Road Trip - Chapter 34
(Sorry once again for taking long, I wrote a new BOYXBOY, I explain it in the author's note! Please enjoy this SUPER cute Nathan/Dakota chapter. I had so much fun writing it and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did! Don't forget to vote/comment and check out who plays them in the photo below)
[Nathan's Point Of View]
Dakota was on my fucking mind 24/7 since the day I courageously vomited my feelings onto him. The worst part about the whole thing was how much my heart hurt. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I'd lay in bed and imagine us together in various situations and hours would pass before I'd notice how far I'd been lost in wonderland.
But really, it hurt because he left not long after that day to visit family in Norway. A cousin of his was getting married and he had to be there. He was supposed to be gone for a couple of days, but he didn't realize how much he truly missed his parents until he was at their doorstep, so he stayed longer.
My heart hurt because I hadn't seen him since that day. We never went on our date and our amount of texting dwindled. Clearly he was busy on the other side of the world with family he hadn't seen in a very long time. And clearly I took it to the heart and believed that he no longer had any interest in me. Because I was stupid. Because I was easily manipulated by my feelings.
Overreacting was usually not my forte, but ever since Dakota, I'd been assuming like CRAZY. And it was driving me CRAZY. Fortunately for my poor fragile heart, Dakota was returning today and our texts revived like a wild horde of Kpop stans after their faves returned with a comeback.
I think I need your help. Are you busy?
I replied back so fast that I may have accidentally discovered supersonic texting speed powers.
No, what's up?
Can you pick me up at the airport? My ride bailed on me and I really want to avoid spending a lot of money on a Taxi. I'm arriving in like 30 minutes.
He wanted me to pick him up? Out of all the amazing friends he had, he wanted me? I had some big boy college work to do, but was I gonna tell him that? Nope. I responded and asked for the airport address. I showered with my phone in my hand as we texted back and forth and as soon as I got the address, I jumped into my clothes, all wet and drippy, and drove to the airport.
I daydreamed on the way there and almost crashed. I had this idea that I was going to meet him at the gates and we were going to make out in front of everyone like two lovers reuniting again after being separated by our homophobic families, except neither of our families were homophobic. I had a wild imagination.
Life hated me and my hopes were crushed, I was at least twenty minutes late because of traffic. Was I mad? Hella.
I felt so bad when I saw him standing outside with all his luggage, looking like a lost little boy. I probably shouldn't say that out loud since he could kick my ass.
He only noticed I parked in front of him when I got out of my car and slammed my door way too hard that it made him jump. His face immediately lit up when he saw me go around the car to meet him.
His smile was the cutest most adorable thing I'd ever seen. He spread his arms wide as I approached him and mentally thanked him as I was prepared to awkwardly stand there not knowing what to do.
We hugged, and it wasn't a bro-hug.
He was wearing a dark brown, short sleeved button up shirt with flower patterns, and beige shorts with shoes that matched. As we let go of each other, my eyes went down, the top buttons on his shirt were undone, revealing sexy chest with sexy hair. Dakota's chest was literally seducing me and I couldn't control myself.
"H-Hey," I said, bending down to grab his things.
"Missed you."
"I missed you too, dude." I used the luggage I carried to cover my boner until I was in front of the trunk, where I could safely breathe without exposing myself. I shoved his belongings inside and closed the trunk. "Ready to go?"
We both hopped inside the car and I drove away into the wild traffic once again.
"How was the flight?" I asked as we sat behind a long line of cars.
"It was fine. I had the whole row to myself, which was really nice."
"Did you sleep through it all?"
"I slept a bit, watched a few movies, read a book," he said.
"What did you read?"
"My favorite author, SERAPHINA RIVERA, released a new horror short-story, it was really good. I recommend it if you like dark yaoi."
I laughed nervously, gripping the steering wheel. "I don't know what any of that means. What was it about?"
"It's set in an underground bunker, but like a really high-tech bunker, after the United States was attacked by nuclear missiles. Apparently she's been working on the story since last year, but just now got around to releasing it, which is why we haven't been updated in a while."
"What makes it scary?"
"It's more dark than it is scary. The first few chapters are more about the bunker, the people, and the relationship the main character forms with his roommate. The ending really fucked me up though. I never expected that kind of twist."
"You said it's short?"
"Yeah, only six chapters. You should read it. It has sex and gore."
"Yum, my two favorite things."
He laughed and my heart melted like the chocolate your little sister threw out the window because she didn't want you to have any.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a cute laugh and smile?" I said, and our eyes connected for a moment.
"Yeah, my parents."
I snorted. "Okay, loser."
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a cute snort?"
I snorted again. "Yeah, my pig family."
"Are you coming for Shane Dawson's gig?"
"I'm coming for nobody."
Why did that sound so dirty? Why did I start thinking about it in full detail? Why was the detail so graphic and how was my brain's graphic card so damn powerful? There was no way I could come that much. Silly brain.
"Hey, can we stop by the grocery store? I just remembered I don't have anything in my fridge. You can just drop me off. I'll get home by myself."
"Nonsense, I'm coming with you," I insisted.
Brain, stop it.
There goes my boner again.
"Are you sure?" he said. "I don't want to drag you along."
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I asked.
"No. Never."
"Then I'm cumming—I mean coming—wait, they sound the same. Fuck."
Dakota raised a brow. "Are you okay?"
"Honestly, no."
"What's wrong?" He placed a kind hand on my leg and it only made it worse, but he didn't know.
"If you move your hand a little further, you'll find out what," I warned.
He squinted his eyes suspiciously. "Are you . . ." He fucking moved his hand closer and touched my wiener. "Jesus Christ, Nathan."
"That wasn't a challenge, idiot."
"Why are you hard?" he questioned.
"I'm always hard."
"Maybe you should read the story then, it has some steamy scenes," he said, trying not to grin.
"Sure. Send me the link and I'll fap to it tonight."
"I'll help."
My dick twitched.
"That's not making anything better," I said, shifting my focus back to the road, making sure I didn't crash because Dakota was feeding my impure thoughts.
There were no further comments on my situation. The drive was long to the grocery store Dakota went to, so I had plenty of time to think about repulsive things to get it under control.
"What's your favorite food—besides pizza," Dakota asked me as we walked together to the store after spending twenty minutes looking for a parking spot.
"Pizza," I said, tone serious.
He laughed, punching my shoulder. "Stop."
"I can't pick a favorite. I like a lot of things," I said, bumping my arm against his in retaliation.
"Then think. I'd like to cook you something today."
"Yes, really."
"Uh, I like meat. So, pizza."
For a second he was hopeful, until I mentioned it again. He glared at me and I saw my life flash before my eyes.
We walked into the store, brushing up against each other constantly with little to no space between us. My arm was practically begging me to wrap it around Dakota. I was self-conscious. Would it be a weird move if I did it? We weren't together—yet. And I wasn't afraid of homophobes, but I never had the opportunity to be scared of being intimate with another man in public.
I followed him through the store as he filled his cart. He was pretty serious about every single item he got. I was just standing behind him, this time becoming the lost little boy. Oh, how the turns have tabled.
"I used to be vegan," Dakota said as he looked through the meat section.
"Really? Why'd you stop?"
"I wanted to gain weight and muscle, since I used to be very thin, it just made me very insecure in my body like I wasn't good enough to be a boy unless I worked out and had guns to show off. Kind of messed up in a way, but it worked for me."
"As long as you feel better in your skin," I said.
"Yeah. I feel a lot better, but working out sucks."
"Can't relate."
He chuckled as he grabbed what he needed from the dick-shrinking freezers.
"You can come work out with me if you want. The gym I go to isn't expensive and it's pretty nice."
"I'll think about it."
"Doesn't sound like you will," he said, pushing the cart. "You're passing out an opportunity to see me work out? I thought you'd be all about that." His sarcasm was as obvious as Kylie Jenner's natural body.
I gulped. "I didn't even think about that. I'll think about it . . . harder."
"Ok. That sounds more convincing, I guess."
"Can I ask what you're going to cook for me today?" I said, walking faster to keep up with him. I wanted to stay by his side so no one got any ideas about stealing his cute boy from me.
"Pizza," he muttered. "Fucking homemade pizza. Because the guy I like is basic."
I gasped. "You like me?"
He gave me a dirty look. "How many times are you going to ask me that?"
"Until we're married and I know for sure I've trapped you."
He laughed so hard that he became like a cartoon character, throwing his head back and holding his chest.
That was it. He laughed and kept pushing the cart through aisles. At least he didn't reject the idea.
There was hope.
"Do you want anything?" Dakota asked after we spent another ten minutes going back through aisles looking for something he'd missed.
"Okay," he said, totally trying to act cool but not with that smile mister. "I guess we're done. I'll go through the self-checkout. Can you get the car and wait for me outside?"
For some reason I had the urge to kiss him before leaving, but I didn't. When I was outside, I took a deep breath and cleansed the anxiety rising in me. I missed him so much, it was hard trying to hold back from doing something. We texted so much about wanting to make out for the first time, and fucking for the first time, the details were bonerific, but being in person was different. I was scared to talk like that or act a certain way because I didn't know the boundaries. Real life wasn't like texting.
He didn't seem like the type of guy who cared, especially if he liked you. I mean, he had sex with Derek after like what? A week of knowing him? And it wasn't even romantic. They were just . . . friends.
Did it mean something that he never asked to do something with me even though we'd known each other way longer?
With all of this in mind, I got the car and parked out front, waiting for him. I had a few hours with him until it became night and had to go back to my dorm. I thought of things to ask him. I was endlessly curious about him. And yeah, he said he liked me back, but I still had my worries.
He came around a few minutes later, pushing the cart with bags inside. He insisted on loading the groceries by himself, so I let him and just waited some more before we took off, back on the busy road.
"I've never made pizza from scratch before," Dakota said as he looked through his phone. "It seems easy and I've seen how it's done. I could've just bought an already made pizza, but what's the fun in that?"
"I'm sure it will be great," I said.
When we arrived at his place, we both got out and helped with the bags. Walking into his house with the white plastic bags full of groceries in our hands made me feel like we were a couple coming back home after doing some errands together. It was cute and left a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Aw, I missed you guys," Dakota said to his furniture and television as we walked past and dropped the bags on the kitchen floor.
"Don't be weird," I said, almost tripping over a large container of apple juice that had been concealed by the white bags.
"Karma," he sang.
My face got red. "Shut up."
He sighed and cracked his back. "I need to shower before I start anything."
"You just got back home, relax. Don't worry about cooking anything right now. Go take a shower, I'll put away the groceries."
He smiled at me and ran his fingers over the back of my neck, caressing gently and lovingly. "Thanks."
As he pulled his hand away, I replaced it with my own, instantly missing his touch. He went over to his dresser, picked out a set of clothes and a towel and disappeared into the bathroom.
It took me way too long to put everything away. Mostly because I didn't know his kitchen or where he put everything, and also because I couldn't stop thinking about the feelings he gave me. Why did it hurt to like someone? That stupid little feeling in your stomach, constantly rotating through emotions like an avalanche of fear and love, never once settling on just one, and always tormenting me with the lingering expectation of rejection and disappointment, was really a mood killer.
Was it too early to confess? That painful fear was love. It grew every day like a beautiful rose in a field of dead grass and crunchy brown leaves. The only thing that could save the flower was water and sunlight. Water was my confession, sunlight was Dakota.
And Dakota was like the sun. He was a bright star in the sky, keeping everything alive and warm. Like I said before, he even looked like a Sun God.
I moved to the couch when I was done putting everything away. I left his kitchen organized and spotless. I leaned my head back and listened to the shower, imagining him under the water, naked and—no, not again.
I grabbed a cushion and covered myself, praying to the heavens that he wouldn't ask.
Dakota came out of the bathroom. He was wearing shorts and a tank top with the sides cut almost all the way down, exposing his abs and V line. I wasn't exactly getting used to his muscular arms, like they still turned me on and I wanted him to punch me, but seeing his body through his shirt made me curiously horny all of the sudden.
"Can I ask you personal questions?" I said.
"Sure," he said as he walked into the kitchen and came back out with a water bottle.
"Um, they're kind of . . . trans related. Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah, it's fine," he said, his voice nonchalant.
"What surgeries have you had?" I asked.
"Only top surgery," he answered as he went over to his bed, looking for something between the sheets. "I'm not sure if I want anything else done. I'm good for now."
"And testosterone changed you? Like your body?"
"My voice got deep, my hair grew thicker and grew in more places, my body became masculine and so did my face."
"And it took a long time?"
He sat down on his bed when he gave up looking. "Yeah. I put in a lot of work to look the way I do."
"You look great."
He snickered. "Thanks."
He was so freaking cute.
"Do you have the scar?" I asked, pointing to his chest.
"Do you want me to take off my shirt? Is that what you want?"
"How did you know?"
He smiled a lot at everything I said. It made me so unbelievably happy that I made him that happy. He got up, but was suddenly shy and slow when he removed his shirt.
I let my eyes wonder. His chest was so fucking nice and masculine and so was the rest of him. I could almost see the person he used to be. He was beautiful either way and I was happy that he was comfortable. His hard work was visible in every muscle and hair on his body. He lifted his arm and showed me where the scars were. They were slowly fading but unnoticeable when he had his arms down.
"You know if I end up working out with you, I'm gonna eventually beat your ass because I'm taller, right?"
He scoffed as he fixed his shirt. "No way. Being taller means nothing."
"Can you not put it on?" I said quietly.
"You want me to keep my shirt off?"
"Yes. I want to keep staring, if that's okay with you."
"I guess?" he said, unsure. Either way, he tossed the shirt on his bed and let me have it.
"I want to ask about something else, but I really don't want to offend you or make you uncomfortable," I said as my nerves spiked. My heart raced so fast that if it was quiet enough nobody would still be able to hear it. No superheroes in here today. You thought.
"Should I sit down for this?" he said jokingly.
"Yes, sit down, my son."
"I didn't know if bringing it up would be awkward or not, but remember those . . . spicy texts?" That made him sit down and listen. "I just . . . want to know . . . the situation."
"You're really struggling, aren't you?" he said, laughing at me.
"Wow, dude. Laughing at me while I'm trying to be nice and respectful? Fucking rude."
He held his hand over his mouth as he laughed more. I might have to change his title from sun God to never stops laughing God.
"Yes, I remember the texts. We want to fuck each other."
My face went red again. I was not a shy boy but holy fuck.
"Fucking . . . hell." I was starting to sweat.
"Do you need an adderall?"
"You're so funny."
"What's wrong, Nathan? Are you wondering how we'd have sex?"
I leaned forward and clasped my hands together. "Yeah . . ."
He shrugged. "Whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? I don't even know what I want."
He glanced to the side and I thought I offended him and was ready to apologize on my knees and beg for forgiveness, but he left his bed and went to the closet in the hall. I couldn't see what he was doing from my position, but he was searching for something, again.
"So," he came back to me with his hands behind his back and a skeptical expression that concerned me. "I don't think this will freak you out, but I use these." He finally showed me what he was holding and I kind of just moved back and sunk into the chair. It was a vibrator and a dildo.
"I've always liked how it feels, but because I was a virgin most of my life, I couldn't really tell you what I wanted either."
"Until Derek," I said, feeling like a giant piano dropped on my head.
"Not really."
"Dude, I can't compete with him," I moaned, rubbing my eyes.
"You aren't competing with him," he said, sounding annoyed. "Derek is my friend. We had sex once, but it has nothing to do with us, or you."
"I know, but his dick is huge!"
"And? It hurt like hell."
"If only I met you sooner, I could've been your first," I said quietly.
He crouched down in front of me and looked up with his powerful eyes. "There's no use being upset at what happened in the past. It's really cute that you wish you were my first, and yeah, I wish you had been too, but I don't want you to get upset at something you can't change."
I sighed. "Ignore me, I'm just being stupid. After everything that happened with Leo I just feel like I'm always going to be the second choice."
"You're not a second choice. You're my choice. I wasn't even romantically interested in Derek, but I am with you. Have you never hooked up with anyone for one night?"
"I guess."
"And am I upset at it?"
"Then shut your mouth and kiss me."
My eyes went wide with excitement. "Seriously?"
"We've been talking about it non-stop, waiting for our moment, and I think this is a good moment."
I leaned down and kissed him without another second wasted. I held his face in my hand as I guided our lips together. It was the first time I felt his lips on mine and it was not like I had imagined, it was more. They were soft and warm. The kiss was gentle and passionate, but the longer it went the more our mouths opened, until our tongues touched. I swallowed the taste of his lips and begged for more, pushing my face harder against his, breathing him in till our lungs kicked and forced us to separate.
His eyes were lazy and so full of bliss that I had to laugh.
"What?" he said, his face relaxed.
"I told you my kiss would leave you flustered."
"Yeah, you're a great kisser."
"I don't know how Derek made you feel," I said as my eyes were drawn to his bed, "but I'm gonna make you feel a hundred times better."
"Stop thinking about him."
"I can't . . . I've seen his dick, it's so . . . huge," I repeated, my eyes going wide again as the bed came to life in my mind. "I hope you don't expect that from me . . . if you ever want to."
"Cis-guys are so annoying sometimes," he muttered to himself, but clearly loud enough for me to purposely hear. "So it's a size competition. All this time I thought you felt like you weren't good enough."
"That too! I am SO not good enough."
"Wait a minute," he said, blinking rapidly. "You've seen it?"
"Oh, um, hehe."
With eyes squinting intensely, he moved and sat next to me, still holding those toys that made my eyes water. "You've . . . seen it?"
My face made multiple expressions, from stupidly pondering, to thoughtful ideas, and finally my favorite, the duck lips.
"Sometimes when Derek came to visit Leo and stayed with us, they'd have sex, and the bed is like, across from mine."
"You watched them?"
"Free porn, dawg." He couldn't even stay serious for a minute without something I said making him laugh. "I've also, um, jerked off while Leo blew him. Not that long ago, actually."
"No wonder you guys had issues. You're all a mess, literally."
"Don't be mean to me," I said, pouting.
"You don't have to worry with me, Nathan. If you're worried about size," he said, picking up the toys and flipping them in the air. "This one is five inches, and this one doesn't even go inside me."
I gulped. "Um, so you want me to . . . do I call it . . . this is so hard."
"You can say vagina. Even pussy if you're feeling dirty."
"Okay, so, if we have sex, we're going to do it from . . . dick to pussy?" I made the hand motions like a fifth grader would.
"If that's what you want, yeah. I can also take it in the ass."
"Wow. It's good to have options."
"I never thought we'd be sitting here talking about this, but I'm glad it happened."
"Me too," I said, smiling back at him. "Can I ask another personal question?"
"Hit me."
"Is it different?" I nodded at his parts.
"Uh, yes and no. Testosterone makes the clit bigger, like it's slowly transforming into a mini penis. And I'm not super hairy, but I don't like shaving. Having hair on my body makes me feel more manly."
"Hair doesn't bother me. Actually, nothing about you would ever both me."
"Thanks, Nathan."
"Do you have any questions for me?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Are you covering something with that cushion?" he said immediately.
"How many times, Nathan."
"A few."
"I have a fleshlight in my closet, you want it?" He left my side and went back to the closet, putting everything away. "I clearly have no use for it. My friend thought it would be a funny gift. It was definitely funny. But you seem to desperately need it."
"Gee, how many toys do you own?"
"A few," he said, looking over his shoulder with a smug. He threw a box at me and I caught it in my hands. "It's a pussy one, hope you're okay with that."
"I'll think of you, if you're okay with that." At first my mind thought of it as a joke but when I said it, it was dead serious. I couldn't lie and say just kidding when we both knew I was gonna think of him for sure.
He sat next to me again, this time throwing his legs over me and the pillow, and laying back.
"And I'm not worried about my size, by the way," I said, watching the skin of his neck, wishing I could bite down and leave permanent marks. "I'm cool in that department."
"Good, then I better not hear you mention Derek again."
He was right. But I was also right. I had the right to feel upset after everything that happened between us. Derek made me feel like I could never be good enough. Not intentionally, but it still happened. I never had a chance with Leo, and when I liked someone else, it turned out that OF COURSE they had slept together.
But Dakota was right. We were here together, and not him and Derek. Dakota liked me and Derek had Leo. I just had to somehow get over the fact that Derek was inside my future boyfriend.
Or husband.
Fuck. Dakota was so amazing.
"Wanna see a picture of it?" I asked, pulling out my phone.
"What the fuck of?"
"My dick? I'm not gonna pull it out right here, that would be weird."
He looked at me like I was stupid. "Yeah, that's so weird."
"Sent it to your phone."
He clicked his tongue and then smacked my arm. "Seriously?" He didn't seem mad about it, I mean he got up and grabbed his phone from the coffee table. "Why though?"
"I'm gonna use this tonight and think of you," I said, waving the box in the air. "I want you to do the same, but I want you to see what it looks like."
"You're right. This is weird. This is what people do when they're sexting, nobody plans ahead."
"And loud," he added, covering his ears dramatically.
"Don't worry, you don't have to open it now."
"Too late," he said, quickly picking up his phone again and opening the message. "Oh."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It's nice. I like it."
"You don't sound so impressed."
He gave me the dirtiest look I'd ever seen on such a pure angel. "I'm not gonna scream in excitement. I love it. Is that better? I can't wait to have my mouth all over it."
"Keep the cushion, I guess." He laid back again and swung his legs back on the cushion, putting heavy pressure on something that didn't need pressure right now.
He replied back to the text with the dolphin emoji and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.
Hottest dick I've ever seen in my life.
"Aw, I can tell you're being serious," I said.
"Of course I am," he said as he playfully bit his thumb. Was he secretly doing it on purpose? Why? "And wait, Leo sleeps in the same room, how are you—"
"He has seen worse, don't worry."
"Are you quiet when you—"
"I breathe and moan loudly," I admitted.
"And he doesn't say anything?"
"He doesn't care. We're like two bros, except he's more of a queen than a bro."
"You seem like you're always horny," he said.
"Yeah, sorry."
"No, I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing. I'm the same way."
"Really? Do you know when you'll want to do it?"
He shrugged. "It's up to you. Not right now though."
"How about after our first date, when all of the lovey feelings are in the air."
"Why then?" he wondered.
"Feels better when there's lovey feelings involved."
"Great, now get the fuck off me before I cum on your cushion," I demanded humorously, pushing his legs away.
"Okay, bye then." He ran away and disappeared into the kitchen. I wanted to go after him, but my situation wasn't any better. "Do you want your pizza plain cheese or with pepperoni?"
"Drown it in pepperonis," I replied.
"Do you want to help me make them? It's kind of fun."
"Yeah, sure, let me uh—"
"I've already seen it, just come—oh god, not literally, I am so sorry." I couldn't see him but I could paint his face perfectly like if he were standing in front of me. "Just . . . come here."
Like a good boy, I came. When I entered the kitchen, I almost died laughing, because he was wearing a pink apron with a unicorn on it. That was the gayest thing I'd ever seen in my life—and Leo was my roommate.
"You are the cutest thing," I said, using my high-pitch joking voice.
"Nice boner. I thought about helping you out, but I guess I'd rather see you suffer."
I gasped at his comeback.
God, no.
Not the comeback.
He turned on music and started dancing around me, using a rolling pin as a microphone. He tried to get me to spin, but I held my ground, still thinking about the retort that made me question my life.
We ended up making a huge mess, but the pizzas turned out perfectly delicious, just like Dakota. We ate and watched movies, kissed a few more times, I popped more boners but that wasn't a surprise to anyone, and then I went back to the dorms. I was so happy that the moment I stepped outside to leave, I felt miserable and hated the idea of being away from him.
I was really in love with him, wasn't I?
[Author's Message]: This was TOO cute. I loved it so much. Do you guys prefer Nathan/Dakota or Leo/Derek? I know Leo/Derek have more history and the other two are new, but I still think I made them different enough that you can have favorites.
ANYWAY, I wrote a new story. That's why I haven't updated SB in a while. It took me a few weeks to write and it's only 6 chapters. I was working on it last year because I wanted to upload a new spooky story, but I wasn't ready for it then. I've been talking about it on my social media since then and now the time has finally come. This new boyxboy is NOT for everyone. If you want something spooky for this spooky month, then please go check it out, it has a BIGGGGG twist in the end that you won't wanna miss. It's called "The Monster Beside Us" and it's available on my profile. It will be updated every week. And it even includes photos of all the main characters, so you'll see who plays the two guys in love (and they are hella hot, so you should go look) It's also mature because I had to write some sexy scene, cause you guys just love those, SO PLEASE GO SUPPORT IT. It would mean the world if you gave it a chance. <3 Thank you so much if you do. MWAH!
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