
Exist: have objective reality or being

Keith pov

I finished my last exams and just like that I was done high school.
Well myself, Lance, Hunk and Matt were all done anyway. Poor Pidge, She's still got a few more years left to go.

Summer vacation began and so far it's been going well.

The fourth of July came and went. I went to Lance's the second year in a row.
His grandparents had come up and I finally got to meet them.
Of course I was worried about their reaction to me. When Lance came out to them over the phone he never told me what he said to them.
I don't know barely anything about them. Are they traditional? Are they racist?
Lance, A stunning handsome gorgeous Cuban boy dating me; Nervous angry white boy.
I know some families don't like their children/grandchildren dating other races. I didn't know if that was the case for them.

I was so anxious to meet them.
They had been there for a day before I showed up.
I was planning on staying there for a week.
I was so scared that I had to have Lance come out and get me from when I parked in the driveway.
He carried my suitcase in like the gentleman he is.
"Thank you" I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.
He was wearing a tank top with sharks on it paired with cargo shorts. He looked absolutely adorable.
Lance took my hand and tried to lead me into the living room. But my nerves got the best of me.
I paused and nearly cowered in fear.
"What's the matter?" Lance asked me.
"What if they don't like me?" I squeaked.
"They will love you. Trust me" Lance cooed and rubbed my back. Rubbed my back.
"But what if they don't? What if they think you can do better than me? What if I'm not up to their standards? You're so handsome and gorgeous and I'm just...well me. I bet they want you to be with some Latino girl with long hair and big boobs" I sighed.
"Keithy baby, Don't worry. They will love you. They don't care if I'm not with a girl at this point. They don't have standards. Have you seen Alastair?? He's a scary dude but they just met him today and didn't bat an eye. My Abuelo loved his tattoos. I know that my Abuela will love your soft little baby face. She loves kids and you're cute little face resembles one. Your round little cheeks and cute nose. She'll love you!" Lance exclaimed.
He held both of my hands and gave me a kiss.
"But I'm white. Are they old fashion and want you to be with someone of your own race?" I croaked.
"Jeez Keith. Did my parents care? No. Alastair is white and they didn't care. Will my grandparents care? No. Stop worrying honey. Everything is going to be okay" Lance comforted me.
"Also you do know my mother is going to stuff you silly right? She'll make you try every food she's cooked" He added.
I chuckled at that.
"It's gonna be okay sweetheart" Lance said and kissed my cheek.
I gave him a small smile.
"Okay" I nodded.
He let go of one hand and lead me into the living room.
Mariana and Anthony were in the kitchen. I saw Candice and Felix sat up to the table colouring and Kaleb sitting on his phone next to them.
Then there was the living room. Jana and Alastair were sat on a loveseat together and across from them were Lance's grandparents.
His grandmother had a soft warm old face with a few wrinkles but looked happy and ripe with age. Her graying hair was tied into a tight bun like Mariana's usually is. His grandfather was a thin man just like his wife. Almost fully bald and a patchy scruffy grey beard.
They were both dressed nicely but casually.
"Abuela, Abuelo. There's someone very special I would like you both to meet" Lance began.
He put an arm around my waist.
The elderly couple turned their heads to look at us.
"This is Keith, My boyfriend" Lance announced.
I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Y solo inglés, por favor, Keith no habla ningún otro idioma" He then said to them.
No idea what that means.
"I just said to only speak English for you" Lance said.
"It's an honour to meet you both" I said with my best "I'm so fucking nervous but trying to act like I'm not" smile.
"We're not royalty Keith, The honour is just as much ours" Lance's grandmother grinned and they both stood up.
She had a thick Spanish accent.
"Welcome to the family" Lance's grandfather said warmly and shook my clammy hand. His accent was just as thick.
"Thank you" I replied.
"Oh Lance he's so adorable!" Lance's grandmother gushed and came right up to me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"I've heard so, so much about you from Lance. You're just as handsome as he said" His grandmother chirped.
I blushed again.
"He's so small, Just like a little baby" She added and cupped my cheek with a hand.
She's about the same height as me but I guess height runs in the family. Lance's grandfather is the same height as him, so 6'1.
"So precious, So incredibly precious" She continued and looked at me fondly.
"Right? He's just the cutest little thing" Lance chimed in and pinched my ear.
"Oh Mariana he's so cute" She gushed.
"Keith's a cutie pie indeed" Mariana agreed.
She then let go of me and folded her hands in front of her hips.
"A striking young man" Lance's grandfather agreed.
My face was probably tomato red from all the compliments.
"I'm so happy to meet you, I've been waiting all day" Lance's grandma said.
I chuckled.
"See babe? I told you that you had nothing to worry about" Lance mewled and put his arm back around my waist.
"I've got lots for you to try here Keith" Mariana called.
I giggled.
"My two oldest grandchildren have fine taste in in men" Lance's grandmother smiled.
I looked over at Alastair and Jana. He gave me a wink.
Lance then led me to the kitchen and sat me down at their island.
"Hi Keith" Anthony greeted.
"Hi" I chuckled.
Lance put both his arms around my ribs and hugged me.
This made me feel so secure and happy.
"I hope you came on an empty stomach, I've been cooking all day and Lance and Kaleb have tried everything. The girls and Felix don't want anything" Mariana said.
"I just had breakfast today so I could eat" I said.
"Keith can eat a lot so you shouldn't worry" Lance teased.
I elbowed him roughly in the shoulder.
"Don't!" I growled.
"Grab him a garlic knot will you dear?" Mariana asked Anthony. He nodded.
"Ugh garlic knots are my favourite. I've already had like 10 today. You have to try them Keith, They're so good!" Lance moaned dreamily and sat up properly.
Anthony set a plate with a little pastry looking thing on it in front of me.
"We've got about 2 dozen so if you want more we have no shortage" Anthony said to me.
I nodded.
"I get to feed you. You're my little baby after all" Lance teased.
I rolled my eyes.
Lance picked it up and let me take a bite.
It was so warm and soft.
The garlic flavour was prominent but not potent.
It was delicious.
"Mmm" I hummed happily.
"Good right?" Lance asked.
I nodded, mouth full.
Lance fed me the rest of it.

In under an hour I had tried every single thing Mariana and Anthony had cooked. I could tell which things were cooked by who. Anthony adds lots of salt to his cooking.
I nearly felt sick.
I was just listening in on everyone's big conversation and piping up occasionally.
Mariana put scoops and scoops of food onto my plate and Lance would mindlessly feed me.
I'm not gonna say that a hated it though.
I couldn't even pronounce the names of the foods after Lance said then.
One of the best was called Ropa vieja and it was shredded beef with veggies.
There was chicken stew, Something called
Elena Ruz which was just cream cheese, jam and turkey on some yummy bread. There was chicken with rice which was called Arroz con pollo, Frita which was ground beef patty on more bread with potatoes, Tamales, Mojo sauce, pastelitos and so many other things.
After I got full I didn't want to say no, Mariana was so proud of her cooking and wanted my input on each thing. Every single thing was so delicious.
Once Lance had fed me the last bite of something that I didn't care what it was called, I rested my head on his lap.
"I'm so full" I whined softly.
"That's what happens when you come here for a family meal. My parents won't ever let you walk away with an empty stomach" Lance giggled and patted my shoulder.
"Do you want to try a bit off a puff pastry?" My mother offered.
Keith groaned.
"Mamá, su pobre barriga va a explotar si lo alimentas más" Lance chuckled.
"Oh esta bien" She replied.
I know that means oh alright.
"Lance No puede decirme que no hable español, vaya y hágalo usted mismo!" Lance's grandmother then shouted at him. This caused me to jump a bit which made my stomach hurt.
"Bien, bien, solo no grites por favor. Eso pone nervioso a Keith" Lance said.
I perked up at my name.
"I just said not to shout around you" Lance said to me and patted my back.
I then heard footsteps and Lance's grandmother came and sat next to him.
She then began talking to both him, Mariana and Anthony is Spanish a million miles an hour.
Glancing over at me every few seconds and point.
So much for no Spanish.

Lance pov

"Mariana claramente lo alimentaste demasiado. El pobre chico" My Abuela said and motioned to Keith.
I was rubbing Keith's side as I assumed he must have a bellyache at this point.
"Él está bien mamá" My mother sighed.
"¿Está bien, Lance?" My Abuela asked me.
I nodded.
I moved my chair back and then closer to Keith so he could get comfy with his head on my lap.
"Él se ve como un bebé. Aunque es un poco cerdo" My Abuela laughed light-heartedly.
I squeaked but then realized Keith can't understand us.
"¡No digas eso!" My mother barked at her.
Keith lifted his little head to look at me.
"It's okay baby, Don't worry" I cooed.
He looked up at me with his big beautiful eyes.
I put his head back down.
"Can we go up to your room so I can change?" Keith asked me softly.
I nodded.
He sat up and I hopped off my stool and took his hand.
"We're just going to go change" I said to my mother.
We went upstairs and about halfway up Keith clutched his stomach and groaned.
"What's the matter?" I asked him.
"What do you think? I just ate like 10 pounds of food and am going up a flight of stairs!" He whined.
"Awe baby" I cooed. I put my arm around his belly and helped him up the rest of the way.
When we got to my room I shut the door and he flopped onto his back on my bed.
He groaned again.
"I'm gonna explode" He whined.
"Awe" I cooed again and sat next to him.
He unbuttoned the button on his shorts and sighed a sigh of relief.
He slowly stood up and took them off.
I noticed the red marks from where they were just digging into his soft, plush skin.
He dug around in his bag and found another pair of shorts, These ones were black.
He slipped them on and laid back down.
"My stomach hurts" He squeaked and put a hand on his middle.
I chuckled lightly then sat with my back pressed to my headboard.
I let him sit in between my legs.
"Can I rub your tummy?" I asked him softly.
"Mm I guess so" He mumbled.
He moved his arms so I could snake mine under.
I lifted a bit of his shirt up.
Keith let out a breath.
His poor tummy looked like a balloon. My poor angel.
It was so swollen and round.
I carefully put my hands to it and began to rub soft circles into his skin.
"This is weird, I don't know if I like this..." I trailed off.
"Shhh just let it happen" I said and kissed his neck.
Just to tease him I nipped his sweet spot which caused him to moan uncontrollably.
"Lance!" He squeaked.
I laughed mischievously.
"I wanna day such bad things about my body right now but I know you'll kill it with kindness so I'm just gonna be quiet" He huffed.
"Good boy" I giggled and kissed his cheek.
"I look like I'm pregnant" Keith sighed and poked his stomach.
"Yeah but you're cute" I giggled and nibbled his ear lobe.
"So you are admitting I do look pregnant?!" Keith squeaked.
"Yeah a bit but you're so cute" I teased and patted his tummy.
Keith grumbled.
A loud rumble came from his stomach and he whined.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek then neck.
He completing rested his weight into my arms and I snuggled up to him.
I continued to rub his tummy.
"You better get used to this if you're gonna be coming to family dinners. My mother loves to feed people. You usually come when we have just normal meals. These are the real Mcclain family dinners" I explained.
Keith chuckled.
"Keep rubbing. I'm hurting" He mumbled.
I laughed and continued to rub.

In a matter of 20 minutes Keith had fallen fast asleep in my lap.
I pulled his shirt down and decided to play with his hair as he slept.
His soft delicate breathing made me feel at ease.
He must've been tired, Poor thing.

I plan on spoiling Keith rotten this summer.
Little does he know I've got so much planned.
I've got a campsite reserved for the end of July. I know Keith didn't like camping but I want to give him another try. Just us two.
I've got the idea to spend the weekend in Los Angels in a hotel just for a little treat too.
Keith's has such a rough year, He deserves to have a little fun and be spoiled. He has no idea.

Keith slept for about 30 minutes before he woke up suddenly.
"Did I fall asleep?" He squeaked.
"Yes" I chuckled.
"Ack jeez I'm sorry!" Keith exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh Keith it's okay! You know I don't care. Plus you're so cute when you sleep" I giggled.
"My legs are asleep though" I added.
Keith patted my knee.
"I just didn't sleep well last night" He hummed and ran a hand through his hair.
"It's okay. Don't worry" I said and gave him a kiss on his temple.
He smiled.
"How's your tummy feeling?" I asked.
"Way better. I'm hungry again" He chuckled.
"Good. You've tasted everything so you know what you like. If you're starting to feel sick or your too full you can stop. You don't have to keep eating. My moms got a habit of filling up everyone's plates weather they're hungry or not. You just tell her to stop if you're full" I explained.
Keith nodded.

Soon we were all sitting around our big table. My mother and father were sat at each head. Keith and I next to each other on the side closest to the backyard. Jana and Alastair were next to me. Then my grandparents, Felix and Candice were across the table from us.
We had all just sat down with our plates full.
Keith was still a bit nervous so I held his shaky hand from under the table.
My grandparents really liked Alastair.
I'm surprised about that though.
I of course knew my Abuela would love Keith.
He's adorable, short, chubby and has a baby face.
My Abuela collects dolls. She has ever since my Mamá was little.
She's got an impressive collection. I've only been to their house a handful of times in my life. Dolls don't creep me out or anything but I appreciate them.
She collects kinds of dolls from tiny porcelain ones to large realistic looking ones. She prefers doll dolls rather than baby dolls but she's got a soft spot for babies like most grandmothers do.
All of us were all small babies and really skinny kids. Everyone in our family, both sides are all naturally skinny and fit people.
None of us except for Felix had chubby baby cheeks. He's still got em which is maybe why my Abuela has a soft spot for him. Jana, Kareb, Candice and I all never had typical baby faces.

I assume Keith's baby like looks is a big reason why she likes him.
If she would of met him a year ago she may of not liked him as much. Now that he's heavier than he was and has changed lots physically, My Abuela loves him.

"So Keith. Are you older than Lance?" My Abuela asked him.
Keith looked shocked all of a sudden and quickly gulped down his bite of food.
"No I'm not, I'm only 2 months younger. I was born in October" Keith replied.
"Of course he's younger, Look at him. He's a baby" I giggled.
"Hey! By only two months!" Keith protested.
"How many times are you going to call me a baby today?" Keith teased and nudged my knee with his.
"As many times as I want" I giggled.
"So you're both done school now then huh?" My Abuelo hummed.
"Yup!" I chirped and Keith nodded.
"I'm so proud of you both" My mother beamed.
Keith gave her a smile.

Both of my grandparents kept asking Keith question after question. I'm surprised he even got to eat!
He ate 3 full plates of food which I was impressed with.
Christine and Dane don't cook quite as extreme like my family does so I'm happy Keith gets to have a good big meal.
He looked so happy. A big soft, close mouthed smile on his plump face.
My mother cleared our dishes and Keith leaned against me.
"Happy?" I chuckled and put my arm around his waist.
"Mhm" He hummed.
"My tummy feels so good" He giggled.
"Good" I replied and kissed his temple.
I had two plates of food and was totally stuffed.
"You ate so much, Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine Lance" Keith replied.
"Since Keith staying here for a week I'm certain we won't have any leftovers by the time he leaves" My mother chuckled.
Keith blushed uncontrollably.
He's so cute when he's all embarrassed.
"Ma, Don't tease him" I laughed and pulled Keith closer.
"I'm not teasing him. I'm just happy someone here eats. All of you eat like baby birds" My mother laughed.
Keith chuckled lightly.
"Keith never gets good home cooked meals like this. He's happy" I chimed.
I gave his tummy a pat.
He turned red again.
"Do your parents not cook?" Jana asked.
"No they do, Just not hearty stuff like this. I'd call this all soul food!" Keith giggled.
"All of these damn kids never eat enough, That's why they're all so scrawny" Alastair joked.
Felix and Candice were in the living room playing now so he wasn't worried about cussing.
Alastair is fit, A really slim and trim guy. But he's not all lanky like us.
"We do eat! Just not a lot" Kaleb protested.
He had a garlic knot in his mouth.
Keith shifted awkwardly in his seat and moved my hand up to rest on his ribs.

Keith pov

I'm happy about how amazing Mrs. McClain's cooking is. I've tasted her food but never like this.
All the weight and size talk was making me feel uncomfortable.
I'm the biggest person here.
Out of every single person; Lance, Jana, Kaleb, Felix, Candice, Alastair, Lance's grandparents, Anthony and Mariana in the heaviest.
I swear everything links into my weight problem now a-days.
Everyone here is the same size. Except for Alastair as he's pretty muscular.
I just felt awkward.
I'm the elephant in the room literally and metaphorically.
I actually chuckled at that, It's pretty funny.
I feel loved here and that's all that matters. I am loved and accepted here.
It's not like I don't feel that way at home, Just these people are so different from my family. Much more warm hearted.
With my pudgy belly full of food I leaned against Lance as he chatted more.
"We eat, Just not a lot" Kaleb said with a mouthful.
"Looks like I'm the elephant in the room" I chuckled lightly to Lance.
"Oh you stop that" Lance scolded and poked my gut.
I giggled.
I guess Alastair and I are the elephants in the room.
Both being Caucasian and having different body types than the McClain's.
Lance and I then decided to go into the living room.
I then noticed how cold his hands were when I held his.
"Jeez your hands are cold" I piped up when we sat on the love seat.
"Are they?" He asked and held his left hand to his face.
I nodded.
"I am kinda cold" He added.
"It's July, How are you cold?!" I exclaimed.
"I don't know Keith" He sighed dramatically.
"I've got the food sweats so I'm like overheating" I said.
"You're so warm!" He chirped and held onto my arm with his freezing cold hands and nuzzled his head into my neck.
"Keith?" Candice then asked.
She looked over at him from the toy she was playing with.
"Hm?" Keith replied.
"When is Meenah gonna come over to play?" She asked me.
I chuckled.
"She'll come over some time this summer, I promise" I replied.
She gave me a big smile, Thanked me then returned to playing with Felix.
"Can I come over and play sometime?" Lance asked.
I scoffed and nudged him.
"Hey!" He squeaked.
I smirked and nudged him again.
"Stop it!" He whined.
I nudged him harder.
"Stop it Keith! I'll tickle you if you don't stop!" Lance threatened.
He knows I'm really ticklish.
I gave him one more gentle nudge in the ribs before he yelled: "That's it!" then tried to grab me.
I sprang up and bolted towards the stairs.
Lance quickly scrambled up and grabbed me just before my foot hit the first step.
I squealed as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.
He squeezed me tightly and I wriggled and squirmed.
"Let go!" I yelped.
"Oh no way, You brought this on yourself you little brat!" Lance barked.
I know there's no way I can get free, Lance is just too strong.
He put me on my back on the couch and I looked up at him, Pleading him to not go through with this.
He then gave me the most intentional bratty look I've ever seen and then began to tickle me.
I squealed loudly.
I flailed around but Lance pinned my arms above my head.
My stomach then began to cramp.
"Lance stop! I'm getting a tummy ache" I whined.
"Okay okay" He huffed.
"Ow" I groaned and rubbed my stomach.
"Take me upstairs please" I then said.
"As you wish princess" Lance giggled.
"I'm gonna take Mr high maintenance upstairs to lie down for a bit" Lance announced to his family and scooped me up in his arms.
"You're heavy" He grunted jokingly.
"Don't remind me" I sighed.
"I'm kidding babe, You're like a paperweight. But hey, I'm pretty jacked you know" Lance boasted and winked at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know how you can pick me up when I weigh more than you. That's really impressive" I smirked.
"Thanks babe, I guess all my lifting has been paying off" Lance beamed.
He just called me babe twice in under a minute, I love him.
Lance then brought me upstairs.
He set me down gently on his bed.
I laid on my back and Lance sat next to me.
I let out a sharp breath.
My stomach gurgled loudly and I sighed.
Lance then hovered over me and gave me a smile.
I reached out and put my hand on his cheek.
"Your skin is so gorgeous and soft" I said.
"Thank you! I've been using a new moisturizer and hoped you'd notice!" He chirped.
I giggled.
"How's your tummy?" Lance asked.
"Hurts" I mumbled.
Lance rubbed my side gently.
"I feel so heavy, I can't even move" I grunted.
"That's what you get when you come for dinner here" He laughed.
That's what I get when I eat 3 huge pieces of pie and some tarts.
Lance then stacked a few pillows up by his headboard and helped me move over so I could prop my torso up.
"Ow" I whined softly as a sharp stomach cramp came.
Lance came over and sat on my thighs.
He put his hands on my waist and rubbed his thumb on the side of my stomach.
I rested all my weight on the pillows and Lance gently set both his hands on my stomach.
I just wanted to melt into the bed, I felt so heavy.

Lance rubbed my stomach for a bit until my legs fell asleep.
He got up off me and then we got called down for dessert.
I ate way too much again.
I got to chat with Lance's grandparents again as we ate.
I ate my dumb little heart out.
I almost went into a food coma.

Lance and I both slumped upstairs, Both of us so damn full.

"I'm gonna explode for the second time in a day" I whined and rubbed my stomach.
"Don't eat that much then! You really didn't have to eat every single thing my mother gave you!" Lance teased and squished my cheeks.
"Shut up! You ate a bunch too!" I hissed and batted at him.
"I was subtly trying to beat you but you can eat a lot" He laughed.
"I know" I giggled and put my hands on my belly.
I should just accept my fate as being known as the guy who can eat a lot.
"C'mere baby" Lance said and pulled me closer to him.
He sat on his knees and I laid on my back and put my head in his lap.
He squished my cheeks again.
I poked him in the chest.

Then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Lance called.
It was his mom.
She cracked the door open and stuck her head in.
"I know you boys just came upstairs but do you want some hot chocolate?" She asked.
"Sure!" Lance chirped.
"Poor Keith" She laughed and looked at me sympathetically.
"His tummy hurts" Lance said in a baby voice and softly drummed on my stomach with his hands.
"Sit up so I can carry you back down" Lance said and patted my shoulder.
"Gosh Lance you baby that boy" Mariana laughed.
"I do not!" Lance barked.
"You baby him Lance" She said in a singsong voice.
"He's a man. You're both big boys now. I'm sure Keith can come downstairs by himself" She teased and put a hand on her hip.
"He's pregnant, He can't overwork himself!" Lance cackled.
"Stop!" I squeaked and smacked his chest.
He then got up and I sluggishly sat up.
"I'll carry you like a Koala!" Lance beamed.
"Fine" I scoffed.
I held my arms out and Lance scooped me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips.
I put my head against his chest.
Lance smells really nice.
I held onto him as we made our way downstairs.
Mariana chuckled when she saw us.
Lance set me down.
"Come sit down honeys" Lance's grandmother said from the table.
Lance put a hand around my waist and we went and sat down where we did at dinner.
I rested my head on Lance's shoulder. He rubbed my side.
Anthony then set 2 mugs of hot chocolate in front of me and him.
"Thank you" I smiled at him.
"How's your tummy" Lance asked.
"I still feel like I can't move" I mumbled.
"Awe honey" Lance pouted and pulled me closer and rested his arm around me.
I nuzzled my cheek right up against him.
"I'd like to thank you again for dinner, It was really really good" I said slightly bashfully to Mariana.
"You're welcome Keith" She chuckled.
I then unintentionally made eye contact with Lance's grandmother and was expecting it to be awkward but she just smiled softly and fondly at me which made me feel warm.

The next few days came and went, The Fourth of July came and went.
It was such a magical day.
I was starting to get a bit homesick but just shrugged it off.
That day Lance put flag tattoos on his and cheeks. And he made me put on a stupid "Americans do it better" tank top which was rather tight on me.
I didn't like that it was white and you could see the giant crater where my belly button used to be through it.
I wore it just for him.
Anthony set off fireworks late that night. Lance and I sprawled out on the back lawn on a quilt with some pillows.
It was so magical and beautiful.

The next week was filled with lots of atv rides, Water gun fights, Late night adventures, Baking, Blanket forts and colouring.
I just feel so at home with Lance's family.
I'm still so scared of atv's but somehow Lance dared me into driving it about 10 feet.
Lance, Kaleb, Felix, Candice, Alastair and I all had a huge water gun fight.
Jana refused to join but watched as her boyfriend totally destroyed us!
That guy is skilled with a water gun!

I got close with Lance's grandmother.
She told me stories all about her life growing up in Cuba and meeting Lance's grandfather.
It was so fascinating!
Right in the middle of a story about how she rescued some stray dogs Lance thought it was a good idea to tickle me.
I elbowed him right in the gut and his grandmother frankly thought that was hilarious.
He laid off the tickling and just sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach and pressed his cheek to my back.

I swear I left that house 5 pounds heavier.
During that week I ate the most food I ever have in my life.
Cuban home cooked food truly is wonderful.
Just thinking back now I'd kill someone for a garlic knot.

The day Lance's grandparents left I almost got emotional.
We all said our goodbyes and I got an extra long one from his grandmother.
"I will see you again soon Keith okay? The next time we come up to visit you better be here" She smiled and cupped my face.

I've never felt more at home than I do with Lance and his family.
I of course was so happy to be back with my family though.
Everyone was overjoyed to see me and we went out for dinner that same night.

When Lance's birthday came I spoiled him absolutely rotten.
I took out the rest of my bank account savings to splurge on gifts for him.
-The first thing was a Starbucks gift card.
-A bi pride bumper sticker for his car.
-A huge shark stuffie that's at least a metre long.
-Royal blue boxer briefs that say "It's Leo season" on the ass
-Lots of developed pictures of us for him to hang up on his room.
-A mini projector that casts a map of the constellations onto the ceiling
-Carrot cake cupcakes
-And the most expensive which was a bluetooth speaker as his is totally trashed.

He was having a family birthday party of course.
I was invited by Jana actually.
I stayed the night.
We all had a big huge celebration.
I gave Lance all his gifts and he hugged me for nearly 10 minutes.
He got a new phone from his parents which was pretty cool.
His old one has had the screen cracked since I met him.
I helped Mariana make a big plate of garlic knots as a treat.
This as well as ice cream cake I had to miss out on.

That night when Lance and I were cuddling in his bed, We had our fingers laced together and I spoke up.
"19 huh?" I hummed and kissed his knuckles.
"Yeah. I guess so" Lance replied.
"You're all grown up" I smiled and nuzzled my head to his warm chest.
"We're both grown up" He laughed.
"I love you birthday boy" I giggled and gave his jaw a kiss.
"Awe, I love you too little angel" Lance replied and rubbed my side.

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