"So you're both really gay then."
"Is your world really that dim that this concept is taking a toll on your brain cells?"
"I'm not gay, but . . ."
Perdoname Jesus Cristo, but Jesus fucking Christ this was not happening.
"Please stop," I said before he could finish. "Just leave me alone."
"I can't," he said, inching closer to me. His right hand went up to my face and his thumb brushed over my jaw. "Girl or boy, you are so pretty."
I smacked his hand away. His face change immediately, like he was annoyed or angry at me. He clenched his jaw and raised both hands at me. His right hand grabbed my hair, his left squeezed my neck. He pushed me back until the back of my head hit a wall.
"I'm not gay," he stressed.
I picked the wrong day to wear my shorts.
His hand cupped my entire lower area and there wasn't much between skin and fabric. I often wore shorts when I knew I was only hanging out with friends. They were comfortable, but so easy to get into.
It took me five seconds to react. I'd say that was a late reaction, but so much went through my mind. He was fairly certain he wasn't gay, but then a second later grabbed my dick through my shorts? The thought used up two seconds. Another second was spent looking into his eyes, wondering if I was hallucinating. And finally the last two seconds were spent figuring out how to get away with murder.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" I shouted, pushing him back.
"Please," he begged, coming back to me. "I'll give you money. Any amount you want."
"I don't want your fucking mon—how much?"
He smiled, and it made me sick how he had one of those smiles that made you want to trust him. It wasn't even because he was really attractive, it was just a dangerous feature.
"Not just money. Anything you want," he said, suddenly giving off a seductive vibe. "I will take care of you and you will take care of me."
"Oh my GOSH! You had me at money!" I said in my fake high-pitch voice. "Is my ass what you want, baby?"
I turned around and gave him the best view of his life. As soon as he looked down and got distracted, I did a 180 and punched him in the face.
The pretty boy went down and I grabbed my shirt and ran out of the room before he could stand back up. I kept running until I was out of the building. Something told me not to call for help. Like, I knew that was the obvious thing to do, but I had to follow my gut.
I slowed down when I was far away from the dorms and the school. I didn't stay near the road or on the sidewalks, instead I went through back alleys until I found myself at a Burger King. Rich people wouldn't step in there right?
The drive-thru line had a few cars and it seemed fairly empty inside. I ran in and went to the back where the bathroom was. Once I was in the men's bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and called Derek.
My hands were shaking badly and I could barely hold my phone up. He didn't answer and it shot nerves up my body. Fortunately he did on the second try.
"Hey, what's up?" he said. I felt instant relief upon hearing his voice.
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"Um." I couldn't stop my voice from shaking. There was no reason to hide how scared I was. Not that I could hide anything from him, his anxiety made him pay too much attention sometimes. "Y-Your uncle was here."
"What? What do you mean he was there? At your school?"
"My room. He was . . . he was in my room."
"What?" He sounded so confused. Girl same. "Why was he there?"
"I-I don't know. I mean I guess I do know, but I don't want to know, you know?"
"Slow down. What happened?"
I took a deep breath and avoided sitting on the toilet. I rested my back against the door and regretted taking a deep breath in a Burger King bathroom.
"I was with my friends. I decided to come back to my room to take a shower and work some more on my assignment. And there he was, sitting at my desk. He . . . "
"He what?"
"He touched my wee-wee."
Derek coughed.
"He touched your dick?"
"I punched him and threw him off me and ran away. Something doesn't feel right, Derek."
"He seriously fucking touched you?"
"He was offering money."
"Where are you? I'm coming."
"Derek, I really can't deal with this right now," I said, my bottom lip starting to quiver. "I have my assignment to do. I'm going back next week to keep doing my clinical hours. I can't cancel this. I don't need more stress. I don't need your totally heterosexual uncle stalking me, offering me tons of money to let him fuck me."
"I'm sorry. I'm gonna take care of it, I promise."
I was sobbing now. But I needed to cry. I was under a lot of pressure and I was just sexually harassed. I would have never guessed that would happen to me. I thought I'd be the one sexually harassing people. Thank Ariana I ended up being a decent human.
"Wait," I said with my ugly crying voice. "Does that mean I just got molested? Oh my god."
"Hey, it's okay. I'll be there as fast as I can, okay? Stay on the phone with me."
I cried, sniffed and let out whale noises.
"I'm crying in a Burger King bathroom."
"Cry it out."
"You're supposed to tell me to stop crying."
"I'm not gonna tell the love of my life to not be upset if they're clearly not okay."
"What if I go straight because of this? What if this destroys my perception of sexuality? It could have been worse . . . but he still touched it. I mean . . . I felt his hand squeeze it. IT HURT! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TOUCH A DICK!"
"Okay, okay! Maybe don't scream it out in the bathroom."
"Am I really that irresistible? I always thought I was a little ugly. That's why I always tell myself I'm so good looking, because if you keep telling yourself that you are beautiful and confident, eventually you start to believe it."
"You're very attractive, Leo. But that doesn't give anyone the right to touch you."
"No offense, but that side of your family is really fucked up."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
"He has a wife . . . why? And he kept saying he wasn't gay, but clearly something's up if he can't stop thinking about me."
"He said that?"
"He's not gonna stop till he gets my ass."
Derek coughed again. "H-He's not going to get anything from you."
The bathroom door opened, rather harshly.
"Who is in here?" a man with a smoker's voice said.
"Leo is in here," I said.
"Look, man. You can't be in here screaming. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the bathroom."
I came out of the stall and made eye contact with him through the large mirror on the wall. He was a short man, an employee of the fine dining restaurant. I didn't even bother wiping my face because these tears were warrior tears. I was a strong warrior who just got molested by my soon-to-be husband's uncle.
"What's happening?" Derek asked.
"I'm being kicked out of the bathroom for being homosexual," I said as I passed the man.
"That's not true!" he shouted loudly so Derek could hear.
"Stay there if you can. Nathan is on his way."
"Yeah, I texted him."
That made me feel a little better. Nathan was on his way to pick me up and I had Derek on the phone. It was almost like being safe but not really, Nathan couldn't even break a twig. Actually he did break his arm and that could be considered a twig, so never mind.
I decided to order some food while I was here. I kept making eye contact with the worker who kicked me out of the bathroom while he mopped a corner. We were squinting back and forth, having a mental war of who could squint the hardest.
"Hi, what would you like to order?" the girl cashier asked. She was young, I think. I was too busy looking back over my shoulder at the man. He wasn't giving up, neither was I.
"I'll have large fries and a double cheeseburger with no buns, no lettuce, no tomato, no pickles, no mayo, and no cheese. And only one patty."
"So just one patty?"
"Yes. That is correct."
"Anything else?"
"I'll also have one of every sauce you have. That is all."
The man lost the war when he finished cleaning the corner and had to put away the supplies. No matter what the circumstances were, I always won.
I paid with my card because I had no cash and that made me feel rich, and then that thought triggered me and I started crying again. I got my food quickly and went to the corner the man had just cleaned.
The corner was freezing cold and made my tears feel like icicles. I grabbed a salty french fry and dragged it across my cheek, soaking up the tears. I popped the fry in my mouth and chewed.
I fetched the patty from the bag. It was nicely wrapped. I took it out and held it with two fingers. I munched on the corners and spun the patty around until it was fully devoured.
I spent a long time finishing my fries. The worker might have kicked me out if I were just sitting there doing nothing.
Nathan took fifteen minutes to arrive. I could have died.
His priorities were a mess. He ran in and got distracted by the posters of food, and THEN saw the upset gay in the corner. His face lit up like he hadn't seen me in weeks, when it was only this morning that I last saw him.
The tall skinny boy hugged me as I got up and twirled me around, squeezing me until I choked out a piece of fry. It landed on his shoulder. I wasn't going to tell him about it.
"I'm sorry that happened," Nathan said, putting me down and making me feel like I was two inches tall. "Wanna get out of here?"
"Yes, please."
"Derek told me to stay with you until he gets here," he said as we walked out.
"Yeah, I have a bad feeling," I said.
"What are you feeling?"
"I don't really know," I said as we walked across the parking lot to his car. "I just know I need to trust it. Ever since I saw what kind of people were at the mansion party, I've had nothing but nerves cooking up in my stomach. Not to mention what happened to Derek and how his grandma was conveniently there."
"If there's anyone's nerves I trust it's yours."
"Right? I'm like an unofficial psychic."
We wasted time driving around for an hour and even circled the dorms a few times to check if there was anything suspicious. The only suspicious thing we came across was the french fry on his shoulder. I told him I had no idea how it got there and it was super freaky.
We ended up parking close to the dorms, but not too close. Close enough that we could sniff out privilege if it came. We sat, listened to music, talked about random things. He mostly talked about Dakota and how perfect he was, and I talked about how I wish I wasn't born a human but one of those alien virus creatures from Jimmy Neutron.
"Besides the creepy shit that's going on, everything alright with you?" Nathan asked me. "We haven't really had the time to hang out and talk recently."
He was right about that. Everyday was a busy one for me. The only time I got breaks were the actual breaks during my job and when uncles wanted to creep on me. That was my life at the moment. It was stressful, but I was so close to finishing.
I thought that maybe the closer I was to finally being free, the better it would be, but the work I wanted to do was not easy whatsoever. You had to really commit to it and risk a lot, but the reward was so worth it.
I applaud people who actually went all the way. I wasn't going to be a famous therapist and my bank account would never be in the millions, but I knew that I was going to have a really good rest of my life, and now with my husband, forever and ever.
"Nothing new or special, you?" I said.
"Just been thinking about getting my own place after you leave. I think Dakota might ask me to move in with him, which is why I haven't told him I'm considering it."
"Don't want to move in with him?" I asked.
Nathan looked nervous about his response.
"It's not that," he said, biting the inside of his cheek. "I've never been in love like this. So many people have horror stories of moving in with the person they love and it never ends well. I don't want the same thing to happen to us."
"Don't be scared to tell him that, Nathan."
"Don't tell me not to be scared when I'm already scared. How dare you."
I looked him dead in the eyes. "You've been around me and Derek long enough to learn some lessons from us. Don't do what we did. It's okay to be worried, but it's also okay to talk about it with your partner."
"God . . . I love your character development."
I playfully slapped his shoulder. "I'm serious."
"I know. I'll talk to him, don't worry."
By the time Derek arrived, it was 7PM and the sun was beginning to sink from the sky. Derek parked right next to us and I left Nathan's car like it had been on fire, throwing myself out the window and screaming in agony.
"Hey," he said when I jumped into his open arms. He hugged me tightly. I was glad he was strong, it made me feel secure and protected, like I actually had a daddy.
"Thanks for coming," I said.
"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing the back of my head.
"I'm okay."
"I called my grandma. She has no idea where Chandler is or what he's up to."
I pulled away to look at his beautiful face that I missed so much.
"I don't think HE even knows what he's up to."
"You guys haven't seen him since?" he asked, looking around me at Nathan.
"I don't even know what he looks like," Nathan said from inside his car, his hand resting on the steering wheel.
"I haven't seen him," I said.
"Thanks Nathan," Derek said. "I'll take over now."
"Sure thing. Talk to you guys later," Nathan said, saluting and driving off.
"Get in," Derek said.
For some stupid ass reason his car was FREEZING cold. I almost went and shoved my hands into his pants to get that good toasty warmth.
He was wearing basketball shorts, meaning he never even cared about putting on something decent. He must have gotten straight into his car and driven here. It was always a long drive to me, but this time it was rather quick.
"My grandma said Chandler wouldn't hurt you. He's not like the others."
"What does that even mean?" I said.
"In her own way, she was saying he isn't dangerous. A horrible human being? Possibly."
"This family," I said, palming my face.
"I'm still going to kick his ass."
"It's okay, I can do that myself."
"Have you called anyone at your dorms?"
"No. I don't even know how he got in. There's no way anyone let him in."
"Maybe you left your door unlocked?"
I shook my head. "No way, not after I got my laptop stolen at that bar."
"Until my grandma finds him, do you want to stay with me for a bit? I know you can't come back with me, but I'll stay with you and even get a hotel room if we have to."
"Really?" I said, my voice high-pitch and cute.
"We can go and find my mom's treasure."
Derek revealed to me the location of where he assumed the treasure was. It was at the place where he and his mother used to go at night to watch the stars. It was the location where him and I lost our virginity together. It was on some hills. People would go around it often, jogging or just for sightseeing, but him and his mom ended up finding a secret spot one day and made it their own.
"Are you sure?" I asked, worried about the timing.
He sighed, nodding as he gripped the steering wheel. "Yeah."
"Alright. Sure." I smiled at him and he backed up the car and drove.
"If we wait any longer, I feel like they might find it. And I don't know what my uncle is doing here."
"Yeah," I said. "From what your grandma said, he could really just be here because the thought of me makes him horny or he might be seeing if I know anything. I think the first option is the one"
"Honestly? I met his wife. She's kinda weird. I don't think she would even care if he cheated."
"He offers money like it's nothing, so probably. Maybe he did the same with her. Maybe . . ." I gasped so hard I managed to hurt my throat. "OH MY GOD. Call me Leo Dawson, but I totally just figured out this conspiracy."
"It's . . . not a conspiracy."
"He bought her. Like, he offered her tons of money so she could be his beard and fake being straight. It TOTALLY makes sense."
"Sure, babe."
Derek wasn't having any of it, but he still chose to be a supportive boyfriend and listen to me instead of shutting me down and that meant so much to me. If I hadn't cried already, I would have cried now.
The location was close to our old house, and that house was around half an hour away from me. We could be there in forty minutes or less. It didn't matter how long it took, I was spending time with Derek and we might even get a hotel room together. I wanted that so badly.
Ever since Derek started receiving his fancy allowance from his grandmother, his life had become so much easier and less stressful, to the point that he could actually get a hotel room next to me and stay there until I finished school. He had been strongly considering it. He didn't need his job either. The check was tremendously generous.
Fuck I wanted to cry. I really needed him with me.
Sometimes I wished I could turn him into a ball and push him inside my ass hole so that he was always with me wherever I went.
I could have said pocket, but let's be honest here, if I could have Derek permanently inside me I would.
"I miss you harder and harder every time," I said quietly.
"I know," he said as we reached a stop light. He squeezed my leg and massaged reassuringly. "Don't let it get you down too much. Soon you'll be done with school and we'll have our own place together for the first time."
"That would be so nice," I said, pouting. "I've stayed over your place a lot during the past few years but it always just felt like a sleepover. Even if I have the keys, even if I have my own clothes there, it just didn't feel like we were living together."
"Are you excited?"
"Yes? Hell fucking yes? I have my apron ready."
"I can't cook my man some food without a cute apron."
"Are you going to wear anything else underneath?"
"Oh? Depends on what you're in the mood for."
"Always you, babe."
Fuck. He was so dreamy. I hope he was single.
"If I don't wear anything underneath, there might not be any cooking."
"That's fine," he said, sending me that side look that drove me crazy. It was coming. He was about to hit me with it. "Your hole is sweet enough to eat."
Fucking FUCK.
"Babe?" I said in my innocent (fake) sweet voice.
"Yeah?" he looked at me and back to the road.
"How horny have you been?"
He laughed nervously. That was so fucking cute.
"Plenty," he said.
"I'll take care of it later, okay?" I promised with a wink.
He grinned like the idiot he was.
The road back to our old house was filled with nostalgia. I remembered my mom driving me to the house for the first time. I remembered my immature thoughts back then and how often they would get me into trouble.
It was a weird feeling. My mind could easily go back in time, resurrecting every old emotion and feeling. And then looking back to present time, having Derek all grown up to my left, being engaged to him, made it feel like magic was real.
My baby. My everything. After all these years we were still in love.
And my god had he truly grown up. He was always cute when he was younger, but now he was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
"Why are you staring at me?" he asked, only noticing after I had spent a good twenty minutes being a creep.
"Just thinking about how insanely attractive you are."
"You're one to talk."
"I think I'm going to stop being cute," I said, pressing my fingers to my temples. "I can't handle being harassed again."
In that exact peaceful moment, the streets were empty and quiet. It was their only opportunity and we never saw it coming.
The back windshield shattered, sending pieces of glass flying everywhere. Someone was shooting at us. We were both momentarily stunned and surprised, but Derek never stopped the car.
Derek quickly checked me to see if I was wearing my seat belt. There was not an ounce of fear on his face. I wish I could say the same for me.
I slithered down on my seat as Derek drove fast, keeping his eyes on the road and adjusting the rear-view mirror. As my body sunk into the seat, two black SUVs showed up. They made a sandwich around us and got so close that if Derek sneezed, we'd crash.
My little head peaked over the door. Their windows were tinted black. I could not see who was driving. The back window began to roll down and Derek noticed and slammed the breaks. My seat belt stopped me from crashing through the front windshield as my body lunged forward.
Derek placed his arm around me and looked back as we moved in reverse. We were in such an odd position where I legit felt like the universe was against us. Why was no one on the road? No cars, no witnesses, no anything.
I watched Derek's face. He was so focused, meanwhile I was freaking out, but quietly as to not disturb Derek's determination to keep us alive.
The car spun, and since I was basically slid to the floor at this point, I could only tell which direction we were moving by where gravity pulled me.
The SUVs caught up to us and were firing bullets behind us. My heart was beating at unimaginable speeds. I wanted to burst out crying. The fear of losing Derek was weighing on me. He had to keep driving and that also put him at risk.
I looked up at the sky and saw that we were no longer passing through street signs. It was just a plain sky darkening as the day came to an end. The sun wasn't going to stay up forever and when it went, we would be in the night.
I heard cars honking, meaning we were finally around people. That didn't matter in the slightest for these people chasing us. They kept firing and one of the cars got so close to my side that I saw a whole ass man leaning out of the back seat, pointing these huge guns at us. I was no gun expert, I had no idea what they were called. They were bad people guns.
Derek was amazing at driving and I was so proud of him and I wanted to tell how much I loved him, but if I did that I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears, then I'd distract him and then we'd die.
But his driving was ON POINT.
"When the FUCK did this turn into GTA?" Derek yelled, making me jump.
I covered my head as my window exploded. Glass rained all over and scratched me in a couple of places, but I was not hit by anything. I realized in that moment that hiding wasn't going to do anything. If the bullets were going to hit, they were going to hit. This stupid ass door wasn't going to stop them.
Or maybe I was getting stupidly brave thanks to the adrenaline.
I sat back up once Derek drove fast enough to be in front of the SUVs. I was looking around us to see where we were going. We were just about to leave California. Like the entire state.
"Call my grandmother," Derek said, passing me his phone.
I checked through the list of people on his phone until I found his grandma. Her name was Grandmother? The question mark was priceless.
She picked up quick.
"WHY ARE PEOPLE CHASING US, TRYING TO KILL US?" I screamed into the phone before she could get a word in.
"What? What's going on?" she said in her sweet little old woman voice.
"We're being chased . . . by these men in black SUVs," I said slowly.
"Where are you both?" she asked.
I gave her a detailed description of our location and then she hung up.
"She just hung up on me," I said, offended beyond belief.
"I think I lost them," Derek said, checking the rear-view mirror every couple of seconds.
"Or they decided to back off once they realized we've been in the public for a while now," I said, looking over my shoulders, searching for the shiny SUVs. "Cops should show up any second if anyone was paying attention to the mess that was happening on the road."
But no cops showed up.
Derek's phone rang ten minutes after his grandmother hung up on me. I picked it up.
"Why'd you hang up?" I said.
"It's Victor."
"Never would have imagined," I said in my dry sarcastic tone.
"I forced everything out of him. It only took ten minutes."
"Only?" I said.
"He hired some men to stalk Derek for a while, but he never ordered them to attack him. They went solo once they realized they could get the money from Derek for themselves. Victor has no control over them."
"They stopped following us."
"I assure you they will be back. I know how these people work. They will kill you."
"Should we go to the police?"
"That's the last place you should go to. Don't trust anyone."
"Not even you?"
"No, bitch. You can trust me. I am Derek's grandmother and I will do whatever it takes to keep you both alive."
"Hm. If you do that, you might actually gain some infinite grandma tokens."
"Are you both okay?"
"I mean, we haven't been shot if that's what you're asking." I looked at Derek to make sure. I hadn't really paid attention to him since the bullets flying through the air were a little distracting. He was fine. I would have noticed if he got hurt.
"I'm going to send you directions to a safe place. Keep driving and don't stop for anything. I will meet you both there."
She hung up again. I was going to have to teach her some manners. Perhaps it was an old people thing. At least an old rich people thing. Why bother saying goodbye when you could be making another million dollars for blinking?
"What did she say?" Derek asked.
This was the first time I noticed any fear in him. His hands were shaking at the steering wheel.
"She . . . um, she said to keep driving."
What should I say to him? We never sugar coated a situation. That was one of the reason our fights were so intense. We were always real with each other. If I said everything was going to be alright, he'd know I meant the complete opposite.
It was our first time in this kind of situation. It was normal to not know what to say, right?
Although, it made me wonder if this was his mom's life before she died. Was every moment a dangerous one?
I couldn't imagine the pressure. I couldn't even comprehend the things Derek told me about his grandfather. How the hell did we get sucked up into this life? Let me go back to my precious gay life. My only problems were figuring out Ariana Grande's tweets and avoiding Drag Race spoilers.
I received the address to the safe location and read it out loud.
"Go there," I said. "Your grandma is gonna meet us there."
"Did you read it right? That's kind of far."
"Yeah, she said to take a specific road. It should take us straight there. One long road."
"It's like we're going on a road trip again," Derek muttered, remembering the good memories.
"Maybe the author is trying to save herself from the plot holes."
"I think it's too late for that."
~ This is Squishy's last appearance. He hopes you had a great ride and he hopes to see you in the afterlife
We have been on the road for three hours. It would have been longer if we didn't have Derek's grandma on our team. She called us every ten minutes to make sure we were okay, but to be quite honest, it only made us more nervous.
Things only got increasingly worse when we spotted someone following us. We were pretending to be oblivious, but that was the reason she had called us so much. They were on our tail for a good hour now. We were assuming that they thought we were going to the location of the treasure, when really we were taking them straight to grandma's army.
Grandma had her own people. She had bodyguards and hitmen and hitwomen, possibly even ninjas. They were going to protect us until Victor handled things. I wasn't quite sure what to believe. It did seem odd that an uncle would order people to kill his own nephew, regardless of their history, or lack thereof. I wanted to believe that he wasn't evil.
But he was still trying to steal what belonged to Derek.
"She hasn't called," Derek pointed out once more than ten minutes had passed.
"I'm sure everything's fine."
Derek's hand went up to adjust the rear view mirror and as he moved it slightly, he shouted "fuck" and brought his hand back, speeding as once again bullets were fired.
With trembling hands, I called my grandma. I listened and waited for her voice, but she never answered.
Derek was trying his best to drive fast, but we were in a complicated spot. We were on a road in the middle of nowhere, far from any town or city. If we were caught, we were done for.
Then I noticed something odd. Everything looked familiar. The road was long and quiet, accompanied by fields of friendly cows and hot spots for UFOs.
I grabbed my phone again and quickly looked through my contacts. I found his name. I was suddenly nervous. Well, on top of being nervous about dying. But not once did I ever message him. Would he even respond? Why would he? He gave me his number and I never used it. Maybe he'd understand if I explained to him that I had a boyfriend and I couldn't? But now was not the time to be doing that.
I texted him and stared at the screen until I saw those little bubbles show up.
Leo: Hey, I don't know if you remember me, but you picked me up on your motorcycle once and then we 🍆 + 🍑. I don't have time to explain, but can you help me? It's a life or death situation.
Donovan: I remember you. What's wrong?
Leo: My boyfriend and I are being chased by these bad hombres. They've been shooting at us. We're on our way to a safe place, but I don't think we can make it in time.
Donovan: Are you close to the bar?
Leo: Yaes. They're still chasing us and I don't want anyone to get hurt, but I don't know what else to do. Maybe we can hide somewhere in the bar?
Donovan: Don't worry. Lead them to me, I'll take care of it.
Was I going to ask what he meant by that? Nope.
"Okay!" I shouted, excited about possibly living, for once. "Keep driving. You're going to see a bar to your left in a few minutes."
"Leo, now is not the time."
I rolled my eyes at him. "Not to drink. I have a friend in there who will help us."
"You have a friend out here? Since when?"
Should I tell him? Would he still drive us there if he knew it was Donovan? He could choose to drive us off a cliff rather than accept the help from the guy who gave me my Lana Del Rey moment. Nathan was one thing, but my one-night-stand with the random hottie could be a problem.
Oh, Leo, shut the fuck up. We're being shot at and you really think Derek would care about such a stupid thing? You're an idiot.
"It's Donovan."
"Who the hell is Do—oh."
"I asked him if we could hide in his bar," I said, waving my phone. "It's the only chance we've got, babe. I've been down this road before. It's long and they're going to catch up to us."
"I see the bar," Derek said.
I looked ahead and there it was. You couldn't miss it even with a blindfold on. The signs were bright and flashy. Just like last time, there were dozens of motorcycles parked outside with a couple of cars. We couldn't get any more luckier than this.
As we approached, I saw younger people my age just chatting outside. It worried me that we were bringing danger to them. Unfortunately we had no other choice. These men chasing us might leave us alone if we disappeared off the face of the earth.
They shot at us again and one flew by me. I screamed like the biggest bitch alive and ducked my head until Derek spun the car around all the motorcycles. We both jumped out and left the car, running towards the bar as they missed us with their guns. Little kids on Fortnite were better than them at aiming.
The crowd outside screamed and ran inside. As we followed them, I tripped and fell. I was the blonde girl with the huge tits in the movie. Derek pulled me back up, but a bullet finally hit me. I went back down, groaning from the intense pain that I could have never imagined.
"LEO!" Derek screamed, pulling me away from the door.
"What the fuck is going on?" I heard the familiar voice I could never forget.
Seriously, his voice was unbelievably chilling. Not in a bad way. The way he spoke made you coward in either fear or lust, sometimes both if you were bottoming for him, which for me was actually a reality at one point, so I experienced both.
My leg hurt too much to stand up. I couldn't focus on anything but the pain. Maybe I'd be okay. It was only my leg. I didn't really need it. I could be a one-legged Leo and still be so sexy and smooth.
Everything was quiet all of the sudden. Maybe my idea to hide at the bar worked. They only wanted Derek, right? And could they still get the treasure if Derek was dead?
Wait a minute. They weren't bad at aiming. They were never trying to kill us. They were only trying to scare us, to catch up to us and take us alive. Just like Derek's mom. Would they also torture us to the point of insanity? That scared me more than being shot.
"I think . . . they're Lords," a stranger said to Donovan.
Somehow that name turned Donovan angry. From the little time I knew him, he was always chill and rarely expressed any emotions. That sounded familiar.
Cough. Derek. Cough.
Donovan ran to the back room that I clearly remembered as though it were yesterday that I walked in with my backpack and curiosity.
The windows in the front of the bar all began to shatter and explode. Everyone dropped to the ground and covered their heads as the bad hombres unleashed hell. Maybe I was wrong and they really did want to kill us.
I was already on the floor dying, blood dripping down my legs. But Derek covered me, using his body as a shield in case anything went flying in our direction. My eyes were watering.
"I love you," I mouthed.
If I were strong enough, I'd shield him instead. I couldn't even breathe without receiving a bolt of pain through my body.
Donovan returned carrying a shotgun. He walked past us and went directly towards the front entrance. He kicked the door open and began screaming.
Silence. Perhaps that was me. I was feeling sick and dizzy. I shouldn't have eaten that weirdly colored chip that I found on Nathan's table this morning.
"Oh, fugchk—"
My world went black.
(To see more of what went on, stay tuned to my new boyxboy...xboy "Psychosexual" which you can add to your library now by going to my profile. It will soon start receiving updates and is in the same universe as Step Brothers. Check it out!)
When my eyes opened, Donovan was the last person I expected to see. He was sitting on a chair next to my bed. He was on his phone, looking unamused.
"How dare you look so bored while I'm on my deathbed."
He looked up and smiled. "You're finally awake," he spoke softly, sitting up on the chair instead of slouching.
"How are you feeling?"
"I don't know. Do I still have two legs?"
He chuckled. "You do, but why does it sound like you don't want two legs?"
"I really wanted to hop around," I whispered sadly.
He grabbed my hand and squeezed gently. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Thanks. Thanks for helping us, Donovan."
"Are you in a gang?" I asked right away without thinking.
He laughed again. "You could say that."
"I'm gonna create my own gang and call it THICKIES."
"I'll be your ally. We can form an alliance and fight all the non-thickies."
I laughed. Someone actually made me laugh that wasn't myself. Wow.
"Wait, you said finally. How long did I sleep for?"
"Just a day. You lost a lot of blood and they had to operate on your leg to get the bullet out. You'll be okay, though."
"That's good, I guess."
"I'll go get Derek," he said, standing up and letting go of my hand. "I'll see you soon, Leo."
"Bye," I said, smiling as he left.
This wasn't a hospital, was it? It looked like an ordinary room with tall windows. It was bright outside, but I couldn't actually see through the windows because there were large rose bushes covering my line of sight.
As I tried to get up, Derek walked in.
"Leo," he said like a little school boy seeing his crush after a long weekend.
"What up," I said, throwing a hand up, attempting to do a THICKIES gang sign of two legs up with my thumb in between to represent a penis.
"How are you feeling?"
I could tell he wanted to jump on me and hug me and possibly suck my nipple, but he had to be strong.
"Okay. Head hurts."
"The nurse will be here soon. She will give you more medicine."
"Why was Donovan here?" I asked.
"He and my grandma are the reason we're going to be okay from now on."
"Really? How?"
Derek sat down next to me. "The people who Victor hired to stalk me are from a group called Lords. They also happen to be the number one enemy of Devilian and unfortunately for Lords, they stepped into Devilian territory unknowingly."
"My fragile gay brain isn't following," I said as I drooled trying to comprehend.
"My grandma isn't exactly in a gang, but she knows a lot of people. Donovan was here because my grandma needed to speak to the leader of Devilian."
"Are people going to die?" I asked quietly.
"I don't know. But I'd rather them die than them hurt you, or worse."
I just remembered I missed my clinic appointment and getting into another session for my hours was going to take weeks. This just made my headache worse. When I came here from Italy, I wanted a normal fucking American life. But not ONCE did I imagine I'd get sucked into Scar Face. I didn't even know what the movie was about, I was too gay too watch that.
"So, I don't have to worry about anything anymore?"
"I still haven't talked to my uncle. I think he's hiding from me."
"Oh, great."
"Don't worry, you won't be alone anymore. I'll be with you from now on till you finish school."
My eyes teared up. "Really?"
Having my boyfriend support me physically, emotionally, every single day of this miserable student's life, was truly what I needed right now. And to be honest, what I deserved.
"I've already set up a hotel. I'll drive you everyday and pick you up everyday."
I fake sniffed. "I love my daddy who drops me off at school."
"Haha . . . ha."
"Did you and Donovan talk? Was it awkward? Spill the tea, sis."
"It wasn't awkward. He was really—"
"Chill," I finished for him. "Yeah, almost like he puts you in this calm trance and you just trust him with all your deepest darkest secrets, because he makes you feel okay."
"That was a little too real," Derek said, squinting his eyes. "Maybe I should go back and fight him."
"You are so . . . bad at this."
He smirked. "He asked me a bunch of questions. He was worried that he helped you cheat on me. But I told him everything."
I raised a single brow. "Everything?"
"No, not everything everything."
"I'm just glad he was there to help."
"Yeah, I don't want to think about what would've happened if he never helped."
"It's over now," I said, closing my eyes and finally feeling like everything was going to be okay from now on.
"He also, uh, called me cute."
My eyes flung open. "Did he flirt with you?"
"No, I don't think so. Just called me cute."
"How did that conversation even happen?"
"When I was explaining our situation and that you weren't cheating on me when you both . . . yeah, cause we weren't technically together, he mentioned how attractive you were to him when he first saw you. And then he threw it at me and said I was just as cute."
"He seems like one of those guys that are smooth without even saying anything."
"Are you hungry?" he asked, changing the subject.
"If you give me hospital food, I will happily shoot my other leg."
He laughed, stood up and kissed my forehead. "We're not even in a hospital, silly."
So it turned out, there were millions and millions of dollars in the treasure. It was buried next to a tree where his mom used to park the car. There was a lot more than just cash in the case. Most of the money wasn't even there. She spread the money and with the help of a few USBs, we found it all.
In a letter she stored in the case, she explained that the cash in the case she earned. The rest of the money she stole from bad men. And it was a lot of it. Around fifty million dollars, and with the help of Derek's grandmother and her businesses, they eventually doubled it.
In those two years, Derek bought us a house. It was a house I never thought I'd live in. It was big, beautiful and bootylicious. It had six bedrooms, SIX. With a pool and a similar view on top of the hills, where he'd constantly be reminded of those beautiful times with his mother.
I graduated from my school a few months after everything had happened. When Derek bought the house, he gave me the huge office for when I became an official therapist. When that day came, I was so happy and proud of myself for sticking through and being strong enough to make my dreams a reality.
In the end, once life was done putting us through hundreds of tests and crazy scenarios, all that was left was our love. And like a flower it bloomed, flourished and grew.
True love was real and I got my happily ever after.
[Author's Note]: Waah! The last chapter is here! I can't believe it. I am sad, but I've already experienced all the sadness for the past month + that I haven't updated this book. It took a long time to update because I had no idea how to end it. I knew what was going to happen, but how to end a book is just as hard as it is starting it. I apologize if it felt rushed. This chapter was 35 pages on word and it took me forever. I was constantly deleting and rewriting and I couldn't write for a long time. I've been writing this book for years now and to finally say it's done makes me EMOTIONAL. This book and these characters have been part of my life for years. I know they're not real, but they've felt real to me. That is the main reason I am sad. Because after spending so long in their heads, it's finally time to say goodbye. I feel like I'm letting a friend go and I just wanna CRY .
Fortunately for you guys, it's not quite over. There is one last chapter coming, it's a special one. The story IS over, so I don't actually have to write this, but I've been teasing you guys about it for a long time. So maybe don't consider it a chapter, just a special gift for you guys. I don't know when it will be uploaded, but soon. I don't have to say what the chapter is, you guys know what it is lol.
AND LASTLY, Step Brothers is being reworked. Leo and Derek from the first book are coming back in a new version of Step Brothers called "BoyxBoy" and I would like to self-publish this or actually publish it. If it doesn't happen, or if Wattpad releases a new way for Wattpad writers to get some $$$ I will post it here, but sis I need the funds. Transitioning is expensive LMAO. But yeah, it's not over for them. The only thing is that it's not really Step Brothers. It's Leo and Derek, yeah, but it's a whole new story. There are new characters, some old characters have been reborn as brand new and Leo and Derek have gone through their fair share of changes, but it should still be familiar enough that if you liked the first book, you will LOVE and be obsessed over this new one. Better story line, better writing, improved by a billion. Leo and Derek are teens again, Nicole has been changed, but I promise you that it's way better than Step Brothers. I will still be working on it for a while before there's any news besides what I'm writing here, so I hope you guys continue to support my other stories. There are already two new ones that will start getting updates soon.
*Sniff* Okay, well, this is good bye. I will write my last message in the special chapter, since I know many Step Brothers readers don't read my other stories or even follow me. Thank you for your support anyway, I love you and appreciate all of your kindness throughout this story.
<3 Much love - Seraphina
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