
"A-And then we sing a song, and we're gradu-bated!"

"Gradu-ated, babe," Louis corrects, voice raspy and low with sleepiness, a baby in the crook of each arm. It's too early in the morning for Gracie's endless rambling. He at least needs a cup of coffee first. "Can you please get the swings from the lounge for me?"

"Okay!" Gracie chirps, skipping off to the lounge to bring the babies' swings to the kitchen. Louis wishes he had that much energy in the mornings. He sighs, smiling wearily and looking down at the twins in his arms.

Willow blinks up at him while Miles dozes off, eyelids droopy, comfy and safe in the crook of Daddy's arm. Carefully, Louis brings Willow closer so he can kiss her forehead, not wanting to wake Miles.

It doesn't take long for Gracie to come shuffling into the kitchen, dragging the two swings along with her, no doubt scratching up the floors. Louis is too exhausted to scold her. Instead he just thanks her, cautiously leaning down so he can set the babies down in the swings.

"Why is Miles sleepin' again?" Gracie asks, bending over and peering into Miles' swing as he sleeps. "He just woke up!"

"I guess being a baby is a lot of work," Louis hums, retrieving a mug from one of the taller cabinets. "Do you want me to make you something now, or do you want to wait until Papa wakes up so he can make you waffles?"

"I can wake Papa up!" Gracie squeaks, but Louis grabs her and pulls her back before she can run upstairs. She whines. "Daddy!"

"Nope," Louis says. "We're gonna let Papa sleep in today. He was up a lot last night with the babies."

"How do you know?" Gracie squints.

"'Cause I was up with him," Louis chuckles, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Then how come he gets to sleep in?" Gracie asks. "And you don't?"

"Because..." Louis sighs softly, shrugging as he turns the coffee maker on. "I love him. And I want him to be able to sleep in, even if it means I can't."

"Oh," Gracie hums, climbing up onto a chair at the kitchen table. "Is that the same as how you always give him the last slice of pizza?"

"Mhm," Louis' lips curl up into a fond grin, holding his mug under the spout of the coffee maker. "Or how he always does our taxes because he knows I hate doing them."

"What are taxes?" Gracie asks.

"Boring grown-up stuff," Louis wrinkles his nose. Gracie makes the same face back at him."How about some chocolate milk to start off your big day?"

"Yes please!" Gracie squeaks, legs swinging from the chair. "Make sure you save some for Tayla' and Joe!"

"Yeah, we know how much they love chocolate milk," Louis shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "They're not coming until noon, peanut, remember?"

"I can't believe they're comin' just to babysit," Gracie says, and Louis' smile widens. "Th-They're really good friends."

Taylor and Joe, for the record, are not flying from the states just to watch the twins while Gracie 'graduates' (Louis doesn't really see the point of having a ceremony when you're just moving up to Year 2, but whatever). Taylor is on tour, and Harry and Louis are taking her to her concert in London as a surprise.

"Yeah, they are," Louis nods, pouring some chocolate milk into a plastic cup with Chase from Paw Patrol printed on the side. He walks over and sets it in front of her. "Here you go, graduatin' girl."

"Thank you!" She says, beaming up at Louis. His heart melts a little. "I'm a big girl, Daddy, I'm going all the way to year 2!"

"I know, babe, you are a big girl," He leans down and kisses the top of her head. "You're growin' up way too fast for me."

"I'll slow down?" Gracie offers.

"If you could, I'd appreciate it," Louis nods. Willow starts to whine from her swing, and Louis sighs softly. He still hasn't gotten to make his coffee.

Gracie swallows a mouthful of chocolate milk before asking "Is she hungry? Because if she is, you hafta' wake Papa up, and then he can make me waffles!"

Louis gives Gracie a dull look. "Nice try."

"Worth a shot," Gracie shrugs innocently. Louis hears footsteps above them upstairs, and Gracie gasps. "He's up! Waffle time!"

"Let's try not to harass him as soon as he comes downstairs, please," Louis says, but he's smiling. Willow is no longer fussy, probably just wanting some attention, so Louis keeps her cradled in his arm as he walks over to the coffee maker.

It isn't long before Harry appears in the entryway of the kitchen, wearing a jumper and a pair of Louis' boxes. "Papa!" Gracie cheers.

"G'morning," He mumbles sleepily, walking over and kissing her forehead. "Big day, Gracie, you excited?"

"Mhm!" Gracie nods excitedly. "Did you clean my pretty dress? I wanna wear it today!"

"Yes, love, it's hanging in your closet," Harry laughs a little as he turns and walks over to Louis, pecking his lips. "Hi."

"Hi, babe, how'd you sleep?" Louis asks, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders as Harry leans into him.

"Good," Harry says quietly, reaching over and running his hand over the dark, wispy hair on Willow's head. "'S she grumpy this morning?"

"A little," Louis shrugs, kissing Harry's forehead. "Coffee?"

"Mhm," Harry closes his eyes. "Just half a cup."

"Got it," Louis kisses his forehead again before passing Willow off to Harry. "Go sit down, drink your coffee before you let Gracie boss you around." Harry giggles, and Gracie makes a face.

"I'm not bossy," She says, before pausing and adding on "But I do want waffles."

"Let Papa finish his coffee first," Louis reminds while Harry sits at the table, eyes focused on Willow as she grabs his finger. He looks up at Louis and mouths a thank you with a smile, one that Louis returns.

"Where are they?"

"Well, hello to you too," Louis raises his eyebrows, stepping out of the way so Taylor and Joe can enter the house. Taylor spots the babies sharing a foldable cot next to the couch, and she gasps. Louis looks over to Joe. "Should've known this would happen."

"She barely said anything on the Uber ride here, she was so excited," Joe rolls his eyes, but his smile is fond as Taylor lifts Miles up and coos. "Can't wait to deal with the baby fever that comes from this."

"You know, she's holding the result of Harry's baby fever," Louis smirks teasingly. Joe's eyes widen, face flushing, and Louis laughs. "Let me grab him, he might be asleep, and I have to make sure Gracie's dressed. Try not to let your girlfriend stick either of my babies in her purse?"

"I'll try," Joe smiles weakly. Louis smiles back at him, glancing back at Taylor as she mumbles baby-talk to Miles before going to the stairs.

When he walks into his room, he finds Harry asleep, hugging Louis' pillow to his chest. He tells himself it's the lack of sleep that makes him want to cry. He squats down next to the bed, brushing Harry's hair out of his face. "Haz, babe."

"Hm?" Harry hums softly, wrinkling his nose a little.

"Y've got to wake up, love, we're gonna have to get going soon," He says quietly, grabbing Harry's hand and bringing it to his mouth to kiss it.

"Tired," Harry mumbles.

"I know, I'm sorry," Louis smiles. "You can take another nap before the concert."

Harry sighs, blinking his eyes open. "Taylor n' Joe here?" He asks. Louis nods. "Okay. I'll get up."

"'Atta boy," Louis laughs a little, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. "'M gonna go make sure G is dressed, 'kay? Don't fall back asleep."

"No promises," Harry mutters. Louis just kisses his nose again before standing up to go check on Gracie. He walks in on her looking at herself in the full-length mirror hanging on her wall.

"You almost ready, peanut?" Louis asks.

"No. I don't look pretty," Gracie frowns.

"What?!" Louis walks into her room and sits down on the edge of her bed. "Gracie, you're the prettiest girl in the whole world."

"I wish I was as pretty as Emily," Gracie says. "Emily has straight hair, and brown eyes."

"Babe, I love your curly hair and green eyes," Louis frowns. How can a six year old even think like that? He watches as she looks at herself in the mirror so critically, just like Harry does. "Just because you don't look like Emily doesn't mean you aren't pretty."

"She said I wasn't," Gracie says. "And I was gonna wear my favourite dress so I could be pretty, but I don't think it's workin'."

"You could wear anything and still be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Louis holds his hands out to her. Shyly, Gracie walks into his arms, letting him scoop her up into his lap.

"Okay, think about it like this: roses and daisies are both pretty, right?" Gracie nods. "And they don't look the same. They're different. But just because they look different doesn't mean they aren't pretty. And if Emily thinks just because your hair is curly and your eyes are green that means you aren't pretty, then Emily doesn't sound like a very good friend to have."

Gracie looks down at her lap. "I still wish I didn't look like me," She admits. "I wish I looked like Auntie Lottie. Or Taylor. Or Barbara. They're all pretty."

"But so are you, baby," Louis insists, kissing her cheek. Gracie just looks down, and Louis twists his mouth. "Hey, Papa's beautiful, right?"

"Mhm," Gracie nods.

"Really, you think so?" Louis asks, and Gracie nods again. "Because you look just like him."

"Really?" Gracie perks up a little.

"Yup," Louis gives her a smile. "You got Papa's curly hair, and green eyes, and dimples. All the best bits. And you're both so perfect just the way you are."

"But..." Gracie frowns. "I want stuff from you too."

Louis' smile widens. "Well, you got my nose," He pinches the tip of her nose, making her squeal with laughter. "And those long eyelashes Papa's always talking about."

Gracie giggles and leans into Louis' chest, and Louis' heart melts a little. "Taylor and Joe are here, are you ready to go say hi?" He asks softly, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sure they'll be excited to see you."

"Okay," Gracie nods, definitely not as down as she was before. Louis helps her off his lap, getting up from the bed and leading her downstairs. As they walk down Taylor looks up from Miles, smiling.

"Gracie! There you are, bestie," She says, handing Miles off to Joe. Joe's eyes widen slightly, swallowing thickly as he looks down at him. "Come give me a big hug, I missed you!"

Gracie runs over to Taylor, giggling as Taylor scoops her up and hugs her. Louis walks over to Joe, whispering to him "tell her she looks pretty."

"I already did, she still ignored me for the baby," Joe says. Louis sighs.

"Not Taylor, genius, Gracie," Louis says. He's 99% sure Gracie has a crush on Joe. Is he a fan? No. But anything to make her feel better about herself. Joe furrows his eyebrows, but he looks down at Gracie as Taylor sets her down.

"Gracie, you look really pretty," Joe says, giving her a smile. Gracie perks up a little, blinking up at him.

"Really?" She asks shyly.

"Oh, yeah, for sure," Joe nods. "So grown-up. Distinguished even. What year are you going into again? Ninth?"

Gracie giggles and shakes her head. "No, second."

"Second year? Really?" Joe widens his eyes comically. "Wow! You're getting so big."

"This is my favourite dress!" Gracie tells him, her cheeks rosy from the compliments.

"I can see why, it's lovely," Joe nods. "Pink is my favourite colour."

"Mine too!" Gracie giggles. Taylor is now holding Willow, so Gracie stands on her tiptoes to peer over at the baby. She then looks up at Taylor. "So, which one do you like better?"

"What?" Taylor laughs, her eyebrows scrunching together. "Why, do you like one of them better than the other one?"

Gracie nods. "Willow. Miles is too loud."

"Gracie," Louis sighs as Joe laughs. Just as he's about to explain to Gracie that she's not really supposed to have a favourite sibling, Harry comes down the stairs, looking much better right after a nap than Louis ever does.

"Harry, how much do you want for one of these?" Taylor asks, keeping her eyes on Willow. Joe is still holding Miles, definitely not as freaked out as before. "She could probably fit in my carry-on, right?"

"Literally just a guaranteed good night's sleep," Harry admits. Louis smiles, resting his hand on the small of Harry's back. "Thank you for watching them."

"Oh, of course. Good practice," Taylor says. Joe whips his head towards her, and Taylor rolls her eyes. "For four years from now."

"Four?" Joe squeaks.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours," Louis tells them.

"There's milk in the fridge for them," Harry says. "I fed them about an hour ago, so they'll probably need to eat again while we're gone. The nappies are in the nursery upstairs, in the top drawer of the changing table, Miles needs to be changed more than Willow does most of the time. And Willow usually spits up when you burp her, so if she doesn't that probably means she hasn't burped-"

"Alright, love, I think they've got it," Louis pats Harry's back, and Harry pouts. "Wine's on top of the fridge, feel free to have some when they go down for a nap. Try not to get totally wasted. See you later."

"Good luck, Gracie!" Taylor gives her a wave as Louis leads her and Harry towards the front door. Harry looks over his shoulder, keeping worried eyes on the babies. Louis doesn't blame him, the only time he ever leaves them is with Louis when he goes grocery shopping or summat.

"They're gonna be fine, Haz," Louis says softly, moving his hand up to his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. Harry scowls.

"I know," He admits softly. "But I miss them."

"We're only leaving for a couple hours, darlin'," Louis kisses his cheek, opening the car door for him. The pout doesn't leave Harry's face, but he climbs into the passenger seat anyways. Louis shakes his head, fond as ever as he opens the door to the backseat. "C'mon, Gracie Mae, 's time to graduate!"

"She's talented, huh?"

"Definitely didn't get it from you."

Louis pouts at Lottie, who lets out a laugh. The corridors of the primary school are covered with art and pictures from the year 1 kids, with Gracie's painting of a flower hanging on a bulletin board.

"We should get that one framed," Harry hooks his chin over Louis' shoulder, kissing his cheek. Louis hums in agreement, leaning into his touch.

"This whole thing is really cute," Lottie observes, walking over to the next bulletin board. There are pictures of all of the kids holding signs that say Ms. Bridgers' name and the school year. And, of course. Gracie is the only one sticking her tongue out in her picture.

"What a delicate little lady we're raising, huh?" Louis grins, shaking his head. He feels a tap on his shoulder, and when he turns around he sees Ms. Bridgers standing there, smiling sheepishly.

"Um, hi, Mr. Tomlinson," She says, tucking her white-blonde hair behind her ear. "Sorry to bother you."

"Oh, no worries," Louis shakes his head.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry Gracie had a tough time this year," She gives him a weak smile. "I mean, with the whole Jack thing, and she mentioned a few things going on at home as well..."

Oh, man. Louis can feel his cheeks become warm. "Ah," Louis nods. "I-It's okay. I mean, you know, things are great right now. And she loved having you as her teacher."

"I loved having her," Ms. Bridgers' smile widens. "She's the funniest kid. This is only my first year teaching, but I have a feeling I'm never gonna have a kid quite like Gracie. And I mean that as a compliment."

Louis laughs at that, glancing back at the photo of her with her tongue out. "I mean, she got Jack out of my class," Ms. Bridgers says. "And, I'm probably not supposed to say this, but I loathed that kid and his parents. She's my hero. And so are you."

Louis almost, almost got to forget about hitting Jack's dad. He blushes again, giving her a small smile. A woman walks up to Ms. Bridgers, lightly touching her arm. "Hey, babe, wanna show me your classroom now?"

"Oh, sure," She says before looking back to Louis. "It was so nice talking to you, Mr. Tomlinson. I can't wait to see how well Gracie does in year 2, I know she's gonna kill it. Oh, and congratulations on the babies!"

"Th-Thank you," Louis gives her a smile, a little starstruck as she grabs the woman's hand and leads her down the corridor. Harry approaches him a moment later, and Louis turns to him. "Ms. Bridgers is gay."

Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah, you couldn't tell? Didn't you see all the pictures of cats in her classroom? And how short her fingernails are?"

"Oh, whatever," Louis huffs. He glances over Harry's shoulder, eyes widening when he sees Anne walking down the corridor. "Oh my God."

"What?" Harry makes a face.

"Your mother's here," Louis says. Anne, who is notorious for never coming to any of Gracie's events, is walking down the corridor of the primary school.

"What?!" Harry repeats, turning his head just as Anne approaches them. It's his first time seeing her since he invited his dad over. Her demeanour isn't as confident as usual.

Anne stands there for a moment, looking up at Harry's face, and Louis can see it in her eyes. He can tell just by the way she looks at her son. She knows. Des, somehow, for some reason, must have told her. How else would she know? "Hello, love," She says, offering Harry a small smile. Harry visibly swallows, and Louis knows he must have figured it out too.

"Hi " He says softly. Anne wastes no time attacking Harry into a hug, holding him tight. Louis doesn't think he's ever seen them hug before. Harry's probably hugged Jay more than his own mother.

"I love you so much, baby," Anne says quietly, rubbing Harry's back. "So, so much. I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, Mum," Harry whispers. When they separate, Anne looks over to Louis, who gives her a small, polite smile. She hugs him just like she had with Harry.

"Thank you for taking care of him," She whispers in his ear. It catches Louis off guard. He stands still for a moment before hugging her back, looking at Harry over the top of her head. He looks visibly shaken.

"Of course," Louis nods, leaning back from Anne to give her a smile. "That's my job, innit?"

"The ceremony is about to begin," A voice crackles over the loudspeaker overhead. "Everyone please make their way to the auditorium. Thank you!"

"Um, I have to go to the ladies room first," Anne says, her hands visibly shaking as she holds her purse. "Would you please save me a seat?"

Harry doesn't respond, still blinking at her with wide eyes, so Louis smiles at her again. "Of course we will."

Anne nods, giving him a tight-lipped smile before making her way to the washroom. Louis looks to Harry, who looks back at him. "She knows."

"I know," Louis rests his hand on the small of Harry's back.

"He told her," Harry chokes out. "W-Why would he tell her? I didn't want her to know."

"Breathe, babe," Louis reminds gently. Lottie and Jay walk up to them.

"C'mon, we have to get the good seats," Lottie whines. Jay furrows her eyebrows when she sees Harry.

"You alright, hun?" She asks, reaching up and resting her hand on his arm. Harry nods, but he doesn't say anything. She flashes Louis a look, and he just shakes his head. "Okay, c'mon, love. You're gonna sit next to me." She wraps her hand around his arm and leads him to the auditorium.

"What happened?" Lottie asks.

"Harry's dad is a flaming cunt," Louis grumbles, starting to follow Harry and his mother to the auditorium. Lottie walks alongside him, raising her eyebrows. "That's all you need to know."

They manage to get seats in the fourth row, Louis sitting next to Harry, saving one for Anne on the other side of him. He slips his hand into Harry's, squeezing it gently, and smiling a little when Harry leans into him.

Anne makes it just as Ms. Germanotta starts to speak on the stage. She sits with her purse in her lap, glancing down at where Louis and Harry's fingers are intertwined. For once, she smiles a little.

They start to read off the names, each of the little kids walking (or skipping, or running) over to Ms. Germanotta so she can give them a diploma dawned with pictures of stars with big smiles. Most kids wave to their parents in the audience, some even shouting "Hi Mummy! Hi Daddy! Hi Nana!" as they do. Louis wishes everyone was as unbothered and as unashamed of themselves as six year olds.

Finally they get to Gracie. Ms. Germanotta reads her name, and she appears on the stage, walking across with a shy smile as everyone claps (along with Lottie yelling "wooo, Gracie!" and Louis whistling). She gets her diploma, and Louis can faintly hear her say "thank you!" before walking off the stage again.

"She looks so big," Harry whispers, pouting a little. "Can't believe how fast she's growing up."

"We've gotta stop feeding her so many veggies or summat," Louis shakes his head.

When all of the kids get their diplomas, they all stand on the stage to sing some cutesy song about chasing your dreams. Louis doesn't care. He just looks at Gracie, whose eyes light up when she finally spots him in the crowd. She gives him a small wave, one he returns with a big grin on his face.

Once the "ceremony" is done, and the families are instructed to wait in the corridor for their children, it doesn't take Gracie long to burst through the doors and run to Louis and Harry. "Daddy! Papa!" She jumps into Louis' arms, giggling when he spins her around.

"Gracie Mae, we're so proud of you," Louis gives her a squeeze.

"Did you see me singin'?" Gracie asks Harry, a big smile on her face. "Did I do good?"

"I think you were the best one up there," Harry tickles her tummy, making her giggle again. Her eyes travel over to Anne, standing off to the side, and she gasps.

"Nana!" She squeals, wiggling out of Louis' grip so she can run over to her. "Nana, you came!"

"Of course," Anne smiles, leaning down to hug her. "I wouldn't miss it." Louis gives Harry an incredulous look. Harry just nudges him with his elbow. "If it's alright with your parents, I'd love to take you out to get some ice cream to celebrate."

"Daddy, Papa, pleaseee?" Gracie turns around, giving them puppy-dog eyes.

"Um," Harry twists his mouth. Louis doesn't say anything. It's not up to him. "Uh, yeah. I...I guess that's fine."

"Yayyy!" Gracie beams.

"Just have her home before dinner time, please?" Louis says, putting his hand on Harry's arm and giving it a squeeze. "We have plans tonight."

"Of course, we won't be too long," Anne smiles. Louis knows Harry isn't comfortable with it, but he's putting aside his anxiety so Gracie can spend time with her grandmother. Louis couldn't be more proud of him.

He makes sure Anne doesn't take her without getting her carseat first, and Gracie says goodbye to Jay and Lottie before leaving with her. When they get in the car, Louis puts his hand on Harry's thigh. "You okay?"

"Mhm," Harry puts his shaking hand over Louis', entwining their fingers. "I think so."

"Hey," Louis says softly, and Harry looks at him. "I'm so proud of you, pet. Seriously."

Harry sniffles, giving Louis a small smile. "Thanks, L," He says quietly. He swallows thickly. "You...You think she'll be okay, right?"

"Haz, your mum watched her almost everyday for a year," Louis reminds, giving him a reassuring smile. "They're gonna be just fine, okay?"

"You're right," Harry takes a deep breath, squeezing Louis' hand. "Okay, take me home. I miss my babies."

"But I'm right here," Louis pouts. Harry gives him a full look, and he sighs. "Alright, alright, I'm goin'."

Anne brings Gracie back home two hours later, where Louis is ready to scoop her up and force her to get ready for their night out (which Gracie thinks is just a dinner). That leaves Harry and his mother alone.

"That girl of yours is so well-behaved," Anne says after a beat of silence. Harry knows she's just trying to avoid the elephant in the room, though, and he won't let her.

"Mum," He says quietly. "How did you find out?"

Anne's forced smile falls from her face. She visibly swallows, looking away. "I probably shouldn't show this to you," She says, but she goes to pull a piece of paper out of her purse. "I always open your father's mail, he likes for me to give him anything related to business and reply to his personal mail myself."

Harry takes the paper that she hands him, unfolding it to see a letter. The handwriting is unmistakably Louis'. "I haven't...quite decided what I want to say to your father yet," Anne admits, but Harry's eyes don't move from the paper in his shaking hand. "I don't think he's even seen it."

"I didn't want you to find out like this," Harry mumbles. He didn't want her to find out at all.

"Harry," Anne says, stern enough that he looks up at her. Her eyes are shiny as she says, "I'm sorry I made you feel as though you couldn't come to me."

Harry folds the paper back up. "It's not your fault," He assures. "I don't think I ever would have told anyone back then."

"But you told your father?" Anne asks. Harry nods.

"Yeah, he, um...didn't really....seem to care," He says slowly. He's never seen his mother look this upset, and it's making his hands even shakier. He swallows thickly. "Look, um. This...this is Gracie's big day, and I really would just rather focus on that today. Can I call you tomorrow?"

"Of course, baby," Anne gives him a small smile, but her eyes are so sad, Harry can't look into them. She steps forward and wraps him up into a hug. This time he melts into it, closing his eyes and burying his face into her shoulder. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you too," Harry says softly. Anne holds onto him for a beat longer before stepping back from him, leaning up and kissing his forehead before exhaling and walking back to her car. Harry shuts the door gently, trembling hands unfolding Louis' letter again.


I write you this letter five hours after coming home to find my husband crying in our kitchen subsequent to your visit. I realise it might be in my best interest to not send this letter when I finish it, to burn it or tear it up or hide it from Harry forever, as I'm sure he wouldn't want me to send it.

However, I'm going to do something I rarely do (with fear of sleeping on the couch for a week). I'm going to go against his wishes and send this letter to you. I can't let myself allow you to think that you're going to get away with what you did.

Maybe I'm blind to the faults in Harry that you see. Maybe I'm so whipped beyond belief that I can't understand any legitimate reason why you would come to our house and make him so upset, especially after he invited you over to make amends. Your son is so unabashedly good and pure that he was willing to try and build a relationship with you, even after he was violated so deeply because of you.

I do know for a fact, though, that any fault invisible to me can't possibly justify knowingly allowing him to be molested.

I'm addressing you not as my father-in-law, not as my children's grandfather, or even as Harry's father, but as someone who hurt my husband. I cannot fathom the fact that you caused him lifelong, irreparable trauma and still think that you are in the right.

He is slowly working towards healing himself from the afflictions that you caused him, and for that I am so, so proud of him, but you and I and any person with common sense know he's never going to fully recover from it.

I didn't write this to chew you out, though (although I would love nothing more). I wrote this to let you know that Harry is too smart, strong, and good to be put down by someone as small and careless as you. I can't believe something so wonderful came from something so evil.

The fact that you made the most wonderful person I know think any less of himself makes me angrier than anything, but I find some solace in the fact that he didn't allow himself to be confined under your attempts to manipulate him. In my eyes, that makes him more successful than you could ever hope to be.

I also decided to write to you to tell you this: you are not, under any circumstances, allowed near my children or my husband at any point in the future. I will not allow my family to be hurt by you ever again. Frankly, I think you are a monster. I don't know how you sleep at night knowing what you did.

Any person with a little less common sense than me would drive over and rip your head off themselves, but unfortunately I think Harry would do that exact thing to me if I were arrested for the second time in a year (And, if you were wondering, the first time was also for injuring someone who hurt my family).

While you read this letter and hopefully feel burning, nauseating guilt over your actions, in a big house with a wife whose love you think you can buy and control, I'll be here. I will be helping my husband re-build the parts of himself that you destroyed, and raising your grandkids to be the kind of people who don't let themselves put up with people like you, and hating you with every inch of my body.

Harry doesn't think he's ever been hit with the fact of how much Louis loves him harder than this. He doesn't even notice he's crying until a tear drop hits the paper, spidering over the black ink. Just as he's about to go and find Louis, he hears him walking back down the stairs.

"Gracie is hyped up on sugar, and will probably be a pain to have as company for a forty minute car ride," Louis grins before Harry looks up at him, and he notices the state he's in. His eyes drop down to the letter, and he must know what it is, because he sighs. "Oh, shit, Haz, 'm sorry."

Harry doesn't say anything. Instead, he walks over and attacks Louis in a hug, burying his face into the crook of his neck. Louis holds him tight, cradling the back of his head with his hand.

"Your mum's a snitch," Louis mumbles. Harry chokes out a laugh through his tears, and Louis kisses the top of his head. "You gonna be okay, babe?"

"Mhm," Harry sniffles, squeezing his eyes shut and feeling the tears run down his cheeks. Every single time he thinks something has permanently destroyed him, Louis comes in and proves him wrong. He's going to be okay.

second to last chapter brb sobbing

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