Kilig: The inexplicable joy one feels after experiencing something romantic
Lance pov
A few days passed and soon enough it was Keith's last day here.
I was a little upset honestly. This was the most time we've ever spent together but I'm sure Keith is probably getting sick of me honestly.
I've wanted to make our time together matter, each second, each minute.
I've been praising him even more than I usually which might be hard to believe.
He's been being able to express his affection and feelings more.
He's learning and I'm proud.
I know he loves me just as much as I love him.
We've done quite a bit over the break.
We went for a few atv rides.
We went adventuring out into the weird little desert behind my house. I found the cutest little snake and Keith was literally screaming and begging me to just leave it alone and go back.
We went up on my roof and watched the stars but I soon got cold and wanted to go back inside.
We had another bath together and Keith laid on me and tried counting my freckles.
We went skating of course.
We watched all of the nightmare on elm street movies one night and stayed up until 5 in the morning. We had lots of naps that following day.
We've just had a lot of fun.
On the last day we had a heavy makeout session that almost resulted in sex. We didn't get there quite yet.
I'm not complaining though.
I gave Keith a bunch of hickeys on his hips and his ass so I was happy with just that.
Oops here I go talking about Keith and how much I love him for the way he is again.
So Keith has also been very persistent about trying to lose the weight he'd put on.
I'm trying to convince him otherwise because I really don't see a problem. Not at all. He still looks pretty much the same and I really don't see what the big deal is. But if that's what will make him happy then I'll support him.
I just don't see why he's been so upset. He looks much healthier than he did before. I don't know what's wrong with that. He's not as scrawny as he was and I think that's a good thing.
I'm really salty about this I'm so sorry.
Everyone knows how much I love him and it's getting very repetitive.
I'm not sorry for expressing my love for him though.
Anyway, December rolled around soon enough.
In my opinion once November first hits: It's Christmas time.
Christmas is my favourite holiday.
I know Keith's is Halloween, We're opposites in that department.
I don't want to get super into if but I just love this time of year.
The colours, the lights, the sparkles!
Christmas is a big thing in my family. Usually my grandparents come up from Cuba to see us for a few days.
They know about Keith and I'm more than happy that they do.
A few months after we started officially dating I packed up all my courage and called them.
I made sure my grandma who was holding the phone I'm assuming; to put it on speaker phone so my grandpa could hear too.
I first came out to them. That was simple and pretty easy.
I do refer to my grandparents as my Abuela (Grandma) and my Abuelo (Grandpa) if you're wondering. But since I'm here I'll just refer to them in English.
They were happy that I called them.
They wanted to speak in Spanish but I wanted to speak in English.
They agreed.
So I just got right into it. I told them that I was Bi and explained Bisexuality the best I can.
They understood pretty well.
I then told them about Keith.
I of course rambled on about how amazing he is.
Jana overheard this and told me to just wrap it up.
So I did.
I told them that Keith would be joining us for our Christmas dinner and my Grandma was overjoyed.
She said that he sounds amazing and that she's excited to meet him.
My grandpa isn't as outgoing as my grandmother and isn't as talkative as her.
I really liked Keith's grandparents and I hope he likes mine.
Every year when my grandparents do come up we do our dinner 2 days after Christmas. It's just a tradition.
Overall they both took my coming out well. I called and told Keith afterwords and he was ecstatic.
Keith pov
Winter break can not come soon enough.
There's only a few days left of school and I'm just so ready to get this fucking hell over with.
I've been writing my finals and studying my ass off. I usually don't study for things for these are 30% of my grade.
During finals week Lance isn't allowed to go out or have anyone over. His parents want to keep him focused on school for the remaining time.
Lance is smart. Very smart actually. His grades are in all in the 80's.
Mine aren't the best but I'm trying.
I've been juggling so much lately.
Studying is my biggest worry.
I've been rushing to get assignments in on time so they can be marked over the break.
I've been Christmas shopping for everyone.
I've got gifts for Meenah, Cole and my parents, Hunk, Shiro and Pidge too.
I've been helping Christine do her annual Christmas baking.
Meenah is getting old enough to take over most of my job in that department.
Alongside all this; I've been trying to eat healthier and work out more than I usually do.
I normally work out twice a week but I've been trying to juggle four days a week.
Lance knows about this too well but yet he continues to taunt me with these cute Christmas cookies he's been making.
He's made me a few small sugar cookies for me, shaped as general Christmas things. Stars, trees, candy canes, ect.
I really hate him for this.
I of course would feel terrible if I were to not take them.
I love Lance too much.
I've been accepting them and putting them away in a container to save for days when I feel I should reward myself. He knows this too.
Lance has even got me a Christmas sweater. He has 14; One to wear every day for the two weeks leading up to Christmas.
Lance Extra McClain much?
But knowing Lance I knew he was going to get me a sweater with something stupid that only he would enjoy on it.
I was right when he gave it to me at school on Tuesday.
It was bright red with a little bit of a Christmasy pattern in a box around
the bold white text.
I pulled it out of the bag with Lance grinning like the joker text to me.
Hunk and Pidge watched in anticipation.
Lance had already given Hunk and Pidge their sweaters he'd bought for them.
Pidge's said: "I'm not short, I'm just a tall elf" On it. I think that's pretty cute.
Hunk's has a bunch of cute reindeer with cookies and candy canes in their mouths.
I sighed.
"Ho ho...Homo" I read slowly.
"Yup!" Lance beamed.
"I hate you" I growled.
"Is that what is says?!" Pidge yelled.
I shoved the sweater at them.
"That's amazing!" They cackled.
I crossed my arms and pouted.
"Awe Mr. Grumpy pants" Lance cooed and put his arm around my waist.
"He got you a cute sweater Keith. Be happy" Hunk chuckled.
"How about I get you a ho ho homo sweater?" I hissed at Lance.
"God he gets so mad" Pidge giggled.
I made a hmph noise and flicked the fluffy white pom pom on Lance's stupid Santa hat.
It says naughty on the little front hem.
He's got that damn right.
"Can you please wear it for me baby?" Lance asked wrapping his other arm around my middle.
"Please?" He begged.
I tried not to give in.
"Just do it for him Keith. You know he won't give up" Hunk said.
"Come on you little stink" Lance whined and squeezed me.
"What's in it for me?" I asked him.
"Well I'm not going to say it in front of them jeez" Lance said.
"Oh ew!" Pidge gagged and threw a mandarin orange at him.
"No not that Pidge don't worry" Lance said.
"Ugh I still don't like that scheming look in your eye" They sighed.
Lance then let go of me and cupped his hands to my ear.
"I have new underwear I want to show you" He sang quietly.
"Hm that's tempting" I said.
"God just wear it Keith. It was the last one Amazon had!" Lance cried.
"Fine" I spat.
Lance clapped happily.
I look the stupid thing and pulled it over my t-shirt.
"Perfect" Lance beamed.
He cupped my face and pressed my cheeks together like he loves doing.
"Look how cute he is" Lance chirped.
"Stop" I whined and shooed his hands away.
"I'm not cute" I mumbled.
"Oh I'm not even gonna start with you. I could go on and on forever. You're not winning this though" Lance announced.
"Can you like rip some jeans like right under the ass because that's a trend now and I think you'd look good in a pair" Lance said.
"Where did that come from?" Hunk asked.
"I don't know. I'm just looking at his legs and drooling" Lance said.
"You guys are so gross" Pidge said turning their nose up.
"Enough talk about my body sir. Now is not the time. Eat your lunch you idiot!" I said covering Lance's mouth.
Lance nodded.
On Friday the last day I gave Pidge and Hunk their presents.
I got both Hunk and Pidge snow globes with a picture of the five of us when we went camping inside.
They both LOVED them.
I got big hugs from both of them.
We honestly didn't even organize a gift exchange but we all got each other things.
Hunk got me the cutest little cat sticky note holder and Pidge got me a literal gay agenda.
It's a rainbow agenda that just says "Gay agenda" on the front. I actually needed one so I was very happy. Me and them both love organization.
We've bonded over our love of cleanliness and neatness.
I told Lance that he has to wait for his presents since he was bugging me about it.
"You can wait until the break stupid!" I barked at him when we were in class.
Lance pouted jokingly for the rest of the day.
Later on that night I was studying for my last final and trying to text Lance at the same time.
He was pestering me with big paragraphs full of all of the heart emojis.
I told him to stop texting me and that he should study too but he didn't listen.
He texted me lots about how much he wants to spend alone time with me and that he misses me.
And I quote:
"Send me an ass pic or I for sure won't stop"
God I seriously really hate him sometimes.
"No! What the fuck. I can just turn my phone off and ignore you, do you realize that right?"
I texted him.
"NOO babe I'm kidding! I would never force you to do that shit" Lance said.
I can hear his voice in my head.
"It's been a little over a week since we spent alone time together so stop whining. You'll see me again tomorrow" I said.
">:((" Lance said.
I laughed at this and told him that I'm turning my phone off.
He was mad but I needed to study okay??
I truly love Lance more than anyone but I need to study.
Lance pov
I don't think I've ever been away from Keith for this long before.
Well I mean we see each other at school but that's not enough for me!
I want to cuddle him, hear his giggle and tickle his tummy.
I can't do that at school. I want more time with him alone. I hate finals week!
My parents get very strict and will not let me go out with friends or have anyone over. Even Keith who is my BOYFRIEND.
I can't believe them honestly.
Do they want me to suffer even more??
Only one more day of school then I'm free for two weeks to do whatever I want with Keith.
But in all honesty; I think I've coped with the fact that me and Keith haven't had sex in two and a half months.
Yes I'm keeping track.
Keith just hasn't been feeling great for a while now and he's just not confident enough to expose himself fully to me like he used too.
I love him and will support him no matter what. And if he's not comfortable with that, So be it. I want him to be happy.
In other news: My new favourite place to give Keith hickeys is on his ass.
I seriously don't know how I didn't think of this earlier!!
He just kind of lays on his front and just lets me go at it.
It looks really hot though.
Only I can see them but that's all that matters.
Keith pov
Last day of school. Just one more day.
Throughout the day I just repeated those words in my head.
Christine and Dane know I've been stressed. They can tell.
Christine was sending me small little positivity texts throughout the day.
That really helped me.
I was so anxious up until my final.
Lance is in my class too and he could tell I was anxious.
"You can do this. You'll be okay" Lance said as he stood next to my desk.
He rubbed my back and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before we started the exam.
I took the whole class to write it.
I wasn't wasting any time.
I was so sweaty and nervous, my palms cold and clammy.
My legs were shaking a bit and I had a water bottle with me and I drank almost the whole thing just out of stress.
I always hate asking questions during exams but I had to ask for only one thing which was a stupid question that I should of known.
I asked my teacher how to convert months into years.
When you remember all the hard math things, you forget the simple math things.
I felt pretty stupid afterwords.
I started rushing for time because I spent almost 10 minutes just thinking about the potential outcome of this test.
If I fail this thing is 30% of my mark!
I'm fucked!
I just sat there thinking about all the negative outcomes of this. I must of looked distressed because my teacher came over and asked if I was okay. That snapped me back into reality and I started to rush.
The guy that sat next to me, his chair was squeaking every time he moved and I really just wanted to ask him to stop moving because I was getting very irritated.
I had about 5 minutes of class left once I finished.
I took 2 of the minutes doing some breathing exercises that my doctor had told me to practice if I get anxious.
I actually should be going on some anti-depressants pretty soon.
I've had a few doctors appointments and I'm not sure when I'll get the prescription, but it'll be soon.
I don't want to delve into my mental health because it's just a big mess right now but hey, depression is a fucking bitch. What else can I say?
I've just been depressed for a few months now and it really sucks.
I'll be okay for a few days then randomly snap at the littlest trigger and have a breakdown at 1 am and start sobbing.
I haven't told Lance about that yet. I don't want to worry him, I love him too much.
Everyone at home has been doing their best to keep me happy and healthy. Having a positive home environment really helps me at times.
Christine is scared to leave me alone because she thinks I'll relapse because it happened once last month. I've tried to reassure her multiple times that I'm okay but she just wants to keep me safe.
I get that.
Dane's been spending more time with me too.
Well everyone has honestly.
I've been playing with Meenah and Cole more often than I used too.
I'm trying everything to just get away from my thoughts.
Okay so stress eating has never been a habit of mine until recently.
I don't know what happened or how it even got started.
I guess it kind of started after I got that godforsaken dagger in the mail.
I'd not eat anything for a day then just binge. I always feel like shit after.
I haven't told Lance about this either.
I haven't told anyone besides Christine.
She said she's not too concerned since I'm pretty thin according to her.
I should tell Lance more but I don't want to stress him out.
This is really taking a toll on more things than you'd expect.
Me and Lance haven't had sex in so long because of me.
In the summer we'd do it 3-4 times a week!
My sex drive plummets with my mental health I guess.
Well it's just because I'm not feeling as confident as I was.
Everyone gets like that so I don't feel too out of place.
Lance of course reminds me every day that he loves me and he'll love me no matter what.
He's stuck with me so I guess he's not lying.
I feel bad for him sometimes.
He has to deal with my whiney ass every day.
I don't even want to deal with myself so I don't understand how Lance can.
He's very patient which I appreciate.
Very, very patient.
I know he likes his intimacy with me and he's been very understanding towards me.
That just makes me love him more.
He tolerates me being needy 24/7.
Also if you don't think guys have body insecurities or feel pressure to look a certain way; You're fucking wrong.
Guys feel it just as much as girls but we're not supposed to express that.
I'm jealous of how great Lance looks and I goddamn compare myself to him, my boyfriend.
He just looks amazing and I don't.
I've always always despised talking about weight and my weight more specifically.
I've just never liked it. It makes me uncomfortable since I've always been a pretty small guy.
Lance on occasion can really boost my confidence if he just spoon feeds me compliments and attention.
It'd me me happy but now as my mental state is kind of plummeting; My stubbornness is increasing and I haven't been able to accept all the wonderful and kind things Lance says to me on the daily basis.
I want to live up to his glory and feed him all that love and affection right back.
But it's hard for me, you know that.
I just don't really look like I used to.
There's not a significant physical difference with my body, but there have been changes.
Lance says I look better than I did but I think he's saying that just to make me feel better or out of pity.
My waist, hips and stomach filled out. I can still faintly see and feel my ribs which I guess is okay. My cheeks got bigger, hips got a wider and my curves increased and Lance seems to adore those factors with every inch of his being.
The only huge change is in my thighs. I already had big thighs but now they're even bigger and I'm not too happy.
I've never gained weight easily, ever. I've always had a very, almost dangerously fast metabolism.
It's slowed down slightly.
Nobody else has noticed anything.
Lance didn't obviously since he knows my body like the back of his hand and is so used to seeing me every day. He's got every inch of my body memorized and once I brought this up he definitely can see a difference now.
The only other person that noticed was Lance's mom.
He told me what she said after she saw me for the first time in a while. She said that I just looked better than I did and I seemed happier. She's wrong obviously.
I'm uncomfortable just talking about this.
I've just been wearing baggier clothes so I don't have to feel the tightness of some fabrics against my body.
Hoodies and especially Lance's snuggly pullover hoodies are my best friends.
Nice, baggy and cozy.
No shorts anymore. Jeans accompany me every day.
Having Lance's scent on me just puts me at ease.
His nice soft, pleasant boyish smell.
I'm smiling just thinking about him.
When school ended I was just so happy. I was just counting the minutes down.
When the final bell rang everyone in my class cheered with happiness.
Lance picked me up and spun me around much to my dismay.
"Keith if you say anything...I will honestly spank you!" Lance said as he spun me.
Our teacher gave us a look.
Hunk looked at us confused.
"It's nothing" I mumbled.
"Put my down, I'm getting dizzy!" I whined.
Lance then set me down gently.
"Hey so you can get your presents either tonight or tomorrow" I said.
All of the kids in our class had left so it was me, Lance and Hunk. Well and our teacher.
I then saw Pidge burst into the room out of breath.
Their glasses halfway off their face.
"Hey man" Hunk said.
Pidge waved weakly.
"I brought you guys shit from foods" They said holding up 3 plastic bags.
"Hunk you get the Christmas tree and the gays get the gingerbread men" Pidge added.
"I'm bi!" Lance barked and crossed his arms and stomped his foot.
Pidge stared at him for a few seconds.
"The gays get the gingerbread men" Pidge repeated.
Lance stuck his tongue out at them.
I heard our teacher chuckle from her desk behind us.
They then gave us the bags.
"I have to go or Matt's gonna leave without me" They said.
"Have a good break guys. We all need to do something or I'm gonna die from being stuck with Matt for 2 weeks straight" Pidge sighed.
They then hugged each of us individually, waved again then sped off.
"Pidge has never hugged me willingly before" Lance said dumbfounded.
"She's hugged me lots. I don't blame her for not wanting to hug you honestly" Hunk chuckled.
"Hey!" Lance snapped at him.
"I'm kidding!" Hunk laughed.
"You better be!" Lance scoffed.
"Okay but you and Keith are the most huggable people I know" Lance announced proudly.
"You're both soft and good huggers"
"Well Keith's not a big hugger but when he does he's great"
"Keith really doesn't seem like a hugger" Hunk laughed.
"He's not but he accepts my hugs and when he does give them; He's great" Lance gushed.
"Enough Lance, Jeez" I whined and nudged into him with my hip.
"Alright, Alright" Lance chuckled and brushed my bangs away from my face and kissed my forehead.
"Okay I gotta go guys. Shay is waiting for me" Hunk said and hugged me and Lance both at the same time.
We waved goodbye as he left.
"Who's Shay?" I asked.
"Hunk's got a girlfriend" Lance sang.
"Oh wow really?" I asked him.
Lance nodded.
"We should go then huh?" I said.
Lance nodded again.
We said goodbye to our teacher and she did the same.
"That's great for him. I'm happy for him" I chirped.
"You didn't answer my question though" I said.
"Hm?" Lance asked.
"Do you want to open your presents tonight or tomorrow?" I said.
"Well tomorrow is the dinner right? So probably tonight if that's okay with you. I have one more little thing for you too" Lance smiled.
"Yeah that's fine!" I exclaimed.
Lance's car is in the shop today for an oil change so I drove him to school.
I guess he'll be coming home with me too.
The hallways were mostly empty now as we walked to our lockers.
We dumped our books into our lockers and headed out to the parking lot.
"Christine asked me what I want for supper and I literally just said grilled cheese" I laughed as we got into my car.
"We've been trying this vegan cheese lately and it's really good" I added.
"Well you're pretty picky so if you like it I'm willing to try it" Lance chuckled.
"Ah I'm so happy it's the break. I'm so relieved" I sighed as we pulled out of the parking lot.
"Me too" Lance agreed.
"Mm do you want coffee? I really want Starbucks" I asked Lance.
"Sure" He replied.
"I'm buying so don't you even try!" I exclaimed.
"Fine" Lance grumbled.
There's a Starbucks fairly close to our school so I just went through the drive through there.
I got a gingerbread latte with almond milk so I don't actually die.
Lance got an eggnog latte
It's about 60 degrees today and that's cold for me.
We got our drinks and headed to my house.
"Have you ever seen snow baby?" Lance asked and put his hand on my huge thigh.
"No I haven't" I replied.
Like I've said a few times before; Lance has big hands so that makes me feel a bit smaller.
"Have you?" I asked.
"Yeah I have once. I went to Minnesota since my mom has friends that live up there and it had just snowed there. It's really pretty!" Lance exclaimed.
"Is it just as cold as it is in the movies?" I asked.
"Yeah it's really cold" Lance laughed.
"I wish we got snow here. I loved it so much" He sighed.
"I want to see it now" I said.
"I'll take you somewhere someday. Somewhere that has lots" Lance smiled and rubbed my leg.
I smiled to myself.
"I'd like that"
When we got to my house we took our drinks and backpacks inside.
I unlocked the door and we stepped inside.
"I'm home" I called.
"Lance is here" I added.
I heard Meenah say something incoherent from upstairs then she came bounding down the stairs.
"Lance!" She squealed and ran over and hugged him, almost knocking him over.
"Hey kiddo" He said and ruffled her hair.
"I missed you" She exclaimed.
"I missed you too" He chuckled.
"You can just set your bag there" I said motioning to the bench next to the door. Lance obeyed and set his bag down after Meenah let go.
I went into the kitchen with Lance at my heels.
"Hey!" Christine grinned and hugged me.
"How was the final?" She asked.
"I'm hoping it went okay" I replied.
"Were you anxious?" She asked.
I hesitated.
"Not really" I lied.
"Lance?" She asked putting a hand on her hip, asking him to elaborate.
Lance then hesitated. He shot me a quick "sorry" look.
"He was pretty anxious" Lance admitted.
"Awe Keith" She said and held my head to her chest.
"I think I did well though" I said.
"I hope you did. You've been working very hard" She said and let go of me.
"I bet you did great" Lance smiled.
"Are you staying for supper?" Christine asked.
Lance nodded.
"I told him we're having grilled cheese" I laughed.
"Do you want normal cheese or Keith's vegan stuff" She asked.
"I wanna try the vegan stuff. It seems interesting" Lance said.
"Alright" She smiled.
I took his hand and took him upstairs to my room.
I shut my door and took the first sip of my drink.
I was expecting it to be very hot but it was perfect.
Lance took a sip of his.
"Is yours good?" I asked him.
He nodded.
He held his cup with two hands like a kid.
He's so fucking cute.
He's wearing a stupid tacky green and red reindeer sweater. It even had stupid fake lights on it.
I smiled.
"What?" He giggled.
"You're so cute" I beamed.
"You're the cute one! I'm the handsome one" Lance said and batted his eyelashes.
"Correction; You're the adorable one" Lance said.
"Give me a kiss already. I haven't had one all day!" I exclaimed.
Lance smiled.
I cupped his face with my free hand and I gave him a soft sweet kiss.
"I love you" I said and bumped my nose against his.
"I love you too" Lance said and kissed my nose.
"I'll give you your stuff hold on" I said and got up.
I rooted around in my closet and pulled a bag with his presents in it.
I have six presents for him because I'm extra.
I took out the boxes and placed them in Lance's lap.
"This is so much!" He exclaimed.
I just smiled and sat down next to him, pressing my cheek to his shoulder.
"Start with the small one" I instructed.
Lance nodded.
"I suck at wrapping by the way" I mentioned.
"Shh it's fine" Lance said.
He undid the ribbon on the smallest box and carefully took the top off.
"Awe Keith" Lance squeaked.
I got a bunch of pictures of us developed since he's been saying that he likes the strands of string I have with my polaroid pictures on them.
These weren't Polaroid but just normal photos.
"I love them" Lance beamed.
"I knew you would" I smiled.
He quickly looked over all 10 then set them in the box again.
He then opened the next one.
"I always wanted one of these!" Lance exclaimed.
I'd got him one of those cute waving cat figures.
"I know you have" I said.
He opened up the next box.
"This is so cute!" He squealed.
I got him a necklace with a circular pendant with the bisexual flag colours on the inside.
"Help me put it on!" He said eagerly.
I took the necklace and struggled for a minute with the little clip and I managed to put it on.
"It looks really good on you" I said once he turned around.
"Everything looks good on me" Lance grinned.
I sighed and nudged him to open his next gift.
The next box is from Amazon but I still wrapped it.
"Wha- Are these candles??" Lance said holding up the tiny little cactus candles.
"Yup" I smiled.
"They're so cute!" He squeaked.
"Okay this next thing is mostly for my enjoyment" I said.
He unwrapped the second last box.
"I'm kinkshaming" Lance giggled.
I got him this kinda stupid looking blue faux leather choker with a little metal heart in the center.
I giggled.
"It'll look so hot" I said.
"Okay last one!" I said and clapped.
"This is kinda for both of us" I said and clung onto his arm.
He tore open the biggest and final one.
"I needed a new throw blanket!" Lance exclaimed.
"Feel it" I said.
"It's so soft!" He grinned.
"It's a huge queen size one so we can share it" I said.
I got him a huge soft pastel blue throw blanket.
"That's all I want" Lance said.
"Thank you Keithy. I love you so much" Lance said.
"You're welcome" I said and gave him a kiss.
"I love you too" I giggled.
"You're so amazing. You're good at picking presents. I love everything!" Lance gushed.
"I'm happy you like it all" I said softly and held my face close to his.
"I know you get cold lots so I'm happy we have a special blanket just for the two of us" Lance said.
I then cupped his face and kissed both of his cheeks.
"I love you" Lance said again.
"Am I getting better at showing affection?" I asked him.
"Yes" He smiled.
"Good" I replied.
I sat in his lap then laid him down on his back so I was straddling him.
I kissed him a few times and he put his hands on my waist.
Christine then knocked on my door and I quickly got off Lance and ran to the door before she could enter.
I know it's her because of her special knock.
I tore the door open pretty much before she could even blink.
"Dinner is ready" She said.
"Ah O-Okay" I said flustered.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"Do I even want to know what's been going on?" She asked.
I smiled guiltily at her.
She chuckled and turned around to go back downstairs.
"Supper's ready" I said to Lance.
He mumbled an okay and followed me downstairs.
I then gasped realizing something.
"What?" Lance asked.
"I forgot that I bought a bath bomb a few weeks ago. It's my favourite scent and it's only around at Christmas" I squealed.
"We can take another bath!" I added.
"I'd like that" Lance smiled.
"Do you want to stay over?" I asked him.
"I'll have to ask my dad. My mom went to go visit her friend and she's getting back tomorrow. So he's looking after everyone tonight" Lance said as we went downstairs.
"I'm sure he'll be fine with it though. It's been over a week since we've slept over at each other's houses. He understands how much I need you" Lance chuckled.
"Well you're always welcome here" I smiled.
"Thank you" Lance said.
We entered the kitchen and the table was all set and all.
"Lance is here??" Cole asked sitting up to the table.
"Yes" Dane chuckled.
"Why didn't anyone tell me?? I made him a card at school!" He exclaimed.
"Well you can still give it to him dummy" Meenah said.
Cole stuck his tongue out at her.
"You didn't have to make me anything bud" Lance laughed.
"I wanted to. You're part of the family now" He chirped.
I covered my mouth with my hand.
I honestly thought I was gonna cry right there.
"Awe" Christine said.
I held onto Lance's arm.
"Today is a good day" Lance grinned.
We enjoyed our supper.
I think I did a little too much.I haven't had grilled cheese in so long!
Lance enjoyed his.
I thought he wouldn't like the vegan cheese but he did.
That makes me happy.
Once we all finished dinner we all just sat in the living room by our Christmas tree and just talked.
All six of us just had some good bonding time.
We've never all really sat down and talked like this.
We just talked about school, finals, all that. And just life in general.
It was nice.
Soon enough it was time for Cole and Meenah to go bed.
Me and Lance took the opportunity while Dane and Christine were busy getting them ready for bed to take our bath.
For whatever reason they both like getting ready for bed in Dane and Christine's bathroom rather than the main upstairs bathroom.
They bathe in there too so their toothbrushes and everything stay in there. When we first moved in all their stuff was in here but they just migrated over a few months.
It's nice for me to have a huge bathroom to myself.
I grabbed my bath bomb from under the sink where it's been sitting for a while.
"What scent is it?" Lance asked as I started filling the tub up.
"It's called snow fairy. It's kind of like cotton candy and strawberry mixed. It's really nice" I said.
I handed him the bag so he could smell.
"Oh my god..." He said sniffing it.
"Right?!" I exclaimed.
"That's probably what heaven smells like" Lance said.
He just kinda held onto it for another minute just getting a good whiff.
I don't wanna be the one to take my clothes off first ugh.
I grabbed towels off the shelf and set them on the highest step leading up to the bath, closest to the actual tub.
I always love taking baths with Lance.
It gives me time to clear my head and be nice and relaxed with the person I love the most.
Lance set the bag down and began to take his clothes off.
Thank god!
He was turned the other way so I quickly undressed and kicked my clothes off to the side.
I then walked over and pulled my detangler spray from under the sink as well.
It's been a long time since I've looked at myself fully naked in a mirror for longer than 10 seconds.
I've still maintained my shaving because that's something I can't live without.
No body hair for this boy.
I just looked at myself and sighed.
I poked at my hips for a minute.
I scoffed.
"God did my hips ever get big" I mumbled.
"Stop, Keith" Lance said walking over to me.
I tore my gaze away from my reflection.
I don't even want to look at my body next to Lance's perfectly sculpted figure.
I quickly shuffled away from the mirror and over to the bath.
"You still look incredibly hot, Big hips or not" Lance said.
"I hate them" I groaned.
"I don't even want to talk about this...but I haven't told you much from my point of view. I need to push myself to open up to you more, I wanna tell you what's going on in my head" I said.
"I love that you're trying. You don't need to tell me every little thing. Just the things you're comfortable with sharing" Lance smiled weakly.
"You've very much heard my thoughts and my opinions about your situation lately so I don't think you need to hear them again" Lance said and glanced over at me.
I turned my back to him and folded my arms.
"I told you that I gained weight, yes..." I started.
I really, really don't want to talk about this. It makes me unbelievably uncomfortable and insecure but I need to tell you more in depth.
Who would understand insecurities better than Lance?
I think it's best to get my thoughts off my chest since this has been really affecting my well-being recently.
"But I know you don't see a huge difference since you're around me so often, but there is to me. Just comparing my current body type to pictures of myself before summer started; I can tell. The previous boney areas of my body aka my hips, waist and around my ribs just filled out and that's just half of what's killing me. You told me your mom noticed that about me too. You said she thought I seemed happier, that's just because I was really happy that day to see your family again. The other half is just how much of that weight went to my thighs and hips. I already had big thighs, I can't deny that. I've talked about it, you've talked about it, but it's just so mentally draining for me just knowing I look the way I do now" I sighed, running my fingers over my target areas.
"This has never been a huge factor or insecurity in my life before so that's why I'm so upset. Like I gained over 15 pounds in under two months" I huffed, still facing away from him.
"Keith you're still relatively thin, you've still got your curves and yeah they're just pumped up now. So I still don't see any drastic difference or a problem at all. I told you that honey. As long as your weight isn't a health concern; You have absolutely no reason to be worried. Your weight was almost a health concern when I first met you since you were so small. Sure you still had curves but they were fairly boney curves. There's no concern now. You have a cute tummy now and that's a good thing! Better than just skin and bones. I know you don't like talking about this so I'm going to shut my mouth now but you take in what I've told you" Lance gushed, putting his hands on my shoulders then nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and picked a spot to kiss a few times. "Curvaceous is how I'd describe you now" He said.
"Relatively" I grumbled.
"I just hate that you're right" I growled.
Lance is correct though.
I was boarder line underweight months ago. I'm not I guess that is actually good.
"I never told you this but I honestly got really pissed at all the pregnancy jokes you were making a few months ago. I know you were joking and you didn't mean any of it but God I felt pretty fucking pregnant. I didn't say anything because I knew I was being sensitive lately and I was overreacting" I mumbled.
"I'm sorry. I wish you would of told me" Lance said.
"It's over and done now" I added.
"You should embrace your body like you used to. You're still stunning" Lance said.
"But hey Keith babe, You know what I said: Thick thighs save lives" Lance said.
I cringed at his stupid joke but turned around gave him a hug. "Thank you" I said softly.
"Hey you're getting taller though" Lance exclaimed, rubbing my back. "Mm good" I mumbled.
"I actually like being smaller than you, even though I don't admit it" I smiled. "I like feeling small at times" I added.
"And I actually kinda like us both having different yet slightly similar body types" I admitted.
"You're really tall and adorable yet lean and muscular and I'm fairly short and just pretty damn thick I guess" I shrugged.
"Fucking right you are" Lance said.
"You take what I said into rumination okay? You gotta love yourself!" Lance cooed and kissed my jaw.
"I will. Always" I smiled.
What Lance said made me really happy. Like really, really happy.
I was smiling more, laughing more and showing affection.
We really enjoyed our bath.
I was the big spoon this time around. Lance likes being the big spoon so he can squeeze me but I don't always like being the little spoon.
I was the little big spoon.
The water turned a pretty light pink once I put the bath bomb in.
The smell was just overwhelmingly soft and beautiful.
One of the best smells ever honestly.
We just lost track of time as Lance laid there with me, Talking softly to each other.
"Your body is beautiful and I hope you know that" Lance said.
I didn't say anything but just hugged him tighter.
The water soon was starting to get cold after a while so we decided to get out.
We were covered in glitter which was amazing!
I drained the tub once we got out.
"How do you maintain being literally hairless all the time? Like you must shave your junk constantly!" Lance exclaimed.
"I do. It's hard but I have to stay hairless or I'll go insane!" I said.
"Mm we should be quiet" I said remembering everyone went to bed.
"Oops" Lance said.
As we dried off we brushed our teeth. Lance wanted to skip that but I made him.
I've gotten way to many fillings and I don't want Lance to have to experience that actual fucking hell.
We shut the bathroom lights off and tip-toed into my room with just towels around our waists and locked the door.
I only lock my door when Lance is here.
I just kept my lights off and opened my blinds slightly to let some light in.
Lance was first to take his towel off. I then took mine off and we hung them on the back of my door to dry.
Lance then commented on the little white Christmas tree I have on my dresser.
I just quickly distracted him from that by putting my hands around his waist and pulling him close like he does to me.
"You know, It's been a while..." I purred.
"Oh my god Keith, you have no idea how long my body has been aching for some goddamn action" Lance said breathily.
"You made me very happy tonight. I love you. It's also Christmas Eve tomorrow" I said.
"I have that cotton candy scented and flavoured lube you got me for my birthday! I forgot about it" I exclaimed.
"Oh fuck yeah" Lance said.
"It's been in my bedside table for weeks" I added.
"I also have one condom left so you're lucky" I said and pressed my chest to his.
I pulled Lance onto my bed and on top of me.
"I'm not feeling bad about myself now thanks to you" I smiled.
"That's what I like to hear" Lance replied.
I cut him off right after that by kissing him happily.
We haven't had sex in so long!, I'm pretty eager for some action.
"Big curves, thighs and hips or not; You're body type on guys is pretty rare. Almost scarce" Lance broke away and said. "It's insanely sexy" He cooed. "Mine is pretty common. Yours isn't. You have the right to be proud" He added.
"You're making me feel like royalty" I blushed.
"Mm you are" Lance mumbled into my neck.
"You need some hickeys I think" He grinned mischievously.
"Please" I moaned softly.
Lance kissed my cheek.
"I think you forgot to mention that your cheeks got so round. Now that's for sure the cutest thing ever!" Lance exclaimed.
I kissed his nose in response.
Lance sat up a bit to straddle me.
He started kissing my neck.
"No, Not on the neck baby. I don't wanna have to cover them up for tomorrow" I advised.
"Okay" Lance said.
He moved to my chest, out of view from where most of my shirt collars sit.
He kissed me a few times softly then began to suck.
He left a few hickeys on my chest.
Lance then moved down to my ribs and left 4 there.
"Oh my god can I please give you a shit ton on your tummy? Please?" Lance begged.
"I'm so ticklish though" I whined.
"Even better" Lance giggled.
"Go for it. Merry Christmas" I sighed.
Lance first nuzzled his cheek on my stomach then started to go at it.
I was squirming a bit.
I couldn't move much from Lance's weight on me.
I started giggling.
"Shh. You're being to cute!" Lance hissed.
"I'm sorry!" I said.
He moved down and sat on my thighs so he could have more room.
"I don't think I've ever sat right here before. You're so comfy" Lance giggled and bounced up and down a bit like a kid.
"You are not comfy at all. I straddle you all the time and your hip bones like viciously dig into my ass" I complained.
"I've gained weight too but it's all been in muscle. I'm sorry that I have bones" Lance said.
"Yeah but you're hot though so its fine" I said.
"Don't even start!" He snapped.
He then started to give me hickeys again.
I was getting used to the warm tickle of his mouth on my body.
"My knee is hurting" I said after a moment.
"Fuck sorry" Lance said.
"It's not you don't worry" I replied.
"Hold on" He said.
Lance got off me, sat cross-legged then let me rest my ass in his lap so if I want too I could wrap my legs around his abdomen.
I hope that makes sense.We're both facing different directions. Lance is facing towards my headboard and I'm facing the opposite way.
I can now bend my legs so my knees won't hurt.
Lance made sure I was comfortable before he continued.
He gave me a few more hickeys on my stomach then moved to my hips. That's his favourite place to kiss lately.
He was getting hard fairly fast now.
I didn't squirm as much as he left a few on my hip bones.
I closed my eyes and squeezed my thighs around Lance's waist.
I was just paying attention to the feel of Lance's mouth against my skin.
I opened one eye when I felt him stop.
He put his hands on my hips and looked at them.
"What?" I asked.
He paused.
"Now that I'm looking at you from this angle I can actually see a difference in their shape..." Lance said hesitantly.
"I knew it" I mumbled.
"No, No Keith it's not bad!" Lance said nervously but tried to cover it up.
I raised my eyebrow at him in annoyance.
"They just...widened and it's fucking hot okay? I just had to get that out. I won't say anything else, my lips are sealed" Lance said doing the zipper motion across his mouth.
"You look good from this angle though" He added.
"Thought your lips were sealed?" I hummed.
"My lips are sealed for talking about the things that make you uncomfortable" Lance said.
"God enough foreplay already. I'm so ready" I grinned and sat up.
"I've felt your boner on my tailbone for like almost 10 minutes, I'm not playing dumb anymore" I added.
Lance gave me an embarrassed look.
"Oops" He said quietly.
I put my hands on Lance's shoulders and pushed him onto his back so he was underneath me.
"You've always looks hot under me" I smirked.
"Funny. You're still a huge bottom though" Lance said.
I frowned at him.
"All those hickeys look hot by the way" He added.
"You know where everything is. I'll let you take care of that" I said.
He scrambled up from underneath me and dug around in my bedside table drawer.
I cracked my knuckles and just mentally prepared myself.
I've done this many many times before, but lately I've just felt to insecure.
I've felt too big and fat, even though deep down I know I'm not. That doesn't stop my anxiety and paranoia from overthrowing my sense of reason. and I don't like subjecting Lance to seeing me in a vulnerable state. It doesn't make either of us happy.
I need to accept my new body type and just calm down.
I just need to relax.
I'm not in the mood to power bottom so Lance can just own my ass tonight.
I shut my eyes and heard Lance close the drawer and unwrap the condom.
"You better put that in the garbage" I warned, not opening my eyes.
"I always do" Lanve replied.
"This lube smells so good" He added.
I stretched then opened my eyes again.
"Give me more kisses" I demanded.
Lance smiled and did so. He kissed me a few more times on my lips and I was happy with that.
"You're so hot" I giggled looking Lance up and down.
"Thank you" He replied and kissed me once more.
"Are you ready?" Lance asked.
"Fuck yes" I breathed.
I almost always have picked our position.
Better to just go simple tonight.
I got into my hands and knees and arched my back inwards so my ass was up in air.
"Thought you didn't like this position?" Lance chuckled.
"God just fuck me already!" I snapped.
"And he's back" Lance said.
"No prepping?" He then asked.
"It's been a while but just go for it. I'll be fine" I reassured him.
"Okay" Lance sighed a mix of nervousness and annoyance.
"There's no prep so just go in fast to get the uncomfortable stage done and over with" I instructed.
Lance numbed a mhm.
He then put one large warm hand on my waist, gripped it and the other flat on the bump of my stomach, right under my belly button.
I love it when his hands are warm like this.
I felt better and leaned into his grasp.
"I don't want to hurt you Keith. It's been a while..." Lance said.
"I'm fine Lance. Just don't hesitate" I cautioned.
"Okay" he said softly.
He rubbed my side to comfort me. He's the one that needs to bed comforted, not me.
"Please don't hesitate. Just get the worst part over quickly" I said again.
Lance's palms began to sweat.
I arched my back just a bit more to make the initial entrance for Lance easier.
I braced myself.
Lance is nervous, I can tell.
I really don't want him to hesitate.
Lance tightened his grip on my waist and before I could even take another breath he pushed himself in quickly with ease.
I whimpered quietly.
"Are you okay?" Lance asked scared.
"I'm good" I squeaked.
"That's all I needed you to do, Thank you" I said.
I wiped the thin layer of sweat that had formed on my forehead.
I tried not to tense myself around him. That's not a good feeling and Lance did it a lot when I topped him.
"I'm not taking control tonight. You do whatever you want with me" I said.
Lance chuckled menacingly.
He then moved his other hand to my waist.
Without another word he started slowly.
I bit my lip as the slight uncomfortable sensation back there intensified.
"Oh and Lance"
"Just because we haven't done this in a while doesn't mean I can't take any less than what we're used to"
"That's what I wanted to hear" He smirked.
Lance then thrusted in suddenly and hard and I let out a little yelp.
"I'm good I'm good!" I said before Lance could make a remark.
He rubbed my hip to comfort me.
He took the hint that he was good to continue and started at a medium pace.
I was fine with this. He wasn't hitting gold quite yet but I'm content.
My arms began to get sore a few minutes after Lance started pacing himself faster.
Is that how out of shape I've gotten? That I can't even hold my pathetic body up during sex??
Too fucking bad, they'll have to hold me up.
I was already hard by this point and felt myself really start to twitch.
"Mm go harder" I managed to say.
Lance moved his right hand from my waist up to my shoulder to get an even better grip.
He thrusted in hard and I grunted.
He'd hit it.
"Keep going" I said.
Lance wasn't showing any signs of stopping.
He was panting pretty hard though.
I brushed my hair from my face and moaned softly.
"One day soon I really want to just tie you up and just tease you for hours" I said to Lance.
"I'd like that. Even though you're a huge bottom I'm perfectly fine with that" Lance replied, breathing heavily.
"Good, because I'd love to just play with you until you crack" I giggled.
Lance gave a very hard thrust and I groaned with pleasure.
"Keep doing that!" I cried.
"I'm going as hard as I can! This is hard work. You're just there on your hands and knees doing nothing!" Lance retorted.
I then slammed my ass back onto Lance's dick right as he was thrusting back in.
I let out a sharp moan.
"That's not enough effort to get even remotely close to what I'm feeling!" Lance exclaimed.
"Just-fuck-me" I growled.
I gritted my teeth and leaned more into Lance's movements.
Lance really started to pant after a few more minutes.
My limbs were going to give out.
Sweat dripped from Lance's face onto my lower back.
My arms were wobbly and stinging with pain.
Lance is doing so well.
"I-I'm close" He choked out.
"Me too" I gasped.
I yelped as Lance suddenly pulled out and I quickly came then collapsed onto my stomach exhausted.
Lance was panting so heavily he was almost groaning.
He started to cough a bit.
My ass fucking ached and so did my arms.
I sat up after a few seconds and crawled over to Lance who had just taken the condom off and threw it in my garbage bin.
His face was shiny and flustered, a maroon colour soaked into his cheeks.
He looked distressed.
"Hey hey are you okay?" I asked.
"Better than ever" He grunted, smiling weekly.
Lance pov
Keith put his cold and clammy hand to my cheek and stroked my skin with his thumb.
"You did so good" I said.
Keith's outline was illuminated by the small amount of light coming in from his window. He looks so gorgeous. I can't see too many of his features but I can see his gorgeous big eyes twinkling.
"I did good? You did good!" He exclaimed.
"We both did good" I said.
Keith smiled a small smile, his plump cheeks turned a light pink.
"It's been quite a while and I'm surprised you handled this so well" I added.
"I-I'm getting you a facecloth again. I hate seeing you like this" Keith said and quickly got up, threw some sweat pants that were lying on his floor and scurried out of the room.
He came back only moments later with a white damp facecloth folded up nearly.
He shut and locked his door behind him.
He tapped the area next to him on the bed and I shuffled over next to him.
"Lay down" Keith instructed.
I did as I was told and laid flat on my back.
Keith pressed the cool cloth to my face a few times.
"God you're so sweet. What would I ever do without you?" I chuckled.
"I'm your right hand man" He laughed.
"I just love you so much" I smiled and reached my arm out and softly patted the side of Keith's belly.
His skin was nice and hot.
I ran my fingers over the many marks I'd left on his hips and midsection that are now turning different shades of blue and purple.
He giggled at my touch.
Keith looked down at me with fondness and continued to softly pat my sweaty face with the cloth.
God I love him so much.
My body is still buzzing from the excitement and sexual tension.
"Cooling down?" Keith asked me.
"Yes" I replied.
"I think I'm okay now. Thank you baby" I said after a few more moments.
Keith nodded and set the cloth on his bedside table.
I love it when he takes care of me like this. Keith is such a sweetheart.
Keith then tried to lay on his back but winced a bit from what I assumed was the pain.
"Come here" He said and opened his arms out for me.
"Oh I get to be the little spoon?" I asked.
"Yes" Keith replied.
"You're too small to make as good of a big spoon as me. Your arms are too short" I exclaimed.
"Gee thanks" Keith said sarcastically.
"You do make a good pillow though" I added.
"Well would you rather have that?" Keith asked.
"The real question is if you're okay with that" I said.
Keith paused.
"Yeah...I guess so. I'm just going to get some underwear on though. I'm kinda cold" He said and got up and dug around in the top drawer of his dresser.
"Well get the blanket you got me!" I exclaimed.
"Oh good idea!" He squeaked.
He slid on some spider man boxer briefs and grabbed the blanket from the floor.
He unwrapped it and spread it out over top of me and the duvet.
"Wait I'm getting fuzzy socks too" He said then scuttled back over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of fluffy pink socks and popped them on his feet.
Keith then happily jumped back onto the bed and laid down.
"That hurt" He croaked.
Keith laid on his back again. Only letting the duvet and blanket combo come up to his waist.
"You're not using my ass as a pillow. Not tonight sorry" Keith said.
"We just had sex. You're hurting a little so there's no way I'd be that inconsiderate!" I snapped.
"Okay good" Keith responded.
I bumped Keith over so I had more room to lay.
I then decided to rest my head on his tummy and sighed happily.
"You might be cold but you feel very warm" I said.
A few now darkened hickeys were by my face.
I pressed my lips to Keith's warm middle.
"You're so handsome" Keith said after a minute.
"Where did that come from?" I chuckled.
"You tell me how great you think I look at random so why can't I do the same for you? And you just look great right now" Keith replied.
"I can see your freckles well in this lighting even though it's dark" He giggled.
"I wanna kiss each one!" He added.
"We're so boring. We gotta do some more stuff together" I suggested.
"Mm I agree" Keith said then yawned.
I snuggled up closer to him and got in tune to the rhythm of his breathing. The rise and fall of where my head is resting.
"We can do stuff over the break. Lots of stuff" I chirped.
"Mhmm" Keith mumbled sleepily.
I then looked up and his eyes were shut.
"You're tired. I'll let you sleep babe" I chuckled.
"Give me one last kiss though" I whined.
Keith opened his eyes lazily and I brought my head up so I could meet his lips.
I smooched him then carefully brought my head back down and set it back gently so I didn't hurt his soft tum.
"Are you gonna sleep like that?" Keith asked slightly annoyed.
"Why wouldn't I? You're so warm and squishy" I grinned.
"Go for it then. If I'm that comfortable" Keith chuckled.
"I might get cold though so I might have to move you" Keith added.
"That's fine. If you get cold just kick me off and I'll spoon you" I offered.
"Hmm my hands are cold" I sang evilly.
"Don't you dare!" Keith snapped.
I nuzzled my cheek against him again.
"Awe man. But your body is just so warm" I said, egging him on.
Keith shifted a bit.
"Especially your belly" I grinned and batted my eyelashes innocently.
"I will kick you out of my room. Don't you fucking dare!" Keith growled.
He is dead serious.
"And enough talk about...this. I'm still not feeling great so I can just pop a shirt on and the fun will be over for you" Keith grumbled and moved his hand in a circular motion over his middle.
"So grumpy" I sighed.
"If you keep it up you'll be sleeping on the floor. Don't wreck this for yourself" He grumbled and shut his eyes.
He gets so angry. That's why I love him.
My grumpy baby.
My chubby cheeked thick thighed baby.
"You get flustered so easily. I love you so much Mr. Grumpypants" I said in a baby voice and gave him a little hug.
"I'm going to sleep. I'm really tired now so I suggest cutting the bullshit" Keith snapped.
"Okay okay" I said
Keith snuggled up into the blanket and his pillows a bit more and shut his eyes.
I happily pressed my cheek to his soft tender skin.
I gave Keith's tum one more little kiss before shutting my eyes.
Keith pov
When I woke up I was freezing cold.
I opened my eyes and Lance was fast asleep on my stomach still.
I was so cold.
The blanket was all the way by my waist.
Whatever, I'm freezing so Lance is gonna have to deal with it.
I moved and carefully picked Lance's torso up and moved him a little bit over to his side of the bed. He barely even stirred.
I pulled my duvet and Lance's blanket over the both of us.
Lance had goosebumps.
I did too but this is weird as Lance never gets goosebumps.
I snuggled up close to him and put my arms around his waist. To warm myself and him.
He then stirred a bit.
I don't want to let go yet.
His stomach is so firm.
He then rolled onto his back so I had to let go partially.
I left my forearm to drape across his middle.
Lance opened his sea blue eyes.
"Morning"I squeaked.
"Morning" Lance smiled.
He then coughed a few times and sniffed.
"Are you getting sick?" I asked and put my hand on his chest.
"Nope nope. I never ever get sick!" He exclaimed.
Lance coughed again.
"Are you sure?" I chuckled.
"I'm-not-" he started and coughed yet again.
"Okay yeah I might have caught a cold" Lance whimpered.
"Yeah no shit" I said.
"Get some clothes on" I ordered.
Lance groaned.
"Do it Lance!" I barked.
He grumbled again slowly got up and dug through my drawer for some clothes.
He picked out some red and black checkered pj pants and a plain grey shirt.
Lance pov
"I was sick just a month ago or so. I don't think you got it from me surprisingly. You kissed and made out with me lots when I was sick and nothing happened for weeks" Keith exclaimed and sat up.I looked at Keith's smaller frame on the bed.
I put the snatched clothes on and hopped back into bed.
I then checked the time.
7:29 am
God uh no thanks! That's too early.
"It's like 7:30. I'm not getting up" I stated and dove back under the covers.
"I have Kleenex and a trash can right there. You know I have allergies so I got you covered" Keith said and rubbed my shoulder.
I rolled over to fake him.
I put two fingers daintily on his waist.
"When will you wear crop tops again? It was so cute" I whined softly.
"I have way too much pudge for crop tops now" Keith replied, looking away from me and pulling a bit of the duvet over his thighs and waist.
"Ffff says who?? You'll still look hot if you wear them" I said.
"Why don't you wear some of mine? You're tough and all muscle now" Keith asked crossing his arms.
"I'll wear them once I loose weight" Keith grumbled.
God I can REALLY see how uncomfortable this talk makes him. It was my fault for bringing it up, I need to take the blame.
Enough is enough.
I need to stop torturing my small angry soulmate.
Keith laid back down and faced away from he like he usually does.
"You're probably cold. You can come use me for warmth as I do for you all the time" Keith mumbled
I took up on that offer.
I scooted over to him and pressed my clothed body to his almost fully exposed one.
"Can I?" I asked, gently putting one hand on Keith's belly for warmth.
"If you must" He grumbled sleepily.
I took that as a "yes but if you do anything I don't like or say some stupid shit I'll cut your hands off"
I know Keith very well.
What better place to put your cold-ish hands!?
I snuck my under arm underneath him and linked my two hands together and rested them on Keith's plush middle.
We slept for a few more hours and I woke up again around noon.
As soon as I opened my eyes I realized it was Christmas Eve.
Keith was still asleep, snuggled into the blankets and tucked in cozily.
I broke into a coughing fit and that woke my poor baby up.
He looked confused and scared.
He'd done this to me before. He had a coughing fit that woke me up.
"Are you okay?" He asked startled and held onto my wrist, looking at me wide eyed.
"Yup I'm okay. I need to take something before this get any worse" I said.
Keith very conveniently had some DayQuil in his dresser from when he was sick and gave me some.
I left an hour later.
I thanked Christine and Dane for letting me stay over as usual. I gave Meenah and Cole each a few candy canes I'd bought and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Keith was sleepy still and didn't want me to go but I need to spend time with my family today. I gave him lots of kisses and I headed off.
Later that day Me, My parents, Jana, Kaleb, Felix and Candice all watched Christmas movies as that's our family tradition.
We had a Christmas dinner of homemade soup, salad and bread rolls.
Me and Kaleb fought over Christmas crackers as usual.
We always are allowed to open up one present each on Christmas Eve and we did that straight after supper.
Jana got a fancy new pair of sunglasses, Kaleb got an x-box game, Felix and Candice both got those fucking scary hatchimal things, And I got a face mask kit. Jana was very jealous but I promised to let her use some if she would shut up about it.
It was around 6 pm when we were sitting in the living room. Me and Kaleb were helping Candice and Felix try and work their new hellspawn toys when I looked over at the clock on our wall.
That suddenly reminded me of something excruciatingly significant I'd forgotten today.
My heart dropped into my stomach and a massive wave of panic and anxiousness rose up in my body and filled my chest.
I sprang up and yelled to my family that I promise I would be back and they were just too confused to even question what I was doing.
I rapidly bounded up the stairs and grabbed the sacred item from its place on my shelf next to my lava lamp.
I grabbed my coat and quickly texted Keith: "I'm coming over" nothing more nothing less.
I ran back downstairs, grabbed my car keys and scrambled into my car and raced to Keith's house.
I was stopped at a red light and checked his response.
I repeatedly tried to swallow my anxious thoughts and the thousands of dainty butterflies that were dancing around in my chest.
When I got to Keith's house I didn't even bother locking my car.
I didn't even shut the door all the way.
Keith must of heard the commotion and he opened the door right as I was about to knock.
He let me in.
I flung my arms around him into a tight loving hug and look the deepest and most intent full breath I'd ever taken.
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