Chapter 2: Meeting The League
A/N: Thank you LuckyKittty-Meow & iLovemyRobins for voting and I hope you enjoy this story. I will try to update every week at the most.
I would tell you guys my plans but then that would be spoiling.
[Earth-16 | Two weeks ago | Location: The Watchtower]
At the large U-shaped table sat 14 of members of the Justice League, including both Green Lanterns. Only Zatara and the Flash were missing—the sorcerer was investigating a case in Malaysia while the speedster was late as usual.
The meeting was called by Batman, concerning Wally's recent unusually gloomy behavior that did not go unnoticed by Black Canary. Dinah suspected that Flash either didn't care or hadn't noticed his nephew's sudden mood, but either way, she wanted it dealt with before Wally destroyed himself.
"Flash. You finally made it!" Hal stood up from his chair to greet his friend, wrapping an arm around the scarlet speedster. "What took you so long?"
Barry sheepishly shrugged and answered as both he and GL sat down, "I'm sorry. I was preoccupied with something else."
A sudden tension rose in the air as Wonder Woman spoke aloud, "Something else? Like what?" Her gaze was focused on Barry, eyes full of intimidation and concern. When Barry didn't answer, the Amazon continued, "What could be so important that you are late, as usual, to another meeting? What if this had been urgent? Would you still continue to show late and force us to wait whilst the world dies? What do you have to say for yourself?"
Her fists slammed on the table top, causing the heroes beside her to discreetly inch away. All eyes were on Barry, who wanted to run away and hide. Hal glared at Diana and turned to Batman. "This isn't why we gathered here today. Batman, you said you wanted to discuss something with us?"
The dark knight nodded and stood up. "It has come to Black Canary's attention that Kid Flash has been acting unusual lately." Barry's brow furrowed in confusion. This confirmed Black Canary's suspicions—the speedster didn't know anything of Wally's behavior.
"Unusual? Like how?"
"He lashed out at Miss Martian this morning. Over burned cookies..." Black Canary drawled, sighing at the end. "He's never yelled at her for anything before, especially over something like burned cookies. In fact, he's never complained about anything as small as that."
She paused, her gaze focused on the concerned speedster. "We are wondering if anything has happened recently that would make him he's been abandoned or forgotten. Anything, Barry."
Flash was silent for a long time but by his expression, BC knew he was trying to think, unlike other times when he would say anything that came into his mind.
"I can't think of anything except for...oh no." Flash's posture crippled and his head slammed onto the flat top of the table. Hal ran his hand back and forth across the speedster's backside, a sympathetic expression taking over his features. "What's wrong?"
"I recently adopted a new kid. He's just like Wally and I, only he's much faster than any speedster I've ever encountered before. He came from another universe and recognized me as his adoptive father. I've been letting the kid tag along with us on patrols and he's been gaining a lot of attention from the public." Some of the league's members nodded in understanding, while others such as Black Canary and Batman were still concerned.
"What does the boy go by?" Batman asked, already pulling up hologram search engine so the league could see it. "Static. Iris told us some of her colleagues were convinced he was Hermes." This caught Wonder Woman's interest.
"Is he really that fast that they would think a boy could be the embodiment of the god of speed himself?"
Barry simply shrugged in reply to her question while the search results for "Static" appeared. "Try 'Central City Static'." Batman glared at him before doing as told, and then pulled up a news article recently written by Iris West-Allen.
April 23, 2015|By: Iris West-Allen
A hurricane of rumors have been spreading like wildfire through Central City, their focus: a new heroic speedster who has been seen accompanying Flash and Kid Flash as they race to stop crime on the streets. The most recent victim was Mr. Yvenne, CEO of Central City's Coal Mining Corps. He was personally rescued by our new speedster and has agreed to share this fascinating tale with me.
"I know people would see a man who felt great fear as a coward, but I have a feeling they would know the fear I experienced if they had been in my place. One second, I was on my knees, a gun pressed to the side of my head and a barbaric man yelling at the Flash and his protégé to stay back or he'd blow my brains out of my head. In another second, I was standing behind the Flash and watching as a very fast blur—I could hardly see him because he was moving so fast—but he took out that terrorist in less than a second. It was amazing, and I felt so relieved knowing that I would get to see my wife and children again." Mr. Yvenne also added that he repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the young speedster and promised him that if he ever needed anything, all he needed to do was call.
"The kid was so selfless. He told me that I owed him nothing and it was the very satisfaction of knowing he had saved yet another family from being broken that drives him to save others."
Batman grunted and exited out of the article, earning a chorus of groans from several of the league members. "I was still reading that, Bats!"
"I don't care." Was the dark knight's reply. He turned to Barry and spoke, "Flash, is it possible you could bring Static here? Now?" The speedster in question thought for a moment before beaming happily. "Yeahsurebats! Icantotallybringhimhere! We'llberightback!"
A second later and the chair the Flash had been sitting in was left spinning in place beside Hal. The Zeta-beam announced Flash's exit, leaving the Justice League to wait, but not as long as they expected.
Only a minute after the speedster had left, the Zeta-beam came to life again and the speaker announced,
Recognized: Flash-04, Guest Static A01.
Flash raced into the room in a red blur and fell into his seat. Green Lantern jumped at the sudden appearance but nonetheless welcomed his friend back. "So where's the kid?" Green Arrow asked, crossing his arms expectantly.
Flash smirked and instead asked, "What are you talking about? He's right behind you."
The leaguers all turned their gazes to see the kid but any trace of him was gone from behind Oliver. An eerie cackle made several of them jump, including Shazam who would've flew up and hit the ceiling had the table not stopped him. He was now holding his right knee as it had hit the underside of the table. Wonder Woman had stood from her seat, her Amazonian sword in her hand. "This boy must be Hermes! Who else runs so fast we cannot see him and has the nerve to prank the heroes of Earth?"
Green Arrow yelped in fright and jumped (tripped over and fell on his ass —refuses to admit it) off his chair. The chair fell to the floor and the bang made Superman wince as the volume was amplified for him.
"Woah. Green Arrow is more of a wimp here. You guys are nothing compared to what my aunt and uncles were like. Well except for my dad. You two are comparatively the same. So are you." Static stopped in front of Hal Jordan and smiled. "Nice to see you again, uncle. You don't know me yet but I can't wait until you do! I really want to here about the Origin of the Lantern Corps again." Static then disappeared and reappeared in front of Batman.
One look at the man's scowl and the kid said, "You're...just like how I first met the Batman on my planet. Of course, he grew softer around me."
And with that, the kid was gone again. "You guys are really bad at this. What if Amazo came back? He could easily duplicate me and then beat you up." The room suddenly lit up as Static let his lightning finally show—it was a technique he had learned from Savitar when the self-proclaimed God of Speed used Brain to manipulate him and turn him against his own father.
No matter how many times he saw it, Flash could never stop being amazed at how fast this kid was. His lightning was almost white but had a bit of gold in the center. To Flash, it made Static look like a god.
Hal was just as stunned as the rest of the Justice League, excluding Flash of course. He soon got over it as he realized this kid loved making a show of things. Why else would he continue to run in circle long has it been? He looked down at his watch and froze. He had thought that 3 minutes had passed since the kid started running in circles with the lightning, but in reality it had only been 1 minute.
"By the gods! Stop this at once or I will kill you!" Static skidded to a halt and stopped in front of the Amazon.
"You can't kill me! Batman would never allow it! And you're not as nice as I thought you would be! Auntie Diana made a far better first impression than you!" With that, he stuck his tongue out and sped away from the furious heroine.
"Uncle Oriiiiin!" The league guffawed in surprise as the kid ran up to the Atlantean. The King looked at the kid before freezing as a pair of arms wrapped around him and held him tight.
A child was actually hugging him.
Orin did not know what to do but wrap his own arms around the kid. And then he heard the words. "I wish I could go back and see Atlantis again. I wish I could've helped you and your Queen. I wish you all had survived. I am so selfish."
"You lost everyone you cared for at such a young age. If you see this as selfish, than you are one of the most selfless and dedicated beings I have ever had the honor of meeting." Martian Manhunter smiled at the kid as he spoke, and when he finished a round of "here, here" came from some of the members of the league.
Static smiled gratefully before becoming serious. He let go of Aquaman and walked into the center of the U-shaped table.
"You have something else to talk about. The League doesn't do anything without a reason, so why am I here meeting you all now?"
A/N: Cliffhanger! Man don't you hate these? Lol. I apologize for not updating for sooooo long. But here's the next chapter!
Next: Wally and Dick fight in Mount Justice. The League cannot understand why Wally hates Dick so much. Maybe it's because he is a dick. Or maybe it's something else...
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