Heaven: The sky, especially perceived as a vault in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets are situated
Keith pov
Summer seemed long and that was nice.
Lance about a month later just texted me "Pack" and to be over to his house in an hour.
I was confused by this and kept asking him what and why but he just replied with a winky face and nothing after.
I trudged downstairs with my duffle bag over my shoulder.
Christine was cleaning windows in the kitchen.
"Mom?" I asked softly.
She turned around.
"Oh hi! I haven't seen you for a while Keithy" She chirped.
"Lance I'm pretty sure invited me over. He just cryptically texted me "Pack" and nothing helpful after. Is it okay if I head over there?" I asked her.
"You don't have to ask me anymore Keith. You're a big boy now and I know how big Lance is in your life. You can make the decisions and just tell me okay?" She said and put her arms around my shoulders.
"Okay" I replied bleakly.
"Have fun okay? We'll miss you though" She giggled.
"Try not to overeat this time okay?" She sighed.
I laughed.
"I'll try" I chuckled.
"Have a good time. I love you" Christine cooed and gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
I smiled.
"I love you too" I replied.
She let go of me and I found my car keys on the counter.
"Bye" She called after me, I gave her a wave.
It was hot out as usual but I'm not feeling so confident about my legs today so I squeezed into a pair of black skinny jeans.
I did wear a tank top though even though my arms look terrible in tank tops.
It has cats all over it.
I slipped a pair of vans over my socks and I headed off.
It was sweltering in my car and I started to regret not wearing shorts.
I then thought about my sausage legs and ignored the regret.
When I got to Lance's I was still really confused.
This heightened when I saw that his car was out of the garage, He always parks it inside?
This is weird.
I sighed and grabbed my bag from beside me and got out of my car and locked it.
I sheepishly walked up the porch steps and tapped on the door.
I suddenly heard bounding footsteps running down the stairs and I smirked to myself.
Lance flung the door open and pulled me inside.
He wrapped me in a big squishy hug and kissed the top of my head.
"Hi to you too" I laughed.
"You're crushing me Lance!" I then squeaked.
"Sorry, Sorry" He apologized.
He let go of me and I starred at him in confusion.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked and crossed my arms.
"Almost" He said sneakily.
Lance then lead me upstairs to his room.
I set my bag down and flopped onto his bed on my back.
He took that as a "Yes please straddle me" and sat on my thighs.
He looked down at me eagerly.
"Stop being a dork!" I snickered and batted his face.
Lance grabbed my hand and kissed my wrist.
"Tell me what's happening! Am I just staying over? Are you having a party?" I asked, Annoyed now.
"Nope, So much more" Lance giggled.
"What then?" I asked.
He grabbed my wrists and pinned them next to my head and kissed my neck.
Once he kissed it a few times he brought his head back up.
"We're going on a trip" Lance said.
"What? Where?!" I squeaked.
"Secret" He purred.
He let me go but then trailed his hands up my shirt and left them on my waist.
I squirmed a bit.
He removed his hands from my sides then got off me.
He slipped his arms under me and pulled me into his arms.
"I'm going to spoil you rotten for a few days" Lance cooed and stroked my cheek.
"You already spoil me every single time I see you!" I exclaimed.
"Because you deserve it. You've been through so much recently. So many struggles you don't deserve, You didn't deserve them. I'm happy the universe is being much more kind to you lately. This is a little reward for being able to go through all that" Lance explained.
He took my wrist in his hand again and kissed the nasty scars on my skin.
I started to feel really emotional.
I buried my head into his chest.
Lance held me tight as I laid in his lap.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"You're welcome" He giggled and scratched the back of my head gently.
Lance pov
I held Keith and gently massaged his hair.
I'm so excited for this weekend.
Once he removed his head from my chest he looked up at me with those big bright eyes.
He's so pretty.
"You're so beautiful. You know that right?" I hummed and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear.
Keith blushed.
He then brought his small hand up and touched my jaw.
"You're growing a beard" He giggled.
"You noticed huh?" I chuckled.
Keith smiled that cute little smile and nodded.
"I wish I could grow facial hair but I get nothing more than a pathetic wispy moustache" He huffed.
"That's not true. You get some fuzz on your chin sometimes" I observed.
"Yeah but nothing like you do. You look so handsome and so much older. I look like a baby" Keith grumbled.
"No you don't, You look gorgeous either way" I said.
"I like this though, Keep it" Keith chirped.
I've been trying to grow a bit of a beard yeah. I've stopped shaving my jaw and I've got a few little hairs starting to grow.
"Don't ever grow a moustache though. You look so creepy with it" Keith teased.
"Hey!" I yelped.
Keith laughed.
"Considering your hair is so dark I don't know why you don't grow anything on your face" I shrugged.
Keith shrugged too.
He then laid back and rested his head in my lap.
He looks so peaceful.
Keith had one arm resting on his ribs and the other beside him.
The scars on his arms sadly make my stomach twist every time.
I just get the worst of chills when I remember that night.
It hurts me to think of him not being here with me, His head in my lap, Looking up at me so lovingly.
I'm so thankful Keith is here today.
If Keith wouldn't of made it that night all those months ago...I probably wouldn't be here either.
I would be so lost without him in my life.
I just care about him so deeply.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked me softly and tugged on my shirt.
"You" I replied with a smile.
Keith smiled back.
"I'm always thinkin' about you" I hummed and stroked his hair.
Keith giggled.
"I love you" Keith said.
"I love you too angel" I replied.
Once we said all our mushy gushy love stuff we decided to leave soon after.
My parents know about the trip and are giving me a bit of money to help pay.
I gave them hugs before we left.
My mother gave Keith a big hug too.
"Have fun you two. Your first trip together! I'm so proud" She beamed.
"Try not to get too wild okay?" My father cautioned.
"Keith will keep me in check" I assured him.
We said our goodbyes and headed out to my car.
Keith made a quick call to Christine before we officially headed off.
Once we got on the road I felt so free.
We had our windows rolled down, Sunglasses on and Kesha playing on the radio.
This is what living truly is.
Taking your boyfriend on a road trip and living the good life.
Keith pov
As Lance hummed along to the songs playing at a comfortable volume in his car. I looked at him for a while as he drove.
He is so utterly handsome.
I've never seen someone as attractive as him ever.
I've probably said this 500 times but it's true!
"Is today a sad leg day?" Lance asked.
"What?" I asked, Confused.
"Did you not want to wear shorts because you were feeling bad about your legs again?" Lance asked.
I was kinda stunned.
"You know me too well" I laughed lightly.
"But yeah. Today is a sad thigh day more specifically" I huffed.
"I love your thighs Keithy. You know that" Lance hummed.
"I don't love them. But tomorrow I might feel better about them. My insecurities come and go" I said.
"Everyone's do at times" Lance replied.
"But those jeans look nice on you. I like those ones. They show off your pretty curves" Lance grinned lovingly.
I blushed a bit.
"Stop" I teased and batted his arm.
After a while I was getting bored of seeing just desert for miles and I was starting to get hungry.
This is just barely a 30 minute drive from Lance's acreage.
I ignored it for a few more minutes until my tummy began growling.
I sighed.
"I'm hungry" I mumbled.
"Are you?" Lance asked.
"No Lance I'm joking" I said sarcastically.
"Don't be a grouch mr! You get grouchy when you're overly hungry" He reminded me.
He's right.
He's always right.
"There should be a gas station coming up any moment now. I haven't seen one for a while so there's gotta be one" Lance explained.
"Alright" I said.
"I even ate before I came over! I just had pancakes" I grumbled.
"Shh, Don't worry about it. We'll get you some snacks. It's not a problem Keith" Lance cooed and mindlessly reached over and rubbed my hand.
"It's not even a long drive. I'm such a baby" I whined.
"It's fine honey" Lance assured me.
We then saw a sign up ahead. Lance almost Tokyo drifted into the gas station parking lot.
It was kinda cool though.
Once we came to a halt we both got out.
I hate going to deserted gas stations because they remind me of the hills have eyes.
We stepped inside and it was surprisingly clean and neat.
The cashier girl greeted us as we entered.
Lance immediately snagged a bag of Doritos.
I found a bag of Takis.
"Is that all? You can get more?" Lance said.
"This will be fine" I said.
We quickly bought the snacks and got back into the car.
I chowed down on half the bag as we drove.
"Keithy can you close your eyes for a few minutes?" Lance asked me.
"Okay? Why?" I laughed.
"It'll wreck the surprise" He chuckled.
"Alright" I sighed and shut my eyes.
"I'll tell you when to open them" He said.
About 10 minutes went by and we finally stopped.
"You can open them now" Lance said and patted my thigh.
I did so.
We were in a parking lot of what looked like a hotel.
"Where are we?" I asked
"Somewhere very special" Lance replied.
"Lance" I said breathily.
"C'mon, Grab your stuff!" He exclaimed and unbuckled his seat belt and hopped out of the car.
I did the same.
I grabbed my duffle bag from the backseat and threw it over my shoulder.
Lance put his backpack on and locked his car.
He held his hand out for me.
I walked over to his side of the vehicle and accepted.
"Get ready for the best weekend of your entire life" He grinned and ran his thumb over my knuckles.
I've never stayed at a hotel before!
Lance lead the way and we entered the massive building.
The floors were white marble and it looked like a modern day castle on the inside.
The front desk was to the left.
Lance found it and we walked up.
A well dressed middle aged man greeted us.
"Hi I've got a reservation for tomorrow night and tonight. For McClain" Lance said.
"Alright" The man said cheerily and began typing on a computer.
Literally where are we?
What city are we in?
What does Lance have planned?
"Two queen beds?" The man asked.
"N-No just one" Lance said, Slightly nervous and put his arm around my waist and pulled me close.
The man gave us a bit of a confused look but got Lance's drift.
"8th floor, Room 304" The man said and gave Lance a weird looking piece of plastic.
"Thank you" Lance said and took it.
The man also gave him a pamphlet.
Lance nodded and we turned away.
A shiver went up my spine.
"Hey idiot! Where are we?" I whisper hissed and smacked him in the tit.
"Like I said Keith; Somewhere very special" Lance replied.
Lance lead me to an elevator and we got inside.
"So my family stayed here when one of my cousins got married. It's gorgeous" Lance explained as he pressed the "8" button.
"You're insane! What made you want to take my needy ass to a fucking luxury hotel??" I hissed.
"Because you're special and I love you more than anyone or anything in the entire world" Lance sang and kissed my cheek.
"I love you too dumbass" I sighed.
When the elevator got to our floor we stepped out.
"Did they not give us a key?" I asked.
"This is the key" Lance said and held up the plastic.
"I've never been to a hotel before" I admitted.
"Really??" Lance asked.
I shook my head.
"Well I'll make sure your first time is amazing" He said.
We walked down a long fancy looking hallway until we found the room.
Lance stick the piece of plastic in a slit and a little button on top of the doorknob turned green.
Lance pulled it out and opened the door.
Inside was absolutely stunning.
The room was a nice size.
One big queen size bed on the left wall, A bathroom to our left, A closet to our right and further up was a seating area. Straight across from us on the far wall was even a balcony.
I set my bag down next to the door as Lance shut it, He set his down too.
"So?" I hummed and held the collar of Lance's shirt.
"Are you gonna tell me where we are?" I asked and unbuttoned the first button.
"Maybe" Lance provoked and held my waist.
"What's it gonna cost for you to tell me?" I asked.
"We're in L.A baby" Lance laughed.
"That's what I assumed" I replied.
Lance then ran his hands down my back and grabbed my ass.
"You're such a creep" I scoffed.
"Yeah but I'm your creep" He teased and licked my cheek.
"God!" I squeaked.
"Hey guess what?" He asked.
"What?" I sighed.
"You're ass is huge" Lance whispered.
"I hate you!" I whined and tried to push him away.
Lance just held me tighter and kissed my neck.
"C'mon baby, We're here to have a good time! Let me speak the truth" Lance said.
"How about you gush about something that isn't my fat ass for once?" I scoffed.
"Your thighs are thick" Lance smiled evilly.
I groaned.
"Let go of me so I can lay on the bed" I huffed.
Lance did and I flopped onto the bed on my back.
He once again took that as an invitation to do something he knows I wouldn't necessarily enjoy.
Lance laid on his stomach and rested his chin on my stomach.
He then lifted my shirt up a bit and kissed my skin.
"Tu gordita es tan linda" Lance purred.
"I don't know what you're saying sir" I sighed.
"Ese es el punto cariño" He giggled.
"Cariño means sweetheart! That I know!" I exclaimed.
"Buen chico" Lance said.
"That means good boy!" I chirped.
"Has estado captando" He laughed.
Lance pov
My head was resting on Keith's tummy and I was speaking Spanish to him to try and throw him off but he knows more than I thought.
"Estoy feliz de que no sepas lo que estoy diciendo ahora porque solo quiero decir lo suave que es tu barriga" I hummed and poked his stomach gently.
"What? Are you calling me fat in Spanish now?" He teased.
"No!" I exclaimed.
"¡Eres mi pequeño ángel gordito! y te amo mucho. Tu barriga es la mejor almohada y me golpeaste por decir esto en inglés" I sang.
"I understood angel and I love you. Nothing else" Keith said.
"I'm just talking about how cute you are" I beamed.
"You speaking Spanish is so fucking hot and I hope you know that" Keith sighed.
"Oh, Keith, ¿qué tan mal quiero meter tu trasero en estas sábanas ahora mismo? bastante jodidamente mal" I cooed flirtatiously and hoisted myself up and straddled Keith.
"I don't even know what you're saying but it's so hot I don't even care" Keith smiled.
Bien, porque tengo planes para nosotros esta noche. Tu culo es mio esta noche bebe" I purred and bit my lip seductively.
"God Lance the things you do to me" Keith groaned.
He then unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on my shirt.
I slid my hands up Keith's shirt and rubbed his soft sides.
"I love you" I purred and kissed him.
"I love you too" Keith giggled.
Within 10 minutes we were both down to just our underwear.
I was covering Keith's tummy in soft kisses.
Today I'm showing my love and appreciation to his little belly.
He was running his fingers through my hair.
Once I was sure I'd covered every inch of that tummy in kisses; I began kissing him again.
"God you have no idea what I plan on doing to you this weekend" I said when we briefly broke away.
"Why don't you give me a little taste?" Keith giggled.
He's so sexy. He's so adorable and sexy at the same time!
"I could do that" I hummed.
Keith wrapped his arms around my neck and I began leaving hickeys on his pretty pale skin.
Keith then wrapped his legs around my hips.
Suddenly there was a sharp knock at the door.
Keith pov
We both jolted up and Lance quickly called out a panicked "Just a second!"
He threw his jeans and MY shirt on.
I ran and flung myself into the bathroom.
I heard Lance open the door and I peaked out. a young man dressed sharply.
"I've got some extra towels for you" The man said cheerily.
Lance thanked him and told him to have a good night.
He shut the door after.
I came out and took the towels from him and set them on the bathroom counter.
I then plopped myself down on the bed and looked at Lance lovingly.
"You look cute in my clothes" I purred.
"Mm do I?" He hummed.
I nodded.
I put my arms around his tiny waist.
"You should wear them more often" I chuckled.
"Can it!" Lance hissed and covered my mouth with his hand.
I poked him in the side.
Later on we went out for dinner at a nearby diner.
The food was so good.
It was the longest I've ever stayed at a restaurant. Lance and I just talked and talked.
That night we had the best sex I've had in SO long.
We both lasted longer than usual. We're getting so good at syncing our climaxes.
Enjoying it while the view of L.A right next to us was absolutely incredible.
The next day we went walking around Hollywood and had lunch at a cat cafe!!
It was pricy but I didn't want to leave!
Lance had to rip a cat named Tinker away from me. He was this big fluffy Siamese cat.
Later that evening as we were sitting on a bench downtown drinking slurpees, Lance set his phone down and poked my arm.
I looked at him.
"Okay first of all; You look really cute right now. Second off; How do you feel about tattoos?" He asked.
"They're cool I guess? My parents have a few" I replied.
"How would you feel about getting matching ones? Right now, Tonight" He said.
I have him a confused look.
"I wouldn't mind one actually... I've been thinking of getting one" I said.
"Good!" Lance exclaimed and held both my hands.
"What would I even get?" I asked.
"I've got an idea..." He trailed off mischievously and gave me his little sexy smirk.
I raised my eyebrow at me.
30 minutes later I found myself sitting in the fucking chair of a tattoo parlour.
Lance refused to tell me what he had in mind.
All he said was "Just trust me, You will love it!"
I do trust him.
"This better not be your dumb face or something!" I hissed at him.
"They're gonna match, Why would I get my own face tattooed on myself?" He asked me.
"Because you can be egotistical" I said.
He shrugged.
The only thing he let me pick was the place. We both agreed on our firearms. Mine over the worst of my scars.
Lance loved the idea.
The tattoo artist was a guy maybe in his 30's. Bald with a reddish beard. Lots of piercings and two sleeves of tattoos.
He was very friendly.
He asked if we were cousins though...
"Uh no, We're a couple" Lance laughed nervously.
Yeah because the Latino and white boy are related.
He didn't judge my scars or bat an eye at them which was really nice.
They also allow walk-ins.
"Close your eyes Keithy" Lance sang happily.
"Okay" I sighed.
The chair is leather and quite comfy though.
Lance sat on a stool beside me.
I felt the artist who's name was Tony, Press something cool to my arm.
The stencil I'm assuming.
After a moment Lance told me to open them.
I looked down at my arm and couldn't tell what it was at first.
Then Tony brought a mirror over and held it near my arm so I could see better.
It was lineart of two hands with the pinkies interlocked and the words "You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be" Just below it.
I covered my mouth with my hand and looked at Lance.
"Lance!" I gasped.
"Like it?" He grinned.
I nodded furiously and stood up quickly and hugged him tightly.
Iris by the goo goo dolls is our song you could say.
On one of our first dates, I was listening to that song earlier in the day and Lance was too. Then it came on the radio and we both at the same time said "I was just listening to this" And it became our song.
"I love it" I said and kissed his neck.
"I knew you would!" He chirped.
"But the ink isn't even in you yet" He added and let go of me.
I sat back down and held his hand.
"You have a higher pain tolerance than me so you'll be okay" Lance assured me.
"Ready?" Tony asked.
"Yup" I said.
He set up some stuff and put on a different pair of gloves.
He got the tattoo gun and dipped it in a little pot of black ink.
"Take a big breath in okay. Keith right?" Tony asked.
I nodded.
"Take a big breath in Keith, You'll get used to it in a few minutes" He assured me.
He turned the gun on and the buzzing started.
He took hold of my arm and steadied it with his hand as it rested on the arm rest.
Lance held my hand.
"Alright this may hurt more than it would for most people. You've got some patches of scar tissue where the ink will be going. So just be prepared" Tony said.
I gulped and mumbled an okay.
He brought the gun down to my skin as I took a breath in.
I squeezed my eyes shut as the stinging began.
"Does it hurt?" Lance asked.
"Meh" I said.
Tony was right, I did get used to it within 5 minutes.
I watched him carefully the whole time. So did Lance.
He wiped my arm every so often with paper towel to get rid of excess ink.
In 15 minutes he was done.
He let me see it in the mirror again.
"It looks so good!" I exclaimed.
Tony then cleaned it and wrapped it up in some kind of plastic wrap stuff.
Then it was Lance's turn.
Tony switched out the needles and ink.
Lance and I switched spots and I held his hand.
"It's not that bad" I said.
"Okay, I trust you babe..." He said nervously.
Tony got Lance's identical stencil on his arm.
"You ready?" Tony asked.
Lance nodded.
"Deep breath in like Keith" He instructed.
Lance squeezed his eyes shut as the gun began buzzing again.
He took a breath in and squeezed my hand.
The gun touched his skin and he whimpered and gripped my hand.
"Fuck, Ow! Keith you're a liar!!" Lance exclaimed and tore his eyes open.
"You're just a pussy" I teased and pinched his cheek.
"Am not!" Lance barked.
"I've just got a higher pain tolerance than you" I said.
Lance huffed.
He squeezed his eyes shut but did get used to it after a while.
He was gripping my hand like he was in labour!
"Lance, You're getting a tattoo. Not having a baby" I laughed.
"Shut up!" He yelped.
Lance was done faster than me.
Tony did the same clean and wrap up process for Lance.
I then held my arm next to Lance's to compare them.
"They look amazing man, Thank you" Lance said to Tony.
"You're welcome" Tony chuckled.
Lance paid on his credit card but refused to tell me how much it was.
Little shit.
We got back to the hotel and we both flopped onto our bed.
"Did you have this planned?" I asked him.
"Maybe" Lance sang and sat next to me.
"I can't believe I just got a fucking tattoo!" I squeaked.
"We both did" He chuckled.
I took his arm and looked at his.
"Yours looks so pretty with your skin tone" I said and kissed just above the wrap.
"Thank you kindly" Lance giggled.
"I love you, I love you so much" I said and rested my head in his lap.
"I love you too, So much" He replied and rested his hand on my ribs.
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