Kamal chuckled, raising his hands up, "What? I'm just giving an idea"
"How is having a wedding event in prison a good idea?" She shook her head; eyes slightly widen in horror.
The others chuckle, including Kamal who shrugged. "You said you want it in a place that no one has ever had before so why not prison? We'll have DJ Jabeer and MC Lamido on the beat. It'll be a memorable wedding!"
"Oh Allah have mercy on my soul" Bilkisu face palmed herself, "How did I end up with you please?" She glanced at her fiancé, and soon to be husband.
Kamal shrugged, "Is it not you that fell for me hard?"
"I did not"
"You did too. Weren't you the one that even confessed first?"
Bilkisu glanced at the others that were staring at them amused with red cheeks, then glanced back at him and glared at him, "Shut up" She said through gritted teeth, before he could embarrass her any further.
Kamal chuckled again, but didn't say anything further. He knew if he did, she would send him to an early grave. He had already embarrassed her enough.
"How did we not realize that you two are in a relationship before?" Daihaah asked, patting the back of her sleeping baby that lay in Aamir's arms.
"I know right" Fatimah said, with legs crossed.
Aahil glanced at her, then cackled. He liked the fact that she had gotten over Kamal, even if it did take another two more 'I'm over him(s)' but it happened eventually. Now, she's happy just like everyone else is for the two.
Suhad sighed, shaking his head as he crossed his arms over his torso, leaning back on the chair he's sitting on. "I feel so used" He muttered, making the others laugh at him. He didn't need to elaborate, they all understood that he meant how Bilkisu used him to get back with Kamal.
He didn't like her, but he still complains about it all the time—especially when Bilkisu teases him about being easily gullible.
"Hey no hard feelings" Kamal said to Suhad, grinning from ear to ear, "If not for you, we wouldn't be getting married in three weeks from now"
" need to feel gullible" Bilkisu muttered teasingly, but they all heard her.
While the others found it amusing, Suhad sulked, as always.
He doesn't get why the girl likes attacking him. When the teasing started back then, he used to tease her back, until Kamal started helping her. And when the two gang up on someone, it's impossible for the person to win. So, he gave up really quick.
It wasn't like he has a partner to help him anyways.
Suhad shook his head again, deciding to let her have that one. Moving his gaze to Kamal he spoke, "You're supposed to be thanking me not teasing me"
"You vex?" Kamal laughed.
"Obviously" Bilkisu joined him.
Daihaah and Prince shared a look, before they chuckled. "And they call us the Tasmanian devil couple"
"Clearly, they haven't met these two" Prince chuckled, making her nod in agreement.
Suhad glanced at the time on the wrist watch, "Let's continue this later, Prince and I have to round up the documents" He said standing up.
Prince nodded in agreement, handing over their baby boy over to Daihaah who collected the six months old boy from him, and laid him on her chest, cradling him. He leaned down and pecked the baby's forehead, then hers before the two bid them farewell and left.
They both took their cars which they brought with them and headed back to work. When they parked their cars, they headed in together directly over to Prince's office where his secretary brought them the papers as requested.
She placed one folder in front of Aamir, then the other in front of Suhad. They both thanked her before they opened it and skimmed through it.
Suhad smiled, then pulled out his pen and signed across it.
Prince who sat watching him, sighed. "Are you sure about this?" He asked, holding his pen away from the folder. He honestly didn't want to sign it because he knows there's no turning back when he does. "I mean, is this really necessary"
Suhad offered him a smile, then nodded. "I want to do this" He handed over the one he signed to Prince, "I can't work here when I don't live here, right?"
Prince sighed again, but nodded nevertheless and signed the documents, handing Suhad the one he hasn't signed so that he can. When they are done signing it, they compiled the two folders and placed them aside.
"Beside..." Suhad spoke up, putting his pen back in his pocket, "It's not like I'm leaving entirely. I'm just giving up the CFO position but I'm still a shareholder. So, I'll be getting my money without being here. It's honestly less work for me" He shrugged and chuckled, making Prince laugh too.
"You would love to not work and get paid won't you?" Aamir muttered, sitting upright on his seat.
His response made Suhad chuckle again. "I would. All I have to do is show up for meetings when things get tough, that's all"
Aamir hummed. "What do you plan on doing now? You haven't talked to her in over a year? Aren't you nervous?" His tone turned serious.
Suhad shrugged, his face turning gloomy. "I am not honestly. All I know is that I'm ready to get my wife back now"
"Would she come to Kamal's wedding?"
"She wouldn't miss it. He's her brother after all"
"So you'd talk to her then?"
Suhad nodded. "Yup. I'm getting my wife back then"
Tension filled the air as everyone waited for the much awaited verdict.
Silence filled up the place. Eyes were blinked. Some gulped thickly. Some adjusted their sitting position multiple times as they were uneasy. While some had a stoic expression masking their features.
The Judge looked up, parting his lips to speak, everyone held their breath. "Today, we are here to announce the verdict of the ongoing case of former Senator, Jabeer Waziri, which this court had been following after for two years"
Sarah's mother gulped, reaching her hand out to hold Saheeb's hand tightly. Cold sweat formed on her forehead when her gaze landed on her daughter, who sat beside her father with a stoic expression masking her features. Unlike her father who had been in prison for a year while the trial and hearing had been going on, she hadn't been convicted till then. Hence, why while he had on the prisoner's outfit and had a black eye, she remained calm and in her casual outfit.
Jameel who sat amongst the people listening to the verdict held in his breath.
"For Sarah Jabeer Waziri, who had worked for her father, and carry out orders based on his wishes which resulted in the death of Halima Maikano, she is hereby sentenced to 15 years in maximum security prison"
Sarah gulped, and blew out a shaky breath. Truth be told, she's happy that it was all she had gotten. She would've been sentenced to death or life time in prison had Jannah not forgiven her. Although Jannah wasn't there in the courtroom, she still mumbled a silent thank you to her. At least, she'd only miss 15 years of her daughter's life. It's better than losing it all.
Her mother looked down, letting the tears cascade down her face. Saheeb sniffed and blinked back the tears, knowing he has to be strong for their mother.
Jameel looked down, blowing out a shaky breath. He knew this is bound to happen but it didn't change the fact that it still hurts. Who he pities the most at the moment is their four months old daughter who would grow up without her mother by her side.
"And for Jabeer Waziri, a lifetime in maximum security prison along with hard labor. Order!" The Judge banged his gavel on the table.
Jabeer maintained his stoic expression. He knew everyone would say that he should be lucky he didn't get sentenced to death. However, to him, a lifetime in prison is just like being sentenced to death. From the year he spent in prison he doubts he could survive two years. What more with hard labor? Not to mention, Lamido is there.
And unfortunately for him, Lamido had become a don in prison. The man had his lapdogs too who did everything he wants for him, unlike Jabeer who has no one. He doesn't have the money to afford to have people work for him there. The person helping him from outside couldn't help too, since everyone's keeping an eye out to figure out who he or she is.
They couldn't find anything though since the person cleared everything relating the two of them.
That, unfortunately for Jabeer, meant that Lamido picks on him any time he wants and he can't do anything about it. He's at Lamido's mercy now, especially since the man is still furious with Jabeer for trying to get Sarah to blackmail him. Did he think he's still Lamido he knows back then? He's surely, gravely, mistaken.
And that, scares Jabeer more than death. That's how he got his black eye and broken ribs.
Life sure can be surprising. Who would've thought that Big Boss would be at Lamido's mercy? The same Lamido that used to be his lapdog and the one he considered stupid.
"All rise!"
Everyone stood up. The police accompanied Jabeer and Sarah away while her mother bawled her eyes out but was still unable to do anything about it. Saheeb held her back and pacified her.
Even Jameel had to be consoled by Suhad.
No one cared about Jabeer though.
He is reaping what he sowed.
And that's what he deserves.
The plane from Spain landed in Nigeria at exactly 9:45 am, Nigerian time, on a Saturday considering when the flight took off from the country, it was at night.
It took a while for the commuters to finish off everything before they finally walked out to their awaiting families. The sound of screams from Nigerian mothers as they spotted their children was the first thing that greeted her. Then that of a man arguing with an officer over God knows what. From where she stood, she could hear a couple of people talking in their native tongue as they meet up their loved ones.
She sighed, her matte oxblood covered lips stretching into a smile, revealing her pearl white teeth. With the grin plastered on her face, she dragged her suitcase, her six inch heels clanking as she made her way away from the crowd, trying to spot her driver. She donned a black wrap top, and a matching straight Velucci pants with an oxblood overcoat. Her black veil was adroitly maneuvered into a hijab. Her face, bespectacled.
Once she was away from the group of people obstructing her view, she spotted the driver with a placard that had her written on it. So, she walked over to him. The driver noticed her walking towards him, and was quick to rush over to her and take the suitcase. He looked at her with a grin on his face, "Welcome back Miss Jannah"
Jannah's grin widened. "Thank you" She sighed in relief, taking off the shades. "It feels good to be back"
The driver led the way over to where he parked the car outside. While he placed the suitcase in the trunk, she got into the back seat and leaned back. She couldn't explain the feeling she felt at the moment. It feels so good to be back compared to when she left.
So much had happened in a year, and it changed her in ways she didn't expect.
Pulling her phone out, she noticed at it's a couple of minutes past ten. She knew that without a doubt, Kamal's nikah will take place in an hour. He's probably there sulking because she told him that she couldn't make it. She chuckled at the thought.
She didn't tell anyone except her parents that she's returning. All she told the others is that she couldn't make it because of work. They were all sad, but they tried to be understanding. Even Daihaah didn't know of her return. She wanted it to be a surprise.
The driver got into the front seat, then glanced at her. "Where to Ma'am?"
"Let's head home first. I need to get ready there"
He nodded, revved the car to life, and drove off.
"How do I look?"
"You look stunning, and you aren't even the bride" Daihaah exclaimed, then chuckled.
Her words made Fatimah pout, but she understood that Daihaah must be tired of hearing the same question over and over again. She, just like the others, looks stunning in her regalia. However, she kept applying makeup, and wiping it off over and over again because she didn't look 'good'.
They all knew it's just because she's trying so hard to impress someone.
"You'd go out in rags and I'm certain Aahil will still think you look beautiful" Bilkisu said from where she sat on the bed with red puffy eyes, hugging her tissue box to her chest.
You'd think that Bilkisu of all people wouldn't cry on her wedding day. But, she did. She had been crying since the day before. She had wasted two tissue boxes already on crying and wiping her tears. One would think she doesn't want the marriage anymore, but that's not the case.
Apparently, her tears are of happiness. Whatever that means.
The girls know otherwise. They could tell the minute Bilkisu was back from the nasiha that she was crying because of it. They were barely able to separate her away from her mother so she could get her makeup done. The girl surely is Mommy's handbag.
Fatimah blushed and looked away. "I'm not dressing up because of him" She mumbled, pouting slightly knowing that that was their cue to start teasing her.
Daihaah hummed, not convinced in the slightest way. She made her way over to the bed, and patted Bilkisu back, who is now wiping her tears again with her tissue. She had gotten her makeup done, and thankfully it is waterproof.
Back then, when Bilkisu was set to marry Suhad, she hated the girl. However, they had eventually gotten close in the past year since she's getting married to Kamal, and since Jannah wasn't there. Of course, she couldn't replace Jannah's position in Jannah's life, but she is still a best friend now. That includes Fatimah.
The four had formed their own circle, just like the men do.
"Sure" Bilkisu nodded, "As we didn't see the way you've been stealing glances at each other" She said, making Daihaah laugh along.
"We're just friends!" Fatimah said, trying to defend herself.
"That's what they all say" Daihaah muttered, but they all heard. "Soon we'll hear that bestie don turn to hubby"
Bilkisu who had stopped crying, chuckled along with Daihaah who had fun teasing Fatimah.
Fatimah looked away, mumbling stuff about them being ridiculous under her breath. Her phone pinged at the moment, so she reached her hand out and picked it up. When she read the message sent to her, she looked at the girls. "Well, y'all should leave me alone and get ready because the men are on their way here. They'd arrive any minute now"
"Ah" Daihaah sat up, "Let's fix you up" She gestured to Fatimah to come help her fix Bilkisu to make sure everything's ready.
They had been so caught up in chatting that they forgot the nikah had been completed and the men are on their way there. They managed to get all prepped up just in time the men arrived.
Bilkisu's friends went down first, before she does, accompanied by Daihaah and Fatimah who stood on each of her sides.
The minute Kamal saw her, his mouth hung open as his eyes welled up. He couldn't believe that after everything, she is finally his wife. "Alhamdullilah Masha Allah" He mumbled the minute she stood in front of him. He wasted no time to lean down and engulfed her in an embrace.
And that was when the NAO started their job, or more like the girls started their aww(ing) and snapping pictures. The man chuckled, and teased Kamal for being a love sick puppy. Everyone had grins plastered on their faces.
"You all are having fun..." A voice interrupted them, making everyone turn in the direction of the familiar voice, "...without me?"
Daihaah was the first to speak up, "Jannah?!"
Jannah grinned. "I'm back"
I don't know why I've been grinning throughout writing this chapter, especially the ending. I think it has something to do with the song I'm listening to right now, I mean I even named the chapter after the song. Ciao Adios by Anne Marie.
Jannah is back! How would Suhad react?
Kamal and Bilkisu are finally married! I'm happy for them, they deserve it.
Jabeer don get what he deserves. Who remembers Lamido from 99 days? Our guy will make Jabeer suffer, I pity him seff.
This is what I call Ciao Jannah and Adios Jabeer.
I honestly feel bad for Sarah but she deserves the 15 years in prison. I pity her daughter the most.
Will Jaan and Jay be back together?
I think we'll get our happy ending after all.
Who is cutting onions now? I don't want to cry yet.
One chapter to go.
Have a good day.
Love, Jannah.
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