The next day came and just as expected Anna came to meet them around eight thirty am. This time, her usual scowl is replaced by a small smile. After complimenting them and claiming that they're slightly better than the last time she picked out the three people that their designs will be showcased too. The three people are Fatimah and two other people amongst the interns.

Jannah didn't care or feel bad that she wasn't picked out; instead she congratulated Fatimah and the two other people. However, someone in particular wasn't happy about the news and that person was Mr. S. He actually put up a great argument with Anna stating that Jannah's designs are exactly what will catch the audience's attention because it's different, but in a good way.

At the end of the day, Anna agreed with him because after all she always does what he wants; something he uses to get himself whatever he wants in ANNA'S. And so it was agreed it will be four interns' work that will be showcased.

Jannah attempted to thank him though she didn't want to but he did get her a spot in the show which is a huge boost in her career but he just waved it off and winked at her without saying a word.

"It's nothing really!" he exclaimed when she stood staring at him weirdly.

She nodded her lips set into a straight line, "OK then" She turned to walk away.

"However..." he started which made her stop in her tracks.

She flicked her head back and raised a brow, "Yes?"

"A cup of coffee with me after the shoot will suffice"

She smiled, a forced one, "I have plans after the shoot"

He hummed, "I see. Well then that's ok"

She nodded and walked away seeing the unwavering smile on his face which isn't normal for him.

Nothing's creepy about that, Jannah thought. It's just him being the usual creepy self.

"We need someone to model one of the connoisseurs' outfits, we're short on models" Said Anna on the day of the shots. It was Thursday and the fashion show is in two days but before then they need to shoot pictures of the outfits so they can have what to show to the world before the showcase.

"What happened to the models?" Mr. S asked holding the cup of his coffee in his hand, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up.

"One is sick and she's only letting us know in the last minute, I can't find a replacement right now so it has to be someone from ANNA'S now. But the problem is who?" Anna said her eyes moving around the place looking for the perfect replacement.

All of the crew is in Millennium Park where the photo shots will be. The photographing crews have set up their stuff and are already snapping pictures of the models that are all dressed up and ready. They're almost done and they need to shot the last ones but the problem is there are no models left. The ones hired won't agree to do another one at the moment.

"How about that girl?" Anna asked pointing at the girl that stood with her friends laughing at something.

"Or what about Jannah" Mr. S suggested still looking at the girl and her friends.

Anna looked up and rested her eyes on him, "What's your deal with that girl?" she asked as her brows furrowed. Saheeb has been a friend of hers since they were in school together so she knows everything about him. And the way he's all up in the girl's business means he's up to something. It may be good or bad; with him you can never tell.

"Nothing" he answered not looking at her.

She hummed, her lips puckered. She turned to face him fully, folding her hands on her torso in the process, "It's never nothing with you. So tell me, what is it?"

"I told you, it's nothing!"

"Stay away from her Saheeb, I mean it" she said sternly meaning what she said but of course, Mr. S being who he is just smirked.

"What are you scared of?" he finally turned to look at her.

"Everything you're capable of" she answered glaring at him, "We both know I wouldn't have brought you here if not that I desperately needed someone to shape these interns up"

"And that's what I'm doing; shaping them up! Look you yourself said they're getting better aren't they?" he asked. When she didn't answer, he continued, "That means I'm doing my job"

She kept her gaze on him for some moments before sighing, "Don't do anything that'll make me regret hiring you, I'm serious about this"

He didn't answer, he just looked away and right then she knew the conversation has ended. He wouldn't talk again even if she was to shout on top of her lungs again. That's Saheeb for you with his mood swings. One minute he's all talkative and the other he's shutting everyone out.

She decided that whether it's because he suggested it or not, Jannah is the perfect model for the outfits, it was either her or Fatimah but Fatimah is doing makeup for the other models so it's just Jannah now.

Saheeb's phone rang just as he raised his coffee cup catching both their attention. He dropped the cup while she looked at him in apprehension. His face hardened and his eyes turned cold.

"Saheeb..." she called out, "What's wrong? Who is it?"

He didn't answer, instead he swiped the answer icon, "Excuse me" he said before walking away from her.

Anna stares at his back with curious eyes but decided not to say anything on it knowing that if she does she will be crossing his limit and she wouldn't want to try that with him.

Once he was out of earshot, he brought the phone to his ear and waited for the person on the other side to talk.


"Father" he answered or more like spat with anger dripping.

"Where are you?"


His father scoffed, "And what are you doing there?"

Saheeb closed his eyes, "Work" he said through gritted teeth knowing what will follow afterwards.

"Oh..." his father dragged on, the unavoidable snub following afterwards, "So I presume that 'work' of yours is at that shop?"

Saheeb bit his lips to hold back the insult at the tip of his tongue. He knows his father only said that only to anger him, "Fashion house" he corrected, his voice low.

"Does it seem like I care?!" his father shouted. "Did I send you to school to go and be modeling like a lady or what? Or perhaps did I give birth to a girl and mistook her for a boy?"

Saheeb kept quiet; tears of anger welling up in his closed eyes but he held it back.

"You know what? You're a disappointment to our family. Your sister is out there doing something that will benefit the family and you're there doing makeup and wearing princess clothes" his father's voice raised, "I need you to do something for me so try not to be a disappointment to me again else I'm telling you this I'll disown you did you hear me? I would've asked your sister to do with but she has something she needs to handle for me right now"

Saheeb refused to answer clutching the cup in his hand.

"I'm not talking to myself am I?"

Still, Saheeb refused to talk.

"I said did you hear me?"

"Yes Father"

"Good. I'll send you the details" his father terminated the call.

Saheeb angrily threw the cup at a wall and watch it shatter scaring the group of workers passing by; he lets out a loud groan clutching the hair on his head with his eyes red from anger.

The group stood staring at him.

When he looked up, he saw them staring at him, "Get the hell out of my sight!!" he yelled making them scramble off.

He walked over to where his assistant stood somewhere by the photo shoot. He looked up when he saw Saheeb approaching him.

"Get me a whiskey" Saheeb said lowly.

"A cup or the bottle?" His assistant asked.

"The bottle"

His assistant nodded and walked off to bring Saheeb his whiskey whereas Saheeb walked away wanting to get away from everyone there.

Meanwhile Anna went over to where Jannah stood watching Fatimah paint people's face up and gently pulled her away by her arm, "Jannah I need a favor please" she said once they were away from people.

Jannah looked up, her brows furrowed, "What is ma'am" she was surprised and also worried as to what Anna want at the moment.

"One of the models is sick and I need someone to fill in for her. If it is not too much can you do that for me please? Don't worry, you'll get her pay" Anna explained.

Jannah shook her head, "Ma'am it's not about the money" she said, she leaned close to Anna, "I don't know anything about modeling" she said her voice coming out low.

"There's not much to it. All you have to do is put on the outfit, and then pose for the camera, that's just it" Anna said like it's not a big deal.

"Which outfit is it?"

"The wedding dress. I know it'll look really beautiful on you" Anna smiled holding Jannah's hands in hers, "So will you do that for me please?"

"I'm not sure. I really don't know anything about it. I..."

"Please. You're all I have right now"

Jannah hesitantly nodded, "Ok"

"Great! I owe you one" Anna dragged her back to where Fatimah is whom is now rounding up the last model before Jannah's makeup, "Fatimah I need you to apply makeup for Firdausi here. She'll be replacing the last model"

Fatimah nodded, a grin taking over her features, "Of course!" And that's how she made Jannah sat down for a long hour of makeup and dress up.

"I can't believe you actually straightened out my hair" Jannah said staring at herself in the mirror. She reached out her hand and touched her now silky hair.

"Oh shush! You look beautiful! Look at you" Fatimah said placing her arms around Jannah's exposed shoulder courtesy of the dress, "You really do look like a bride"

"Because I'm in a bride outfit Sherlock" Jannah said laughing when she saw the glare Fatimah sent her.

"And that's the best wedding dress ever!"

"Because you designed it" Jannah stated plainly intending to tease Fatimah but the girl just waved her off.

"And I'm a great designer" Fatimah fanned herself batting her eyelashes.

"Keep telling yourself that till you believe it" That earned Jannah another glare which made her laugh again. "I'm just glad you didn't make it pink"

"Because a wedding dress can't be pink, duh!"

"Let's get you over there for the photo shoot before Anna come back here" Fatimah said helping Jannah with the dress as they walked over to where the photo crew stood waiting for her.

At first it was kind of hard as this is her first time modeling but soon enough she got a grip of it. Jannah held the bouquet handed to her and posed as the photographers snapped pictures of her.

By the time the photo shoot was over, Jannah's feet ache because of the heels she had on and her face hurts from all the smiles. With that, the photo shoot was over and everyone was dismissed after Anna congratulated them the job well done.

"You go change, I'll just go and get something from that girl" Fatimah said to Jannah when they started walking back to the changing room.

"Oh ok" Jannah nodded and walked towards the room alone.

She changed out of the outfit and put back on her white off shoulder top and blue jeans with white heels despite her throbbing feet. Just as she was done and attempting to put on a turban cap, she heard someone banging on the door.

"Fatimah just give me a minute I'm coming now" she said putting everything of hers in her bag.

The knock came again.

"Geez I'm coming!" she said a little bit louder just in case she didn't hear her earlier clearly.

The knock then came again just like earlier but louder.

She released a sigh and kept her phone which she was about to put in her bag on the vanity table and walked towards the door to open it. She swung the door open prepared to talk to Fatimah but was taken aback when she saw the person wasn't Fatimah.

"Mr. S...what are you doing here?" she asked unsure as her eyes skimmed down his body from his head to his hand which he held a liquor in, "We're you drinking alcohol?"

"No" he shook his head, "I just took a sip"

Her brows creased as her nose scrunches up, "You reek of liquor" she stated.

"No shit Sherlock" was his reply. He attempted to get in the room but she stopped him.

"Ok you need to go" she said attempting to close the door but he put his leg in between the door to stop her from closing it. She tried to close it again but he only pushed it with so much force she was pushed back inside the room with the door wide open.

He tried to get close to her but she side stepped him and headed to the door but before she could walk out he pulled he wrist, dragged her bag and closed the door before pinning her to it. He trailed his finger down her cheek while she slapped it away.

He smiled with his lips puckered a bit, "You know I've always thought you're beautiful ever since I first saw you" he stated.

Jannah glared at him, "Get out of my way"

He laughed, "Come on. Do you know how long I've been trying to get you" he trailed his finger down her face again but this time when she tried to slap it away he held her hand down. She tried using the other hand and the same thing happened.

"You're even more beautiful when you're gutsy" he chuckled at the glare she sent at him.

"Stop this. It's not funny"

"Who said I was trying to be funny" all trace of lark disappeared from his face at the instant and the same dark emotion from earlier came back. The change was so sudden that Jannah was scared to the core when she saw the cold look in his eyes.

"How long will you keep on pretending to be intrepid?" he whispered in her ear as she turned her head away from his face. He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him, "Huh? How long?" he smirked when he saw her façade slowly breaking down.

When she refused to answer him, he placed his face in the crook of her neck while she wiggled trying to free herself out of his hold but her strength is nothing compared to his. She started shouting but he raised his hand up and smacked her right across the face so hard that her lip split opened. He gripped her open hair and forced her to look at him.

"Stop please" she uttered closing her eyes as her face stings from the slap.

He cooed, "Did you just said please or was it my ear?"

Normally she would have replied with a cruse remark but as of the moment she is in no position to do that. Right now, she's at his mercy and truth be told, also scared to the core. The place he slapped her is already turning red and she fears doing anything that'll upset him will earn her another smack which might knock her unconscious and vulnerable.

"Please..." she said again when his ministrations goes further, her eyes well up with tears and some have started streaming down her face already.

She knew as of the moment even if she shouts no one will hear her or worse she might earn herself beating and if she doesn't do anything then she'll be done for.

Using all the energy she could muster at the moment, she used her knee to kick him in the place where the sun doesn't shine as he was occupied making him immediately retreat. She didn't waste another second there before she was flying out of the room trying to get as far away from him as possible.

Running in heels was hard but she didn't care. In all honesty she didn't know where she's going; all she knew was that as long as she's far away from him then she's ok.

She bumped into someone just as she turned to look behind her to see if he's following her. She jumped startled when she bumped into the person.

"Jannah?" he noticed the way her body is trembling and the way she keeps looking behind her whilst heaving. He held her arms to steady her, "Hey...hey are you okay?" he asked leaning down to look at her as she has covered her face crying into her palms.

"What happened to you?" he asked again moving her hand from her face but she only kept on crying. He pulled her close to him, her face hiding in his torso as she cries while he pats her head assumingly though he's worried sick. What more, the way her body shook with every tear that fell only added to his curiosity.

"What happened?" he asked again pulling her away from him to see her face clearly, "And what happened to your face?" he asked seeing the mark on her face.

"Mr. S" she muttered sniffing back her tears still unable to look at him.

"What did the bastard do to you?" he asked, a pit of fury forming in him at the mention of the guy's name.

She shook her head still crying, "He...He tried to..."

she trailed off unable to complete her sentence but she didn't need to because he understood her well enough.

His eyes blind with anger, "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" he pushed her away from him and tried to run to where Saheeb is but she held his wrist and held him back.

"Don't leave me" she said with eyes full of tears.

Every vein in his body was filled with adrenalin and all he wanted to do is find the Saheeb guy and beat the hell out of him. If he has to send him into a coma then so be it but the broken look on her face was enough to make him extend Saheeb's funeral for five more minutes.

He embraced her as she cried trying to calm her down, "Shh...It's ok. I'm not going anywhere"

Though he's trying to calm her down, all he wanted to do at the moment is find Saheeb and put him six feet under.

And that will definitely be arranged soon. As soon as the crying sylph in his arms cam down.

***** are y'all doing?

It's been what? A month and a week? No matter how long it was I'm back now.

Finally, I'm done with my exams yesterday, Alhamdullilah.

To everyone whom wrote waec, CONGRATULATIONS! So how was the exam?

Before I forget, those that subscribed to my channel, THANK YOU!

Back to the book, should we say RIP to Saheeb already or what?

Meh...I like the guy shaa.

Ok bye!

Love, Jannah.

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