Chapter Fourteen
[I wish everyone could vote and comment, then maybe I'd write more of this story lol]
"Boys, can you please hurry up?" my mom called from downstairs.
I threw my backpack at Derek's chest and he caught it even with his already full hands. He shot me a look but he couldn't say anything because he owed me for last night. It was completely unplanned, in a way. I wanted to do it but I didn't want to do it. I guess I gave in.
He was so tempting though. How could you not? I'd rather lose my innocence with him than anyone else in the world. So hopefully those thoughts could hold me back from wanting to smack the smirk on his face every time I looked at him.
"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" He raised a brow.
I glared at him. "No, I woke up on the wrong bed," I corrected him.
His jaw fell. "You're harsh today, you know that?"
"I'm pmsing, leave me alone!" I whined and left our room.
"You better not be in that mood when we get to the park. I want to have fun and not baby sit you," he warned.
I ignored him, walking down the hall and down the stairs to meet my mom. She looked up with curious eyes and smiled when she saw Derek carrying my things. He will be my butler for today.
"Ready?" mom asked.
I nodded.
The van was parked outside and I could see Nicole and Kate arguing in the backseat. Ryan and Stefan were in the front seats with my grandparents so it left the middle for Derek and I. It was one of those vans with three rows. We rented it for today.
Steve was in the passengers seat which meant my mom was driving.
"Great weather today," Derek muttered behind me as I walked towards the van.
"Wonderful," I muttered.
I ducked, jumping inside the van and moving to the end of the seat. Derek tossed our two bags next to me and sat down after closing the doors.
"Have you ever been to a waterpark, Leo?" Derek asked me.
I chewed on my tongue. "No."
"I feel so freaking homosexual today. Ugh. Want to make out, Nicole?" Kate said loudly.
I closed my eyes, chewing on my tongue harder and biting on it to stop myself from turning around and unleashing hell on her. I brought up my headphones and placed them on, turning on the music on my ipod.
When the van started moving, I looked through the window and let the blaring sun hit my face with it's glorious warmth. Derek was right, it was a beautiful day and I was ruining it with my too-hot-to-handle swag.
Slowly, I tossed my hand over the bags that kept us from being close together, and grabbed his hand.
He snapped his attention to me and I saw him smile slightly from the corner of my eyes.
Could I really make him happy? I was young, so my feelings were still under developed and pretty messed up. Did Derek actually care about me in a way that would make him stay with me forever? I wish I could read his thoughts.
I love you, he mouthed.
My heart raced and butterflies sprung freely. This nervous feeling, I always felt it whenever I'm around him. Not sure if it's a good feeling or not, but I like it.
I love you too.
The ride to the part was a long and painful ride. I couldn't bare listening to my music because Kate and Nicole sang over it. So there was really no point. They kicked my seat, the pinched my cheeks and Nicole tried to jump over each row until my mom had to step on the break. Let's just say she landed too far.
We were at the stop light, it had just turned red. I could see the waterpark a block away and it was huge. There's something about waterparks that I don't like. It could be the fact that all that water is being rushed over thousands and thousands of dirty people. That is just disgusting. I am such a clean freak.
There's a high chance I won't go in the water, and I'll just stay with Nicole and Kate, tanning ourselves.
"There better be hot guys to look at. No point in coming if it's all just children." Nicole muttered.
"I know right?" Kate agreed.
"Especially straight guys."
Derek must have felt my hand tense because he shot me a warning look. I wanted so badly to just turn around and start bitch slapping them.
"I'm hungry," Kate complained loudly.
"We'll get food when we get there," grandma responded.
We reached the parking lot a few minutes later and we were all excited, well I wasn't that enthusiastic about it but as long as I was with Derek then I'd go to the center of the earth if I had to.
Nicole and Kate danced together to the loud music playing next to us; a car full of two stoned guys who were checking them out.
Derek took my bag when I tried to reach for it but instead of handing it to me he just tossed it over his shoulder. He was so sweet and I wanted to just drop his pants and go another round at it.
"Thanks," I muttered shyly.
"Spank me baby," Nicole moaned as she grinded all her goods on Kate.
Really? They can act all lesbian but I can't man up and tell my mom I'm gay and in love with my step brother? I guess it's different since they are girls and they can literally do this all they want and still be straight.
Oh, you confuse me.
The parents walked first and we followed them. I kind of wanted to be as far away from my parents as possible. I just felt like they would catch me staring at Derek with googly eyes and start wondering.
Derek did the unthinkable and removed his shirt. Not sure if he did that to tease me or just to tease me. Either way he was teasing me.
Ah, the mind of Leonardo. Confusing since 1994.
To my right, all the girls in my family were walking together, and to my left, all the guys in my family were walking together. And then there was me ... in the middle. I have never felt so out of place in my life.
We entered the park and had to make line to buy the stupid bracelets. I still stood by my opinion about water parks. I hate them all.
Nicole, Kate and I entered first with our new purple bracelets. We left everyone behind and ran to find a place to rest in this huge place. When I said huge, I meant HUGE. I have never seen so much water in my life. There were so many different slides and it all looked so freaking fun.
It took us a while but we found the perfect spot and immediately took all the chairs around and put them all together. When the others arrived, all three of us were already laying down enjoying the sun.
Derek, the obnoxious guy he is, stood in front of me and blocked the sun. I pulled back my sunglasses and gave him the eye.
"Move," I ordered.
He crossed his arms. "You're not gonna come with us?" he motioned at Stefan and Ryan.
I quirked an eyebrow. "Funny. No."
"Leave us alone," Nicole groaned.
"What she said," Kate agreed.
"You girls are no fun," Derek complained.
I rolled my eyes, putting down the sunglasses again and closing my eyes. Derek didn't move, which meant he was going to annoy me until I joined him and my cousins. But I honestly did not want to.
I squinted my eyes, sneaking a peek at his body that glowed with sexiness. I wanted to rub Nutella all over it and have myself a nice dessert.
Whoa there, Leo. Calm yourself you dog.
"Bye," I spoke first as I saw his mouth open.
He dropped his arms and sighed, defeated. He walked away and started a conversation with my cousins. They left a few minutes after grandma forced them to put on sunscreen. They rubbed it off when they walked away though.
"We should go look for boys," Kate suggested after a while of burning.
"Should we?" Nicole turned her head at her.
"Leo," Kate turned to me, "come with us."
Well I had no choice now since they were about to leave me with my grandma and parents. Oh hell to the no.
"Let's go, bitches," I shouted.
They both stood up, smearing some lotion on their bodies. My body was fine as it is and a little burn won't do damage to me. I was born for this baby. I was born in an oven.
Nicole and Kate pulled me, making me walk between them so we could act like we're best friends, which frankly I hated. We didn't know where to go or where to start. This place was so huge. But the tallest slide caught our eyes and we immediately ran for it.
It took us a while to find the line and when we did we almost fainted. It was so long and high. But it looked worth it since the slide went all around the freaking park and even inside the ground. My God it looked scary.
Kate suddenly screamed. "Oh, nevermind. I thought I brought my phone."
"Hey! I see the boys!" Nicole said, waving down at the three of them.
Derek waved back, blowing me a kiss. I couldn't even ignore that, I smiled and blushed. Something about him blowing me a kiss in public sent my nerves on fire. I know no one saw it, and even if they did they probably think it was for Kate or Nicole, but it felt good.
"Crap, they're coming," Nicole grunted.
"Nice going." Kate smacked her stomach.
"There is nothing worst than being around guys in an attraction park," Nicole said. The guy next to her gave her a look. "No offense or anything. It's just that you guys seriously get annoying."
I tried not to chuckle so I wouldn't get punched in the face.
A few minutes later and the guys joined us. There was no one behind us to yell at them for skipping the line, so that was unfortunate.
"Mind if we join you?" Stefan asked, even though our answer would be a no.
"Whatever," Nicole answered dryly.
Derek wrapped his arm around me and rested against the railing of the stairs. I half hoped he would fall down but then I'd be a really bad boyfriend for hoping that. I guess it's my time of the month.
"You look really hot in that sleeveless shirt and hat," Derek told me.
Did he just forget Stefan and Ryan are next to us? Yep, judging by the sudden regret look on his face. It was kind of amusing, at least I wasn't the one that said it.
Kate stepped in. "If you tell anyone about Derek and Leo, we will squish your brains out until they pour like juice from your ears. Got it?" She was a really good threatener. Was that even a word? Well it was now.
Stefan raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I don't have a problem with it."
Ryan just acted like he didn't just hear that. But he was going to use it against me one way or another. He's that kid in the family that all the other kids hate. I'll just have to tie him by the neck and hang him over a pool of sharks if he even tries anything. He knows better than to mess with me. Everytime he messed with me back in Italy, he regretted it.
And Kate was the big sister, so they feared her more than they feared me.
It was a matter of time before one of us accidentally spilled the secret. A relationship is hard to keep from your parents, especially when your loved one literally slept right next to you. That made things worse.
Some people, I'm not calling out names, think I should tell my mom because she doesn't mind gay people. But that's not what bothers me. It's the whole Derek being my step brother that bothers me. Okay. My mom is most likely going to accept me now that Kate did her job, but what about Derek and I?
I'm sorry but when do you see that? Two step brothers in a relationship? Even if it isn't blood. It would be extremely weird for them and they wouldn't let us date.
Then I'd probably run away with him and never come back. I love him. I really do.
I was feeling sick when we reached the top. It was so high that I could see the whole park from where I stood. I felt like God, looking down at his children. They are all my children. Because I gave birth to them all.
And Derek is the baby daddy.
I was having second thoughts about this ride. It was kind of high for a water slide, and it did more turns than a roller coaster. What if I weight so much that the whole thing just comes crashing down? That would be embarrassing, and not to mention I'd die.
I glanced at the line and sighed. There was no way I was getting off this ride. There were too many people and I didn't want them to think I was a chicken. I guess I have to man up and throw myself down the slide of death.
It was Kate's turn to go down, she waved at us and swung herself from the bar and disappeared into the hole of hell. Nicole went next and she went down screaming. I was next. It was my turn to die. Oh my God. Oh my God.
"Oh my God," I gasped when I looked over the slide and saw how long it was. "What are the symptoms of a heart attack?" I looked back at Derek. "I think I'm having one. Oh no." I clutched my chest and felt my heart beating furiously.
The loud sound of the lifeguard's whistle made me jump and grasp the pole so he wouldn't try and push me down. I looked down the rushing water that was going to be used as lube into Satan's ass. This is what it was. His ass.
"Come on, move it," the lifeguard demanded.
"Are you scared?" Derek raised an eyebrow.
"I could die," I whispered.
"You're not gonna die, you'll be fine. Just release the bar."
I glared at him. "If I die, I'm gonna hunt your ass."
He gave me that look, the one that clearly said, "Bring it, I'd love it."
I read the sign over me, stating the rules when going on the ride. I couldn't go face forward, I had to sit on my ass and hope I don't die. So that's what I did. People started calling me names so I suddenly became brave and released the pole. I screamed like a girl, I screamed like Paris Hilton after gaining a pound. And I hadn't even went down yet. I looked back in embarrassment and pushed myself down gracefully, like the queen of England.
The first few seconds were a bliss, the nervous feeling in my stomach grew as the slide took me around and around with all the water choking me to death. It sucked that I couldn't see where I was going, but that would mean asking for your death.
All I could think about was the many reasons to kill myself if my pants suddenly flew out of my body. That would only happen if I somehow turned around and dived face forward but there wasn't enough room for that so I was safe.
But I still couldn't shake off the feeling.
Luckily, I found myself enjoying the ride after torturing high pitch screams that only I heard. I felt like it would be even cooler if there were lights inside the tunnel. And maybe even music. Why not throw in a restaurant while you're at it?
I wonder where the slide is taking me? What if it ends up throwing me across a pool full of sharks or something like that? Maybe a pool of lava?
I closed my eyes when I saw I was about to exit the slide with one last fall. It was a very long and high fall, almost all of the butterflies inside me were dead from fear. I screamed and crashed into the deep clear blue water. I felt like a rolly polly when I did all those flips under the water. It was like there was a current.
"Leo! Fast! Hurry! Come! Run!" I heard the girls scream from the outside of the pool that I had crashed into.
I swam as fast as I could so that I could reach them in time and escape the boys. We did not need them behind us all day long. They were annoying, even thought they weren't doing anything wrong. Oh God, did I just exclude myself from the male gender race? What is wrong with me... but they were right. Their faces were just so freaking annoying.
They grabbed my hand and we ran away, guards whistled at us to stop running but we didn't listen. We should've cause then we all slipped and fell on our asses.
"I JUST BROKE MY BOOB BONE!" Kate screamed.
"I BROKE MY WEENIS!" I screamed for the heck of it.
We giggled as we got up and ran again, we just don't ever learn our lesson.
"Let's go in the lazy river," Nicole suggested.
"Perfect." Kate and I agreed.
The rides were too disturbing for us so we just decided to go lazy mode and sit on the giant doughnuts and let the water drive us around as we relaxed and tanned. (That was a mouthful)
"So how are you and Derek doing?" Nicole asked after we realized we were alone in the lazy river.
"We're fine."
"Did you guys shag yet?"
My jaw dropped. "Nicole. That's not any of your business."
"So you have," she wiggled her eye brows, and Kate joined in the wiggling.
"You guys are lame," I groaned, leaning back on the doughnut.
"So how was it?" Kate asked. "Was he good? Did it feel good?"
I put on my shades and ignored them.
"I was wondering that too," Nicole said. "Is he good? I heard he's good."
"He's a virgin," I answered dryly. "And so am I, so drop it."
"You seem defensive. What did you guys do?" Nicole winked.
I lifted up my shades to look around and check that there were no families near by for me to scar. It was still empty. There were people but they were far behind us.
"I may or may not have given him a BJ," I answered, feeling my face heating up and not from the weather.
"You're such a wh0re," Kate kicked my doughnut, splashing me with water. "Tell us about it? How the heck did that happen with everyone in the house all day and night?"
I shrugged. "I just waited till everyone was asleep and I jumped right in his bed and shit just got real."
"I want a boyfriend." Nicole whined.
"Me too." Kate agreed.
"Wanna be my boyfriend, Kate?" Nicole asked her.
"Oh gosh. I would love nothing more."
"So did he taste good?" Nicole wondered.
I was almost about to tell her to try it out herself but I hadn't thought that one through. Insults aren't my thing, I usually just end up making a fool of myself. Or in this case, almost letting girls taste my boyfriend.
"It was fine." I muttered, trying to sound as bored as possible so they could stop asking such personal questions.
"Is he big?"
"I'm gonna murder you both and sacrifice you to Satan if you don't stop being such nosey little rats," I hissed.
They both hushed up with that amazing insult from the amazing Leonardo.
"We will be quiet for now, but later when we're alone we're gonna ask for more detail than our sacrifice to the lord," Nicole muttered.
We had all stayed quiet, enjoying the wonderful sun and relaxing soothing rush of the lazy river. I felt like I was floating on a doughnut shaped cloud in heaven. I was enjoying America more than I had expected. I actually tend to live the rest of my life here. It was really wonderful.
And because of Derek ... I wouldn't want to move away and leave my first true love. I think it would be really special and amazing to be with your first love forever. It just means you two were meant to be. And I want that with Derek. We were young, yeah, but we weren't stupid like adults make us out to be.
I could wait to be set free, so that I could hold and be held by Derek without any problems. I would really give anything in the world to have the support from my family. It has to be done as soon as possible, before this family relationship got too far and becomes too weird for my parents to adjust.
"I'm kind of hungry," I moaned outloud as my stomach rumbled. "You guys want to—" I suddenly felt something heavy drop on me and pull me down under the water. I choked on the water as I wheezed from the impact that hit my chest. I couldn't breathe so I popped out of the water choking like I was literally dying. And then I heard Derek's laugh and looked up to see him grinning.
I assumed I looked really bad since his smile faded and a worried expression took over. He quickly hugged me and apologized in my ear as I tried to cough and breathe at the same time. I'm pretty sure I cried a little. But who the heck throws theirselves on top of another person who is as thin as a stick? I could have broken a bone or something. Derek is bigger than me, taller than me, stronger than me and I'm just here being a chop stick.
"I'm so sorry, baby." he hugged me tightly, which wasn't helping.
"I ha—hate you," I stammered.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think that one through," he said.
At least we had something in common, we both don't think before we say or do something.
"What? What happened?" Kate said lazily as she raised her head to peak at us. The water was dragging us down the path, so we weren't actually standing up.
I could feel the water inside my stomach and it made me sick. I burped silently until I felt better.
"Derek, just give him a BJ and he'll be fine," Nicole suggested with a smirk on her face.
I swam over to her and tipped her floater over, making her shriek loudly.
Derek grabbed me from behind and made us sink lower. He kissed my neck, my cheek and my ear. "I'm sorry. I'll do that if you want me to. We can go to the bath—"
"Shut up," I hissed.
"Yes, sir."
I actually enjoyed how Derek was holding me. It made me all warm and giggly inside - of course I didn't show those feelings because I was mad at him. He was rubbing my tummy under the water and it helped the pain. I felt like he might have landed on me with his elbow. That's why it hurt so much.
Running footsteps made me look up and I saw Stefan running up to us. He looked really worried, and he was looking at me. This couldn't be good.
He took a moment to breathe when he reached us. "Guys. Derek. Leo. I'm so sorry, but Ryan just told your parents."
I felt like knives were jabbed through my skin. I felt cold, frozen and empty. He told them. The bastard told him. How could he do that. How could he?! I should have known. None of us trusted him, that's why we never hung out with him. I should have done something.
Kate got off her floater and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, guys. It will be okay. We will all support you and defend you no matter what happens."
Now I didn't want to confront them. But I had to, there was no other option unless I decided to run away and never come back. It was time.
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