Chapter Five

          [We almost got 300 votes on the last chapter, can we do it on this one?! For Leo?]

               I chewed on my pencil as I stared at Derek's back. I wanted to jab this pencil right into his heart. It was the pencil of my love. Okay, that didn't even sound great in my head. Sounded like a plan for a 10 year old serial killer. I'd be a cute 10 year old killer right?

               But that is not why I wanted to stab him. He has been giving me mixed signals the past few days. And it's very irritating. Not to mention that Nicole has been acting strange too. I threw my pencil at Derek, it smacked him right on the back of his head. I quickly dropped my gaze when he looked back, a furious look on his face.

               I grinned after he turned around to face his work. Everyone didn't notice and I was surprised because it was quiet. An ant could have passed gas and we would all hear it, but not a dang pencil? It's not that I wanted to get caught, but just maybe...

               I grabbed an eraser and threw it at him. This time he ignored it.

               After class I ran out the door before anyone and met up with Nicole in the cafeteria. There was a strange smell of American food. So strange to my nose ... I'm going to skip lunch today. I don't even want to know what they are serving. It's odd.

               Nicole kept giving me funny looks so I snapped at her.

               "What?! Why are you acting all weird?"

               "I have no idea what you're talking about." She muttered.

               I leaned closer to her. "Is it because ... you know." I whispered.

               "No, not at all."

               "Then what is it? Is there something on my face besides my face?"

                "Oh, now that you mention it," She touched my face. "You do have a face."

                I frowned at her.

               There is no way that she is going to tell me what's wrong. Maybe this is some American type thing. I don't know! All I know is that if they keep going I'm going to really stab them some where.

               I sighed as I saw Derek walk in with Vicky in his arms. I am so secretly jealous. It kind of hurts when you love someone you can't have. And it sucks more when Derek is so nice with me. Like he really cares about me. How am I supposed to get over him when he's so lovable?!

               Going straight is definitely not an option.

               I watched him with hawk eyes as he spotted me and waved. Yeah, wave ...

               Wave while you still have your hand ...


               "I don't think he likes her." Nicole muttered as she looked the same way I was.

               "Why do you say that?"

               "Please," She snapped. "I live with the girl and it's like hell. And a birdy told me."

               "Why does it always have to be a birdy? Why can't it be a hawk? That's more powerful than a stupid fluff ball." I stared at Nicole's homemade food, I should tell my mom to do that. I don't really like high school food in America. It's terrible. 

               "You have issues." She said with her mouth full of food. "But so delicious."

               "I'm delicious?" I raised an eye brow.

               She started laughing, her hands smacking the table viciously. "No! I mean my food is delicious! But you are kind of delicious."

               "Who is delicious?" Someone asked behind me, I looked back ... Of course!

               "Leo is delicious, isn't he?" She asked Derek as he sat down next to me.

               He briefly stared at me then looked back at Nicole and back to me again. He rubbed his chin dramatically as he inspected me up and down. I felt myself heat up in embarrassment as his eyes explored me.

               I wanted to smack the grin on his face.

               "I think he's very delightful."

               "Oh God." I muttered. "Just put a cherry on my head and dip me in whip cream."

               "Will do." Derek patted my back and left.

               I was sitting down on the bleachers with Nicole, things seemed to have gone back to normal. I don't know what changed but I was glad that she was back to being Nicole. We acted bad today, by bad I mean we almost got detention in every class we had together. We are rebels.

               We talked back to some teachers and out smarted them with our obnoxious but funny comments. Nicole almost slapped her sister in the face because she called her fat. Vicky has some mental issues. That's what we believe.

               Everyone agrees that Vicky is pretty but that's all she will ever be. Pretty. Her boobs are bigger and heavier than her brain. It's a bit mean but she deserves it. If you're mean to people the expect the same treatment.

               It's like you are what you eat.

               I watched Derek finish his football practice. Nicole and I were supposed to be back at home but she insisted on staying for a little while so we could all go together. I just wanted to go home and die on my bed.

               Spring break baby. Nothing better. Thought it doesn't make sense to go to school on a Monday and then the rest we have off. What was the point in coming to school today anyway? No one did any work, which was the reason we were bad ass. Only like one class gave us actual work but it was easy stuff.

               I just wanted to be at home like everyone else! Except the football team who were working hard non stop. But I'm not in the football team. Why should I suffer with the heat? I pouted then bit my lip when Derek looked up at us. He pointed at me and waved for me to go to him.

               "Go." Nicole muttered as she pushed me up.

               I dropped my book bag down and slid my hands down my pockets. I sighed and walked down the bleachers. Remind me again why we always pick the top where it's tiresome. I walked down the last few steps and ran over the running track.

               I stepped on the fresh green grass and walked straight towards Derek who was waiting eagerly with the football in his hand. I have a feeling I'm going to get hit in the face. I grinned at Derek as I reached him. He grabbed my hand and placed the football on it. He arranged my fingers to match how I'm supposed to hold it.

               I looked up at him as he ran back, farther from me. He stopped then bent down a little as he rested his hands on his knees. I wonder if I can hit him with this ball. I'll probably miss, actually there is no probably, I'll miss. I looked up at Nicole and she just waved at me and started humping the air.

               "Throw it at me." Derek shouted.

               I looked down on the football and grabbed it tighter, here goes nothing. I aimed at Derek then with all my strength I threw it at him. The ball soared through the air but it went too high. Derek began running back and he caught it.

               "Not bad..."

               I flexed. "I'm awesome."

               He chuckled. "Yeah, now catch this Mr. Awesome." He threw the football at me, it was noticeable that he didn't do it that hard. I'm not some weakling! He can throw it as hard as he wants.

               Or slow if he wants ...

               My stupid thinking got me confused and out of focus. The ball hit me right on the face. I stumble backwards and tripped over my own self. Why did I know that I was going to be hit? Why?! Because I'm psychic that's why. I just know the future.

               "Crap, are you okay?" Derek rushed to me and pulled me up.

               I rubbed my forehead. "Yeah, my ball is a face magnet."

               He started laughing.

               "I mean my face is a ball magnet."

               He still laughed.

               "What?!" I shrieked.

               "Nothing. Are you okay?" He pressed his thumb on my aching forehead. I nodded at him. "Let's just go home. I'll teach you another day, one when you aren't distracted."

               "Sure what ever." I whined. "Shut up my head is hurting."

               "Want me to pick you up?"

               I popped my eyes open and glared at him through the corner of my eyes. "Don't you dare touch me!" I placed my arm next to him to keep him at a distance.

               "I think the ball hit him pretty hard." I heard him say to Nicole. "He doesn't want me to touch him or talk."

               "Discomfort?" She guessed.

               "That doesn't make any sense."

               "I'll drive." She announced when we got to her car. Another reason we stayed was because Derek didn't have any ride home. Vicky borrowed his car without permission. She's so going to be grounded by him. Thought he didn't look that mad about it. Maybe he released all the anger in practice today.

               "Can you turn down that horrible music!" I complained after we drove off. I was leaning against the door in the back, Derek's eyes on me. I felt like he thought that I was going to open the door and jump out.

               That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

               Nicole instead changed the station and I told her to stop. "I like this song." I giggled.

               "Dirty dancer?" Derek asked.

               "Yeah." I grinned with my eyes closed as I rested. "Enrique is h—" I gulped and swallowed. Thank God I stopped myself right there. "He's high ... "

               "He's high?" Derek repeated. 

               "He's a bad boy who has been doing drugs." I muttered.

               "I think the ball hit him harder than we think." Nicole told him.

               "Sorry Leo." Derek looked at me, or at least I felt like he was still looking at me. I don't remember a time where he called me by my name. That might be from the hit but it felt good to me. His voice was gentle and tickled my ear. I wanted him to say my name again.

               "Say it again." I asked.

               "I'm sorry."

               "No the other part."


               "That's the spot..." I sighed.

               "Should I stop at a therapist on the way? Or maybe a veterinarian?"

               "He's not an animal Nicole." Derek snapped.

               "But he's as cute as one, isn't he ? ... Derek."

               Why was she provoking him? She's going to get smacked by a football player. Then she's going to smack him back and it will all be a fight inside the car. And I will be the last slice of pizza ... and then I will get eaten alive ...

               Wow, not even in my mind do I make any sense. I guess that's what ducks are for. Yep, ducks. Quack. Quack. Quack. I want to snuggle with a chicken. Mm, chicken. So cute and fluffy. Or wait, those are cats that are fluffy. Unless it's a half cat half chicken then that's the bomb.

               "Oh! I love this song. Three Days Grace rocks my boxers." I sang out loud. "I. Hate. Everything. About. You."

               "He's talking to you." Nicole grinned at Derek.

               "Leo," Oh the way he spoke my name. "Three Days Grace isn't playing. It's a pop station."

               Shut your mouth and close the door. I wanna ... Watch you while you take it off. I'm gonna .... take a blind fold and put it on ... And then I ... drop the letter to the floor.

               I said shut up!

               "Why did you have to hit him so hard? Poor Leo..." Nicole said sympathetically. She looked at me through the mirror and I gave her a look.

               I danced in the back seat to random music that I didn't know about. Until Enrique Iglesiascame back on again. Then I was just like a kangaroo on Santa's workshop in the north pole. This song just got me on.

               "What the freak." Derek muttered as we reached our home. There was a party going on.

               " and your dad are throwing a party?" I gasped and left the car.

               I entered and shockingly everything was spotless even though there was a swarm of high school kids all around with red cups in their hands. Oh, Derek is in trouble. I'm not in trouble because I don't like parties. It's nothing personal, I just think it's for idiots.

               I think I'm getting better!

               "Vicky!" Derek pushed past me, his voice growing louder. I spotted Vicky in the kitchen and she ran away in her super high heels. Derek chased her outside and I sighed. I know how this will turn out. He will get mad at her, she will do something cute and he will forgive her. Then I will watch them make out in jealousy through my binoculars.

               I grabbed the cup from this random girl's hand and drank it.

               "Sorry about that. He got hit in the head by a ball." Nicole apologized to the girl. Nicole flicked my ear and pushed me towards the stairs.

               "What?" I said irritated.

               "Go!" She grunted as she kicked all over the place and pushed me. I groaned and walked up the stairs where the music subsided.

               "What's wrong?"

               "It looks like Vicky used the key from Derek's car key chain. She threw a party without permission! Derek is going to totally blow." Nicole pushed our bedroom door open and closed it after I entered.

               "That's great."

               "It is! It comes down to this. Vicky has made Derek angry a lot of times but not like this. I think it's the end." Her tongue was out like an excited puppy. She ran towards the window and slid it open. We both hunched down and popped our heads over the window. 

               "This feels wrong." I told her as we both spied on Vicky and Derek. They were arguing, or Derek was arguing and Vicky was listening to her own thoughts.

                "Shut it!" 

               "You shut it!" I snapped, a little offended.

               "Just be quiet. I'm trying to listen."

               I looked down again. "Look at them. They are such a happy couple. So perfect. Look at their amazing and detailed argument. Why can't I have that?"

               "Seriously Leo, how hard did that ball hit you?"

               "You don't say my name good enough." I groaned. "At least I know I'm G...G...G...." I gagged as I saw Derek suddenly looked up at us, the argument stayed intact but his eyes were on me now.

               "You almost spilled the coffee beans."

               "Why Coffee?"

               "Why not?"

               We both suddenly placed our cheeks together and looked down as Vicky screamed, hershrieks teared through our bodies making us quiver in fear. It was that scream that woke me up from my aching face and my cluttered thoughts.

               He broke up with her.

               Actually I take that back. My thoughts were still cluttering and my head was throbbing. He's strong. I feel so confused and I'll probably collapse into a nap soon. But the break up was as real as Paris Hilton's brain.

               I gulped as I watched Vicky walk away. I felt fear for that girl. She is scary. She's the kind of girl that would stab you with her high heel and leave you to die on the ground as you dramatically gasp for air.

               We both sat back down on the ground and stared at each other. So Derek broke up with her for having a party without his permission. I don't think that was a great excuse to break up with someone. You forgive and forget. That's what I say. Or was it forget then forgive? But then how can you forgive for something you forgot?

               "Well this sucks." Nicole murmured.

               "What does?"

               "I wanted to spend spring break corrupting her little head." She slapped the air then punched it then squeezed it's head.

               "What did the poor air ever did to you?" I shoved her away. She rocked from side to side.

               "You're acting strange. I hope you get over your little ball slap in the face." She grinned.

               We both screamed like little girls when the door opened, it's the way it opened that made us scream. It was like a killer entering a room full of free hookers. I coughed awkwardly and let go of Nicole's head, which I was holding.

               I suddenly felt dizzy and nervous. Butterflies were mating in my stomach and having babies by the thousands. I felt a lump form in my throat as Nicole got up and walked away. Everything suddenly felt like a dream. Derek walked over to me and sat down in front of me.

               "Sorry about Vicky," I stared at him. "I don't think it was a good reason to break up with someone though. You're being silly. Just go and talk to her and get her back before you lose her."

               "You're being too understanding. I think I hit you harder than we think."

               "Oh shut up about the ball already."

               I clenched my teeth and formed fists. Oh snap, Is he going to hit me? Did I say something bad? "Don't hit me!" I covered my face, that's the most important thing.

               "What? I'm not going to hit you. I'd never touch you like that."

               I dropped my hands and slouched my shoulders. "Okay...but if you want to hit me then that's fine." I won't mention how I'd probably like it.

               "You're so clueless aren't you."

               I stopped chewing my finger for a second. I looked up at him. "What?"

               He got on his knees and crawled closer to me, making me move back with instinct. My heart was racing as everything went piling up one by one. Each missing puzzle piece. Each memory. Each clue. Derek...?

               "Don't be afraid." He smiled at me.

               "Afraid of what?"

               "Of going with your real nature."

               I shook my head. "Derek, you hit me in the head. The least you can do is make some decent sense."

               "I can show you." He walked closer. "You remember the first day we met?"

               I looked up, trying to remember the day. It was a bit hard because my head hurt but I remembered. He was playing his video games. He wanted to clean his room even though his dad said he never cleaned his room...Oh my God ...

               I've never met a guy that would ever want to clean his room because of a new step brother. Ever! Well my mom doesn't really randomly marry people so I wouldn't know. But I know that I'm making sense! Unlike him. But ... that was the first sign and I ignored it because I was too stubborn.

               "Derek?" I gulped as his face got closer to mine.

               I watched his lips, eagerly to press mine against his. My heart was sinking, I could feel it. My breathing was becoming slow and unresponsive. His fingers clutched my shirt and he pulled me closer, closer enough that his breath was tickling my face.

               His curious eyes turned into hunger. He pulled back his lips and dropped his gaze down to mine. I gulped silently and let myself give in, the attracting, the alluring charm was enchanting me. His captivating eyes piercing through mine like knives.

               Was this really happening? Were we really getting this close or was it just part of my concussion? We got even closer, both unsure of what our next moves were going to be. This was it. 

               "I wanted to do this so bad since the first day I met you." And he crashed his lips against mine. It was like fireworks shot off from our lips. His lips swarmed mine in dominance, his tongue tickling my bottom lip.

               Derek was the first to really respond by cupping his hands around my face and his kiss made me sink down lower into him. My heart was beating loudly, and I bet his was too. It was like a race for love.

               His taste was sweet like fruit punch. It was such a thrill to have our lips connected. My body was warming up with arousal, my lips tensing between each breath and I could almost scream out to the world.

               We switched face position, our tongues dancing with each other. His hands were slowly crawling up to my neck. His touch was sending sparks through me. This felt surreal. But so amazing and wonderful. My first kiss and it was everything I ever hoped for. It came out of no where but yet I didn't care.

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