Louis is not going to make it.
After arguing with Gracie for twenty minutes about why she can't wear her bathing suit to school (he lost, but she's agreed to wear shorts over it), he has to deal with a very grumpy husband and make sure he'll be okay before he goes to work. Remember when he said maybe Harry would be less grumpy once his bed rest ended? Yeah. He was wrong.
"Maybe you should sit down, love," Louis suggests gently, standing and watching as Harry makes himself eggs he insisted he could make.
"No," Harry grumbles, not even looking up from his eggs.
"Hazza," Louis grabs Harry's arm gently, ready to help him sit, but Harry elbows him away.
"Don't touch me," He huffs. He says that a lot lately. Louis sighs. All the jokes that Gracie got her attitude from him were wrong. She's all Harry.
"Okay," Louis pinches the bridge of his nose, reminding himself that Harry can't help it. "Fine. Make your eggs. Let me know if you need me."
Harry has a virtual appointment with Rashidi later, so maybe afterwards he'll be a little less irritable. For now, Louis sits down at the kitchen table and pulls out his phone until he hears Harry drop a spatula to the counter. He looks up and sees Harry standing there with his hands on his hips.
"So you're just going to sit there while I do all the work?" He glares. Louis can't win. He knows Harry is hormonal, though, and also very uncomfortable and tired, so he puts his phone back down and smiles at him.
"You're right, I'm sorry," He says, trying to sound as genuine as possible. "What can I do to help you?"
Harry looks at him for a second before promptly bursting into tears. This whole morning is going to give Louis grey hairs. If there was a game show called How Many Times Can Louis Make His Poor Husband Cry In One Day, he'd be the shining winner.
"Hey, hey," He stands up and approaches Harry, holding his face in his hands. "Hazza, babe, what's the matter?"
"I don't know!" Harry weeps, leaning into Louis' touch. Louis smiles cautiously, expecting to be yelled at any second. "I want the babies out and I want to not feel so grumpy all the time."
"It's okay," Louis assures gently. "I'm sorry, H, I know you must be feelin' really shitty. You're handling it like a champ, if that helps?"
"Stop being so nice," Harry cries, his bottom lip trembling. "I wanna yell at someone."
"You can yell at me," Louis assures, laughing a little at the absurdity of his situation.
"Not when you're being so sweet," Harry sniffles, pouting a little. It's pretty cute, Louis can't lie.
"I'm going to make you sit down now, you can yell at me for that?" Louis offers, moving his hand to Harry's arm and gently pulling him away from the stove. Harry makes a face, but allows Louis to help him into a kitchen chair.
"Making eggs isn't gonna make them come out," Harry huffs. "'M convinced nothing will."
"Bub, you're still only thirty-eight weeks," Louis reminds, tone soft with fond as he gets a plate for Harry's eggs. "They might not come for a while. Even the doctor's convinced they'll get to term."
"But I want them out," Harry whines, eyes still shiny. "My book had ways to do that. spicy food."
"You don't like spicy food," Louis reminds, grinning as he sets Harry's eggs in front of him with a kiss to the top of his head. Harry sighs.
"It said you can exercise, which is a no from me," Harry wrinkles his nose with distaste
"That's my boy," Louis hums.
"And it said you can..." Harry furrows his eyebrows in thought before looking up at Louis, eyes widening in realisation. "Have sex with me."
Louis chokes on air. "Sorry?"
"It induces labour, have sex with me," Harry demands, looking up at Louis earnestly. This is the same boy that was saying 'don't touch me' three minutes ago.
"Hazza, I have to leave for work in, like, six minutes," Louis points out.
"Six minutes has never stopped you before," Harry shrugs nonchalantly.
"Harold," Louis sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not fucking the babies out of you. When they're ready, they'll come."
"Louisss," Harry whines.
"I'm going to work," Louis shakes his head. Harry gives him a glare. "I would have fucked you two weeks ago when you told me 'don't even touch me, I'm a literal cow, go use your hand and leave me alone'."
"You're so mean," Harry pouts.
"I know, I'm the worst," Louis leans down and pecks Harry's lips anyways. "I have to go, call me if you need anything, yeah?"
"Yeah," Harry sighs. Louis kisses his cheek, and the does it again, peppering it with kisses until it gets a laugh out of Harry. "Lou, stop!"
Louis does, but not before giving him one final kiss on the lips. "Okay, I'm leaving. I love youuu."
"I love you too," Harry giggles, shaking his head and going to eat his breakfast.
Harry, now that he's finally off bedrest, feels like he should be using this time to be productive before the babies come.
However, his back has never been worse, his belly is heavy, and he's been having Braxton Hicks all day. So, reluctantly, he's sitting down on the sofa finishing up Gilmore Girls until his virtual appointment with Rashidi.
One of the babies kicks, and he wrinkles his nose. He didn't know they even had room to do that anymore. "Chill out," He grumbles, although he knows it's no use. He sighs, checking the time on a clock on the wall. He should probably go get his laptop, which is all the way upstairs. Shit.
"Okay," He breathes, sitting up a little straighter to get ready to stand up. Hyping himself up is all part of the process. "Okay, just do it. You can do it."
Carefully, he gets himself up to a standing position. His back aches in protest, and a noise of discomfort emits from his throat as he digs his knuckles into it. It's not the same as when Louis does it.
He walks (waddles) over to the stairs, gripping the railing and very cautiously making his way upstairs. He can't wait to have his body back, without the extra twenty-one kilos.
As soon as he reaches the top of the stairs, he's hit with another Braxton Hick. It's a little stronger than the ones before, and the tight pain rolls down to his thighs and around to his back. He whimpers, leaning into the wall and scrunching his nose.
Once it subsides he shuffles to the bedroom, picking up his laptop and slowly lowering himself onto the bed. Moving around your own house shouldn't be much effort, but here he is, panting.
He gets himself into a comfortable position (well, as comfortable as he can be) and sets up his laptop. Honestly the last thing he wants to do today is get on a video call with his therapist and cry for an hour, but it beats sitting around and not doing anything, he supposes.
It's only twenty minutes into his appointment with Rashidi that he feels it–the same pain he felt before, but a tiny bit worse. It's then he realises this is the real deal. The realest deal that's ever been, actually, because there are two babies trying to make their way out of him right now.
His initial reaction is butterflies in his tummy, fighting back a smile as Rashidi talks to him about not speaking up for the sake of other people's feelings, and how he has to stop doing that. Then another pain hits him, and his excitement turns to fear as he tries to fight back a pained expression.
Because, holy shit, twins. That's three kids total. Sometimes keeping up with Gracie alone is the same as keeping up with three kids. What if Louis realises he doesn't want three kids with him? What if he sees how his body looks after giving birth and thinks he looks disgusting? What if they start to fight again?
"Um, Harry, you alright?"
Harry, lost in his thoughts, must've visibly shown either how much pain he's in, or how anxious he is. He forces a weak smile. "Yeah, sorry, I'm okay," He assures quickly.
"Harry," Rashidi raises his eyebrows at him. "Remember what we just talked about? Not speaking up for the sake of other people?"
"Right, sorry, I'm sorry, um," A huge smile makes its way to Harry's face as he admits, "I think I'm in labour?"
Rashidi is quiet for a second. "Oh!" He chokes out. "O-Oh, oh gosh, wow, um, okay. You should probably hop off and your husband, or summat."
"It's okay," Harry shakes his head. He feels kind of bad at the thought of dipping on Rashidi so early. "I can get through the rest."
"Harry, go, seriously," Rashidi insists. "It's okay. Go...go call your husband, or your doctor, or relax, whatever," Harry bites his bottom lip. "I get paid either way." Harry laughs a little at that. "Seriously. It's fine. I'll see you in two weeks, okay?"
"Okay," Harry sighs, and they both end the call, and now Harry's alone again. He puts a hand on the side of his tummy, feeling how hard it now feels underneath. Shit. This is really happening. His brain still can't process it.
He needs to call Dr. Bajaj to make sure this is the real deal. He needs to call Louis. He needs to call Jay and ask her to get Gracie from school. Except, his phone is downstairs in the kitchen. Time to go through the whole process of getting up and moving again.
Harry gets himself off the bed, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. The amount it took him is kind of embarrassing, but at least he made it. He grabs his phone off the kitchen counter and calls Dr. Bajaj. After telling them about the pain and answering a few of their questions, his suspicion is confirmed; he's in active labour.
As soon as he gets off the phone with them, he's hit with another pain, and it causes him to squat down on the floor and tuck his chin to his chest. He holds onto the counter to keep himself steady, taking a few deep breaths. He knows this isn't even the worst of it, and they'll just keep getting worse.
Staying squatted down on the floor, he holds his phone to his ear and calls Louis. It only rings twice before he hears a "hello?"
"Hiii sun," Harry greets, smiling at the sound of Louis' voice.
"Hey, love, what's up?"
"Um, just wondering what time you think you'll be home today?" Harry asks.
"Was just about to call you, actually, I think Z wanted to have a meeting with me about something tonight, and I've gotta stop at Tesco or summat on the way home to get milk, but-"
"Yes, darling?"
"I'm in labour."
The line is silent for a few moments. Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Lou?" He asks.
"I, um," Louis sputters before his voice sounds a little farther away, like he's not holding the phone up to his ear anymore.
"Fuck, I-I have to go," He tells someone else, probably Zayn. "M-My baby's having husbands, no, fuck, I mean-my baby, he's having babies, oh my God-"
"Louis," Harry says, not being able to hold back a giggle. "Lou, love, I'm fine. I'm okay for now, I was just letting you know."
"I-I'll be home in twenty."
"Babe, you don't have to come home," Harry assures, grinning wide. Louis' so cute. "It'll probably be a while before we have to leave for the hospital."
"No, no, I wanna be there with you. It's okay. I-I'm leaving right now, just hang tight for a bit, okay?"
"Okay," Harry sighs, shaking his head. There's no use in arguing with him. "I'll see you soon then?"
"Yeah, soon, I'll be there soon," Louis' quiet for a moment before his voice goes a little softer. "Hey, H, I love you. So, so much. Thanks for having so many kids with me."
All of Harry's worries about their relationship from before fade away. He smiles to himself, cheeks becoming a little warm at Louis' words. "I love you too," He says. "You're my favourite person ever."
"I better be," Louis retorts. Harry laughs. "You wanna stay on the phone with me until I get home?"
"Yeah," Harry says shyly. "Yes, please."
"'Course," Louis replies. "I can call my mum once I'm home, ask her to pick Gracie up from school with the twins."
"Okay," Harry nods, even though no one can see him. His eyes are getting a little teary, and he's not even sure why. "We're gonna have her meet them first, yeah?"
"Of course," Louis says. "Gotta give her some time before all my sisters are doting on them. Once they get to them we probably won't get to hold them for days."
Harry giggles, sniffling. "She's gonna be such a good big sister," He says.
"The best," Louis agrees. "Probably the bossiest too, though."
Harry laughs a little, slowly standing up off the floor, using the counter for support. "Probably," He agrees. "Maybe we can ask Jay to have her change beforehand. Just so the first time she meets them, she's not wearing a bathing suit."
"I fought that as hard as I could," Louis whines, and Harry laughs again. "You're lucky I got her to wear the shorts over it."
"Ms. Bridgers probably thinks we're neglecting her," Harry sighs, grinning. "'Look at that poor child, she has to wear a bathing suit over to school, her parents won't buy her any clothes'."
"Maybe some kid will feel bad for her and give her their lunch money," Louis points out, and Harry bursts into laughter. "We could get pizza for dinner."
"'S a good point," Harry giggles.
Louis gets home soon enough, bursting through the front door and shaking his head when he sees Harry standing at the kitchen counter. "Jesus, Hazza, at least sit down," He urges, walking over and grabbing Harry's arm gently.
"I feel fine," Harry pouts.
"Sit," Louis leads Harry to the lounge, having him sit down on the sofa. He stands over him, hands on his hips, looking over him worriedly. He sighs softly. "You okay?"
"Mhm," Harry assures, giving Louis a weak smile. Louis looks like he's about to shit his pants. "Sit with me?"
Louis visibly relaxes a bit, sighing again before plopping down on the sofa next to him. Harry immediately leans into him, resting his head against Louis' chest, and Louis wraps his arms around him. He kisses the top of his head. "Should probably call my mum, then, huh?"
"Mhm," Harry closes his eyes, grabbing one of Louis' hands where it's resting on his arm. Louis smiles to himself, using his free hand to fish his phone out of his pocket and call his mum.
Almost as soon as it starts to ring, she picks up, saying "Lou, babe, is it time?"
Louis' smile widens. He should've known she'd know right away. "Yeah, we think so. Was just gonna ask you to grab Gracie when you pick up the twins, if that's okay?"
"Yeah, of course, love," Jay assures. Harry starts to squeeze Louis' hand hard, and when Louis looks down at him his face is scrunched up, turning to bury it into Louis' chest. Shit. "Should I tell her you're at the hospital?"
"Um, no, I'll call you when we get there so I can tell her," He says, tightening his grip on Harry and trying to wrap up the phone call so he can tend to him. "Thanksmumloveyoubye."
He hangs up, kissing the top of Harry's head against "Okay, um, breathe," He says gently, rubbing Harry's back. Harry just whines, continuing to squeeze Louis' hand. "I know, baby, I'm so sorry."
The contraction passes, and Harry slumps into Louis, his grip on Louis' hand loosening a bit. "That one hurt," He mumbles.
"I'm sorry, pet," Louis soothes, brushing a curl out of Harry's face. "You're a badass for doing this, though. I don't think I ever could."
"You definitely couldn't," Harry mutters, giggling weakly when Louis squeezes his hand in protest. "Soz, love."
"I guess I'll let it slide," Louis huffs, smiling teasingly as Harry giggles again. "You need anything? Have you eaten since breakfast?"
"No, but 'm not hungry," Harry assures. "Just wanna relax for a bit, 'till the next one."
"Okay," Louis nods, running his fingers through Harry's hair. "You wanna lay down, at least?"
"Sure," Harry mumbles. Louis scoots back so he's leaning against the arm of the sofa, letting Harry lay between his legs and lean against his chest. One of his legs dangles off the sofa to make room for Harry's belly, but Harry literally has two babies right between his hips, so he can deal with being a little uncomfortable.
"You're the coolest person ever," Louis says quietly as he runs his fingers through Harry's hair. "Can't believe I tricked you into getting married and having three kids with me."
"I love it," Harry whispers, closing his eyes, cheek pressed against Louis' chest. "I love all of it. Wouldn't want any of it with anyone else."
Harry's supposed to be the hormonal one here, but he's got Louis feeling a little teary. "We had a pretty shitty year," Louis says, rubbing Harry's back.
"It was worth it," Harry replies. "For this. And for you."
Louis can't help but smile wide, resting his hand on Harry's tummy. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me."
"I don't need to anymore, 'm already in labour," Harry shrugs, biting back a teasing grin.
"Oh, 's that all I'm good for, then?" Louis huffs, making Harry laugh. "Just a good fuck to induce labour?"
"Doesn't even have to be a good one," Harry mutters.
"You're a brat, you know that?" Louis shakes his head, and Harry laughs again, looking up at Louis with bright, shiny eyes. Louis couldn't be more in love.
"Are you sure you don't want to sit down?"
"Yes, leave me alone."
Louis sighs, watching as Harry shuffles around the kitchen island in circles. He's ridiculous. It's kind of cute, though. "If I'm just sitting there I can feel them pressing down right here," Harry explains, pointing to the bottom of his stomach, his other hand cradling the small of his back. "And it makes me nauseous."
Louis has no idea how that works, but sure. "Ah," He nods as if he understands. "Gotcha."
Harry continues to walk until he stops, leaning against counter for support. "Ooh," He breathes, and Louis is up and by his side almost immediately. "Okay, this ones bad, they're getting bad."
"Breathe," Louis says softly. Harry leans back into him, his back pressed against Louis' torso, and Louis wraps his arms around his shoulders. "'M so proud of you, H, you're doing so, so good."
"Just shut up for a second," Harry mumbles, wrinkling his nose. Louis can't even be offended, pressing his lips together and stifling his laughter. Harry audibly exhales, bringing his hands up and grabbing Louis' arms. "Okay, I think I'm okay. Sorry."
"It's okay," Louis chuckles, kissing the top of Harry's head. "You're allowed to be as nasty to me as you want, today. You deserve it, I think."
Harry laughs breathlessly, leaning his head back and puckering his lips so Louis will kiss him. He does, and it leaves Harry with a smile. "You think we should leave soon?" Louis asks, his voice going a little high-pitched with anxiety.
"Not yet, but probably soon," Harry hums, letting Louis help him stand up straight. "Help me sit down? Think I need to now."
"'Course, pet," Louis kisses right below his ear, grabbing his hand and helping him to the sofa. "You need anything else?"
"No, I'm okay," Harry sighs, letting Louis lower him down onto the couch gently. He leans his back into it, wrinkling his nose at the incessant ache at the base of it. "Why don't you go get the bags so we're ready?"
"Got it," Louis nods obediently, leaning down and pecking Harry's lips. "I'll be right back, hang tight."
Harry smiles weakly as Louis leaves to go upstairs. He rests his hand on the bottom of his stomach, where the twins seem to have settled, and bites his lip. This is starting to feel really real, and his stomach bubbles with excitement, but also anxiety.
His eyes start to tear up when he thinks about it, how he and Louis have made three kids together, and how incredible Louis has been throughout it all, despite the rockiness they had the past few years.
By the time Louis comes back down, two duffel bags in his hands, Harry's crying. Louis doesn't even ask what's wrong, just sets the bags down and goes to sit next to Harry. "My boy," He mumbles, wrapping Harry up in his arms and kissing the top of his head. "It's okay, H."
"I love you so much," Harry weeps.
"I love you too," Louis chuckles. "It's okay, you're okay."
Harry sniffles, leaning back from Louis and seeing he's changed out of his work clothes. "You changed," He mentions through a hiccup.
"Yeah," Louis beams, looking down at the black band shirt he's wearing. He's had it for as long as Harry can remember, there's even a hole at the bottom near the hem. "This is the shirt I was wearing when Gracie was born, thought I'd bring it back and make it a tradition, you know?"
"That's so cute," Harry starts crying all over again.
"Oh, babe," Louis laughs, reaching up and wiping the tears from Harry's cheeks. He can feel it before it even fully hits him, and he grabs Louis' hands off his face to squeeze them.
"Ah!" He hisses, squeezing his eyes shut. Louis doesn't say anything, probably scared of being told to shut up again, but Harry likes it. He wants to be able to concentrate.
Louis doesn't say anything until it passes, and Harry slumps into him. "Good job, H," He mumbles into Harry's hair.
"I think we should go," Harry admits shakily. He can feel Louis tense.
"Okay," He breathes. Harry can tell he's nervous, but he's trying to cover it up for him, and Harry's so thankful. He's in poor shape to be the calm one right now. "Let me get you some shoes. Where's your phone, want me to grab that too?"
"Kitchen counter," Harry mumbles. Louis kisses his forehead quickly before getting up off the sofa, rushing to the kitchen to get it.
Louis comes back grabs Harry's shoes from near the door, retrieving them and helping Harry slip them on. "Okay, okay, um," He breathes, standing back up. "I think we're good. Should I put you in the car first or the bags?"
Harry smiles at him weakly. "Maybe chill out a bit first?"
"Sorry, I'm sorry," Louis laughs breathlessly, putting a hand on his forehead. "Okay, I'll get you in the car first, c'mon."
He helps Harry stand up off the sofa, keeping a hand on the small of his back as they slowly make their way outside. "We should call Gracie in the car," Harry mentions as Louis grabs his hand with his free one.
"Yeah, we can," Louis assures, opening the passenger side door and carefully helping Harry in. "Sit tight, I'll get the bags and stuff."
"Okay," Harry nods, smiling up at Louis sweetly. Louis practically sprints back to the house to get everything, and Harry can't help but laugh a little. It's oddly cute, how nervous he is. As if he hasn't been through this before.
Louis comes back, gets the bags in the trunk of the car, and climbs into the drivers seat. He reaches over and holds Harry's hand. "You ready, babe?"
"Mhm," Harry nods, giving him a small smile. Louis starts the car, handing Harry his phone.
"Here, call my mum, please?" He asks, pulling out of their driveway. "Connect it to the Bluetooth or whatever."
Harry obeys, pressing a few buttons on the dashboard so the call connects to the car. Jay answers just as quickly as she had before. "Hi, hun, I just got the kids from school."
"Hey, we're leaving for the hospital right now," Louis says, squeezing Harry's hand. "Could you pass the phone to Gracie?"
"Yup, one sec."
There's some shuffling before they hear Gracie squeak, "Hiii, Daddy!"
"Hi, peanut," Louis grins just at the sound of her voice. He misses her so much when she's not around, and not just for the constant entertainment. "Papa's in the car too, you're on the speaker."
"Hi, Papa!" Gracie says, and Harry giggles.
"Hi, Gracie, you being good for Nana Jay?" He asks.
"Mhm, Nana Jay says I'm always a good girl," Gracie says.
"Yeah, well Nana Jay doesn't live with us," Louis says, and Harry laughs a little. "Hey, G, listen. The reason we had Nana pick you up from school is because me and Papa are going to the hospital. The babies are coming."
Gracie audibly gasps, and Louis' smile widens. "Today?!"
"Hopefully," He chuckles. "It might be tomorrow, if they decide to take their sweet time like you did. But as soon as they're here, we're gonna have Nan bring you down to meet them, okay?"
"Okay!" Gracie squeaks before they hear her say, "Guys, the babies are comin'! I'm gonna be a big sista'!"
Louis' heart melts a little. He feels Harry squeeze his hand, and he looks over to see him wincing. Oh boy. "Okay, Gracie, we have to go, but we'll call as soon as they're here, okay?"
"Okayyy," Gracie says. "Bye Daddy, bye Papa, I love you!"
"We love you too, Gracie girl, talk to you later," Louis grins before hanging up the phone. He squeezes Harry's hand back. "You okay?"
"Mhm," Harry's face is scrunched up, chin tucked to his chest. Louis stays quiet until Harry visibly relaxes, and his tight grip on Louis' hand loosens. "I'm so hungry, I should've eaten."
"'M sorry, love," Louis brings Harry's hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of it. "I'll buy you whatever you want once you can eat again."
"You are the love of my life," Harry stresses. Louis just grins, kissing his hand again.
"Okay, hun, we're just going to check how much you're dilated, okay?"
Harry nods, sniffling, legs spread as a nurse grabs a metal thing from a tray of tools. They got checked in, looked at the babies on an ultrasound, and got Harry in a hospital gown. Louis stayed by his side and held his hand through everything.
"Three centimetres," The nurse says. "Definitely in active labour."
"Ayyye," Louis holds his hands up for a high-five. Harry rolls his eyes, but he high-fives him with a giggle. The nurse smiles at them.
"Dr. Bajaj should be here shortly, let me know if you need anything before he does," She says, standing up as Harry closes his legs again.
"Oh, they're a they, not a he," Louis corrects immediately. Harry is so in love with him.
"Oh, my mistake, sorry," The nurse smiles sheepishly, obviously feeling bad for the slip-up. "They will be here shortly, then."
"Thank you," Harry smiles politely, and she leaves. He leans back into the pillow and sighs, while Louis scoffs.
"You're a grown woman, how hard is it to use the correct pronouns for someone?" He grumbles.
"Lou, love, she probably didn't know," Harry says gently.
"Well someone should have told her!" Louis huffs.
"Babe, you're a great ally, and I appreciate that," Harry says. "But maybe focus on the fact that your spouse is literally going to give birth."
"You're so needy," Louis teases, rolling his eyes. Harry makes a face at him, and Louis laughs and leans down to kiss his forehead. "How do you feel?"
"Okay," Harry shrugs. "Tired."
"You can take a nap," Louis suggests, sitting down on the edge of the hospital bed. "It's okay."
"I won't be able to sleep with the contractions," Harry mumbles. He sighs quietly, squeezing Louis' hand. "Will you just sit with me?"
"I'd love nothing more," Louis brings Harry's hand up to his mouth and kisses his ring finger. "You look beautiful."
"Cut the bullshit," Harry scoffs, but Louis was being genuine. He looks really nice, long curls everywhere, cheeks flushed, eyes tired and shining. Maybe Louis' just too whipped for his own good.
"Prettiest person in the whole maternity ward," Louis says, and Harry makes a face at him. "Never seen someone look so good giving birth."
"You're so annoying," Harry grumbles, and Louis laughs until Harry gasps, squeezing his eyes shut and hunching over a little. Louis squeezes his hand, and he growls under his breath. "Fuck."
"Oh, bub," Louis says softly, his tone sympathetic as he rubs Harry's back. Harry just grunts, squeezing Louis' hand hard. When he had Gracie they had to get ice for Louis' hand. Louis' a little nervous this time it's going to be full-on broken.
"I hate you," Harry grits out. "I hate you for doing this to me."
"I know, honey, I'm sorry," Louis soothes. When the contraction passes and Harry sits back up again, he's crying.
"I don't hate you, I'm sorry," He sniffles.
"It's okay, love, don't worry about it," Louis assures, leaning forward and kissing the tip of Harry's nose. Harry wipes his eyes, and Louis gives him a small smile. "Hey, I love you. You're literally having my kids, you can throw anything you want at me, promise."
"You're so sweet," Harry weeps. Louis holds back a tired sigh and wraps Harry up in his arms, letting him cry into his shoulder. He kisses the top of his head.
"Maybe we should try and nap, yeah?" Louis suggests. Harry, along with obviously being hormonal, is definitely overtired.
"Okay," Harry sniffles. He leans back into his pillow, and holds his arms out to Louis. The bed isn't that big, but Harry wants Louis to lay with him, so Louis inserts himself behind him so he can spoon him. Harry sighs softly. "I love you, Lou."
"I love you too, Haz," Louis kisses the back of his neck. "Try and get some sleep, okay?"
Louis wakes up to see he's in a hospital bed by himself. Oh, Christ, Harry's gone and escaped. Sighing to himself, he sits up and rubs his eyes. Just as he does, Harry walks in, a cup of ice with a spoon in his hand, taking his IV drip along with him.
"Hey," He greets.
"Harry, you should've woken me up if you needed something," Louis grumbles, blinking up at him with sleepy eyes.
"But you looked so cute," Harry coos, and Louis rolls his eyes. "You were only out for, like, an hour. I got ice and took a walk."
"Come lay back down, I don't like you walking around when there's two babies practically between your legs," Louis gets up off the bed to help Harry lay back down. Harry pouts, but let's Louis help him back into the bed.
"I should text my mum," Harry says quietly, stirring the ice around with his spoon. A text. That's it. Louis frowns. He knows Harry wishes he had a better relationship with his parents, and it makes him feel bad when Harry has to watch he and his mum be so close.
"Okay," Louis nods. "I'm gonna go get some coffee, I think. I'm keeping my phone on me, text me if you need anything."
"Okay," Harry gives him a small smile. Louis leans down and kisses him before making his way out of the hospital room and down the corridor. He gets to the cafeteria and gets some coffee from the machine. It's terrible, but he needs to stay awake, so he continues to drink it as he walks back to their room.
As soon as he walks back in, something cold and hard hits him in the forehead. "What the-" Something else hits his arm. He looks up to see Harry sitting up in bed, pelting him with ice. "Okay, what the fuck?"
"The nurse came and told me my labour is stalled," He says before throwing another piece of ice at him. It misses Louis and hits the wall. "I'm still three centimetres. So they wanna give me some drug to get it started again and it might make my contractions even worse and it's all your fault."
"Okay, okay," Louis walks over and takes the ice from him. "Violence is not the answer."
"It can be," Harry reaches for the ice, but Louis holds it further away from him, and he whines. "Louis."
"Chill," Louis says sternly. Harry pouts and crosses his arms, and Louis sits on the edge of the bed. "You can have the ice back if you're gonna eat it."
"Okay," Harry reaches for it, and Louis gives it back to him. Almost as soon as he does, Harry is taking a piece and stuffing it down Louis' shirt. "Okay, now I'm done."
"Harold," Louis stands up quick, the piece of ice falling out of his shirt. Harry bursts into laughter. Louis sighs and goes to pick up all the pieces on the floor. The last thing he needs is a nurse slipping on it and suing them.
As soon as he bends over to get them, Harry whistles at the view of his bum, and Louis stands back up and glares at him. Harry starts to laugh again, and Louis can't help but smile a little. "You are absolutely unhinged today."
"Bend over again," Harry says, grinning devilishly.
"You are filthy," Louis shakes his head, going back to pick up the rest of the ice and dump it into the sink. "You're about to bring two children into the world, let's keep the horniness to a minimum."
"You're no fun," Harry huffs.
Dr. Bajaj comes in, smiling warmly at the two of them. "How're we doing?" They ask, a clipboard in their hands.
"Good," Harry gives them an angelic smile, as if he wasn't thirsting over Louis' arse two seconds ago.
"Good to hear," Dr. Bajaj nods. "So, we're going to get some pitocin in your IV to see if we can get these contractions going again. If this doesn't work, we might have to consider a c-section."
Louis can see Harry tense. He immediately grabs Louis' hand, and Louis gives it a gentle squeeze while Dr. Bajaj puts the pitocin in Harry's IV. Almost as soon as Dr. Bajaj gets Harry set up and leaves, Harry is squeezing Louis' hand harder than he ever has.
"Please don't let them give me a c-section," He breathes, hands shaking. Louis furrows his eyebrows, putting his free hand on Harry's arm. "I don't want one, Lou, please don't let them, please-"
"Hey, hey," Louis soothes, lifting Harry's hand up and kissing it. "It's okay, love, you're okay. I won't let them, okay? Don't work yourself up, okay? 'M not gonna let them do anything you don't want them to do."
Louis knows he honestly has no say in what they do. But, he'd do anything to calm Harry down right now. Harry nods, taking a deep breath. He seems to relax a little. "Will you cuddle with me?" He asks quietly, still a little shaky.
"Sure, bub," Louis smiles, fond, and sets his coffee down so he can lay back and wrap Harry up in his arms. He kisses the top of his head. "It'll be okay, yeah? No matter how they end up getting here, it's good as long as they're healthy. That's all that matters, right?"
"Yeah," Harry says softly, leaning into Louis and closing his eyes. They stay like that for a bit, and Harry has seemingly fully calmed down until the pitocin kicks in. He grabs Louis' arm, hissing in pain, and Louis is quick to grab his hand.
"They come back?" Louis asks.
"No, 'm having a fuckin' heart attack," Harry bites back sarcastically. Louis puts his hand on Harry's back, but immediately removes it when Harry growls "don't touch me."
"Sorry, love," Louis takes his hands away from Harry. The contraction passes, and Harry slumps back, face pink and shiny with sweat. "Okay?"
"Mhm," Harry nods slowly. "Sorry. Just give me a sec."
"Okay," Louis nods. He remembers he hasn't told anyone else Harry's in labour, so he takes his phone out and goes to text his group chat with all of their friends.
Instead of just telling them, though, he opens his camera and takes a selfie where he's grinning and giving a thumbs-up, and Harry is sweating, pink in the face, and giving Louis a very nasty look. He feels as though that'll get the message across.
"Twat," Harry grumbles.
"You're going to want to remember this someday," Louis replies, knowing full-well he's being a little shit.
"Yeah, and your next picture can be me with my hands around your neck," Harry crosses his arms over his chest.
"Kinky," Louis comments, sending the picture. He gets replies to his picture a few moments later.
Niall: Hahahaha!!
Liam: Omg ur such a dick
Taylor: Joe is bent over crying laughing. I think Harry should've picked literally anyone else to be in the delivery room with him.
"I love Joe," Louis says.
"Have Joe carry your children next time," Harry huffs.
"He wouldn't be nearly as entertaining," Louis grins. Harry just gives him a dull look.
"Okay, you've only dilated to four centimetres," Dr. Bajaj says, looking up at Harry through his spread legs. Harry is gripping Louis' hand tightly. "So it looks like we might have to consider a Caesarean section."
"Are you sure?" Harry asks shakily, looking up at Louis helplessly.
"We can try and wait it out a little longer," Dr. Bajaj says. "But it's not looking like you'll even get to five centimetres anytime soon. I think this is your best bet."
Harry looks back up at Louis. "It's up to you, love," Louis says gently. Harry swallows thickly, his hand squeezing Louis' so hard it's starting to turn purple. Louis doesn't say anything, though.
"Okay," Harry says softly, his voice suddenly raspy. Louis knows he cares more about the babies than he does himself, and he's just as eager to meet them as Louis is. "Okay, um. I'll do it."
"Great," Dr. Bajaj nods, giving Harry a warm smile. "Don't worry, I've done this plenty of times. It's a really routine procedure, and this way you'll be able to meet them sooner, yeah?"
Harry nods, still visibly anxious. "I can go make sure an operating room is ready, and we can get set up, okay?" Dr. Bajaj says.
Harry doesn't say anything, staring at his tummy. "Thank you," Louis says for him. Dr. Bajaj smiles again before leaving the room. As soon as they do, Harry bursts into tears. Louis should've seen it coming.
"Oh, babe," Louis sighs, sitting down on the bed and frowning.
"I-I don't wanna get surgery," Harry weeps. "What if something happens?"
"Baby, nothing's going to happen," Louis soothes, wiping Harry's cheeks with the hand that's not bright purple and numb. "You heard them, it's a routine procedure. My mum had two of them and nothing ever happened."
Harry leans into Louis' hand, sniffling. Louis does feel terrible that he's so anxious, and that this isn't going the way he wanted it to. "Hey," Louis says softly, and Harry opens his eyes and looks up at him. "We're gonna get to meet them really soon, H, isn't that cool?"
Harry gives Louis a small smile, sniffling again. "They don't have names."
"That's okay," Louis assures. "We can figure that out. We didn't name Gracie until afterwards either, and I still love her name."
"Me too," Harry nods, biting his bottom lip as he smiles. He turns his head a little and kisses the palm of Louis' hand. "Thank you, L."
"For what?" Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Being so lovely," Harry sniffles. "When I'm an anxious, hormonal mess." Louis laughs fondly, leaning forward and kissing him.
Dr. Bajaj comes back soon enough with a nurse in tow, giving Harry a comforting smile. Harry still looks anxious, but a little less so. "Okay, we're going to inject a spinal block so you'll be numbed for surgery," They say. "Louis, you can leave if you wish."
"I'm not leaving," Louis shakes his head, squeezing Harry's hand.
"Most dads choose to," Dr. Bajaj says, raising their eyebrows knowingly. "Because they either faint or don't want their partner to get the injection after they see the needle."
"I'm a big boy, I can handle it," Louis assures. The nurse starts to prep the needle, and Louis looks over at it and swallows. That is a big needle. "I...I can handle it."
"Stop looking at it," Harry urges, and Louis' eyes snap over to him. "You're freaking me out."
"Soz," Louis shakes his head, keeping his eyes on Harry. He leans down and kisses his forehead. "You okay?"
"I think so," Harry nods, exhaling shakily.
"Louis, could you help him sit up straight?" Dr. Bajaj asks. Louis does, helping Harry sit up and turn so his back is to Dr. Bajaj and the nurse. Harry leans into Louis' torso, and Louis runs his fingers through his hair.
"Okay, could you lift your gown up a bit?" The nurse asks. Louis does it so Harry doesn't have to, lifting and holding up his gown so the bottom of his back is exposed. "Thank you, love."
"Could you sterilise him, please?" Dr. Bajaj asks her, and she hums.
"Hey," Louis says softly. Harry looks up at him, visibly still scared. "Focus on me, yeah?" Harry nods, smiling when Louis makes a funny face at him.
"Okay, we're injecting the spinal block," Dr. Bajaj says. Harry breathes out, but he continues to look up at Louis and focus on him.
Dr. Bajaj does the injection, and Harry grimaces. Louis is quick to take one of his hands away from the hospital gown to hold Harry's. "Okay?" He asks, and Harry nods weakly.
Louis pulls some scrubs on over his clothes, he calls Jay and tells her to bring Gracie, and they get Harry on a gurney to go to the operating room. Harry is absolutely silent the whole time, no matter how many jokes Dr. Bajaj and Louis exchange to lighten the mood.
Once they're in the operating room, and Harry is on the table, Louis is given a chair so he can sit by Harry's head and hold his hand. There's a curtain at the top of Harry's tummy, hiding his view of the surgery.
"You doing okay?" Louis asks, squeezing Harry's hand. He's not doing so well himself, actually, his hand is trembling where it holds Harry's. He's so fucking excited, and so nervous.
"Mhm," Harry nods, staring up at the ceiling. "Talk to me about something."
"Like what?" Louis asks.
"Something to get my mind off of the fact they're cutting me open," Harry says. Louis smiles fondly, squeezing his hand and humming.
"Taylor's going on a tour through the states and England," He mentions, and Harry turns his head so he's looking up at him. "We should take Gracie when she comes here."
"It'll be impossible to get tickets," Harry makes a face.
"She'll hook us up," Louis scoffs. "I wrote some of those songs, she has to let me see her perform them."
"Making the incision," Dr. Bajaj tells them. Harry closes his eyes and exhales shakily. Louis lifts his hand up to his mouth and kisses it tenderly.
"You're the strongest person I know," Louis says softly, and Harry gives him a sheepish smile. "I could never do this."
"I don't know how I'm doing this," Harry admits, and it makes Louis laugh, lips still pressed against the skin of Harry's hand.
"You're kicking arse," He says.
"The first thing the babies are going to hear is you swearing," Harry says, laughing weakly and shaking his head. "What a bad influence."
"They're gonna have to get used to it," Louis shrugs, smiling at him. "Remember when Gracie was little, and I accidentally said 'fuck' in front of her, and she went around for a week going 'Fook! Fook! Fook!'"
Harry laughs again. At least he seems a little distracted. "That was funny," He admits, smiling. "Her daycare teacher did not appreciate it."
"Yeah, and I was the one who got the call asking where our two year old learned that word," Louis points out. Harry grins, but their conversation is interrupted by a baby wailing. Louis' head snaps forward.
"It's a boy," Dr. Bajaj announces, holding the baby up so both of them can see.
"A boy," Louis repeats. He looks over at Harry, whose eyes are stuck on the tiny, wiggly baby. "A boy, Hazza."
"Holy shit," Harry chokes out, eyes shiny. Louis can't help but laugh at his reaction, leaning down and kissing him quickly while they cut the cord and quickly clean the baby up. A nurse places the baby on Harry's chest.
"Hi," Harry says softly, tears trickling down his cheeks. He puts his hand on the baby's back gently, a smile growing on his face. Louis' tearing up, looking at the tiny baby on Harry's chest, still red and covered in gross stuff.
"What a handsome lad," Louis lets out a wet laugh, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
"He's beautiful, Lou," Harry sniffles, beaming up at him. After a moment the nurse has to take him back, but almost as soon as she does, Dr. Bajaj is holding another baby up.
"It's a girl," They announce.
"Why isn't she crying?" Harry asks worriedly.
"She's okay, just a little quiet," Dr. Bajaj assures, and after they clean her up and cut the cord, she starts to cry. It's not as loud as their son's, but the sound makes Harry sigh in relief as they place her on his chest.
"Hello," Harry coos, voice soft and fond. "My quiet girl. Didn't get the Tomlinson lungs, I suppose."
"She's gorgeous, Hazza," Louis gushes, beaming down at her as his eyes well up all over again. He leans down and kisses Harry's forehead.
"One of each," Harry sniffles, giggling. "Just like Gracie wanted."
They take the girl as well, and get Harry stitched back up. Almost as soon as Harry is done with surgery, regained some of the feeling in his legs, and transported back to his room, he's asking for them.
"They'll be down shortly, love, they're just checking their vitals," A nurse tells him, giving him a sympathetically. Harry pouts. "We can get you something to eat in the meantime? Would you like a peanut butter and jelly?"
"Sure," Harry shrugs, giving her a polite smile. Almost as soon as she's gone, he's pouting up at Louis. "I want my babies."
"They're coming, love," Louis reminds gently, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "They're beautiful, though. Absolutely perfect. I'm so proud of you."
"I can't believe we have three kids," Harry grins up at him, eyes becoming watery all over again. "Gracie's going to love them."
The babies do come down, eventually, with two nurses pushing their cots into the room. "Here they are," One of the nurses says. She places a pillow in Harry's lap so his stitches aren't irritated before picking one of them up (the girl, judging by the pink blanket) and carefully passing her to Harry. "So, just keep your arm here, and support her head-"
"Oh, we know how," Harry assures, but he keeps fond eyes on the baby. "We already have a six year old."
"O-Oh, I'm sorry," The nurse smiles sheepishly. "You just look so young."
"'S okay, happens all the time," Harry giggles, giving the nurse a smile. "Thank you."
The other nurse gives the boy to Louis. He sits down in a plastic chair against the wall, staring down at his son. He has a son, what the fuck? The baby yawns. Apparently being removed from Papa's belly was very tiring.
"Hi," Louis says softly, feeling himself get choked up already. "Hi, buddy, I'm your dad. Remember me? I used to talk to you and your sister in Papa's tummy."
He puts his index finger up to the baby's tiny, closed fist, and the baby grabs it. The gesture knocks the wind out of Louis a little. He can feel the tears trickling down his cheeks as he stares down at his son.
"Hey, Haz?" He asks.
"Hm?" He looks up to see Harry's crying too. This has to be some sort of record for crying in one day.
"I think he's a Miles," Louis says, grinning. Harry smiles back at him.
"Was just gonna say I think we should name her Willow," Harry giggles.
"Like the song?" Louis asks, a little taken aback by how much he loves Harry.
"Yeah," Harry grins. "So, Miles and Willow?"
"Think so," Louis nods, beaming. He looks back down at the baby boy in his arms. "Hi, Miles. What do you think? Do you like that name?" Louis is probably imagining it, but he swears he can feel Miles squeeze his finger.
"Do you like Fae for a middle name?" Harry asks.
"Yeah," Louis nods. "That's pretty. What about Miles'?"
"Hm," Harry twists his mouth before smiling at him. "What about William?"
Louis' face softens. "Are you sure?" He asks, eyes watery with tears leaking down to his cheeks.
"'Course I'm sure," Harry giggles. Louis sniffles, wiping his eyes with his free hand. "Willow Fae and Miles William. I like it."
"They're pretty cool," Louis nods,
"Everyone has a song about them except Miles," Harry says, jutting his bottom lip out sympathetically.
"That's okay," Louis coos to the baby. "That's okay, buddy, 'cause I'll write you your very own song. I'll write you a million songs, sweet boy."
They spend a little more time with the babies before they decide it's time to bring Gracie in. Louis has Harry hold Miles in his free arm while he goes out to the waiting room. He's met with his sisters and his mum. Gracie, Ernest, and Doris are all sitting there dressed in dresses and a suit.
"I didn't know this was a formal event," Louis raises his eyebrows. Gracie looks up when she hears him, gasping excitedly.
"Daddy!" She squeaks, climbing out of her chair and running up to him. Louis could start crying all over again. He scoops her up and holds her tight, kissing her cheek.
"Hi, love, I missed you," Louis grins as she leans back from him. "You look so pretty! Papa and your new siblings are very excited to see you."
"They wanted to look their best to meet the new babies," Lottie mentions, grinning. Louis laughs.
"I wanna see them!" Gracie says, showing him her huge grin. Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Did you lose your tooth?" He asks.
"Mhm!" Gracie smiles wider to show off the new gap in her teeth. "Nana Jay says that means I'm ready to be a big sister!"
Louis laughs. "I think she's right, peanut. C'mon, let's go see them," Louis looks up at his mum. "Thank you for taking her, Mummyyy."
"Of course, love," Jay smiles at him warmly. "I can't wait to meet them."
Louis beams at her before setting Gracie down and holding his hand out to her. She takes it, letting Louis lead her down the corridor to Harry's room.
"Okay, you have to be very gentle," Louis says once they get closer to the door. "Papa's really sore, and babies are very fragile, so you have to be careful, okay?"
"Okay," Gracie nods. Louis squeezes her hand before opening the door to the room. Harry looks up from the two babies in his arms, smiling at them.
"Hi," He greets. Gracie gets shy all of a sudden, hiding behind Louis' leg, and Harry giggles. "'S okay, G, you can come in."
Cautiously, Gracie steps out from behind Louis and takes a few steps into the room. "You look very pretty, Gracie Mae," Harry says, his eyes already glimmering. "Do you want to see your new siblings? You can come up."
Gracie goes to climb up on the bed. "Careful, Gracie," Louis reminds.
"She knows," Harry shakes his head, smiling up at Louis. Gracie kneels on the bed, peering over at the bundles in Harry's arms curiously.
"They're tiny," She whispers. Harry's smile widens, sniffling while Louis gently closes the door and walks into the room. "Those things came outta your belly?"
"They did," Harry nods with a laugh.
"What are they?" Gracie asks.
"You got one brother and one sister," Louis says, sitting on the edge of the bed behind Gracie and putting his hand on her back. "Isn't that cool, G? You got what you wanted."
"Mhm," Gracie nods. She's being very quiet, and cautious of the babies. "Can I touch them?"
"Sure, baby, just be gentle," Harry says. Very gently, Gracie puts her hand over the blanket Willow is wrapped in, beaming as soon as her hand is on top of her.
"I love her," Gracie says softly. Louis' heart could burst. Harry giggles, tears running down his cheeks as she pets the soft blanket.
"Her name is Willow," Louis tells her, exchanging a smile with Harry. "And your brother's name is Miles. What do you think?"
"I like them," Gracie nods, smiling wide. "I like being a big sister, I think."
"You're already very good at it," Harry tells her. "Do you want to hold one of them? Daddy can help you, right, love?"
"Yeah, 'course," Louis nods, taking Miles from Harry and pulling Gracie back so she's sitting on her bum. He cradles Miles in her lap, watching as she cautiously touches the tiny wisps of hair on top of his head.
"Hi, Miles," She squeaks. "I'm your big sista'."
"He knows," Louis says. "He remembers when you used to talk to him in Papa's belly."
"Really?" Gracie gasps.
"Of course," Louis nods, grinning up at Harry. Harry gives him a big, watery smile in return. All of this was worth it, Louis thinks. Every single one of the fights and the losses and the shitty days. Louis doesn't care about any of that anymore when he looks down at the tiny babies he and Harry made.
what do u think tho :D
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