Varadero, a town in Cuba. Its powdery sands are as seductive as the soft lapping of the Kawama Channel waves. Famed gangster Al Capone used to frequent the shoreline resorts, and the city still maintains that glamorous luster that's been historically appealing to high rollers. Mansions-turned-museums are favorite destinations for curious Cuban history buffs, Nature lovers can embark upon a day of adventure, exploring the area's caves, keys and virgin forest.

Truly, it's a beautiful place and the perfect one to travel and enjoy some peace and appreciate nature's beauty.

"Congratulations, Jannah"

Jannah turned around to look at Daihaah, moving her gaze from the midnight blue ocean waves from afar. She grinned, "Thank you" She released a sigh of relief, "It feels so good to finally achieve something you've been working on for so long.

"I know right" Daihaah walked towards her, then stood beside her, "Layla said her phone has been blowing up with people trying to set up a meeting with you. That fashion line was a huge success"

Jannah could only grin and mutter an 'Alhamdullilah' under her breath. True to Daihaah's words, her first and sole fashion like launch was a success.

At first, when Suhad told her that the two would move to live abroad, she was worried about her job at the place she had started working. But, he allowed her to pick the place they would move to, so, she picked Havana in Cuba. The place is the perfect getaway place for her, and, the company she works for has a branch there so it's a win-win.

Of course, they had to tie up loose ends before they left Nigeria. One of which is finding out who that woman Suhad had been talking to during Kamal's wedding is. Jannah made that her top priority, she found out the day after the wedding.

Apparently, the woman is one of Suhad's ex-girlfriend. Well, she was never his girlfriend per se but Mamita did want them to be together at one point in Suhad's life. But that was before he met Jannah. Besides, the woman is married already with two kids.

To answer Jannah's question as to whether he took her home after the event, he didn't. The woman's husband, who is also a friend of his, did.

The woman only asked who Jannah is back then because she doesn't know who Suhad's wife is. It's not like she had met her before. Truth be told, she had always wanted to meet her because she'd heard great things about her from Suhad.

Aside from the woman, the two had to clear up their issue with Mamita before they left. The woman didn't apologize but she didn't act cold towards Jannah anymore. If anything, she was really welcoming towards the girl. One would think she's not the same Mamita that had been trying to separate the two in the past. Her new attitude towards the girl had to be because she had rekindled with her brother after more than two decades.

Whichever the case is, Jannah was glad to finally be accepted by her mother in law—and aunt.

The feeling was that she had been yearning for a long time.

Mai Martaba had gotten better too. But that doesn't mean that he still wasn't sick. He is, and in the case of him ever passing away, though none of them wanted it, Suhad had left the throne to Jameel. He had pleaded with his father to not leave it up to him. He didn't want anything to do with it, it had caused enough problems to them all already. Besides, he couldn't handle the stress and weight of responsibilities that would be on his shoulder which comes with the throne. He's sure his wife wouldn't be able to handle it too.

But Jameel too didn't want it. He had fifteen years of his life to raise his daughter alone since he didn't want to get married again, and visit his wife in prison before he could get to finally be with her again. He didn't want to handle the weight of the throne on his shoulder. He knows that he wouldn't do a good job. So, he pleaded to not be given the position too.

And that brings it back to the only other male in the family, Deen. But, to start with, Deen never wanted anything to do with the whole royalty stuff. Hence, why he had left and married a woman in Bauchi. But, he didn't have much of a choice. With his brothers both occupied, he had to step in even if he doesn't want it. So, he agreed to take the spot if anything happens to their father.

He already has every attribute needed in a King, and that was why everyone believe that he'll do a good job.

Things did turn out in the most unexpected ways. But, that is Allah's plans. And He is the best of the planners.

Everyone had supported the decision of Jannah and Suhad to move out of the country. At least there, they don't have people to disturb their lives with expectations and all.

It all worked out too since Jannah found a place to work, and Suhad became more like their company's ambassador in the country since he had quit the position of the CFO. He could've simply stayed home, and will still earn a lot as a shareholder but staying idle wasn't for him.

Jannah who had been working on her new fashion line for moths finally launched it a week ago, and it was an instant success. To celebrate the success, they decided to have a vacation in Varadero—where Daihaah and Prince, along with baby Uthman joined in because they needed a vacation too.

They all stayed in Sol Varadero Beach resort which Daihaah booked. Amongst them all, she is the biggest wanderlust. Hence, why they weren't surprised when she booked the place. The resort is a contemporary and carefree resort combined with modern concept of its spaces with a fun and attractive entertainment programs.

The grounds of the four start All-Inclusive hotel are made up of 3-and 4-floorremodelled bungalows as well as the Casa de los Cosmonautas building, which has an exclusive concierge service.

The rooms, which stand out for their cosy atmosphere and bathroom that opens out on the bedroom, gives beautiful view of the beach, swimming pool and interior gardens.

The resort is ideal for combining authentically natural experiences and activities in its tropical environment, offering a wide range of diverse food, with top notch Italian, Mexican, Creole and international cuisine as well as many other options.

They all have to hand it over to Daihaah, she did an exceptional job at choosing the vacation spot.

"The men aren't back yet, are they?" Jannah asked.

Daihaah nodded, "I have no idea where they left off to. Aamir just asked me to pick a place for us all to have dinner"

"So have you picked one?"

Daihaah shrugged, then chuckled. "I have so many options I don't know which to pick. See, there's this steakhouse La Gruta El Vino, which is also Caribbean" Daihaah started listing it out, using her fingers to count it. "Then there's also this place that has amazing seafood too called La Rampa. And the third has scrumptious International cuisine, plus pizza and it's called Salsa Suarez Restaurant. I really can't pick"

Jannah chuckled. Leave it to Daihaah to pick a place simply because the name sounds exquisite. The woman doesn't even like seafood, yet she's listing off restaurants that serve it. "Let's stick to the steakhouse, okay?"

Daihaah grinned, then nodded in agreement. "Let's go get ready then. It's almost dinner time and I'm sure the men would be back any time soon" She held Jannah's arms, and dragged her back inside. Both women went back to their rooms to change, and soon enough the men joined them. When they all changed into a more comfortable outfits, fit for dinner out, they headed to La Gruta El Vino.

The steaks there were scrumptious as the women hoped. The place proved to be the best choice amongst the three places Daihaah listed off before. They chatted, and talked about everything that has happened in their lives so far.

When they were done with the dinner, they headed back to the resort. On the way back, the men starting arguing about something that the girls found to be hilarious. Daihaah tapped Jannah's shoulder and gestured to the men in front of them who were arguing about some baseless stuff.

"We sure have come a long way, haven't we?" She asked her best friend, with a grin plastered across her face.

Jannah nodded, her lips stretched into a wide grin, "Six years and counting" She sighed in relief. Who would've thought that they'd come this long. It felt as though it was only a year ago that they were bickering about who's more handsome between Aamir and his brother Faruk. It felt the same regarding the first time Jannah and Suhad met in BUK. It didn't seem that long. But it was.

Daihaah blinked, her cheekbones raised and prominent from smiling. Her eyes moved to the sleeping figure of Uthman in his father's arms, then moved her gaze over to Jannah. "Still can't believe you'll soon be parents too. In about what? Four months from now?"

Jannah nodded in confirmation, her hand flying over to caress her tummy. "Just say you're happy I won't try to take your son away from you anymore" She teased.

"Of course I'm happy!" Daihaah exclaimed, "There won't be anyone to brainwash my son and convince him that I'm ugly anymore" She rolled her eyes. Jannah wouldn't stop telling Uthman that, and she is annoyed to say the least to the extent that she couldn't wait for Jannah to give birth so she could do the same thing to her. "I hope you'll give birth to a son too"

Jannah shrugged. "I have a feeling it'll be a cute girl"

"Yeah she'll be cute as long as she doesn't take after you"

Jannah chuckled, then nodded lightly. "Touché" She muttered, making Daihaah laugh.

The man returned, finally done with their argument. It was getting late so the two couple bid each other farewell before they went their separate ways.

Suhad and Jannah headed back to their room. The minute they stepped in, Jannah released a sigh of relief, kicking off her shoes in the process. Making her way over to the couch, she crashed on it, leaning back to rest. "I'm exhausted!" She exclaimed.

Suhad chuckled. He walked over to the couch and sat beside her, massaging her feet. "You didn't do much today"

"Yes but your child is sucking all the energy in me" She pouted, this made him chuckle.

"Sorry" He muttered.

She offered him a grin, then sat up. Pulling her feet away from him, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Te quiero"

He grinned, leaning down to peck her lips. "Te quiero"

She sighed, "Why do I feel like this is the end?" She rose a brow.

Suhad shrugged, "Or more like the beginning. There could always be a book two"

She chuckled lightly, "Oh yeah? And what would the name be?"

He simply smiled, and pecked her forehead.



And this ladies and gentlemen brings us to the end of STARS ALIGN. It's short but I'm tired honestly, my brain couldn't come up with more.

*Sniffs* Where's my tissue?

Finally, Alhamdullilah.

Suhad and his Jay had their happy ending after all. Man I love happy endings. *sighs*


Jannah Mia's POV.

This is the real Jannah's POV. As in Jannah the author not Matar Suhad. Ehen..

So, Stars Align has come to an end. And to wrap it up officially, I'm having this as the last chapter. It might probably be the last update you'll see from this book so...here goes nothing.

Two years ago today, I started 99 days. One year ago today, I completed 99 days and started this book. Today, I'm ending this book here. (I'm supposed to publish this chapter on the 17th of this month because that's the one year but eh.. 🤷 Just assume it is)

~I had absolutely zero plans to write this book when I started 99 days.

I didn't plan on writing this book back then, Lord know I didn't even know of a book called Stars Align back then. But someone said she wants to read a book about Jannah and Suhad, and I thought why not? So, I penned this book down.

~Big Boss was bound to be caught sooner or later.

I am tired of that old man, extremely! He's giving me more headache than he's giving you, so I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. Hence, why I allowed Kamal (Wait, 'allow' sounds somehow but eh...manage) to catch him. I should've wrote the scene but I'm in such a hurry to finish this book that I didn't bother. I knew it wouldn't make sense anyways.

~I cut out a lot of scenes I wanted to add in this book.

I cut out so many scenes I wanted to add. There's supposed to be a scene where Jannah rekindled with her family completely. I was supposed to introduce Aahil at Jannah and Suhad's dinner event (Which didn't happen because she left by the way) but I don't know what got into me that made me write about her leaving all of the sudden. Believe me, my fingers have a mind of their own.

My brain wants to write A but my fingers always type Z. Hence, why I deviated from my plots multiple times.

~I have a thing with mental health stuff these days.

All these psychology and psychiatry stuff I'm reading now is messing up my brain. These days, all the books I write all have something mental health related in it. But it started way back in 99 days actually. I had no idea what would happen in Stars Align but I knew that Jannah would have Bipolar disorder. I had been planning and doing research on the topic for over a year now.

~There's supposed to be a sequel, but I have zero motivation to write it.

In simple words, I'm bunking the Third and last book till further notice (And by this I mean possibly never). The third book is supposed to be about Fatimah and Aahil. It's also where the person helping Jabeer all this while would be exposed but eh...I do not have any motivation to write it so I'm skipping it till Allah knows when.

~Am I done publishing books this year?

I have one more book left. I'm done writing all my ongoing books, including Veiled, I just need to publish it. So, I have no ongoing books anymore. I have one more book to publish this year, but it will be coming some time August or September. I'm going on a writing and Kdrama binge watching break yall! So I would be MIA(Missing in action)

~Am I taking this book down?

Yes. Soon. I've kept my promise by completing it here. But, it would be take down soon (I have no specific date yet, it could be tomorrow or the day after that) but for now, if you are yet to finish it, then do so please.

It would be available on Inkhood website and Okadabooks web and app. So, you can get it in whichever platform you prefer.

~Why am I moving it?

I'm taking it to a much better platform with better opportunities for me. I'm tired of being jobless please.

~Are you reading Veiled?

If not, you are missing quite a lot actually. That's all I'll say about that.

And that pretty much sums it up.

Thank you all for sticking with me throughout the long journey. It wasn't easy but we've made it here anyways. We've come a long way together.

I'm not crying honestly. My eyes are just sweating.

Okay, let me leave now. *Picks up my suitcase and Pepsi* Adios amigas and amigos!

Stay safe and beautiful.


Love, Jannah❤️.

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