Chapter Eight

                                                     [I'm sad :( Only votes can save me...]

               "I love you mom." I cried out and attacked her into a hug. She was so soft and alive today. I dropped on my knees and hugged her leg. I always did this ever since I was a baby. I'd get on her leg and let her drag me everywhere.

               "Leo, let go."

               "Only if you promise to stop working! Do I even have real parents anymore?" I bit into her leg and choked it to death. 

               "Don't you have some friends to hang out with?" She muttered angrily.

               I looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. "I don't have any friends."

               "Yes he does." Derek intruded, he smacked me in the head with a water bottle as he walked past us to go to the fridge. "You have me, and since you have me, we're going out."

              I gulped. I hope my mom didn't take that the wrong way. But now that I'm secretly with Derek, I'm going to be very paranoid about everything we say. It can get depressing at times, like I want to be all over his suckable lips at all times but I can't... I just can't.

               "There you go," My mom smiled down at me. "Your only friend wants to take you out. So get off my leg this instant."

               I let out an growl and rolled over. I'm not a dog though! Just because I growled and I rolled over! I got up and walked away, all grumpy. I guess my mom is gone! The mother I once knew is now gone for ever!

               "Is he always like this?" Derek asked mom.

               "Always, it gets less annoying after you get to know him more."

               "I'm still here, I can hear you." I snapped.

               "Aw, I find it adorable. Such a cute little brother you are." He teased me by cooing at me.

               My jaw dropped. I can't believe he just did that. Oh no he didn't.

               I grabbed the football on the coffee table and when Derek stepped out of the kitchen I threw it as hard as I could. It hit him straight in the stomach and he fell back. Oh yeah, OH YEAH. He landed harshly on the floor as he grabbed his stomach. At least I didn't go lower.

               "Leonardo." My mom gasped. Uh oh. "You apologize this minute."

               I looked at my watch and waited.

               My mom crossed her arms. "What are you waiting for?"

               "A minute."

               "Leonardo..." She repeated.

               I rolled my eyes and walked over to Derek's body. I got on my knee's and patted his leg. "I'm sorry I hit you with the ball."

               He suddenly tackled me and held me in a headlock. I was surprised by this, he was faking. Oh my God, Derek is a faker? "MOM! MOM! LOOK! HE'S FAKER! I TAKE MY APOLOGY BACK! FAKER!!!" I yelled as I kicked all over the place. He had me in good.

               "Leave." She pointed at both of us. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

               "I think she's on her period." I told Derek as we both left.

               "I heard that!"

               "So when were you going to tell me that we are going out?" I asked him after I closed the door. I liked our room now, I cleaned it all.

               "Already told you."

               "You know what I mean." I pushed him and tried to trip him over but I couldn't. Sad face.

               He quickly turned around and planted a kiss on my lips. I let out a surprised shriek as when he did. I pulled apart quickly after he did because my mom can walk in any minute. As long as she's under the same roof as us, no making out.

               "I'm taking you out on a date."

               "But you didn't even ask me out properly!"

               He gave me a stern look as he took his shirt off, making me whimper. I had to lean on my bed to take a breath cause damn. Too hot for my eyes, too much. Too much skin. I looked over at him and he was smirking at me. 

               "You tease..."

               "Come on, go out with me." He begged as he climbed on my bed. Oh no, he's climbing on my body while his chest is rubbing all over me.

               "I will, I will." I agreed as I laid my head back and let him kiss me. Why is he so sweet? Like really? I've met so many ... guys that are just jerks to their women. And now I meet Derek and he makes me giggle so much.

               I quickly pushed him off as my mom entered the room, Derek hit his head on the ground and groaned. My mom blinked when she saw him on the ground and then shot a look at me. She skipped towards Derek and handed him the house phone.

               "It's your dad." She told him, then she looked at me. "Will you stop beating him up?"

               I grinned as she walked away.

               When she did I got up from the bed and ran towards the door and locked it. No more walking in on us. I pouted at Derek and begged for forgiveness as he placed the phone to his ear.

               "Dad, did you forget that I have a phone?" He muttered into the phone. I walked towards him and hugged him. Then I kissed him all over because my kisses heal people. "Oops, sorry."

               He looked at me while he listened to his dad talk, I could only hear distorted voices from where I was. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I'm the wrong person for him but if he wants me then who am I to judge?

               I brought my lips to his, gently nibbling on them and I kissed him hard and passionately. I opened my mouth and switched sides as we kissed. He was grinning because of his dad. I didn't care though, it's not like he can see us.

               I touched his smooth neck and gently traced my fingers down to his collar bone. We tried not to make noise so his dad wouldn't hear and holy damn he was talking so much, I don't even think that Derek is listening anymore.

               I then touched his chest for the first time, it was enticing. His skin was really soft and it made me feel jealousy. I traced my hand down to his abs and wondered if I could do football too. Maybe I can. I had a lucky through this morning but that was it.

               "You gotta tell me how to get a body like that." I whispered in his ear.

               "Dad! Stop talking! I gotta go, I'm going out." He hung up and when he did he pressed his lips against mine. Oh, so much kissing. "I'll tell you after I see your body."

               My eyes went wide with embarrassment. "No. You can't see me like that."

               "But, but . . . I'm your boyfriend now."

               I started coughing uncontrollably. 

               "Hold your horses there Mr." I told him. "There is no way in hell that you are going to see me. Are we clear?"

               "You're so stubborn." He growled. "I like it."

               He then smacked my ass which made my smack his face. That did it, his face got red with fury. I just turned on the angry switch on him. I fell back as he got up and just looked at me. Without thinking I covered myself.

               "I'm not going to hit you back, but what the hell?" he snapped and walked away. "Do you think this is a game for me? I like you a lot, so I'm sorry if I'm coming off like all I think about is being on your body, but these feelings are new and I'm scared and I feel like you're rejecting me and it kind of hurts.  I thought you had the same feelings I did."

               My heart wrenched. I grasped at my chest as I felt this stinging feeling deep inside of me. Is that how he's really feeling? Is that how I'm really acting? But I'm only trying to say that he shouldn't make us move that fast. I guess I understand ... hormones ... but even I have self control.

               "I'm sorry." I whispered and look down on my hands. "I'm just ... scared."

               "You don't have to slap me for it." He muttered.

               "You slapped me first though."

               "Playfully, like how couples do. And I wasn't trying to force you to do anything. I'm just playing around, I would never rush you like that."

               I guess I was a jerk for hitting him. Was I being a jerk? I just loved hitting people so much, it gave me great satisfaction. It was my kink.

               "I'm sorry." I repeated.

               "It's okay Leo."

               "I like it when you say my name." I smiled.

               "Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo." He repeated as he walked closer. I was about to walk back but then I remember what just happened and I don't want to push him away. "Leo..."

               "Yes Derek?"

               He walked in front of me and touched my hips. "I don't know why but I'm so crazy for you."

               "I don't know why either." I muttered.

               He kissed me lightly on the lips and walked away. "Please get ready. We're going out."

               I muttered some curse words under my breath and dug into my suitcase. Some random clothes would do. I threw them at my bed and waited for Derek to come out of the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later and I ran in with my clothes.

               I locked the door and got in the shower after I undressed. Okay, I need to get myself together so I don't hurt Derek. He's too nice and deserves to be happy right? I mean he's amazing with everyone in school, he's so smart and so beautiful. Beautiful? Yeah, beautiful.

               Gotta fix my attitude ... because it does need fixing.

               I'll just be less afraid around him. I'm always nervous around him, my heart starts beating and I start shaking. It's not my fault, it's my feelings and my fears. So I start acting crazy and not myself. So yes, I need to learn how to not do that.

               I left the shower after I was finished and I dried myself quickly. I quickly put on my clothes after I dried my body but left my shirt off. I threw on a bathrobe over me because I wanted to feel what it was like to be a wizard.

               I left the bathroom and saw Derek playing his xbox. He quickly paused the game when he saw me, he was already dressed and everything. It made me jealous of how good he looked. I never knew American guys were this gorgeous.

               "What's with the bathrobe?" He pointed.

               I blushed. "Well you wanted to see my body... so ..." I removed the bathrobe after I had my magical experience and flashed my body at him. Of course I was only shirtless, no matter how stubborn I am, I'm going to keep my pride within my privacy.

               He smirked at me as his eyes lowered from my eyes. I could feel his eyes crawling all over me and it felt exciting. He walked over to me after turning off his game and he kissed my shoulder. Here comes the butterflies again.

               "You look great," He hugged me super tightly. "You don't have to change your body."

               "Oh thank God," I sighed. "I'm just too lazy to do all that work."

               I broke the hug to throw on my shirt. Now I was good and ready for what ever Derek has planned for us. I stared at his face and smiled. I got closer to him and slowly pressed my lips against his. He was breathing the life out of me, that's how it felt every time my skin touched his.

               I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me up from the ground. I felt like I was melting into him, I probably was, or at least my tongue was. I'm so stupid. Why would I try to push him away, why would I try to block this away? It's just too beautiful.

               "Aw, your eyes." He said as he touched my face. "They are glistening. Are you going to cry?"

               "What?" I said shocked. I touched my eyes and surely they were wet. "Oh, sorry. No, I was just getting emotional but no I wasn't going to cry."

               "You do like me."

               "Of course I do. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you I did." I grabbed his lips and pulled them down as I spoke. "And don't you ever doubt it."

               He grabbed my hand and pulled it down. Aw, I was having fun with his lips. "I won't. I promise. Now let's go."

               I was the first one out of the house, I felt like a prisoner with all my hidden secrets crawling all over it. Now that I was outside, I somehow felt free. It was a stress reliever and that was just amazing. I walked over to Derek's car as he closed and locked the house.

               I still couldn't jump over it and I don't think I ever will. The fear holds me back, but in this occasion, I'll let the fear take over me. Because there is still a chance I could kick something and break it. And I don't want to make myself look stupid.

               "So where are we going?" I asked him after we were out in the street with the wind blowing through my sexy hair.

               "Um," He gazed at the gas level in front of him. "Well I need gas so we're going to the gas station first."

               "That's great, but afterwards?"

               He placed his hand on my mouth. I frowned and stayed quiet. We reached a gas station a few minutes later. America has a lot of people. There were so many cars just driving by, but that could be because it's spring break and everyone who is anyone is out.

               "Be right back." Derek said, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car quickly.

               "Leo boo!" Someone screamed.

               I looked to my right and saw Nicole at the end of the gas station in one of her friends car. She was violently waving at me. I waved back at her. She looked pretty, I hope Vicky isn't rubbing up on her. But I meant it in the best possible way.

               "Where are you going?" She shouted.

               "I don't know. Derek won't tell me." I answered.

               "Aw, your first date?" She yelled super loudly. That made some heads turn towards me. I blushed and slowly slid down the seat. "Oops sorry. Have fun. Call me or text me."

               Is she high or something? Probably is. Otherwise she wouldn't have said that. She still would but not so loudly. And what's wrong with coming over to me to talk to me? Jeez! Derek appeared quickly and opened the gas tank. He grinned at me.

               "I heard that all the way inside the store." He muttered.

               "Is she doing drugs?" I asked him, he seems to be super close friends with her so he should know more than me.

               "No." He chuckled. "She did it on purpose."

               I eyed her as she climbed on the back of her friends car and they drove off. Nicole's legs were out of the car, too many girls in one car. They were all screaming as a police car entered the gas station and they drove off super fast.

               Derek ran around the car after filling it up, and then were were out in the streets again. I plugged in my ipod to this cord that was connected to the radio. I played my own music. Radio's need to be removed from the world.

              "So tell me, how do I give you hope?" I asked him.

               "You make me happy, you make me forget the reasons why I'm in pain sometimes." He answered quickly, it's like he knew I was bound to ask it eventually.

               "So you're really gay? When did you realize you were gay?" I asked him. It's time for the questions. That's what you do on a date right?

               "Since I was very young. I wondered my sexuality a lot. Sometimes I thought I was bi, other times I thought I was gay, but never really straight. Now I know though," He looked at me. "I'm gay."

               I giggled.

               "Only Nicole knew?"

               "Yep." He grabbed my hand and drove with the other. "Now it's your turn. Since when did you know?"

               "Since I came out of my mom's vagina and I started crying." I muttered.

               "That's very detailed."

               My face heated as the more personal questions crossed my mind. "Did you ever experiment with a guy before?"

               He chuckled. His grip tightened. "No, you?"

               "Nope." I popped the P.

               "Good, that's good."

               The way he said it made me laugh. "Why is that good?"

               "I'm sure you know."

               I thought about it. Why would I like that? Hm. I started shaking my head at him. "I don't know."

               "It means we saved it for that special someone."

               I bit my lips and whimpered like a puppy who was afraid. Afraid of love. I rested my head on his shoulder, I didn't know what to say. Obviously I was traumatized from the mental images. And a little overwhelmed, I was getting excited over here.

               I was blinded by the love that I didn't notice we parked in front of a store. I opened the door as Derek ran around, I beat him to it. Smooth way of trying to be a gentleman though. Points for him. Vicky must have been lucky when they were together, but now it's Leo's turn at the gold.

               I followed Derek until he stopped.

               "Holy crap. Look at that lion statue." He pointed at the greatly carved statue. He took out his phone and handed it to me. "Take a picture of me planking on it."

               "What's planking?"

              "Just take a picture when I say go." I watched him as he laid on top of the lion in a very inappropriate way. He laid still with his hands to his side and told me to take the picture. I took it and handed it to him. "Okay let's go."

               I followed him into a very colorful and small shop. It wasn't bigger than two rooms. It was an ice cream place. Oh wait, it was a frozen yogur shop. There was a group of girls in the corner of a room all huddled up together while they talked.

               Derek passed me a cup that was bigger than my hands. At least it was a very eye catching cup. I looked up at him and he just smirked, he sure likes to do that a lot. He looks at me with such passionate eyes. It melts me.

               "Get what ever you want." He pointed at the many levers with different flavors. Can't I just put his body under the chocolate level instead? I would much rather use his body instead of a cup.

                I filled my cup with only chocolate, the other levers had weird names and I was kind of afraid to find out what they were. This does not look like yogurt, it looks like normal ice cream. I wonder if it tastes like ice cream too.

                I tossed a lot of M&M's and chocolate sprinkles and anything else that was chocolate then walked over to Derek who was already at the front as he talked to the girl behind the counter. 

                 I placed my cup next to his on a metallic plate that told us how much weight it was and how much it would cost. So we pay by weight, that's cool. Derek paid quickly then we left the store faster than we entered it.

                He handed me a spoon. "I like going here." He told me.

               I quickly tasted this chocolate fountain of death and it was like heaven. It wasn't yogurt but it wasn't ice cream. It was so good, I was dying in a dream about a dream. Is this real life? Chocolate goodness like this doesn't exist.

               "This is good." I spoke with my mouth full.

               "Eat it all," He demanded. "When I kiss you, I want to taste it."

               I shot him an evil look. If he wants to taste chocolate so bad then he should go back and bring the whole thing with him. But I was going to save every moment of this delightful cold chocolate awesomeness.

               "So what now?" I asked him.

               "Well I don't believe that first dates should be about fancy dinners or going to the movies. So we're going to the park and we're going to go on the swings."

               "That's cute. Why are you so cute?"

               He shrugged. Even his shrugs are completely adorable. I was head over heels for him. Is that the saying? But I have no heels and I don't plan on wearing them. Either way I was totally and completely in love with him. There is no denying it.

               We only walked a block, the part was right in front of us and it was very green and open. When we entered it we threw away the empty cups into a garbage can and walked up the path. I wanted to hold him, to grab his hand or to at least lock my arm around his.

               "You're so down to earth." I told him when we reached the empty swings. I sat on one and Derek sat on the one next to me.

               "Yeah well I guess I'm just amazing that way."

               "You really are." I agreed.

               He started swinging from side to side and when he bumped into me, he grabbed me and kissed me on the cheek. Here comes the butterflies again oh my God I'm going to die. Everything he does or say just makes me so nervous! Why did he have to be so sweet? Why couldn't he be a jerk?!

               "You blush a lot."

               "Then stop making me!" I responded quickly.

               "I wasn't expecting to fall in love with you. I honestly thought I was just going to have a nice step brother who I wasn't going to talk to that much. And then I saw you and I couldn't breathe anymore."

               "I can assure you that there is nothing special about me."

               "But there is ... you're so special ... to me."

              "You're special to me too." I mumbled weakly, my hands were shaking again.

               He extended his hand so I grabbed it. I tried not to think about people who would watch. No Leo, you have to get over that fear remember? Mom will eventually find out I am gay, I can't be forty years old and still be in the closet.

               "I love you. I don't need to think it twice, I don't need to think about it at all ... I just feel it." His eyes were burning into me, they were bright with so much hope. And what I saw in those reflections was me without hope. But now I understand what he means by hope. I don't want to lose him. I want that hope that will stay with me and always tell me that I will be with him till the very end.

               "I love you too Derek."

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