Chapter 3: Enter Static

A/N: Next chapter! Yay!
[Earth-16|Two Weeks Ago|Location: The Watchtower]

"You have something else to talk about. The League doesn't do anything without a reason, so why am I here meeting you all now?"

"It has become evident that Wallace Rudolph West, your new cousin, is—"

"Absolutely despises my existence..." Static finished, his eyes downcast as he spoke. He looked up suddenly to stare defiantly into Batman's glare. If there was one thing Dick knew about Batman, it was that he hated being interrupted.

"Well, not every universe alternates react the same. In fact, I'd rather have the Wall-man I knew here with me instead of the speedster trying to act like Batman. At least he was attractive." The last part came out as a mutter but the knowledgable members in the league (*cough* Not Shazam *cough*) were able to catch it either by super-hearing or lip-reading. Barry coughed awkwardly and grew a scarlet red while Hal snickered at the boy's remark. "This kid is funny. I like him already!"

"Is the term incest non-existent where you're originally from?" Oliver asked. Dick smiled and turned to the green archer. "Oh it is. I'm just naturally attracted to red-heads. Male, to be specific. I've even went out with Roy."

Oliver shut his mouth after that, pondering the sight of his protégé dating the speedster in front of him. Hal was gaping at the kid's coming out and Barry was warily keeping an eye out for any rude or homophobic jokes from the league members. He visibly relaxed as a minute passed without any of them speaking. Well...that was until Diana decided to speak. "Strange. I've never encountered a male who sought sexual comfort with his own gender."

Dick blanched and pursed his lips, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Eh–yeah...this just got awkward. I'm...not s-ssexually involved with anyone...still a virgin. Thanks." It was clear that he was uncomfortable with the subject, as was many of the league who were used to Diana's usual bluntness.

Diana began to open her mouth to speak again but Barry quickly interrupted, saying, "Let's save the talk for later. I'd say when he begins to get the hormones. I don't want my kid learning about the birds and bees already."

"Too late for that."
"He missed the pins!" Static exclaimed, causing many of the adults to laugh. For the past hour, the Justice League + Static had been watching recordings of the Team's missions. At the moment, they were watching Kid Flash fight a herd of robotic penguins that the Penguin was using as a distraction for a heist. Kid Flash had tripped over a stump and went barreling past the herd, causing Aqualad and Speedy to simultaneously sigh in exasperation at his clumsiness.

"This was before they were officially a team. Spe—I mean Red Arrow, never joined." Green Arrow informed the young speedster.

"That reminds me. You want to see them at the Hall of Justice?" Flash asked. Static nodded and the current recording was suddenly replaced by a different one. It showed Aquaman and Aqualad, Green Arrow and Red Arrow, and Flash and Kid Flash walking down a red carpet. In front of them stalked the moody dark knight.

Comments from the crowd was what Static was focusing on but he smiled as Red Arrow snapped at Kid Flash, telling him to never call them sidekicks. "It really doesn't make sense..." Static commented as he heard some people discussing Red Arrow's alias—Speedy. Some of the league turned to him. "What? A person who's never heard of your protégés, someone like me, would think that Speedy would be Kid Flash's alias, not Red Arrow's."

"I'll have to tell you the origin of that name, or you could ask Red Arrow whenever he decides to show his face again." Black Canary smacked the back of Flash's head, reprimanding him for his comment.

The next video they watched was of the raid of Cadmus, with Batman's hacking device that he would never leave at the Hall of Justice again. Static found it funny and commented, "They go to put out a simple fire. They destroy the whole building." Shazam laughed boisterously and remarked, "That's how it always is with Young Justice."

"I've noticed. They're not exactly the best team you'd assign for covert operations." Batman had paused the recordings so that the league could turn their attention to Static, and they did.

"The Justice League has more important things to do. Young Justice handles the smaller jobs while we look after the major problems."

"Every mission you send the team on is connected. These people they fight. They aren't working alone. The Blockbuster venom came from Dr. Desmond's research, what was left of it salvaged from the wreck four protégés made. That venom no doubt is going somewhere else." Green Arrow's brow shot upward. He was ultimately impressed by the kid's intellect, but anyone would be if they had his brain.

"You have some great deduction skills. Batman trained you, didn't he?" Martian Manhunter asked. Static nodded. "Partly yes. He taught me almost all of the combat and the intellectual skills I use now. Black Canary helped too, but she usually acted as a sparring partner when Batman went on missions."
They were going to continue the video when Aqualad's voice suddenly burst through Batman's comm-link. Batman immediately left the room, speaking quietly with the Team's leader. "I wonder what that was about."

"They probably need help again. There's no hacker in the Team. Kid Flash isn't as tech-savvy as his uncle is, and Batman is too strict and doesn't have enough patience to deal with his hyperactive mood." Black Canary smacked Green Arrow this time.

Static began to bounce up and down rapidly, his smile widening to show snow white teeth. "Hacking? Piece of cake! I've been itching to hack into something. Dad hasn't let me ever since he caught me hacking into the League's system."

"Which you had no business in. You already know all of our secret identities!" Barry argued, throwing his hands in the air. "Technically, they're just identities, not so much as a secret once they've been discovered." Static remarked smartly, exaggerating with his right hand.

Batman strode back into the room. "The Team has encountered trouble and are currently pinned down. Aqualad has requested our help." He turned to Static, who was now not only bouncing up and down, but had sparks popping around him. "You are to stay here and keep out of trouble."

"What!? Aw come on, Bats! Please let me go with you guys! Please!" Static whined, his happy mood vanishing as soon as Batman had spoken.

"No. You would only be a distraction." Static whined wordlessly and slumped into Hal's chair. The Green Lantern placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "He won't be a distraction, Bats. Flash and I will look after him."

Batman glared at the man before swiftly turning his back to the league. "We are wasting time. If he gets in the way, it'll be on you, Jordan."

Static stood beside Flash, Green Lantern flying the two of them on a saucer-like projection he'd made with his Lantern ring. The other Green Lantern—John Stewart—was in front of the trio, flying Black Canary, Batman, Aquaman, and Green Arrow.

When Static heard 'trouble', he'd expected to see something like the Crime Syndicate. Not something as minor as Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and the Riddler.

Apparently, 4 super-powered teens and 1 human couldn't defeat 1 mutant and 3 villains. Static sighed and plopped down onto his bottom, suddenly feeling the adrenaline leave his body. Flash knelt down beside his new protégé and asked, "What's up?"

"I was looking forward to a challenge. Not...those four." He pointed to where the four villains were fighting the Team. It was obvious the wrong side had the upper hand.

Flash shared a glance with Green Lantern. "Tell you what. Why don't you round up those four hooligans, then we can go and get a dessert to bring to the Watchtower. Don't worry about Bats. The quicker this ends, the better."

Static jumped up and began to hop from one foot to the other. "As long as I get cake in the end, I'm all for it."

Green Lantern set the two speedsters down, and Static immediately ran off. In less than two seconds, three villainesses and the Riddler were tied together and in front of Batman. Static was smiling widely, mainly toward Green Lantern. "Can we get cake now?"
A/N: Who would win in a fight?

Flash Family:
Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, and Bart Allen
Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and Jason Todd

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