~Barcelona, Spain~
He pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head as he made his way out of the Bank. Once he stepped out of the bank premises, he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face in exasperation. He felt the need to vent his anger on something but there was nothing he could do. He felt like screaming out of frustration because of his current situation.
He is almost out of money.
He could've just gotten money from his original account but the damn police have frozen all his bank accounts.
If it hadn't been for the small money he had thought of saving in an account under that is in no way linked to him, there was no way he could survive for a year in a foreign country where he wouldn't be caught.
If it isn't enough that he had the El Khabirs after him he now has the damn CIA on his tail thanks to Aamir's friend whom just can't seem to mind his own business and stay in his lane.
If Ben's men hadn't tipped him about the agent that asked of his whereabouts, he couldn't have fled Ljubljana just in time the cops came for him. Also, thanks to that he had to spend a lot of money to move from Slovenia to Spain careful not to leave a trace.
He still had some of his illegal business going on, the problem is the money couldn't be transferred to him without leaving a trace.
Jabeer Waziri sighed and released a grunt clenching his fist in anger. He knew if this keeps up, he'll soon be caught. Now he could've lived secretly in Asia if not for Kamal that just had to step in the case. The El Khabirs would've never found him if not for the boy.
Now he has two options. He either take care of the boy before he becomes a problem to him or have someone step in and stop the boy without actually having to kill him.
With his head hung low to avoid being spotted in case someone has eyes on him, he made his way over to the house of the one person that he could think of would help him in this situation.
It took him thirty minutes bus drive and ten minutes trekking to reach to the outskirts of town where the person lives and even then he had to meet a man he knew to give him a car to finish the twenty minutes left to reach the house. There weren't many people there because the civilization in that part of Barcelona isn't much. Plus the house is a little on the hills which is far away from people.
He stopped in his tracks once he got the sight of the big cabin that the person lives in. It wasn't exactly mansion big but bigger than the size of a normal person's house.
He continued walking to the house past the lawn and only stopped once he stepped up the three steps that lead to the threshold. Raising his hand up, he knocked on the oak wood door that looked olden yet modern in the same time. The looks gave it an olden look yet the intricate designs on it gave it the modern look.
He waited for a few minutes before he heard footsteps approaching and not even a minute later the door opened and there she stood in front of him.
When she saw who stood there, she lets out a slight eye roll before she walked back in leaving the door open for him to come in; she didn't need to say the words, he understood what she meant.
Once he was in, he closed the door behind him and followed her to the living room where he sat and waited for her when she went to the kitchen. While waiting for her, his eyes moved around the moderate size living room where everything looks simple and not lavish. She has never been the one to be carried away by the money and whatnot and have always loved the simple things for their value is what meant. His gaze fell on the wall where pictures hung of her small family of four. Some of the pictures were of her and her husband; some were of their two children and others of the family together.
He snapped his gaze away from the pictures when she placed a cup of decaf in front of him without a word and sat on the couch opposite him. He thanked her for the tea before pushing the hood back and zipping the top of the hoodie down. He picked up the cup of coffee and brought it to his lips to take a sip. He did this a couple of times before placing the cup back down.
When he raised his head up to look at her, he sighed when he saw the pointed look she gave him. "I need something from you" is the first thing he said making her scoff.
"That is the first thing you say to me brother after not bothering to contact me for over two decade? So it's only now you remember that you do have a sister" she said her tone displacing disbelief and anger.
Jabeer sighed. He knew his sister and her temper and most especially now that he's only meeting her after twenty years of being part with little to no communication between them. She is bound to get angry at him. "The police are after me"
She huffed turning her head slightly, "Why am I not surprised?" she pressed her palms on her knees; "You just couldn't keep yourself out of trouble could you?"
He narrowed his eyes at her slightly, "I had to get my daughters"
"You don't belong in their lives"
"Yes I do!"
"If you wanted to be in their lives then you shouldn't have treated their mother the way you did. And what now? You being the hard headed person you are didn't listen to me when I told you to stay out of their lives, when I told you it is for the better. Look at yourself now, see what your life has become"
He placed his hands on his knees just like her but his back bent forward a bit as his eyes met hers, "I am not like you; because unlike you I wouldn't give my children away and act as if I don't exist in their lives. Unlike you I actually love my children and will do anything to keep them with me. How about you?" he asked raising a brow. A sense of satisfaction washed over him when he saw the anger and hurt in her eyes. The corner of his lips turns up in a small smirk.
"What are you doing here?" she asked facing away from him. Though she missed having her brother, she no longer wants him near her again. Now being close to him reminds her of why she never cared when his need for the worldly materials made him pretend to not have any family members.
"I could get the El Khabirs off my back but there's this new agent on my case, Agent Kamla Abdullah Wafiq, I need him off the case"
"I can't help you with that"
"Oh please! I wouldn't be here if I know you couldn't. After all, do you think just because you've fooled people into thinking you've given away all your wealth I'll believe that?"
This made her look at him with her eyes slightly squinted; "Now you're after my wealth?" she asked not believing her brother. So it's now that he's bankrupt that he'll come back to her.
He shook his head, "No. I might not have access to my wealth but that doesn't mean I'm so broke that I'll resort into coming after your wealth. You know what I need. Do it or I'll handle this myself. After all, I am doing you a favor. What do I have to lose?"
She clenches her hands, her thumb rubbing her knuckles as she tried so hard to hide how irritated she is right now, "A lot. You have a lot to lose" she said her gaze not moving away from his taking him off guard, he expected her to give in but she's being harder than he thought. She gulped before standing up, "Leave please"
He scoffed, "Are you seriously sending me out right now?"
"Yes I am. Get out of my house" she points to the door and narrowed her eyes at him, "You did something wrong and for that you deserve to pay. You will not drag me into this. Now keep this in mind, don't ever come back here and most definitely don't do something stupid or I will step in against you brother"
Jabeer held her gaze for more than a minute as silence took over the place, he studied her face to see any sign of fear but there was none. He nodded standing up, "Fine. But if anything happens, don't blame me. I only came here because you're family but..." he shook his head as he lets out a small laugh, "Everything that happens is on your hands now"
"So it's now you remember that I'm family? Don't think you can come into my house and talk like that. Like you said, my family is still very well wealthy more than you ever were. Try something stupid I will use my resources. Now for the last time, leave my house"
He gave her one last long look before walking away and out of the house all the while not believing that his own sister said that to him.
Once she was sure that he has entered the car he came in and left, she released a sigh of relief. She made her way further into the house down the hallway and to the last room there. She held the door handle and pushed it open; stepping in and closing it shut behind her she made her way into the inbuilt ICU where her husband lay on the bed with different wires attached to him.
Her lips stretched into a sad smile as she made her way to where he is. She sat on the chair close to his bed and held his hand in hers. Most of the wires have been removed and the only one left is the one helping him breathe. Color has returned to his face and he looks like he's just in a deep sleep.
"Soon" she breathed out placing a kiss on his hand, "Soon you'll be back to me"
~Abuja, Nigeria~
Monday came and to say that Jannah is happy will be an understatement. She is more than glad that she'll no longer have to deal with her family drama. The weekend she spent with there were the longest especially with Iyah staying with them too. You can feel the tension in the air whenever they are all together in the same room. The three still didn't know that she had overheard their conversation. Iyah had been acting all sweet to both her granddaughters as if she isn't planning on marrying out one of them soon.
Baba had been nothing but doting to both his children as always while Mama had been giving Jannah the cold attitude. To sum everything up, things have not been good. Jannah was more thankful that they are all going back to Kano today as thy only came over for the weekend which means she get to go back to her aunt's house.
Now today, she had to face the consequence of ditching her boss and later Suhad. She had no way of contacting him leaving her with the only option of asking Fatima about him since it's not she has his number or she knows where to find him otherwise. She just hopes things between her and the girl won't be weird between them because eof her history with her brother.
"Girl where have you been, Mr. S came looking for you" Is the first thing Fatima said the moment she saw Jannah.
Jannah shut her eyes knowing that she's in trouble not only because she ditched him on Saturday but also because she's late, again! "Is he in his office?" she asked dropping her bag on her desk. Honestly today she doesn't have any interest in doing anything especially after what she heard her mother said, she had been feeling low.
Fatimah nodded; "Yeah..." she tilted her head slightly as she scrutinizes Jannah, "Are you okay? You look gloomy"
Jannah picked up the folders on her table hastily wanting to get away from the topic but in the process all the files fell on the floor making her curse silently. She bent down to pick them up with Fatima doing th e same to help her, "Yeah I'm fine"
"Are you su—"
"I'm sorry I'll have to go to Mr. S now" she said walking away from Fatima whom stared at her wondering what's up with her weird act. But nevertheless she went back to work after placing the files she picked up on Jannah's table.
Jannah knew she should be nervous or scared actually to meet Mr. S after ditching him but she didn't feel an ounce of both. At the moment she couldn't care what he does; if he likes he can shout at her till his lungs come out she won't care.
She held the door handle to his office and opened it slowly after hearing him say 'come in' when she knocked. She walked in with a blank look on her face which currently matches her mood right now. After having her mother throw not so discrete comments at her for two days all she wants to do right now is sit in her room and do nothing but she couldn't ignore her work.
Mr. S raised his head and looked at her, a scowl making its way on her face, "You finally came" he said returning his gaze back to his laptop as he typed God knows what. "Do you have a reason for being late?" he asked.
"No" She replied, her tone coming out monotonous.
"And why didn't you come on Saturday? Do you have a reason for that?"
"I had to meet my family" she replied in the same tone she used earlier.
He scoffed, "Your family? Couldn't they wait for an hour or two?"
He looked up and watched her with scrutinizing eyes. There was something different about her today. Normally she would've replied either in a tone that showed she is irritated with the comment he made or in a tone that hide the fact that she is scared of the consequence of her action but that wasn't it.
She is simply blank. He couldn't read her from her facial expression which he could normally do but not today.
Now this won't do. There's really nothing he could to her at the moment, he can't hold her accountable for her actions because Saturday isn't a work day so the company's rules won't back his actions and secondly he can't do anything about her being ate because she isn't the only one that was late today.
He couldn't do anything to her but let her off the hook, "Keep to your time next time. And work harder to cover up for the designs you're supposed to finish on Saturday. Anna is coming over today for an announcement and I'm sure she won't like to see that you still haven't finished your work"
She nodded.
"You can go"
She didn't need to be told twice. She quietly left his office and went back to where Fatimah was waiting for her to tell her what happened. "Nothing" she replied, "He didn't do anything" she told Fatimah whom couldn't believe that he actually let her off the hook with no effect whatsoever. But she didn't say anything about it.
The two went back to their places and worked just like the others were. Jannah worked faster and made sure that before lunch time she was done with almost everything she was left behind on. Though her mood is completely down, she managed to sketch some beautiful designs that actually matched her feeling.
Just like always, she and Fatima went to grab lunch together. Afterwards, they made their way to a table and sat down placing their food on the table before they started eating it making small conversations here and there. Fatima claimed to be really hungry and so didn't waste time in gobbling down her food not caring that there are people around; her actions made Jannah laughed lowly.
"Hey Fatimah..." Jannah started twirling her pasta with the disposable fork in her hand, "Will Suhad pick you up again today?" she asked.
Fatimah wiped the corner lips with a napkin seeing that she had pasta sauce all over the place from her not so lady like eating manner. She shook her head, "No. He's travelled yesterday"
"Oh" Jannah couldn't hide the disappointment in her tone, she actually hoped that she can apologize today thoughts he doubt he'll listen to her considering what he told her the other day. "Will he be back any time soon?"
Again, Fatimah shook her head, "I don't think so"
Jannah simply nodded before resuming to eating her food before it becomes cold. After she was done, she picked up the half full can of her Pepsi as she and Fatimah and their way back to the cubicles.
Not long after Anna sent for them all to assemble in the conference room. They didn't spend five minutes before they were all in the room as requested along with designers that weren't interns but connoisseurs there. Anna, along with Mr. S, her assistant and five other people came in after.
"We have a fashion line to release in a week. Now this is supposed to showcase the work designers but we've decided to include some of the interns work too"
This earned some happy comments from the interns.
"So I need you interns to submit your best designs tomorrow, the ones that whose designs will be showcased will be announced the day afterwards" and with that she went on to explain how the vent will be and whatnot. She also explained how the interns will benefit if their designs get to be showcased along with the others.
By the end of the day, all of the interns are hoping to win that spot giving it whatever they got.
So...I honesty love my big boss so much that I had to bring him back. He brings the feeling to mystery oo.
Okay I have nothing to say.
Love, Jannah.
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