Chapter Eleven
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I sighed, I felt like a rag doll being manipulated by a five year old - In this case my cousin Kate. So while she was in the mall with Nicole, they both saw a sign about a pride festival and there are going to be drag queens, so Kate had the smart idea of dressing me up so I could go with her. Me being an idiot, agreed.
It's weird that she does this stuff, she doesn't even know I'm gay. Or does she? Oh my God that would be fantastic and horrible at the same time. If she knows then maybe my mom knows and maybe everyone knows! Oh Jesus!
"Stop moving!" She hissed.
I sighed again as she applied make up to my face. Nicole was grinning from my bed while she flashed the pretty girl clothes at me. Why did I agree to this? Why oh why? And to think that I have to walk out of this house like that. My family is freaking downstairs!
"Why the hell did I agree to this?" I groaned.
They both giggled. "Because..."
"What will my mom say?"
"I already told her. She told me to have fun."
I cleared my throat. "She was okay with it? With me dressing up as a girl?"
She shrugged. "She didn't look like she cared, she actually laughed."
Maybe I have some hope after all. Maybe I can come out to my mom if she acts positive around me as a girl. Being a girl is difficult, so much make up and shit. I had to shave my legs and my arms! My face is hairless so I didn't need to worry about that.
"Are you almost done?" I asked.
"Shut up."
Derek couldn't enter, he wasn't allowed to. No guys were allowed to enter while us girls were in here. I felt humiliated. The worst part, Derek is coming along. He made an excuse and asked his dad if he could go watch some lesbian girls make out. Nice one Derek, nice.
I already had the wig on, and it looked so realistic. It was a long black wig, it was very Gothic looking too. Kind of scene. Totally not my style but hey, Kate is the artist in this family - And by artist, I mean make up artist and fashion designer.
Kate brought up a red lipstick and began to pass it over my lips. She says that I have such a girl's face that it's almost scary. I don't break out and my skin is smooth as a baby's bottom. I don't get that last part, why would I want my face to feel like a baby's ass? That's just repulsing.
"Turn up the music!" Kate danced, Nicole was playing Britney Spears.
I sighed again.
"If you keep sighing you're gonna release your soul, boo."
I sighed.
She added the finishing touches, a little blush and done. I didn't want to look at myself until I am one hundred percent ready. That means I have to put on the clothes first. I sighed again and Nicole started laughing. I could hear Derek behind the door as he talked with Stefan. Gah! This is embarrassing, but strangely awesome.
"Whoa!" Nicole got in my way as I headed for the bathroom. "Theres a mirror in there. Just change right here."
"You guys are gonna look though."
She dropped her hands to her hips. "You have nothing to hide, now take off your clothes and put on the clothes."
I grabbed the mini dress from her hand and glared at her. I took off my shirt and then my jeans. I felt embarrassed to be in boxers in front of two girls but I'm gay so it wouldn't bother me as much as being in front of two guys. And Derek has never seen me like this, just in boxers.
Nicole and Kate helped me put on the dress without messing up my hair or my make up. It was so tight, I could barely breathe, but once it went threw I felt relief. It was very stylish and oh my God what am I thinking? It's a dress!
The end of the dress barely made it pass my knees, that's how short it was. I felt like one of those hoes in clubs but the ones who don't show that much skin. The saints of hell. Sophisticated hoes. Respectable hoes. Good hoes.
I pulled down the dress so it could be more comfortable, I fixed the straps and fixed my fake boobs. Wow, I would never have seen myself in this situation ... Only in America ... Only in America ... I jumped on my bed and took out the long ass boots. The heels on this thing are so freaking tall. How am I going to walk on this? Isn't it hard to walk on heels for the first time?
"Just so you know," I spoke to Kate. "I hate you."
"I love you too cousin."
"You have to take off your boxers and wear this." Nicole tossed me panties. Are you serious? No one is even going to look under there! "It's to hide your junk better and so you can't see the outline of your boxers."
"I hate you too." I told her as I took the panties from her hand. They both looked away and I quickly took off my boxers and replaced it with ... panties ... My dignity is now gone. It's been flushed down the toilet. I have no respect for myself at all.
After I fixed the ... panties ... I threw on the fishnets and then fixed my boots. The boots were easy to fit into but why did they have to be so long? They went all the way to my knees! These are the kind of boots that female rock artists wear. Leather boots with silver spikes in the back.
What are they trying to do? Turn me into Amy Lee or something?
I zipped up the boots and then I got up. It wasn't hard to walk actually. It was very easy! Wow people need to stop complaining. Yeah it's high, but grow some balls. Unless you're a girl, don't grow them please.
"Hot damn." Kate bit her lip and she looked down on me. "That is so creepy." She turned to Nicole who nodded her head.
"He looks like a real girl. He looks better than me, the hell? I'm jealous!"
Kate smacked my shoulders. "Stop slouching. You have to act like a real girl so don't you dare start slouching your shoulders. Don't act as if you're dragging yourself to walk. Just walk like you're free. Move your body, don't be afraid to add some spice."
I cleared my throat. I waved at them to move out of the way. I breathed in and then started walking around the room like a normal girl. Or a girl who is really into her shoes and wants to show them to the world.
"Good, tonight, Leo does not exist. So do not feel embarrassed, you aren't even recognizable. Give yourself a girl name." Kate told me.
"Alice." I mumbled.
Nicole raised a brow at me.
"What? I was thinking of a band so Alice came to mind."
"Alice what? Last name..."
"Alice Storm."
"Are you ready to look at yourself in the mirror?" Kate wiggled her eyebrows.
"I guess..."
They both pushed me into the bathroom and I started laughing at my reflection. Holy, that's not me! That's totally a new woman! A hot woman. I looked so real. My make up was dark and beautiful at the same time, I looked ... good...
"Holy shit."
I stared at my face, it was so flawless and pretty. The make up around my eyes went well with the black eyeshadow. Why did I like this?! Why is it amusing to me? Why! Ugh. I walked out and checked out my ass. Oh damn! I got a nice ass.
"You're gonna be fooling some guys tonight." Kate made me spin. "I am so borrowing those shoes after you're done."
"So are you ready to go downstairs while we get ready?"
I frowned. Why couldn't they get ready first? Now I have to walk around and let everyone stare at me? I groaned and skipped out of the bathroom. Derek is going to see me, Stefan is going to see me, Stupid Ryan is going to see me and then my mom ... Oh ... here comes another sigh!
Nicole fondled with my fake breasts and started laughing to herself.
"Um, okay." I heard Derek mumbled from the other side.
"All yours." Kate waved at the door.
I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door, the end of the dress was waving as I walked. I felt like a model. Even my nails were done. What have I done to you Leo? I am so sorry for ruining your cute image.
Kate opened the door and turned up the music. I couldn't help it but laughed. Britney Spears - I wanna go, was my entrance music. I walked out of the room and posed. Stefan saw me and fell on the floor.
I walked down the hall and headed down the stairs. Derek tripped over Stefan as he looked up at me. I kept a serious face the whole time, I have no idea how I managed to do that. When I stepped out of the staircase I looked at them with a serious look. Kate and Nicole were watching from upstairs.
I started jumping up and down, waving my hands in the air. Stefan quickly gathered himself and stared dancing with me. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. I didn't have time to practice my girl voice so I guess I'll just talk in my regular voice.
"Damn, I have a hot sister." Derek sighed and face palmed himself just as my mom walked out of the kitchen with my grandma.
Her jaw fell and she started pointing at me childishly. "Holy moly! You! You! What have they done to my poor baby?! They made him look better! Like the daughter I always wanted." She placed a hand to her heart.
"Who is that?" My grandma asked.
"It's me, Leo." I told her.
My grandma started laughing like a maniac. Jeez, don't have a heart attack. Did I really look that different? Well ... judging by how everyone looked at me, hell yes. These eyelashes are really annoying. Why do they have to be so long again?
Steve came out of the kitchen too, he took a gulp of his drink and when he saw me he spat it out in the air. My mom jumped back. Yeah, that's it. Why doesn't the whole world just come out of the damn kitchen and laugh at me?
"Stop laughing!" I whined and walked away. I walked past everyone and headed to the backyard. I bet they laughed some more at my behind.
I grabbed a seat near the pool and just stared at the water. This emo look was getting to me, I was feeling emo now. Derek and Stefan both came out and walked in front of me. I bet they are new best friends. Both the same height, same muscles, same age, best friends.
"You look good," Stefan said. "I'd totally hit it if I were into it."
I looked up at him and shook my head. "You're weird."
"If you had a girly voice then you would easily pass off as a girl."
"Yeah, well, I'm not having a voice change surgery anytime soon."
"They have those?" Derek asked.
I shrugged.
"You look way hotter than Vicky, you should go to school and try out for cheer leading." Derek suggested. I didn't know if he was joking or not, I hope was. But that would be so funny to walk through school like this.
Derek sat next to me and rested his head on me. What was he doing? He can't do that!
"Stefan is coming with us." He told me.
I looked up at Stefan who just grinned.
"Yup. I guess we're all gay for the day."
I flipped my hair back. "I am not gay, I am a lesbian."
"Oh right, sorry ma'am."
Derek took my hand and looked at my nails. Yeah yeah, I'm a human art sculpture come to life. I am just so beautiful. I heard something crash from upstairs and sighed. Stupid girls, they're gonna destroy our room!
"So when are we leaving?" Derek asked, releasing my hand.
I think he used the nail thing as an excuse just to hold my hand. Made me pout for a moment. He was so cute even if I'm a girl.
"After the girls are done."
"Wow. We're gonna be here a while then."
"True that." Stefan agreed.
We waved goodbye at our parents, who had a concern look upon their faces. I just smiled and snorted as I walked out. Then I apologized because it wasn't very lady like of me. Stefan, Derek, Kate and Nicole all fit well in Derek's car. Which was really surprising. But we looked cool as heck.
Cool as ice cubes... We're just five ice cubes in a convertible car.
"Can you stop playing Britney Spears?!" I snapped at Kate who was sitting in the back. I had the seat next to Derek because I'm the queen of the night. Kate kept changing the station to Britney Spears, yeah shes obsessed.
Kate had ordered, I repeat ... Ordered ... Derek to drive to the beach where the festival was taking place. The beach was about thirty to an hour away depending on traffic. We were on the highway towards the festival and we weren't the only ones. So many people were driving there! I didn't know that many people were gay ... Just kidding... that was a fail joke and I didn't even say it out loud.
There were a few guys who waved at me and it made Kate and Nicole laugh hysterically.
"Bitch, you're jealous I'm getting guys and you aren't?" I shouted at them.
"Totally baby." Kate replied.
Derek kept eyeing me through the whole trip. What's wrong with him? I told him not to look at me or touch me while they are here but he still does it anyway. He better be looking at me because I look awesome and not because he wants to eat me. I'm not changing my gender.
"You better win her that contest." Nicole muttered.
"What contest?"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Alice. There is a contest happening at the festival. Who ever wins gets five thousand dollars."
"What?!" Both Derek and Stefan said at the same time. Of course they would. All they care about is money right? Pfft, us ladies have to suffer with guys like these.
"Yeah, you have to be a guy though. And you have to be dressed up as a woman."
"I'll win!"
"You better." Kate threatened.
"There's a parking right there!" Kate screamed at Derek. I wish I could slap her, she's irritating my Derek.
We've been trying to find a parking for half an hour, and no luck until now. Derek quickly drove to the free space before anyone else, Kate and Nicole started flipping people off who lost the spot. They are gonna get us killed.
We all got out of the car and I felt funny. I'm dressed up as a woman in public. It kind of freaked me out how my two cousins were so normal about it. Oh my God, what if Stefan knows too? What if the whole world knows?! And why am I the only one who had to dress up as a girl? Is it because these two have too much muscle?
I'm gonna start working out from now on, I'm feeling way too comfortable in this.
"Booty shake!" Kate rubbed all over Nicole and Nicole bounced her crotch against my ass. Whoa.
I stumbled forward and Derek caught me as I tripped over. Okay so it's easy to walk in these boots but not when you're stumbling all over the place. I smiled at Derek and pushed him away from me.
Kate grabbed my right arm and Nicole grabbed my left hand. Now we walked together like best girl friends. Oh God, look how I'm thinking. This is going to my head and I'm gonna wake up with a vagina tomorrow morning.
"Dude, so creepy." Stefan muttered in the back.
We walked towards the beach, which wasn't that far from the parking lot. There were a lot of crazy looking people with rainbow flags and crazy body paint. It was intimidating since I was out in the open as a "gay" guy dressed up as a woman. Actually, we're all gay for the day.
The street next to the beach was not that crowded but when I looked farther down the beach, I saw a lot more people. They were all gathered around a stage as some pop artist sang. I don't know who that is.
There were more girls than there were guys, It didn't surprise me really. People here are - by people I mean guys - afraid to be themselves. Girls just don't give a damn. And I'm a girl! Yay...
Loads of tents stood next to the street, they were filled with cool things to buy from and others were advertisement tents. There was this guy next to use who did fake tattoos and girls gathered around to watch her friend get a pride tattoo.
It helped my self-esteem to see so many people who are happy with themselves, who are smiling and having fun and celebrating who they are. Why am I afraid again? Because of my mom? But what is she gonna do if I come out to her and she doesn't like it? She's going to kill me? No... I'll still live.
After I get home, I'm going to think about telling my mom. But maybe I should wait after my family is gone so their week isn't ruined with the awkwardness. Yeah, good plan Leo... I mean Alice.
"Hey look!" Kate pointed a tent full of lollipops. Nicole and her ran over to the tent and stared at the variety of rainbow lollipops, some even have an erotic shape if you know what I mean. "Give me three of those." Kate pointed at the erotic ones, of course she would.
They both bought them with their money and ran back to me, she handed me one. I frowned. Why would I want to publicly suck on this? Then I looked down, well I'm already a girl so why not?!
I looked back but Stefan and Derek were gone. I wonder where they went to.
We all unwrapped the lollipop simultaneously and began to suck on it. I'm going to hell aren't I?
We began to walk down the boardwalk and just looked at the many shops and people walking by. The sun is close to disappearing, to be replaced by the moon so we had to hurry and do stuff before it goes dark and the scary people come out.
I looked to my right and looked at the boardwalk stores, most of them were shirt stores and restaurants. That's such a good business, to have stores next to the beach, specially restaurants. So much money!
"Hey, where did the guys go?" Nicole asked as she looked back.
I shrugged. "They disappeared."
There was this crazy girl who was dancing like a psycho to the music playing on the stage. She started humping people who were walking by. Kate immediately ran up to her and started dancing with her. They both bounced their booties together and I covered my face with embarrassment.
"Please don't join." I begged Nicole.
She took the lollipop from her mouth. "I won't."
I liked how this crazy girl dressed though. Her straight black hair had red tips and she was pale as heck. She had higher heels than me! I know I wouldn't be able to walk in those. That's just crazy.
"Yeah! Hump me baby!" She yelled at Kate.
"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Kate replied as she wobbled her head around. She started spanking the crazy girl and this began to attract an audience. An audience of straight guys.
"Oh God." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why is Kate so embarrassing.
I grabbed Nicole's hand and ran away through the crowd. There were two security guards walking towards them, maybe they're gonna get in trouble for public affection? Can you get in trouble for spanking another girl?
Derek suddenly popped out through the crowd, well they weren't lost for that long. Stefan appeared behind him and they were both shirtless ... What the?
"Where your shirts go?" Nicole asked them as the approached us.
Derek pointed back. "These girls—"
"I don't wanna know." I cut him off, because if I didn't then I'd get really jealous. No one takes his shirt off but me! Me only!
"I'll go back and get them." Stefan said and ran off into the crowd.
Derek's eyes rested on my arm - which was locked with Nicole's - then he looked back at me with a grin.
"What?" I asked him.
"You're both really comfortable with that."
I flipped my hair back. "Yeah well. I'm a beautiful woman."
"Oddly, it turns me on." He bit his lower lip playfully.
Nicole scoffed. "What doesn't turn you on, Derek."
Nicole smacked Derek with her purse a few times and I cheered for her. Kate joined us after she got told to stop spanking that weird girl. Now we just walked and watched everyone else. I wasn't the old "Drag Queen" here. There were a lot of girls and guys dressed up as the opposite gender. I felt normal.
I feel like Jeffree Star...
"Hey." Stefan appeared and thew a shirt to Derek's face. They both didn't hesitate on putting them on, they stayed shirtless. And let me tell you, it was hard keeping my eyes off from Derek and not to mention my own cousin.
I was jealous of their hot bodies but then reality hit me ... I'm freaking prettier than them! So heck yeah I win the battle bishes! I win! I am the gorgeous, beautiful, cute guy. They are just sexy. That's it! Although, Derek is extremely cute. Okay I give up.
An hour passed and we did nothing but buy random things and stare at people making out. There were a lot of vendors and strange performing acts. There were unknown artists performing and gay stuff, literally. There was this gay cake, it had a penis on it...
The sad part, I don't think it was a fake one.
Kate turned to me and fixed my clothes, she looked up at me and smiled brightly. "Are you ready to win?"
"I guess..." I sighed, again.
"Go get them!" She spun me around and kicked my behind.
I was back stage of the ... well stage ... and we were getting ready to put on the show of drag queens. Dear God, I am so going to hell!
I walked up the steps and stood behind the producer, who was also a drag queen. Ms. Queen. She was one of the biggest stars in drag queen history. She was aligning all of the contestants and making sure that they were actually guys by touching our crotch. Hm...
Is that even legal?!
After everyone was ready, Ms. Queen turned to the big red curtains and walked right through it. Kate was at the bottom of the steps, watching me with big wide eyes. I was a little worried about her.
"Is everyone ready?!" Ms. Queen shouted, drawing a crowd of cheering psychos.
I was kind of nervous but after looking at my competition, I relaxed. I am so going to win this. I look more of a girl right now than half the female population on this planet, which oddly scared me and excited me at the same time.
All we have to do to win was sign up at the mall, which Kate did and I felt extremely angry at her for using my signature and pretended to be me. Then the crowd is the one that chooses the winner by the amount of cheers and claps we get.
Ms. Queen began calling down each of us. I listened to how people cheered, not many of them were that excited and the crowd was massive since some big artist is supposed to perform next. I just wanna go on that stage, win that money and get out as quickly as possible! Fastest way to earn five thousand dollars.
I still don't know how American money works but it's fairly easy. I just don't want to learn.
"Alice Storm." She called out, I gulped and walked towards the entrance of the stage. Kate gave me two thumbs up and I breathed.
I stepped out through the curtains and walked out on the stage, guys began whistling and girls began screaming my name. Yup, I am so going to win this. I feel drunk...
Should I pose?! Should I flash my ass or something? What do drag queens do? Oh my God! I should have studied for this! Hm... I started waving at the crowd, very girly like. They responded by screaming louder.
"Wow," Ms. Queen spoke. "That's one of the biggest reactions we've ever gotten!"
The crowd began chanting my name, Alice Storm! Alice Storm! Alice Storm!
Smile, Leo. Flash your awesome gorgeous smile and win this! I smiled, but I smiled directly at Derek who stood in the middle of the crowd, watching me. He smiled back and chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment as people began taking pictures.
"Do I even need to go to each person? We already know who the winner is! Alice Storm!"
I sighed, my soul escaped freely. That was the fastest, easiest job I have ever done. I wonder if I could do this for a living and make a lot of money. Hm... I will keep that in mind for another time. I waved at the crowd and jumped up and down excitedly.
It's all thanks to Kate, she did an amazing job with turning me into a woman. Her amazing make up artist skills are beyond anything I've ever seen. Her taste in clothes is phenomenal, she really knows what she's doing. I'm just the model who is getting a big ego right now.
Ms. Queen handed me a check a few minutes later, I grabbed it and ran out of the stage as quickly as possible. I just want to get out of these clothes as quick as possible. I ran down the steps and suddenly girls started screaming, they started chasing me. I bulged my eyes, like those cartoons where their eyes turn into egg yolks.
"Stop chasing me!" I screamed with my girl voice, I started running away. "I'm not famous!"
"Alice!" They screamed as the ran after me with cameras.
"I love you! Marry me!"
"I'm not a lesbian but you're hot!"
I screamed and ran past people. I'm gonna die! I'm gonna get murdered by fans that I just got after being on stage for a couple of minutes! Is this what Lady Gaga feels like?!
Suddenly I saw Derek running in front of me. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms and ran away faster than the crazy fan girls. I wrapped my arms around his neck so I would fall off and break my neck or something, he runs fast! No wonder he's such a good football player.
Derek's first point of view! OMG ;D
"I can't believe you got chased down by girls." Kate said as we got inside my car.
"I guess I'm that good looking." Leo muttered, flipping his hair back for the thousand time. I think that the whole look is going to his head, he hasn't stopped acting like an actual girl for over two hours now. It was beginning to worry me. I love him when he's a guy, I'm gay no straight! I love him as a guy! Gah!
"You guys wanna go somewhere to eat? I'm starving." I asked them as I turned the engine on, the car roared to life.
"Sure." Everyone agreed.
"Here you go." Leo flashed the check to Kate, which she gladly took.
"I'm splitting this up. We're all going to get a thousand dollars! Whoo!"
"Aw," Nicole pouted. "You don't have to do that."
"Oh yes she does." Stefan intruded.
"Shut up before I change my mind!" Kate growled at him, she bit on his flesh and hissed.
Leo's family is ... well there are no words. They are super cool, just like his mom. I don't understand why he's afraid to come out to them. They are so nice and open minded. I guess he really is that afraid of getting rejected. Doesn't he know that I'll always be there for him? There is no way that I would let him go and I wouldn't dare let his mom put him down for being gay.
I would come out too but then it would be weird for both of our parents. What would you think in that situation? Your own son and your step son both end up coming out at the same time? That would give a little hint of a secret romance.
So I will come out after we tell them how we feel about each other. I'm not letting him go at all. I honestly love him and he has brought me back to life. He made me stand up to Vicky and finally break free. He made me happy by just being in my presence.
I parked in front of Denny's - A good place to eat when it's night. I tend to hang a lot in this place with my friends. Or used to. Now that Leo is in my life, I'm leaving all my friends behind, and I have no problem with that. I want to be with Leo.
"Cool! American restaurants!" Kate screamed and ran inside the dinner. I saw her being stopped by a waitress and chuckled.
"Table for five." I told the waitress when we entered as a group.
"Right this way please." She showed a bored expression, I guess work must be slow today. She led us to an empty table for five. Leo sat in front of me, and I liked it. I could look at him without turning my head around. Yeah, I was that lazy.
The waitress gave us our menus and took our order for beverages.
"So, Leo." Nicole coughed. "Are you gonna dress up again?"
"No." He answered quickly. He was so cute. I loved his hazel eyes. Gosh he's so beautiful, it makes me want to cry.
"You guys wanna go watch Harry Potter this weekend?" Nicole asked.
"Why? You want to touch my wand?" Leo grinned.
I held the temptation of speaking for Nicole. Yes, Leo. I would like nothing more than to touch your magic wand and make it shoot magic at me.
"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked after she served us our drinks.
We all ordered and the food didn't take long to arrive. I had french fries and a huge fucking burger with bacon and everything. Kate kept whining on how Americans were so fat. She said all the things Italian say about us are true and we aren't helping the cause by eating junk food.
She's the one that ordered TWO burgers. Then she dares and calls us fat?!
The only fat I have is in my abs and my d—
"Sup, DEREK!" Someone shouted from the entrance, I looked back and saw Ty walking up to our table, he's from my football team. He walked with so much swag that it made me want to smack him. "Who are these lovely ladies?" He glared at Leo, Kate and Nicole.
"Shut up, Ty." Nicole hissed.
"Uh," I tried not to laugh. "This is Leo, My step brother and this is Kate, his cousin."
"Whoa, hold up. Step brother? That's a dude?"
Leo was too focused on his phone to notice that he was being made fun of. Leo really didn't care, which is why I love him! But he seriously needs to get a grip and man up to his mom.
"Yeah... we just came from a pride festival."
"What?!" He stuttered, he looked at me with a weird look. I returned it with a blank stare. "He's a fag? You're a f*g too?!"
I clenched my fists, my face steamed up and I glared at him. Hold it Derek, don't do it. Then I just couldn't hold it anymore. I got up and came face to face from him. Our faces inches apart, I stared at him, gave him a look that only a killer would give.
"Don't ever call us that again, got it?" I gritted through my teeth.
"Or what?"
"I'll pound your face." I spat. "You think you look tough by calling us that? It only makes you look like a p*ssy."
"Chill out, dude." Ty backed up and walked away defeted.
I watched him walk to the other side of the restaurant before sitting back down.
"Awkward." Kate sang in a high pitch voice.
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