Going for him...

Hey! I'm not ok, but I hope you all are during the pandemic, I know it's really hard but we gotta stay positive... we can do this

Well hope you enjoy! Don't know why you do


Lance's POV:

Keith fell asleep on my chest, and honestly he looked so cute like a little kitty cat.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Why is the handsome and powerful Lance Charles McClain helping Keith -what ever his middle name is- Kogane? Well let me confess you a little secret, I am completely head over heels for this boy.

'WHAT?! But I thought you were straight!' If by that you just mean straight to the point then yeah. But in sexuality I'm bi, or bisexual so it's no wonder I love this boy.

I've never been this close to Keith before, but now I can see the little freckles on his face, he's chiseled cheekbones, sharp jaw and pump pink lips. Which all looks so damn kissable..... but that's to be expected from Keith -something- Kogane.

Suddenly Pidge walked into my room. "Lance! Did Keith wake- Oh! oh oh hohoho!!! What's going on here~?" Her concerned face quickly was taken for a cocky smirk I hated all too well.

"Shut it! He's trying to sleep" I hissed at her holding the beauty besides me tighter to my chest.

"DAW! You guys are so cute!!!"








"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Keith yelled before snuggling even further into my chest.

Now, both me and Pidge are just staring at Keith, I would've thought that Keith was going to wake up with a cute lil cat yawn, rub his beautiful violet eyes and look up at me with his still drowsy eyes... then jump out and freak out about us both laying in the same bed, and how he was just on my chest while Pidge is taking pictures of us and I'd be cussing at Pidge to leave us alone so I could explain the situation.

So uh yeah it did not go like that, for starters Keith is basically trying to disappear from the world and go into another universe by snuggling into me, which I will admit it's cute as hell. However, we needed to address the serious issue we had on our hands, Shiro's disappearance.

Shiro is a greatly known mechanic, or well he was before he was taken by our so called "leaders", he was the best one in town, creating all sorts of cool gadgets like a special kind of jetpack for the diabled, allowing them to fly using their prosthetics or a wheelchair, which admittedly has changed quite a bit in the last century, allowing mobility more than in the last thousands of years.

Most people called his modern engineering innovative and somehow even more futuristic than anything created before him, many had gone to him for help with inventions some have even tried stealing from him, but proved to be overpowered by this powerful and sexy man.

Shiro had shared his secrets with very little people, but one who truly used it out of the fondness of their heart instead of money was Keith. It comes to no surprise that Keith looks up to Shiro, following in his footsteps and improving his ability even when Shiro is gone.

In that miserable year Shiro had been taken and Keith had fallen deep into depression, we as friends of both Shiro and Keith stayed with him and comforted him through his struggles. However, then that day came...

In my big family there wasn't a lot of money to go around, we barely had enough to eat and Galra soldiers had come into our home requesting for rent money even if we didn't have it, they did not care if we would be able to survive in the next two weeks. I stood up for my family, I told them to run while I stayed behind to protect our home.

One of them... shot me in the leg, making it impossible for me to run away and decided to rip off my leg, taking my calf and completely ripping it away from my knee as a way to teach me a lesson. I remember that day so vividly the way my screams of pain ripped from my throat, as I lost tons of blood and tears while they snooped around our house, but ultimately left after they decided they were done enough to us. I guess it only takes to rip off the leg of an eighteen year old, just to leave alone the money of a poor family of eight and with no way of paying a doctor to make sure one of the family members doesn't die of blood loss. Fun.

Keith was the one who saved me, he had been in town when it happened. My family found him and begged him for help, Keith rushed to our house after the soldiers were gone, took a medical kit to stitch and badged me up, making sure I wouldn't lose any more blood.

Then he went back to his house and began to work on a prosthetic for my leg while I healed, it took almost two months for the prosthetic to be completely finished, as well as it took for my injuries to heal. The prosthetic was perfect, it fit completely without hurting me much... like it was meant for me.

Keith had asked me dozens of times if I truly wanted that prosthetic, but I trusted him entirely, he saved me, and I owe him my life. I allowed him to put on the prosthetic and watched him use one of Shiro's best tricks to link the prosthetic with my mind, making sure it would work as a limb of my own.

Keith had asked me to look away as he worked his magic, but I still felt a buzz of energy that travelled all of my body as I was connected to the prosthetic. It took me a while to get used to it, but eventually got the hang of it.

Keith showed me unconditional support throughout the whole procedure, that I may or may not have developed the smallest, tiniest crush on this tiny, cute, emo male.

Anyway we gotta focus on the task at hand, one waking up Keith, two get some allies to help us look for Shiro, three find Shiro... and maybe get real close to Keith, it might help him fall in love with my awesome self.

Took me a second before my body committed to wake Keith up, I gently placed my hands on Keith's small waist and began shaking him slightly. He groaned in protest of being pulled from his peaceful slumber, he tried to cling onto my arm desperately wanting to stay in La la land.

"Keith, c'mon buddy you gotta get up." I whispered softly to him, prying him away from his slumber.

"Shiro?" Keith muttered softly before opening his galaxy like eyes.

I peered down at him, our eyes meeting. If the situation was different I wouldn't hesitate to take his porcelain doll like face, and pull him into a sweet chaste kiss. However, I am not able to, I don't even know if he likes me! So for now, I'll be patient with him, and be there for him...

"L-lance?!" Keith squeaked, probably shocked once again from waking up next to me, and me holding him against my chest, and him being on top of me, and... starting into each other's eyes...

This is kind of gay for my bisexuality...
No it's not

"Hey buddy, you gotta stay with me this time ok?" I reassured Keith as he tried to put a bit of distance between us.

Keith nodded in tiny, making him look extra innocent and smol. I just wanna hug him so tightly he bursts-
Shoot, stop it gay thoughts.

"Ok buddy, let's go with the others." We stand up, and I guide him downstairs where we meet Hunk sitting at the table, and I guess Pidge was behind us, 'cause like... she's short and I kind of forgot about her because of the gorgeous boy besides me... oops

Hunk looked up at us and smiled at us as soon as we appeared. "Guys! Keith! Hey man, how are you feeling? Are you hungry? I was just about to make lunch, you know what? I'm just gonna make lunch, I'm pretty stressed from everything that's going on." Hunk stands up and crosses the counter to start working his chef magic.

"Ok, Keith, we have to talk about what happened to Shiro..." Pidge said as softly as she could to not scare Keith away, Keith tilted his head down slightly and took a deep breath in.

"Alright... it all began yesterday's morning..."

~TIMESKIP~ (Look, I'm too lazy to repeat the story)

When Keith finished telling us what happened, Pidge was basically in tears because of the loss of Shiro, the man that pretty much became their non-related brother, Hunk looked hopeless, when everyone had doubted Hunk's genius Shiro was the one to support him. And I am just terribly distraught, I just lost my hero again to our horrible "rulers" and the love of my life LOST HIS FRIKING BROTHER- HOW, AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL?!

"Keith, we'll get him back. We promise." Determination filled me as I spoke, to reassure everyone in the room, even though I doubted my own words I would try my darn hardest to get my friend back.

"You're right Lance..." Keith smiled at me, determination filling his beautiful eyes, he reached behind his back and pulled a small dagger from his belt. "...we're going for him."



Heyyyyy... yeah I'm finally back, maybe I'll be updating more due to me starting the IB so I may be using my books as gaining creativity points

Welp that's it...

Bai bai my little firefighters~~~

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