Troubled: beset by problems or conflict.
Keith pov
When I woke up I didn't open my eyes.
I came too but left my eyes shut until I could wiggle my toes and fingers.
When I really opened them they stung.
My entire body ached, Every inch.
My tummy especially hurt.
Everything was blurry but I felt my hand touch something warm.
I turned my head and saw Lance fast asleep while holding onto my hand.
He's so adorable.
He was leaning back in his chair, His mouth open slightly and his shirt was riding up so I could see a sliver of his hip bones.
I don't know what time it is, I can't see well.
I moved my hand around in Lance's, He jolted away.
"Keith!" He cried and sat up.
I tried to take the oxygen mask off so I could speak.
"Leave it babe, Just for now" Lance cooed.
I extended my arm and touched the strip of exposed skin on Lance's abdomen.
He chuckled.
My hand fell to my stomach as it cramped.
I saw that an IV was attached to my right wrist.
I rubbed my sore middle.
"Does your tummy hurt?" Lance asked.
I nodded.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
I nodded again.
"Do you want to eat?" He asked.
I shook my head.
I'm hungry but I don't need the calories.
"You're confusing me" Lance said.
"I'm gonna get a nurse and Christine okay baby?" Lance said slowly.
Lance let go of my hand and left the room.
I whimpered as my stomach cramped again.
I'm sweating and my flimsy hospital gown was clinging to my body.
I smacked my pudgy tummy in anger.
"Stop hurting" I grunted.
That just made it hurt worse.
Lance then came back with an exhausted looking Christine and a nurse.
"Hi Keith" The nurse said.
She was young, short and rather busty.
I tried to take the mask off again.
"He's been fiddling with it" Lance said.
"We'll give you a breathing tube so you can talk" The nurse said.
I nodded.
The nurse carefully took the bulky mask off my face.
She slipped a breathing tube on, The piece going into my nose a bit and it tickled.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
I went to speak but a wheeze then a cough came out which just hurt my flabby belly even more.
"Okay" I croaked.
"You lost a lot of blood Keithy" Lance said and held my hands.
My bandages began to itch and I tried to unwrap one but Christine stopped me by smacking my hand.
"Don't you dare touch those!" She hissed.
I huffed at her.
I squirmed as another cramp gripped by poor stomach.
"My stomach hurts" I whined softly.
"Well you got your stomach pumped a few hours ago" The nurse said.
"I what?!" I shouted.
"We had to pump your stomach, You were going into a coma and we couldn't have that" She said.
"Do you realize how many pills you took?" Christine asked.
"I don't want to know" I mumbled.
I squirmed at the fact knowing a tube was stuck down my throat when I was unconscious.
"Are you well enough to talk for a bit? Or at least up for it? I just want to ask you and your mum some questions" The nurse said.
"I'm Amy by the way" She said.
"It's nice to meet you" I squeaked.
Amy is such a boring name, She's to pretty to be called Amy.
"I can talk yeah" I replied.
She just asked me questions about when my recent depression really started.
I told her all about the knife and the notes. The way I felt uneasy and how I felt trapped and scared.
Lance helped me out by saying some things he observed about me too.
I told Amy about my history of anger issues and aggressive tendencies. I told her how Christine stopped all that by caring for me.
I told Amy how my ocd has affected me lately, The medication I was put on, how the whole situation stressed me out so much, my time being stuck in my own house as a prisoner and reluctantly explained my history of self harm and how I only recently began once this was all really getting under my skin.
"What side effects of the stress did you experience?" Amy asked, Taking lots of notes.
Lance was holding my hand and tracing soft circles on it with his thumb.
"I just felt paranoid all the time, The stress worsened it all. I got more anxious and jumpy and even more angry and sad. I got irritable and began to care less about my own hygiene and my sense of clothing style" I explained.
"Keith, I think you're forgetting one big thing..." Christine trailed off.
I looked at her confused.
She gave me a guilty look.
"The stress over the months caused him to start obsessively stress eating and that caused him gain some weight...lots of weight" Christine explained.
She knew??
How did she know??
Well I guess it's kind of obvious but how did she know I was stress eating specifically?
I grumbled softly and covered up my gut with my arms.
Christine patted my arm but I moved away and gave her the stink eye.
"How much weight would you say?" Amy asked Christine and looking at my body.
"Oh jeez I don't know, 20-30 pounds at most" Christine responded.
"Lance, You know Keith's body better than I do. What would you say?" She asked.
"I'd say a solid 30" Lance replied.
I elbowed him.
"Stop that! You're being grouchy!" Christine hissed.
I frowned at her and stuck my bottom lip out a bit.
"Stop talking about my weight! I hate my body enough as it is. I'm goddamn fat, I get it!" I exclaimed.
"You are not fat" Christine assured me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"I agree. You're just a bit chubby now but there's nothing wrong with some meat on your bones" Lance agreed.
"He's had history with anorexia too. He was so thin just a few months ago, Almost a year ago. Boarder line underweight" Christine explained.
I starred at my lap in anger and discomfort.
"How much do you weigh Keith?" Amy asked.
I squirmed again, Crossing my arms.
"Why should I say? I don't mean to be rude but why does it matter?" I asked angrily.
"When is the last time you weighed yourself?" Amy asked.
"Literally yesterday" I said.
Christine nudged me.
"I don't want to say" I grumbled.
"I have to know Keith, Just so I know how much IV to properly give you. And just for notes. If you can stand, which I dong recommend doing, I can weigh you right here with the scale over there" Amy said and pointed to the corner of the room.
"Just tell her Keith" Lance sighed.
I squirmed more and contorted my face.
"175!" I barked.
Lance and Christine both looked shocked.
"But just around Christmas you were-" I cut Lance off.
"I know! Shut up!" I wailed.
"5'6 and 175 pounds" Amy said.
"You're a bit overweight for your age and height" Amy explained.
"I know" I growled.
"Stop being such an asshole to this nice lady. She's here to help you so stop acting like a little shit!" Christine leaned close and hissed at me angrily.
I scoffed and crossed my arms.
I sucked my stomach in to make myself feel smaller.
"I would recommend considering losing about 10-15 pounds just so you don't become too overweight or obese" Amy suggested.
Just hearing the word obese being said to me made my skin crawl like never before.
"I don't want to be this big! I don't want to be obese. I-I can't help it. I didn't wait to gain all this weight! It just happened. I'm sorry!" I cried and tears fell down
"I know you couldn't help it. You don't have to be sorry" Christine said and rubbed my bicep.
"Even if you lose 10 pounds you would still be at a decent weight" Amy spoke up.
"I'm sorry I got so fat Christine. I just didn't know what else to do. I just ate until I could barely move. I ate until my stomach ached, It's all I could think to do" I sobbed.
"No Keith, Don't be sorry honey" She said and hugged me.
"How can you even find me attractive Lance? Why are you with me still? How does it feel to have a boarder line obese boyfriend?" I yelped at him.
Lance looked taken aback.
"I find you gorgeous Keith. I've never met anyone more attractive than you. You know I love your curves. I tell you all the time. I actually like you better a bit heavier" Lance chirped.
"It's just shocking for me to go from one end of the spectrum to the other.
It was a huge shock to me. None of my old clothes fit me, Everything got bigger and squishier. I felt so uncomfortable in my own body. I'm not used to being overweight. I'm not used to having such a big stomach" I sighed.
"I didn't even think about that..." Christine trailed off.
"Around 120 pounds to 175 in under a year. I'm just shocked. I just want to feel small again. I don't feel at home in my skin. My stomach is too big to fit into my old shirts and pants" I whined.
"I'll help you honey, I'll be here for you" Christine cooed.
I just looked at my lap again and just cried quietly.
"Don't cry Keithy. We'll figure this out. You just need some rest. You'll be able to lose a bit of weight easily. You can do this" Lance cooed softly and patted my back and kissed my cheek.
Lance pov
Keith was so upset.
I didn't realize he was that overweight.
I love his body and its shape.
175 Ibs, That a lot.
I'm not being mean, I love Keith with my entire existence but I didn't realize he was that big.
My poor angel, He doesn't deserve this.
He needs me more than ever now.
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