Moving Out

~Izuku's POV, Wednesday, 8:00 AM~

I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned back to mom and dad. "Well, I'm off." I said. Mom had tears in her eyes but smiled proudly. "My baby's all grown up." She said, wiping her eyes violently. She grabbed my hands, looking me in the eyes. "Promise you'll call right?" She questioned. I nodded with a smile. "Of course." I said. Dad and I made eye contact before he cleared his throat. "Inko dear, can me and Izuku have a moment alone please?" He asked. She nodded with a smile. Quickly exiting the area. Me and dad shared a long look before we embraced eachother for the last time in God knows how long. He pulled away, holding my shoulders in a firm grip. "Stats?" He questioned. "Maxed out across the bored." I responded. "Three rules you live by?" He asked. "Never lie. Never kill. Everyone gets a second chance." I said. "We are..." He trailed off. "Phantom Thieves. Gentlemen Thieves." I stated proudly. "Never tell anyone about your Quirk." He stated. "Unless I trust them completely without a shadow of a doubt." I added. He smiled ruffling my hair. "And if someone steals your heart?" He questioned. I smirked. "I'll steal their's right back." I responded. I shifted my bag to my other shoulder to even out the weight a little. "Remember Izuku, if you ever find yourself in the thievery business give me a call so I can give you advice alright?" Dad questioned. I nodded. "Right. If I decide I want to start stealing things I'll make sure to call you." I said. "Izuku..." He trailed off. "Right, right. Sorry. Steal from those who deserve it." I corrected, rolling my eyes. Dad quickly shot a look around before smiling slightly. "I want to give you a few things before you leave." He said. He handed me a book with a light brown cover. I read over the title before smiling slightly. "The first book Arsene was featured in." I said. He nodded. "That's one of my favorite books of all times. And a great read. I saw it in a book store the other day and thought you may like to learn a little about where I got my...sense of style from." He said with a wink. He then handed me a drawstring bag. "If you decide you want to do thievery work, open that bag, I think you'll like what you find in there." He said. He sighed a little before pulling out two pictures from his pocket with a smile. "These are some of the only things I have from my old team. I thought you might like to see what I looked like back then, and what I looked like in the eyes of my team." He said. He unfolded one picture before handing it to me. 

"This is a group picture we took. And before you ask yes, the cat counts. In fact he's...technically what brought us together. D-don't ask it's complicated." Dad explained, scratching the back of his neck. I handed the picture back to him, he handed me the other picture. 

"This one probably confuses you a little. But the artist of our group painted this before I had to leave and go home. We had...accomplished something grand. And this was his way of remembering it. I insisted that he keep the picture but I snapped a photo of it and had it devolved. Now I'm not an artist myself, but I saw that he painted me in very vibrant light. And when I noticed that, I noticed other things. So I asked him about why he painted it like he did and well....let's just say what he told me has stuck for a while." Dad said, eyes clouded with memories. "Whoa." I said, admiring the vibrant blue coloring. I looked from the picture to dad himself with a small smirk. "You don't look much different than you did. A little more mature is the only way I can describe it." I said. He nodded slightly. "I suppose. I was only a teenager then." He said. I gave him a quick look. "Hey, you said that you guys used code names right? What was yours?" I questioned. His eyes grew even more clouded as a smirk came to his features. "I was the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. And according to everyone on the team, I was the trump card when it came to battle strength. I was quick to adapt and could hone in on any opponent's weaknesses. Because of this, our...I guess you could call him our mentor, decided that my code name could only be one thing." Dad met my eyes with a look of pride. "Joker. They called me Joker. The wielder of the Wild Card ability." He said. "Joker." I repeated, handing him back his picture. Old recognition flashed in his eyes as he took back the picture. He smiled brightly. "It feels weird being called that after so many years. But at the same time, it feels nice. I guess that rebellious side of me never quite vanished. Even if my Personas all did." He said. He muttered weird things like that to himself quite often. I just learned to not question them. I stuffed the draw string bag inside my duffel bag along with the book. "Welp. I'm off if that's all." I said. He nodded slightly, meeting my eyes again. He started to tear up a little quickly hugging me again. "Be safe Little Phantom. Don't let anyone shake your form of justice." He said. I hugged him back, a few tears of my own falling. "I'll miss you dad." I said. He pulled back, taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes. He gave me a smile and a pat on the back. "Like Inko said, better call us once in a while." He reminded. I nodded, putting on my shoes and walking out the door. "Bye!" I called back before closing the door. Little Phantom. I thought with a smile as I walked down the stairs and into the streets. The old nickname holding a calming feel to it. I heard foot steps and turned to see Bakugo, a bag of his own slung over his shoulder. "Hey." He said stopping. I turned around fully and nodded to him. "Hey." I returned. Me and Kacchan had....gotten passed our old issues. He never believed that I had a Quirk since I never used it. But once my eyes flashed red in front of him. He believed me after that. He avoided me for a while after that incident, until recently. After he had graduated from U.A. with flying colors. I never went to that school. Realizing that, as dad had told me, rules need to be broken at times. So I couldn't honestly train as a hero with all my heart when I had other things on my mind. 

"So, Ground Zero, you off too?" I questioned with a slight smirk. He snorted a little. "Don't call me that in public idiot." He growled. Still has that attitude, but that would never change. He's also still taller than me, not by much though. I can glare him eye to eye now. "But yeah. Moving in with a friend of mine." He said, blushing ever so slightly. I smirked. "Friend? Or significant other?" I questioned. He shot me a glare. "Don't go blabbing s*it." He growled. I winked a little. "No need to worry. I'm a gentlemen. I don't plan on teasing you. But care to tell? What're they like?" I questioned. He gave me a look. "They? Why not she?" He questioned. I gave him the most deadpanned look I could muster. "Dude, I know you're gay as all s*it. I just didn't assume anything right off the bat." I said. Bakugo gave me the most hateful look he could before sighing with a small blush. "Ya' got me. D*mn nerd. Yeah, I'm moving in with my boyfriend, there, happy?" He questioned. I smiled. "Very." I said beginning to walk again. "Hold up d*mnit, I'm not done talking with you!" Bakugo stated keeping pace with me. "Then let's talk. I still have a train to catch so we'll have to walk and talk. But you can do that, right hero?" I questioned. He gave me a look. "You're....different than you were when we were kids." He pointed out. "No duh. People change." I said, rolling my eyes. Bakugo fiddled with his hair, a nervous habit he didn't show often. "You're not sure how to approach me anymore are you?" I questioned suddenly, causing him to jump a bit. "That's to be expected. You haven't changed much in my eyes but to you I must be a completely different person." I added. "One...could say that." Bakugo agreed. I stopped for a minute looking at something across the street. It was the old playground. A faint smile appeared on both of our faces before we continued walking. "So, um...I wanted to apologize, for being an a*shole when we were younger." Bakugo said, avoiding eye contact. "You were young. I don't blame you or hold any form of grudge. As children our actions were dictated by others. Adults and children alike praised you and expected much from you. It all went to your head. That's why you acted the way you did. Simple psychology really. But it wasn't necessarily all you. Sure, you were the one throwing the punches, and saying the words. But it was another person's expectation of you that made you act that way. I'm not saying you're completely innocent. The apology I still deserved. But I know it wasn't completely you." I said. Bakugo gave me a look before cracking a small chuckle. "F*ckin' nerd." He said, punching my shoulder lightly. I guess that means we're friends again. I thought. "So anyways, since I never really got the chance to ask, when the hell are you planning on finding a boyfriend?" He questioned. My entire face went red. "The hell! Boyfriend!? What makes you think I'm gay!" I shouted, flailing my arms around a little. "Well one, you're feminine slightly and you're a sassy f*ck. Also, Izuku, if you're twenty one, and you've never had a girlfriend, then you're gay. Simple as that. And you're blushing and panicking right now." Bakugo said. I scoffed a little. "For the record I'm Bisexual. Not f*cking gay." I protested. "If you're Bi then you're fifty percent gay." Bakugo deadpanned. "SHUT UP!" I shouted, still blushing. 

Bakugo gave me one long look before snapping his fingers. "There was one guy in my class who I think you might have liked. He gave the cold shoulder to me and the rest of the class but eventually we got him to warm up to us slightly. He had quite the unique appearance, and even I'll admit his Quirk is powerful and very unique in it's own right. Honestly, after I first saw him do his thing in our first training exercise I panicked." Bakugo admitted with a small nervous laugh. Sweat rolled down his forehead. "God half n' half was scary. Came out of the USJ incident with no scratches on him either. But yeah, he was one of those cold people. But I think he really just needed a friend. Bet if you were in our class you could've gotten him to warm up to you immediately." Bakugo said. I continued blushing, but brushed it off with a smirk and a shrug. "You give my social skills to much credit. Back then I probably wouldn't have been able to form a coherent sentence around anyone in your class." I said. Bakugo chuckled. "You're probably right about that. But still, why haven't you been looking for a partner yet? You seem lonely at times." He pointed out. "Lonely? Pfft! What makes you say that? And besides..." I trailed off slightly, staring at the moving ground below me with a small smile. "There are some...special conditions that need to be met." I said. "Ohhh. So you have standers, is that it?" Bakugo questioned with a smirk. "No! God. It's just....something to do with my Quirk." I said. Bakugo raised an eyebrow but didn't push it any further. "Y'know, this might very well be the last time we see eachother. Odd isn't it?" I questioned. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well I mean, first day we actually start talking to eachother might be the last time we'll even see eachother. I just find it ironic." I said. "No, I get that part, but what do you mean last time we'll see eachother?" He questioned. I sighed a little. "I'm leaving Musutafu. Heading off to Yongen-Jaya. I found an apartment over there, and the rent is split since I'll have a room mate. Dad said that the town was a nice place. Also told me that if I get the chance I should drop by a place called Leblanc. According to him it's got really good coffee and curry." I explained. "Do those two things go together?" Bakugo asked, sweat-dropping. I smiled. "That's what Dad thought too when he first got there. But according to him it was actually pretty cool." I said. I looked up seeing that we were at the train station. "Ah. Guess this is where we part ways huh?" I questioned, giving Bakugo a look. He nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Hey, Katsuki, promise me something." I said. He gave me a look. "That would be?" He questioned. I held out my hand to him. "Promise that if we do see eachother again we'll have a sparing match. For old times sake." I said. He smirked, grabbing my hand and shaking it. "You're on Deku." He growled. I smiled before hearing my train about to leave. "Bye Kacchan. Promise to invite me to the wedding alright?" I questioned with a wink while running off. "GOD D*MNIT NERD!" Bakugo roared with a massive blush on his face. About to give chase, but deciding against it. As Bakugo watched me leave he smirked to himself a little. "He's changed a lot. I will see him again at some point, no doubt about it." He muttered to himself. "Katsuki!" He turned seeing Kirishima running up to him. "Hey there s*itty hair." Bakugo said. Kirishima stopped next to him. "Geez man. What are you doing over here by the Yongen-Jaya line? I told you to meet me over there. You're lucky I spotted you." He said. "Sorry about that. I was walking an old friend over to his train." Bakugo said. "Ah. An old friend huh?" Kirishima questioned. "Known him since childhood. Once I got into U.A. we didn't talk much. I...felt the need to apologize for being such an a*s to him for so long." Bakugo explained. Kirishima punched his shoulder. "Well it's a good thing you did that. C'mon let's go." He said, grabbing Bakugo's hand and tugging him away from the train station. 

I grabbed a seat on the train as it started moving. I pulled out my phone and started looking up things to do around Yongen-Jaya. After I had gotten enough information I pulled out the book Dad had given me and started reading. I got about half way through when the train came to my stop. I put the book away slinging my bag over my shoulder. I got off the train and left the station. Once I got out of the station I noticed it was raining. I pulled out my umbrella and started walking. I looked at my phone for location. Back roads huh? So that's where the apartment is. Also where Dad said Leblanc is. Prioritize apartment first. Sentimental stuff later. I thought. The rain made the dull lighting of the back roads very calming. As I was looking for the apartment I passed by Cafe Leblanc. I stopped, staring at it for a bit. Eh, I could use some coffee. No point in rushing right? I thought with a small shrug. I walked up to the door and closed my umbrella. I opened the door, the bell ringing. "Welcome." A female voice said. I saw an orange haired female standing behind the counter. She was wearing a pair of glasses and a green jacket under her apron. I nodded to her. Sitting down next to a purple haired male who looked tired of everything. He had a computer in front of him while sipping on some coffee. The lady gave me a small look, squinting her eyes at me. "I don't think I've seen you around before, you new?" She questioned. I laughed a little. "I'm moving into an apartment near here. It's my first day in Yongen-Jaya actually." I explained. "Ah, that explains it. Typically I'll recognize anyone who walks in that door." She said. "The name's Futaba Sakura. But please, call me Futaba." She said. I nodded slightly. "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya." I responded. Her eyes widened slightly. "W-wait just one second. Midoriya?" She questioned. I tilted my head to the side. "That's my name. What about it?" I questioned. She leaned over the counter a little bit, coming nose to nose with me. "Whoa! Okay the heck!?" I said. She gave me a cold hard look before reaching over and ruffling my hair. "Somewhat black fluffy hair, otherwise pretty plain looking, dark eyes. Yep, no doubt about it." She said, leaning back to her side of the counter. "Um, I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost." I said. "Are you related to Akira Midoriya?" She questioned. I flinched a little. "U-umm. I'm sorry, but do you know my dad?" I questioned. Futaba jumped back. "Holy mother of Phantom Thievery!" She shouted. The purple haired male looked up from his computer. "Futaba-san are you alright?" He questioned. She quickly breathed in and out, a bright smile on her face. "You there! Person related to Joker! You stay put!" She said, pointing at me. She ran over to the stairs. "GUYS COME LOOK AT THIS!" She shouted. "Annnd, here comes the rest of the weirdos." The purple haired male said. I shot him a look before a cat and a bunch of other people came rushing down the stairs. "Futaba what are you screaming about?" A blond female questioned. She pointed over at me. "Akira! Son! Fluffy hair! Gah! Words Futaba!" She shouted. The cat immediately looked over at me before running over and pouncing me out of my seat. 

"WHA!" I shouted, hitting the ground. The cat glared me in the eyes, sniffing at me slightly. He pawed at my hair a little before sitting up. "D*mnit Mona, the hell is up with you, get off him." A tall blond male said, picking up the cat. Mona started flailing around meowing up a storm. "The hell you sayin'?" The male questioned, looking at the cat. "Ah great, another Kacchan." I mumbled to myself. "What's a Kacchan?" The blond male questioned. A blue haired male, taller than the others walked over offering his hand. "Are you alright sir?" He questioned. I nodded, accepting his hand. He helped pull me up and I dusted myself off. "I deeply apologize for my friends rudeness." The blue headed male said, giving me a small bow. "Oh don't worry about it. Trust me, I've seen worse." I said, sweat dropping slightly. Mona continued meowing like crazy until the blond finally dropped him. The cat ran over to me before sitting down in front of me. I made eye contact with him, finding that his eyes held a special kind of knowledge. I took a knee in front of him, finally recognizing him from my dad's picture. "Hey, you're the cat in that picture. What is it that dad said about you? Gah, d*mnit." I grumbled, ruffling my hair a little. "Something about bringing the team together wasn't it?" I questioned. "Whoa, do you know Morgana?" A brown haired female said, helping me stand again. "Know is a strong word. My dad just showed me a picture of him before I left home." I looked around the room, finally picking out the different faces. "Scratch that, he showed me a picture of all of you." I added. "I wasn't expecting to see all of you so soon. Talk about crazy coincidences. I mean it's been only an hour since I saw the picture. Good thing your faces were still on my mind then. But still this is all completely insane." I muttered. I continued muttering to myself. "Futaba who is this guy?" The blond female asked. "Akira's son." She responded. "No." The blue haired male said. "Are you for real?" The blond male questioned. "That's impossible right? He would tell us if he had a son, wouldn't he?" The blond female questioned. "Then again, he does look like Akira. Just tinted green with a muttering habit." The brown haired female pointed out. Morgana meowed his imput as well. I snapped out of it looking at the others with a nervous smile. "Ah right. Introductions. I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm moving in close to here. And yes, I'm the son of Akira Midoriya. Or, I guess you'd all know him better as Joker right?" I questioned with a small smirk. "Ryuji." The blond male said, extending his hand to me. "I was Akira's best friend. First one he met around here." He added. I shook his hand. "Haru." A short light brown haired female said, nodding to me shyly. I nodded to her. "Makoto." The tall brown haired female said extending her hand to me like Ryuji had done. I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." I said. "Ann." The blond haired female said. "Yusuke." The blue haired male said. "And you've already met me and Morgana." Futaba said. "It's nice to meet all of you. My father sends his regards. He misses all of you." I said. "Then why the hell hasn't he called us in so long?" Ryuji muttered to himself. I snickered a little to myself. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat with all of you I've already spent too much time here. I have to move in after all." I said, scratching the back of my neck. Morgana jumped up onto Ryuji's shoulders as he gave me a look. "Before you go, question." Ryuji shot a look around before throwing an arm around my shoulders and facing our backs to the rest of the group. "If you really are Akira's son, does the term Phantom Thief hold any importance to you?" Ryuji questioned, lowering his voice. I flinched a little before nodding slightly with a small glare. "You know?" I questioned. He nodded. "I was the only one besides the cat he explained it to. So, you have his Quirk?" Ryuji questioned. "What do you think?" I asked, holding up his wallet with red eyes. "Give me that." He grumbled, taking back his wallet and stuffing it back in his pocket, removing his arm from around my shoulders. "Yo, this kid's legit." He called back to the others, jabbing a thumb at me. I snorted a little. "Yeah. But I really do need to go. I'll answer questions on a later date." I said. "You come back soon." Futaba called as I exited the cafe. I pulled out my umbrella and stepped out into the rain again. 

"Weird encounter. Funny though." A male voice said next to me. I jumped a little but realized it was the purple haired male from the cafe. "So, I heard you're moving into an apartment close to here right?" He asked. I nodded, sweat dropping a little. "Yeah." I said. "Hitoshi Shinso." He introduced, extending a hand to me. I took his hand shaking it. "Izuku Midoriya. But you already knew that." I said. "Well Midoriya, there's only one apartment complex here in the back roads. I do believe we're heading to the same place." Shinso said. "Ah, is that so." I said as we started walking. 

Turns out Shinso was the person I'd end up rooming with. And I later found out that he was a hacker. Dropped out of U.A. after realizing that his skills weren't suited for hero work. Eventually we started talking more. And he gained my trust after a few months, leading me to telling him about my Quirk. After that well...let's just say I decided to give my dad a call and opened the bag he gave me. It was a Thief costume. A little flashy, but I appreciated it. Shinso said it looked good on me. And after that, we started our thievery work. Shinso my hacker behind the scenes. And me taking the name 'Phantom' as the master thief. I mostly wanted to stir up mischief. And my Quirk's urges were getting more and more powerful. But after a while, I started targeting things owned by fake heroes. Those people who lied through their teeth about fighting for the people. At first it was just small things. Stealing some of their money once in a while and giving it to those who needed it. Then it got bigger. Taking things directly from their agencies, having Shinso hack into their information and find out what was going on behind the scenes. Then directly targeting companies and buildings owned by the bigger hero faces. Our most recent target being Endeavor. Yeah, he owns the museum I just robbed. Speaking of, we should get back to that part of the story shouldn't we? 

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