
((Credit to art above: Treasureauns
I can't read the credits 100% at the bottom but I think that's what is says??)) 

Yes hello I am finally back with a sequel !!

Redamancy: The act of loving the one who loves you; A love returned in full

Keith pov

"Lance stop!" I squeaked. "Shh!" He hissed at me. "Everyone else is asleep! Last time you woke everyone up we both got in trouble" He exclaimed. "Yeah well that's because you literally slapped my ass full force at 3am and I was so caught of guard so of course I screamed!" I barked. "Hey it's not my fault that it was calling to me" He said.
I still couldn't escape his grip.

What is he doing to me you're probably wondering?
He's trying to put his cold motherfucking hands on my stomach! They're literally ice cold. It dosen't help that he's been working out and is significantly stronger now that he was in the summer. It's only been a few weeks but he's been working out 4 times a week! It's hard to overpower him now.
"Let go!" I yelped.
Lance laughed menacingly.
I almost screamed when he succeeded in pulling up my shirt and putting his ice block hands on my middle. "See? Dosen't it feel good?" Lance cooed. "For you maybe!" I retorted and struggled again. "It's almost impossible for you to overpower me now Keith" He said. I groaned and tried to kick at him which was hard since I'm laying on my side and he's holding me from behind. "You're so warm, It's so nice" Lance said innocently. I sighed. He rubbed his hands up and down on my stomach and I felt the icy pinch of his cold touch seep into my body.
He inched his hands closer to my hips and stuck his fingers into the waistband of my underwear. "Don't you go any lower!" I growled. "And? What are you gonna do to stop me?" He asked in that sassy tone I know all too well. I managed to wriggle my right arm free as he was distracted waiting for my response and quickly slithered out of his grip before he could say another word. "Boy that was quick" Lance exclaimed. I glared at him and pulled my shirt down. "I should be asleep right now" I sighed. "It's 2 am" "Yeah but it's a Saturday" Lance commented.
"How did your hands get that fucking cold?" I asked harshly. "I have no idea actually" Lance said.
I can still feel the imprints of his palms on my body.
"Why is your body so warm all the time?" He asked. "I don't know either" I replied. "Maybe it's because you're so hot" Lance purred.
Should've seen that one coming.
"Why is it whenever your hands are cold you always feel the need to put them on the most sensitive areas of my body?" I asked. "It's no fun putting them on the non-sensitive areas because I don't get as good of a reaction and your tummy is always warm so it's my favourite heat source" He beamed. I flopped down on his bed.
"I hate you" I growled.
"I know you do babe, Hate you too" Lance replied.

It's October.
School has been going smoothly so far. I enjoy all of my courses and my grades are good.
I'm in English first block with Lance. Second is cosmetology with Pidge.
Third is Science and I have Lance.
And fourth is Drama with Hunk and Lance.

When I walked into the school for the first time again in September, I felt like I knew where I was finally.
I guess over the summer word spread that me and Lance are together. Not entirely sure how people found out but oh well.
I got a few remarks tossed at me within the first week when me and Lance would hold hands in the halls.
I hate it when couples feel the need to hold hands in the hallway. It's just unnecessary but do you think that stops Lance? Nope.
He'll be all over me, grabbing and kissing me whenever he gets the chance. It's almost too much but I like the attention from him.
I don't like the stares we get. But that also does not stop Lance from groping me in between classes.
Our English teacher Ms.Neese is very aware of our relationship.
She's had to snap at Lance lots for doing things like: trying to lick my face, kiss my neck and kiss me in general. Things that are really just not necessary in a classroom and as our teacher describes it "Out of classroom behaviour"
Lance is just really extra and feels the need to let everyone know we're together.
But our whole class knows all too well.
Lance really just likes to show me off and let everyone know we're more than friends. All this has confirmed all the rumours that were spread.

Cosmetology is actually so much fun.
I'm in the 10th grade class since I haven't taken it yet so I gotta be bumped down despite my grade. It's just basic things like painting nails, Makeup and skin care.
I deadass am the only guy in that class but I'm getting along well with everyone.
Some girl who found out I'm gay just came up to me one day and asked if I would be her "Gay best friend".
I laughed but I realized she was dead serious.
I declined the offer.
I'm partners with Pidge thank god.
Everyone just sees Pidge as this tiny lesbian but Pidge just dosen't like anyone so jokes on them. Every day for weeks I've left cos with a new colour of nail polish.

"Lance please leave poor Keith alone" Ms. Neese scolded and slapped her stack of papers on our shared desk. "We've all agreed you two are adorable but enough is enough" She said. "Okay" Lance huffed. Ms. Neese turned around and Lance quickly threw his arms around me and gave me a messy kiss on my jaw.
I honestly think we were a straight couple of if I was a girl, Our classmates wouldn't be as tolerant with Lance's affection. But since we're a same sex couple our class just thinks we're really cute. Nobody is homophobic thankfully...Or at least no one I know of is.

Lance let go of me and returned to scrolling on Instagram.
I finished up a worksheet I was working on and put my head on Lance's shoulder and looked at his phone. Still scrolling on Instagram. "Stop spamming Sebastian Stan. He's not going to see your comments" I scoffed. "Ever since we watched the winter soldier I'm hooked on him!" Lance exclaimed. "He's still not going to see your heart emojis" I teased. "Shut up" Lance muttered.
One minute I've got this boy all over me and now he's telling me to shut up, I love him.
"But I see your heart emojis" I said poking his cheek. "I know you do" Lance said. "Well at least you don't comment shit like: "Boi you thick" on Sebastian Stans's Instagram" I laughed. "Those are just for you" Lance chirped.

Yeah so whenever I post a picture on Instagram that shows my full body or even just if one shows my hips if I'm taking a mirror selfie, Lance will literally comment whatever comes to his mind. I have examples of some of my favourites.

So last week I posted a mirror selfie in the full length mirror in my room. I was wearing just a t-shirt and my Rick and Morty boxers and he commented:
"Damn boi u fuckin thicc as hell 🙌🏻💯🔥💦👀👌🏻🍑"
Emojis and everything. Lance uses the emojis ironically because he's just so hip and cool like that.

On almost all of my selfies he has numerous comments of just: "❤️💖💘💕💞💓💝💗💕❣" Or all of the heart emojis.

I posted a picture of a new pair of boots I got and he commented: "Step on me 🅱aby 🅱oy"
His new thing is using the B emoji in many situations. All he talked about for weeks was the "Boneless Pizza" meme even though it was pretty dead at that point. He still uses the B.

But yeah any picture I have that shows more than my torso it's all just comments containing "Thicc" And Emojis from Lance.
I appreciate the comments from Pidge because they always say nice things about my outfits or how "Aesthetic" my pictures are. They really can make my day. They've said things like "You look so soft and pretty ily" And "Stunning" And just overall nice things.
Lance's comments are too repetitive.

When school ended Lance gave me a big squishy hug before we parted ways.
When I got home Meenah was at the door bouncing and squealing. "Whoa what's going on?" I laughed. "Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit!" She cried. "That's great!" I said.
I took my shoes off and headed into the kitchen. "I heard we're having company" I said to Christine. "Yes" She said. "My parents are coming up to spend a few days with us. This Friday until Sunday" She added. "Yay!" I said. "Since they're coming Friday we'll be having a nice dinner" She said. I gasped. "Can I bring Lance to meet them??" I asked.
She hesitated.
"Yeah...I don't see why not" She replied with a bit of a guilty tone.
"I'm just so happy they know so I don't have to explain everything" I sighed.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about Keith" She said.
My face fell.
"I never told them about your coming out. I know it was so long ago but I totally forgot to call them. I told you I did because you were so happy and I didn't want to wreck your mood or make you anxious to tell them" She explained. "Oh boy" I sighed. "I'm sorry Honey. You're going to have to tell them. With Lance here maybe that will help you and boost your confidence" She exclaimed. "They're not homophobic to my knowledge so I'm sure you'll be fine. If they say anything I have your back" She said reassuringly. I nodded. "I would tell them for you but you're a big boy, You can do this" She said putting her hand on my shoulder. "Speaking of that, Your birthday is soon!" Christine sang.
"You're going to be 18!"
"Don't remind me" I huffed. "You're so grown up now Keith, I love you" She said giving me a hug. "I love you too" I chuckled.

I went up to my room and called Lance. "So" I started.
"Christine's parents are coming up here for a few days. They get here Friday and we're having a dinner and you're allowed to come" I said. "Oh fuck yeah, I'd love that" Lance said.
"But they don't know I'm gay. So I'll have to introduce you and come out" I sighed. "You can do this baby, I'll be right there with you" Lance cooed. "I'm charming so I bet they'll love me" He boasted.

We talked for a bit longer after that and I had to clean my room so I told Lance that and we hung up.
My room was a mess. I hate letting it get this bad but I've been busy with school.
I managed to buy a plant last week and I put it on my window still. It's an air plant so it doesn't live in soil. It just needs a spritz of water every day and it's fine.
I've started hanging up pictures I've gotten developed on a piece of wall next to my bed. My Polaroid camera broke so I've had to get my chosen ones developed. Most are pictures of me and Lance. There's one of Me, Meenah and Cole in the summer that I had Dane take. We went to a petting zoo one day and we all held up these adorable baby bunnies to the camera and Dane got a shot of us in that precious moment.
But yeah most of them are of me and Lance.

Lance pov

Hello I just want to say some very important things about Keith.
He may look tough and edgy sometimes but he's really just a big baby most of he time.
He can get real needy and it's great honestly.
Whenever I stay at his house or vise versa he always needs constant attention. It may not seem like it but he always wants my attention when we're alone. He'll demand cuddles or kisses as well. But this is only when we're alone. No other times. I treat him like the princess he truly is. He'll do the same for me too. If I want kisses he'll serve them. If I want cuddles he'll attach himself to me like a suction cup. He's always saying how I'm always the one who is doing stuff for him and how I'm always complimenting him and all that and he wants to do the same for me. We both mutually try and treat each other like royalty.
But yes Keith is a baby and if I'm too far away from him if we're in his room he'll make grabby hands at me and pout and tell me to come over and hug him. It's the new thing he's been doing and frankly I find it adorable. He's not acting as tough and angry around me like he did. He's a sweetheart and I love him.

So Keith's birthday is only a week away and oh god he better be ready for the best birthday ever!
I'm going to spoil him rotten because he deserves it.
I've been saving up money for this.
I want to get him balloons and all his favourite foods and just every possible thing I can think of. He loves anything Halloween related so I might add a few things into that mix.
We still need to get our Halloween costumes.
Keith agreed he'd let me pick our costumes.
He really should not of given me that power.
I know just what I want for us.
I want to be a Casanova... Like the playboy Casanova and Keith is going to be my bunny.
I feel he's going to be pissed at me but he agreed to let me do this.
This is probably the only night I can get Keith to wear something that will only cover like 20% of his body.
This is going to be so hot.
Shiro's having a big Halloween party and is inviting or gang and a bunch of his new friends he's made at university.

So earlier today Keith told me his grandparents are coming up for a few days and he's invited me to come meet them. The only problem is that his grandparents don't know that Keith is gay and he's going to have to tell them.
That's what I'm nervous about.
Christine is such a loving and amazing person and I hope her parents are at least similar.
If they say anything rude oh boy am I ready to go off on them.
I don't care who it is! If anyone is in any way showing any signs of homophobia towards my boyfriend; They better be prepared for a fight.
Keith doesn't deserve shit for who he loves and should be free to express that.

Keith pov

On Thursday Lance came over after school so we can "work on an English project" Which means we'll probably work for 5 minutes then just make out. But we actually do have to work on this project at least for a bit.

"Can you pass me the pen?" I asked Lance not looking away from my notebook.
No response.
"Lance?" I asked.
"Hm what sorry?" He said. "Can you pass me the pen?" I repeated. "Yes my love I can" He said. He gave me the pen and I scribbled down a few sentences.
I was laying on my stomach on my bed writing down ideas and Lance who was supposed to be researching on my laptop was sitting by my feet.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Looking at Halloween costumes" He hummed.
I sat up.
"No come on babe, Can you actually help me out here?" I groaned. "I'm trying but Halloween is more important than school" He said. I snickered at his response. "I hope you didn't forget you said you'd let me pick our costumes" He sang. "What? I did not!" I retorted.
"Yes you did!"
"When in the fuck did I say that?"
"Last month when we pulled an all nighter at my house. It was 4 am and we we're talking about Halloween and I asked if I could pick our costumes and you said yes"
"I was half asleep!"
"It still counts"
I growled at him.
"You'll look cute as a playboy bunny" He chirped. "Excuse me?" I scoffed setting down my notes. "You heard me" He smirked. "I've got this all planned out baby. I'm gonna be a Casanova and you'll be my bunny" Lance beamed. "How do fishnets sound?" He asked.
"Ugh!" I hissed in disgust. "I've seen those godforsaken costumes. I'm not a women. Where is my junk going to go?" I exclaimed. "Your body is close enough to a woman's so I'm sure you'll manage" Lance hummed. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I yelped. "Have you seen your body Keith? It's just like an hourglass" Lance said. He continued to scroll on my laptop. "Let me see this shit" I said and scooted over to him and leaned over to see what he was looking at.
He was on a Halloween costume website and sure enough he had a couples Casanova and playboy bunny costume.
The Casanova costume is just a red silky robe with a pipe and the fucking bunny is like a strapless faux leather bathing suit looking thing with flimsy lace bunny ears and fishnets.
"Lance, I-have-a-penis! Where is going to go in that thing??" I cried. "Don't get your panties in a bunch. We can get you some leather booty shorts so nothing slips out" Lance said. He said it like that sentence magically fixes everything.
"I'm no longer excited for Halloween" I grunted. "I want to go back in time and disagree to this" I mumbled.
"Awe but Keith you'll look so hot" Lance whined. "My junk popping out of a prostitute costume is not hot" I snapped. "Hell yeah it is" Lance said smugly. "What happened to my sweet baby who was demanding cuddles and affection just the other day?" Lance said in a baby voice. "Your "sweet baby" didn't know he was being forced into a fucking playboy bunny costume on Halloween a few days ago!" I hissed. "Please don't be mad at me Keithy, I love you" He said finally peeling his eyes away from the screen. I frowned at him. "I love you Mr. Grumpypants" Lance cooed and kissed my forehead. "Oh that reminds me! I got you an early birthday present!" He chimed.
"If it's a buttplug I'm calling the police" I mumbled and rolled over. "It's not" Lance replied.
He got up and went over to his backpack and dug around for a minute.
"Here" He said tossing a paper bag looking thing onto my stomach.
I saw "Lush" printed in big bold letters on the bag. "I saw these the other day and thought of you" Lance said zipping up his bag. I sat up and opened it.
There was a cute little pumpkin shaped bath bomb with a jack-o-lantern face carved in it and there was another one underneath. The second one was a little black cat head. "Oh they're adorable!" I squeaked excitedly. "Smell them" Lance chuckled. I sniffed it. The pumpkin was pumpkin scented of course with a hint of a cinnamon. The little cat was berry scented. "The cat is a bubble bar and the pumpkin is a bath bomb" Lance said. "These almost make up for the costume" I said. "Just those little things?" Lance asked.
"It's sooo cute though Lance! Thank you" I smiled.
"You are so moody! I cannot believe you" He said.
He's not wrong.
"I can't help it" I said sitting up.
I then gasped.
"I forgot Christine is getting sushi delivered for dinner tonight!" I exclaimed.
"You have to stay for supper!!" I added. "I'll have to see is I can mi amor" Lance said.
"I know what that means!" I squeaked.
"What does it mean?" Lance asked.
"My love right?" I asked.
"Yes you're right!" He exclaimed.
"See? I can learn Spanish from you" I smiled.
"Ugh I like you so much better when you're happy" Lance sighed.
"I don't wanna take a bath alone with this, there's no point in doing it by myself" I hummed.
"Oh? What are you suggesting then?" Lance purred.
"Let's share a bath so we can both enjoy it. We've done this before" I said.
"I'm down for that" he agreed.
"We should use the pumpkin today and the little cat another time" I suggested. "We should use the cat on my birthday!" I cried.
"There's like an hour and a half until supper so we should be good" I added.
"What about the project?" Lance asked magically somehow concerned about it now.
"Sharing an adorable bath bomb with my adorable boyfriend is more important than school" I said.
I smelled the bag again.
"They both smell so good. The embodiment of Halloween is in this bag" I said.
"Let's go!" I said grabbing Lance's hand.

I shut the bathroom door behind us then started the bath.
I took off the sweatshirt I was wearing.
It's not even mine since I stole it from Lance.
He took his shirt off as well.
I gave him a hug from behind.
"I'm sorry I get mad at you sometimes" I said. "I don't really mean it. I'm also sorry I don't tell you how much I love you as much as I want" I mumbled.
"Whaat? Don't apologize for that Keith. You tolerate my constant groping and that's enough for me" Lance replied.
I just kinda hugged him like that for another minute.
"You're crazy moody today"
"I know"
I let go of Lance and resumed undressing myself.
I kicked my clothes off to the side of the bathroom near the shower.
Lance was quiet.
I turned around and he was right behind me. He kissed my neck.
"I swear to god you're getting shorter..." He said. "Or maybe you're just getting taller!" I hissed.
I grabbed the small bag and took the pumpkin out.
"I'm actually excited for this" Lance exclaimed.
I got into the bath Lance followed.
We both can fit in the bath well since it's pretty big.
I sat cross legged across from Lance.
"My legs are too long!" Lance complained.
"Sit like me then!" I said.
"Oh right!" He replied and crossed his legs. "The water is so hot Keith what the fuck" Lance yelped.
"It'll stay warmer longer, Stop complaining" I barked.
"Fine fine" He replied.
"Are you ready?" I asked him.
He nodded.
I slowly emerged the bath bomb into the water. It fizzed and began to dissolve into a pretty bright orange.
"It's so pretty!" Lance squealed. "I've only had one bath bomb before and that was a long time ago" I said.
The water began to turn a really pretty orange.
"Oh god I didn't realize you had Halloween decorations in here too" Lance said.
Yeah so my family is obsessed with Halloween and we go all out every year and we have decorations in every room in the house, every room.
"Yeah we have them everywhere" I replied touching the skull decoration on the edge of the tub that Lance was referring too.
We have bat window stickers on the window next to the bath as well. We've got lots of spooky candles and other little decorations in here too.
"I'm a Halloween boy so of course I love it" I said.
I swished the water around so the colour could spread.
"This is so pretty thank you" I said to Lance. "You're welcome" He smiled.
I scooted closer to him. "Wait lay down" I said. "Why?" He asked. "Just do it" I said. Lance gave me a confused look but obeyed. "Okay good" I said. I sat in between his legs and laid back onto him. "Awe okay I get what you're trying to do" Lance said. "Oh I like this" he purred and put his arms around my middle and rested them there.
"Why do you always feel so nice? Like your skin is so soft and you're just really squishy" Lance said. "That's weird don't say that" I mumbled. He squeezed me. "You're not very comfortable to lay on" I complained. "Well sorry Keith, This position was your brilliant idea" Lance scoffed. "Now I'm complaining but I'll
stop, I'll stop" I said.
Lance moved my hair away from the right side of my neck and began kissing it. "Mm I love you" I hummed. "I love you too" He mumbled into my neck. "So, So much"
I lifted my arm up and ran my fingers through his soft short hair.
"This is the spookiest bath ever" I giggled.
I heard a knock on the door.
"What are you two doing in there?" I heard Christine say with that fake concerned parent voice. The tone that says "I'm going to sound concerned but I'm not actually so I'll just check in"
"Do you want the truth or a vague generic lie?" I called.
"The lie" She laughed. "We're doing each other's makeup" I replied. "Don't be in there for too long, The sushi will be here soon" Christine said. "I'm assuming you're staying for supper Lance?" She asked. "He is" I replied. "Alright" She chuckled.
"Ow! Stop" I hissed at Lance who was now trying to give me a hickey. "I ran out of concealer and I still want to t-shirts" I said. "Fine" He grumped and removed his mouth from my neck.
"Now I wanna do something for you. I want to get you something special. You spoil me and it's not fair" I said. 
Lance didn't reply moved his hands from my stomach and put the tips of his fingers on my cheeks. "You're cute" He giggled and squished my cheeks.
I brushed his hands away and lifted myself up using the edges of the tub and turned over carefully to make sure I didn't crush Lance. I laid down back onto him but I'm facing him now. I put my hands on his chest and nuzzled my head to his collar bones.
Lance bent his knees so he could support me better.
"So I can hold you like a baby now huh?" Lance giggled and put his hands on my waist. "I want to make you feel special. I want to spoil you and give you everything" I said.
"You're giving me everything I want right now Keith. This feels so nice, You're soft and warm and the water is warm and this is just perfect" He murmured. "God you're the best boyfriend ever" I beamed. "We have too many of these moments" I added.
"I'm fine with that" Lance said and kissed me.

We both just laid in the nice warm bath. The water was now calm and a pale orange colour. It was beautiful.
"Mm we should get out, supper is gonna be here soon" I mumbled. I gave Lance a peck on the cheek and got off of him. "Sorry if I was actually crushing you" I said and pulled the plug on the tub.
"You were not crushing me!" Lance exclaimed. I was soaking wet as I got out and grabbed a towel for myself and Lance. I tossed him his.
I began to dry myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist and I grabbed all of our clothes and held them in my arms. Lance wrapped his towel around  his waist and we quickly exited the bathroom and dove into my room.
We got dressed and Lance took one of my hoodies and put it on.
Only the ends of my hair were wet so I didn't bother blow drying it.
When we got downstairs the sushi Christine ordered had arrived and I was happy.
Cole isn't the biggest sushi fan since he's a pretty picky eater so he ended eating most if the avocado rolls.
I really like sushi so I was fine with everything.
Everyone enjoys having Lance over for supper because Meenah listens to him talk and actually eats. Meenah usually ends up talking most meals and not actually eating her food. Cole listens and doesn't eat because he's distracted but they actually eat when Lance is over. He'll remind them to eat and will pause a story he's telling. They listen to him and it's a blessing.

Lance isn't a huge sushi fan either but he will eat it.
Lancs is just an adorable ray of sunshine that can light up any room.
The atmosphere of our home is already really nice, but when Lance comes over it gets even nicer.
He's just so happy all the time and that makes me happy and I love it.

Friday came soon enough and I was so fucking nervous.
Thursday night and all today I've been worrying.
I'm just praying that they won't be homophobic.

Dane, Christine and I all made supper.
They took Meenah and Cole with them to pick up Christine's parents from the airport.
Before they left Christine paused before she stepped out of the house. She called me over. "Don't worry honey. You can do this" She reassured me. I nodded.
Just after they left Lance came over.
He could tell I was anxious.
I was wrapped up in a hoodie I stole from him so I felt better.
Lance hugged me tightly.
"You'll be okay Keithy" Lance cooed and stroked my hair. "I'll be with you the whole time. They're your family and it shouldn't matter who you love" Lance said.
"God I love you" I said and squeezed him.
He let go of me and kissed my forehead. We sat down on the couch in the living room closest to the front door.
My leg was trembling and Lance put his hand on knee to try and calm me.
As we waited Lance clutched onto my hand and rubbed his thumb against my skin.
He didn't say anything but just continued to calmly comfort me through touch.

I almost jumped out of my fucking skin when I heard the front door open.
Meenah and Cole came running into the house laughing and chasing each other.
The last time I saw my grandparents I was shorter than both of them but that was a long time ago.
I told Lance to stay and I stood up and walked towards the front door.
"There he is!" My grandma said and held her arms out towards me for a hug. "Hi!" I said and hugged her.
I'm taller than my grandma now!
"Hey you grew" My grandpa said. "Yeah I did" I chuckled.
My grandma released me from the hug. "We haven't seen you for almost 3 years. Your hair has gotten so long" Mh grandma exclaimed and ran her hands through my hair.
"You're all grown up now I can't believe it. You're so handsome now Keith. You were adorable before but now you're just so handsome" She cried and hugged me again quickly.
"Oh Christine he's so handsome" She said and Christine smiled at me. I gave her a joking "help me" look.
"Keith is pretty not handsome" Meenah giggled.
My grandpa then gave me a hug. "It's so good to see you again" He said.
"It's good to see you too" I replied when he let go of me. "You may be taller than her but you're still shorter than me kiddo" He chuckled.
Christine looked at me and motioned her head in Lance's direction. I nodded.
Lance was stood up now and watching us. "Who is this young man?" My grandma asked when she turned around and saw Lance.
"That's Lance!" Meenah exclaimed. "Meenah, Let Keith introduce him please" Dane said.
I chuckled.
"It's nice to meet you both" Lance chirped.
I motioned for him to come over.
He walked over and stood next to me.
"Grandma and Grandpa, As Meenah said; Yes this is Lance. He's my boyfriend" I announced.
Now listen; I know girls use the term "girlfriend" when referring to their friends but guys do not refer to their friends as boyfriends so there is no other way they can interpret my statement.
My grandmother looked at Christine who was smiling at me and Lance.
I moved closer to Lance and held onto his arm.
I could tell my grandpa understood by his facial expression. He grinned at me and I felt warm inside.
"They're dating!" Meenah squeaked and pushed her way between me and Lance. I chuckled at her. "Meenah come here" Dane said and she ran over to him and he crouched down and whispered something to her.
My grandma looked surprised.
"I'm gay" I said with a partially fake smile.
Better to be upfront about it right?
I was going to drag on about a few more things but I said fuck it internally.
"You all know about this?" My grandmother said.
Dane, Christine and Meenah all nodded and Cole who was hiding behind Christine, gave a thumbs up.
"I had a feeling" My grandfather chuckled.
I don't know if that's a compliment or a insult??
Christine gave him a surprised look. "Chrissy I could tell, I can tell!" He exclaimed.
My grandma looked frustrated.
"You know what Keith? C'mere" My grandfather said and gave me a firm hug and a handshake. "I'm proud of you my boy" He smiled.
"Welcome to the family Lance" My grandfather exclaimed and gave Lance a hug too. "Thank you sir" Lance laughed.
"Lorraine?" My grandfather said to my grandmother who looked stern.
She clasped her hands and walked over to us.
I swallowed hard.
She stopped right in front of Lance. "Welcome to the family young man" She said breaking the stern look like thin glass. She placed her hand on his cheek.
"I know what you have been put through and can't even imagine how much weight you carry on your shoulders every day, Keith you most definitely don't deserve any hatred for this. I'm proud of you as well. You are so strong honey" She said.
"You get a hug too" She said to Lance and gave him a hug.
I smiled and I felt myself tear up.
"Awe no don't cry" Lance said.
"Oh I have something for you Keith. Because I know your birthday is coming up" She said letting go of Lance.
She dug around in the purse she had and then pulled out a small lavender box. She handed it to me.
With shaky hands I accepted and carefully opened the box. Inside was a white porcelain cat with flowers on its back.
"Oh my gosh that the cat?" Christine asked. My grandma nodded.
"That kitten was given to me on my eighteenth birthday by my mother" She said. "W-Wait I have one just like this" I said.
"There's two" Christine said. "A little one and a small one. That's the big one"
I covered my mouth with my hand.

Just yesterday Christine had given me the smaller cat. She explained the story behind them.
Christine's grandmother had bought the two kittens and gave them to my grandmother who gave them to Christine on her 18th birthday as well but she'd only given her the small one. She said she would give it to someone in the family when they turned 18 and when I joined the family that must of been when the idea clicked in her mind.
I now have both of them.
"Thank you" I said trying to wipe away tears. "You're welcome" She said.
Lance put his arm around my waist and rubbed his hand gently against me.
"Can I see, Can I see?" Meenah squealed and broke away from Dane.
I showed her the cat. "She's so cute!" She chirped. "Keith likes kitties" She added.
We all laughed.

I was definitely not expecting that good of a reaction.
I thought they would freak out but I'm so happy they didn't.
It's a miracle I would say.

Over dinner we all mostly just talked about school. Cole didn't talk much but that's not abnormal.
My grandparents really seem to like Lance.
I briefly explained how I found out I was gay and a bit about what's been going on with me the last few years.
The last time I saw them was when I was 15.
Lance ended up talking a bit about himself.
My grandma ended up asking Lance what his sexuality was and he said he was bi and she had no idea what that was so he had to explain to her.

Later on in the night I helped my grandparents set up and unpack their suitcases into the spare bedroom downstairs.
I've still barely been in that basement. That room came with a questionable queen size bed that I find suspicious since it looks brand new.
Well they're sleeping on it tonight so I guess if there's a dead body within it; they'll be the first to know.
I grabbed a large quilt from the closet  and set it on the bed.
"I really like your man Keith" My grandma chuckled. "Thanks, I like him too" I replied. "In all seriousness I would of never thought you were gay. I guess now that I'm looking back on you when we first met you I can see a few things but I hate stereotyping people" She said. "Yeah" I said. "I know lots of people from our generation are unsupportive but who gives a rats ass if someone is gay? It doesn't affect them in any way so why should they be so concerned" My grandpa spoke up. "I wish more people were like you" I replied.
He took his ball cap off and rubbed his balding head. "We've never really had too many conversations one on one but we both consider you a part of the family just as much and Meenah and Cole. You were the perfect addition to their lives and I hope you know that" My grandma said. "Thank you" I smiled. "Lance is probably waiting for me. Do you guys need any more help or are you good?" I asked them. "We're good now. Thank you for being so kind" She added. I waved goodnight to them and then went upstairs.

"Are they all settled in?" Lance asked. "Yup" I replied. "Do you want to stay the night?" I asked him. "We stay at each other's houses almost every weekend but yes of course I want to. I'll text my mom and tell her" Lance said. "I'm tired" I said and yawned. "It's not even 11 pm yet" Lance groaned rather loudly. "Shhh Lance, Everyone else went to bed" I said. "Let's go to bed then tiny boy" Lance said. "But are you tired though?" I asked. "No I'm not but I can stay up for a bit until I'm tired" He said. "You can have the lights off and everything, I'll just go on my phone" He added. "Only if that's okay with you" I said. "It is Keithy don't worry" He reassured me. I nodded and went and shut the kitchen and living room lights off so we were in darkness. There was some light coming in from the street lamps.
Me and Lance went upstairs and quietly went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
We actually bought Lance a toothbrush to keep here since he's here so often.
He kept making funny faces at me as we were brushing our teeth. I was trying not to laugh and get toothpaste everywhere. "Stop!" I groaned with my toothbrush still in my mouth and shoved him. "Love you" He said with his toothbrush in his mouth too. I spit out the rest of my toothpaste and put my toothbrush back in the holder thing.
Lance washed his face and I impatiently waited for him.
As soon as he dried his face I was outta there. "I'm leaving!" I whisper yelled to him.
I pulled my blinds down and I deadass just took all of my clothes off, underwear and all and I just got into my bed. I threw my duvet over myself.
About 5 more minutes passed and I finally heard the bathroom door close. Lance came into my room. It was almost pitch black but my eyes were adjusted to the darkness.
"Whoa shit it's dark" He mumbled and shut my door.
I heard the jingle of his belt and he took his jeans and shirt off.
"Where are you?" He said.
I groaned softly to let him know where I was.
Lance felt around on my bed to feel where I was and got into bed and snuggled under the covers. He felt around for me again and put his hand on my thigh. "Oh my god you're naked" He said surprised. "Yeah?" I asked. "I was not expecting that" He said. "I'm actually tired now so I'm gonna try and sleep" He said. "Mhmm" I mumbled and shut my eyes. "Fuck your feet are cold!" He hissed.
I laughed evilly and put my feet on his calves. "Stop Keith oh my god!" He squeaked. "Remember a while ago when you were putting your cold ass hands on my stomach at 3 am? Payback baby" I exclaimed.
I held onto him and rubbed my feet up his legs.
"Keith I will grab you and not let you escape" Lance threatened.
"Oh yeah?" I retorted.
Before I could even blink he turned around and grabbed me and pulled me right up to his body as we were laying down. He wrapped his legs around my thighs too.
"Fuck" I breathed.
"I'm not even going to struggle. I won't overpower you" I said.
"Having the feeling of you just having no clothes on and me cradling you is indescribable" He said. "Let go! I wanna sleep" I bickered. "Never!" Lance laughed.
I can try and sleep like this.
It's probably not very comfortable for him so he'll have to move eventually.
I'll let him win just this once.
I decided to accept my fate and I snuggled up against him and shut my eyes.
"Are you trying to sleep?" Lance asked. "Mhmm" I hummed.
"You win tough guy" I added. "You're gonna give up? That's not the Keith I know" Lance exclaimed. "Yeah well I'm tired" I retorted.
Lance let go of me. "I'll let you sleep" He said.
I smirked to myself.
I'm the real winner here.
"Goodnight" He whispered and kissed my neck.

The next few days seemingly went by slowly.
Lance left early Saturday morning since him and his siblings were getting paid to re-paint the fences around their property.

"Thank you for coming. You really helped me out" I said before he left. "It was all you Keith. I'm proud of you" He said. "Okay I gotta go or I'll be in deep shit" He said. "Love you" He said, quickly pecking me on the cheek and heading out the front door. I waved goodbye to him as he pulled out of the driveway.

I went back to sleep and woke up again around 11.
Saturday consisted mostly of everyone just talking.
My grandparents wanted to see my room since they'd seen Meenah and Cole's already.

"Are these your friends?" My grandma asked pointing to a photo of Me, Lance, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk. "Indeed" I replied. "I met them when we moved here. They've helped me out immensely and made me feel more comfortable here" I explained. "Those are all odd names" My grandpa commented. "Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk. I've never heard anyone by those names, especially someone named Pidge" He added. "Pidge's real name is Katie but they go by Pidge and Shiro's real name is Takashi. His last name is Shirogane so we call him Shiro since that's much easier" I said.
"Okay that makes sense" My grandpa replied. "I really like your room, It's nice" My grandma said. "Thank you" I beamed.
Meenah soon dragged them out of my room to go show them her and Cole's playroom down the hall.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Lance🌹: Your grandparents have very noticeable southern accents and I fucking love it!!

Me: You're just telling me this now?

Lance🌹: I forgot to mention it earlier whoops

Me: Get back to painting dummy!

Lance🌹: I will babe I promise. Kaleb and Jana say hi btw

Me: Tell them I say hi back

Lance🌹: Will do. Talk to you in a bit, Ily

Me: <3

I guess I hadn't really noticed how prominent their accents were but now that Lance mentioned it, I can hear it.

I still can't believe how well my coming out went.
I don't think I'll ever get over this. It's like all my prayers had been answered. I'm just so thankful it went well.

Sunday came and I was actually really sad to see them go.
It's like they just got here and now they have to go.
We all just stayed home all weekend and talked and caught up and spent time outside (More like everyone else sat outside and I stayed inside) I learned so much more about them and they learned so much about me.
I found out my grandma used to be a dancer! How cool is that?
My grandpa was an Olympic skier and has been all across the world to participate in different events. He's been all over Europe and Asia.

I joined everyone in Christine's crowded suv and we drove to the airport.
Cole and Meenah started fighting so I had to switch Cole for the middle seat to separate them.

I was the last one to give them goodbye hugs.
"It was so nice to see you both again. Please come back soon" I said while hugging them both. "It was amazing to see you all again. I still can't believe how grown up you are now. It's unbelievable!" My grandma exclaimed. "We will come back soon, Promise" My grandpa said.
I let go of them and I felt really emotional as we watched them board their plane.
"Mommy can we go visit them next time? I wanna go back to Sand Antonio" Cole said.
He couldn't just pick up on the San and just now calls our old city Sand Antonio.
"San Antonio" Meenah corrected him.
"Maybe" Christine said.
I've never been on a plane before and I've seen the final destination and I'm not risking that shit.

So my birthday rolled around and just my luck: I got sick just the night before. Just a head cold so nothing major but that's just fucking great for my birthday.
Late Monday night I could feel a slight scratchiness in my throat and it just escalated to full on sore throat and stuffy nose by the morning.
I never get sick! 
What the fuck??

"Happy Birthday!" Meenah yelled once I came downstairs in the morning of the big day.
Not big day, I don't care that it's my birthday but everyone else cares a little too much.
"Happy Birthday" Christine and Dane chimed in.
"Thank you" I chuckled.
"I'm sick now so that's just great" I mumbled.
"Oh no really?" Christine said. I nodded.
"God that's sucky" She added. "I'll get you some medicine" Dane said going into the pantry.
I felt someone hug my legs.
I looked down and Cole was hugging me. "Happy Birthday" He said quietly and gave me a smile and handed me what looked like a homemade card.
"Thanks bud" I said and ruffled his hair. He let go and I looked at the card.
It was made of red construction paper and some scribble drawn cats and a birthday cake were on the front in marker. I opened it and in Cole's messy writing I made out
"Happy Birthday best big brother. Love Cole" On the inside. More cute scraggly looking cats were on the inside and some stars were on there too. "This is so cute thank you!" I said to him. "You're welcome" He said grinning. "Did you see this?" I asked Christine. "Yes I did" She replied.
I held it to my chest. "I love it so much" I said softly.
"All I could find was halls" Dane said returning from the pantry with a dreaded tube of cherry cough drops.
I despise cough drops.
I don't know how some people can just eat them for fun! They're so disgusting.
Those people are monsters.
I groaned.
"I know you hate them but if you want to get better you have to have them" Dane said.
"Ugh fine" I said and took one out of the paper tube thing it was in and put it in my mouth.
I coughed and gagged.
"Don't be a drama queen" Christine chuckled.
"Here, Give me one. I haven't had one in years and I want to taste one" She said.
I looked at her horrified.
"Suit yourself" I said and handed her one and she popped it into her mouth.
"Oh come on! They're not that bad!" She said.
"What is wrong with you? They're horrid" I exclaimed.
Dane took the tube from me and had one too.
"She's right, They're not that bad" He said.
"You guys are evil! They're horrendous" I hissed.
"I'm gonna stop talking because my throat is killing me" I added.
"We made you an omelet" Dane said.
I gave him a thumbs up to say thank you.
Dane pointed to the breakfast bar where he'd put it on a plate already.
I sat down and began to eat almost instantly.
I was really hungry.
"I can't believe it! You're finally 18" Christine said rubbing my back. "You're officially an adult" Dane remarked.
"You're old now!" Meenah exclaimed and hopped on a stool next to me. She took a sip of her orange juice.

Dane slipped into the garage and came back with a shiny red gift bag. "I told you guys not to get me anything!" I exclaimed.
"I know but nobody else knows I got this for you" Dane said placing the bag in front of me.
"God Dane please don't tell me it's that shirt!" Christine exclaimed, Giving her husband an agitated look.
He gave her a guilty one.
I set my fork down and opened the bag.
I pulled out well...a shirt.
"Jesus Dane I told you not to get that for him!" Christine yelped and gave him a playful smack on the chest.
It was grey and I held it up so I could read what is said.
"I'm not gay but $20 is $20" I read.
"I had to get it for you. I was killing myself laughing in the store" Dane said.
It's funny because this isn't something a dad would normally get for his son but it's hilariousz
"Oh my god I love it!" I squealed.
"This is so good! Lance is gonna get a real kick out of it" I laughed.

I got ready for school and debated weather or not to wear the shirt.
I decided on some black ripped jeans and my classic rainbow tie-die shirt.
Just comfy and casual.
"Have a good day" Christine said on my way out the door. She kissed my forehead. "Thank you" I said. "Drive safe!" She called after me. I gave her a 👌🏻.
I made my usual route to school.
Passing by the same buildings I do every day.
I'm actually nervous for what Lance has planned.
When I got to school I shoved my keys into my bag.
I'm rocking the gay stereotype "man purse" even though this bag isn't even really a purse. It's just a side bag with no face from sprited away on it. Just side bags in general are a stereotype.
I walked into first block and I almost fell over from Lance running at me with a big squishy hug.
"Happy Birthday baby!!" He squealed and picked me up, resting his hands under my butt.
"Thank you! I love you so much" I said and gave him a kiss. He set me down and put his hands on my waist. I scanned the room to see if anyone else was here. Nobody but Hunk and Pidge.
Lance then gave me a kiss.
"I didn't even see you guys, Sorry!" I exclaimed to Hunk and Pidge.
"Happy Birthday!!" Hunk exclaimed, stole me from Lance and gave me a big hug.
"Thanks big guy" I smiled.
"Hunk don't steal my man!" Lance joked and pulled me back from Hunk.
"Stop fighting over the boy!" Pidge yelled.
Lance pulled me into his arms dramatically.
"You give good hugs" I smiled at Hunk.
"Hey what about me?!" Lance shouted.
"Shh, You're being high maintenance" I hissed and swished a hand at Lance.
"Here I got you this" Pidge said and shoved a messily wrapped package at me.
I just kinda stood there.
"Open it shithead!" Pidge shouted.
"Don't yell at my baby!" Lance yelled back and put his hands on my face.
"I hate you both!" I whined.
I set the package on a desk and tore the paper open.
"No way!" I squeaked.
I held up the shirt that was in the wrapping.
I held up the shirt to him.
"Who needs titts?" Lance read.
I turned the shirt around to the back.
"With an ass like this"
"What does that mean?" Hunk asked.
I laughed.
"God Pidge this is the best thing!" I exclaimed and hugged them.
"It's a shirt that a girl from one of my favourite music groups wears in a video" I explained to Hunk and Lance. "This one is the same shade of pink and is a muscle tee but it's still spot on" I added.
"It funny because he's not a girl but the shirt still makes sense" Pidge said.
"What group, what the fuck" Lance asked.
"Die Antwoord" I replied.
"Mm oh yeah them" He said.
"Thank you Pidge. I love it!" I said.
"No problem" They beamed.
"I know you like them. I've listened to them before and that really doesn't seem like the kind of music you'd like. I feel like you'd be into emo bands" They said.
"Yeah they're really out there. I mostly listen to alternative but they're an exception" I said.
I put Pidge's gift into my bag.
"You seem like the kind of guy to listen to my chemical romance 24/7" Pidge said.
"I had my my chemical romance phase in 8th grade" I shuddered at the memories.
"I've seen pictures of 8th grade Keith" Lance gloated.
I elbowed him.
"He was so cute and emo! He's still cute and emo but just gayer now" He beamed.
"You're probably the same height though" He added.
I elbowed him again.
"Lance stop! Keith really isn't that short" Pidge came to my defence.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed and bowed to them.
"He's small to me, He's my baby" Lance said in a baby voice.
I crossed my arms and scowled.
"A very grumpy baby" Hunk said.


"I got you a few things..." Lance said a few minutes after the bell went.
"Why didn't you give them to me before class?" I asked.
"Because" He said and put his hand on my thigh.
"They would of made fun of me for the stuff I got you" He added.
"The people that sit behind us aren't here today...good" He whispered and took a small almost flat box from his bag and put it in my lap.
"These are mostly for my enjoyment" He snickered.
I took the lid off the box.
I was greeted with the words "Spank zone"
"Is this underwear, What the fuck?" I asked.
"There's more" Lance smirked.
"Don't read the next one aloud" He cautioned.
I lifted up the first pair and underneath were a black pair.
"Ready to fuck" was in red font on the second pair.
I gave Lance a "are you fucking serious?" Look.
"One more thing" He said.
I lifted up the second pair and underneath was a bottle of cotton candy flavoured lube.
I slammed the box shut.
"I fucking hate you!" I exclaimed.
"I know you do" He grinned.
"Okay besides those, I think you'll like this the most" Lance said and pulled out a much smaller box.
"I don't trust you..." I said.
Lance put a finger to my lips.
I slowly took the lid off the smaller box.
Inside was white glittery tissue paper. I folded up a layer and inside was a rope bracelet with a long silver rectangle in the middle.
I picked it up so I could see it better.
There was small front engraved in the silver.
I read it aloud.
"There's this boy and he kinda has my heart"
"Lance that's so sweet" I said.
He carefully took it from me and put on my wrist.
"This is so much better than cotton candy lube" I said.
"Thank you" I added and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"You're the boy that kinda has my heart" He smiled.
"That's really gay" I giggled.
"You're really gay" He said.
"I know" I smiled.

I spent the rest of the day admiring the bracelet.
I just couldn't keep my eyes off of it.

My cold was surprisingly not worsening as the day progressed. My sore throat lessened but I began to cough and get a stuffy nose.

At lunch Christine texted me.
"We're having the little party for you tonight like we do every year, Would you like to invite your special man?"

I laughed when I saw it.
"What?" Lance asked while eating a pretzel.
I showed him my phone.
"Special man" He snorted.
"Fuck yeah I'll come" He said.
"My mom might get mad but it's your birthday so she can't let me not come" He added.

Later on in the evening once Me, Dane, Christine, Meenah and Cole has eaten supper, Lance arrived.

"We should just give you a key" Dane chuckled.
"He'd probably lose it so that's not the best idea" I replied.
"Okay that's true" Lance laughed.
"He loses his car keys at least once a week" I added.
"Can I trust you enough to even have a key? How would I know if you snuck in during the night?" I asked.
"You wouldn't and that's the thing!" Lance chirped.
Dane gave him a fatherly warning look.

Dane had ordered this special vegan cake from a bakery in L.A. He said it was to hard to find a dairy free cake so he just got a vegan one made instead.
It must of been expensive.
Everyone sang happy birthday to me and I blew out my candles. Meenah had tried to blow them out for me but Lance grabbed her before she could.
He put her in his lap and she was content with that and stayed there.

The cake was white and had these pretty lilac coloured accents and had "Happy birthday Keith" In pretty pink handwritten icing and had the number candles with 18 on top of the cake.
Everyone really liked the cake and I couldn't even tell the difference. In my opinion think it tasted even better than regular cake.
I didn't have too many presents to open up but I had a few small things from both Christine and Dane.
I got two new mugs. One had colour changing unicorn on it and the other was shaped as a cat head.
Some more film things for my polaroid camera.
Some socks with bats on them and some glittery nail polish from Meenah.
I was really happy with my gifts. I've been totally spoiled today.
I was giggling over the cute socks and Lance had his arm wrapped tightly around me when Christine spoke up.
"One last thing" Christine said.
She looked at Dane and smiled.
"This isn't a physical present but I think it's the best thing you can get at your age" Christine said.
I gave her a perplexed look.
"Me and Dane have opened up a savings account for you for post secondary school" Christine said.
"We've put a fair amount of money into it already too" Dane said.
I almost started crying.
"No...really?" I said then coughed a few times.
"Yes really" Christine said.
"You don't need to choose what you want to do right away. It can take time but we thought it'd be a good idea to make sure you're all set for when you do decide" She added.
"Thank you" I said and got up and hugged her and Dane tightly.
"You guys are the best. I'm honestly speechless right now" I said.
"My life is honestly perfect right now and I don't think I could get any happier" I beamed.

The rest of the night went by smoothly.
Except for the 20 minutes Dane and Christine spent showing pictures of me from when I was 14 and in my very heavy emo phase.
I saw sat on the opposite couch and scowling at all three of them the whole time.
Lance was having a ball and was enjoying looking at all the gross old pictures of me.
Some were actual pictures and others were on Dane's digital camera.

After that traumatizing event, I took my new things up to my room along with Lance and we had a good makeout session.
His mom wanted him home by 8 so he had to go soon after.
I walked him out to his car.
I was greeted by the cold evening air, I had no shoes on and the driveway felt like ice on my bare feet.

Lance grabbed my face and kissed me then planted kisses all over the rest my face.
"Final birthday kissies for the night" He said.
"Kissies" I snickered.
I gave him a big hug and thanked him for coming and getting me a bunch of shit.
"I love you birthday boy" Lance said hugging me back.
"I love you too" I said back.
He gave me a cheeky lick on the side of my face then got into his car.
I watched him drive off and waved goodbye to him then quickly ran back inside because I was cold as fuck.

That Friday Me, Lance, Pidge and Hunk finally went Halloween costume shopping.
We all crammed ourselves into Hunk's big jeep.
Pidge fought Lance for shotgun and they gloated and made a big deal about getting it.
Lance was mad.

I really had no choice but to get the stupid playboy bunny outfit.
Lance forced me to try it on.
We'd found the exact same one as the website.
Hunk and Pidge got a real kick out of the fact that I was being forced to wear it.
Lance and I were in a changing room together and as I was turned around he took a mirror picture of us. I didn't know he took it until later when I saw it later on on his Instagram.
I was fucking pissed at him for taking it.
Pidge is just going to wear a space jam jersey for their costume and that's it.
Hunk settled on an "iron chef" costume which was just an apron with the iron element name printed on the front.
I picked out some leather booty shorts that I was going to wear over top of the costume because that stupid thing is too small for me downstairs and I don't want anything unwanted to pop out as I'm wearing it They blend right in to the costume so it's fine.
We all put our costumes on and much to my dismay Pidge took a group mirror selfie of all of us in a change room.
I had my arms crossed and had a pissed off look on my face.
Lance was looking at me like I was a full course meal.
Lance did find his Casanova costume and put it on right before the picture. We were all set for Halloween.

Saturday night Lance came to stay over like usual. He's been staying here lately because his house has been hectic lately.
From what Lance told me:
Kaleb has an upcoming preforming arts show and is practicing his lines constantly and it's pissing everyone off.
Candice and Felix have been so excited for Halloween and have been just jumping off the walls for days.
Jana's boyfriend has been staying with them since his apartment is getting renovations.
It's been a lot to handle for him.

We of course love having Lance over, Everyone does.

Lance pov

I'm staying the night at Keith's house tonight.
I've been trying to escape my house as much as possible since its been a huge gong show for almost 2 weeks.
During weekdays once all the kids have gone to bed I've been spending time with my parents and Jana. It's nice and quiet.
Kaleb always wants to stay up but he gets really cranky if he doesn't get enough sleep, Much like Keith.
Keith gets like REALLY cranky though.
When Jana's boyfriend Alastair gets home from work she usually just goes downstairs with him. He works late and gets back here around 9-9:30 pm. But that usually leaves just me and my parents which is always nice.
Family and friends are the most important things to me.
Well my boyfriend family and friends, Keith comes first and then my family and friends.
Oops, I'm not sorry not sorry though.
Keith is my entire world.

Everyone else had gone to bed and me and Keith were up still.
Keith was on his phone.
He was propped up against the headboard of his bed with some of his many pillows and I was laying in between his legs with my head resting on his stomach.
I've never done this for very long before and it feels kinda funny.
Just feeling the rise and fall of his stomach under my head is quite soothing actually.
It's nice and warm too.

Keith's been sensitive and a bit more upright on where he's been allowing me to touch him lately.
It's been strictly no stomach or thighs and he'll snap at me if I touch either of them.
So I'm surprised he's letting me lay here, It's probably because he's tired and just doesn't have the energy to get mad at me.

We were both getting tired and I rolled off him and he turned the lights out.
We plugged our phones in to charge on his bedside table.
He's wearing a pair of the new underwear I'd gotten him for his birthday.
The ones that say "Spank zone" on the ass he seems to find hilarious. He's wearing those ones now.

Keith cuddled up to me like he always does.
I don't want to upset him by wrapping my arms around him.
But I want to hug him like I usually do.
He's been so sensitive though and I'll feel really bad if I upset him.
We do this almost every time we sleep in the same bed. But lately since he's been a bit grumpy about me touching him, I haven't been doing this as much the last couple of weeks.
I joked about this the other day and asked him if he was pregnant or something to which he was not amused with.
He let me lay on him so he should be fine right?
I hesitantly moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his middle.
Keith made a grumpy "mmph" noise at me doing so but didn't snap at me.
He had his rainbow tie die shirt on and I gently pressed my hands to his stomach for warmth.
He made another noise but less distressed.
He didn't fight me so I'm assuming he's okay with this right now.

"I don't really want your hands there right now but I don't have enough energy to fight with you about it" He grumbled.
"Why have you been so sensitive lately baby?" I asked him.
"I've been really insecure about my body lately and I just don't like my attention along with others to be drawn to it" He mumbled.
"I've just gained weight over the summer and I feel really bad and gross about it. I know my stomach is like your go-to area for when we cuddle but I've been really nippy to you lately and I'm sorry" He said.
"I don't think you've gained weight at all. You look just the same" I said.
"I'm not though" Keith complained.
I get where he's coming from with the body insecurity.
Been there done that.
"You know I'll love you no matter what right?" I asked him and kissed the base of his neck.
"Mhmm" He grumbled.
"You don't look or feel any different Keith" I reassured him.
"Maybe not to you" He said.
"Feel right here" He said and lifted a bit of his shirt up and put my hand just below his belly button.
"What? What am I feeling for? I know your body and you still feel exactly the same" I said.
Keith grabbed my hand and rubbed my thumb up and down.
"That little hill there wasn't there before and now it is" He said.
"Everyone has that. That's where your organs are and stuff and it's kind of unhealthy not to have it. I even have one!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah but it's a bit bigger now and I feel gross" Keith said and pulled his shirt back down. I moved my hands up to ribs to make him feel better. "I don't notice anything you're still smoking hot and if anything you're just a bit thicker" I said.
Keith grumbled at my remark.
This is definitely something girls go through much more often then guys.
"I love you and you're absolutely jaw dropping perfect to me and I don't notice any difference. You still feel just the same. Maybe a bit squishier but that's for the better. You're still pretty skinny Keith" I said. "You're still my tiny boy" I cooed and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
"Roll over" I said to him.
He hesitantly rolled onto his back.
I made him roll his shirt up and I began to kiss him all over. All over his ribs, all the way down to his hip bones. I gave him extra kisses on the soft plush area he traced my thumb over.
He giggled at this and tried to push me off.
"Stop!" He squeaked.
"You're perfect, you stop!" I said.
Now that I'm kissing him here I'll admit it does feel a bit more plush and tender but not that big of a difference that Keith is making it seem to be.
If anything I think it'd be better for him to gain a bit of weight.
I can still see his ribs and feel his hip bones. It's actually almost gross how I can feel his hip bones though, Only skin covers them and it feels almost unhealthy.
Keith is currently healthy and that's really all that matters.
Having more to love is never a bad thing. I wish Keith could see that.

I cupped his face in my hands and squished his cheeks together.
He's so adorable, Jesus christ!
He's got chubby cheeks just like a baby.
I'll admit that his cheeks do feel squishier than I remember though. That just makes him more adorable though.
"Babe if anything your cheeks feel chubbier but literally nothing else is wrong. You're flawless I love you and do not try and fight more with me because I'll attack you with more kisses. So shush now" I said.
He made an attempt to frown at me but couldn't do it very well since I'm cupping his face.
I gave him a big kiss as I was still squishing his cheeks together.
Keith swatted my hands away. "Stop talking shit about your body. You're a babe and I'm in full on protective boyfriend mode right now" I said and let go of his face.
"Shush now" I said and gave him a forehead kiss.
"How can you go on about me for so long? You make me feel so good about myself" He blushed.
After all these months and I can still make his blush just as hard as when we first met.

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