Surpass: do or be better than ever before.
*A/N I know Keith is going through a lot but it's going to get so much better for him. This is all just building up*
Lance pov
I just want Keith to be okay again.
He doesn't deserve this, Not one bit.
A few days went on.
He was so jumpy and scared at school. I'm concerned.
A teacher accidentally shut a door too loudly and Keith jumped and jolted from being startled.
Who is this boy?
This isn't my Keith, I don't know who this person is.
I don't know what's up with him.
At lunch and class he seems so...uncomfortable. Uncomfortable with his body.
Constantly hiding his stomach with his arms or under the table or desk, Covering 95% of his body in baggy clothes again.
He sucks his stomach in sometimes.
I can tell, I'm not stupid.
Just yesterday he came in a bit late and sat next to me.
I noticed his tummy looked smaller.
He sat down and looked so uncomfortable.
Then he exhaled sharply and boom! The belly was back, Pressing against his shirt. He then hid it with his arms.
Keith has been looking over his shoulders now, Getting so jumpy that he treadles his legs and cracks his knuckles obsessively.
I'm really scared for him.
I asked him why he was late after he got settled into his seat.
"Christine had to stop for gas" He mumbled.
"Christine drove you?" I asked.
Keith nodded.
"How come you didn't drive? You just got new tires" I asked.
Keith got new tires last week. He needed some new ones anyway.
He didn't reply, His bottom lip quivered and looked like he was going to cry.
He blinked back tears.
"It's okay, Forget I asked" I said.
He's eating more at lunch but it's still all healthy stuff. I guess that's good.
He's miserable though as I mentioned before.
Hunk brought some cupcakes one day for us all.
He asked Keith if he wanted one and Keith violently shook his head and said no a few times.
It was so aggressive that we all got scared.
He hasn't been as irritable as he normally is which is nice.
Today in last block Keith was wearing short sleeves as it's super hot in the classroom.
Some girls who sat next to us were whispering to each other and pointed to Keith's arms a few times. I tried blocking their view before Keith noticed.
I scowled at them and they just smirked at me.
They kept moving to try and see him.
So I did too, I kept blocking them.
Just let Keith study!
Keith noticed me moving and looked over at me, Then the girls.
One blonde girl pointed to her own arm as Keith's gaze met hers. Then she pulled her sleeve down, Signalling that Keith should get some long sleeves on.
That was the rudest thing I've seen in a long time.
Keith looked so hurt. His eyebrows turned up in shock and sadness.
Tears welled up in his eyes.
"Shh, Keith. They're just being assholes. Don't listen to them, Don't give them the attention they want, Don't even look at them!" I encouraged and held both his hands.
"Get a hoodie on maybe?" The second girl said.
She had strawberry blonde hair and was wearing barely any clothes. A short tiny crop top and ugly floral shorts.
I don't know either of them and I doubt Keith does.
They were both wearing lots of cheap looking jewelry.
Keith looked furious and I glared at her.
"You should fuck off, Try that!" Keith barked loudly at them.
I rubbed his back.
"Leave him alone" A girl from behind us hissed.
Keith and I turned around.
Keith looked surprised.
Both girls scoffed at her.
"He didn't do jack shit to either of you, Don't be so mean" She said.
Keith looked at the floor. I rubbed my thumbs on the backs of his hands.
"Don't listen to them Keith" I said and kissed his forehead.
A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Hey Hey, Don't cry. Shh" I said and wiped the tear away.
"Are you okay?" The girl asked behind us asked.
Keith sniffled and wiped his eyes.
"I'm fine" He replied.
"Thank you" I said to her.
"Don't worry about them. They're dumb cunts. It's really hot, You shouldn't be wearing long sleeves anyway" She said.
She had short brown hair in a pixie cut.
Keith held his arms flat against his tummy to try and hide both.
I offered the girl some fuzzy peaches that I had in a bag and she laughed and gladly accepted.
Keith pov
This day was horrible.
Some girls pointed out my arms and told me to cover up.
It hurt me so badly.
This as well as at lunch when I left the group to go put my leftover lunch stuff in my locker.
A group of guys were stood in front of it.
Most of them were in my classes last year, I knew who they were but never spoke to any of them.
"Excuse me" I said quietly but firmly.
One of then looked over at me annoyed.
They're all so much taller than me.
"Shit boys, Make room for Keith" A horribly tall bleach blonde guy laughed. He pushed a few of them over but one of them decided not to move.
I could at least open my locker now.
"Evan dude, make more room for him. He might not be able to fit" The blonde guy cackled.
I shuffled over to my locker and unlocked it.
"Very funny, You could try a bit more of a subtle way to call me fat" I smirked.
The guy clearly didn't expect that and paused.
"Dude you just fucking got it!" One other guy teased and smacked him in the chest.
"You could at least try to be original as well" I said and put my stuff away and turned back around.
"I've heard quite a few of them so good luck" I added and just walked off.
The other guys laughed at their friend.
I almost ran back up to the roof.
Lance was right there when I came back upstairs.
I hugged him and he was caught off guard.
I gripped onto his shirt and buried my face into his chest.
"What happened?" He asked me and hugged me back.
"Some guys by my locker were just being dicks when I tried to put my stuff away. They were all so big and I was trying my hardest to reply to them like I would of used to" I said.
"Don't listen to them Keith. People have been being hard on you but don't listen to them please. You know you're loved" Lance said and kissed my forehead.
I almost forgot Hunk, Pidge and Matt were all there still. I blushed with embarrassment.
Lance gave my ass a good double pat and I let go of him.
I'd invited Lance over to "Study" after school.
Christine picked us all up.
Myself, Lance, Meenah and Cole all in the suv.
Lance and I sat in the back row of seats while the kids sat in the second.
Lance sang Bruno Mars songs with them as we drove.
I all of a sudden felt really lovey dovey.
I held Lance's hand.
He saw this and smiled at me.
I kissed his knuckles.
Lance then kissed me lovingly.
I giggled and scooted closer to him, Ignoring how much the seat belt was digging into my stomach.
I ran my hands through his hair and kissed him back.
Meenah noticed Lance's singing had stopped and looked back at us.
"Mom Lance and Keith are being being all kissy!" Meenah whined in the stereotypical little sibling voice.
Meenah looked disgusted and annoyed that she just lost her singing buddy to me.
Her duet partner was now trying to shove his tongue down my throat in the backseat of my mothers suv.
Lance popped his tongue into my mouth and licked my bottom lip.
That made a gross wet noise.
"They're touching tongues!" Meenah wailed.
Christine for a split second looked back at us in the rearview mirror. I tried pulling away but Lance was NOT having it.
Christine made eye contact with me and quickly slammed on the brakes for a split second then continued driving.
Lance and I got jolted foreword which broke us apart.
I wiped my mouth with my hand.
"Stop it boys" Christine sighed, annoyed.
"How can you lick each other's tongues like that? That's nasty!" Meenah gagged.
Lance licked my cheek and I shoved him away.
"Stop being nasty" I giggled provocatively and yanked on his shirt collar.
"Make me shortie" Lance smirked and raised a cocky eyebrow at me.
I love him so much.
Lance put his hands on my "hips" which are now just a bulge of fat that sit above my pants or "Love handles" if you will.
He ran a hand across my stomach lovingly and I did not like that one bit.
"Don't!" I hissed and smacked his hand away.
"Keith c'mon! Just let me touch your little tummy" Lance teased.
That's one way to put it...
I flushed red again.
I know he's just teasing so I'm not too worried yet.
Lance squished my cheeks together.
"Enough Lance!" I barked angrily.
"I'm sorry, I'm just bugging you. I love you!" He chirped and kissed my cheek.
"Well now he's grouchy, Nice going!" Meenah scoffed.
Lance chuckled.
"Big grouch!" Meenah antagonized and poked my cheek.
"Grouchy little boy" Lance giggled.
"Stop teasing him you two" Christine hissed.
Meenah turned back around.
Lance held my hand with both of his.
I grumbled at him.
Meenah giggled at this.
When we got home Lance and I went up to my room to "Study" That's code for maybe we'll scan our notes but just make out instead.
"I'm not ready for finals" I huffed and flopped onto my bed.
Lance set his bag down at the foot of my bed.
"Gosh I really need to study. It's been so long" Lance said, In a tone that you would use to fool parents. But it's indicating to me that he knows what the fuck is up.
"So how come you haven't been driving?" He asked.
"I'm going to be blunt" I said.
"Fine by me" He shrugged.
"I went to get into my car and my stomach was pressing against the steering wheel and my seat adjuster got stuck and I just lost it and asked Christine to drive me" I sighed.
"Awe Keith" Lance cooed and cupped my face.
"But enough about that. It's done and dead" I said.
Lance gave me an "Are you sure?" Look and I nodded.
Lance then straddled me, His narrow hips placed on top of my big pear ones was sure a sight to behold.
Studying went well, We'll probably continue later.
We didn't have sex no, Just a good sexual makeout. Which involved me grabbing Lance's almost non-existent ass and him groping my big fat one.
I showered him in compliments when he took his shirt off.
He looked so nice, He must be working out again.
"I should take a page out of your book" I sighs and poked my belly twice.
Lance just told me to stop talking and kissed me to shut me up.
Lance pov
It was hot today and I felt bad for Keith.
Black jeans and a hoodie.
Fun fact: Keith gets grumpy when he's hot.
I mean he's hot all the time if you get my drift but when he's temperature hot he gets really irritable and grumpy. Worse than normal.
He was starting to get grumpy as we were looking over our study notes.
Sweat was drenching his face and hair.
"Hey babe, You should take some layers off. It's like 100 degrees in here" I said.
Keith grumbled.
"I'm wearing a tight shirt underneath, Don't tease me about it okay?" He asked.
"I won't baby" I said.
Keith tugged his hoodie off and tossed it to the floor.
He sighed happily.
"Put some shorts on" I instructed.
"I'm too fat for shorts" He whined. I covered his mouth.
"Shh, No you are not!" I hushed.
"You're getting grumpy, Go put shorts on Mr. Grumpypants" I said.
He sighed and got up.
He went into his closet and dug around for like 5 fucking minutes.
He found his black ones and went into his closet to change.
I heard him fall over a few times and grunt.
"They don't fit well!" He barked.
"Let me see" I said.
He sighed and stepped out.
He put on a Nirvana shirt and those shorts...oh boy they're going to be the death of me.
Keith thighs are too big for them but they look do indeed great.
Great big thunder thighs that look like a 5 course meal.
"I can't wear these. I'll have to go buy some new ones soon" He mumbled.
"Awe no! I loved those ones" I sighed. "I did too Lance. I'm just too big for them now" Keith said, Disappointment and pure despair flooding his tone.
He slid them off down his legs and just put his jeans back on.
Keith looked so sad, Like so horribly sad.
"Keithy, Hey don't worry babe. It's okay. Don't worry about them fitting you anymore. It's not a priority" I cooed and rubbed his back as he sat back down next to me.
"I don't know who I am anymore. I'm not me. I don't feel like myself. I'm not who I was last year. Mentally and very obviously physically" Keith mumbled and put a hand on his belly.
"Shh baby. You just need some more time to figure things out" I said and held his head to my chest.
"H-How can you love me still? Do you even love me anymore? I'm not the skinny little boy you met a year ago...I don't know who this is but it's not me. I don't know who's body this is, I'm not used to it and I'm so awkward. Who's mindset is this? I thought I was over this stage of my life" Keith cried.
A tear fell down his cheek and I hugged him closer.
"Of course I love you still! You may not be who you were but that's just part of life. You just need some time. You've been through so much recently and you need a good break" I explained.
"I'm sorry...I'm so pathetic" Keith whimpered.
"You are not! You are so strong Keith, The strongest person I know! This will pass, I promise you. You don't deserve any of this. Things will change soon baby" I said and rubbed his back.
Keith sniffled and let his head fall to my lap and curled his legs up onto the bed as well. I rubbed his side and moved my hand down to his tummy.
Keith squirmed and I soothingly began to rub his middle just to comfort him.
His belly is so soft and doughy.
"I'm sorry Lance" Keith whispered.
"It's okay Keithy. Things are going to get better baby, Don't worry. It may take some time but we'll be done school soon! Can you believe that? No more school. We'll be free" I cooed.
"I hope...I'm hoping so badly. I barely have any left...I just want to be okay again. I just need you. I don't want anyone else. I just want you here with me" He said.
He sniffled and clutched onto my pants.
He began to cry.
"No no, Keithy don't cry. It's okay. You're okay angel. Just keep your head up. You said all you need is me, So listen to me" I said and continued to rub his tummy.
"I love you, I love you so much" He whispered.
"Why are you rubbing my stomach though? That's weird..." He then trailed off.
"Just because. I don't have a reason. Your tummy is just so cute, It needs some lovin" I chuckled.
"And I love you too, So much" I cooed.
"I need kisses really bad" He said and sat up.
With no warning I pulled him onto my lap so quickly and began to kiss his little face.
Keith giggled and smiled.
That's all I needed to see.
I put my arms around his waist and pulled him closer.
"You need to smile more, Happiness suits you" I said and pressed my nose to his.
I tried to pull him and hug him closer but I just ended up squishing his poor tummy instead.
"Ow!" He squeaked.
"Sorry baby" I said.
"How about I squish your tummy and see how you like it!" He said, trying to sound angry but he was giggling too much.
I then gave him a big fat kiss on his lips.
"I have an idea" I then said.
I put my arms under his big butt and picked him up.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed.
"Something special" I said.
"Are you wearing your ring?" I asked him.
"Yeah? Why..." I asked.
"Good" I replied and pulled his door open with my foot.
"Are you?" He asked.
I poked his butt with my ring.
"Wow, We're actually both wearing them" I chuckled.
I carried him downstairs as he clung onto my head.
"We're gonna go for a drive!" I announced to Christine.
"Uh okay?" She called back.
I brought him to the door and set him down.
I slipped my shoes on.
"I'm not driving" He grumbled and crossed his arms.
"Of course not, That's why I am" I said.
I slipped my shoes on and Keith put some boots on.
"We'll be back. I'll bring him back in one piece" I chuckled.
He passed me his car keys from next to the front door.
I know exactly where I'm taking him.
A pretty lookout point in the mountains not for from the city
As much as I would love to propose to him, That's not my plan tonight.
I don't even really have a plan.
We've got our promise rings, Symbolizing that we will get married one day but for now they are a symbol of loyalty and love towards one another. I love Keith more than anything I knew possible, I'm going to be with this boy forever. I will never give up on him, I'm never going to lose him.
The ride was fairly quiet.
The soft sounds of some kind of alternative music filled the silence.
"Where are you taking me?" Keith then asked.
"Somewhere special" I smiled and held Keith's hand.
He smiled back weakly and I kissed his knuckles.
"You're so beautiful Keith. I love you" I said.
"I love you too" Keith replied.
I rubbed my thumb against the back of his hand as we drove.
The pretty sunset lead the way.
We soon pulled into a parking lot and I parked and stopped Keith's car.
"Where are we?" Keith asked.
"Somewhere special" I said and gave his cheek a kiss.
He gave me a confused look and we exited the car.
"We're going to have to hike a bit" I said as I shut the door.
Keith groaned loudly.
"I'm not fit enough to go hiking. Look at my stomach. Do I look like the kind of person who's ready to hike a fucking mountain?" Keith asked with a scoff.
"You look good enough to hike to me. I'll hold your hand the whole way. I know you're a little baby and you want my assistance" I chuckled.
"I am a baby. Please hold my hand" Keith begged.
I smiled and walked around to his side of the car as I locked it. I took his smaller hand in mine.
Keith whined almost the whole way up.
"My feet hurt"
"I'm wearing doc martens, they're not comfy"
"I'm tired"
"Are we there yet?"
"I'm too fat for this bullshit"
"I'm hot!"
"Keith I love you baby but be quiet please" I begged.
"Are we almost there yet?" He whined.
"Yes Keith, 5 more minutes" I assured him and tugged him along.
He gets so grouchy when he's hot.
"I'm sweating so much, This better be worth it you little shit!" Keith hissed at me.
"Oh no is my little baby sweating? You've lived in Cali for a year now Keith. Suck it up princess" I laughed. Keith bumped his hip into me angrily.
"Watch where your bumping those hips sir" I teased and patted the hip that bumped me.
"You wish you had them" Keith smirked.
"You're goddamn right I do" I replied.
"We're almost there" I assured my exhausted boyfriend
I pulled him along until we finally got to the top.
Keith was so tired.
He was getting grumpy.
He crouched over and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
I let him do his thing then as soon as he stood back up properly I made him look.
The sun was still setting and it was so gorgeous.
The sky was pink and orange.
We could see all of Pasadena from up here, All the twinkling lights of cars of the nearby fireflies.
Keith's mouth hung open ever so slightly.
"It's so pretty" He breathed.
I put an arm around his waist and pulled him close.
He put his head on my shoulder.
"It's so worth it-I was being such a little bitch" Keith huffed.
"Shh" I hushed him.
I looked up and a few stars were already out.
"I love you Keith" I said.
"I love you too, Even if you just made me walk up a mountain to look at the city" He chuckled. I held his hand that his promise ring was on.
I stroked it and laced his fingers in mine.
"I'm never giving up on you. I will be by your side forever, Whether you like or not. We're soulmates Keith. The universe brought us together to love each other forever. I'll always be here for you" I said and kissed his forehead.
"I agree. I won't ever leave you either. I'm always going to be here to tease you about your skinny ass arms and goofy face" He giggled and poked my cheek.
"Hey! What's wrong with my face?!" I exclaimed.
"Nothing, You're the most handsome boy on the face of the earth" He hummed and looked into my eyes.
"I want to propose to you up here someday" I said.
"Um who said that you are the one to propose? I can just as easily pop the question" Keith scoffed.
"I'll be the one to do it don't worry. We have to get married eventually. We have these rings promising to be together forever. We'll have to get married somewhere on the road to forever. It might be when we're 20, It might be when we're 50 but who knows? I don't care where in the world we are, I'll bringing you right back up here" I explained and stroked Keith's soft cheek.
Keith kissed my hand.
"You're so cheesy, I'll never say that enough" He giggled.
Keith put his arms around my neck and I put mine on his waist.
He leaned in really close so our foreheads and noses touched.
"Forever? Like forever and ever?" He asked softly.
"Forever and ever" I confirmed.
Keith smiled then pressed his lips to mine.
We moved them together for a good 20 seconds before he broke away.
"I'm gonna have to deal with your cocky attitude and finger guns forever?!" Keith then exclaimed.
"Buckle up sweetheart. Forever is a long time" I grinned and patted his side.
"AUGH!" Keith whined.
"Mm you love me" I teased and made a kissy face at him.
"I'm getting eaten by mosquitos, Can we go?" Keith huffed.
"It hasn't even been 10 minutes yet!" I cried.
"We said our sappy shit, I want to get bubble tea now" He said and put his hands on his hips.
"Fine" I sighed.
"We made it short and sweet" I added.
Keith was about to take another step then I scooped him up in my arms princess style.
"What are you doing?" He sighed.
"Uh I can't have my bride to be walking when his feet hurt" I said.
"Who said I'm gonna be the bride?!" He barked as I began to hike back down the trail.
"Who's the bottom? Who's the princess? Who whines when he breaks a finger nail or chips his nail polish? Who has the long ass fluffy hair?" I asked.
Keith scoffed.
"Okay listen, Just because I'm a bottom doesn't mean I'm the bride/girl" He objected.
"We're both guys. That's the point. That's why I'm with you, I love boys, I really love boys" He said.
"I know you do. I'm the only boy you'll ever love though" I beamed.
"You're right on that one" He agreed.
It took way quicker to get back down now that I was carrying the whiner and going downhill.
I set Keith down when we got back to the parking lot.
"It's like 9 pm, What bubble tea shop would be open?" I asked.
"A few. We'll find one" Keith assured me.
We hopped back into his car and drove around for a bit looking for a shop that was open. Thankfully his favourite one was still there.
"It closes in 10 minutes" I warned him before we walked in the door.
"Let's hurry then!" He exclaimed.
A very tired looking black haired girl was as the till.
Keith took like 5 goddamn minutes only to decide on strawberry...strawberry. I got fucking honeydew melon and pineapple.
She made the boba quickly and Keith gave her $10 and wished her a good night.
Keith stabbed his straw through the top aggressively.
"It's so good" He said and took a sip of the pink drink.
We got back into the car and he did the same for mine and let me sip as we drove.
We got back to his house after driving around for a bit.
Everyone had gone to bed as all the lights were off.
We finished our boba as we stepped in the door. Keith locked it.
He was getting super sleepy.
We threw out drink containers out.
We had left the lights off.
Keith went to the back sliding glass door and looked out with his arms crossed.
He's thinking about something.
"Are you okay?" I whispered and put my hands on his biceps.
He jumped a bit in surprise.
"Sorry, I made ya jump" I chuckled.
"Let's get you to bed" I said and kissed his neck softly.
Keith nodded.
Keith held onto my arm as we walked upstairs.
We got to his room, Grabbed a change of clothes then went into the bathroom.
The bathroom was very hot.
Keith set his clothes (Just a different pair of boxers) On the counter next to him and grabbed his toothbrush.
"When did you get this?" I asked him.
I then saw the Star Wars character on the front.
"You're such a dork, oh my god!" I teased and hugged him from behind.
"Shut up, This is my husband" He said and wet the toothbrush.
I turned it in his hand to get a better look.
"I got it a few days ago" He said.
I didn't recognize the character.
"Who is this? It's not Darth Vader right?" I asked.
"It's Kylo Ren" He replied and put toothpaste on it and began brushing his teeth.
"Who the fuck is that?!" I exclaimed.
"Shh!" Keith hissed at me.
"Everyone is sleeping!" He added.
Keith took the toothbrush out.
"He's Han Solo and Princess Leia's son" He said then continued.
"They had a kid?" I asked and got my toothbrush from under the sink.
I'm still happy I have my own toothbrush here.
Keith nodded.
"He's really hot" Keith said, Voice muffled by toothpaste.
"Go look him up" He added.
I gave him a weird look then got my phone.
"How do you spell it?" I asked.
Keith spit out his toothpaste.
"K-y-l-o" He began, "R-e-n" He added.
I looked it up on google images.
"Oh he looks like you!" I chuckled.
"No he doesn't! He's way hotter than I am" Keith hissed.
I scrolled down in google images.
"Oh fuck what happened to his face?!" I squeaked.
The very depressed looking man had a huge gash across his face in a few photos.
"He got his face slashed by a light sabre" Keith said as finished brushing his teeth.
"Damn..." I trailed off.
"Well looks like we'll be having a Star Wars night this summer" Keith giggled.
"I have all 8 movies" He said proudly.
"You're such a nerd!" I joked and squished his cheeks.
Keith nudged my tummy and pushed me away gently.
I chuckled and began brushing my teeth.
Keith went pee then changed into his different boxers.
He came over and washed his hands then quickly washed his face.
He dried his face as I finished brushing my chompers.
I washed my face too and as I dried my face Keith pulled his shirt off. He refused to look at himself.
His tummy squished ever so slightly over his boxers. His love handles look smaller.
He then brought his head up and put a hand on his belly and gave it a small squish.
Keith cleaned up the water on the counter.
I pulled my shirt and shorts off, Just leaving myself in my underwear like Keith.
Keith was getting hot, I could tell.
He ruffled his hair around a bit.
I smiled fondly at him.
I moved over to him and put my hands on his waist and pulled him close.
His soft belly pressed against me.
I tipped his head up with my thumb and gave him a kiss.
Keith cupped my face and kissed me back.
"Let's get to bed" I said.
Keith nodded.
We grabbed our clothes and Keith shut the lights off and went to his room.
He was out only 15 minutes after his head hit the pillow. He really must of been sleepy.
Keith pov
Finals are a little less than 2 weeks away and graduation is this Friday.
I'm so scared.
I've never been more scared over something in my whole life I think.
On Friday night Lance stayed over and we went on a drive, a hike and went for bubble tea after. It was quite romantic really.
On Monday Christine forced me to go get a suit.
I didn't want too but the only suit I had from when I was 15 no longer fits. I'm too big for it now.
But it makes sense.
It's surprisingly my hips that don't fit the most. Sure my tummy is a factor too but my hips really got big.
Myself, Christine, Dane and the kids went to a tailor. Christine wants to get me fitted which I was worried about.
I didn't realize how goddamn expensive everything at a suit shop/Tailor place is.
Christine forgot to tell me that she's literally getting me a custom suit.
How did she forget that??
"Watch as I get too big to fit into it in like 2 years" I grunted as we entered the luxurious looking store.
"You be quiet" Christine hissed and put an arm around my shoulders.
Meenah and Cole tried to run off but Dane quickly grabbed both kids and scooped them up into his arms.
Christine greeted a well groomed young man with the nice starting a of a beard.
"This is Jin, I met with him last week to set up your appointment" Christine explained.
This guy was just a bit taller than me, Dressed in a nice paisley button down shirt and nice black ages pants. He was actually pretty cute...Don't tell Lance.
"This is Keith" Christine said and gave me a light nudge foreword.
"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you" Jin said warmly and shook my hand firmly. He was Australian, His accent was quite mesmerizing.
"Well I'll be fitting you today, I'll get your measurements and you can pick out whatever colour and style you want" Jin said and gave me a smile.
I nodded.
"He's a little bit shy" Dane chuckled.
"That's okay!" Jin said.
"It's his first fitting too so expect him to be a little awkward" Christine laughed.
I gave her the stink eye.
Lance and I just last night were planning on our suits together.
I haven't even been thinking about Grad after all that's happened so now it's just sinking in and making me anxious.
I wanted to go black with red accents but Lance wanted black with blue accents.
We really couldn't come to an agreement so we decided to do what we both want.
He's my date so it would be cute to match but we're both too stubborn.
We followed Jin to the back of the store and he took us into a little corner section.
A little raised circular thing was in the centre of the area.
"Okay, Step up here" Jin said.
I stood on the little thing.
"Can you take your hoodie off too?" He asked and went to a shelf and grabbed a ribbon measure.
I looked at Christine nervously.
"Do I have too?" I squeaked.
"Yeah you do, Sorry mate. I just have to get the most accurate measurements" Jin said.
Ah yes the stereotypical "Mate"
I yanked my shirt down and slowly pulled my comfy nirvana hoodie off. There goes my sense of protection.
I gave it to Christine. She took it and held it.
Dane went and sat on a nearby couch with Meenah and Cole
Jin grabbed a small notepad and blue pen.
He put them in his pocket as me measured my height.
"Okay so you're 5'6" He said.
"What?! I thought I was 5'7?!" I exclaimed.
Jin laughed.
"Sorry" He shrugged.
Jin then stood close to me and told me to hold my arms out.
I did and he put the measure around my chest.
"Okay so your bust is 35 inches" Jin said and wrote that down.
He did my bicep next.
"11 inches" He said and sketched it down.
He could very clearly see my scars but didn't pay them any mind.
I got nervous when he put the ribbon measure it around my waist.
"34 inches" He said.
Jin put it right around my belly and that made me squirm.
"I know it's hard but try not to press your stomach in. We don't want things to be too small" He said.
I groaned and let the breath I didn't even know I was holding out.
"37" Inches He said.
God I'm so uncomfortable.
He then wrapped it around my hips and ass.
47" Jin said.
Jesus Christ that's huge! My tummy is fucking 10 inches smaller than my big hips and ass.
10 inches.
"You've got a big butt Keith" Christine chuckled.
I turned red.
Meenah thought that was hilarious and began cackling loudly
Jin gave a small chuckle.
He told me to separate my legs.
I did and he measured one thigh.
"This is the last one, You're safe now" Jin chuckled.
I laughs nervously.
"And the last is 27" He said.
He scribbled down the last few numbers.
"Alright that's done. You can come pick out the styles and colours you want" He said.
I hopped off the little circle and quickly put my hoodie back on.
Jin brought us back to the main part of the store and too a counter.
"Here's a book of everything we have in stock. Just write down the page number and everything and I'll come and grab it once you're done" Jin smiled.
Dane set the kids down and they went to go look around.
I looked at the open binder full of pictures of jacket, shirt, tie and pant colours and styles.
"Ugh there's so many options" I sighed.
"Well what colour are you thinking?" Christine asked me.
"Black" I said.
"Of course" She chuckled.
"I want a red dress shirt though" I added.
"I just want it to be simple" I hummed and flipped through a few pages.
I found a pretty almost crimson colour dress shirt.
I wrote down the page and style number on the sheet I had been given.
I soon after found a classic and simple black jacket and dress pants. Nothing flashy at all.
I put them down too.
I then flipped to the back for ties and then I saw it.
A rainbow tie.
My entire face lit up.
"Oh my god I'm getting that, I need this Christine!" I exclaimed and pointed to the tie.
It just looks like a pride flag but in tie form. Just simple straight across colours.
"Keith honey this isn't a school dance...Its your high school graduation" She said.
"I know it is. Everything else is simple, I want this just to stand out" I said.
"I thought you wanted simple?" She huffed.
"Well I changed my mind!" I said proudly.
"I guess you can get it" Christine sighed.
"Yay!" I squealed and clapped.
I marked down the tie then shut the book.
"Will it be ready in time though?" I asked.
"It should be. They said 2-3 days" Christine said.
Jin came back and I gave him the card.
He scanned it over.
"Great!" He said.
"I'll get your choices processed and all that and it should be done by Thursday" He grinned.
"Alright, Thank you" Christine said.
I went back to the suv with the kids as Christine and Dane finalized things and paid.
"You have a big butt Keith" Meenah giggled and literally gave my ass a punch.
"Do not!" I hissed.
She giggled and hit my arm.
We got back to the vehicle and I helped buckle them into their car seats and squished myself into the middle.
A year ago I could fit in the space with ease. Now my big fat hips touch both car seats.
About 5 minutes later Christine and Dane came back and we went home.
I spent the next 3 days completely stressing over grad and studying my ass off for diplomas.
Lance wasn't allowed over as he would be "A distraction" according to Dane.
I was mad at him for those two days.
In school the classes died down in activity and it was all just study time.
Lance was getting stressed too.
"So did you get your suit yet?" He asked me as we were sat at a table in a hall. It was lunch and we were studying.
"Yeah, It should be able to be picked up tonight actually" I said.
"Ooh nice! I hope you got some tight pants to just squeeze your ass in all the ri-" I cut him off my shoving my hand over his mouth.
"Shut up" I groaned.
"Stop being a pervert for once" I sighed and removed my hand.
"Am I not allowed to appreciate my boyfriends body?" He asked.
"I didn't say that! Just stop being a creep" I hissed.
"Fine!" He pouted and crossed his arms.
A few minutes of silence went by.
"I love how I didn't even properly as you to me my date to grad, We just did it automatically" Lance laughed.
I chuckled.
"Yeah I guess we did" I smirked.
"Well Keith Alavai Kogane, Would you like you to do me the honour of being my date to our graduation?" Lance smiled and held my hands from across the table.
"I would love too" I beamed.
Thursday evening came and Christine burst into my room with a suit bag on a hanger.
"It's here" She sang.
I sat up quickly.
"Go try it on!" She squealed.
"Alright" I chuckled.
She handed me the bag and I went into the bathroom to change.
I heard her call everyone upstairs as I shut the door.
I zipped it open and it was so pretty.
The fabric was neat and smooth. The tie was so vibrant and it looks even better than I pictured.
I took my clothes off and started with the dress pants.
They slid on with ease.
They are so comfy!
Soft and sleek. They don't make my belly bulge out to top like most of my pants do.
I put the shirt on and it fit perfect. It didn't squeeze my stomach, Just about half an inch or so of space.
The buttons were easy to button up.
I'm a true man and I know how to tie a tie!
I totally didn't Pinterest search how to do it for 3 days straight...
The tie was smooth and silky.
Last was the jacket.
I slid it on and finally looked at myself.
I actually looked really nice.
I slowly stepped out of the bathroom and Meenah squealed happily.
"He looks like a Prince!" She shouted.
"You look so handsome" Christine smiled and wrapped me into a hug.
When she let go she cupped my cheek.
"You're all grown up now" Dane said with a big grin.
"You look like an adult" Cold spoke up.
I chuckled.
"Well Keith technically is an adult. He's 18 after all" Dane said.
Cole looked astonished.
"I bet Lance will be happy to see you" Meenah giggled.
"Oh he definitely will" I laughed.
Friday came.
Graduation day.
I was so nervous the entire day that I left last block to go throw up.
Panic was surging through my entire being.
I came back and Lance was so concerned.
I must've looked pretty bad.
I sat down in my desk but Lance came over and helped me back up.
"I'm just going to talk with him outside" Lance told our teacher.
She nodded.
Lance took my arm and sat me and then himself at a table outside the class. He moved close next to me and held my hands.
"Hey, Are you okay Keith?" He asked me.
The lump in my throat just grew.
"I'm just really nervous for grad" I whimpered. My bottom lip quivered.
"It's okay. I'm a bit nervous too but it will all be over soon. Don't you worry your pretty little head" Lance cooed and cupped my cheek.
I nodded.
I scooted closer and hugged him.
He brushed my hair away from my neck and kissed it.
"Everything is going to be okay Keith, I promise" Lance said.
He let go and stroked my cheek.
"Let's get back to class. There's only 30 minutes left to go" He said.
I nodded again.
We walked back into the class and got stared at but I just looked at my feet.
The day ended and I hugged Lance for nearly 10 minutes.
Most everyone had left the school, Even Pidge, Hunk and Matt but I was just clinging onto Lance like a baby.
"Everything is going to be okay Keith. I have to go, I've gotta do chores when I get home. Mamá will get mad at me if I don't get it all done before tonight" Lance said.
I finally let go.
"Will you be okay?" He asked and cupped my face with both hands.
"I should be, I just need some encouragement and motivation" I mumbled.
Lance smiled.
He pulled me close and put his arms around my neck.
He kissed me softly but passionately. I rested my hands on his tiny waist.
We almost started making out right then and there but Lance fell back to reality.
"Okay I gotta go. I hope that was enough motivation" He chuckled.
I love him so much.
I gave him one more kiss.
"I believe in you Keith. You can do this, We both can" He assured me with a smile that makes the sun look dull.
"I love you so much" I said and held his thumb.
"I love you too. I'll see you in a couple hours okay? I can't wait to see you in your suit. You'll be looking smokin', I can just tell" He laughed.
"And you'll be looking handsome as ever" I beamed.
"I love you, I'll see you soon" He said and kissed my nose. He waved goodbye as he jogged off the opposite way.
I sluggishly walked to my car.
It was so hot.
My entire body nearly drenched in sweat.
The cars interior was horrible, The leather seats nearly burned my fucking skin.
I squeezed in between the seat and steering wheel.
I've tried so many times to fix it.
Let's try again just to give my hopes up.
I felt around for the lever that moved the seat back and forth.
I pressed down with all my might and it finally shot back a few inches.
That just made my whole day.
No more suffocating my tummy on the steering wheel when I drive.
I sighed a sigh of relief.
When I got home everyone was waiting for me at the door.
Big smiles and all.
Well all smiles but for Cole, That's normal for him. He was just looking content.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Hello?" I said confused.
"Okay so I know your favourite food is Cheetos but we can't have Cheetos for dinner so what do you want?" Christine asked.
"I mean why can't we have Cheetos?" I joked.
"But what's with the big smiles? Why is everyone so happy?" I asked and set my car keys down.
"It's your graduation dummy! It's a big deal!" Meenah exclaimed.
"Come sit down" Dane said.
I went and sat at the breakfast bar.
Christine casually slid an envelope in front of me.
"What's this?" I asked.
"You'll have to open it" She grinned.
I slowly opened it and inside was a card with cats wearing graduation hats.
"Awe!" I exclaimed.
I opened it and inside was a Starbucks gift card and just said it was from everyone.
"Thank you" I laughed.
"It's $50 so use it well" Christine said.
"$50?!" I squeaked.
She nodded.
That's a lot of coffee.
"Meenah" Dane then said.
Meenah put a smallish white box in front of me.
"You guys! I'm just graduating, it's not a big deal" I laughed.
"It is a big deal!" Christine hissed.
"Open it! Open it!" Meenah cheered.
I chuckled and did so.
Inside was a small speaker.
"It's for your music. I know you've had that one for years and we thought you just needed a new one" Christine said and pointed to my beat up speaker on the counter.
"Thank you" I smiled.
"Oh we also got one more thing" Dane said.
"You guys!" I laughed.
He went over to fridge and brought out a massive rectangle cake.
It was in my schools colours, red and white and read "Happy Graduation Keith" In pretty cursive black icing.
It had a little owl with a graduation cap on.
"Ugh I'm being spoiled!" I exclaimed.
"This is nothing. We can do so much more" Dane laughed.
"Also after I have once piece of that, you need to hide that thing or I'm going to eat all of it" I groaned and pointed lazily to the cake, as if accusing it of something.
"Well it's yours, You're supposed to eat it" Cole piped up and sat next to me.
Christine and Dane nodded and agreed
"I've lost almost 20 pounds, I don't want to gain it all back" I whined and put my forehead to the counter and reached out to Christine and Dane.
"Having a few pieces of cake isn't going to make you gain 20 pounds back Keith" Dane said and patted my outstretched hand.
I grumbled.
"Stop worrying and celebrate. We're gonna go out for supper" Christine cooed and patted my hand too.
I brought my head back up.
"Where do you want to go? We've got a few hours before the ceremony" She asked.
"Can we just go to that chophouse like 10 minutes away from here? I went there with Lance and Jana last summer" I asked.
"We sure can" Christine replied.
Dane put the delicious looking cake back into the fridge for later.
We all upstairs and all had to get changed as we'd be heading right to grad once we finished our dinner.
I got my snazzy suit back on and put some rainbow socks on that you can't see unless you pull my pants up. I'm sneaky.
I fooled around with my hair until I was satisfied.
I came back out and Meenah was in this adorable floofy red dress with her hair up in little buns.
Cole was just in a black button up with shorts.
Christine was in a long sleeve sequin dress which I had never seen before and Dane in an outfit nearly matching Cole'a but with pants and a tie.
Christine gave me a big hug and told me how handsome I looked.
That just made me really happy.
I only have one pair of obnoxiously squeaky red dress shoes also from when I was 14. They still fit and I just went with those as my only option.
I was so nervous I could barely eat my dinner even though it was so good.
I kept staring at the small fountain next to us and just wishing this night was over.
Everyone could tell I was nervous.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when Christine touched my hand.
"Sorry!" She exclaimed when I jolted out of my thoughts.
"No it's okay" I assured her.
"Are you feeling okay?" She asked me.
"Yeah just anxious" I replied.
"You'll be okay Keith" Dane assured me.
"Thank you" I smiled weakly.
When we got to the building that the ceremonies were at; My entire body just flooded with worry and dread.
We parked and got out and began walking towards the building.
All of a sudden I felt like I was hit by a speeding train and then pushed down onto the grass.
I opened my eyes and Lance was on top of me. The dumb idiot had literally tackled my onto the grass!
"Hi" He giggled and looked into my eyes.
"Hi" I replied and cupped his face.
I heard the click of heels stop in front of us.
"Lance, Bájate de la hierba en este instante o arruinarás tu traje!" Mariana hissed at him.
I moved his head to see her face.
I smiled at her.
I frankly have no idea what she said but I know she snapped at Lance.
"Yes Mamá" He sighed and got off of me.
"And for God's sake help your boyfriend up" She barked.
"I was going too!" He whined and helped me too my feet.
Lance helped brush some grass off my suit.
He luckily didn't have any.
"Hi Keith" Mariana smiled and gave me a wave.
I came over and just gave her a big hug.
"I wish he would hug me like that" Christine chuckled.
I scoffed then hugged her in the exact same way.
Lance then stole me away and moved us a few feet away from everyone.
Literally everyone had come with Lance.
Mariana, Anthony, Jana, Kaleb, Candice and Felix. The whole lot.
Candice saw me and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her a smile.
Meenah or Cole have never met anyone from Lance's family. Mariana had met my parents a few times.
Meenah ran over to Candice and began to giggle over their dresses. Candice had her long dark hair in braids and was wearing a very fluffy pink dress that looked similar to Meenah's. Cole just hid behind Dane.
"You look so gorgeous" Lance beamed and put his hands on my waist and pulled me close.
"Why thank you. You happen to look stunning" I smiled and put my arms around his neck.
He was wearing a black suit with black velvet roses as the subtle pattern and a royal blue dress shirt and black tie.
"You better of worn your ring!" He hissed at me and grabbed my hand.
"I did don't worry" I chuckled.
He had worn his too.
He then spun me away from the crowd so that he was blocking me from everyone else. Lance then slid his hands down my back and groped my ass just right there.
"Lance!" I squeaked and tried to escape.
"You're so lucky these pants squeeze you just right" He purred.
I wriggled from his grasp.
"No!" I scolded him like a dog.
He pouted.
"I just want to have a nice moment but you had to go and grope me" I sighed.
"You're acting like that's shocking. Do you not know me Keith?" Lance laughed.
"Come here, I promise I won't do anything" He said.
I scoffed as he held his arms out to me.
I accepted and he hugged me.
"I love you" He said and kissed my forehead.
"I love you too" I replied and hugged him back.
I put my head to his chest and he smelled like his signature boyish cologne.
I smiled and his scent just finally put me at ease.
Soon one by one all the students were getting called up.
We all had our gowns on and I was once again shaking so bad.
We were lined up alphabetically so I wasn't really near Lance.
A girl behind me asked if I was okay and I said I was.
She was in my math class.
She gave me a hug to try and calm me down.
Soon I was right at the front of the line and my name got called.
I quickly and almost fell going up the stage stairs. The bright lights were pretty much blinding me. I got my diploma and shook the principals hand. I'd only spoken to our new principal once.
My legs felt like jello and the clapping just made my nerves increase.
I didn't look at the crowd, Not once. I nearly ran off that stage and back to the table Christine, Dane and the kids were at.
Christine had tears in her eyes.
She got up and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you" She smiled.
"I literally just walked across a stage" I laughed.
"Yes but just all you've done to get this far" She said.
"Don't cry" I chuckled.
"Sorry, Sorry" She said.
She gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat back down.
I then noticed Mariana motion for me to come over.
Our families were right next to each other.
I obliged and scooted over to the table.
She stood up and gave me a hug as well.
"I'm so proud of you Keith" She said.
"I know I'm not your mother but I nearly consider you my son-in-law, You're family to us. I'm just as proud as Christine" She smiled and cupped my cheek.
"Thank you" I grinned.
We both stood and patiently waited for Lance.
Then we finally saw him cross the stage as his name was called.
Everyone in Lance's family plus myself stood up and cheered very loudly.
"That's my boyfriend!" I yelled the loudest I could muster.
A few people around us looked at me funny.
We all just made a big scene for Lance, He deserves it.
He then came strutting over to us, Diploma in hand and grinning like the moon, sun, and stars combined.
I was taken aback when he hugged me before anyone else.
He picked me up and spun me around.
He then planted a sweet kiss on my lips.
"Congratulations" He chirped.
"I can say the same for you" I giggled.
We then heard an ahem and spun around.
Mariana had her hands on her hips and had an angry look on her face.
"You did not just hug your boyfriend over your mother after receiving your high school diploma!" She barked.
"I'm sorry Mamá!" Lance whimpered and pulled her into a hug.
"Congrats Keith" Jana said and put her hand on my shoulder.
She was wearing a pretty long sleeve red dress.
"Thank you" I replied.
Anthony gave me a pat on the back and Kaleb gave me a fist bump.
I went and sat back down at my chair next to Meenah and Christine.
"Good job!" Meenah beamed happily.
Cole gave me a high five.
After all the diplomas had been handed out everyone moved to the gigantic room next door where nearly hundreds of fancy tables were set up.
Everyone changed out of their gowns and had to go hang them on hangers in a closet which took like 20 minutes.
Lance and I changed back into our suits and made our way back into the dining hall.
Fancy dishes, table cloths decorated the tables. It's nice that we're getting free dinner even though we already ate before we came.
Mine and Lance's families pushed our tables together so we all could have our dinner together.
Lance sweet talked Meenah into trading places so she could sit on the other side next to Cole and Candice, So he could sit next to me.
Other families pushed their tables together so we weren't the only ones.
There were only 3 food options on the menus.
Sea food pasta, Steak and lastly salad. Not a good variety of food but I guess it makes sense.
There were 3 options of salad though; Caesar, Greek and Coleslaw.
I was going to just get the Greek salad as it's clearly the most healthy option and I'm still supposed to be on my diet.
I told Lance that and he just groaned, argued with me then made me get the pasta with him.
I gave up and gave in.
"I'm on my diet still!" I hissed at him softly.
"I swear to god Keith...Get off it. You're clearly miserable" He said.
"I may be miserable but I'm losing weight!" I said.
"I just want to be skinny again...Just forget I said anything. We're here to have fun. But I technically had dinner before I came. That's why Christine, Dane and the kids aren't getting anything" I explained.
"We can share one then" Lance suggested.
I agreed.
"I hate that I'm hungry" I grumbled.
"Shhh, You're human. You have a belly that gets hungry, It's not abnormal" Lance said and rubbed my back.
Soon a very tired looking waiter came to take our orders.
Most everyone in Lance's family got the steak.
Steak is expensive! I don't blame them.
The wait for the food was unbearable but the drink options (Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic) were really good. Lots of different things to pick from. There were 5 different sodas. Soda/water was free but unfortunately everything else costs money which was bullshit!
There was wine, Beer, Margaritas, Mixed drinks and all that.
Lance literally begged his mom to get a bottle of champagne.
That was an option which was cool.
I've never had it but Lance has. He said if the stars had a taste; That was it.
She agreed after Lancs argued with her.
I asked Christine if that was okay with her and she was hesitant.
"Remember the last time you drank? On Halloween?" She asked.
"Okay I'm not going to get drunk at my graduation, Come on!" I huffed.
She sighed and offered to pay for half of the bottle.
Another waiter brought it over and popped the cork and that made me jump and Lance laughed at me.
Only Lance, Jana and I had the first glasses. I was nervous to try it.
I took a tiny sip and it tasted pretty good.
It is hard to describe but Lance was nearly getting off to it.
We all chatted together as a big group.
Then Lance and I broke off to our own conversation.
"Did I tell you how handsome you look?" I cooed and felt the soft fabric of Lance's suit.
"You did indeed" Lance replied.
"Well I'm telling you again. You look so handsome, You're so stunning and gorgeous and I'm the luckiest man in the entire world" I beamed and held his hands.
"You are so stunning and gorgeous and I as well am the luckiest man in the entire world" Lance echoed.
I pressed my nose to his and giggled.
All of a sudden our food was placed in front of us. I tore my glance away from my boyfriend to look at the food momentarily.
Lance pov
"We're having a moment Keith! Ignore the food!" I exclaimed as Keith popped a piece of shrimp into his mouth.
"I'm fat, I can't not look at food when it's in front of me!" He replied.
"Shhhh!" I hissed and cradled his head to my chest.
"You aren't fat!" Meenah barked at him from across the table. She scowled and had her arms crossed.
"My gut begs to differ but okay" Keith mumbled and rested his head on my chest.
"My entire existence begs to differ! Stop calling yourself fat! It's almost getting annoying!" I grumbled.
"Is this skinny?" Keith asked and grabbed my hand and placed it on his belly. It's so warm and plush, I haven't been able to use it as a pillow in so long.
"It's not really skinny but it's sure as hell not fat" I protested.
Keith sighed.
"Be quit you little shit. If need be I'll force feed you to keep you silent" I said.
"Oh you won't need to force feed me, Trust me" Keith chuckled annoyed.
He then pushed my hand off his tummy.
I put it on his thigh.
He groaned.
"Did I tell you that when I was getting fitted for my suit the tailor was like saying my measurements out loud??" Keith asked.
"What? No?" I replied.
"Yeah well he did. It made me feel horrible honestly" He added.
"Then Christine said that I had a big butt literally in front of the guy and it was just embarrassing" He sighed.
"Eh you do though so she's not lying" I hummed.
"Stop!" Keith whined and batted my chest.
"I'm going to eat. There's yummy looking pasta in front of me and my fat-ass can't contain myself" Keith said and grabbed a fork.
"I don't mean to intrude but I do agree that you are not fat Keith. Don't bring yourself down like that" Jana leaned over and said.
Keith blushed with embarrassment.
"You are not fat at all. Sure you're not the tiniest little thing around but you aren't fat" Jana assured him.
"He's still tiny" I beamed and kissed his nose as he shoved a spoonful of pasta into his cheeks.
Jana chuckled.
"Let me feed you" I said to Keith.
He sighed and agreed.
I took his fork and spun some noodles onto it then stabbed a piece of crab onto the end. I fed it to him.
"Mm it's so good" Keith sighed happily.
I took the next bite myself.
I fed Keith 3 or 4 more bites before he refused to take any more.
"This is your supper. I had mine already. You eat up" He said and patted my arm.
"Are you sure? It's so good babe" I protested.
"I'm already going to have to work off 2 unhealthy meals and the cake Dane got me tomorrow so yes I'm sure" Keith sighed.
"I can come jogging with you if you'd like" I offered.
"No, It's okay. Thank you though Lance. I'm an embarrassment to jog with" He mumbled.
"Oh I'm sure you're not! I bet you look adorable in running shorts" I grinned.
"My thighs chaff, It's not cute" He grumbled.
I chuckled at this.
"You should give yourself a break. How many days a week do you jog now?" I asked.
"4" Keith replied.
"Yeah, Give yourself a break, It's almost summer" I said and tucked some of his fluffy hair behind his ear.
"I hate going because it's embarrassing, horrible to do and whenever I go there's always these kids that play on their lawn and shout stuff at me whenever I pass" I huffed.
I took a bite of pasta.
"I'll kick their asses!" I hissed.
Keith chuckled.
He took a long sip of his champagne and then rested his head on my shoulder.
Christine then looked over at him.
"Are you not going to eat any more?" She asked him.
He shook his head.
"I've eaten enough for the next 2 days" He said and patted his belly.
Christine sighed.
It took a while for everyone to finish dinner.
Christine cut Keith off the champagne after 3 glasses because he nearly fell over trying to get up to go to the bathroom.
"He really can't hold his alcohol down can he?" Dane laughed right after he left.
"Clearly not" I replied.
"What do you guys think of all the jogging Keith's been doing? He says he goes 4 times a week and I think he's overworking himself honestly" I said to Christine and Dane.
"He does go nearly every day" Christine said.
"He is overworking himself though. He's nearly obsessed with dieting and exercising" Dane agreed.
"It's good that he's lost weight though. It's really an improvement in his health" Christine hummed.
"I still think he looks perfectly fine" Dane huffed.
"I don't think he's overworking himself. He's still got a bit of chub to lose" Christine said.
"Christina!" Dane hissed softly at her.
"What? He's still overweight! What can I say?" She asked.
"It's better than being underweight. I agree that he looks fine" I said.
Keith then came back, Grabbing a hold of the back of his chair and nearly stumbling back into it.
"You okay there bud?" Dane chuckled.
Keith gave him a woozy thumbs up.
"Did I tell you how handsome you look?" He said.
He's clearly gotten tipsy, He's slurring his words.
"Yes darling. You've told me twice" I said.
Keith then grabbed a hold of my tie and yanked me closer to him.
He kissed me a little too rambunctiously for being in front of our families.
He then tried to pull my jacket off.
"Keith Alavai Kogane!" Christine snapped at him.
"What?" He said, It sounded so garbled.
"Stop that! We're in public!" She hissed.
Meenah and Cole snickered at their big brother getting in trouble.
"Fine" He said and hiccuped.
"We're not leaving this table until you sober up. I'm not having pictures taken with you a drunk mess!" She barked.
"I'm not drunk mom, I had 3 glasses" He said. His tone less slurred now.
She rolled her eyes.
I gave him some water to help.
I swear we sat at that damn table for another 45 minutes.
I rubbed Keith's back as he chugged a bunch of water.
"I think I'm find now" He mumbled to Christine.
Our dishes had been cleared about 20 minutes ago and we were all just waiting on Keith.
I helped him up and he was fine to go.
My poor baby really can't hold alcohol down.
Soon our families all went out to the front of the building to get some photos in the pretty gardens.
There was a decent size fountain and many gardens with flowers and pretty hedges.
Keith really didn't want to get photos to but literally Christine and I forced him.
"Come on babe, You look so gorgeous" I encouraged.
Keith blushed.
We took so many pictures much to Keith's dismay.
Most of them were of us two. I'll be getting all of them developed.
He just looked so stunning.
Keith pov
We met up with the Holt's and Hunk's family about half an hour later and got some pictures with Matt and Hunk too.
Pidge was wearing a super cute green t-shirt dress, Matt was wearing just a classic black and white tuxedo. Hunk was wearing a black suit with a yellow dress shirt.
The four of us got pictures together and a few with Pidge as well.
Christine got pictures of Meenah, Cole and Myself.
We successfully all got hopefully really nice pictures.
Everyone but the 5 of us high school kids, went off back inside the building to go look around and what not. Sure not all as a huge group but I'm not entirely sure what happened.
Lance, Hunk, Matt, Pidge and I just sat by that fountain chatting.
"You guys are all old men now" Pidge teased.
"Keith is the baby though" Matt teased.
"Hey!" I barked.
"I'll push your ass into the fountain" I growled.
"Try it short stuff!" He taunted.
I know he's just bugging me but I'm not letting him win. That's not how I roll.
I quickly lunged over Lance and Hunk's laps to grab at Matt and push him back.
"Keith!" Lance squeaked and took hold of my waist and yanked my back.
"Don't!" He scolded and pointed a finger at me like a dog.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
Matt was cackling at my attempt to shove him into the fountain.
"I'll put you in that damn fountain!" He hissed at me.
"Fucking do it!" I shouted.
"I would never" Lance laughed and cupped my face.
"Can I be honest with you two for a minute?" Hunk asked Lance and I.
We both nodded.
He paused for a moment then spoke.
"I didn't think you two would last long as Lance is well...Lance but I got proved very wrong" Hunk admitted.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" I yelped.
"Keith shhh" Lance hushed.
"Lance had commitment issues in the past with his "girlfriends" and girlfriend before you" Hunk said.
Lance's demeanour then changed and he looked sad.
Hunk looked guilty.
"Well we should appreciate how long they've been together and hope for many more years to come" Pidge beamed.
"Awe Pidge, That's so sweet" I blushed.
"But correction it hasn't been a year quite yet" Lance spoke up.
"Soon though" He added.
We just fell silent and just sat. I then looked next to me in the flower beds and a pretty rose bush was planted next to me.
I looked at the pretty flowers then carefully picked one out with a bit of stem that had no thorns on it.
I snapped the rest of the long part of the stem off then tucked it behind Lance's ear.
He touched it then looked at me fondly.
I gave him a warm grin.
"Thank you" He smiled and blushed.
I then pecked him on the cheek.
"Ugh you guys are nasty" Matt gagged teasingly.
I smirked at him.
Lance then pulled me into his lap and I squeaked in surprise.
I was about to protest before Hunk actually put his hand over my mouth.
"I just know you were going to talk shit about your weight and I won't stand for that either, None of us will. You be quiet Keith, Your body and your weight are both perfectly fine and you have nothing to be unhappy or insecure about" Hunk scolded me in kind and informative way.
He removed his hand from my face and looked at me with determination.
"Thank you" I managed to croak out.
"I also hope that we all agree on that statement..." Hunk trailed off
"We all know I agree so I'm not going to elaborate" Lance said.
"I mean..." Matt began but Pidge elbowed him harshly.
"Everyone but you gets to include their input" Pidge grumbled.
"You called him fat, He doesn't need your bullshit!" Pidge hissed, Lowering her voice.
Lance pov
"Wait...W-What?" Keith stuttered in a hurt sounding whimper.
His eyebrows turned up and he looked like a puppy that just got kicked.
"One day Matt was being a jackass but the 3 of us totally beat him up over the shit he said about you. That was months ago now Keith. Don't worry about it" Hunk said to Keith with a sigh to follow.
"Some friend you are" Keith mumbled and crossed his arms.
He looked sad.
"Matt. I love you, but you can be a real piece of shit" I said.
"I know I got fat. He's not wrong. It just hurts more when other people say it" Keith mumbled.
"You're not fat, You were not fat. I swear to god this is getting so repetitive and annoying. The next time I hear you call yourself fat I'm going to spank you. I don't care where we are or who we're with; I will spank that big old butt of yours" I snapped and pointed my finger at Keith.
Keith's eyes widened.
"Eh he'd like that Lance. Think of a better punishment" Pidge snickered.
"Hey!" He squeaked.
"Mm you're right Pidge" I hummed teasingly and tapped my chin.
Keith smacked me in my chest.
I looked offended.
"I hate you!" Keith whined.
"Oh man when we made out in the bathrooms yesterday you sure weren't saying that" I purred and gave him a sly look.
Keith covered his mouth and blushed.
"That's where you guys went!" Hunk exclaimed.
"A-Ah Lance please" I moaned in the way Keith does.
Keith let out a sharp and very short scream/cough/choke and hopped off of me.
He was burning red.
"Stop teasing him, Jeez you guys" Hunk defended him.
"Awe come on babe, I'm just playing around" I whined and stood up, Holding my arms open for my small distressed boyfriend.
"Awe come on babe, I'm just playing around!" Keith said in a low voice that mocked mine.
"I do not sound like that!" I yelped.
"Oh fuck yes you do!" Keith retorted.
"Come here you little shit!" I yelled and lunged at him.
Keith quickly darted out of the way and ran to the other side of the fountain.
I chased after him and that boy is faster than he looks.
I finally snatched him up and wrapped my arms around his hips.
He protested and struggled and whined.
I carried him back over to where we were sitting and plopped him back down on my lap.
He sighed and put his hands on my shoulders as I sat down.
I rested my hands on his ass and he quickly squirmed out of my grasp.
"I can't escape can I?" Keith sighed.
"Nope" I grinned.
Matt and Pidge were the first to leave. Soon followed by Hunk. Jana and I chatted with Hunk's sisters before they left.
I hadn't seen them in a while, They're so beautiful. It's been a long time.
Keith and I got some alone time as we waited for both our families to finish up looking around.
Keith's head was in my lap and I was stroking his hair.
A few people passed us and gave us dirty or confused looks.
Soon both Keith and I's families returned as a big group.
Meenah and Candice were getting along really well and were skipping around holding hands.
"Ready to go?" Dane asked Keith after he sat up.
"Mm yeah I guess so" He mumbled.
At this point the sun was nearly fully set.
"Can Lance stay over?" He then asked him. He gave Dane big puppy dog eyes.
I didn't even ask to stay over but hey, I'm not complaining.
Dane glanced over at my mother who chuckled and nodded.
"You should try staying home for a weekend" She laughed and came over and ruffled my hair.
"Or at least let Keith come over" My dad put in.
"We live so far away though ugh" I sighed.
"You two should just get an apartment together" Kaleb laughed.
"No way! I can't think about adult stuff yet, I'm a baby!" Keith squeaked and hid his face in my chest.
Everyone chuckled and I patted his back.
"You can come over next weekend then. We miss having you around" My mother said to Keith.
Keith smiled.
"I'll drive him home tomorrow" He then said.
"Alright we're gonna head home. We have to get the kids to bed" My dad announced.
"It was nice meeting everyone properly this time" Christine chuckled.
"You come give me a hug young man" My mother scolded jokingly.
I laughed and stood up to hug her. Then my dad joined and my whole family wrapped me into a big group hug.
"I'm so proud of you" My dad beamed.
I smiled happily and laughed at the love radiating from my family.
"You guys are crushing me" I giggled.
Everyone let go and my mother gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Nice going. I'm proud of you too ya little shit" Jana teased and nudged my arm.
"Thanks" I laughed.
My family headed off too the parking lot and I spun back around.
Christine had her hand on Keith's shoulder as he stood in front of her.
Meenah and Cole were trying to catch moths just a few feet away.
"Let's head out too then" Dane said.
I nodded.
"We're leaving" Christine called to the kids.
They stopped their moth catching and ran in front of us to lead the way.
Keith and I were behind everyone.
"I'll drive you home tomorrow if I can fit my gut behind the steering wheel" Keith sighed.
"Shut up" I grunted.
"I'm surprised I haven't broken that damn car yet with my fat ass" Keith mumbled.
"Shut up Keith!" I hissed.
I then quickly cut in front of him and scooped him up bridal style.
He clung onto my neck.
"Lance!" He squeaked.
I struggled a bit as he's pretty heavy but nonetheless I can still carry my little boy...Even if he's a bit chunky.
I mean he does weigh more than me and I can still carry him.
I think that's a talent.
"I'll eventually prove to you once and for all that you're not fat" I said.
"Good luck" Keith scoffed.
"One day I'll carry you like this when we get married" I chirped.
"Whoa, Slow down there buddy. We just graduated" Keith said.
"One day" I sighed dreamily.
When we got back to Keith's it was late. Almost fully black outside.
Keith and I hopped out of the suv after everyone else and we all got inside.
Keith pov
"Well I didn't really think this through. I didn't bring a change of clothes or anything to hang my suit on" Lance said as we took our shoes off.
"Well I've got some hangers you could use and none of my current clothes will fit your scrawny ass, So you'll have to dig around in my closet for the clothes I could wear about 45 pounds ago" I grunted.
Lance then spanked me, Hard.
Everyone else was thankfully in the kitchen.
"Ow!" I yelped.
"What the fuck!" I cried.
"I said I'd spank your big butt when you started talking shit about your weight" Lance said triumphantly.
"I'm not talking shit. I'm literally stating a fact. My old clothes don't fit me anymore, I'm not talking shit!" I hissed.
"Your tone is what it is" Lance said and shook a finger at me.
"Go stick that up your ass" I scoffed and trudged upstairs.
"Come back down for cake when you're ready!" Christine called to us.
"Yup" I called back.
Lance trotted after me and I slumped into my room and shut the door behind us.
I threw my suit jacket off and handed Lance a hanger. I unbuttoned my shirt and slid the pants off. I hung the shirt and jacket and zipped everything up into the suit bag.
I quickly changed my underwear into comfy boxers. I glanced over at Lance who was in his underwear now too.
He hung his stuff up on the hanger.
I admired his toned and flat stomach. I don't know whether to be jealous or happy that this boy is all mine.
I walked over to him and slipped my arms around his neck.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
Lance put his hands on my waist and he pressed his stomach to mine.
I didn't really like that feeling.
"I love you" I said and gave him a peck.
"I love you too" He replied.
"Mm you can look in my closet for some clothes" I said and let go of him.
Lance nodded.
I popped a faded dead kennedys shirt on and slid a pair of slightly tight sweat pants up my massive thighs and over my ass.
Lance dug out an old Nirvana shirt. That one doesn't even fit over my belly anymore. But it was small on me when I bought it.
I have too many nirvana shirts to count.
He then found some checker pj pants with a hole in the crotch.
"Love that" He said and poked his finger through the hole.
I just shrugged as he pulled them on.
"The cake they got looks so good" I said. Drooling at the near thought of it.
"You've got a little sweet tooth don't you?" Lance teased and poked my cheek.
"In recent months yeah" I mumbled.
I then pulled him back downstairs.
"There they are" Christine said warmly.
I gave her a soft smile.
Dane cut the cake into pieces for us all. Lance and I got the biggest ones as we're the graduating boys.
It was so good.
It was so rich and soft.
I'm just a big hoe for cake.
Lance fed me my first bite.
Everyone really liked it.
Meenah then tugged on (My) Lance's shirt.
"Can Candice come over here this summer?" She asked sweetly.
"I don't see why she wouldn't want too" Lance replied.
"Mommy, Daddy; Can she?" Meenah begged.
"For sure" Dane said. She clapped happily.
I turned next to me and Cole was staring into space like he does.
I poked his nose.
"Don't Keithy!" He whined and batted my hand away.
I chuckled and ruffled his hair.
He had cake icing all over his face.
Soon Dane got the kids into bed while I helped Christine clean the dishes up.
"You're all grown up now" She said and patted the small of my back.
"How many times are you going to remind me?" I laughed.
"You're almost an adult and yet you're still shorter than me" She teased.
I nudge her with my hip.
"I can't help it!" I whined.
"I'm short and stout" I added.
"I'm just bugging you" She said and patted my shoulder.
She's then lowered her voice.
Lance was just in the living room watching forensic files.
"You've lost some more weight. I can tell" She said and rubbed my arm lovingly.
"I think I've lost 5 pounds in the last few weeks but that's not great" I grumbled.
"That is good though. You're getting better mentally and physically. I'm so proud" She said.
"Lance knows about my weight situation, We don't have to whisper" I said returning back to my normal tone. He turned his head to look at us.
"Okay okay" She said.
"But Lance, Does he not look more lively? The colour has returned to his cheeks and he's finally bearing a smile more often" Christine asked.
"Oh he looks amazing. You're doing so good Keith" Lance beamed.
I blushed.
"Stop guys" I said.
"We're just happy for you" Christine said and gave my sides a little motherly squeeze.
I went and sat next to Lance.
"I love this show" He said.
"I do too. I'm thinking of going into criminal psychology in the next few years" I said.
I then curled up to him.
He was sitting on the end of the couch so I could lean on him without him falling over.
Dane then came back downstairs.
I put one arm across Lance's stomach and rested it there.
Christine and Dane came and sat on the big couch, We were on the loveseat.
As we watched a few episodes I would kiss Lance's neck every so often.
Soon he dozed off so I decided that it was time for us to head to bed.
"Lance, Hey" I whispered and shook his arm gently.
"Hm?" He grumbled sleepily.
"We're gonna go to bed" I said softly and nudged him.
"Okay" He mumbled.
"We're gonna go to bed" I repeated, This time to my parents.
"Alright. Goodnight boys" Christine said and patted my hand as we stood up.
"Night" I replied.
Lance yawned and held my hand gently and we went upstairs.
We got all ready for bed and Lance I swear nearly fell asleep while brushing his teeth.
I laughed at him and spanked him to wake him up.
"Hey!" He yelped.
"God I can feel your ass bones!" I teased.
Lance then slapped my ass.
"God all I feel is cushion" He retorted.
"Better than bones" I smirked and spit my toothpaste out.
"Yeah! Same goes for your belly! And the rest of you!" Lance exclaimed.
"You literally even said it yourself; Better than bones" He added and gave me a shit-eating grin.
"That's not fair! You can't play me like that!" I whined.
"You said it, Not me!" Lance sang.
He came up behind me and stood on his tippy-toes to rest his chin on the top of my head.
He gave my stomach a pat.
"How about you gain some weight huh?? You seem to like my body so much. You're skin and bones" I said and spun around.
I put my hands on his sides and pushed to feel his ribcage.
"I'd love to be as voluptuous as you but I've struggled with gaining weight for years. It wouldn't work for me. I've packed on some muscle so I'm not mad at that" He hummed.
"Oh I'm not mad at that either" I purred and lifted a bit of his shirt up to reveal his gorgeous toned stomach.
I ran my hands over it.
"God I can't get hard. I'm too tired" I hissed and pulled his shirt back down.
"I'm going to bed" I added and strutted out of the bathroom.
Lance scrambled after me and shut the lights off.
"How come you can touch my tummy and have me not get mad but I can't do it with you?!" He whined.
"Shh! The kids are sleeping" I whisper screamed at him.
I yanked him into my room.
"Because there's a big difference between this..." I began and patted Lance's stomach.
"And this" I said and jiggled my middle.
"True but yours is much more fun and soft to touch" He said.
I just rolled my eyes and got into bed.
Lance shut my light off and then got in next to me.
I turned to face him and made out his thin shape next to me.
He then put a hand to my cheek and stroked it with his thumb.
"We just finished a chapter of our lives. We're moving on to the next now" He said.
"Exams are a whole chapter in and of itself" I sighed.
"We'll be fine. Plus I can help you study" Lance offered.
"Okay making out isn't proper studying. I actually need to pick up my books!" I said.
"Dammit!" Lance said.
"Anyway. Tonight was a big night and it was nice seeing everyone again. I'm so proud of you, And myself. I love you" I said and gave Lance a soft sweet kiss.
"I love you too Keithy. As I've said for the 10th time tonight" He chuckled.
"Goodnight baby" I said and pecked his forehead.
"Goodnight" He replied.
I turned back around and let my ass press to Lance's thighs.
I even took his arm and let it drape over my side.
He gave my stomach the smallest and slightest little rub. It felt nice so I actually didn't object.
After a while Lance probably assumed I fell asleep. That's why he snuggled closer to me and rubbed my stomach properly. It was still light but he had intention this time.
Am I pregnant? What is this?
Is this what people do when they have...pudgy boyfriends/girlfriends? Is this a thing?
I've lost weight so I know I'm not as fat as I was.
But do people do this.
"What are you doing honey?" I asked him softly.
"Shit-You are awake. Sorry!" He squeaked and moved his hand.
"No, It's actually okay. I don't mind this. I'm kind of bloated anyway so this is nice" I said.
"Are you sure? I'm just doing it as a comfort thing. Just so you don't get a nightmare or something" He said.
"I'm sure. Make your time last before I have a change of heart. Don't make this weird either. Just rub the paunch and don't make it a whole thing" I warned him.
"O-Okay" He stuttered before starting back up again.
"Mm" I hummed softly as I got comfy again.
"You like that huh?" He chuckled.
"Shh" I hushed him.
Lance pov
I didn't know what was happening, Even after I woke up and heard Keith crying.
He had his face buried into my chest and gripping onto my shirt with white knuckles.
Then I heard the thunder.
He whimpered and clutched onto me tighter.
"Hey, It's okay" I cooed and wrapped my arms around him.
"I-I'm so scared" He choked out.
"You're okay. You're safe with me Keith" I assured him and kissed his hair.
A very cloud clap of thunder came after a flash of lighting and Keith began to sob.
"Shh, Shh" I said and moved one hand up to start stroking his hair.
"It's okay, You're okay" I kept repeating as I petted his soft hair.
He was choking out sobs that could barely be heard over the rain.
Keith began to shake and that's when I started to get worried.
I can't have him having a panic attack.
I sat my frail boyfriend up and passed him my water bottle that I'd set on his bedside table.
He shakily took it and sniffled as he took a few gulps.
I patted his thigh.
"Breath Keith" I said calmly.
He nodded and gave me the water bottle back.
I set it back on the table and held Keith's shaky little hands.
Poor thing.
Another clap came and Keith collapsed into my arms.
I hate seeing him like this.
His body was hot and sweaty, Plus all the shaking.
He wrapped his arms around my ribcage and cried into my chest.
I began to rub his back in slow soft circles.
Keith choked back another sob and my heart leapt into my throat when he began to hyperventilate.
"Hey, Keithy, Keith hey. It's going to be okay, It's just a storm. It's going to pass baby. Just breath. Just breath" I said.
I sat him back up and gripped his shoulders.
"You're gonna breath with me now okay?" I said firmly.
He nodded as tears fell down his pink cheeks.
"Okay on the count of three take a big breath in" I instructed.
We both inhaled.
"Hold it for 3" I said.
He did.
"Now let it go"
He did.
A flash of lighting illuminated the room then a horribly loud burst of thunder came.
Keith yelled out like a wounded animal and covered his ears.
"Keith!" I shouted and grabbed his hands.
"Take a big breath in" I said.
He coughed and then took short, sputtered, choppy breath.
"Nope. No, Not like that. Look at me" I said and turned his face to mine.
"Breath in and use your tummy to hold the air" I said.
I put my hand to his soft stomach.
"Inhale, Let me feel your belly expand" I said.
"I'll do it with you. One...two...three" I said and we both inhaled.
His tummy expanded with the breath.
"Good boy, Hold it for three. One...two...three"
He did and then he let it out, His belly sank back down.
I put both of my hands on his waist and we repeated this about a dozen times until the rain softened and the thunder went away.
His shaky breathing steadied as we did so and he stopped crying.
"I'm sorry" He mumbled once everything had stopped.
"No, No don't be sorry. It's okay princess" I cooed and held his head to my chest.
"I'm an adult now. 18 and I'm scared of some loud noises and bright lights" He whispered.
"You have a very valid reason Keith" I said.
"You're so brave" I added.
"I hate that you just called me princess though" He giggled lightly.
"You are a princess though" I chuckled.
"Am not" He mumbled and pushed his cheek to my chest.
"You are! You can be so high maintenance" I teased.
"I'm gay, I get to be high maintenance" He said.
"We should get back to bed" I suggested.
Keith nodded.
"Thank you" He whispered and kissed my cheek.
"It's no problem. I love you so much" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too" He whispered and laid back down and snuggled close to me. I put my arms around his stomach and got comfy like that.
Keith pov
Exam week/diplomas came just shortly after graduation.
This was stressing me out immensely.
I would study for hours on end, Staying up almost all night.
It didn't help that I began stress eating again.
I scolded myself but I couldn't stop.
I ate so much of my cake. I'd eaten nearly half myself.
On the night before my first diploma exam I ate 3 pieces and got a super bad stomach ache.
Stress can do some bad things.
On the last day of classes the Friday before exam week I decided to make a bit of a statement.
I decided to wear shorts and my old rainbow tie-dye shirt.
I got new shorts recently so these ones fit me.
They're still the same length as my other ones. Mid thigh.
They cover my scars so that's a big bonus.
My shirt is tight in the chest and right around the roundest part of my tummy.
I wore it anyway just to please Lance and try to feel like my old self.
I even wore my heart shaped sunglasses.
Lance was so astonished when he saw me.
His jaw was wide open.
"Close that or the flies will come" I giggled and popped his mouth closed.
"You look amazing!" He exclaimed and hugged me tightly.
Hunk and Pidge agreed.
"It's been so long since I've seen you like this!" Lance squealed happily.
I chuckled and gave him a smooch.
"You look great Keith" Hunk said and patted my shoulder.
"I'm feeling happy today" I beamed.
"Good. I like my happy baby" Lance giggled.
The first exam went by uneventfully.
Sure all of us were dying of heat.
We were writing in the library and there were some fans there but they didn't do much.
Lance being the smart boy he is finished his before me.
I took almost 20 more minutes.
When I finally finished I met him outside the library.
"My car needs an oil change so my dad is gonna take it in this week for me. I always get paranoid that it'll explode or something when it needs to be changed so I don't drive then" Lance said.
"My mom dropped me off this morning. I have to wait here until she comes to get me in nearly 4 hours...Or I could ask my sweet angel of a boyfriend to drive me home" Lance purred.
He put his hands on my waist and pulled me right to him.
He rested his hands on my ass.
"Or you could just come to my house. Nobody is home" I smirked flirtatiously.
Lance raised an eyebrow.
"Nobody huh?" He asked and squeezed my ass.
I nodded.
"Don't be getting too handsy just yet" I said and pushed him back with a flirty giggle.
"God you're so hot. Do you realize how sexy you are?" Lance groaned.
"C'mon" I chuckled and grabbed his hand.
We walked out to my car and it was scorching out.
"Oh no it's hot. You get grumpy when it's hot" Lance groaned.
"I'll keep my prissiness to a minimum" I said.
Before we left the school we sat for a few minutes and texted our parents to tell them the details.
I had my cars ac blasting.
"I just realized you'll be 19 next month..." I trailed off.
"Yeah" Lance chuckled.
"I met you when you were 17. This is crazy" I added.
"We're here now because of that steamy makeout session at my house" Lance smirked.
"Ah yes" I said.
"I was a whole different person a year ago" I said.
"Yeah but I love you now more than ever. Even more that you're so much stronger mentally now. You're courageous too. You're such a sweet person...And your ass is HUGE now!" Lance exclaimed.
"Lance!" I hissed.
"That was nice up until the end" I whined.
"It had to be said. Gaining that weight has had it's positives and that's the biggest one" He said.
I groaned.
"Like your ass was big a year ago considering the little toothpick you were. Now that you're a man and that you've really filled out has made that thing ginormous!" He said happily.
I rolled my eyes at him.
I started my car and we headed off.
"My mom is chill with it but just wants you to come over this weekend so she and I can spoil you rotten. We're having a big family dinner. Her, Jana and I are gonna make a bunch of dishes from scratch. My grandparents might be coming up again and you could meet them this time!" He chirped.
"I'm on a diet Lance! I can't be eating stuff like that. As much as I love your mom's cooking; I still have weight to lose according to my family doctor, Not the hospital one. I went to visit him last week and I still have 10-15 pounds to lose. I'm still pretty overweight. He said the nurses at the hospital were just going easy on me and being nice. I was still really fat when I was in the hospital" I sighed.
Lance was quiet for a moment.
"I'm sorry that I talk about this so much. I hate talking about it but I just need to vent sometimes. I was and am overweight Lance. I need to get back to being a healthy weight" I added.
"No I get it" He mumbled.
"I want to come, Really. I'll just have to eat light. But I've been stress eating again and I need to talk to Christine. I gained two pounds and that not good! My weight is all over the place. I just want to be happy without this belly" I huffed.
"I'm not going to say it because you know it by heart already. Whatever your size I'll love you. Be it 120 pounds or 220. I'll love my baby boy regardless" He smiled.
That made me feel happy.
"Thank you" I said and held his hand.
I ran my thumb over his promise ring.
I'm wearing mine too.
Soon we got to my house and we slumped our sweaty bodies inside.
I turned the ac on instantly. Lance and I put our books on the breakfast bar so we could actually start studying later.
I giggled and pulled him upstairs.
Lance pov
Keith held my hand tightly as we jogged upstairs.
God I hope we'll have sex.
I can only jack off for so long.
I'm a horny 18 year old and I need to get my fix.
Some people drink or smoke but my fix is having my thick ass boyfriend ride me y'know?
It's been months and months since we've had sex.
I can't even remember the last time.
Keith's blinds were closed and as soon as he shut the door I threw my shirt off and pushed him onto the bed. I was on top of him.
I pinned his wrists above his head and he gave me the sexiest look I've seen in a long time.
Just that got me halfway to a hard on.
I kissed Keith and he shifted to get comfy. His shirt rode up and I wanted to bust right there.
A soft bulge of pudge squished over his shorts ever so slightly.
I quickly shifted my pants off and put them on the floor.
Keith looked at my crotch and bit his lip nervously.
"Do you want to go all the way? I know you haven't been feeling up to it lately" I asked.
He pondered for a moment.
"You deserve a treat. You spoil me so that's the least I can do for you. I'll do my best" Keith smiled.
"Thank you angel" I said and kissed his neck.
I began to leave a trail of kisses on his jaw and neck.
He moaned softly as I began to suck.
I rubbed myself against him and I was almost fully hard.
"Can I?" I then asked and put a finger on his shorts button.
Keith nodded.
I unbuttoned them and pulled them down his legs.
The scars on his thighs weren't very pretty but they just prove how strong this man is.
He was wearing cute striped blue and white briefs.
Keith then opened his bedside table drawer and shuffled around a condom and grabbed one.
He passed it to me.
I slid my underwear off and Keith blushed hard at the sight of me.
Keith then sat up.
I haven't seen his belly in a while.
He slowly pulled his shirt off.
Underneath was a soft pudgy belly.
He had about 4 small stretch marks by his love handles.
I ran my fingers over the pretty red marks.
"You are so beautiful" I hummed.
Keith turned even more red.
He leaned in and kissed me.
"I love you" He cooed.
I kissed him back then Keith got onto his hands and knees.
"Doggy style?" I asked.
"Mhm. I don't have enough agility or stamina for anything else" He replied bluntly.
I nodded in agreement.
It's been so long, I forgot how this all worked for a minute.
Keith stayed there, Patiently but eagerly waiting.
I carefully rolled the condom on and left the wrapper on his bedside table.
I ran my hand down his back then over to his side.
Keith shivered under my touch.
I put one hand on the small of his back and continued to rub up and down his right side. I even got to touch his tummy.
"Lance, I love you but can you stop petting me like an animal and just fu- God I'm sorry...Nevermind" Keith trailed off.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just want to make you feel safe before I did anything" I replied.
"I'm being impatient. Just continue" Keith said.
I removed my hands from his body and stroked his hair.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"Yes!" Keith barked.
There goes me sweet boy...
Horny, demanding bottom Keith is here for the stay.
I gave his ass a light flirty smack before I slowly covered a finger in lube from the condom and slid it in.
Keith tried his best not to clench.
I moved it around a bit then carefully pushed in the second.
Keith grunted a bit.
"Shh. Shh it's okay" I cooed.
"Do you want one more?" I asked him.
"S-sure. It can't hurt. Plus you're big so I don't see why not" Keith said softly.
I moved my other 2 fingers around then slipped the 3rd inside of him.
Keith whined out and arched his back.
"Shh" I said gently and rubbed his thigh.
I then leaned down and pressed a kiss to his shoulder blade.
I slid my fingers out and lined myself up.
I held onto the top of my dick and put my other hand on Keith's hip.
It's very soft. All that weight gain has made that a soft spot.
I pushed in, Making sure to do it fairly fast as he doesn't like a slow initial entrance. Keith also doesn't like a fast pulling out either.
Keith whimpered again.
I patted his soft hip and pushed myself fully inside him.
I grabbed both of his hips and gripped them as well as I could. They're big so I struggled to fully grab em.
I started slow.
Keith squeaked softly.
He backed up onto me fully and fast.
"W-Whoa take it easy" I stammered.
"You're not going to hurt me, Just go for it" Keith said.
I gulped and mumbled a yes.
I started thrusting in and out.
Keith groaned slightly.
I looked down at him and I swear I got even harder than before.
The last time we had sex he wasn't as...thick as he now so his hips are way bigger than mine.
He's so damn curvy, Just looking at how big and wide his ass, hips and thighs are made me bite my tongue.
"Goddamn, Baby got back" I chuckled and slapped the side of his ass.
"I'm pretty sure you've said that to me before Lance" Keith grumbled.
"Shh, Let me have this" I said.
I leaned down and kissed his shoulder once more before starting to go in and out faster and faster.
"Ah!" Keith cried out.
I rubbed his side.
His sides are so soft, Just as soft as his tummy.
I put them back on his hips and got a good rhythm going.
"Mm" Keith grunted and dug his nails into the sheets.
He's so tight.
I suppose I didn't stretch him for long but it's been a while too.
I gotta get him a plug honestly.
I'm sure we'd both prefer using one instead of me just jamming my fingers in there.
Keith pov
This was Lance and I's first time having sex in literal months.
It's been so long.
But Lance deserves it, He's been so patient with me. This is the least I can do for him.
That sounds like I'm unenthusiastic but I'm not!
I'm having a good time.
Lance pov
The plethora of beautiful pleasured noises escaping Keith's mouth made me grateful that nobody was home.
I was sweating and so was he.
With each thrust I would hit his sweet spot and a moan would cut through the air.
Keith ended up climaxing quite a while before me. He came all over his thighs.
I felt kind of defeated but Keith clearly was pleased.
He was panting and so was I.
Only a few more minutes went by before I finally came into the condom.
I pulled out slowly and flopped down on his bed.
Keith collapsed onto his front then rolled onto his back.
I tore the condom off and tossed it into his trash can.
"Fuck. You did so well. You really missed this didn't you?" Keith asked.
"Oh of course I did" I exclaimed.
I always love our aftercare, It's our thing. Mutual aid to one another.
I kissed Keith's sweaty forehead.
He wiped his thighs down and threw the Kleenex into the garbage too.
We took a few minutes to catch our breath.
"That felt so good" Keith finally said.
"Well I'm happy. That's what I was going for" I chuckled.
Keith then smiled and cradled my head to his chest.
It's so warm and soft.
I flicked my tongue over his very hard nipple.
"Oh?" He squeaked.
"You nasty" He laughed.
"Only for you angel" I purred.
He laughed again.
Keith's stomach then growled loudly.
He locked eyes with me and flushed red from embarrassment.
"Hungry?" I chuckled.
"I wish I wasn't" He scoffed.
"Let's go get you a snack then" I suggested.
"I'm not supposed to snack. That's what I'm supposed to avoid. My diet says so" Keith said.
"You're hungry baby. Let's go fill your belly up okay?" I said.
Keith sighed.
I then moved his small body into my lap. He sat up on my thighs.
Then another growl came from his stomach.
I then laid him down on his back. He wrapped his legs around my hips.
I pressed my lips to the centre of his tummy. It was so soft, Like a cloud.
"Lance!" He cried and burst into a giggle fit.
He's ticklish.
I kissed his belly again, Just under his navel.
He squealed like a happy baby.
His happy smile lit up the whole room.
"You are the cutest human I have ever seen. You are an angel sent down from heaven. The sweetest little thing I know" I gushed and gave him a smooch.
I just clung onto him for a while until his belly growled again then we decided to go get him some food.
We both just slipped some underwear on then went downstairs to his kitchen.
I had to help him walk just because I'm a wonderful boyfriend.
Keith looked in their pantry and frowned.
"I can't eat any of this" He sighed.
He then looked in the fridge and pulled out a pocket size bag of baby carrots.
"The only snack I'm allowed to have" He grumbled.
"I thought you weren't allowed to snack" I hummed.
"These are the only "Snacks" I can have but this shit isn't a snack. It's torture" Keith whined and opened the bag anyway.
"I hate vegetables" He mumbled and grumpily sat next to me at the breakfast bar.
I snagged a carrot and popped it into my mouth.
"All we have is junk food bedsides all my diet food. I swear I'm the only one around here who gets fat. Everyone else is skinny as hell" Keith sighed and bit a carrot.
I tried spanking him for saying that but he's sitting so I just kinda smacked his thigh.
"It must be my genes. But my parents weren't fat though..." He trailed off.
"Stop" I said and covered his mouth.
"You aren't either. I'm getting so sick of this Keith!" I scolded him.
"Well what would you like me to call myself then? I'm not skinny for the love of god" He scoffed.
"Perfect. You're perfect. I'll spank your thick ass if you don't stop" I warned.
"Thick. I'll just call myself thick" Keith said.
"Good. That works. You are thick though" I purred and put my hand on his upper thigh.
"Anyway. They were also really skinny too. I don't know why it's just me..." He said.
"Well you stress eat and don't exercise anymore" I said.
"Fuck you're right. God...No wonder" He added.
"Okay. Enough body talk. Eat your carrots like a good boy and I'll make you feel really good okay?" I cooed.
"We just had sex Lance" Keith said.
He put a few carrots in his mouth. I brushed some of his hair from his neck then instantly began to suck on his sweet spot. It's on his neck.
"Ah!" He moaned sharply.
"I'm trying to eat my hell food. Stop trying to bribe me into eating my vegetables by offering to suck on my neck" Keith hissed.
"Well when you say it like that..." I trailed off.
Keith laughed.
We finished up his veggies which took a while. The poor baby really doesn't like them.
We went back upstairs and I had to help him.
Keith flopped down on the bed and snuggled under his covers.
"I'm tired" He said.
"You're tired??" I asked.
"Sex is tiring" He mumbled.
I didn't argue. He's the one not doing anything but okay.
"Can you come snuggle me? Can we make this a nap date?" He said sweetly.
"Of course" I smiled.
I slipped my underwear back off and got under the covers with him.
I kissed his neck.
"Why aren't you wearing your underwear?!" He yelped.
"It's hot" I replied.
"Fair. I won't complain" He said then backed his thick ass back to my groin and grinded up against it.
"Oops. Sorry, My ass is so huge I just can't see where it's going half the time" He said in a sassy little tone.
I slapped his thigh gently.
We stayed silent for a moment.
"Today I wore what I did to try and gain some confidence back. Sure I'm heavier than I was a year ago but I'm going to try my best to embrace my chub and curves. This summer mostly" Keith then said.
This warmed my heart.
"That would mean the world to me Keithy baby. You deserve to be confident and happy" I beamed.
He giggled softly.
"I like that" He said.
"Hm?" I hummed.
"When you call me Keithy baby" He giggled again.
I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around his waist.
Soft belly greeted my hands.
"I love you Keithy baby" I chuckled.
"Mm" He hummed and snuggled as close as he could.
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