A/N: For those of you who love the bat family more, this is just a story. If you don't like the idea of Dick being Barry Allen's kid, then leave. I adore Dick Grayson. He is by far the best superhero, because he doesn't have any superpowers and he doesn't need any to be efficient. He has no kryptonite weakness or any need for an inhibitor collar. But this is an idea I came up with. I searched a little for any stories like this and couldn't find any. They were all how Wally came to be a speedster. So I decided to write one.
Wally was jealous. He was infuriated. Before him stood his uncle Barry and the strange kid who had claimed he was his uncle's adopted son from another universe. And Dr. Fate was with them. 'Come on. I have to meet the team at Mount Justice with uncle Barry. Why can't we just ditch the kid already?!'
Earlier: Earth-21
Dr. Fate floated above the devastating massacre. The bodies of civilians, villains, and heroes from the Justice leagues were mixed together to form a crude mosaic of war. And yet in the middle, sat a young boy with raven black hair, crying over a dead scarlet speedster known as The Flash.
Dr. Fate lowered to the ground and stood a few inches behind the mourning speedster, and with no hint of emotion, spoke, "Richard John Allen. Fate has allowed you a chance to see your family again. It might not be as it was here, but she believes anything would be better than for you to mourn alone in the forsaken universe. Come with me, and I can take you to Barry Allen."
Dick had turned his attention to the sorcerer, eyeing him with curious suspicion. "How do I know this is not a trick?"
"I do not play. Fate cannot be tampered with. Now will you come with me or stay here?" Dick took a minute to think about it. On one hand, he would be able to be with his dad and mom and Uncle Lenny again, but they wouldn't know his relationship with them. On the other hand, he would have to start all over again. Luckily, Barry had somehow figured this would happen and gave him a USB that contained a full documentation that explained his situation. The video was meant for whichever alternate version of himself that Dick liked and wanted to stay with. Lisa and Leonard had also recorded some videos of themselves, mostly playing with Dick or reading a bedtime story to the younger boy.
"I accept your offer, Dr. Fate. But I need to say goodbye to some people first." He walked back to Barry's still form and kissed his cold cheek, before whispering, "You were the best dad. I can't wait to see you again, even if it isn't the real you. Bye dad."
He then walked over to his dead mother, who had coincidentally died beside Uncle Lenny. Even in death, the two were inseparable. He whispered a farewell to the both of them before walking away.
He would soon be in a new home.
Barry was surprised when Dr. Fate had suddenly popped into his house with a small boy who looked to be about 10 years old. Yet the kid was wearing a torn suit with slashes all over his torso and arms. One was on his cheek.
"Hey Dr. Fate. What brings you here and who is your little friend?"
Barry noticed a hint of sadness in the boy's eyes and the flinch that passed through him as he said those words. Barry also noticed the boys hands were fiddling with a red and gold flash drive that had his symbol on the handle.
"This is Richard John Allen."
Barry stiffened, wondering why he did. The kid could be any Allen...but he was proven wrong when Dr. Fate continued.
"He is from Earth-21, where you apparently adopted him."
The kid, 'Richard', suddenly walked up to him and held the flash drive out toward the scarlet speedster. "Here, this will explain some things. I am tired. Could I possibly sleep here?"
Barry stared at the flash drive and took it in his hand while saying, "Of course. We should probably get your wounds checked too. Wouldn't want them to be infected."
Barry guided Richard over to the couch in the living room, passing Wally on the way. Dick felt an angry aura surrounding the teenager as he glared at him. He couldn't fathom why Wally would be angry at him, but it was putting him into unease.
Dick sighed dejectedly and slumped on the comfortable white couch. Barry motioned for him to lie down, patting a double stacked pillow rest. Dick complied with ease and let the alternate man inspect his wounds.
The scarlet speedster had spent nearly half an hour cleaning and bandaging, and sometimes stitching Dick's wounds. All the while, the two were making a light conversation.
Dick smiled. The talk that he and this Barry had reminded him of his Flash, bringing a painful reminder that this was not the man who took him in. Barry was blabbing about his nephew, Wally, when he noticed Dick's mood slowly going downcast.
"Hey what's wrong?"
Dick looked up at the brunette, making Barry frown. Their were tears forming in the kid's eyes and some were trailing down his soft cheeks. Barry wiped them away with his sleeve and pulled the kid into a hug, hoping to sooth him. And it worked. Dick had buried his face into Barry's chest, wrapping his arms around the adult speedster. The two stayed like that for a few minutes, neither noticing that Wally stood in the shadows, watching them with jealously.
"Will I find anything on the flash drive? Oh wow, I just found a pun." Dick laughed at the unintentional joke the Flash had made and replied, "I wouldn't have given it to you otherwise, d-Barry." It was a small slip, but Barry caught it nonetheless, being the one with speed-talking.
"Well, I guess we should see what's on it then, hm?"
Dick was confused. "What do you mean 'we'?" Barry laughed and answered, "As in you and I, should check this out. I wouldn't mind you staying for a little while."
Dick smiled and nodded. So Barry plugged the flash drive into the USB port in the dvd player while Dick turned on the TV.
"Greetings, my name is Barry Allen from Earth-21. If you are watching this, it means I am dead and Dick is still alive. My hope is that you will take him in and give him a happy life. The war that is to come is inevitable, no matter what we do, it cannot be stopped. It was prophesied by Dr. Fate years ago. A war that would kill everyone, meaning vigilantes, villains, and civilians alike.
Richard John Allen is my adopted kid, his original family being the Flying Graysons. John, Mary, and Colton were all killed by a gang in Central City. Dick was abused and left for dead near them, luckily he found my lab at the CCPD.
I adopted him a few months later, and with Lisa and Leonard Snart, started to raise the little boy. A year later, the particle accelerator at Star Labs exploded, and in the process changed many people's lives.
I became the Flash, the current second fastest speedster in the world. The Reverse Flash, Zoom, Godspeed, and Savitar were all dealt with.
Leonard Snart, or Captain Cold, is Dick's uncle. I married Lisa Snart, who is known as the Golden Glider. Dick was also hit by the explosion, but on a greater level.
He is currently the fastest speedster to withstand the pull of the universe and the speed force, faster than Godspeed. He was my first Kid Flash, and people adored him. He later became Static, and a couple years later, the mantle of Kid Flash was passed down to my nephew once removed, Wally West."
Barry shifted in the chair he was sitting in and then looked at something off-screen. He smiled and said, "Hey play nice you two."
"Don't worry, Barry. I would never hurt my dear nephew. He's too cute."
Suddenly, a static-like blink passed by in the background while a creepy laughed echoed around the room. Barry rolled his eyes.
"Dick, be careful."
"Aren't I always?" Dick was standing next to his seated dad, smiling at the camera.
"Of course."
Dick: Jay, this photo has nothing to do with this story!
Jason: Whatever. I couldn't find any of you and Barry Allen.
Tim: Wow, I can't believe we fought over that thing.
Damien: Yes, you and Todd were complete imbeciles. Idiots.
Tim: If I remember correctly, you tried to murder Dick in his sleep, you have nothing to criticize on us.
Jason: You tried to murder Dick!?
Dick: Jason! Put your guns away!
A/N: Hey guys. So this is about a 1600 word chapter, including the Author's Notes and little none sense scene. I hope you all enjoyed this, after all, it's just the prologue. ⚡️
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