Querencia: A place from which ones strength is drawn; where one feels at home, the place where you are your most authentic self
Lance pov
That night Keith stirred a lot in his sleep which is a bit abnormal for him.
He'll stay in one spot for a while then switch. Once he gets comfy he gets comfy and will stay there.
He was really restless.
His cough kept him up for a while before he finally got to sleep and he was getting upset that whenever he would get close to falling asleep, he'd break into a coughing fit.
He was getting quite upset so I was trying my best to comfort him by rubbing his back and making sure he was warm and comfy.
He actually fell asleep facing towards me, on his LEFT side. He never falls asleep on his left side which shocked me. I watched him for a bit, watching his breathing steady to a nice calm pace. Keith's cute round chubby cheeks were squished together by the weight of his head on the pillow and his right shoulder on the opposite side.
Keith is the most precious boy in the world. I'm second in line though.
His starting was keeping me awake so much to my dismay I decided to let go of him for a while and just keep my hands to myself. It felt weird not being able to hug him all night. I needed sleep too though.
Around 9:30 am I had been awake for about 20 minutes but I didn't dare to move, I didn't want to wake him.
When Keith finally opened his eyes I was right there. He made some cute grumbly noises as he stretched, then made grabby hands at me to cuddle him. "Yes princess" I chuckled as I shifted closer to him. Keith was still on his left side so I cradled him to my chest and he put his arms around me too.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked me. "I guess so. You were pretty restless and I was getting a bit worried since you're never really like that when you sleep" I replied. "God Lance you didn't have to worry about that!" Keith said. "Well I did!" I retorted.
He grumbled and released his arms from me for a moment to crack his knuckles rather loudly. "Gross!" I exclaimed. Keith then made sure to pop one knuckle right in my ear to piss me off.
"Bad boy!" I said and swatted at his thigh.
Keith grinned and giggled at me.
"You're cute" He added and kissed my nose.
I then put my arm flat out, rested the other on Keith's waist and pulled him on top of me. "Nooo" He whined as I did so. His head came to about the top of my ribs so I can still look at him. Keith angrily scowled at me.
"You're not heavy at all so don't even think about starting!" I warned. "You're small. A small boy" I said and gave him a kiss.
I then put my hands under his ass and moved him upwards so his head was on my shoulder. "God you're so strong now" He mumbled into the crook of my neck. "I've always been able to move you" I said. "But you can do it with ease now" He replied. "Keith I've always been able to move you with ease! You're like a measly 120 pounds jeez" I scoffed. "120?? Uh try 130 plus, Lance!" He cried.
"I weigh more than you!" I exclaimed.
"Probably by like 2 pounds" He whined.
"No Keith, I weigh more than you because I'm 6-7 inches taller than you!" I said.
"I think I'm around 140-145" I added.
"That's because you've been working out so much" Keith mumbled.
"Keith babe stop. I can throw you over my shoulder like a goddamn bag of flour!" I exclaimed. "Fuck it I'll do it right now" I added.
"God please no!" He whimpered.
"Too late" I grunted.
I put both my hands on his waist, picked him up, then put him over my shoulder with ease. I then stood up.
"See?" I said.
Keith just groaned.
"No effort" I added. "Your point is?" He asked. "My point is; Is that you're light and you need to stop worrying. I know you don't like talking about weight and stuff but I'm just showing you" I said spinning around, holding him with one hand. Keith just groaned again.
I slid him off my shoulder and into my arms bridal style. "Now I can carry you like the princess you are" I smiled.
Keith pov
Lance is carrying me just to prove that I'm not heavy to him.
That's probably only because he's been working out so much.
If he didn't work out there's no way he'd be able to pick me up. Lance used to be a fucking noodle. He's significantly stronger than he used to be.
I'm actually really proud of him!
Lance said he weighs 140-145. Last time I checked I was 133. I think that's healthy?? I've grown so I'm 5'7 now.
But I'm almost as heavy as him and he's 6 inches taller than me! 6 inches!
"Put me down" I whimpered again.
"This is fun!" Lance chirped and spun me around.
I just gave him annoyed look.
I then grabbed his crotch.
"Okay okay" Lance said nervously and gently set me down.
I grabbed him again. "Stop you're gonna get me hard!" Lance exclaimed and squirmed.
I smirked at him.
I rubbed up against him.
"Stop Keith" Lance said and tried to move away from me.
I put my arms around his waist.
"We're not playing this game" Lance said and tried to get away.
"Ugh fine" I said and let go.
I just flopped down back on his bed.
"You know what? I'm gonna find a bmi chart to prove to you that you're at a healthy weight" Lance announced and grabbed his phone.
He then laid next to me on his stomach.
"I'm laying on you again. You're trying to prove I'm so light so just deal with me then" I said and just laid on his back, looking over his shoulder. Lance grunted as I did so. "You just elbowed me!" Lance squeaked. "Sorry fuck" I said and just got comfy. Lance looked up bmi charts on google images.
He then giggled to himself.
"What?" I asked.
"I can feel your dick on my back" He giggled like a fucking 13 year old.
"God are you 13 years old?" I snapped.
"You're complaining about getting hard and now your giggling about this??" I snapped.
"Stop being so mad" Lance said in a baby voice.
I angrily slapped his ass.
"Ow!" He squeaked.
"Shut up" I grunted.
"Okay here I found a good one" Lance said.
"Okay I'm at a healthy weight" Lance pointed. "I was underweight a few months ago actually" He added.
"You said you're around 130?" Lance asked.
"Unfortunately" I mumbled.
"See! You're fine" Lance said pointing to a little green square.
"Let me see" I said.
He passed me his phone.
5'7, 133.
"Yeah I'm at a healthy weight, I just don't feel like it" I said giving his phone back.
"Fuckin told you!" Lance said.
"You're a healthy boy" He added.
"You fucking elbowed me again ow!" Lance said.
"Sorry!" I said and just got off him.
"No don't leave!" He cried.
Lance then grunted again and turned around.
I grabbed my phone off his bedside table.
He rested his head on my stomach.
"You still thick as fuck though" Lance smirked and patted my thigh.
I just rolled my eyes.
He's so extra.
Lance pov
My head was resting on Keith's tummy.
I set my phone down and I poked Keith's cheeks.
He gave me yet another annoyed look.
He dramatically set his phone down. "Do you need something?" He asked me.
I just smiled at him then squished his cheeks together.
Keith sighed.
"Love youu" I gushed.
I love Keith's cheeks so much.
"Your hands are really cold" Keith managed to say through his cheeks being smushed together.
"Don't complain or I'll shove them down your underwear!" I exclaimed.
"I'm surprised you haven't yet" Keith said.
He just gave me the most annoyed look as I squished and...unsquished (That's not a word) his cheeks.
Keith put his hand on my arm. "Ah fuck your hands are cold too!" I exclaimed.
Keith smirked.
He then slid his cold hands down my underwear and rested them on my ass. "Oh my god!" I squeaked. "See? You do this to me all the time!" He hissed.
"Your ass is small" He giggled.
"Well fucking sorry Kim Kardashian!" I said. "Jokes on you, At least I can lay flat on my back!" I gloated.
I swear Keith made the :0 face.
So the story behind that...
So in the summer Jana invited me and Keith to a yoga class that she had been taking. We willingly went since we were hella bored.
So when we had a 10 minutes of guided meditation we were instructed to lay on our backs. And I tried to muffle my laughter as Keith's back couldn't fully touch his yoga mat because of the curve of his back and his ass. Both him and Jana were GLARING at me. I could stick my entire arm in the gap between the middle of his back and the mat.
I thought it was hilarious, nobody else did though.
I wouldn't let him live it down for a week.
"Oh my god!" He scoffed.
"Like I said, you THICK" I barked.
Keith squeezed my ass hard while still glaring at me.
I let go of Keith's face then carefully rolled up his shirt and began to kiss his stomach then up to his ribs.
"Why?" Keith groaned.
I put my hands on his waist. "Why there? I have a face" Keith said. "It's so warm though" I said pressing my cheek to his skin.
I pulled the waistband on his underwear down and kissed his hip bones. I began to suck there too.
It's been a while since I've given him hickeys here.
Keith then took his hands out of my underwear and just rested them on my ass. He drummed his fingers there too.
Keith just accepted my kissing.
I left a few hickeys on his hips and one on the cute bump of Keith's tummy. "Are you done?" Keith asked annoyed.
"I'll stop I'll stop" I said after a few more kisses.
Literally a millisecond after my lips left his skin, Keith yanked his shirt back down.
"Appreciate my affection!" I complained. Keith just grumbled.
I then cupped his face and kissed him all over. "Stop Lance!" Keith cried. He managed to push me away. "I love you, Accept my love babe" I whined. "I love you too okay?" He said. "I'm hungry though, Can we go eat?" Keith asked. "Yes, yes" I said and got off him.
He got up and slipped some sweatpants of mine on.
I just put plaid pj pants on, no shirt, whatever.
"You always look good in my clothes" I said to Keith as we got up and walked downstairs. "And your clothes always look better on my floor" Keith purred. "Fuck that was smooth" I said. I lead him downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Lance up before noon?" My mother said as we entered the kitchen.
"It's a miracle!" Kaleb added, he was sitting at the table.
"Do you want coffee babe?" I asked Keith, rubbing his back. He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
We have two coffee makers at my house. A Keurig and just a normal one. Jana and my mother both prefer the Keurig but my dad prefers just normal coffee. I'm not a huge coffee drinker but I will drink it. I prefer coffee from a pot too, the Keurig shit is always too watered down and not strong enough.
I know Keith likes really strong coffee so I set up the pot.
"Thank you" Keith mumbled and gave me a side hug.
I brushed the hair from his face and kissed his forehead.
Jana came in from the back deck. Coming back from a smoke I'm assuming. "Where's your man?" Kaleb asked in a mocking tone. The iconic annoying little brother tone. "Al went home already. He has work" Jana said shutting the door behind her.
Me and Keith sat at the island as we waited for the coffee to brew.
Keith was sleepy still.
He yawned and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Keith looks so soft" Jana chuckled, coming up to our side of the kitchen to wash her hands. "What?" He asked. "You look really soft. Your hair is kind of messed up, you're wearing baggy clothes and just have a sleepy look on your face" She said. "I know what you mean, You should see him when he's really tired. It's like maximum softness" I said putting an arm around Keith's curvy frame and rubbed his side.
"You're a lucky man Lance" Jana added.
"I'm the lucky one" Keith said.
"I can't believe you can tolerate him for days on end. I can barely stand being in the same room as him for 20 minutes!" Jana exclaimed.
"You're so arrogant Lance, I'm still so surprised you actually found someone you love other than yourself" Kaleb put in.
"You guys are being hard on him. He's so good to Keith" Our mother said.
"He's really not as arrogant as he used to be actually" She added.
"I value Keith over everything else honestly" I said.
"Is arrogance isn't really present at all when I'm around him. He's constantly complimenting me and showing affection. He very rarely says anything egotistical actually. Sure there will be the occasional comment but he focuses his entire being on making me feel happy and good" Keith explained.
"That doesn't sound like him at all but I believe it from you" Jana said.
"I can never live up to all the things he's said to me, Even affection wise there's no way I can ever compete with the level of affection he shows me. Sure Lance can be...handsy but I really don't care most of the time" Keith added.
"What does handsy mea-" Kaleb started before cutting himself off. He thought for a second before realizing what Keith meant.
"Ohh..." Kaleb said after a moment.
I sniggered at his dumb ass finally realizing what Keith said.
Jana snickered.
"I've seen the way you grab him Lance...Jeez dude" Jana said in slight awe.
"Poor Keith" She chuckled and patted Keith's shoulder.
"Okay enough enough!" I barked.
"Keith deserves every bit of love I give him" I said.
I looked over at Keith who was blushing profusely.
"Your coffee is ready dear" My mother said to me.
Keith covered his face with his hands, He's embarrassed.
"Come pick a mug" I said to him. "Pick one for me" He said, his voice muffled.
I don't have an as extensive mug collection as Keith but we have a few cute ones.
"I'm giving you a Kermit one" I said to Keith. He gave a weak thumbs up.
I picked one with Garfield on it. "You come here, I don't know what you want in it" I said.
Keith got up and took the mug from me.
He poured almost a full cup.
"I'm not having anything in it today" He grumbled.
I filled mine about halfway then put in a lot of sugar.
"You said you were hungry. Coffee isn't food sir" I said setting my mug down on the island.
"Well what do you have?" Keith asked, looking up at me with his big pretty puppy dog eyes.
God he's so cute.
"I can make you eggs?" I offered. Keith nodded. "Please" He said.
"I will then" I announced triumphantly.
I grabbed a small frying pan from a cupboard next to the stove/oven.
I got some cooking spray and sprayed the pan then turned the stove on and set the pan on the burner.
"Do you want help?" Keith asked.
"I got this babe don't worry" I said flashing a smile at Keith, he rolled his eyes.
I saw Kaleb behind Keith making a throwing up gesture at what I said.
"Screw off Kaleb, At least I'm in a relationship!" I sneered at him.
"You're making eggs, Not protecting him from a comic book villain" Kaleb scoffed.
Keith snickered at this.
"I got this babe don't worry!" Kaleb mocked and put his hands on his hips.
"Fuck off!" I hissed, then lunged at Kaleb then put him in a headlock.
"Chicos, detengan eso ahora!" My mother shouted at us.
"Yeah Lance" Kaleb sneered.
I released him and shoved him away.
"Go jack off to Bella Thorne or some shit" I spat.
"¡Ustedes dos paran! Tenemos un invitado!" Our mother exclaimed.
"Mamá, Keith no es un invitado, pertenece aquí" I replied putting my hand on my boyfriends arm.
"Sí, tienes razón, él pertenece aquí. Pero deja de pelear, es grosero. Estoy seguro de que Keith piensa que ambos son inmaduros" Our mother said.
"Keith can't understand you Mamá. Kaleb probably didn't catch any of that either" Jana spoke up.
"I said Keith probably thinks you are both being very immature" My mother said.
"Well technically you said: "Yes you're right he does belong here. But stop fighting, it's rude. I'm sure Keith thinks you're both being immature" To be exact" I corrected her.
"Watch yourself Lance McClain" My mother warned.
Keith just looked very confused.
"Go upstairs Kaleb" Our mother instructed. He elbowed me then scampered upstairs.
"I'm sorry Keith honey" My mother said.
"I have no idea what was said but it's all okay" He chuckled.
"You haven't put him in a headlock since like 10th grade" Jana laughed.
I continued on with my cooking.
"How many eggs do you want?" I asked Keith. "Just two please" He said, then took a sip of his coffee.
I nodded and cracked two eggs into the pan.
"Scrambled I'm assuming?" I asked him, Keith nodded.
"I hate eating them any other way" He laughed.
"What are you going to eat though?" He asked me.
"I'll just make some toast" I replied.
I finished up his eggs in a matter of minutes. I turned the stove off and put them on a plate and set it in front of him.
"Thank you" Keith said softly.
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor" I purred.
"He probably didn't understand that dumbass" Jana scoffed.
"Yeah I did. He's said it to me before. "Anything for you my love" Right?" Keith asked. "Yes good job!" I exclaimed and clapped my hands.
Our mother left the room and went upstairs to go check on Candice and Felix.
"I sometimes like saying things in Spanish that he normally wouldn't like me saying in English" I admitted.
"For example; Me encantaría golpearte justo ahora ..." I smirked.
"God Lance" Jana said with a disgusted face and went upstairs as well.
I laughed.
"What the fuck did you say?!" Keith hissed.
"I said I'd love to bang you right about now" I smirked again.
Keith choked a bit on a bite of his food.
"Must you? Your sister was right there!" He whined motioning to where Jana was just standing.
"I'm being honest!" I exclaimed.
"Later if you're lucky" Keith mumbled and took another bite of his eggs.
I smiled to myself.
I made my toast after cleaning up the frying pan and putting it away.
Keith was just finishing when I finally sat down to eat.
"Just put your dishes in the sink" I said. Keith nodded then did so.
Me and Keith haven't had sex in quite a few weeks. Probably almost a month honestly.
It's been killing me a bit inside but I know Keith's dealing with some body insecurities and self confidence issues and I don't want to stir anything else up.
I've had to jerk off a few times to keep myself from totally breaking but I've made do.
I got off to pictures of Keith so don't worry.
I don't want to push my limits with Keith. I've accepted the boundaries he's put up recently and I totally get it. I respect him as a man and I understand he's dealing with body issues, I've had my fair share.
I don't want to make Keith uncomfortable in any sort of way.
I would never EVER force sex on someone. No hesitation for an answer. I would never fucking do that, only the lowest of scumbags on this planet do such a thing.
I'll take what I can get and if that's just kisses and cuddles, fine by me.
And if that's what Keith wants, Fine by me.
I don't want him to feel pressure to have sex if he doesn't want to. I've talked with him about that.
I have so much respect for Keith and I would never do anything to hurt him.
Later on in the day we were running low on milk so I offered to run to a nearby gas station to get some.
Keith wanted to come with me of course.
I had to get gas too so I killed two birds with one stone.
I just paid at the pump since it's easier in a way.
Me and Keith went inside the store. I grabbed a jug of overpriced milk and Keith then begged me to let him get a bag of sour patch kids. I couldn't say no to him okay! They were also very overpriced.
Almost $7 for just those two things.
Keith was so happy afterwords and he was smiling so much on our short drive back.
When we got back I put the jug of milk in the fridge and me and Keith went up to my room.
First thing he did was washed his hands. Keith almost had a nuclear meltdown as I made an attempt to cup his face and kiss him.
"You were touching a gas pump for gods sake!" He screamed at me.
I can't blame him, he has a germ phobia and a bit of ocd.
Keith scrubbed his face too even though I barely touched it.
He made sure I washed my hands throughly, he watched me do it.
I can't with him sometimes.
I think I've said this before but more often then not if I go to touch his face he always asks me when the last time I washed my hands was.
Before bed he always washes his hands and makes me do the same.
As long as it makes him happy and comfortable, I'm fine with it.
That afternoon we shared the sour patch kids. I had my head resting on his tummy again and he fed me the candies. Keith was cold so he was wearing an older grey hoodie of mine. It was big on him but it was a comfy resting spot for my head regardless.
Keith's tummy + a warm soft comfy hoodie = A happy Lance.
His ass is my favourite pillow but he doesn't let me lay there as often as I'd like.
We had spaghetti for supper and me and Keith tried doing the lady and the tramp thing while everyone else was distracted by a dumb story Kaleb was telling. It worked perfectly the first time and we tried a second time but Keith broke into a coughing fit.
He's still sick! It's been weeks.
His cough gets pretty bad at night.
Later in the evening we both showered and I actually convinced Keith to do a lush face mask with me.
I bought two new ones the day I got Keith his Halloween bath bombs.
I put mine on first. It was a very bright blue. Keith said he wouldn't do it unless I put it on for him.
He's a princess and I'd do anything for him so I of course agreed.
Keith had to put his hair in a ponytail and pinned his shaggy long bangs back with a few bobby pins.
I put the face mask on for him and he was happy. I made an attempt to take a picture of us for my Instagram but Keith blatantly refused.
We waited about 15 minutes before washing them off.
"Hey your nails look good" Keith said holding up my hand.
"I like the colour a lot" I agreed.
"I'm gonna change" He said and set my hand down.
"Oh, Dane got me this shirt for my birthday" Keith exclaimed and held up a shirt from his bag.
"I'm not gay but $20 is $20" I read aloud. "Isn't that supposed to be for "straight" men to wear?" I asked. "Nah, if you're in the closet you could wear it" He replied.
"But you're not in the closet?" I said. "I know and that's the point. It's just funny and ironic" Keith added.
"Just...the fact your father...got you a shirt that references sucking dick...for your birthday. I can't comprehend that" I said bewildered.
"It's funny though" Keith said. He peeled off his other shirt and turned around and slipped this one on.
"I actually haven't worn this yet" He said.
He walked into my bathroom to see it on himself.
"It's kinda tight but it's cute nevertheless" He said.
"It is not tight, what the fuck Keith" I exclaimed. I got up and tugged on the shirt. "You have a lot of room there" I said.
Keith just swatted my hand away and put his other shirt in his bag.
"Oh I brought these just to wear with this shirt" Keith said and held up a pair of underwear with $20 bills on it. "That's literally perfect!" I cried. "I actually owned these before the shirt but they're women's boyshorts so I don't have a lot of room for my junk but I make due" Keith said. "I bet they still look cute regardless" I grinned. Keith took off the sweatpants and the underwear he'd been wearing and slipped the money ones on.
"Perfect" I said.
I was already waiting for him on my bed in my underwear.
"Shut the lights off please babe?" I asked Keith. He then shut off the bathroom light and the main light. I had my lava lamp on which illuminated the room slightly.
If Keith can't sleep, I'll put in on for him so he can watch it to help wind calm down.
Keith hopped over me and into his right side spot.
"You know, We haven't done anything for a while and I'm sorry. I know you like getting down and dirty" Keith said touching my shoulder.
"No no it's perfectly fine! I've made do and I absolutely don't want you to feel pressure to have sex. I told you that Keithy" I said putting my hand on his thigh.
"I've only jacked off twice this month and they were to pictures of you. That's about it" I admitted. Keith just chuckled and did his iconic eye roll.
"I want to make it up to you" He said grinning mischievously.
"Oh yeah? How so?" I purred.
"I can show you" Keith said leaning in close to me.
He put his other hand on my shoulder and began to kiss me, then my neck.
I noticed he was maneuvering around me, but not sitting in my lap like he usually does.
"God Keith just sit!" I exclaimed and pulled him into my lap.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" He whined.
"Shh" I hushed him.
He paused for a second then continued.
Keith began to suck on the soft spot where my neck meets my shoulder.
I put my hands on his sides to help balance him.
He moved down to my chest.
Soon enough Keith had taken my length in his mouth.
I was kind of shocked. I thought he was going to give me a handjob or something else.
I wasn't even hard yet but that really did not take long to surpass.
I'd missed this honestly. I'm so much more open to oral sex now that I've had it...preformed?? On me.
Keith's getting good at it too, he knows just what to do.
He knows what gets me.
"Keith" I managed to smoothly and softly choke out.
He didn't even acknowledge that I said his name. He just kept going at it.
This is just heaven, We haven't done this in so long. I've missed it.
I managed to push Keith away before I came.
"Fuck" He panted.
"God just let me take it once. You've always pushed me away" Keith grumbled.
"I'm not going to cum in your mouth. Considering you've got your germ phobia and all that, I'm surprised you want that" I said.
"Just-Once" Keith said.
I huffed.
"Next time if you want it so bad" I mumbled.
Keith grinned and pushed his hair back.
"God I need a haircut" He sighed. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.
"Here" He said and passed me a few knleex's from my bedside table.
Since Keith has allergies I've kept one next to my bed just in case his nose gets stuffy in the night.
I wiped myself clean and I noticed Keith was hard.
"Haha" I said in a mocking tone and nudged at his crotch with my foot.
He gave me the stink eye and cupped himself.
"I'm going to wait it out. I don't have enough every to deal with it right now" He sighed.
"You did really good, Thank you" I said to him.
"Well we haven't done anything in a long time so I felt it was about time" He said.
"I've been itching real bad and this has tied me over for now" I said.
Keith got up and awkwardly waddled to the bathroom so he could have his before bedtime hand wash.
My hands were clean before this so I'm fine.
He then shut the light off and crawled into bed.
"No pj's?" Keith asked me.
"It's cold out baby" He added.
"I'll be fine. We'll be under the duvet anyway" I said and shrugged.
"You're naked! It's so cold right now" Keith said and shivered.
"I'm not cold" I chuckled.
"Well you're always cold so I shouldn't be surprised" I added.
I got up and grabbed the water bottle I'd left on my shelf and put it next to the bed.
I should probably wash my hands just for Keith's sake.
I walked into my bathroom and quickly but thoroughly washed them. I just left the light off since my lava lamp was a source of a dim light. I dried my hands and shut my bathroom door.
"I'm freezing! Get in bed already!" Keith hissed.
I chuckled to myself.
I got into bed with him and Cuddled up to him. "Your hands better not be cold" Keith warned. "They're not" I said.
"Do you want me to just stay like this or should I hold you? I'm going to start asking" I said.
"I'm cold so you can hold me" Keith mumbled.
I obliged and snuggled up closer to him and snuck one arm under his ribs and allowed the other one to rest on his side. I connected my hands together and rested them just below Keith's navel.
"Mm your hands are really warm" Keith mumbled sleepily.
"For once" He added.
I rubbed my thumb against the fabric of his shirt.
I managed to snake my hands under Keith's shirt and poked my fingers into the waistband of his underwear.
Keith grumbled softly, the noise telling me that he doesn't really want me to do this but is too tired to fight me about it and will just accept it. That or he doesn't want me touching him there but my hands are warm.
I know Keith is really ticklish so I tried not to move my fingers around too much.
God I haven't tickled him I'm so long. I'm not going to do it now, I can tell he's just about to drift off to sleep. Plus he'd get very mad. Maybe tomorrow.
I brushed his shaggy hair from his neck and gave him a kiss and whispered a goodnight.
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