epilogue: one
Louis wakes up in the middle of the night to someone standing next to him and sniffling, their breaths stuttering, no doubt crying. Opening his eyes with a soft grunt, he sees that Willow is standing next to the bed.
"Will," He croaks, voice deep and scratchy with sleep. He looks at the clock on the bedside table, which reads 4:18 in blaring red numbers. "Hey, Willow, baby, what's the matter?"
Willow doesn't say anything, just hiccups and holds her arms up. Sighing softly, Louis sits up before grabbing Willow and pulling her into his lap. He wraps her up in his arms, kissing the top of her head. "Hey, sweet girl, what's wrong? Bad dream?"
"Mhm," Willow wipes the snot dripping from her nose onto Louis' bare chest. Lovely. The three year old looks up at Louis and points to her forehead, sniffling. "Kiss, Daddy? Make it betta'?"
She's so fucking precious, Louis' heart can barely stand it. He smiles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "All better," He assures softly. It's then he realises Harry isn't in bed next to him, and he frowns. "Where has your Papa gone, love?"
Willow shrugs, sniffling and snuggling into Louis' chest. She's too sweet. He runs his hands over her blonde hair. "Alright, how 'bout you sleep in Papa and Daddy's bed tonight?" Louis lays back, gently shifting Willow so she's to his side. Willow clings onto him.
"Don't wanna sleep," She mumbles. "Scary stuff."
"I won't let anything hurt you, muffin, I promise," Louis says, pulling the covers up over both of them. "Nothing's gonna hurt you as long as I'm around."
Willow let's out a soft sigh, snuggling into Louis' side. "Luh' you, Daddy," She whispers. Louis grins to himself, kissing the top of her head.
"Love you too, Will," He whispers back. "Get some good sleep, babe."
Just as he says it, Harry trudges back into the bedroom, looking absolutely miserable in the dim light of the room. He blinks when he notices Louis is awake, and Willow is next to him. "Lou, seems to me like there's a little girl in our bed."
Willow giggles, and Louis melts as Harry crawls back into bed. "Someone had a bad dream," Louis explains, leaning over Willow to kiss Harry's forehead like he had hers. "Where'd you go?"
"Washroom," Harry says, running his fingers through Willow's hair. Willow preens under the attention, going to cuddle into Harry's side this time. She clings onto him, clutching his jumper.
"Oh, all of a sudden Papa's here and I'm forgotten about?" Louis huffs. Harry laughs sleepily.
"No!" Willow assures, grabbing Louis' face with her little hands and pulling him closer. "Kiss, Daddy." Louis grins, kissing her on the nose. Harry pouts.
"Kiss, Daddy," He demands. Louis shoots Harry a pointed look, but leans over and pecks him on the nose before moving down to his lips. Harry grins sleepily from the attention, closing his eyes as Louis pats his cheek. He almost isn't irritated about being awake at four in the morning.
"G'night, my loves," Louis says before wrapping an arm around both of them, kissing Harry's forehead.
The next time Louis wakes up, it's from his alarm. He groans, reaching over to tapping around on his phone screen until he happens to turn it off.
This time when he opens his eyes, Harry is in bed. Which is even stranger than him not being in bed at 4 am. He's usually up and dressed before Louis has even turned off his alarm.
Willow isn't between them anymore, Louis wonders if she's getting herself ready for nursery school. She's so good.
He wraps his arm around Harry's waist, pressing his nose into the top of his curls. Harry hums softly, nosing into Louis' collarbone. "You sleepin' in today?" Louis asks lowly.
"Mm," Harry sighs softly. "Don't feel good."
"Gonna go in today?" Louis asks. Harry hesitates. Even after all this time, Louis is still trying to get him into the habit of not working when he's sick. It works sometimes, more so now that Harry has opened his own firm and doesn't have to answer to greedy douchebags.
"No," Harry decides after a few moments. "I don't feel well. So I shouldn't work."
"Right," Louis nods, kissing his forehead, a touch of pride swelling in his chest. "I'll call my mum, see if she can drive Gracie to school."
"Oh, shit, you have that meeting with that label later," Harry groans.
"It's okay, I can get my mum to take them until I get out," Louis assures, running his hand over Harry's unruly curls. "You just focus on feeling better, okay? I have a break between my 9:30 and my 12 o'clock classes, if you need anything let me know."
Harry sighs in content. "You're too good for this world, Louis Tomlinson."
"I know it," Louis smirks. "So, what is it? Think you're just a little run down?"
"Um, yeah," Harry nods, nose pressed into Louis' skin. "That's it. I'll probably feel better tomorrow."
Louis hums, holding Harry tighter. He knows he has kind of a big case going on right now; a dad trying to get custody of his daughter. The mother is awful, and always finds ways to convince the daughter to tell her forensic psychologist lies about him. Some nights Harry will come home and just cry and cry about how heartbroken the dad is.
"You nervous for your meeting?" Harry asks, changing the subject.
Yes. "Nah," Louis shrugs. He's been offered the chance to write some songs for some bands signed with Bella Union, a pretty big indie and alternative label. Usually meetings like this go pretty well. Usually.
"Mhm," Harry can see right through him, as per usual. He leans up and kisses his jaw. "You're gonna be great."
"Aren't I always?" Louis scoffs, and Harry giggles. He kisses the top of Harry's head. "'Ve got to go get the kids up. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
"Okay," Harry agrees, smiling when Louis leans down and pecks his lips. "I love you, sun."
"Forever, babe," Louis kisses him again, his smile softening when he leans back and looks at Harry. He's so pretty, Louis thinks he must get prettier everyday. He's practically glowing.
Louis sits up with a soft groan, rubbing his eyes and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. His head feels heavy, but he stands up and stretches. Is your back supposed to be this bad at thirty?
He trudges out of the bedroom and to the twins' room first to see Willow is sitting on her bed reading a book, fully dressed in a little blue dress and polka-dot bike shorts. Sometimes Louis thinks the universe saw Gracie's attitude and Miles' hyperactivity and decided to let them off easy with Willow.
"Good morning, pretty girl," He greets, going over to kiss the top of her head. "You're so good, getting all ready all by yourself."
"Need shoes," Willow points out, swinging her feet up to show she's just in socks.
"I'll help you with your shoes, Will," Louis assures before going to Miles' bed. He can barely see Miles under the covers, just a mop of brown curls against the pillow. Gently, he sits on the edge of the bed, pulling the covers back to reveal Miles' face. "Miles, buddy, 's time to get up."
"Mm," Miles hums softly, a furrow in his brows as he blinks his eyes open. "Daddy?"
"Well, good morning, stinker," Louis leans down and blows a raspberry on his cheek, making Miles giggle sleepily. He wishes they would stay this little and cute forever. "'S time to get ready for school."
"School!" Miles gasps excitedly.
"School!" Louis affirms, a big grin on his face. "C'mon, let's go get your sister up and get you dressed."
"Yay!" Miles cheers as Louis lifts him up, standing with him on his hip. "G'morning, 'Low!"
"G'mornin'," Willow says, soft-spoken as always, not even looking up from her book. She can't even read, she just likes looking at the pictures and pretending she can.
Louis carries Miles out of the bedroom and to Gracie's room. With a mischievous grin, he releases Miles onto her bed, where he crawls on top of her.
"G!" Miles squeaks, bouncing up and down a little. Gracie grunts. "G'morning, G! Morning!"
"Time to get up, Gracie girl," Louis walks over to her windows and opens the curtains, letting the sunlight in. Gracie pulls the covers over her head, but Miles is quick to pull them back and stick his face right in Gracie's. Gracie opens one eye.
"Can I help you?" She grumbles.
"Time 'a get up, G!" Miles says. "School!"
"No thanks," Gracie says. Louis grins, shaking his head and sitting at the edge of her bed. He scoops Miles up and sits him in his lap so he'll stop pestering Gracie.
"Alright, peanut, 's time to get up," He says, pushing a curl out of her face. Gracie wrinkles her nose, but she pushes herself up. "'Atta girl, G."
"Toast, Daddy, I want toast," Miles tells Louis, reaching up to rub the scratchy stubble along his chin. It makes him giggle, and Louis smiles.
"What do we say when we want something, mate?" Louis asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Please!" Miles squeaks. "Toast please!"
"There we go," Louis kisses Miles' cheek, standing from Gracie's bed. "Would you like some as well, Gracie Mae?"
"Yes, please," She says, still groggy as she rubs her eyes, curls a mess like Harry's were. "'N some fruit?"
"Sure," Louis stands up, Miles on his hip. "And you're gonna eat some fruit too, yeah, M?"
"Nooo," Miles pouts. "Fruit is yucky, Daddy."
Louis carries Miles out of Gracie's room and into the hall, taking him towards the stairs. "But don't you wanna grow up big and strong like Daddy?" Miles looks him up and down. Louis sighs. "Don't answer that."
He brings Miles to the kitchen, sitting him in a chair. "You sit," He says. He knows Miles won't stay in the seat, but it's worth a shot. "It'll only take a few minutes to make your toast."
"Where's Papa, Daddy?" Miles asks with a pout. "He get me dressed?"
"Papa doesn't feel good, buddy, he's sleeping in today," Louis explains, going over to get the bread out of the breadbox.
"Did you kiss it betta'?" Miles asks. Louis can't help but grin. He's too cute.
"No, actually, maybe I'll try that later," He says. "I'll get you dressed after brekkie, okay?"
"M'kay," Miles nods. It doesn't take long for Gracie to come downstairs fully dressed, holding Willow's hand and guiding her to the kitchen.
"Willow wants toast too, Daddy," Gracie tells him, plopping down at the kitchen table. Willow tries to climb up into a chair as well, struggling a little, but eventually making it. She's tiny, shorter and much more petite than Miles, or Gracie when she was four.
"Okay, three pieces of toast, and some fruit," Louis says to himself. Usually Harry handles breakfast, but he can handle some toast and fruit, right?
(Wrong. He burns the first batch, undercooks the next. Somehow he still gets Miles and Willow to nursery school on time).
The meeting goes okay, Louis thinks.
They seem to like Louis' songs. It's not like they were jumping up and down over his lyrics (like Harry does), but they didn't seem to hate them, so. It could go either way, he supposes.
Sighing, Louis steps into the house, shrugging his rucksack off and leaving it by the door. It's only a little after six, but he's exhausted. He wanted to cry out of pure joy when his mum offered to drive the kids home later so he wouldn't have to come get them.
Harry is laying on the couch instead of their bed, a cuppa on the coffee table and a show about doctors on the telly. Louis sneaks up behind the sofa and leans over the back of it to kiss his cheek. Harry giggles softly. "Hi, Lou."
"Hello, beautiful," He smooths a hand over Harry's hair, climbing over the back of the couch and inserting his bum between Harry's legs and the couch cushion. "How're you feeling?"
"Better," Harry says, smiling at him. How nice it is to come home to such a pretty face after such a long day, Louis thinks to himself. He swings a leg over to the other side of Harry's body and climbs up his torso, pressing their lips together.
Harry's cheeks are flushed when they separate, grinning wide. "How was your meeting?" He asks, running his hand through Louis' hair. Louis gently lowers himself down, resting his head on Harry's chest as Harry continues to play with his hair.
"Good, I think," Louis shrugs. "They're gonna call me and tell me whether or not they want any of my songs, or if they want me to write any for them."
"That's good!" Harry says. Louis just hums. "Babe, 's not a no."
"Wasn't an enthusiastic, overwhelming yes either," Louis points out. He turns his head to look up at Harry again, changing the subject and saying "So what was up with you today? Headache?"
Harry looks at him for a second, his mouth twisting. "I was a bit nauseous," He admits, moving his hand from Louis' hair to cup his cheek. There's something else going on, Louis can tell just by looking at him, but he can't put his finger on what. He pouts sympathetically, and Harry clears his throat. "Were the kids good for you this morning?"
"I don't know if you'll approve of the outfit I put Miles in," He admits. "Gracie told me it wasn't very fashion-forward," Harry shakes his head, laughing a little. "But they were good. Minimal attitude, surprisingly."
"That's always nice," Harry smiles.
"Pretty rare occasion," Louis hums. "Thank God Willow came out quiet like you. I don't know if I could handle three kids with the Tomlinson attitude genes."
Harry laughs weakly, running his hand along the stubble on Louis' chin. "I love it," He whispers. Louis can feel himself grin. "I love seeing bits of your personality in theirs, even Willow. I think all of our kids are true Tomlinson's one way or another."
"Yeah?" Louis asks softly, smile widening. "You're a true Tomlinson too, you know?"
"'M not nearly loud enough."
"Really? 'Cos you were pretty loud last Saturday, when-" Harry clamps his hand over Louis' mouth, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, and Louis laughs into his palm.
"You're a menace," Harry huffs, but he moves his hand back to Louis' hair and runs his fingers through it. "Another thing they get from you."
"Don't have to tell me twice," Louis laughs again. "One more, and I think my whole head would be grey hairs. Maybe 's a good thing we stopped at three."
Harry's hand freezes. He stares at Louis with big, doe eyes, cheeks becoming even pinker, and it hits him all at once. He puts the pieces together.
The nausea, that's why he wasn't in bed when Willow woke him up last night, and why he didn't go to work today. It was morning sickness. Not to mention the glowiness to his skin Louis had noticed that morning, and how nervous he was to tell Louis he was nauseous. He probably thought Louis would figure it out. He's an idiot for not putting it together sooner.
"Harry," Louis says, but he can't find any more words after that. Harry doesn't say anything, but the corners of his lips quirk up slightly. Louis pushes himself up off of Harry's torso, hovering over him instead. "Are you...Are we...You..."
"Might want to start looking into some brown hair dye," Harry says, and he can't help but giggle. Louis can feel all the colour disappearing from his face. And, potentially, his hair.
"You're pregnant?" He manages to choke out. Harry just nods, a big grin on his face. Louis' stomach turns, and he feels his whole body start to tingle as he lets out a loud, happy laugh. "Haz, holy shit, please don't be taking the piss."
"I went to the doctor's during my lunch break yesterday," He explains, eyes sparkling. "'Ve been suspecting it since last Monday."
"Babe!" Louis laughs again, just out of pure joy. He practically attacks Harry in a hug, pressing his nose into the top of his head. "Fuck, I didn't mean it. I want another one, would have ten more with you."
"Really?" Harry giggles, eyes a bit wet as he looks up at Louis.
"Okay, maybe not ten," Louis says, and Harry giggles again. He leans down and presses their lips together briefly, his hands shaking as he grabs Harry's cheeks. "I love you, Harry."
Harry's smile softens, and Louis wipes the tears that have slipped out of his eyes. "I love you too. 'M so happy I'm having another baby with you."
"Another baby," Louis repeats, just because the words make his chest flutter.
Telling Gracie is easier this time around.
She's older now, obviously, and has been through it once before, so Harry doesn't have to explain as much to her. He would've liked to tell her with Louis, but he's so busy with school and his new deal with Bella Union (which, yes, he did end up getting), he told Harry it was okay to do without him. They both agreed, though, that they should tell the twins together.
So, Harry picks Gracie up from school instead of sending his mum, who works for his firm (and is no longer with his dad. Louis almost cried out of happiness when Harry broke the news to him).
"Why isn't Nana here?" Gracie asks from the backseat, frowning. "Did something happen?"
Harry smiles a little. "No, nothing happened. I just thought maybe you'd like to go out for ice cream? Hang out with me for a bit?"
Gracie squints at him, he can see it in the rear view mirror. "Why?"
"There has to be a reason for us to hang out?" Harry asks, mock offended.
"On a work day? Yes."
Harry rolls his eyes. She's too smart. "Okay, fine. There's just something I wanted to talk to you about. I thought it would be nice if we could go out and talk about it, just you and me."
Gracie's face falls. "Am I in trouble?"
She is so Louis' child. Harry laughs. "No, G, you're not in trouble."
"Then what's going on?" She asks, suspicious.
"You can't just wait the two minutes to the ice cream place?"
Well, okay. Harry shakes his head, but he doesn't say anything, just continuing to drive. Gracie huffs, but she doesn't interrogate him any further.
They get there, and order ice cream, and sit at a picnic table outside. It's warm for April, weeks from Gracie turning ten and a half years old (it makes Harry a little nauseous thinking about it).
"Are you sure I'm not in trouble?" Gracie eyes Harry suspiciously, scooping some of her strawberry ice cream into her mouth.
Harry smiles a little. "No, you're not in trouble. Why, is there a reason you should be in trouble?"
Gracie glances around. "...No."
"Right," Harry shakes his head, still smiling. He swirls his ice cream around with his spoon, swallowing thickly. He supposes he should just come out with it. His smile softens as he meets Gracie's eyes. "Daddy and I are having another baby."
Gracie's eyes light up. It makes Harry melt a little. "Really?" She asks, smiling. "Is there one in your tummy? Right now?"
Harry nods. "Yup. You're going to be a big sister again."
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Gracie demands, and Harry laughs, warmth spreading throughout his body.
"We usually like to keep it a surprise," He says. "You were a surprise, 'n so were Will and Miles. They wouldn't be able to tell yet, anyways."
"Does anyone else know?" Gracie asks.
"No, not besides Daddy," Harry says, and Gracie grins smugly. "He and I are going to tell the twins together this weekend, and then your grandparents, aunts and uncle at dinner on Sunday."
"This is so cool!" Gracie gushes. "I hope it's another girl," She considers that prospect. "But then I suppose Miles would be outnumbered. Maybe it should be a boy."
Harry giggles, fond as ever. "Whatever they end up being, you're already a very good big sister," He says. Gracie's smile turns bashful. "And I'm very grateful the twins and the new baby have you. I know being the oldest isn't fun sometimes."
"I like it most of the time," Gracie shrugs, and Harry smiles. She's quiet for a moment. "A baby is in your tummy for nine months, right?"
"That's right," Harry nods.
"How many months has this one been in your tummy?" She asks.
"About three months," He says. "So, only six left." Gracie considers this, nodding. "They'll probably be born in October like you, although you were pretty late, and the twins were a little early."
"Is Daddy excited?" Gracie asks. She's far too endearing.
"He's very excited," Harry nods. "He is every time."
"But he was most excited for me, right?" Gracie smirks, and Harry laughs. A true Tomlinson for sure.
When Louis comes home that night, Harry is cleaning up from the kids' dinner. He walks into the kitchen, eyes tired, but he grins when he sees Harry. He walks up to him, grabbing his face and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Harry smiles, pushing his hair off his forehead. "Long day?"
"Felt like three," Louis admits, grabbing Harry's hand and pressing it to his cheek. Harry pouts sympathetically. "Tell Gracie?"
"Mhm," Harry smiles. "She's really excited."
"Good," Louis grins back at him. He turns his head and kisses the palm of Harry's hand. "Nobody's more excited than me, though."
Harry's smile widens, and he pinches Louis' cheek gently. "There's still some leftover mac n' cheese, if you want some," He says. "It's shaped like Paw Patrol characters."
"I wasn't sold until you said Paw Patrol," Louis says, and Harry giggles. "Twins had a bath yet? I can get that going after I eat."
"Don't you have homework?" Harry eyes him suspiciously.
"A bit, yeah, but I can do it later," Louis assures.
"Love, I'd rather you get it done now," Harry says. "I don't like going to sleep while you're sitting down here doing homework at ten."
Louis frowns. "I know, babe, I'm sorry," He says softly. "'S only a little, I promise. 'M sure you're tired, I'd rather you relax while I take care of the twins."
Harry wrinkles his nose, but he sighs and lets Louis kiss him. "Once I wrap up these songs for this band, I'll be home a lot earlier, 'n get my homework done much sooner. Promise."
He and Harry both know that soon he'll have finals, and he'll be just as busy. Harry nods, though, and kisses him again. "I ever tell you how proud I am of you?"
Louis grins. "All the time."
"I'll say it again," Harry smiles back at him. "'M so proud of you."
"Well, thank you, pumpkin," Louis says, voice soft with fondness. "'M gonna go change, okay?"
"I'll heat up your dinner," Harry says, making a face when Louis pinches his bum. "Oi, bugger."
Louis smiles innocently, smacking a kiss on his cheek before making his way upstairs. He stops at the twins' room first, where they have made an absolute mess out of some blocks. Somehow he feels as though it wasn't Willow's idea.
"Daddy!" Miles gasps, stumbling up to a standing position before running over to him. Louis scoops him up with ease, just in time for Willow to run up to him too.
"Well, what've we got here?" Louis smiles weakly at the mess, scooping Willow up in his other arm.
"A big building!" Miles squeaks.
"Sky-scrapper," Willow says, leaning her head into Louis' chest. Louis smiles, kissing the top of her head.
"Looks awesome," Louis nods. "...You're going to clean it up when you're done with it, though, right?"
"Right!" Miles chirps. That's what he always says. Louis kisses his forehead before setting them down. Miles scrambles to get back to work on their skyscraper, but Willow clings onto him.
"How was school today, love?" He asks her, using his free hand to push her hair out of her face. "Learn lots and lots?"
"Mhm," Willow nods.
"And I heard you had a very yummy dinner," He says, sitting on the edge of her bed and placing her in his lap. "It was so nice of Papa to make it for you."
"So yummy, Daddy!" Miles says, adding blocks to their tower.
"Did you say thank you to him?" Louis asks.
"Mhm," Willow nods again.
"Lotsa times!" Miles assures.
"Good," Louis grins, blowing a raspberry into Willow's cheek and making her giggle. He lifts her up off his lap and sets her back down onto the floor. "'M gonna go eat something, and then it's bath time for you two."
"Nope! No buts, I could smell you from downstairs," Louis teases, and Miles pouts. "Y've got thirty minutes." Miles sticks his tongue out at Louis, and Willow giggles. Louis just does it back.
He then makes his way to Gracie's room, knocking on the door (because she's almost eleven, and will throw a fit if he doesn't) and entering when he hears a 'come in!'.
Opening the door, he sees Gracie sitting at her desk doing homework. He closes the door behind him so the twins don't walk in on their conversation. "Hey, peanut, how was your day?"
"Papa told me about the new baby!" Gracie exclaims, and Louis can feel himself smile, sitting down on her bed.
"You sound really disappointed about it," Louis teases.
"I can't wait!" Gracie squeals. Louis' smile softens. "I hope it's twins again."
Louis' face falls. "Okay, woah, please don't jinx us," He says, and Gracie makes a face. "There's only so many Tomlinson's that'll fit in one house."
"Nan's got nine, including Dan," Gracie points out.
"What does that have to do with me?" Louis says, and Gracie rolls her eyes, making him laugh. "If it were twins, we would've found out by now. You can see there's only one in the pictures."
"You have pictures?" Gracie asks. Louis pulls his wallet out of his back pocket and pulls the latest ultrasound out of it, passing it over to her. Gracie furrows her eyebrows, looking scarily like Harry. "I don't see a baby."
"That tiny white blob is the baby," Louis says, laughing at her reaction. "They don't start really looking like babies until the next couple of months."
"Oh," Gracie hums. "Weird."
"You know, I remember when I saw the first ultrasound picture of you when you were in Papa's tummy," Louis says, and Gracie looks back up at him. "'Ve still got it somewhere."
"Really?" Gracie asks.
"Mhm," Louis smiles. "Was so, so freaked out. Then Papa and I went to the doctor, and I saw you, and I was still freaked out, but...not as much. I saw you, and I felt it in my chest that you were mine, and I think that's the first time I really felt like a dad."
Gracie's quiet for a moment. "You were young when you had me, right?"
Louis nods. He and Harry had agreed they were never going to skip around the fact that they were young when they got married and started having kids. "Yup. Twenty-one."
"But why?" Gracie asks. "You're a lot younger than all of my friends' parents."
Louis shrugs. "I don't know. It was just...the right time," He says. "You were meant to be in our lives back then."
"How old was Papa?" Gracie asks.
"Nineteen," Louis says.
Gracie's quiet again, looking back down at the picture. "I like that you're young," She says, and Louis smiles. "Abby's mum is forty-five, and she always talks about how strict she is."
Louis laughs a little. "Nan was pretty young when she had me, too," He says. "So, I get it. There's nothing wrong with it. 'S weird sometimes, though."
"What about Dan?" Gracie asks. "How old was he when you were born?"
Oh. Louis' eyebrows furrow before he realises Gracie doesn't have the whole picture. He supposes it's just never come up where he's had to explain it to her. "Um, G," Louis says. "Dan...isn't my dad."
Now Gracie looks confused. "Huh?"
"Nan married Dan two years before you were born," Louis explains, giving Gracie a small smile when her confused expression becomes even more intense. "He's Ernie and Doris' dad."
"So...what about yours?" Gracie asks. "Or Auntie Lottie's? Or Auntie Fizzy's? Or-"
Louis cuts her off with a quiet laugh. "I have a different dad than them, too," He says. "Nana Jay had me with my dad, but he was...kinda mean. And he left Nana Jay and I when I was five."
"Oh," Gracie says softly. "W-What about Auntie Lottie's dad?"
"Her and the rest of your aunts have the same one," Louis says. "His name is Mark. He's pretty nice, he travels a lot for work but he comes to visit sometimes. He was really nice to me when I was little, too."
Gracie nods. "I'm sorry," She says quietly. "About your dad."
She's too good, Louis can feel his heart swell as he gives her a smile. "Thank you, Gracie," He says. "'S okay, though."
"But maybe that's why you're such a good dad," She says. It catches Louis off guard. He swallows thickly, smiling at her again, a little softer this time.
"Thanks, love," He practically whispers, and Gracie smiles back at him. He stands up off her bed, walking over and pressing a kiss to her forehead, and looking down at her, he's hit with all the bits of Harry in her again. "Hey, thanks for making me a dad."
"I didn't really have a choice," Gracie points out, and Louis chuckles.
"Thanks anyways, though," He says, kissing her forehead again. "I love you, Gracie Mae. Get back to that homework."
"I love you too," She says, and then she turns around in her chair and goes right back to her homework. Just like Harry. Louis shakes his head, smiling fondly.
A month later, Louis graduates from uni, with honours. Harry has never been so proud of him. Louis thinks he must be crying more than anyone's parents at the ceremony.
"Hey," Harry says from where he's sitting on Louis' lap. Louis looks up at him with a grin, Harry's skin glowing from the fire pit in front of them. "I'm proud of you."
Louis' grin widens. His graduation party has died down, leaving them and their friends sitting around the fire pit in their backyard. All of the kids (including Niall and Barbara's boy, Noel) are in the house, the twins and Noel asleep. He grabs Harry's hand and kisses his knuckle. "Thanks, pumpkin."
"Oi, get a room!"
The glare Louis' gives Niall is unmatchable. "You're lucky I don't give him a good snog right here," He says.
"Not like you haven't done it before," Niall shrugs with a laugh. Harry blushes. Louis picks up his empty beer can and throws it at Niall's head. Barbara just rolls her eyes at their antics.
"Remember when Harry gave Louis a lap dance at my twenty-third birthday?" Liam says. Harry hides his face in Louis' shoulder, and Louis' cheeks become a bit warm at the memory. They were both quite a few drinks in. "It was my birthday, I should've been the one getting a lap dance."
"Not a chance," Louis' hold on Harry's waist tightens.
"'S probably why Lou keeps knocking him up," Joe says. He and Taylor had moved back to London for a little while after she released another album. "So he'll stop drinkin' so much and dancing at parties."
"Stooop," Harry whines, but even Louis laughs at that. Taylor puts her hand over her mouth to try and mask that she's giggling too.
"So what're you going to do?" She asks, clearly trying to change the subject for Harry's sake. "Now that you've graduated?"
"Your mum," Louis says, taking a sip of his beer. Harry smacks his chest.
"You are thirty years old," Barbara says, shaking her head.
"I don't know why everyone has to keep reminding me," Louis shudders. Harry pouts sympathetically, reaching up behind Louis' neck to scratch at the nape of it. It comforts Louis a little.
"We're not that far behind you, Lou," Taylor reminds.
"But you'll always be older than us," Joe reminds, a big smile on his face. Louis flips him the bird.
"Is that a grey hair?" Harry joins in, showingly sorting through Louis' hair. Louis swats his hand away with a pout, and Harry giggles, kissing his cheek.
"Mummy? Daddy?"
Noel is standing in the doorway to the house, rubbing his eyes. He had passed out on Niall's lap about an hour before, so they stuck him in Willow's bed. "We goin' home soon?" He asks.
"Yes, baby, we're leaving in a few," Barbara says. Noel toddles down the steps and towards them, Niall standing and scooping him up before he could get too close to the fire.
"We should probably get you to bed, huh, love?" He says, kissing the top of his head. "Think we're gonna head out, guys. Can you say bye to everyone, buddy?"
"Buh-bye," Noel waves to all of them, eyelids drooping. "Con-grap-alations, Uncle Lou."
"Cheers, mate," Louis raises his can of beer towards him. It doesn't take long for the other three to head out, leaving Harry and Louis alone, sitting by the fire.
Louis looks up at Harry, grip tight around his waist as he gives him a soft smile. "You're very pretty," He says matter-of-factly. Harry smiles back at him, running his fingers through his hair.
"I think that's the beers talking, babe," Harry says.
"The prettiest," Louis continues, his beer can now empty. He drops it to the ground, using his newly free hand to spread over Harry's tummy. "What're the chances you'll recreate that lap dance from six years ago?"
"Very slim," Harry deadpans. Louis pouts.
"But I graduated today," He says. As soon as the words leave his mouth, his eyes widen in realisation. "...Holy shit. I graduated."
"I know," Harry grins, kissing the top of Louis' head. "'N I'm so, so proud of you."
"And we're having another baby," Louis says, smiling, as though he's just catching up to what's been going on. Harry's smile widens, and Louis gazes up at him, his face soft. He gives Harry's waist a squeeze. "'S a good life, isn't it, Hazza?"
"Always is with you," Harry nods, grabbing Louis' face and kissing the top of his head again. "My college graduate."
Louis smiles bashfully, leaning up and pecking Harry's lips. "Couldn't have done it without you," He says.
"We make a pretty good team, huh?" Harry squeezes Louis' cheeks. They're freshly shaven and flushed from the beer.
"The best," Louis nods, rubbing his thumb on Harry's bump gently. It's barely there, but Louis knows Harry's body so well, he can tell. "You tired? We can turn in."
"But we've got to clean up," Harry sighs. Louis grins, fond, and presses a kiss to Harry's upper arm.
"We've got all day tomorrow to clean up, Haz," He points out, already helping Harry to stand up off his lap. "'S late, let's get you to bed."
"M'kay," Harry mumbles, yawning. Louis stands up out of the wicker chair, putting the cover over the dying fire before walking Harry into the house.
"This is not fair."
"I'm sorry, G," Louis sighs, wiping his sweaty forehead and stepping back from the cot he and Lottie had just brought upstairs. "'S a temporary solution. We're gonna start looking for a bigger house after the baby comes."
"Why wouldn't you start looking for a house before the baby comes?" Gracie huffs.
"Attitude check," Louis gives her a look. "Because selling our house and expecting a new baby would be a bit much to add to our plates."
"Your Auntie Fiz and I shared a room for years, G," Lottie points out, tightening her ponytail. "And now we're super close."
"You and Auntie Fiz are only three years apart," Gracie points out. "Willow and I are six. She's a baby. I'm not going to be able to have my friends over if I have to share a room with her, that's embarrassing."
"You're not going to be able to have your friends over at all if you keep whining," Louis says. Gracie pouts. Louis sighs. "I know it sucks, and I'm sorry. I didn't like having to share my room either. Just be happy we gave you the calmer one."
Miles then runs into the room, a pair of trousers on his head, giggling. "Speaking of calm," He sighs, scooping Miles up. "Now why, pray tell, are your trousers on your head and not your bum?"
"'Cos 'm funny," Miles says, poking Louis' cheek.
"'S a shame he doesn't take after you, Lou," Lottie says sarcastically. Louis gives her a look, sighing and taking Miles' trousers off his head.
"Alright, let's get our trousers back on, please," He says, setting Miles down and holding them out to him. Instead, Miles runs away. Louis runs his hand over his face. "Jesus."
"Just let him keep them off," Lottie shrugs.
"We're trying to get him into the habit of wearing clothes before school starts," Louis sighs, walking out of the bedroom and following the little footsteps down the stairs.
"Miles William!" Louis calls out, little trousers in his hand. He walks into the kitchen and sees Harry sitting at the table, eating from a big bowl of fruit. He looks up.
"He went that way," He says, pointing down the hall towards the washroom. Louis sighs again, instead walking over to the table and sitting down next to Harry.
"Why'd we agree to have another one?" He asks.
"We didn't," Harry grins, seven month belly poking out in Louis' oversized Eagles t-shirt. He leans forward and pecks Louis' lips, cheeks rosy and eyes sparkling. He's so pretty. It makes Louis smile. "But it was a nice surprise, yeah?"
"I suppose so," Louis nods. "How're you feeling?"
"Good," Harry pops a blueberry in his mouth. "I cleaned the whole basement."
"Of course you did," Louis shakes his head, but his grin is fond. "Didn't lift anything too heavy, right?"
"No," Harry assures. "But there's a nice pile of boxes down there I'd love for you to move for me."
"Should've known," Louis wrinkles his nose. Harry picks up a raspberry, and Louis opens his mouth wide. Harry giggles, popping it in Louis' mouth and pecking his lips again.
Lottie walks in with Willow on her hip. "Someone's hungry," She says, setting Willow down. She runs to Harry as soon as she hits the ground, and Harry laughs, pulling her up onto his lap.
"You want some fruit, Will?" He asks, holding the bowl out to her. She pops a blueberry into her mouth.
"Yum!" She squeaks. "Yum, Papa!"
Harry peppers her cheek with kisses, making her squeal. "Ve got to get going, Lou, 'm taking Ernie and Doris to get their nails done," Lottie says.
"Thanks for helpin' us out," Louis says, fist bumping her. "See you at dinner Sunday?"
"You know it," She says. "Try not to inhale too much Pledge over there, Harry."
"Too late," Harry says, feeding Willow another blueberry. Lottie shakes her head, waving goodbye to them with her keys in her hand. Willow takes a strawberry from the bowl, holding it to Harry's tummy.
"Here 'go," She says. Harry giggles, taking it from her.
"Well thank you, love," He says, taking a bite of it.
"No!" Willow huffs. "Not for you, 's for baby."
"Well, y'know whatever I eat goes straight to the baby," Harry says, brushing a blonde wisp of hair from Willow's face. "So, if you want to give the baby something, 's gotta go through me."
Willow blinks up at him, seemingly mulling it over before taking a raspberry out of the bowl and shoving it up to his lips. "For baby, Papa," She says, and Harry laughs.
"'M sure the baby really appreciates it," He says, eating the raspberry from Willow's little fingers.
"You're already such a good big sister, babe," Louis tells her, melting when Willow beams at the praise. "Baby's going to be so lucky to have you around."
It's then Miles runs by without his trousers on, and Louis remembers the reason he's in the kitchen in the first place. "Suppose that's my cue," He sighs, standing up and going after Miles.
"Your brother's so silly, Will," Harry kisses Willow's forehead. Willow smiles up at him. Harry's heart bursts. He tucks her hair behind her ear. "What do you think, is the new baby gonna be a boy or a girl?"
Willow presses her ear to his belly, like the baby is going to tell her. "'S a boy," She says definitively.
"Oh, yeah?" Harry grins. "How do you know?"
"Told me," She says, tapping his stomach with her hand.
"Ah," Harry nods, laughing a little. Gently, he lifts Willow from under her arms and brings her down to the floor before standing up himself. "Alright, let's go see if Daddy's got your brother's trousers on yet."
"Miles, we don't put our feet on the table."
"Why not?"
"Because..." Louis sighs, putting his coffee pod in the coffee maker. "We just don't."
Miles pouts, but he takes his feet off the kitchen table. "Can I have oatmeal, Daddy?"
"Sure, right after Will's is done," He says, nodding to the microwave. "Gracie, love, what do you want?"
"I can make it myself," She says, already going to to get some bread out of the breadbox. She can probably see how stressed Louis is. Harry's due date is tomorrow, and he's in the studio for four hours today, and his Mum can't drive Gracie to school, so they have to leave earlier than usual.
The microwave beeps, and Louis takes Willow's oatmeal out just as Harry walks into the kitchen. "What're you doin' up, babe?" Louis asks, grabbing Willow a little spoon.
"I dunno, 'm not tired this morning," Harry says, going to sit down at the table. Louis rushes over to help him sit with his free hand, and Harry smiles at him gratefully. "Thank you."
Louis kisses the top of his head before setting Willow's oatmeal in front of her. "There you go, Will."
"Thank you!" Willow squeaks.
"Want mine, Daddy!" Miles pouts.
"I haven't made it yet, mate, be patient," Louis sighs, getting his coffee from the coffee maker.
"Now!" Miles says again.
"Miles," Harry warns.
"Here 'go," Willow scoots her bowl over to Miles. She is an angel. Louis walks over and moves the bowl back to her.
"No, babe, Miles has to be patient and wait his turn," Louis says. "That was very nice of you, though."
"Not fair!" Miles whines. "I want mine now!"
"Miles, enough," Harry says, raising his eyebrows. "'S gonna take two minutes for Daddy to make yours, you can wait."
Miles' face scrunches up in frustration. Louis prepares himself for crying, but instead Miles takes Willow's bowl and dumps it all over her. Willow sits there for a moment, stunned, before bursting into tears.
"Miles!" Louis yelps.
"Alright, c'mere, Will," Slowly, Harry gets himself out of his chair. "Arms up," She lifts her arms, still sobbing, while Harry gets her dress off of her.
"Now you get no oatmeal," Louis tells Miles, shaking his head. Harry takes Willow and her dirty dress to the washroom, a slight waddle to his walk as he leads her out of the kitchen. "You get toast. Gracie, throw some in for him, please?"
"No!" Miles says, and then he bursts into tears. Of course he would choose this morning to be a pain. "I want oatmeal!"
"I don't give oatmeal to people who dump it on their sisters," Louis shrugs. "And after you eat, you're going to help me clean up the mess you made."
Miles just cries. He'll get over it in five minutes, this isn't Louis' first rodeo. Harry swears there's something going on, some reason for Miles' hyperactivity and always being emotional, but he's just a kid. That's how kids are sometimes.
After his crying subsides, he eats his toast with a pout and cleans up the oatmeal with Louis, and Harry brings Willow back in a new dress, no longer crying.
"Good luck at the studio, babe," Harry kisses Louis goodbye as he wrangles the kids to get them out the door.
"Thanks, love," Louis smiles, fond, before his face becomes more serious. "I'll be back by four, my phone is going to be on me the whole time, call me if you need anything."
"I will," Harry nods, beaming up at him. The pregnancy hormones are in Louis' favour, unlike last time. This time, Harry adores Louis. and never tells him to stop touching him or get away from him.
"If you need to go anywhere, call Niall or summat," Louis says.
"I will, Lou," Harry assures, giggling. "It'll be fine, I don't feel anything yet. I have a feeling this one will be late like G."
"Okay," Louis sighs wearily, leaning down to kiss him again. When they separate, Harry smiles wide. "I love you, H."
"I love you too," Harry says. "Have fun. Write a song about me."
"I could write a million, baby," Louis grins. He leans down to kiss Harry one more time before bending down further to kiss Harry's bump. "You be good," He mumbles before getting the kids out the door, leaving Harry alone.
"Alright," Harry sighs, putting a hand on the top of his belly, over his jumper. "Alone for the day again, what do you want to do?" The baby kicks, right near Harry's hand. Harry nods. "Laundry sounds good."
So, Harry gets going on some laundry, making sure to wash Gracie's favourite jumper. She said she wanted it clean so she could wear it when she meets the baby. It melts Harry's heart.
On his second load, while he's watching Shameless (the U.S. version. He and Louis like to argue which is better), he feels it. It's barely there, just a twinge at the bottom of his stomach, but it's enough to make him drop Louis' shirt that he's folding and put his hand on his stomach.
It could be nothing, just a Braxton Hick. Harry takes a deep breath, picking the shirt back up and starting to fold it again. No use worrying himself if he doesn't know that there's something to worry about.
It's about forty minutes before he feels it again, the tiniest bit stronger than the last one. Okay. This is happening.
Harry takes his phone out of the pocket of his joggers, unlocking it and calling Louis. It rings a few times before going to voicemail, which is weird. It's not like Louis to ignore a call, especially when it's Harry calling him, but he is at work.
He gives it a few more minutes before calling again. This one goes to voicemail too. Furrowing his eyebrows, Harry texts Louis.
Hey, I know you're busy but call me back when you get a chance? xx
It delivers, so he knows it's not that Louis doesn't have service. Sighing, Harry opts to finish folding the laundry. Even after that, Louis doesn't answer when he calls him. Now he's getting a little nervous.
He gets another contraction, a bit stronger than the last, and he swallows thickly. They're coming quick, and he'd much rather let Louis know now. He calls him again, this time leaving a voicemail when he doesn't pick up.
"Hi, babe," Harry says, biting his lip. "You must be busy or have your phone on silent or something, but I just wanted to let you know that I've had a few contractions, and I'm thinking this is the real deal. Call me when you get a chance. Love you."
Within forty minutes, Louis hasn't called him back, and he's had four contractions, each one getting stronger. He knows he should have someone here with him, since Louis apparently won't be.
Both of their mums are at work, Anne happens to be holding down his firm and answering calls this week while he's on maternity leave. Niall and Barbara are working, and Liam's away with his family. Lottie is too far away, Fiz is at school.
Taylor. Thank God they moved back to London. Harry is quick to call her, squatting down and gripping the counter for support as another contraction rips through him.
"Hey, hi," Harry wrinkles his nose at the pain. "Um, are you busy?"
"If you count watching The Family Stone and eating cereal as busy."
"So, uh," Harry sighs softly. "I'm in labour, I think, 'n Louis' not answering his calls, I don't know what to do."
"Oh," This was definitely not the call Taylor was expecting to get this morning. "Shit, okay, I'll be right there. Joe's home too, I'll bring him, we'll be right over."
"Thank you," Harry says, voice shaking a little as his eyes fill with tears. He doesn't know if hormones are just making him emotional, but the fact that Louis isn't there with him combined with his friend dropping everything to be there is making him teary-eyed. "Thank you so much, T."
"Of course, Harry. Just sit tight, okay? We'll be right there."
"Thank you," Harry repeats. Once they've hung up, and the contraction has passed, he stands up straight and makes his way to the door to unlock it for them.
It doesn't take long for Taylor to burst through the door, Joe trailing behind. "Harry!" She exclaims, exhaling in relief as if she was afraid she'd find him giving birth on the floor. "How're you feeling?"
"Okay," Harry shrugs, putting his phone down before smiling up at Taylor. "Thank you so much for coming over, seriously. You didn't have to."
"Don't be ridiculous, Harry, you're in labour," Taylor shakes her head. "What's going on with Louis?"
"I don't know," Harry sighs, staring down at his phone. "He's writing and recording and stuff with some band, and said he'd keep his phone on him, but I've been trying him for, like, an hour and a half."
"Maybe it's your phone?" Joe furrows his eyebrows, pulling his out of his pocket. "Let me try him."
"Do you want something to eat?" Taylor asks, face open and warm and kind. She's so nice, it almost makes Harry tear up again. "How about some avocado toast?"
"Okay," Harry nods, biting his lip. Joe makes a face, taking his phone away from his ear.
"Went to voicemail," He said. "That's so weird."
"Maybe he just has bad reception," Taylor says, already putting bread in the toaster. "How far apart are your contractions?"
"Like, eight minutes," Harry says, the anxiety in the pit of his stomach rising. "It's happening really quick, what if he doesn't get any of our calls in time? What if he misses it?"
"Hey," Joe says softly. "Just relax, mate, it'll be okay. We'll make sure he gets the message." Harry's never seen Joe be so soft before. It makes him want to cry. Again. He nods, biting his lip and looking back down at his phone.
"You want anything else with your toast, Harry?" Taylor asks. Just as he's about to answer, a contraction ripples through his belly. He wrinkles his nose and grips the table.
"Harry?" Taylor questions, looking over at him. "Oh, shit," She rushes over, offering Harry her hand, and he takes it. "Okay, um, it's okay. Just breathe through it. Joe?"
"Hm?" Joe replies, very invested on something on his phone. Taylor rolls her eyes at his obliviousness.
"Could you try Louis one more time?" She squeezes Harry's hand gently. "Please?"
Joe looks up and sees that Harry's having a contraction, face softening. "Oh, shit, yeah, one sec," He looks back down at his phone, pressing something and putting it up to his ear again. Harry's contraction passes, and Joe sighs. "Went to voicemail again."
"This is not happening," Harry runs his hand over his face.
"It'll be okay," Taylor assures gently, squeezing his hand again. "You're about to have a baby, Harry, focus on that. That's the coolest thing ever. I can't believe you're about to have four of them."
Harry nods, feeling the tears spring into his eyes again. "I know," He says after a moment, voice soft, a tear trickling down his cheek.
"Nice goin', T, you made him cry," Joe says. Taylor gives him a look telling him now is not the time to joke around, and Harry giggles, wiping his face.
"Everything does," He admits.
"And I love those kids of yours," Taylor says, talking to him in a calm, gentle tone that soothes his nerves a little. "They're my favourite people, besides you and Lou. I hope any kids Joe and I have are half as wonderful."
"Really?" Harry sniffles.
"I'd like all of our kids to be like Willow," Joe says, and Harry giggles. "She's so quiet, 's like not even having a kid."
"Has Louis gotten a paternity test for her?" Taylor asks, and Harry laughs again, wiping his eyes. "Is it possible that Miles is his but Willow isn't?"
"Biologically, probably not," Harry grins. He knows everyone jokes about how Willow takes after him, but he sees the quiet, soft parts of Louis in her. The kindness and the thoughtfulness and the love she spreads to everyone around her.
"She looks just like him, though," Joe points out. "Has to be his."
"She's Louis if he was blonde and quiet," Taylor nods. They're doing a really good job of distracting Harry until the thought arises again that Louis is unreachable, and he frowns. Taylor seems to be able to read his mind, because she says "We're going to get a hold of him, okay? I'm not going to let him miss this."
"What if he does?" Harry practically whimpers. "He'd be devastated, T. I need him to be there."
"Let me try calling him again," Joe says.
The toaster goes off, and Taylor stands, sighing softly. "Just focus on getting some food in your system, okay?" She gets his toast out and cuts an avocado while he bites his nails, watching Joe swear under his breath.
"Voicemail," He mumbles. "H, mate, do you know anyone that's there with him, anyone you can get into contact with?"
"I could probably try calling the studio," Harry says quietly, picking his phone up and searching the number of the studio online. That goes to voicemail too, what the fuck? "Is the world out to get me or something?"
"Here, just eat your toast," Taylor says soothingly, setting Harry's avocado toast in front of him and rubbing his shoulder. "Joe and I will keep trying that number and find any other ones we can try, okay?"
"M'kay," Harry whispers. He's lost his appetite.
Taylor and Joe stand around the kitchen island and make calls while Harry eats, texting Louis again.
Please please please answer.
Joe slams his phone down on the counter, before quickly picking it back up to check if it cracked. He sighs in relief when it's not. "What the fuck is up with this recording studio?" He grumbles, shaking his head. "Did everyone just collectively decide to not answer any calls?"
"Ah," Harry hisses, pressing a hand to the side of his stomach. Another contraction ripples through him, this one much worse than before. He knows it's time. "I-I think we have to go."
"Go?" Joe chokes out. "Like, to the hospital?"
Taylor rolls her eyes again, putting her phone in her pocket. "No, Joe, to the Rovers game," She says, approaching Harry and squatting down in front of him. "Okay, do you have a hospital bag packed?"
"Mhm," Harry sniffles, tearing up for the umpteenth time today. "Next to the door in the bedroom."
"Joe," Taylor nods towards the stairs, and Joe is quick to rush towards them. She looks back to Harry, giving him a kind smile. "I'll call the hospital and let them know we're coming. You wanna try him one more time?"
"Okay," Harry says meekly, picking his phone up again. Taylor stands up straight and takes her phone back out of her pocket, and Harry calls Louis one more time. Voicemail. He starts to weep out of frustration.
Taylor gets off the phone with the hospital, turning her attention back to Harry. "Oh, honey, it's okay," She says gently, wiping his tears. She's so nice, it makes him cry harder. "It'll be okay, okay? C'mon, let's get you up and to the car."
Joe comes back downstairs with the bag, looking panicked. Taylor helps Harry stand up, keeping a hand on his back as she leads him towards the door.
"Front or back?" She asks. Even in his state, he smirks at the innuendo, and Taylor sighs. "Jesus, Louis' rubbed off on you." Harry giggles. "Harold."
"Back's fine," He croaks, and Taylor helps him into the car while Joe puts the bag in the trunk. Joe gets into the drivers seat while Taylor climbs into the passenger seat, and they start towards the hospital.
A few minutes into the car ride, another contraction rips through Harry, making him yell out an "Ah!"
"It's okay, H, deep breaths," Taylor reminds gently.
"I'm gonna kill him," Harry growls, eyes clenched shut. "I'm gonna fucking kill him, he said he'd keep his phone on him, what the fuck?"
"I know, babe, I'm sorry," Taylor soothes. "I'll try calling him again, okay?"
"What good is he if I can't even reach him when I'm giving birth to his child?" Harry grits out. "Fucking bastard. I'll cut his dick off and pin it to the wall as a warning to all other people with a uterus." Joe snorts. Taylor shakes her head, phone up to her ear.
"Shit," Louis mumbles, suddenly realising he doesn't have his phone on him. He must have left it in the other studio. He turns to the guy with a guitar in his lap next to him. "Sorry, I'll be right back."
The guy just nods, and Louis stands and slips past the other members of the band, walking back to the studio they were in before. The corridors are long, with a bunch of doors that look the exact same, but Louis eventually finds his way back to the studio they were using.
Sure enough, his phone is on the sofa against the wall. He picks it up and turns it on to check his notifications, heart dropping to his stomach when he sees a shit ton of notifications from Harry, Taylor, and Joe. Fuck.
There's a voicemail from Harry, so he presses it and holds it up to his ear. "Hi, babe, you must be busy or have your phone on silent or something, but I just wanted to let you know that I've had a few contractions, and I'm thinking this is the real deal. Call me when you get a chance. Love you."
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Just as he's about to call him back, already walking back to the other studio to get his things, Taylor calls him. He answers, and is immediately met with her yelling "What the fuck, Louis?"
"I know, I know," Louis sighs, hands shaking as he runs one over his face. "Fuck, I'm such an idiot. I-I left my phone in another studio and didn't even realise. Is he okay? Where are you guys?"
Taylor sighs a little. "He's fine," She says. "We're on our way to the hospital."
"Can I talk to him?" He asks before going back into the studio with the band. "Um, I have to go," He announces. "'M sorry. My husband's in labour."
"Don't apologise, mate," The guy with the guitar from earlier assures. "Go." Everyone else agrees, and Louis flashes them a grateful smile before leaving.
He holds the phone back up to his ear just in time to hear Harry saying "I'm gonna fucking kill you."
"I know, baby, I'm so sorry," Louis says gently. "I'm coming, okay? I'm only twenty minutes from the hospital."
"You'll be lucky if I even let you into the room," Harry growls into the phone. He sounds like he's in the middle of a contraction. Louis will admit, he's a little scared. "You said you'd keep your phone on you, what the fuck?"
"I know, I'm so sorry, I left it in a studio, and then we moved to a different one," Louis explains, words jumbled together with how anxious he is. "I'll be there, okay, I'll be right there, don't worry."
The contraction seems to pass, because Harry exhales slowly before saying, "Okay. I'm sorry."
"No, love, 's okay," He assures, nodding to the secretary at the front desk before walking out to his car. "This is my fault, but I'm gonna be there soon, okay?"
"M'kay," Harry sniffles. "I love you."
That calms Louis' nerves a little. "I love you too, Haz," He says fondly. "Thank you for having so many of my kids. Think you deserve a medal or summat for that."
Harry giggles, and Louis melts a little. "'M holding you to that."
"'S already in the mail," Louis assures, and Harry laughs again. Louis gets into his car, starting it and buckling his safety belt as fast as he can. "I'm leaving the studio right now, I'll meet you at the hospital."
"Mhm," Louis can tell Harry's putting on a front, trying not to show how freaked out he is.
"Alright, I love you, babe," Louis says, smiling to himself. "I'll see you soon."
"Love you too."
It's been thirty minutes. Harry's in a hospital bed, and Louis still isn't there. He's getting more and more irritated with each contraction, and each minute that passes that Louis isn't here.
"Okay, love, let's check to see how dilated you are," The nurse says sweetly. Harry just gives her a dull look, and Taylor squeezes his shoulder. Gently, the nurse spreads his legs.
"Let me call Louis," Joe says. He is very clearly out of his element here, he looks more panicked than Harry has ever seen him. "See what's going on."
"Eight centimetres!" The nurse announces.
"Eight?" Harry asks, face shining with sweat. "That can't be right."
"Your labour is progressing quickly," The nurse says, patting his leg with a kind smile. Harry wants to kick her in the face. "Should be in delivery soon!"
"I don't want to be in delivery soon," Harry says, eyes filling with tears. The nurse looks confused. Taylor just gives her a grateful smile.
"Thank you so much," She tells the nurse. The nurse gets the hint, nodding and pulling the covers back over Harry's legs before leaving the room.
"You're fucking kidding," Joe says, on the phone with Louis. That can't be good. Harry bites his lip, listening to Joe's half of the conversation. "Lou, mate, he's eight centimetres already."
"Where is he?" Harry asks, voice trembling. Joe just gives him a weary look. Harry sighs, throwing his head back into the pillow. "Fuck."
"Alright, um," Joe sighs, shaking his head. "I guess I'll call you if anything...happens?"
He's not going to make it. Harry can feel it in his gut. He closes his eyes, breathing shakily as Taylor pushes his sweaty hair out of his face. "It's okay," She assures gently.
Joe gets off the phone, approaching the hospital bed cautiously. "So..." He starts. "His service was really spotty, he kept cutting out, but. I guess there was an accident on the motorway, and Louis' stuck right behind it. He doesn't know when he's going to make it here."
It takes everything in Harry not to burst into tears again. He takes a deep breath, and Taylor squeezes his shoulder again. Calmly, he picks his phone up off the bedside table and unlocks it, handing it to Taylor. "Can you call my mum 'n Jay?"
"Yeah, of course," Taylor takes the phone, looking through his contacts.
"You gonna be okay?" Joe asks Harry gently.
"I feel like stabbing someone," Harry grumbles, and Joe takes a step back. Taylor seems to have gotten Harry's mum on the phone just as he feels another contraction, and he hisses. "Fuck."
"Okay, uh," Joe panics momentarily, offering his hand to him. Harry takes it, closing his eyes and squeezing it as hard as he can. He channels all of his energy into the baby, telling himself that whether or not Louis is there, he has to be strong for them.
The contraction passes, and his grip on Joe's hand loosens. He opens his eyes and looks at it. It's purple. "Sorry," Harry laughs sheepishly.
"'S fine, no worries," Joe assures, but his words sound strained.
A new nurse comes in, taking one look at Joe's hand. "Ice?" She offers.
"Please," Joe practically whimpers.
The nurse nods and leaves again. Taylor takes Harry's phone away from her ear, setting it down on the bedside table. "Mothers have been called," She announces, grinning down at Harry. "Anything else you need?"
"My husband?" Harry asks weakly.
Taylor gives him a sympathetic smile. "I meant, like, some ice chips?"
"Then, no," Harry sighs. "'M okay."
It's then he notices his thighs feel kind of wet under the covers of the hospital bed. He lifts them up and sees a puddle around his bum. "Oh, fuck," He says, voice soft and dejected.
"What's up?" Joe furrows his eyebrows, still cradling his bruising hand.
"My water's broke," He mumbles, the realisation he's really going to have to do this without Louis sinking in. "Can you go get a nurse?"
"I-Uh-Shit," Joe sputters, still holding his hand as he rushes out of the room. Taylor looks down at Harry with wide eyes.
"Hey," She says, clearly freaked out, but trying to stay calm for his sake. He's never loved her more than he does right now. If Joe doesn't put a ring on it soon, he might. "It's going to be okay."
"Will you stay with me?" He asks shyly. He feels like a little kid, but the thought of doing this without his husband is so scary. Taylor's face softens, and she immediately nods.
"Yes, yes, of course," She assures.
Joe comes back in, a nurse trailing behind him and a pack of ice now on his hand. "Okay, love, let's check if this is the real deal," She says, pulling the covers back and spreading Harry's legs apart. Harry prays that this, somehow, isn't the real deal.
Taylor grabs his hand and squeezes it as the nurse checks. "Yup," The nurse says, giving Harry a smile. "Looks like it's time for delivery! I'll page Dr. Bajaj."
"Fuck," Harry whispers.
Louis can not remember the last time he ran this fast.
As soon as he pulls into a parking spot, he's out of his car and sprinting to the entrance, adrenaline rushing through his body. He knows where the maternity ward is by heart by now, and he makes his way there.
The woman sitting at the front desk doesn't even look phased when Louis bursts through the doors, as if he isn't the first husband she's seen running through. "Hi, Harry Tomlinson?" He asks, chest heaving with heavy breaths.
"Room twenty-eight," She says with a kind smile. He nods to her as a thank you, making his way down the corridor.
He finds the room and opens the door to see Harry sitting up in bed, a bundle in his arms and a big smile on his face as he looks up. Louis' heart sinks. He can't believe he missed it.
"Holy shit, Harry, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I missed it, they took fucking forever to clean that accident up-" His rambling is interrupted by Harry bringing his finger to his lips.
"'S okay, L," He assures with a whisper, eyes sparkling. "I just got him to sleep."
"Him?" Louis questions, voice raspy. He approaches the bed, peering down at the little blue bundle. It practically knocks the wind out of him, the tiny baby in Harry's arms. "Holy shit."
Harry giggles, cheeks rosy as he beams up at Louis. "Congratulations, L, y've got another son," He says, adjusting the little white cap on the baby's head.
"He's beautiful, babe," Louis leans down to kiss the top of Harry's head, the corners of his eyes stinging with tears. "You did so good."
"You weren't even here, how do you know?" Harry squints at him, a teasing grin on his lips.
"I'm so fucking sorry," Louis starts again, sighing. "I owe you one, H, I owe you a million.
"It's okay, Lou," Harry laughs, reaching up and grabbing the collar of his shirt. He pulls him down, pecking his lips. "'S not your fault, you don't owe me anything."
Louis frowns, guilty, until Harry kisses him again. He can't help but smile, eyes going back to the baby. "Everything went good?" He asks softly, resting his hand on the baby's middle. "With the delivery and everything?"
"Um, yeah," Harry nods. Gently, he unfolds the blanket the baby is wrapped up in, carefully pulling out his left arm. His hand is way smaller than it should be fingers underdeveloped and not functional. Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Is he okay?" He asks.
"He's fine," Harry assures. "'S just a birth defect. Symbrachdactyly, that's what Dr. Bajaj called it."
"So he's okay?" Louis asks again. "He'll be fine? It's just his hand?"
"Yup," Harry nods, smiling fondly when the baby sniffles in his sleep. Slowly, he opens eyes, showing bright blue irises as he blinks lazily. "Scored a ten on the Apgar."
"A ten?!" Louis gasps softly, lifting up the baby's left hand and kissing it. "Perfect, what a perfect boy. Your brother and sisters are going to love you, mate."
"That face might make Gracie forgive you for making her share a room with a four year old," Harry says, squishing the baby's cheeks gently. Louis laughs quietly, kissing the top of Harry's head again. "'N look," Harry pulls the baby's hat back, revealing thick, dark hair.
"Geez," Louis laughs. "All of our kids are always bald bald, you sure he's mine?"
"Pretty sure," Harry shrugs. Louis gives him a look, and Harry grins. "He's literally got your face, L."
Louis looks back down at him. Yeah, Harry's right. "Can I hold him?" He asks.
"'Course, you don't have to ask," Harry carefully passes him over to Louis' arms. Louis' chest feels warm as he cradles the baby in his arms, and his eyes become wet.
"Handsome lad," Louis practically chokes out, giving the baby a wobbly smile. Actually holding him feels so surreal.
"What do you think about August?" Harry asks, leaning his head on Louis' shoulder. "For a name? Taylor suggested it, I like it."
"August," Louis tests out, wrapping the blanket back around him. "August Edward Tomlinson. I like it. Suits him."
Harry leans up to kiss Louis' cheek, wiping the tears from under his eyes. "Perfect," He says softly. Louis grins, nodding and looking from August to Harry.
"Perfect," He says softly.
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