"I'm gonna cry."
"You haven't even seen them yet."
"I can feel it. I'm gonna cry. I cried when I saw a baby in an advert last night."
Louis smiles fondly, shaking his head as he helps Harry up the steps to his Mum's front door. They're meeting Ernest and Doris for the first time, since the drive to the hospital was a bit too much for Harry. He's due in only five weeks, and Louis' pretty much a wreck every time he thinks about it.
Louis knocks on the door, and it opens only moments later, with an exhausted looking Jay standing there. "Hi," She grins tiredly.
"Hey," Louis helps Harry into the house before hugging his mum. Almost as soon as they separate, she's doting on Harry. Louis would think it's annoying if he didn't do the same.
"You look lovely, darling," She pinches Harry's cheek as Harry beams. Louis used to think pregnancy glow was a myth. Harry has proven that it isn't. "You feeling alright?"
"I'm okay," Harry assures. "Was gonna say a little tired, but I'm positive you have me beat."
"You have no idea," Jay rolls her eyes. "The babies are in the nursery, I can bring them down here. Don't want you climbing all those stairs."
"I'd be fine," Harry pouts. He's stubborn, Louis already knew that, but it seems to have worsened with his pregnancy. Jay and Louis glance at each other, Jay giving him a smirk before going up the stairs.
"Here, you should sit," Louis grabs Harry's hand, leading him to the sofa. Harry's still pouting as Louis lowers him onto the couch, but it melts away when Louis sits next to him and kisses him. When they separate, Louis smiles at him. "You look beautiful today."
"You made me fat," Harry grumbles.
"Sorry about that," Louis grins cheekily. "You still look beautiful."
Harry giggles, and Louis melts a little. "Well, thank you," He pats Louis' cheek playfully. Jay comes down the stairs, a baby cradled in each arm, and Louis' face softens.
"Here, Lou, you want Ernest?" She offers, gently passing the baby over to Louis. Louis stares down at him, feeling himself grin. He remembers being little, when his mum kept telling him he was getting another baby sister, and all he wanted was a brother. Now he has one.
"Do you want to hold Doris, love?" Jay asks Harry. Harry just nods, eyes glued to the tiny baby wrapped in a soft pink blanket. Jay passes her over, and Harry takes her and holds her on top of his bump, his expression soft.
"They're tiny," Louis observes.
"'S because they were a bit early," Jay says. "Most twins are, though. I'm just glad they're healthy."
"Mummm!" One of Louis' sisters calls from upstairs. Jay sighs, holding her finger up to Louis and Harry before going back up the stairs again. Louis looks over to Harry to see that he has tear streaming down his face, and he raises his eyebrows.
"Hazza," He says softly, laughing fondly.
"How am I supposed to take care of something this little?" He sniffles, lip wobbling. "She's much smaller than the baby in the advert."
"Harry, love, 's just because she was early," Louis assures, looking back down at his new baby brother. "And she's going to grow, and so is our baby."
"I don't want ours to," Harry hiccups, swallowing thickly. "I'm keeping it in. That's it. I'll just hold it in."
"Baby," Louis laughs again, using his free hand to grab Harry's face gently. "You're going to be a wonderful dad, love, you already are."
"You think so?" Harry leans into Louis' hand.
"Yeah, of course I do," Louis leans forward and kisses him, which leaves Harry grinning despite his tears. "You're going to kick arse, babe, just like with everything else you do."
"I love you," Harry sniffles again, looking back down at Doris. He speaks again, much softer than before, and says "I hope we have a girl."
Louis smiles. "Really? You want a girl?" Harry nods. "You know I'm cool with either, Hazza, but 've got more experience with girls."
"Obviously I'd be okay with either, too," Harry says, holding his index finger out to Doris, who grabs onto it. "But. I feel like it's a girl. And I'd love a girl."
"You just want a doll to dress up and shit," Louis points out.
"Don't swear in front of the babies," Harry glares at him, and Louis can't help but grin, because he's so gone for him.
"I want to come to the party!"
"Love, this isn't like the family parties, there aren't going to be any other kids there," Louis says, very focused on fixing his hair in the mirror. Harry's just dries perfect, it's not fucking fair. "I think you'll have much more fun with Nana Anne, yeah?"
"But Barb's gonna be at the party!" Gracie pouts, stomping her little trainer.
"Gracie Mae, we don't stomp when we don't get our way," Harry reminds, but he doesn't raise his voice. "I'm sorry you're upset, but you're going to see Barbara next week, remember? She's going to take you shopping for your first day of Year 1."
"I can't believe my little Gracie Girl's almost in Year 1!" Louis fakes a sob. Gracie looks up at Harry.
"He's so dramatic," She says.
"Tell me about it," Harry mutters. "Now, get your slicker on, please. Lou, love, you almost done?"
"Alllmooost," Louis drags out, fingers covered in hair gel. "Grab my slicker for me, babe?"
"Yeah, yeah," Harry sighs, digging through the closet.
"I want to jump in the puddles!" Gracie announces.
"You can jump in one small puddle," Louis says, finally finishing his hair and wiping his hands off with a towel. "Nan would not appreciate it if you showed up to her house with soggy trainers."
"Here you go, love," Harry hands Louis his slicker. Louis thanks him and slips it on, putting the hood on over it so the rain doesn't mess up his hair.
"Why do you call him that?" Gracie asks.
"Because, he's my love," Harry says it like he's bragging, kissing Louis' cheek just to prove his point. Gracie wrinkles his nose.
"Auntie Lottie says you're gross," She says.
"Auntie Lottie's jealouuus," Louis sings, tapping Gracie's bum. "C'mon, we've got to get you to Nan's."
"Ayyy, finally," Niall cheers as Harry and Louis enter Liam's kitchen, both soaked from the rain even with their slickers. "C'mere, I have to show you something."
"Wassit?" Louis asks, grabbing a beer from the cooler next to where Niall's standing. Harry raises an eyebrow at him. "'S just one drink, I'm still driving!"
"Look," Niall pulls a small box out of his pocket, opening it and showing Louis and Harry a ring.
"That's very flattering, Niall, but I'm taken."
"'S not for you," Niall huffs towards Louis. "M gonna propose to Barbara."
"No way," Harry grins. "When?"
"Probably later tonight, we're gonna slip out early and go to this fancy restaurant downtown," He says. "I have Liam's blessing."
"You nervous?" Louis asks. Niall looks across the room to where Barbara is chatting with some blonde girl Liam knows, and he sighs softly.
"Yeah, I am," He admits. "But she's gotta say yes, right? She wouldn't be with me for four years if she wasn't actually into me."
"I think it's safe to assume she is," Louis chuckles. "Gracie's been asking when you two are going to get married, she's gonna be psyched."
"Because she knows she has flower girl in the bag," Niall laughs. It's kind of weird to Louis, knowing Niall's going to get married. He's been so used to him and Harry being the only married couple out of all of their friends (besides Ben, but he's a stuck-up cunt and doesn't count).
"You're here!" Liam's voice booms across the kitchen. He's already tipsy, no doubt. It's his birthday, though, so he gets a pass. He walks over to Harry and hugs him, kissing his cheek. "Harryyy, I missed you!"
"Easy there, Payno," Louis warns.
"Ooh, we haven't seen jealous Louis in a while," Niall teases. Louis glares at him, taking a sip of his beer bitterly.
"You guys are leaving too?" Liam whines, a lot more than tipsy now. Harry's almost there, but still sober, eyelids heavy. He's exhausted, but Louis gets it. He's worked hard all week.
"Yeah, sorry, mate," Louis gives him a small smile. "Haz is tired, gotta take him home. I'll see you soon, though, yeah? We can get a drink or summat?"
"Okayyy," Liam is bummed until he sees someone from his office and runs over to say hello. Louis shakes is head fondly as he leads Harry out the door, not even bothering to put his hood up this time.
"I like the rain," Harry says softly.
"I know," Louis replies. "It's cute."
They're soaked by the time they both get in the car, Harry's curls dripping down onto his skinnies. Louis keeps his hand on Harry's thigh as they drive, the rain slapping against the windshield.
Once they get home, Louis brings Harry up to their room, expecting him to want to go to sleep. However, as soon as Louis sits on the bed to untie his shoes, Harry is pressed into his back, kissing his neck and making him shiver.
"Haz, honey," Louis says softly. "What's up?"
"We're alone," He points out, resting his head on Louis' shoulder. "Shouldn't we take advantage of it?"
"I like the way you think," Louis turns around and pushes Harry back down into the bed, making Harry giggle. "Lube's in the drawer. Where're the condoms?"
"No condom," Harry insists, grabbing Louis by his shirt and pulling him down so he can kiss him. Louis stops him.
"Are...are you sure?" Louis asks cautiously. "I'm ready if you are, Haz, but I don't want to rush into it."
"I'm ready," Harry assures, grinning up at Louis, dimples popping out. "I want this. I promise." How's Louis supposed to say no to that? Harry pulls Louis down again, and this time Louis does kiss him, stomach bubbling with excitement.
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