
anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Keith pov

Lance and I really didn't study.
Not at all.
We took a nap and cuddled for a few hours.
I felt so safe and warm in his arms.
I like the feeling of being so small.

I gave him a ride home around the time school was supposed to end.

When I got back to my house everyone would be back soon.
I brought my books up to my room and opened them up on my bed.
I began to write a few notes down.
I could still feel Lance's lips against mine, And his hands on my waist.
I turned my lamp on to give myself some light.
Soon Christine, Dane and the kids got home.
I could hear Meenah and Cole running around.
I heard footsteps come upstairs and then a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said.
It was Christine.
"Hey" She said with a smile.
"Hey" I replied.
"How did your exam go?" She asked and entered my room and sat on the edge of me bed.
"It went okay, I'm hoping I did okay" I replied.
"Jeez it's dark in here. Can I open your blinds?" She asked.
I nodded.
She went to the other side of my bed and pulled my blinds open.
"There" She said.
Then her eyes fell to the forgotten bright purple wrapper on my bedside table.
She looked at it closer then picked it up.
I panicked and grabbed it from her fingers.
She gave me a concerned look.
"I'm an adult Christine..." I said firmly.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know if you two should be here alone if that's what you're going to do instead of studying..." She said and crossed her arms.
"Mom, We're 18. We're both adults. We did study. I'm sorry but this isn't any of your business" I said and gave her a stern look.
She gave me "okay okay" hands and went back across my room.
"I don't care what you do Keith. As long as you're studying. I didn't even know what that exactly was until you spoke up" Christine hummed.
I nodded.
"I can have sex at my own free will, Lance can have sex at his own free will-"
She then cut me off.
"Okay Keith too much information honey. You do you. As long as you study" She said and patted my shoulder.
"I'll let you get back to work" She laughed and shut my door on her way out.

Lance pov

"Mamá, We don't need to have a big celebration. Keith is just coming to stay here for a few days. It's not that big of a deal" I sighed as I stabbed at my broccoli.
"It is a big deal. It's celebrating for both of you, Your graduation and the Fourth of July. And just the fact that Keith hasn't been over in so long!" My mother exclaimed.
"I know you and Jana are planning on making special foods for Keith but I'm sorry to break it to you guys but he probably won't eat too much. He's on a diet that he's so strict about following" I sighed.
Everyone was sat around the dining room table.
Candice and Felix kicking at each other from under the table, Kaleb looking bored and annoyed and my parents and Jana looking at me.
"Knowing him he'll feel bad if you guys make him stuff and make himself eat it. I'm sure you two don't want him to do that..." I trailed off.
"No, I wouldn't want that" Jana agreed.
"We don't make anything too unhealthy as a rule" Our mother put in.
"I can ask him when his cheat days are. Maybe we'll be safe for a night or two" I said.
"I'd appreciate that" My mother hummed.
I nodded.
"What does the boy eat?" Our father spoke up.
"I haven't really asked him but from what I've seen it's a lot of vegetables" I replied.
"At school at he'd bring was salads and stuff like freeze dried apples or banana chips. Just gross healthy stuff" I added.
"He can't snack on anything that's not vegetables. He says he hasn't had fast food in weeks and he said no sugar and nothing but whole grain bread" I said.
"That must be tough" Kaleb spoke up.
"I feel bad for him. He hates vegetables. But hey, It's what's making him better himself to his own standards" I shrugged.
"There's nothing wrong with eating healthy. We do it fairly well" Our father said.
"Keith wasn't even that fat. I don't get it. Sure he was a bit chubby but nothing that needs to make him diet like that" Kaleb admitted and rested his chin on his hand.
He's actually right.
"It was his doctors orders" I said.
"Well, You ask him when his cheat days are. We'll work with that" My mother said.
I nodded again.
"He's so young. He shouldn't be dieting like that. He's just a boy" Our father said.
"Tell me about it" I scoffed.
"But according to his doctor he was pretty overweight and with the way he was steadily gaining weight they suggested that if he didn't start eating better he'd get really heavy" I sighed.
My poor baby.
"Poor guy" Jana said.
"I know" I mumbled.
"He didn't deserve any of what happened to him" Our mother sighed.
"I know" I repeated.
"He's got such a life ahead of him. You do too Lance. I know you treat him well. You keep up the good work. He really, really loves you, I can see that" Jana said and put her hand on my arm.
"Thanks Jan" I said and smiled weakly.
"You're a good boyfriend to him. He deserves the best and that's what you're giving to him" Our mother chirped.
"I'm pretty great aren't I?" I chuckled.
Everyone else laughed lightly.

Later in the evening I started cleaning up my room. Keith hates it when my room is messy. I'm doing it just for him.
I brought out the fluffy blue blanket he likes and put it on my bed.
It took a while to get everything tidied up.
It was hot in my room so I had my shirt off and sweats on.
I sent a picture of myself to Keith.

Keith💘: I get it, You're hot
Me: You're the hot one
Keith💘: I'm hot right now. Got 2 fans going sis
Me: You have ac shut up! Us country folk don't have that technology
Keith💘: They turned it off. They don't leave it on past 9 pm
Me: Still
Keith💘: Still what?
Me: Don't get grouchy with me over text you little shit
Keith💘: I'll be as grouchy as I want too. I threw up my kale salad about an hour ago. I'm not a happy camper
Me: Awe baby are you okay?
Keith💘: Kale is gross
Me: Note taken
Me: Eat your veggies princess, They're good for you uwu
Keith💘: Don't uwu me!
Me: uwu
Keith💘: Eat my ass!
Me: Hang onto your wig I'm comin over!
Keith💘: I hate you
Me: Okay but are you okay? Did you take some pepto bismol or something?
Keith💘: Yeah I did. But my tummy hurts really bad
Me: I'll come over to eat your ass and rub your tummy. Two in one!
Keith💘: I'm going to bed. Stay home and eat your own ass Lance
Me: Lub you ;)
Keith💘: Goodnight
Me: I hope you wear something tight tomorrow. I'll get my fork and knife ready because I'm in the mood for a juicy thigh dinner!
Keith💘: I hate you
Me: I loooovvee yooouuuuu baby
Me: You're my sun, my moon, my stars
Keith💘: Save it Shakespeare
Me: Okay okay
Keith💘: Goodnight baby boy, I love you
Me: I love you too angel
Keith💘: 💕
Me: ❤️💗💛❣💖💚💕💘💞💝💜💓

Keith and his cat memes never fail to make me laugh.
I'll get him a cat one day. I know how much he loves them.
When we move in together I'll buy him a cat.
I can just dream about all the possibilities and stuff that could happen when we move in together. But that wont be for a while, Keith just moved here a year ago and is finally used to his new house. I don't want to disrupt that.

Keith pov

I went to bed soon after texting Lance.
I'm going to see my new therapist soon. I hope she can give me some advice or methods to stop my stress eating. I can't have this continuing.
But I've lost 2 pounds since the last time I weighed myself.
That's good! I'm proud of myself.

The next day, The exam went well. It went by quick and painlessly.
Jana was picking Lance up so they could go to a yoga class.
Lance offered for me to come but I said no.

"This last time I came you guys made fun of me! I'd feel too out of place surrounded by skinny teenage girls anyway" I told him.
"I love you. We were just teasing you about your butt Keithy. Don't worry" Lance chuckled and gave me a hug.
"All those girls wish they had an ass like yours" He smirked.
"That's probably true" I hummed.
"Oh good news!" I then exclaimed.
"Hm?" Lance hummed.
"I've lost 2 more pounds!" I squealed happily.
"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Lance beamed and held both my hands.
"I'm proud too" I said.
Lance smiled then pulled me into a hug again, Holding my head to his chest.
"I get to go see a new therapist soon. Let's hope she can give me some tips on how to stop stress eating" I explained.
"That's good. I hope she's a decent one. I hope it helps you. It should as that's the point" Lance said.
"Oh...I also forgot to mention this but I'm waiting on a diagnosis right now" I mumbled.
Lance paused then released me from the embrace and cupped my face.
"Are you okay baby??" He squeaked nervously.
I frowned.
"My doctor and a psychologist think I might have bipolar disorder..." I trailed off.
"Awe Keith" Lance said and pulled me into a hug.
"Come here" He said and we went into a nearby stairwell.
He hugged me again and rubbed my back.
"I have so much wrong with me. I just want to be normal. I've got diagnosed depression, Insomnia, OCD, Previously anorexia and now whatever the hell made me gain so much weight!" I cried out.
I began to cry, Tears stung my eyes.
I wrapped my arms around Lance's ribs and hugged him like a big teddy bear.
"You're going to be okay. Whatever happens I promise it's going to turn out fine eventually. Even if you do have it, You'll be able to get on medication. You're juggling a lot right now but I know you can get through this kitten" Lance explained.
I muzzled my cheek to his collar bone.
"I'll be here to support you. Christine, Dane, Meenah and Cole. Plus all of my family and Hunk and Pidge. You are a strong man. You'll be fine, I promise" Lance cooed and kissed temple.
"I love you" I sobbed softly.
"I love you too Keith" Lance said.
"You can do this okay kitten? You are an incredibly strong man. You'll be all okay" He added.
"You just called me kitten twice" I giggled and sniffled.
"You are my kitten. My tiny, grouchy little kitten" Lance teased.
"God that's really cringe worthy...but I'll accept it" I hummed.
"Okay I gotta go baby, Jana should be here soon. Don't stress too much over studying, keep calm and don't reach for the fridge to help" Lance advised.
I nodded.
"I love you" He said.
"I love you too" I replied.
I then gave him a soft loving kiss before we broke apart from the hug and went our separate ways.

I got outside and out to my car. The heat was horrid. I could feel just the heat radiating from the pavement. I got into my car and the leather nearly burned my ass.
My thighs were hurting enough from chaffing.
Now I get them cooked by a hot car seat.
I cranked the ac and headed off home.
I'm just so exhausted. I have 2 exams left to go then I'm done school forever.
I've decided to quit jogging. It's just not doing much for me but giving me another reason to just stay inside.
I despise it.
I know that it's good for me or whatever but I'm just going to give up the exercise.
Maybe I should embrace my body like everyone says I should...

When I got home I went into the bathroom to shower but I end up having a moment with myself.
I just stared at my naked body in the mirror.
I ran my hands over the few stretch marks on my hips and the 2 on my lower belly.
They're pretty ugly in all honesty.
I recently bought some stretch mark lotion off amazon so I'm hoping to see if that works.
I pressed my fingertips into my soft middle.
My stomach is plush and squishy.
It feels kinda nice.
I ran my fingers over my thighs, my hips, my waist.
As I continued to stare I began to hate myself less and less.
My pudgy belly is kind of cute...
My hips and thighs look nice all big and wide, Ready for Lance's hands to touch.
I smiled softly then turned to start my shower.

I stayed in there for a while.
Running my fingers over my scars and making sure everywhere was clean.
I made sure to shave my legs and armpits.
I can deal with the leg hair but just not the armpit hair ugh.
Lance never shaves and bugs me about it.
His body hair isn't too thick anyway. He can barely grow nothing more than a moustache but neither can I.
I just get hair by my jaw and sideburns. I rarely have to shave my face.
Once I felt satisfied I hopped out of the shower.

When I finally got out of the bathroom Dane was home early which I found odd.
I could hear him talking on the phone and his shoes were at the door.
I had gotten changed into a tank top and sweatpants and headed downstairs.
"You're home early" I said.
He was in the kitchen and his face was pale.
A wave of dread flushed over me and I felt a pang of anxiety in my chest.
He looked up and his face was just blank.
"The police just called me back after months..." He trailed off.
I came into the kitchen and stood next to him.
"They found out who sent those notes and the knife Keith"

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