Suhad sighed as the driver parked the car in the parking lot. One of the palace guards quickly ran to where the car was and didn't waste a second before opening the door for the crowned Prince whom sat in the back. The others were busy chanting praises at the Prince just like they always do; sometimes Suhad wonders if they ever get tired of it but by the looks of it; no.

After thanking them, Suhad made his way inside the house using the backdoor to avoid people. He knew that most if not all of them knows he's in town but he can't help but feel like if he avoids them it will make a difference. Now he wouldn't even be in Gombe if Mamita have not ordered him to come seeing that her son has no intention of coming back home any time soon.

And every time he's here it's the same conversation over and over again. "You're not getting any younger young man!" she'll say or more like scold, "I want a daughter in law and you better bring me one soon. Even your friend Aamir is married already so why are you still single?" she'll add after releasing dramatic sigh, "Ko so kake in samo maka matan? (Or do you want me to seek a wife for you?)"

The conversations always revolved around that. And it's not that she cares about his love life to be honest all she cares about is the fact that if he's married he'll back better chance at being King and that's just it. It was never anything more than that.

Suhad locked the door of his room behind him once he stepped in. He walked to where the switch is and turned it on before walking back to his bed after removing his shoes. He opened his duffle bag and brought out his laptop before setting it on the bed. He leaned back and spent the rest of his time watching movies as he had nothing to do at the moment.

The hours passed quickly and before he knew it the door opened making him sigh. He internally cursed himself for removing the key after the locked the door. Though he knew it wasn't his mother, the woman is equally same as her.

Jakadiya being the only one that has his room key apart from him walked in with a tray which had a glass of water on it along with food and pills. She shot the crowned Prince a small glare seeing the look on his face.

"You do know there's no point in hiding here right?" she said placing the tray on a bedside cabinet before picking up the glass cup and handing it to him.

"How so? I mean I've been sitting peacefully for hours now so if anything there's a point in it" he replied taking the pills she handed him.

She sighed watching him swallow the pills, "She's seeking your presence"

"I'll go later"

"No. You're going now" she stated sternly.

Suhad stared at her for a moment. It's actually times like this that reminds him of how she was a mother to him more than his own real mother is. The woman and Malika basically raised him with motherly love while Mamita 'prepared him to be the next king'.

He attempted to give her one of his famous smiles and sad eyes that'll make her let him do what he wants but she wasn't having any of it.

And that's how he ended up in front of his mother's living room. He didn't bother knocking on the doors or anything as he knew she was expecting him already so he just walked in.

Queen Saeemah sat on a magenta thick carpet with six other women whom each three sat by the left and then the right. Suhad recognized them all as her 'female council' as she likes to address them but really they're just wives of high men in the state that just show up to flash their fineries and talk trash of other women; their co wives to be precise like Malika though they don't dare to say it to her face. As if.

Once they heard the doors open, they are raised their heads and their gazes fell on the Prince that had a impassive look on his face masking away his aversion for them all. He never really understood why his mother likes associating herself with them and he never asks knowing she won't bother answering.

Queen Saeemah turned to them and gave them a curt nod ending their little meeting. Immediately they all got the message they stood up with their expensive designer bags and heavy jewelries making their way out after stopping by to greet the Prince whom answered in an unvaried tone.

"Al-ameen!" Queen Saeemah said standing up from her sitting position and made her way over to where her son is standing with a small smile on his face. She held his hand and dragged him back with her before both of them sat down.

"Nino did you attend the council meeting with your father?" Is the firsts thing she asked instead of the 'How are you? Have you been well?' You know the normal thing a caring mother will ask but no, she's anything but that.

"No Mamita" Suhad answered making her frown.

"What?" her smile fell, "How are you supposed to help him make decisions if you don't even attend the meetings? Tell me then did you go to the stable with Mai dawaki? I informed him that immediately you arrive he will escort you there so you can check on everything for the upcoming derby"

"I wasn't feeling fine so I stayed in my room. I'll go with him later—"

"No! Forget it I'm sure your father has appointed someone to go already. I need you to escort your father to this emirates meeting in Bauchi on Saturday"

"Ok then, I'll come back here on Friday"

"What do you mean you'll come back Friday? You're not leaving again are you?" her voiced raised a bit when she said the first sentence but it came out normal in the second sentence.

"Mamita I have work in Abuja—"

One glare from her shut him up. She raised her hand to fix her veil that she had tied into a hijab, "And you have responsibilities here as the future King" she said her tone losing all sorts of softness it held earlier. She is using that tone of hers that tells him to not dare argue with her.

He kept his gaze on her, "But Mamita Dad is still alive and very much healthy. And as long as he is fine then there's no responsibility for me here" he said trying to sound as polite and soft as he can be because he never raises his voice at his mother. It's something he never does and will never do; that along with disrespecting her.

"Your father might die today, tomorrow or the day after that. Just because you're healthy doesn't mean you'll live to see the next day. Death doesn't guarantee you of that and just in case that happens you need to step in. Now tell me how will you do that when you don't know how everything works around?"

He sighed again massaging his temples with his fingers as he tries to think of the right words to use so as not to upset her, "Mamita you've been teaching me everything to know about this place since I was a child. I know everything I should"

She looked away from him; a gesture that tells him she's angry at him, "Did you find a wife?" she asked staring at nothing in particular.


"No?" her eyes narrowed at him, "What are you waiting for?"

"The right time"

"The time is now! I've been really patient with you Alameen but my patience is running thin! Bring me a daughter in law soon or you'll see my anger"

"But Mamita—" he tried to argue though he's been in this situation before.

"Get out"

He didn't argue further. He stood up and obediently did as she said because deep down he didn't want to keep talking about that too. Their conversations was nothing ever more than this, she has always been the one to show little to no affection and only cares about the 'throne'.

Although Suhad never said it out loud but sometimes he hoped this wasn't his life; he doesn't want all this royalty and all the bad blood that comes with it. Sometimes he wished he had a mother that's caring and puts him first before anything else that will not benefit him in the hereafter.

But then of course, all that is just merely hopes.



The next day at work seems the most hectic with everyone rushing and hoping that they earn the designer slot for the fashion show; well everyone except Jannah. She is most likely the only person that doesn't care about that.

Perhaps it was still the fact of what happened with her mother or maybe because even if she didn't admit it, the thought of never getting to apologize to Suhad and possibly mending some stuff with him that made her like that. It could be one of them or maybe just both.

However, as everyone goes overboard with the designs aiming all ornate and all she went for the customary look tweaked a little bit of tradition. She designed something that represents our culture yet with a touch of modern fashion.

By the time they were done, they all submitted the designs to Mr. S before they called it a day. Fatima invited Jannah over to their house but she politely declined claiming that she has plans which weren't lies because she and Daihaah planned to spend the rest of the day together. Fatima then offered another day to which Jannah agreed knowing that she doesn't agree she'll keep on persisting.

It had only been a little pass an hour since Jannah returned back home when Daihaah arrived at her house having only gotten off work that time too. Since Daihaah was no guest in the house she didn't need any directions before she found herself in Jannah's room.

Daihaah folded her arms over her torso as she saw Jannah sprawled on her bed in her pajamas with a tub of chocolate chip ice cream and her laptop placed in front of her. She held a big spoon in her hand scooped with the ice cream and brought it to her mouth her eyes fixated on the laptop. Her natural wavy dark hair tied into a bun on the top of her head.

"Okay this wasn't what I was expecting to see" Daihaah said picking up one of the heels Jannah wore to work today and threw on the floor after she came back.

Jannah looked up, her eyes glinting with sheer happiness, "I thought you weren't coming. I've been waiting for you since", she said pressing pause on whatever film she was watching.

Daihaah sighed placing her bag on the bed and then followed by the veil of her abayah, "Prince and Rahma are having a father and daughter day out and the two ended up eating all the chocolate cake I made for you before I shower and dress up. And once I came downstairs, they've already left; or should I just say ran. And I spent hours making it just for them to eat it all up! Honestly I'm vexed right now" she grumbled sitting beside Jannah.

Jannah whom started laughing stopped midway when Daihaah snatched the tub of ice cream out of her hands and into hers after pulling out a spoon from her bag. Why is there a spoon in her clutch? Only Allah knows.

"That is mine, get yours" Jannah said but didn't make an attempt to collect it seeing the glare sent her.

"I'm the guest here"

"Says who?"

"Says me. And the guest is always right"

Jannah shook her head and got out of bed. She headed downstairs and got herself another tub of ice cream knowing that the one Daihaah has is as good as gone. Thankfully, she had enough ice cream stocked in the refrigerator; Kamal's form of apology which sort of worked since she's no longer planning on killing him.

She headed back up to her room. She and Daihaah talked about everything that has been happening in Jannah's life lately because Daihaah believed some sense of communication might help Jannah. Scratch that, will help Jannah for sure. And she knew she could get her to open up to her on everything. However, now they're conversation revolved around Suhad.

"You should mend things with him" Daihaah said scooping another spoonful of the cold ice cream.

Jannah licked her lips as she had ice cream all over it, "I will. I know I need to apologize for how I acted the other day" she said not really thinking deeply on what Daihaah said.

"No" Daihaah placed the tub on the floor, "I mean you need to mend your relationship with him. It's clear as day you two still love each other"

Jannah stopped midway as she brought the spoon to her lips. She placed it back in the tub as her face fell, "I do. But he doesn't" She said not beating in the bush about her feelings. She didn't see the point in hiding anything from Daihaah anymore.

Daihaah reached out and held Jannah's hands, "Trust me, I know he does. What else will explain why he acted the way he did around that Saheeb guy"

"How did he act? It was nothing really"

Daihaah huffed, "Oh please, I know that at from Prince. Trust me, the two are really alike. And when they act like that it means they truly love the person. I'm sure Suhad still loves you" She offered Jannah an encouraging smile, "However, I'm sure the guy is confused as to why you left him five years ago with no explanation"

Jannah closed her eyes. That's the point, the reason she left him is still what convinces her that he doesn't love her, "That's it Daihaah. That what makes me doubt if he really does. Plus, you've said it too. Five years! It's been five years. Our story is supposed to have ended long time ago"

Daihaah looked at Jannah and somehow she saw herself in her; the old Daihaah that doubted Prince's love for her so she understood how Jannah felt. Though she knew Jannah's emotions are way stronger than hers ever was, "Don't say that. How can it end when it hasn't started?"

Jannah's eyes narrowed at Daihaah slightly as her lips turned up, "Shut up, the way you said it sounds like a line from a poem or something" she said making Daihaah laugh.

"Don't change the topic" Daihaah pointed her index finger at Jannah, "I'm telling you this. I'm 100% sure it's not what you think. Now promise me you will talk with him"

"I promise I will talk to him"

"And explain everything to him and you two will get back together?" Daihaah added making Jannah roll her eyes.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. And why do you care so much about us?" she said laughing at the face Daihaah pulled.

Daihaah shrugged, "Because I totally ship you guys. You two are so Romeo and Juliet!"

Jannah hummed, "You do know their love story ended tragically right?"

"Eh...I'm sure yours won't end like that"

"How sure are you about that?"


"Let's see then. We'll see"


Hey loooo







Love, Jannah.

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