Stuck with you by Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande.

For Jannah, a lot has happened in a year. Despite the fact that she left her husband to find out the truth about her family, she took the year as a time to recuperate and return as a better person.

Hence, why she changed.

She had quit her internship at ANNA'S, though she was sure that she would've been fired if she didn't quit considering what they did to the woman. And with that, she was rendered jobless.

But she didn't mind. She and Kamal spent time with birthmother and father, getting to know them better and actually enjoy the feeling of having a real, complete and happy family. It took a while of adjusting but they all put it efforts.

After all, they all just wanted to be happy since there was no one that would cause them problems again.

Eventually, Kamal had to return back home along with Maria since they have to work on Jabeer's case. Jannah decided to stay back, as she wasn't ready to go back yet. So, the family returned back to Nigeria without her.

She started working under another fashion designer, thanks to Layla's recommendation. The designer is a friend of Layla's so Jannah didn't have to struggle to get a spot in the place. Besides, as soon as she showed the designer her talents, they understood why Layla rooted for her. Jannah is exceptionally talented when it comes to her work.

Luckily for her, she was given the chance to participate in designing a new fashion line, and that was how she got her instant success. Currently, she's one of the best designers they have in the agency and she got her fame from it. And with such fame came the riches.

Considering she spent the year rekindling with her family and building a stable career for herself, she didn't have any maniac high or depressive episodes. She was perfectly okay and in the best condition she could be.

She had the peace she didn't have for the past five years. That was all she ever yearned for.

Her return only meant one thing, that she is ready to continue from the spot she stopped.

Jannah chuckled when Daihaah embraced her, followed by Fatimah. "Loosen up, will you? I can only take so much" She said.

The two laughed, but pulled back eventually. Well, more like Fatimah pulled back and had to drag Daihaah away from Jannah with force since she didn't want to let go.

Jannah grinned and moved her gaze back to Kamal who simply stood staring at her with the biggest grin on his face. "Did I miss much?"

"You're just on time" He walked towards her, and embraced his younger sister.

She returned the embrace, "I was worried my dramatic entrance would make me late" She cackled, patting his back lightly. When she pulled back, she glanced at Bilkisu who was watching them with a grin mirroring theirs. "I guess I don't have to worry about you dying single again. Someone saved you for being given as sadaqah sha" She teased.

This made everyone laugh, except for Kamal who shook his head and walked back to his wife, muttering something about her avenging what he and Bilkisu had done to Suhad.

At the mention of his name, her smile faltered a bit, but she was quick to hide it. "If you keep whining like this, she'll soon leave you oh! Daman temaka maka tayi. I'll help her find another husband seff"

"You won't let me enjoy my wedding day in peace, will you?"

"Nope" She shook her head, flashing him a cheeky grin.

The others laughed. It felt nice to see the two bickering again. They all missed that. Jannah and Kamal's constant bickering had always been funny since they were kids. Them being siblings made sense. That must be why they had similar personalities and how they always get through everything together.

Kamal shook his head. He knew there's no way he'd win an argument against her. If she finds out what he and Bilkisu had been doing to Suhad, she wouldn't let him see the light of day with her teasing. So God help his soul.

Unbeknownst to him, Jannah is trying so hard to avoid him. She knew he is in the living room just like the others, and she's sure he's watching her but she couldn't find it in her to look around and spot him.

"Let's give the newly wed some space before the photographer arrives, yeah?" Daihaah spoke up, when in reality, all she wants is to take Jannah away and talk about everything. They have so much to catch up on. She couldn't wait especially for Jannah to see her son, since she had never seen before except during video calls.



"We have to"

"Let's go"

The others replied simultaneously, as they began to fill out of the room. Daihaah took a hold of Jannah's arm and dragged her out, even though she heard Aamir call out for her. Daihaah knew that he was trying to get her to leave Jannah and Suhad to talk, but she knows her best friend. She knows that the girl doesn't want that.

Daihaah dragged Jannah over to the room where her baby is, with his nanny. She didn't want one, but with going to work, events to attend and all, she needed one. That to say does not mean she leaves the baby with the nanny all the time, only when necessary.

Daihaah let go of Jannah's arms and collected the baby from the Nanny, "I'll take it from here. Can you give us some space please?"

The woman nodded, offering them a smile before she walked out.

Daihaah turned around to look at Jannah, who was staring at the baby in Daihaah's arms. "Jannah, meet my son, Uthman Muhammad El Khabir" She handed over the baby to Jannah. She and Prince agreed to name the boy after Abba, her late father.

Jannah gushed, in awe when the boy wrapped his tiny fist over his finger. "He's so cute Masha Allah!" She looked up to glance at Daihaah who is watching her with a grin plastered on her face, "Oh my Allah, Daihaah he's even more cute in person. He looks more like his father"

Daihaah rolled her eyes, "No he looks like me. You all need to stop saying that" She pouted slightly. She didn't get how everyone kept saying that the boy looks like Aamir, he resembles her too!

Jannah chuckled, then turned around to play with the baby. "You hear that baby? Your mother is jealous because you'll be handsome like your father and not ugly like her"

Baby Uthman had no idea what Jannah said, but he giggled. Jannah's heart fluttered. Masha Allah indeed, Daihaah's son really is cute. She has a feeling Daihaah would have to forcefully collect the boy from her because she didn't want to give him up.

How can a person give up on such cuteness?

She normally is the I like your son, now take him back type but she will reconsider that thought now that Uthman is here.

"Jannah!" Daihaah exclaimed, eyes widen, "Stop telling my son I'm ugly, I'm not"

Jannah laughed. She cradled the baby when she noticed his eye lids dropping. "Bacci yakeji"

Daihaah nodded, "Lokacin baccin shi yayi daman"

The two waited till he fell asleep before they continued their conversation. They kept their voices low though, careful not to wake him up. Jannah told Daihaah about everything that had happened so far, so she had already told her over their numerous calls, but Daihaah wanted to hear them again.

By the time she's done with the 'headlines' as she calls it, Daihaah asked the one question Jannah had been dreading. "You know you're going to have to face him eventually, yeah? He wants you back"

Jannah sighed.

"And you two are still married" Daihaah added, before the girl could get any crazier ideas.

"I know" Jannah muttered, fiddling with her fingers.

"Well then, brace yourself because we have a dinner event to attend later. And I have a feeling if you do manage to avoid him now, you can't avoid him later"

"Why?" Jannah snapped her head to look at her friend. If she manages to avoid having a conversation with him then that's all, right?

Daihaah stared at her as if she had grown two heads. "We are all sitting on the same table, that's how the arrangement is. Actually, your spot was given to someone else since we thought you won't come, but I'll fix it later"

"The same table?"

"Your seat is beside his too" Daihaah grinned. She enjoyed seeing her friend distressed. She knows how it feels like to try to avoid your husband, it does not work at all. And with Suhad, she doubts Jannah would get out of it.

Scratch the word 'doubt'. Jannah won't get out of it.

Jannah face palmed herself. "I'm done for" She muttered.

Daihaah patted her back, chuckling. "Come, let's go. I'm sure the photographer had arrived since already. We wouldn't want to miss the photoshoot, yeah?"

Jannah nodded solemnly. After what Daihaah told her, she couldn't find it in herself to care about the photoshoot. She knows her husband, there's absolutely no way he'd let her off without talking to him.

But that's the problem.

How is she supposed to face him after leaving him with no word for a while year? How is she supposed to apologize? What is she supposed to say her reason is?

She knows that without a doubt that he is angry at her. And that's what scares her more.

Ya Rahman have mercy on her soul.

Blowing out a shaky breath, she stood up and headed out together with Daihaah. Worrying about herself won't get her anywhere.

"Wait" Daihaah spoke once they stepped out of the room, "Let me get my phone. I forgot it there"

Jannah nodded, "Okay" She stood there and waited as Daihaah headed back in.

Her eyes swept across the hallway, she could hear the other's voices from there. She sighed again, and was about to look away when something caught her attention. She couldn't see his face but she could tell it was him. But that wasn't what made her heart race, it was the person she saw him with.

She didn't recognize the girl; she doubts if she knows her. But there he stood, chatting away with the girl. He even laughed to something she said.

Jannah quickly looked away Suhad and girl, feeling something she hasn't felt in a long time.


But she pushed it away, just in time Daihaah walked out. "Let's go?" Daihaah asked.

Jannah nodded, wanting to get away from there as soon as possible. "Let's go"


Maybe she's good at avoiding him. Or maybe he allowed her to do so without bothering her. Whichever the case is, it worked.

Thankfully, Daihaah already had an outfit made for Jannah similar to hers so the two got ready at Daihaah's house. Frankly speaking, Jannah had to resist the urge to enter her house in fear of stumbling across Suhad, even after Daihaah tried to convince her to do so.

She didn't dare go though. She knows that Prince and Suhad may be there. And if she goes, Prince wouldn't think twice about ditching and leaving her with Suhad. She couldn't afford that. If does, there won't be an escape.

So, she stayed in Daihaah's house while the bride was conveyed to their house, from which they'd attend the event from there. Daihaah and Jannah though got dressed in Daihaah's house and then met up with the others at Jannah's parents' real house, where they'd attend the event along with the others.

"Hey, you have to go with Suhad since all the cars are filled up" Daihaah said, walking towards Jannah who stood with Fatimah.

"What?" Jannah half yelled, eyes wide as saucers. "Come on, don't do this to me now" She didn't know what got into her to agree and leave her car at Daihaah's house since they came with Daihaah's car.

Daihaah nodded instead of replying. "Do you want to spend the night here then?"

Jannah forehead creased, she looked like she would cry. "Haba Daihaah, what about your car?"

"Some of Bilkisu's friend already left with it. I'm going in Aamir's car along with some elders that didn't get cars"

Jannah turned to Fatimah, taking a hold of her hand, "Let me go with you please"

Fatimah offered Jannah an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I'm going with Aahil, Ya Deen and his wife since Ya Deen gave his car to some people"

Jannah face palmed herself. She resisted the urge to stomp her feet or yell at the two. There was no other person she could ask since they all left. A part of her felt they all planned this, but she had other problems to worry about, like facing her husband she had been avoiding since.

"Oh there is Bhai!" Fatimah exclaimed, just as Suhad's car pulled in front of them.

Jannah bit her lower lip, looking anywhere but the car. She wanted to run her fingers through her hair and scream out of frustration, she but she held herself back. Doing that would make her look like a mad woman.

And if her situation wasn't bad enough, he stepped out of the car and walked towards them. She didn't turn, but the sound of his footsteps and the scent of his perfume which she could never get out of her head was proof enough that he was there.

And he stood beside her.

Jannah clenched her eyes shut and looked away. It took everything in her, every being, every fiber in her to not scream out and made a dash for it.

"Do you ladies need a ride?"

"Nope" Daihaah shook her head, her lips stretching into a wide grin. "Just Jannah"

Jannah swiveled her head around so fast that she could've had a whiplash. Daihaah turned around to look at her, and when their gaze met, she smirked. Jannah glared at her, the woman did plan this whole thing!

Jannah parted her lips to protest, but before she could protest, Daihaah held Fatimah's arm and dragged her away. "Bye! Have fun" She waved at them, chuckling.

Jannah gritted her teeth, eyes clenched shut. She wanted to disappear into thin air. No, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

And unfortunately for her, it seemed like luck wasn't on her side that day because before either of them could speak, someone approached them. Jannah peeled her eyes open, only for her gaze to fall on the last person she wanted to see at the moment.

"Suhad, can I go with you? It seems like everyone's left already" The woman Jannah saw him talking and laughing with earlier said, the minute she stood in front of him.

Jannah resisted the urge to scoff. She simply rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her torso. The woman wasn't talking to her so why should she answer?

"Why not" Suhad replied calmly. And even though Jannah wasn't looking at him, she's sure he's smiling, ear to ear. "Let's go, else we'll be late"

Jannah scoffed lightly. "No thank you. I'll find myself another ride" She wasn't looking at him, but they both know that her statement is directed towards him.

"Unless you want to stay stranded here, you'd stop being stubborn and just come. Let's go" Though his tone left no place for argument, it did give her a space to decide.

She could either remain stubborn and miss the event.

Or she would woman up, get in the car, and hope with every fiber of her being that she wouldn't strangle the woman in front of her husband.

"Who is she?" The woman asked him.

He didn't respond, but Jannah is sure he replied with a facial expression that made the woman not ask anything more regarding her.

Without another word, he walked over to the driver's side and got in while the woman made her way over to the back seat, leaving the passenger's seat to Jannah.

At least she had that decency in her, Jannah thought.

Deciding against staying stubborn and missing her only brother's wedding event, she breathed out lowly and got into the car, closing the door with more force than necessary. Suhad didn't care though, and if he did, he didn't say a word about it.

All through the drive, the woman and Suhad kept chatting away. Or more like, the woman spoke, and he responded. Multiple times, Jannah was so close to snapping at the woman to shut up, but she held herself back.

She doesn't want to look like a jealous wife.

When they arrived at the event center, she was the first to get out of the car. She didn't care if he or the woman came out or not, she hurriedly made her way to where the others were.

Daihaah looks disappointed to not see Jannah together with Suhad but decided against saying anything. She could tell from the look on Jannah's face that she isn't in the mood for it. When she looked behind Jannah and saw Suhad coming together with the girl, she understood why.

But instead of sympathizing with the girl, she smirked. She understood how Jannah. She was like that too when she and Aamir were in Katsina for one of his cousin's wedding. But she got over it because it's a misunderstanding. And in this case, she feels it's the same.

She didn't tell Jannah that thought. She didn't want to take the fun out of seeing her jealous when she is the one avoiding her own husband.

The groom and the bride had already made their entrance so Daihaah and Jannah went in together. She directed her over to the table Aamir, Aahil and Fatimah were. Taking the spot beside Aamir, Jannah sat beside her leaving one empty space next to her which belongs to none other than her husband.

A couple of minutes later, Suhad arrived and took his seat beside Jannah. She refused to spare him a glance.

The event kicked in full swing. Everyone celebrated and was happy—especially the groom and the bride. The two danced to their heart's content despite the elder's being there. They deserved it though, considering they had to go through a lot to be there.

Jannah and Daihaah didn't dance unlike the others, since the two are married women now. But, they did have equal fun. And for that moment, Jannah forgot that she has a husband she's ignoring.

Luckily for her, he didn't speak to her either seeing as that's what she wanted. Except for when food was being handed out along with refreshments, he made sure that she had gotten hers first before his was placed in front of him. He even changed the Mirinda she was given with the Pepsi he was given.

Jannah wanted to scream at the gumption of his for being such a gentleman. Does he have to be that good?

However, all good things come to an end, and that includes the event.

That was when the drama started again. She couldn't go home, as her mother would chase her away back to her husband's house no matter how late it is, and she couldn't branch at Daihaah's house too because the girl would send her back to her house. And, despite him giving her space all day long, she doubts he would leave the house for her.

The only good fact was that she didn't have to ride in the same car as him to go back. She had already called a driver and had him bring her over. So, as soon as she bid everyone adieu, she headed to her car and drove off. Since the event ended, she hasn't seen him. But, for some reason, she's sure that he's still at the event.

Besides, she's sure he wouldn't come home early. He has to drop his friend, that woman, to whatever house she lives in since she couldn't find herself her own ride.

Jannah scoffed at the thought.

When she arrived at the house, she didn't have much problem getting in considering it's the same gateman as before. All she had to do was exchange pleasantries with him. He didn't look surprised to see her. When she asked him why, he told her that Suhad already informed him of her return.

She didn't know if she should be happy about that or not. But, decided to not say anything but thank the man instead.

She drove in to the house, and parked her car in the parking lot. When she stepped out of it, she noticed that the car he went to the event with wasn't there. It only meant that he hasn't returned yet.

For some reason, she felt disappointed because of that but she shook the feeling away and headed into the house. It's late already, but she still met a couple of familiar faces of the house workers who were there. She has no idea why they are still awake, but didn't ask.

After they exchanged pleasantries, she headed upstairs. She didn't go to their room, but rather to the room opposite which she uses some times. There, she met her suitcase waiting for her. The same suitcase that she brought with her earlier today when she came back. She shook her head knowing that only one person could do that to her.

Her mother.

As much as the woman loves her, she refuses to let her stay home when she has her own matrimonial house.

Jannah was exhausted to say the least, but she still managed to drag herself over to the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath to soothe her aching muscles. When she came out, she quickly put on her night gown and decided to unpack her suitcase before falling asleep.

It took longer than expected, but she eventually finished placing everything of hers back in the closet. All her outfits that she had left before were still there in the same position. They look untouched.

Glancing at the time on the wall clock, she noticed that it's half past one. She wanted to sleep at the moment but she was thirsty. A part of her warned her to just ignore the urge and sleep in case she runs into her husband, but another part of her, convinced her that he might not be back yet. And even if he is, he would be asleep by then.

She gave in to the latter, and took the risk of going downstairs to get water for her parched throat. She could tell from how dimly lit the place is that everyone's asleep already. And luckily for her, she didn't bump into him in the kitchen.

She didn't want to take any chances though. So, she took the water bottle with her and headed back upstairs. Once she reached her room, she held the doorknob and was about to open it when a hand held her wrist and dragged her away.

She parted her lips to scream, but a familiar scent filled her olfactory lobes. It's the same scent she had been avoiding the entire day but alas, she's back to the square she had been avoiding.

He closed the door behind them, her eyes immediately sweeping around the familiar room that's theirs.

Snapping her head towards him, she parted her lips to speak, "What are you--"

Obviously, she couldn't finish her sentence because she was cut short by him. Honestly, as much as he had been avoiding him, she couldn't help but give in. She had missed him as much as he missed her too, maybe more.

He smiled, his eyes held a certain gleam. "I missed you too" He whispered the words she couldn't utter.

She blinked furiously, her heart was racing faster than ever. She had been avoiding this moment all day, she knew the string of questions would follow afterwards. It's inevitable. But, she didn't have the answers at the moment.

He pecked her forehead, then her nose, and her lips, snapping her away from her trance. "Relax..." He whispered, "...I'm too exhausted to ask you anything right now. We have the rest of our lives to figure everything out"

His words snapped something in her, it made all the events of the day come back crashing down on her like tidal waves. She stepped back, as much as his arms around her could allow anyways, but it was still better than nothing. Him being that close was messing up her head, especially since she hasn't seen him in a whole year. "So you're done chatting with your female friend" She muttered, bitterly.

Suhad let out a throaty chuckle. "Are you jealous, Jaan?" He rose a brow.

"Me? Jealous?" She scoffed. "Of course I'm not. I am not jealous of that ugly stunning woman. I don't care that you had been talking and laughing with her since I arrived, or in the car, or after the event" She shook her head, looking away. "No. I'm not jealous. That's impossible"

"So you are jealous" He chuckled again, pulling her closer to him again, he engulfed her in a warm embrace. "I really miss you, a lot" He muttered, patting the back of her head slightly.

"I don't miss you" She mumbled.

"I know" They both know he's being sarcastic, but none of them said a word about it but rather laughed it out.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, basking in the feeling of being together again after so long. Both of them couldn't ask for anything better.

But Jannah still had one question lingering in her mind, so she decided to ask instead of keeping shut. "Are you sure you don't want to talk now?"

"No. Like I said before, we have the rest of our lives to talk. Right now, I just want to be with you, my Jaan" He leaned down and pecked her forehead, offering her a wide grin.

She grinned back. She wasn't sure of what the future will hold, but she knows one thing.

She is happy. They both are. And that's what matters.


Absolutely no one:

Me right now at half past 1am in the morning typing this! I'm sleepy but I had to force myself to type this.

I actually cut out a couple of scenes I wanted to add because I'm too exhausted right now, and because the chapter is long enough.

Is it possible to simp over your own character? If yes, I'm simping over Suhad!

I've been grinning like a goofball since while typing his scene. And trust me, while writing Jannah's scene, I felt her jealousy. You should see the way I was punching my poor keyboard while writing about Suhad and that woman.

This is the last chapter. Yes, unfortunately Stars Align has come to an end.

Epilogue is coming up soon.

At least, since it's the end, do me a favor and comment now. Anything, except negative criticism, is welcome.


Love, Jannah.

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