Chapter Three

                                       (Vote if you want me to upload more of this story!)

          "Wake up brother!" Derek shook my body violently and I groaned and smacked him with my pillow. He tumbled over to his bed, victory! Now leave me alone you sexy hunk.

          I buried my face in the oh so soft pillows and tried to drift off into another dream. A dream where Derek wasn't trying to wake me up from a dream about him. I frowned as he tugged away my covers and I laid there without protection over my body.

          I felt violated, but either way I finally got up and rubbed my eyes. I wanted to smack him, it ran in my family, the smacking. What if I didn't want to go to school? Jeez! Where are my options? Right...I didn't have any.

          "I'm awake!" I threw my hands up in the air. He smiled, the victory returned back to him. For now.

          "I won't allow you to miss school." He threw the covers over me. "So hurry up and get dressed."

          So demanding. Hot.

          I rolled over to the side of the bed and grabbed some random clothes to wear and ran inside of the bathroom. I'm very shy when it comes to changing in front of people, specially when this individual is my amazingly mouthwatering hot step brother. I don't want him staring at me. Actually, I would love for him to stare at me.

          I walked out of the bathroom after finishing up my things and my eyes scanned the room for Derek, he wasn't here, not a soul. I jumped all over the room as I tried to put on my shoes while also putting on my headphones.

          I grabbed my book bag from under my bed and walked towards the hall. Okay, time for another day at school. You can do it Leo, you can do it.

          My heart began to race when I spotted Derek, seeing him without the feeling of tiredness made a lot of difference. My eyes weren't blurry so I saw his perfect flawless face. I sighed and examined his gorgeous cheek bones and his dark hair.

          I wanted to drop an ice cream cone on his body and lick it off. Mmm, I bet his hotness would melt it right off. Wait! Leo stop thinking this. He's your brother! 

          But he's my step brother, so that gives me the privileges to think of any substance on his body... Oh but it would seem so wrong for my mom, not that I'm planning on telling her my fantasies about him. That would just ... Shivers.

          I frowned as I passed by him, his cologne was strong and alluring, the smell sent my hormones on fire. He had his equipment bag on one hand and his book bag on the other.

          "You should eat something."

          "No thanks." I skipped out of the door. Feeling more confident now that I wasn't in the same room as him. Spoke too soon.

          "I'm serious, you should eat something." He touched my arm. He touched my freaking arm! Oh, his touch, so strong yet electrifying. He moved me, since I was blocking the entrance.

          He took out his keys and locked the door then walked over to the open garage. "You will eat once we get to school right?"

          "Why are you worrying so much about if I eat or not?" I glared at him while I got in the car. Still not able to jump over it. I shouldn't even try, I might break something.

          "Good question. I guess it's just the protective side of me. You know, having a brother for the first time and all. Even if it's not blood related." He grinned and put the car in reverse.

          We arrived at the school and right after I left his car, Vicky threw herself over Derek. I sighed and walked away from the couples, I was becoming substantially jelly over Derek. Is it wrong to feel affection over him though?

          I still need to keep mom in my mind before I do or say anything. I don't want to ruin the miraculous relationship of my mom and Steve. Still surprised me how they were more perfect than my real dad.

          I thought I heard Derek calling me but I couldn't hear over my music. I turned it up and kept walking away. Looking back would just devastate me. Paramore - Ignorance was playing.

          Don't want to hear a sad song. I want to feel your pain.

          We're not the same, we're not the same...

          This was a really addicting song. It made me feel like I wanted to run around the school screaming and rolling over the fresh cut grass, in the nude. Nothing but my birthday suit. I think that would ruin any reputation that I have.

          Ignorance is your new best friend!

          Say it loud and proud Hayley!

          I walked inside of the school and someone tackled me. A pair of hands wrapped themselves around my waist. Female hands grasped at my chest. I don't know if I should smack the person behind me for assaulting me or feel happy that someone is sexually interested in me.

          "Guess who!" Nicole sang.

          "Nicole," I muttered.

          "Fudge cookies!" She hissed and released me. She walked over to my side as I headed towards my locker. "What's up?"

          "I'm hungry," I whined as I shoved my book bag inside and took out a notebook.

          "Cafeteria." She pointed towards the end of the hall like a show girl. "This way!"

          I caught Derek eyeing me. Yeah, I'm hungry! So what?! I ignored him and followed Nicole through the empty halls. We entered the cafeteria and Nicole turned to me, her dark hair almost slapping me in the face.

          "You have your I.D. right?" She asked me.

          "Yeah." I took it out of my pocket and flashed it in front of her. She took it and skipped towards the line for food. 

          "So," she spoke as we both got in line. "We should get started on that project. I hate doing it at the last minute. We should do it at your house or the library if you want."

          "I'd have to ask my mom if it's okay to invite people over," I told her.

          "Of course she can come." A voice behind me startled me enough to accidentally grab one of Nicole's boobs. Nicole scolded and smacked me in the face. Derek sneered so I smacked him in the face. "What was that for?"

          "For making me touch her breast," I told him as I sent Nicole an apologetic look.

          She shrugged. "I had an itch there anyway. Was too embarrassed to reach it."

          "Um." I blushed.

          "Anyway," Derek continued with an awkward glare. "She can come over if she wants. You don't need to ask our parents."

          "That answers it." She muttered and moved as the line did. She tapped me on the shoulder to grab my attention as she grabbed a tray and began piling food on it. She then showed me my I.D. and she scanned it over a machine. "And that's all you do to get your food."

          "No lunch ladies?" I asked.

          "We're in the future!" She said dramatically and handed over my I.D.

          I walked away with Nicole, leaving Derek to himself. 

          The more time I spent in an American school, the more I realized there wasn't much difference from schools in Italy. They are all the same. Some look different but when it comes to teaching it's all the same.

          A big bowl of ugly.

          You can guess that my least favorite class now is American History. I barely knew Italian history and now I had to learn a whole other countries background. I want to somehow smudge the whole world into one country. Like how earth was a billion years ago. Just one massive country where the dinosaur roamed freely with no government to rule them.

          I wish I was a dinosaur.

          I guess I can always pretend to be one.

          I was sitting at the bleachers with Nicole as our last class became wild. P.E. Sucks balls. Thank God that I was able to skip the long mile that our class had to run for a test. I'm new so I have a week to get the P.E. uniform then I'm going to have to participate in everything.

          I was watching Vicky with her cheer leading squad, they were practicing for cheer leading camp. The summer isn't coming for months. They were actually very good. If I were out of the closet, I'd join the cheer leading team. Not because I'm gay but because I can do all those stunts they can do, but better.

          "Disgusting." Nicole muttered as she watched her step sister out in the field. She had her eyes half shut as she stared deeply at her. Probably planning her death. Nicole and I were alike in so many ways except that I don't hate my step brother.

          I watched Derek running across the field towards his friends, they were playing football. I've never understood football, it looks very confusing. Running around with a ball that has the weirdest shape ever. It's like a fat banana.

          A fat brown banana.

          Nicole bumped my shoulder with her head. I stared at her as she rested against me. I really hope she isn't trying to flirt with me. I know I'm good looking and all but I'm gay. Not fair to her because she doesn't know. But still! 

          People can't assume everyone is straight right? That's just wrong.

          Derek suddenly looked up at us. I looked away so he wouldn't see me watching him. The last thing I want is for him to think I'm checking him out. But we're just watching them play football right? Well it might be different since I'm only looking at him. Even if he doesn't have the ball.

          I kept looking away, like if I were scanning all of the bleachers. Pretty bleachers. Very clean and bright. Oh is that a gum? Yeah, nice gum.

          "We should go before the bell rings." Nicole grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

          "What? Why?" I asked as she dragged me down the bleachers like a rag doll.

          "If you're in P.E. when the bell rings, then good luck trying to get out before the next semester." We headed out of the bleachers, I was staring back at Derek who kept glancing back at me. He almost got hit in the face by one of his friends but it missed him by inches.

          "Can you not pull my arm out of my body?" I whined as we ran through the gates and entered the main part of the Gym. Where everyone would wait till the bell rang to leave the school. She slowed down and now it just looked like we were walking while holding hands.

          "Hey Nicole! I didn't know you were dating the new guy!" Some girl hollered.

          She quickly took back her hand. "I'm not!" She yelled defensively.

          I looked back as I saw the cheerleaders walking back inside and Vicky dragging Derek along. He rolled his eyes at me. Aw, so cute. Nicole pushed away everyone who was waiting for the gates to open so we can leave the gym first.

          "Move!" She screamed at some douche who was annoying some innocent girl.

          Sometimes guys go way too far to impress a girl and it becomes annoying, that just ruins all your chances buddy. We waited behind the gates, a gym teacher was at the other side talking to another gym teacher. I wish they didn't lock us up during classes. It's not like we're going to run away. Or actually I might skip if the gates were open.

          Smart move teachers.

          "Want to go to your house right now?" Nicole asked me.

          "Sure." I said. I don't really have any plans other than to stare the ceiling of my room. Some company would be nice, and I bet we can finish that project in less than a day.

          "Want a ride? Or are you going with Derek?"

          "I'll take the ride. I don't want to be left waiting for hours again." I told her.

          "Okay." She started dancing and nodding her head like a chicken while she listened to her music. What kind of music makes you dance like a chicken?

          I also put on an ear plug and listened to my music. I played pop, evil pop. Lady Gaga.

          The bell rang a few minutes later and the gates were opened. Everyone rushed out like monkeys. Nicole was right about being here first, everyone in the back was being squished to death. We both ran towards the parking lot and Nicole pointed at her car.

          I nodded and went to the passenger side of it and waited impatiently as she took out her keys. "You know," She spoke as she got in the car. "I'm really tempted to smack someone."

          "What? Why?" I leaned back against the door just in case that person she wanted to smack was me.

          "Not you." She said while lightly tapping my leg. "My stupid, stupid sister." She pushed in the keys like a violent mad woman. "I hate her guts so much!" She smacked the wheel. Better the wheel than me.

          "Why do you hate her? I know she's obnoxious, evil, rude, icky," Ten minutes later we were arriving at my house. "Ignorant, a bitch...Uh. I forgot the inspirational speech I was about to give. It was really good in my head."

          Nicole shrugged as she parked in front of the garage. Derek might get pissed if his car can't enter the garage, I think it will pass nicely around her car though. So it should be safe. I didn't need to give her the address because she's been here before. She used to drop her sister off when her car was in repair after crashing into a police.

          "I just hate her, that's all. You might start hating Derek too once you get to know him. But that's a rare chance, he's too nice. I don't even know what he's doing with Icky! She's totally not his type."

          "You know his type?" I raised an eye brow.

          She laid a hand on my shoulder sympathetically and nodded her head back and forth. "I've know him since we were little and I can tell you that she is way out of his league. Not in a bad way. I mean I feel really sorry to who ever she dates. And that's all 57 guys including the transgender one."

          "Um." I eyed her carefully. That was the strangest thing I've heard since coming to America. Can't wait for more.

          We entered and I saw my mom in the kitchen, leaning over a huge tray of snacks. Her blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail. First time I saw it in a pony tail for a long time. She looked up through the kitchen counter and smiled at us both.

          "Mom, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked her as I removed my book bag and laid it against the wall of the kitchen.

          "Derek called Steve and told him he was having another pool party so I volunteered to make some of my Italian snacks." She lifted the long tray slowly to reveal what she made. I looked to her left and saw more trays. "I was just finishing up and I have to go back to work in about a minute or so."

          I took one of the snacks and threw it in my mouth. Finally! Something Italian! Oh, how I missed the taste of a country. Mm. My mom removed her apron and took out like ten liters of soda. I didn't even know there was going to be a party. Glad to know so I can hide upstairs. I want no part in this, and judging by the look of Nicole. Neither did she.

          "Well, we're going upstairs." I told my mom.

          "Leonardo..." She said with her mom voice, a curious but threatening voice.

          "Mom," I returned her voice. "We're going to work on a project. Get your mind out of the gutter."

          "Okay..." Nicole said weirded out and walked past us and went upstairs.

          "Mom!" I said embarrassed.

          "Sorry, honey. Just making sure you are being safe." She kissed my forehead.

          "That's disgusting." I ran away before she had a chance to ask what was disgusting. Girls are! No offense to any. I just don't enjoy what you carry in your pants.

          I opened my room and found Nicole laying on my bed, already with her book open. She was smart and fast. I closed the door and joined her. Stupid projects. I wish we could do a project on anything we want. Like pizza, or hot step brothers.

        Our study session was interrupted as an hour later the music became too loud. I sighed and walked over to the windows and looked outside and saw a lot of people around the pool. Icky was dancing on top of the tables, Derek was on the other side while talking to some of his friends.

          Girls were pretty much naked inside the pool, boobs flashing and everything. Most of their boobs look fake, I want to pop them with a pin needle. I looked back at Nicole who just shrugged. We picked a bad day to do school work.

          It seems like someone turned on the music just to annoy us. Vicky was glaring up at me as I glared down at Derek. Nicole rushed next to me, opened up the window and threw a basket ball towards Vicky. It landed directly at her forehead, she wailed as she landed on the pool.

          "KEEP IT DOWN!" She flicked her middle finger at the crowd who was looking up. Too many people looking at me!

          I dropped down on the floor and rolled over to the side of my bed. Okay I'm safe from those piercing eyes. Those mean and vicious eyes of the sluts. I gave in after a few more minutes of blasting music. The windows were even shaking.

          Lady Gaga - Born This Way started playing and Nicole took my hand and we started dancing around the room. Finally something that isn't obnoxious like music with lyrics about dance floors. Those irritated me. Nicole swung her arms over me and danced wildly against me.

          No matter Gay, Straight or Bi.

         Lesbian, Transgender life.

          I'm on the right track baby

          I was born to survive.

          Preach it girl! 

          Our little dirty dancing was interrupted as Derek walked in with the most shocking expression on his face. I jumped back and tumbled against Nicole and we both fell on the floor. I wasn't expecting to be watched dancing to electronic pop music!

          "Thank's a lot Leo!" Nicole smacked my ass as she got up.

          "Am I interrupting something?" Derek eyed me.

          "Yes, you all did." I told him. "Keep the music down please? We're trying to do our project here." I pointed at the mess of paper on my bed.

          "It's Friday," Derek said as he stepped closer to us. We both stepped back, the way he moved was like a predator. "Have fun."

          "I rather not do it at the last minute like some people." Nicole started dancing again as she made her way to the bed. Born this way was ending.

          "Nicole, can I have a moment alone with Leo?" He asked her.

          A moment alone? I didn't do anything! Is he going to confront me about me staring at him during P.E.? What should I say? Because it was obvious that I was staring at him in the wrong way. I can't really control myself when I space out into a world of hot step brothers.

          When Nicole stepped out he closed the door and locked it. I almost froze with fear.

          "What—" I began to asked but I stopped when Derek touched my hand. He moved it to his hips and he brought our chests together. Only a small space between us. I was startled and confused. A slow and beautiful song started playing. So he just wanted to dance?

          "I have a question for you." He asked as he began to move us together. His eyes staring down at mine. I couldn't find myself to talk. No words would come out when I opened my mouth, so I just closed it back and let him talk. 

          My body didn't know how to react. I was completely taken by surprise. What kind of step brother randomly dances with his step brother? His hand was so close to my ass that I swore he was about to smack it like Nicole did.

          His eyes were sparkling blue. I couldn't help but smile.

          He rocked our bodies, side to side and he even spun me around. I had an awkward grin on my face. His hands were cold and I felt the need to make them warm with my heart. Was that too cheesy?

          I felt like the whole world collapsed but only the two of us were standing together. I never felt anything like this before. I wanted to blurry my face in his chest and just pour my heart out by crashing my lips against his.

          "I want you to pick a new haircut for me." His voice was calm.

          "That's not a question." I said silently, unable to bring my eyes away from his.

          "It is."

          "A question would be what kind of hair you should get." I muttered as he spun me around again. I felt my cheeks heat up, this was nice but embarrassing. I'm not out of the closet, to anyone, so this was really hard for me. I've never been affectionate with a guy. "And why would you ask me? Get your girlfriend's opinion."

          "I value your opinion more." We circled around, our hands still locked together.

          "Icky—Vicky!" I said quickly as I realized my mistake. He smiled when I did. "Knows what you like more. I don't want to give you something that you don't like."

          "Would it matter if I said you already gave me something I like?"

          "What did I give you? Derek." I said his name to sound more controlling. I felt like I was slipping up. The longer he touched me, the longer my heart grew and eventually it will blow up on us both.


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